View Full Version : Help with an Idea, MAGIC ISLANDS

2012-04-21, 09:37 AM
This is a bit of a long post, but basically I am setting the scene and the asking for ideas of how I could use an Idea I came up with for maximum awesome :smallbiggrin:.

In the campaign I am running at the moment there is an Island to the south east of the main continent, where the “Monarch” (for lack of a better term for the main human government of the continent) has a major presence. Getting permission from the monarch to gain passage to this island is nearly imposable. The Monarch check you out to if you are in anyway affiliated with the rebellion and then make you a member of the “Travellers Guild” which many people know is one of the Monarch’s many guilds that they use to keep tabs on specific people.

Btw the Monarch is a bit of a fascist regime:smalleek:, especially when it comes to magic, it is virtually impossible to learn magic without joining the mages guild, which is another one of the Monarch’s ways of keeping tabs on people.

Anyway, the PC’s are part of a rebellion who are basically a bunch of mages who didn’t want to join the mages guild and long story short they became a rebellion. What the mages know is that there is some seriously strong magic coming from just a little off the island to the south east, and from what they have gathered, there is a gigantic maelstrom raging just off from the island in question. The rebellion has a number of goals.

Long term Goal: Topple the Monarch and bring a new government bla bla they are a rebellion, what do you think their long term goal is.

Short term goal: Figure out what is going on near that island and why it is so important in a hope that they can gain some power over the Monarch (they are a group of mages, how can they resist). AND to make as many alliances with the various factions around the area that are not under direct control of the Monarch (e.g. the Dwarfs, Gnomes, Elves Halflings, etc.)

So not what is happening at the maelstrom I hear you ask? Well, in this world Arcane spells draw their power from “Aspects” of reality, there are an uncountable number of aspects in the same way that there are an uncountable number of planes. These aspects fall under categories which are the schools of magic: Conjuration, Divination, Evocation and so on (tho there may be more categories than there is currently known). The aspects within each school can be thought of as Ideas, and these Ideas can be combined to make spells.

For example the spell fly is a combination of the Aspect “gravity”, “remove” and “exert force on self”, while mage hand in exactly that same but instead of “exert force on self”, it is “exert force on object”.

Now what is happening at the maelstrom is that Aspects, which normally exist outside of reality and can only be reached mentally, giving them a link to reality so that they can have an effect on it, are now seeping through directly into reality. This means a number of things, so let me list them:

“Fire” and “Water” that make the elemental planes the way they are, in the areas that they are seeping through make the land around them behave as if they were part of the plane of fire or water or whatever. Think of it as the elemental planes are seeping into the world in certain areas.

With this Idea one of idea that I had was to have them need to do something (like get X or kill X or find information) on a number of islands that behave as if they were elemental planes. For the ethereal one, have them make a will save every minute or turn ethereal, and then have to find a way to become corporal again, so on so on.

Another thing that it would mean would be that I could think of any situation and just say that “this Aspect and this Aspect are both seeping out and making this happen” like making a multi-story dungeon, where the direction of gravity changes every so often, or floating islands that move. You get the picture.

What I want from you is some Ideas for cool thing I could do like the floating islands that move, because the Idea is that when they get here they will have to travel from a number of islands that spiral inward to get to the centre of the maelstrom (I’ll figure out why they need to get to the centre later tho your input you be appreciated) and each time the premise of the island will get more and more AWSOME. For instance I might start out with a fire elemental islands (simple enough), then the ethereal island (have them go “**** I’m ethereal didn’t expect that to happen), then the floating Island’s etc, each Island getting bigger and more extravagant than the last.

So post your Ideas… now!

2012-04-21, 10:39 AM
As a general rule, if you want awesome High Magic stuff steal from Faerun and Eberron.

In Faerun they have a special type of floating city, formed by literally slicing the top off of a mountain with Epic Magic, inverting it, and flying it around with a powerful artifact. This artifact, called a Mythalar, allows quasi-magical* items to be created without an xp cost, meaning the place will be a mecca for mages of all stripes. Finally they are very customizable; each Mythalar keeps one Enclave in the air, but multiple Enclaves can link up to form a sort of magic archipelago in the sky.

If you're looking for an Elemental theme, Eberron has Airships powered by bound elementals and 'Manifest Zones' where different planar traits bleed over into the Prime Material Plane in a controlled fashion. If each Enclave has a unique connection to a different outer/inner plane, with a corresponding Manifest Zone, it would give them a memorable feel.

*Like normal Magical Items except they only function in a few miles of a Mythalar.

2012-04-21, 10:49 AM
-Make minds change with each other without them noticing, so what mage A sais he is going to do is done by Mage C instead. (if he can't cast the same spell as him roll randomly in that lvl spells)

-Wild magic, you know how it works.

-Diminutive size, gives you the opportunity to make a dungeon anywhere that is basically a huge world (huge leaves, huge insects, epic toad as final boss xD (extra fun if you get some helium baloons and make them sip from them when they want to speak in-character or cast a spell xD)

-Broken time. Make a dungeon where time is absolutelly broken, random haste, random slow, make them see themselves in a previous room, or make them watch how all them die in a future trap. Maybe Mage A cast a fireball that explodes ans stays there for some turns, or even more terrifying, make the fireball travel incredibly slow before exploding.

-Portal holes. Not like in D&D, like in Portal the game.

Also, one reason to move from one island to another might be they are pursuing someone, maybe some mages under the control of the monarach had the same idea of power-control, and are moving just ahead of them.

Hope any of this help.

2012-04-23, 04:07 AM
Great! These are all really great ideas and very interesting, thanks!:smallbiggrin:

Piggy Knowles
2012-04-23, 09:22 AM
For inspiration on floating islands, I would suggest taking a look at The Tethered Isle (http://www.rice-boy.com/shortstories.php?ti=1). It's a short online comic (just 10 pages) by Evan Dahm, who specializes in somewhat surreal fantasy. It's a pretty simple story, not much meat to it, but I've always thought it would make a fun setting...

2012-04-23, 10:44 AM
-Gravity screw. Think MC Escher, possibly even have different gravities for different PCs. So the wizard is on the wall and the rogue is stuck on the ceiling. Have gravity shift randomly for wonderfully chaotic fights. Maybe even turn off the gravity entirely for zero-g areas. For best results, have flight magic not work, so the PCs actually have to push off walls and stuff to get around.

-Living spells. You said this is being caused by the fundamentals of magic going haywire, so what's more "fun" than your own Fireball coming to life and trying to kill you? Check the ECS for rules on living spells.

-Freeroaming Spheres of Annihilation, perhaps representing super-condensed Aspects eating away at reality. There's an epic monster like this called the Umbral Dot, but in this case you'll probably just want to use regular, non-intelligent SoAs that just move around randomly.

-Perception screw. Make perception discountinuous with reality, so the PCs can't necessarily trust what they see or hear. Perhaps have Spot and Listen checks tell them different things (for example, Spot tells them the monster is on the left, Listen tells them the monster is on the right) and they have to decide which to trust.