View Full Version : Shadowrun 4E: Ghost Cartels, Chapter 1: A Stranger in our House

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2012-04-22, 05:30 AM
//upload newsclip item :: user Sunshine :: 04/30/71//
Street Vibe: Drug Haze or Magic Boost?
Posted by: The Gemeni Twins

We here at SM bringin´ you the Vibe each week - or whenever we can find the time - have always maintained a fondness for substance use. We know some of you think that this has damaged our ability to bring you accurate reporting, and at least one of you has messaged us to let us know you find us incoherent. (We´ll send you a reply, DerangedAngel, as soon as we give a damn.) Au contraire! You can blame our editor for that. [Editors note: The Twins should be thankful. The corps are strangely touchy about stolen research disseminated on advertising boards in major metropolitan areas.]

There´s an interesting and fun new substance on the scene called flipside or tempo. Now, we´ve played with deepweed before, and that was quite a trip. (Especially when your brother the adept leaves his shoes behind for the first time and finally sees why your ally spirit scares a lot of fellow magicians.) Flipside, however, makes deepweed look like a bag of herbs in comparison. Here´re our favorite reasons why:

Pretty pictures: It´s got a nice mild hallucinogenic effect. Lights twinkle and sparkle, rainbow tracers, an added depth to everything, all that noise. You´re not as likely to have a bad trip. We still recommend not leaving your PAN open for spam arrows, however, while you´re on it. That new Aztechnology sponsored cooking show advertisement is scary and may kill your desire for soyburgers forever after.
Between you and me: Who knew that empathy could be so much fun? Slap a patch of this on, and soon you´ll know for sure if that hot babe really is into you, or is scoping out your less-talented brother as he keeps claiming. ANd if she´s flipping too, the fun doubles. Hubba Hubba.
Pretty Pictures, part 2: Hey another walk on the wild side! This is what gives flipside its name; like deepweed, now anyone can peek into the astral. Boy, they´ll let anyone in these days. We´re not worried about this, because we always have Bob to keep the riffraff at bay. [Editors note: Bob is such an undignified name for a spirit, especially one that delights in picking its teeth with piasma bones.]
Skraa! : Well, you should shout something in Or´zet, anyway, after the rush hits you. It´s like being hit between the eyeballs with a pre-orgasmic shot of endorphins and that sensation you get when BASE jumping from the ACHE, at the same time. We can think of a few magical uses for that, our favorite idea involving calling over to the Sisters of Ariadne next week to propose a little skyclad ritual.

If any of you miscreants think up new and creative uses for flipside, drop us a line and let us know! We´re always looking for new ways to entertain ourselves in between trips visiting Uncle Corp to correct credflow issues. Until next time, our little unjnort friends, remember this: Christmas trees make great lightning rods, never forget where you put your shoes, and always hold your end of a spirit bargain, because those bastards can be really inconvenient when you are indelicately disposed.
//end attachment//

So no one knows what´s in this tempo **** or how it does what it does?

Isn´t that the case with most drugs? What does your average addict know or care about the composition of NovaCoke?
#Red Anya

Yeah but they have no idea what the downside is here

Downside? Just like most drugs, a lot of the lures are drawbacks. Besides the whole addiction thing, tempo seems pretty soft on the face of it: you zone out on a mellow high, get all touchy-feely and synced to other people, even get a fleeting glimpse of the magical otherworld and all those pretty lights. On the other hand, it can go from simply distracting to downright suicidal if you happen to be in an emo-club. It´s too early to tell what other drawbacks might pop up, cause the dealers certainly aren´t advertising (assuming they know). Might be you slowly go insane, or damage your aura as you flip back and forth from the astral to the physical like an epeleptic having a fit.

I´m waiting on some results. The tempo you get on the street is highly processed. No markers or DNA remnants I can backtrack. Nothing so far. There are a couple of substances out there that could be the baselines for the hallucinogenics and the astral flashes, but I´m not sure what´s behind the empathic boost. My gut feeling is the primer might be plant based, but it´s just conjecture at this point. For all I know this might even be something like the Royal Jelly coming out of Chicago.

See what you´ve done? Now how am I supposed to get a good night´s sleep?

Well, nothing´s certain at this point. The Triads were pumping credits into fungal-based drugs and I know of at least one Golden Triangle outfit that´s been trying to get genetweaked bees to produce BAD-laced honey.

2012-04-22, 06:07 AM
It is one of those rare days in Seattle where a fresh breeze from the ocean makes the air almost clean and the sun has won its battle against the clouds resulting in the warmest day of the year up to now. But in your minds the beautiful weather can only do so much to distract you from your money problems. Rent is due and jobs have been rare lately. So you are glad when a message from Tabby appears on your link at noon:
Hey chummer!
Got another job for you: Miss Johnson is looking for a team to do some delicate work and I assembled a nice group of capable guys and when they said no I turned to you. ;)
The contact numbers for the rest of the team are attatched below. The meet with her is at the Tickler´s Strip Club, downtown at eight.

good luck!

And go

2012-04-22, 09:29 AM
Hez got on Highway 161, speeding toward Downtown. His interest in this new job was piqued; rarely did he get the chance to work for a woman, and the possibillity of who it could be ran through his mind.
At the back of his mind, the meeting with his new mechanic was still stewing, as both excitement and caution struggled over control.

2012-04-22, 09:32 AM
Jonathan Connor

Sweat dripped from Anderson's face onto the floor of his shabby one-room apartment; the apartment which he would be kicked out of sooner rather than later if he didn't get a job. He winced as he stretched his leg a bit too far. It would have been simple to augment his physical limitations with a spell, but that path led to stagnation and eventually dependency. He'd been undergoing self-imposed physical therapy for months, and was beginning to see some semblance of his old self returning. He gritted his teeth in preparation for the final set, but then he noticed his comlink buzzing. He skimmed through Tabby's message, glanced at the time display, and hammered out a response.

<Interested. I'll be at the meet. Anyone want to grab lunch?

Gray Mage
2012-04-22, 10:43 AM
Gears was tucked away in his workshop, happily working on his Scorpion, changing the old engine for the one Oni got for him. He turns it on, liking the sound of the new engine. A paint job and it'd be no telling it from a new one. Nothing like a job well done and a new deal to brighten his day.

He was just about to leave to take the chopper for a test drive when Tabby's message flashed in his commlink. Another job, two days in a roll? Good, I should let Oni know I'll be picking some quality parts next time. He thinks.

Replying to Tabby: <Sure thing, I'll be there.

He'd better make some fine tuning on his infiltration droids. But first, a ride and lunch. On his way out, he takes a brief look at the contact numbers, and one of them seems oddly familiar.

2012-04-22, 11:17 AM
He wizzed by traffick, slowing down as he exited the highway. He quickly found the place, a familiar spot, where he had met with people before.
A smirk ran across his face as he remembered the slimey publisher who originally offered him his first contract. The drek tried to low-ball them, and they turned him down. A week later, they were signed, and a week after that played the first show of their national tour.
"Good times," he muttered to himself.

Hez pulled into the parking lot, getting out of his car and put on his jacket. He closed the door, walking around to the trunk. He opened the hidden compartment and grabbed some equipment, putting his Secura on the small of his back, and his short vibro his arm. The translucent skinsuit glowed as his tatoo passed by, the soft glow of the colors catching his eye for a moment.

He closed his car's trunk, locking it and arming the security system, and headed inside to look for the client.

2012-04-23, 06:49 AM
(Malfunctioned hasnt been online in a couple of days, so Im moving on)

As you arrive at Ticklers club, you are recieved at the entrance by a raven haired asian women, dressed, if you can call it that, in a see-through lace top with underwear to match. She leads you through the main area into a backroom as if taking you there for a show. She acts towards all of you as cool and distant as enticing.

Once everyone has settled, the woman turns to you and introduces herself.
"I am your Mrs. Johnson for this job." She retrieves a palm-sized commlink from a darkened corner of the room and sends copies of a file to everyone. "The file includes images of 2 gang lieutenants of the First Nations gang, Alec Littletree and Xa Firebird, as well as safe houses belonging to the First nations gang. Your job is observation and information gathering on those 2 individuals. You should find out what they are up to, what assets they have, how each target is earning his money, who their contacts are, and if they´re connected to any other crime outfits. Observation should be in place for at least one week for each of them. If you find anything major earlier let me know, that way I might allow the work to end earlier. I will leave it up to you to decide if you want to do both at the same time or one after the other, but I expect the same quality of results in both cases.
Payment is 5000 nuyen for each of you, half of it upfront."

(I rolled a couple of applicable Knowledge skill checks for you):
You all know that the first Nations is an Amerindian gang which until a couple of months ago was working together with the Shotozumi-rengo(Yakuza), but after a falling out they seem to be independent. They are at the moment clearly the main source for Tempo in Seattle, which had hit the market about a month ago.

Gray Mage
2012-04-23, 06:46 PM
Gears arrives punctually at 20:00 in his chopper, and is directed to the meeting room, where he'll find a confy place to sit down. When he sees Hez, he nods to the orc and flashes an awkward little smile.

Having heard of the mission summary, his mind immediately goes to the two little drones he's currently carrying. They'd do just nicely, good thing that he did some fine tunning before coming here. At least this'll be a fun job.

Turning to Zethraya, Gears' says, with a smile on his face: "Agreed, I too, can hardly wait to begin. Are we going after both at the same time, or one first then the other? Personally, I'm fine with either."

2012-04-23, 10:24 PM
Chris Anderson

Flashing his Connor ID, Anderson makes his way into the club. He is dangerously thin, but doesn't appear sickly. An armored jacket hangs loosely off his emaciated frame. A pair of dark sunglasses adorn his face, obscuring his eyes, but other than that, his clothing is loose and casual.

Heading into the back room with the others, he listens intently to the deal, and waits to hear if anyone attempts to negotiate for a higher wage. If not, he will accept the offer as is.

2012-04-24, 09:13 PM
Hez accepted the lady's offer following her back into the room. He makes note of her face, as well as the rest of the employees at the club.

He took a seat next to Gears, acknowledging the rest of the group with a nod as his tattoo ran down his arm. "Good Evening, Gentlemen." He said curtly, waiting to continue with the dealing.

After she finishes he inquires, "What qualifies as major?"

2012-04-25, 04:14 AM
Responding to Hez question, Mrs Johnson replies:
"I guess its like pornography: You know it when you see it.
But when you´re in doubt, send me an update."

As you start to discuss how to go about with the job, she smiles

"I take it you accept the job, correct?

She retrieves a certified credstick from the same corner, containing the first half of your payment and hands it to you.

"Do you have any more questions to me?"

If not she will leave the room and lets you plan your further steps.

2012-04-25, 06:25 AM
As the feedback from the sprite she tried to compile hits her, Nova jacks out of VR gasping for air.

The room around her begins to spin, and she suddenly feels nauseous.

Onyx, currently in the form of black Cat lolls about by the foot of her bed, concern etched on both it's holographic and AR features.

<You should be taking it easier... You haven't even gotten your first mission yet and you're already trying to get yourself killed.>

Nova sits up to glare at the sprite, currently in the middle of stretching, before collapsing back onto her bed in pain. Everything she did hurt. Making sure to set an alarm on her commlink, she eventually allowed the darkness to overtake her.

An hour later, though still in miserable condition, Nova was at least mobile.

Though she doubted she'd have time before she had to be at the club, she decided it would be a smart idea to know now where she could find a good doctor.

Maybe she wouldn't end up needing one; she might get better on her own, or there might be a shaman of some kind in her new team capable of healing her.

Regardless,she wasn't about to be doing anything else for the next three hours, so she relaxed, plugged in a Trideo, and began a background search for both a hospital as well as for any relevant info on the rest of the team.

(Later at the Club)

Nova does her best to try to appear strong, hoping to make a good first impression on her team. However, as she enters the back room, Onyx a black python coiling around her shoulders, she realizes how much so everyone else in the room appears to be in their element...

For a moment she feels out of place, before determination sets in, and she strolls over to a seat and drops into it, putting her feet up on another chair or a bar, her boots making a dull thunking sound.

After the job has been explained, she thinks for a moment, considering the time and how tired and injured she is, before deciding that whatever it is she's going to do, she'd be best equipped to do so from her house. Especially until she's feeling 100%.

Buying hits on both my threading test (3 hits to hit a rating of 6)
Buying hits on my Fade Resistance test (3 hits, to resist 3P damage)

(6 Browse + 4 Data Search + 2 Hot Sim - 2 Wounds)
16 hits total. As Nova has a Legal SIN, that'd be what she uses to visit the Hospital, so she's looking for a healer who is capable of handling awakened/emerged patients.

2012-04-25, 07:02 AM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

The frail looking human's gaze follows Mrs. Johnson out of the room, eyes unreadable behind his dark shades. When the door closes, he glances around at the others.

"Anyone here worked together before?" he asks.

"Might be a good idea to lay our strengths out," he says.
"I can cover magic support, but I'd really like to avoid getting into any fist fights. If the job calls for it, well, I'm hoping one of you can bail me out. Best not take me on any ninja infiltrations either," he adds.

As he speaks he rolls up one sleeve to reveal a skeletal looking arm, pale skin clinging to clearly defined bones.

"I can mentally search for the targets if we get close enough, eliminate DNA traces, augment your abilities," he says, rolling his sleeve back down, "help protect someone from bullets or all of us from spells, plant ideas in other people's heads, and of course, fix us up if we get shot.... not all at the same time though," he says with a wry smile.

"Anyone else Awakened?" he asks.

2012-04-25, 07:24 AM
data search results:
Nova finds a multitude of different Hospitals in the area, and can basically make a quality of care vs cost decision. Anything from a Street clinic(100 nuyen, First aid only) over Private Hospital(500nuyen, First Aid and medical care for one night, physicians specialised in care of magical patients available) to corporate hospitals(1000 nuyen, as above + magical healing). (skill-level of doctors also improves the more money you spend)

In her search about the team, Nova finds mostly information about Luthers Rockband, including more than one dedicated fan-community. He also finds some information about Gears mechanic background, but nothing about the rest without digging deeper.

Gray Mage
2012-04-25, 08:09 AM
Too absorbed thinking about which drone would be best for the job, he is brought back to reality by Spark's question.

"Sorry, what? Worked together? No, I don't think so, but Mr. Hez here" - he says, gesturing to the orc - " contacted me previously to act as his mechanic."

"I'm Gears. I can build, fix, tamper, modify, control and manipulate most tech. If it's a vehicle, I can ride it well too. I've done some sneaking around and shooting, but I'm not so hot at it. Thankfully, I can use these little guys to do it for me, and use them well."

He takes out his microdrone out of his pocket and puts it in his palm to show it to the others, right before it runs up his arm and is perched on his shoulder, looking around the room.

"I have two others, one is a little bigger, but can fly and follow the targets around quicker and the other is more suited for battle. I think they'll suit our purpose just fine. And, uhm, if we have to sneak around, I don't know about anything about hacking, but I can physically disable some security, or bypass eletronic or magnetic locks."

2012-04-25, 11:38 AM
"I do believe we accept the offer. It seems fair enough." He turns to the rest of the group, listening intently as Sparks introduces himself. "Good to know that we have some kind of magic. I'm not much for it myself. My area of expertise is people. I can get us in places; help us get to people, as well as get us ears where our magic and machines can't reach."

He nodded listening to each as they explained their individual skills, abilities, and resources before continuing with discussion of the task at hand.

"I think perhaps we should take a less direct approach. Do any of you know where to score some Tempo?"

2012-04-25, 01:43 PM
As everyone talks, Nova does her best to pay attention, but her mind is already in the net. So she doesn't miss out on anything important, she pulls up an audio-video window of the room.

As Gears shows off his microdrone, Onyx abruptly shifts into a dragonfly and takes off, fluttering around near Gears before disappearing inside it.

Less than three seconds later, it pops back out, commenting <Little guy doesn't take to kindly to strangers does he? Still. Nice bit of tech.>

As he emerges, Nova smacks his avatar in VR and says, "Knock it off. Would you kindly relay to the others that I am in fact a hacker. Emphasis on the HACKER part. We don't know if we can actually trust them. I'm going to see if Mr. Magic support can do anything about fixing up the damage from that feedback earlier."

Firing off the relevant request to his commlink, she considers what the Rockstar says, and drops back into meatspace to reply.

"I don't, but I can find out easily enough. It'll just be easier for me from my home so if we have no other pressing matters to attend to in person here, I'd rather be off."

As she speaks, she forgets for a moment that she's not in VR anymore, and gestures at the end of her words to send off the commlink message. A slight blush creeps up her face before she can stop it.

Buying 1 hit on Simrig threading
Buying 1 hit on Fading resist.

Message to Sparks: <If you have a moment, when we leave, I was hoping you could help me save myself some time and money by taking a look at some nerve trouble I've been having.>

2012-04-25, 09:28 PM
Chris Anderson (Spark)

Sparks pulls out what looks like a 7 year old comlink and punches a few buttons on it.

message to Nova:

<not a problem, now or do you want to go somewhere more private? #Spark>

2012-04-26, 04:18 AM
While everyone is talking, a rather short Asian elf with bright red hair and a pair of brass goggles on her forehead appears. She looks rather flustered, like she had been running to get here. "Hi guys, sorry I'm late. Luckily, I ran into Ms. Johnson on my way in and she laid it all out. So do we have a plan?"

"Oh, my name is Yumiko, sorceress extraordinaire. And you were asking if we knew where to score some tempo? I know this Haitian who might know where to get some; he is like way into the club scene."

2012-04-26, 09:09 AM
He turned his attention to the elf speaking with a low growl.

"It's about time our final party member arrived. You have a club source? Find out who he gets it from, if you can. In my experience the closer you get to the source the better the product gets. Contact them, tell them you have a friend looking for the highest quality stuff they can find. You'd appreciate it if they could hook you up to their source. See where that gets you and report back to us."

He turned to the other girl, asking "Your name is Nova, correct? I'd like it if you could work on finding a source who's actually in the First Nation. Earn their trust, if you can. They should have at least a few matrix Junkies in their group. Assuming you can keep your real identity hidden, you could probably get some information out of them. Don't take any unnecessary risks, though. The best way to gather information about an asset if to earn their trust. Think you can handle it? I have a feeling you'd be more help to us online than in the field. Which good, since I'm utterly useless online."

Gray Mage
2012-04-26, 08:30 PM
"And then after we find where they deal we can observe them right? Seems straightfoward enough. Until then, what do we do?"

2012-04-26, 08:47 PM
"We can find out where they deal, who track the dealers to find the higher ups, hopefully finding our way to the marks. From there we can try to befriend them, or if time is too short gather more info on them. I've heard of ways that mages make themselves invisible," He turns to sparks, "Is there anyway we could get that on a drone?"

2012-04-26, 09:13 PM
Chris Anderson (sparks]

The human shakes his head.

"Difficult with drones; magic doesn't play well with technology. Not that it's impossible, but it would be tough," he says.

"Problem is, invisible doesn't mean silent, so anyone could hear it moving around, plus it'd still show up on the matrix... another thought is to enhance and hide one of us let him do the tailing," he continues, "but that's got its own risks, of course."

Pending ruling on detect individual, Sparks will tell the others if he can get within a few hundred meters of the targets, he should be able to sense them, barring any magical protection they might have.

Gray Mage
2012-04-26, 09:41 PM
Gears looks at Sparks, confusion on his face, as if he didn't even see the issue with his drones. "Hearing or seeing it won't be a problem, when I control it directly, my moves are very precise, plus, just by the size it's hard to find. Matrix detection is trickier. It'd be good to have some help if one of us is versed in the less tangible matrix operations, but if that is not possible, there's a program that'd do the trick. Money had been short lately, but that is no longer an issue. I could use some help finding it, since that is not in my usual shopping list."

(Edit: OOC: Changed text a bit because I don't think Nova said she's a hacker yet.)

2012-04-26, 10:35 PM
"Sparks is right, it would be possible, but not easy. Also, not only would it still make noise, but it would also make the drone light up astrally. From what I hear, this tempo stuff is like deepweed; it makes the user not just hallucinate but see into the astral. But first, let me call Michel to see where we can score some."

Message to Michel

<Bonjour Michel, long time. Did you manage to get home after that night at Club 43 :-) Hey I have a question, I keep hearing about this tempo stuff, would you know where to score some?> #Kitaru

2012-04-26, 10:40 PM
"You just sit back and let me handle the node infiltrating. I'll leave all the lurching about in meatspace to you lot. Speaking of which, if I'm gonna get anything useful done I should be heading out."

As she speaks, her right hand is typing away on an AR display, and as she walks out of the room, she shoots a response to Sparks' commlink
<Private would be better... Don't really feel like broadcasting to everyone that I'm not at the top of my game. I'll be in another of the club's private rooms. Come find me when you're done.>

We have a lot of purple like colors, so I'm switching Nova to Magenta and Onyx to DarkSlateGray.

If it wouldn't be possible for Nova to use another of the club's private rooms, any location other than her loft is a valid place for this to take place. I'd like to minimize travel time though and am not feeling very creative so I just went with this for now.

And as Thundercracker already rolled for it, I'm going to go ahead and take off 5 hits of physical damage if that's okay?

Nova is however far from done for the evening, so as soon as she's back at her house, and I am given the okay, I'll start all my hacking stuff (and there will be QUITE a lot of it)

Also, Onyx, my little snake turning into a dragonfly buddy should have told everyone I was a hacker while I was in VR. If he didn't then I blame him for being lazy :smallwink:

2012-04-26, 11:09 PM
Chris Anderson (sparks)

Sparks nods.

"That's right," he says, "if this stuff really does let non-awakened see into the astral, and any of these guys are sampling their own product, anything with a spell on it is going to show up like a Lone Star squad car with lights and sirens."

2012-04-26, 11:26 PM
Hez grins,"Hey now Sparks, lets not use such foul language. Lone Star." He lets out a low growl, "Then I suppose drones are out of the question for now, with the exception of tailing details. How about we let the drones and Gears handle our own security, as well as covering any assets in the field? From what I'm hearing putting them in close quarters with anyone is a bad idea."

"Here's what I got. I have a few shows in the next week. We try to make contact with the gang, doing our best to reach someone in power, preferably our marks. That's step one. Step two: I will personally offer to let them use my shows to deal in small amounts. I'll make it look self interested; either a cut of the take or a cut of the merchandise as a fee. If this works out we should be able to establish a good relationship with them which is key for proper intelligence gathering. At the least it will give us a chance to find one of their LANs, or one that belongs to a ganger. How does that sound?"

2012-04-27, 05:36 AM
Reply from Michel:
< hey chummer! Well, I did get into a home, just not MY home if you catch my drift. ;)
Yeah, that Tempo stuff is just HOT. You should really try it! And its all over now in most Downtown and Everett Clubs you can find a guy. And they´re selling in on campus too whenever there´s a party somewhere. Just look for someone in First Nation Colors and you should be golden. Let me know if you wanna party, I might join you.> #Michel

2012-04-27, 09:53 AM
Hez Laésa contact doesnt know the two targets personally, but promises to ask around and get back to him. He can however provide additional background information about the First Nation and what they are into recently. While they are clearly the main source of Tempo within Seattle, conventional wisdom says that they are much too small to pull of an operation like this without backing of someone bigger who is supplying the drugs to them. But it is a real mystery at the moment who that might be.
Also the success of Tempo has some negative effects on the sale of other drugs by the larger crime syndicates and some of them are a bit irritated. But most likely they wont do anything before they know who the supplier is.

2012-04-27, 07:14 PM
"I'm told tempo is widely available Downtown and that it is the First Nations that are doing the distribution. Does anyone know anything about these guys? assume they are some kinda gang, but I don't know much more than that."

Gray Mage
2012-04-27, 10:15 PM
The excitement on Gears face diminishes a little from disapointment that there's no immediate use for his drones. On the bright side, less risks for them, he'd hate to damage them in any way or even have them in the grubby hands of the people he's spying. He shudders just thinking about that.

Putting that mental image in a dim corner of his mind, he says :"That sounds like a good start. Our first stop is downtown, right? Do you think there's already someone dealing by this hour?"

2012-04-27, 10:27 PM
"Probably not yet. Within the next hour or so I think they would be. I'm heading to the Rhino here shortly, and if any of you wanted to come with me, we could try to find one of them."

Gray Mage
2012-04-28, 04:10 PM
"Understood. I'll go with you, unless someone needs me to help fix or modify some piece of tech I don't have much to do right now."

2012-04-28, 10:09 PM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

"I'll catch up with you later, I need to pick up some supplies," Sparks replies.


In the private club room, Sparks quickly sets up the medkit and follows its instructions to the letter. It's a simple injection of neuro-repair enzymes, but he's extra careful with the sterilization. He follows this up by asking you to lay down, and he kneels above your head, placing the tips of his fingers on your temples. The effect is almost instantaneous as the healing energies mend and repair your overloaded synapses.

"50 nuyen to replace the medkit supplies, everything else is free of charge, he says once he's finished, "except a complimentary ass bailing when I need an emergency hack," he adds with a smirk.

2012-04-28, 11:52 PM

Nova does her best not to fidget as she Sparks administers the injection. She's never been especially fond of needles, but luckily the entire process is finished relatively quickly.

When the young magician is finished, Nova laughs, drawing forth her Ebony credstick and transferring the requested amount. "Just give me a call when you need that ass bailing. For now, I better get back to my place and get started finding those two First Nation thugs."

I'm assuming that Sparks has at least one random credstick on him for Nova to transfer the Nuyen onto?

Also, I'm ready to continue whenever. I just need to know what time Nova arrives back at her house so I know how much hacking I can do.

2012-04-29, 04:05 AM
Kitaru addresses Luther, "Well, I'd love to come to your show with you. Hopefully we can find us some dealers...and I'd kinda like to see your band too."

2012-04-29, 04:56 AM
With a basic plan now ready, the group sets out to leave Ticklers and get it into action. On your way out of the club, you are a bit suprised to see your Mrs. Johnson on stage of the main room doing a show(and a good one at that), but you keep on going.

Hez, Kitaru and Gears make their way to the club where Hez has his gig, and they are let in through the back entrance while upfront there is a line of fans waiting to let in. Hez gets the 2 of them backstage passes but has to get ready for his show now.

In the meanwhile Chris is taking care of Novas injuries as best as he can before the two of them leave the strip club as well. Nova makes her way home where she arrives around 9:10, in a much better condition than she left it, but she still got a killer headache.

(Where is Chris going from the club? Anything special you guys wanna do at Hez gig other than looking out for a tempo dealer(and enjoy the show)?)

2012-04-29, 07:18 AM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

Sparks considers asking Nova if he should tag along with her, but gets distracted by Ms. Johnson's show, and by the time he turns around, the hacker is gone. He stays a few more minutes, making full use of his vision magnification and eye recording unit, then steps out of the club.

Standing in the entrance to the club, he considers his options briefly, then sends a message to the three teammates at the rock show to let them know he's on his way.

At the show (assuming he can get in), Chris will switch to astral perception and attempt to discern whether anyone lights up from the effects of the drug. He's not exactly sure what he's looking for, just hoping he'll know when he finds it. If he does, he'll direct his teammates to the suspected user.

2012-04-29, 10:06 AM
Hez pulls into the parking lot behind the Rhino. He quickly heads backstage getting his equipment and starting to tune his guitar. Silver walks backstage and asks "Where've you been? We're on in 15. Hurry up, we got a pretty full house."

"Just taking care of some business. All the systems set up? Where's the setlist?"

Silver pulls a sheet of paper out of his pocket. Hez grabs it and looks it over,"Just the usual set? Saving the new one?"

"Yeah, I'm still working on that bit in Or'zet that you want me to sing. It just feels weird on the throat." The elf grimaced, clearing his throat and walking back out to the stage to test the sound board again.

Gray Mage
2012-04-29, 04:34 PM
Gears parks his bike near Hez's car, looking around the parking lot if there's any interesting vehicles about. He lingers a bit outside, checking the other cars out, but enters when Kitaru and Hez enter the club, walking quickly to catch up.

Clubs aren't his usual hanging place, but he's feeling surprisingly welcome in the backstage. Perhaps the many amps, light and SFX controls and the frantic motion of technicians to put all the former in the best condition before the next band enters and the lack of huge amount of people helped a lot.

Eyeing the sound equipment briefly every now and then, he turns to Kitaru. "I heard a little about the First Nations from the biker gangs that come to my shop every once in a while, so I think I could notice them. Do you want to wait for Hez?"

2012-04-29, 06:15 PM

Back at her loft, Nova walks past the sparse furniture, and collapses into her favorite chair. As she closes her eyes to the almost blinding whiteness of her surroundings, she relaxes into the gentle hum of the resonance. When they open again, all of the white is gone. Everything in her room is covered in shades of red, pink, purple, and black. Back in her living room, if you could call it that, a crystal clear pond resides, surrounded by a variety of critters relaxing on it's bank. An oversized bee suddenly appears, and buzzes over the pond's surface for a few moments until a blood red rose appears near the shore, at which point it lands on it's petals, shrinking a bit to fit more comfortably. As she watches, a small fish leaps from the pond, catching a passing beetle in it's mouth. As the insent disappears, the fish begins to glow slightly as it changes. It's body shifts and twists, growing and darkening. When it's finished, the fish's scales have become thicker and darker, similar to that of the carapace of the beetle it just ate.

Nova suppresses a smirk as she walks from her room into the small clearing which surrounds the pond.

The gentle feeling of the resonance well washing over her helps clear away all but the smallest remnants of pain still clinging to the inside of her head.

"This your way of telling me I need to relax Onyx?" the girl asks, laughing as the fish in the pond leaps at him.

The small sprite deftly dodges his attacker, flashing for a moment before he re-materializes as sleek black jungle cat. The fish darts away into the depths of the liquid as Onyx relaxes on the warm grass.

"Just reminding you not to push yourself too hard. And before you go changing it back, I'll have you know that I personally like this metaphor, and I know despite your protests you do too."

Nova rolls her eyes at her lounging friend before she replies, "Fine, I'll leave you to your little nature metaphor, I'm going back to my room to get some work done."

Walking back into her room, her door closing firmly behind her, Nova dives onto her bed. Even through the door, she can still feel waves of the resonance washing over her from the well. Cracking her knuckles, Nova concentrates as she throws open her walk in closet, pleased to find it filled to the brim with various gadgets and gizmo's. Even though she didn't need to go through the process of picking them up to make use of them, she felt indulgent of the current sculpting of her room and spent some time gathering her thoughts.

Now... she thought, time to find every scrap of data on Tempo and the First Nation's gang that's floating around out there.

Threading Browse with 3 hits. Buying 3 hits to resist fading.
(Browse CF at 8, -2 to all other actions)

Data Search for data with both Tempo and First Nations
[roll0] - 5 hits
[roll1] - 3 hits (8 total)
[roll2] - 5 hits (13 total)
[roll3] - 4 hits (17 total)
[roll4] - 3 hits (20 total)
[roll5] - 3 hits (23 total)
[roll6] - 2 hits (25 total)
[roll7] - 2 hits (27 total)
[roll8] - 2 hits (29 total)
[roll9] - 1 hits (30 total)

Start time: 21:10

If the data is considered intricate or specialized then I only got 25 hits, but that should still be enough to find SOMETHING.

2012-04-30, 05:43 AM
Kitaru follows Hez into the club checking out the audience and the general vibe of the place. She is glad of the excuse to come here; she has been meaning to check out this particular venue for a while now. After rapidly becoming bored sitting backstage watching people messing with speakers and stuff she feels the need to go and mingle with the crowd. However, she doesn't want to leave here new friend Gears, who seems less comfortable in this environment.

Turning to him, she replies "Sure, let's wait for Hez. No sense in spliting up. Then after his set we can go look for one of these dealers."

While watching people set up instruments, Kitaru casts Trid Phantasm to create an illusionary sound of a feedback screach. It fades away when the sound guy goes to change the gain on the amps, but then comes back when he walks away. She lets this continue for several minutes, watching the soundguy chase after the phantom feedback.

Trid Phantasm, Force 3
Spellcasting+Magic [roll0]

Drain (F/2)+3=4
Charisma+Willpower [roll1]

2012-04-30, 05:46 AM
OK it has clearly been a while since I've used the dice roller. Let's try that again.

Trid Phantasm, Force 3
Spellcasting+Magic [roll0]

Drain (F/2)+3=4
Charisma+Willpower [roll1]

2012-04-30, 06:05 AM
Nova finds a LoneStar dossier about the Tempo situation, that really shouldnt have leaked out so easily:

//Report commissioned by Weekly Seattle Division Conference
Rank 3+ Officers only!

Preliminary analysis of the sudden rise in gang-related street crime registered by our patrols in the last three weeks indicates the situation is far more complex and widespread than can be attributed to the usual turf wars and shifting alliances. Conflict flashpoints, initially restricted to Redmond´s Touristville, Tacoma´s docklands, and Puyallup are expanding rapidly. Our informants and infiltrated assets all suggest that the situation is linked to the appearance of a new Bioengineered Awakened Drug on the scene - tempo, aka flipside (see report LSGD-767.03:10:71) - and expansion of distribution gang-based networks.
Intelligence Analysis Department has cross-referenced similar evolving situations in five other metropolitan areas under Lone Star contract, but no definitive intelligence on the source of the drug is available. The following report highlights the principals involved in the street-level tempo dealing.

According to our sources, the emerging tempo market in Seattle is being managed by a handfull of factions. All appear to be relatively small operators, a fact which suggests a third party source and involvement in the distribution network - all indications are that tempo is not local. Identification of wholesale distributors has been prioritized accordingly.
The First Nations gang appears to be the primary supplier of the drug with more market segment-specific sales being generated by the Ragers and finally the Komun´go Seoulpa Ring. All three present excellent opportunities for collusion, given their individual struggles. The question repeatedly surfaces is who´s funding the operation?
The growing curiosity of the larger syndicates makes the timing ideal for trying to reach an arrangement. Also notable are the signs of megacorporate interest in the drug. Intel-gathering efforts on the part of Horizon, Aztechnology, and local corporation Chemtrex have been detected.

Analysis of multiple street sources points to this Native American gang as our primary source for the Seattle metropolitan area. All indicators are that the group lacks the processing and refining resources for wide scale production, which reaffirms our suspicions of a third party involvment.
The First Nations gang is led by a Salish elf known as Blood-of-the-Buffalo and recruits primarily from disenchanted Haida and Salish youths in the sprawl. The gang currently numbers circa 130 members, sharply inflated from last years numbers after a recruitment drive earlier this year. Gang Crime has been tracking the gang´s activities through an undercover operative planted last fall. Unfortunately our agent has so far been unable to infiltrate Blood-of-the-Buffalo´s inner circle and information on the source of tempo seems carefully restricted to core members within the gang. The group appears to be motivated by a need to reestablish themselves as a formidable presence in the local gang scene ever since they severed its ties with the Shotozumi-rengo.
Originally based out of Everett, they recently expanded into Crimson Crush territory and the borderland area in the Redmond Barrens. This expansion was initially thought to be linked to the gangs associtation with the "Dogmen" smuggling outfit as well as their suspected transnational links to the Koshari, it should now be reevaluated in light of tempo distribution and warehousing. The Redmond border region known as the Verge is an unpatrolled Z-Zone, ideal for such operations. Either the Dogmen and/or the Koshari would represent ideal partners for the trans-logistical backbone of the operation. First Nations is also suspected of providing outsourced protection for the Komun´go and several small-time smuggling operations, which may explain the Seoulpa Ring´s connection.
Distribution seems to be currently expanding from Downtown and Everett clubs and the University campus area to street corner dealers and so calles "fliphouses". This expansion and resulting turf clashes will only picck up speed as tempo becomes more popular.

The Ragers have been operating out of the Tacoma Docklands since the early 60´s and have been on Gang Crime´s low-priority Threat list for almost as long, despite their penchant for violent crime.
In recent months, the gang has established working relationships with the Gianelli family, and more recently the Bilotkiy-Vory - leading to an elevation in Threat index.
Currently all indications are that The Ragers tempo operation is beeing funneled through a lieutenant calling himself Caine, one of the handful of non-orks in the gang. Caine has a significant criminal record for his age, including one outstanding warrant on an arson charge. His exact whereabouts are unknown but he appears to be operating his drug ring without the knowledge of his supervisors or either of the gang´s syndicate allies. In fact, it appears Caine has gone to great lengths to hide the operation from the larger syndicates, even lying to higher-ups in the gang chain about where he gets his drugs, when they are coming in, and when they are being sold. On these few facts, we can presume that Caine is making a power play for leadership of the Ragers.
We have been unable to identify Caine´s source, but he is moving significantly less product than First Nations dealers. His operation may, however, be easier to backtrack to the source.

Along with the Choson Ring, the Komun´go is one of the surviving Seoulpa Rings after the most recent bout of Yakuza conflict. The Komun´go´s past dealings with the Shotozumi-rengo have left them seriously depleted and seeking support from all corners. They have allied, at least temporarily, with the Dogmen. This relationship sprang from a tribal association between the leaders of the two groups. The Dogmen aid the Komun´go in most of their organ-legging, flesh trade, and pharma-trafficking into NAN territories - primary sources of income in recent years.
The Ring is currently led by the half-korean/half-salish Chulson Gray-Wolf and a loyal cadre of augmented thugs known as "Stand Over Men". A handful of Ring members operating under the authority of lieutenant Kaz Yakamura have been moving the product in the corporate sector. However on the streets there seems to be no indication this syndicate is selling tempo.
The greatest point of interest here is that the leaders of the drug operations from gang to syndicate generally have not been the faction leaders. Decentralized leadership, a staple of the corporate world, has never been an aspect of gang or syndicate culture. However, here we see yet another drug operation being completely run by an underling. This particular underling is known to the corporate world. According to our records, his father is most likely Hideo Yakamura, a Yakuza liaison to Mitsuhama through the 50´s. It was the the discovery of Kaz, a bastard child by a Korean prostitute and a troll, that forced his father into retirement. Kaz was never recognized by the family or accepted into the family business. He is believed to have wandered the Ork Underground for years before surfacing as a member of the Komun´go, gradually ascending the ranks.

//end file

She also finds out one interesting fact: Because it is that new, Tempo isnt strictly illegal yet. Dealing it will still be subject to a fine for the distribution of uncontrolled substances, but noone can go to prison for it yet.

2012-04-30, 06:17 AM
At the club Sparks barely is allowed through the backstage entrance before the concert gets going. There is a slight delay because of a wierd feedback effect that couldnt be explained, but when more and more people were getting too anxious and even the crowd started to get restless a bit, the feedback disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.

With Hez going on stage under thunderous cheering, Sparks, Gears and Kitaru could start looking for a Tempo dealer.

(give me either a perception check(looking for someone who fits the description) or an Etiquette check(knowing who to ask to find a guy))

2012-04-30, 04:27 PM
Dropping back into her home node, Nova scans the file she found containing the LoneStar report on Tempo. Pulling up the data that Mrs. Johnson had sent over, she puts the two files next to each other. After a moment, Nova makes up her mind and walks over to the door to her living room.

"Onyx!" she calls as she throws the door open. "Get in here please, I need you to do that thing you do."

Nova is going to make a request for Onyx to use Info Sortilege on the two sets of data she has in exchange for a favor (possibly recombining him with another sprite?)

If he agrees, Onyx rolls 5(Resonance)+2(Resonance Well) + 5 (Data Search).

Technically Nova could just borrow the power to do the search on her own, but she only gets 1 more die and this way she is able to keep doing stuff while Onyx trances. (Unwired doesn't specify how long the trance takes, so I'm going to assume that the more complicated the path the longer it takes based on GM discretion.)

[roll0] - 4 hits

2012-04-30, 05:47 PM
"Alright, I guess it is time to get to work." Kitaru says as she slips into the crowd. She looks for someone who would be likely to have knowledge of less then legal substances, approaches them, and asks Hey, good show, huh. I've been hearing a lot about this tempo drek. Would you know where a person could score some?

Etiquette + Charisma: [roll0]
(Including Glamour and Kinesics)

I guess that is three hits.

2012-05-01, 06:36 AM
The trance for Info Sortiledge sounds like a lengthy process. I´d say about 4 hours on average. And if Nova want to be able to heal the rest of her damage, she should try to get some sleep now while Onyx is working.

Sparks takes a look over the crowd with Astral Sight and is suprised to see among the roughly 250 people in the crowd, there are about 2-3 dozend astrally active among them. Together with Kitaru and Gears, they manage to find an amerindian dwarf woman selling tempo-patches relatively openly. When they move to him she greets them with a friendly smile:
"heya, you look just like the right kind of group looking for the trip of your life! I tell you what: normally I get a hundred bucks for a patch, but Im giving you 3 for 200. Deal?"

2012-05-01, 08:19 AM
During its trance, Onyx finds some of connected information:

Commcodes and home adresses for Alec Littletree and Xa Firebird.
Exact street adresses for the First Nation safehouses.

While looking into the names mentioned in the LoneStar dossier, Onyx finds another interesting connection: Kaz Yakamura, the Komun´go lieutenant listed in the LoneStar dossier as responsible for the Seoulpa Rings Tempo operation, seems to have an intimate past with your Mrs. Johnson, who usually goes by the name Dae.

After he is finished with his gig, Hez finds a message on his commlink from one of his Laésa friends with some information about the 2 targets:
Alec Littletree is responsible for the sale of tempo in clobs and fliphouses in Renton and Tacoma. His base of operation is a safehouse in the Verge(shown on one of your pictures). Rumours say that he is selling much more tempo than one would expect, but noone knows how.
Xa Firebird is selling tempo at the university and campus area, but somehow his sales are laggin a bit behind.

Gray Mage
2012-05-01, 02:40 PM
Following the others closely so to not get lost, Gears clearly is not as confortable as Kitaru in the crowd. He'll stand a little way behind her and unless the topic drifts to something relevant to his interests he'll let others do most of the talking.

2012-05-02, 06:06 AM
Greeting the dwarf, "Is this the new stuff I've been hearing so much about? I have been willing to try it but I don't know. Do you know where it comes from or what it is made of? I don't like all that synthetic chemical stuff, but natural highs are totally the way to go....

OK you talked me into it. I've got some mates who have been wanting this stuff too, but you know, I am just a poor student, do you think you could budge on that price any. *wink* *wink*

Negotiation+Cha: 3+7+3(glamour)+1(kinesics) [roll0]

So 4 hits.

2012-05-02, 09:25 AM
The dealer smiles: "Yeah, this Tempo is the hottest stuff in town! All natural, no worries!

Alright, first time discount: I´ll give you one for 80 or 4 for 250. But thats the lowest i can go."

Gray Mage
2012-05-02, 08:43 PM
Gears comes closer to Kitaru and tries to somehow whisper in her ear loud enough so that she can hear him over the loud music: "I don't know much about this kind of stuff, is that a good price?"

2012-05-03, 01:05 AM
Sure, 250 for 4 seems like a good deal, Kitaru says as she transfers the money. As she sends the money, she also sends a message to Gears

<<You seem to be under the impression I know how much this stuff is worth any better than you. Do you know anything about chemistry? I'd sorta like to know what this stuff actually is.

So I guess now we should tail this guy and see if he leads us to our targets?>>

2012-05-04, 01:35 PM
As the forecast predicted, the sunny weather was not meant to last. The famous Seattle rain mixed with hints of acid pours down in the morning and wakes you all up around 9:30.

2012-05-04, 04:02 PM
Nova wakes up abruptly as Onyx drops into her biological node and triggers an alarm. Too lazy to slip out of her node and into the houses, she woozily queries,
<You find anything? How long was I out?>

<I believe I found many things that will be helpful to your mission, and you were asleep for twelve hours>

Jumping out of her bed, Nova swears and walks hurriedly for her bathroom.

"Why the drek didn't you wake me up earlier?" she demands as she heads for a shower, Onyx following behind with the holoprojector.

"Because, even after everything that young man did for you at the club and that twelve hours of sleep, you're still not fully healed. So unless you're TRYING to fry your brain, you should be grateful I did your work for you while you were resting."

A grumbled thanks makes it way out of the steam as Nova scans the data Onyx found from the night before. As she finishes washing her hair, she mentally writes up a message and sends it to everyone on the team's commlink, making sure to route it through the disposable one probably lying somewhere near her bed.

<Found quite a bit on the two Lietenants. Attachments follow. We should discuss our plan from here on out. I can track both of them through the net easily, but can only get electronic surveillance on one of them at a time. Before we start following them though, I'd like to make sure I have access to several of their safehouse nodes just in case they go inside. Wouldn't want any of their spiders or IC catching my signal routing through what should be a secure node.>

Gray Mage
2012-05-04, 10:01 PM
As Gears wakes up, he looks at the small green display in the far corner of his vision. 9:30, he overslept. Turning his cyber eyes on with a thought, he gets ready for the day, hoping the other's last night was more productive.

2012-05-05, 06:12 AM
At 9:30 Kitaru steps out of her class on pre-Columbian religious beliefs in the Pacific Northwest. After getting home from the club, she realized that with this new job she had better do as much of her required reading for her classes as she can now, before the job goes pear-shaped. This ended up taking half the night. Still grumbling at how much she hates 8:00 AM classes, she sees the message from Nova, types up a quick response, and hits reply to all.

<Well, it looks like you were far more successful than we were. Shall we concentrate out surveillance on one at a time?>

2012-05-05, 11:55 PM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

Sparks wakes up at the buzz of his commlink.

<Let me know when/where>

Tossing the commlink onto his bed, he shuffles into a shower thinking to go through his physical therapy routines before leaving the apartment.

Gray Mage
2012-05-06, 08:48 PM
Just now noticing the message in his commlink, Gears is happy that last night had some good results.

<I'll be there whenever it's good for you all.>

2012-05-06, 11:59 PM
As the others began responding, Nova finished getting somewhat dressed. With no active plans to leave her loft, she wasn't especially in the mood to wear anything that was less than extremely comfortable. Once satisfied that she had achieved a level of comfort and decency acceptable to being in her room alone, Nova reclined in her expensive chair, and jumped into her home's node. As she mentally limbered up, she sent off yet another message to the rest of the team.

<The where doesn't matter to me, as I probably will not be joining you in person. Every minute spent driving is one less minute I can be hacking, so if it's all the same to you I'll be attending this meetup via commlink... And don't worry, I'll make sure the signal's encrypted.>

For some reason Gray Mage's message was refusing to show up for me, but when I went to reply it was visible on the 'previous posts' part of the screen... o_O

Anyways, Nova's going to spend the minutes while she lets everyone else deliberate tracking down the nodes for the various meatspace addresses she was given.

TBH I don't know if this requires a Data Search or not, so I'll hold off on rolling until instructed otherwise.

2012-05-07, 05:55 AM
<Alright, I suggest we start with Alec Littletreee, since he seems to be selling so well. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed? First perhaps drive by the area to get a layout. Gears, it seems you have some drones that could be useful.>

Gray Mage
2012-05-07, 09:23 PM
<Yes, I think I can get a good aerial view. I'll be ready in moments, just pass me the coordinates of the area. Anyone else wants to tag along? I could give one more person a ride if needed.>

Having said that, he prepares his two surveillance drones, a combat drone probably not beeing needed, picks up his kits and pistol, because it's never good to go completely unarmed. (He also always carries the relevant fake licenses and SIN).

2012-05-07, 09:55 PM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

<I'll go with you Gears, let me know where you want to meet #Sparks>

Once he receives a reply, Sparks drops his commlink into a satchel and heads for the rendezvous.

Gray Mage
2012-05-07, 10:06 PM
To Sparks:
<Since I have my own vehicle, anywhere is fine to me.

Once he's ready he drives his Scorpion to the meeting point with Sparks and then head to the address given to him.

2012-05-08, 06:00 AM
Deciding to skip her final class of the day (I mean, when will I every need Sperethial). Kitaru types out a quick message to her comrades.

<Since we have two addresses for this guy, why don't the two of you check out his home address, and I can swing by his place of business. Call if you need help.


With that sent, she checks her bike for parking tickets and heads out to see this safe house.

How far from is home address is the gang safe house?

2012-05-09, 08:47 AM
All of you except Nova meet up at a Stuffer Shack 2 blocks away from Alec Littletrees apartment around 10:15. Its a middle class neighborhood and you see a couple of delivery drones on the streets. Alec Littletrees apartment is on the 3rd floor of an medium sized apartment building.

2012-05-09, 02:55 PM
As the others make their way to Alec Littletree's house, Nova quickly finds his commlink through the commcode Onyx found the previous night, and sets to work hacking in. The security is relatively easy to bypass, and within moment's she's inside. From her own commlink, she quickly sends a message to her team,

<I've hacked Littletree's commlink. I'll keep you apprised of his location during the meeting. If one of you wants to follow him, I can narrow his address down to about 50 meters. Perhaps one of Gears' drones could be of use? Up to you all. For now I'm gonna get to work accessing the rest of Littletree's stuff.>

Before she logs out however, Nova quickly scans the node she's in as best she can, looking for anything hidden or especially noteworthy, before queuing up a data transfer for the entirety of the commlink's contents.

Making a mental note to scan every file for bugs or bombs before opening it, she gives the node another once over. Just as she's about to log out however, she realizes she might need to get back in, and decides having a more... permanent... solution might be required.

Reaching out, she grabs the user registry for the commlink and concentrates. Making a name show up doesn't take too long at all... Making the system recognize a user as real while not being recorded is an entirely different matter, and it takes her almost a half-hour of full concentration before the system finally caves to her mental assault.

Nova transfers the data from Littletree's commlink to her own.
She's then going search for anything relating to tempo, and then another for anything that resembles a calendar or schedule.

(I believe my matrix perception to notice data bombs etc occurs automatically?)

TBH I'm not sure what I'd roll here... the only data searches I'm familiar with are when you're searching the entire matrix. If I'm just searching a single set of files, I would imagine the browse program would find it by itself within a minute?
In any case, if buying hits for some reason doesn't allow me to automatically succeed on my examination of the data I pulled, tell me what I should roll here.

Creating a Legit account (Admin) (Threading Edit +3 rating)
4 (Hacking) +8 (Edit) +2 (Hotsim) -2 (Threading Stealth)
[roll0] - 6 hits (Success)

Hiding said account. (Stopped threading Edit)
4 (Hacking) +8 (Stealth) +2 (Hotsim)
[roll1] - 8 hits (5 of them being 6's... Too bad no critical success on extended tests)
[roll2] - 2 hits
This takes me to /approximately/ (10:00)

Once the account has been hidden, Data search + Edit to find and modify the Access Logs. (Something that is left rather vague if I might add. As far as I'm aware no tests are required, they're just complex actions unless it's encrypted? Anyways, Completely obliterating all traces of my presence in the commlink before logging out.)

On another note, how many safehouses do I have addresses for, and how long would it take to drive a circuit that passes each one?

2012-05-09, 04:53 PM
Nova easily hacks into Alec Littletrees commlink and finds its qualtiy as low as can be expected from a gang member(attributes and programm ratings between 2 and 3). She can easily track his location for now(he is at home), gains access to all his files and grants herself a permanent admin accout.

While studying the files she finds some good information and some parts that are still lacking. For example his calender is full with with appointments, but only the time is written in and they are named in some kind of code. But a couple of them are regular appointments, so if you can figure out what he does one one of these dates you can assume that he will repeat the same thing on other dates. His first appointment today is such a regular appointment at 12:30 under the codename "beaver".

Direct information about tempo is not saved on the commlink as he apparrently tries to keep it relatively clean. The names of contacts is likewise only written in some code that doesnt make sense to anyone but him. There are no signs of any cyberware that is controlled via the commlink.

Gray Mage
2012-05-09, 09:18 PM
Receiving Nova's message, Gears answers in kind
<Understood. I can try and get us a view of the apartment, or wait to follow him or make my drones enter the apartment once he leaves. Any of them is fine by me.>

If no one from the group objects or has a better idea, Gears'll quietly and in a way as to not draw attention as possible pick his MCT Fly-Spy drone and enter it in hot VR, a light smile on his face as he antecipates the feel of the circuits and currents as his flesh and blood.
To someone on the outside, he appears to be doing nothing more then daydreaming, but inside his mind he's focusing in the task at hand, flying to the outside of Littletree's building, trying to see the inside of the apartment without being seen.

Would this action count as a Stakeout or as an Infiltration?

2012-05-09, 11:57 PM
Chris Anderson (Sparks)

Sparks will attempt to get a good look at Littletree so he can find him later via detect individual, and he will attempt to assense his aura should the opportunity arise. From a safe distance, he'll also attempt to determine if the safehouse has any magical defenses or lookouts, relaying this information to his teammates as needed.

Assensing: [roll0]
Assensing: [roll1]
Assensing: [roll2]
Assensing: [roll3]
Assensing: [roll4]

2012-05-10, 05:50 AM
"While you two are occupied here, let me go look at the gang's safehouse. I'll be back soon." Kitaru drives her bike over to the safehouse, trying to look like she is part of normal traffic.

2012-05-13, 05:19 PM
Gears starts his drone and flies it up to the building, but unfortunately finds out that the glass of the windows is onedirectional, so that one can see out but not in with normal optical means.

After half an hour waiting at the entrance of the building, Gears and Sparks see Alec Littletree exiting the building. Sparks uses the chance to assens the ganger. To his suprise he finds out that Alec is magically awakened, but his magical energy is lower than his own. He doesnt find any indications of cyber or bioware and no other magical auras on him.

In the meanwhile Kitaru drives into The Verge towards the safe house. The difference of areas is striking as she enters the Z-Zone. Waste is lying around as noone comes here to collect it anymore, the roads have more holes in them than a swiss cheese and burnt out cars are lining the streetside. First Nation gangers in this area no longer try to hide their guns and as she drives by the warehouse she even sees two of the gangers openly handling their AK97. After this short visit she is quite sure that she doesnt want to stay in this area alone for long, especially at night.

2012-05-15, 05:05 AM
As she drives away, Kitaru quickly fires off a message to her new compainions. <<The gang's safe house is in a much less classy neighborhood than his house. The gangers openly sporting AK's was my first clue. I think I will stay here and watch the safehouse for a while, let me know if you see anything>>

With that she finds an empty ally to stash her bike. While she is unobserved, she quitely asks the kami for another favor. After muttering a few words in Japanese and affixing a prayer strip to her bike she leaves the alley. However, instead of an attractive Japanese Elf she now looks like an older Ork man of Native American origin, clothes tattered, and a bottle of something in hand still in the paper bag. Her bike looks like just another pile of refuse next to all the rest.

First Cast Physical Mask (Force 3)
Spellcasting+Magic+Mentor Spirit 8+3+2

Drain F/2+1
Logic+Charisma 3+7

Then Trid Phantasm to hide the bike (Force 3)
Spellcasting+Magic+Mentor Spirit 8+3+2 [roll1]

Drain F/2+3
Logic+Charisma 3+7 [rollv]

Disguise in place, she finds a "comfortable" place on the sidewalk not too far from the safe house (yet not right next to it either. Here she sits, occasionally drinking from her bottle.

2012-05-15, 05:10 AM
I forgot to include the dice for the drain, her we go again. I also forgot to include the -2 to cast the Trid Phantasm because I'm sustaining Mask.

Drain for the Mask

Drain for the Phantasm

Edit: So I'm fine from the Mask, but the Phantasm gives me a drain of 3 Stun. On both spellcasting tests I got my max of three hits.

2012-05-21, 10:03 AM
The team continues their observation of Alec Littletree for the next two days, relying mostly on the backdoor to his commlink, which makes shadowing at a distance much easier.
On the first day he travels to the safehouse in The Verge in time to be there when a white van pulls over and a few briefcases are unloaded, which looks like a drug delivery.
Alec spends the rest of the day first at the safehouse and then overlooking the dealing operations in his area, so there are no suprises yet.
The second day starts uneventful with Alec going about his normal business, but at 4pm something unusual happens. Gears Flyspy drone manages to get a glimps of him exiting the safehouse in The Verge alone with a briefcase just like the ones that were delivered the day before. He puts it into his car and drives of alone.

Gray Mage
2012-05-21, 08:44 PM
Making a mental note about the target's movements and sending it to the others, Gears stars thinking about the best course of action. His drones wouldn't be able to keep up with the car, plus, that was potentially a very usefull information, maybe usefull enough to count as "major". Yep, the course of action was clear to him, he'd have to follow him by motorbike. After briefly explaining his reasoning to any companion that is there (if someone would have been there with him, that is), he/both of them will leave asap and tail Alec.

Gears'll send small updates on his location from time to time, in case others want to follow him by other means.

2012-05-22, 09:50 PM
Nova woke up at around 10 before spending the next hour lying in her bed doing nothing. After the 'full day' of hardwork she had put in yesterday, she felt she deserved a lazy morning.

With nothing else to do until something eventful happened, Nova messaged Onyx <Compiling more sprites. Please don't eat any of the ones that still owe me tasks unless I say you can. -Nova>

Ignoring the usual response that he didn't 'eat' sprites, and that it wasn't his fault her reality filter presented reassembly in that manner, Nova took a quick shower before pulling up some of the latest Sinthcore on her commlink and waiting until the beat of the music synced up with the pulsation of the Resonance.

4:00 PM

Pulling herself from her reverie, Nova quickly looked over her notifications. Alec Littletree was on the move, and it wasn't a part of his normal routine. Mentally pulling up his daily planner, she checked for any entries for the current date and time, while simultaneously logging into his commlink to make sure her trace was up and running.

<Gears, If you got eyes on him give me a heads up if it looks like he's talking to someone important. I'll see if I can hack his mic or the commlink of whoever he's meeting. -Nova>

To start, I'll assume Nova was informed that Alec Littletree's behavior has deviated from the norm because that's not something she'd normally be able to tell just by tracking his location.

Here are some of the relevant rolls for the sprite handling that went on in the morning:

For flavor purposes the Data sprite was registered the night before, justifying Nova's late start on the day.

4 (Compiling) + 5 (Res) + 2 (Resonance Well) + 2 (In Tune) + 1 (Paragon)
4v3 - Success, 1 net hit
5v1 - Success, 4 net hits
5v0 - Success 5 net hits

4 (Registering) + 5 (Res) + 2 (Resonance Well) + 2 (In Tune) + 1 (Paragon)
6v4 - Success 2 net hits (3 tasks owed)
2v3 - Failure

Resist Fading:
5 (Log) + 5 (Res) + 2 (Resonance Well) + 2 (In Tune)
[roll10] - 6-4=2S
[roll11] - 8-5=3S
[roll12] - 1-4=0S
[roll13] - 6-5=1S

Failure to register the second sprite prevented compiling of third sprite.
Rolling to heal stun in OOC.

1 Registered Data Sprite (Rating 4) 3 tasks owed.
1 Unregistered Tank Sprite (Rating 4) 4 tasks owed.
5 points of Stun Damage after resting for 1 hour.

2012-05-24, 06:57 AM
Watching Alec leaving so early makes Kitaru really want to see what is in that briefcase. Appearing to quietly mutter to herself, she says, "Oh old friend, I have another favor of you to ask. I must go elsewhere, could you please stay here out of sight and remember who is entering and leaving this building? I tank you already." After giving the kami its instructions, she calmly makes her way back to where her bike is disguised and follows Alec out of sight, relying on Gears position updates to guide her.

Summoning a Watcher Spirit

Magic + Summoning = 3+2 [roll0]

Gray Mage
2012-05-24, 02:17 PM
<Don't worry, I'll keep you all posted.

2012-05-25, 07:26 PM
Kitaru and Gears follow Alec Littletree on a drive through the city until he finally gets out at a small bar near the Tacoma docks. During the drive he circled around a bit and once stopped his car for a while, which looks to you like he was trying to make sure that he was not beeing followed.

They can get there about half a minute later, and from outside the bar there is not much going on that they can see.

Gray Mage
2012-05-26, 03:08 PM
Gears aproaches Kitaru when she gets to the scene.

"He's in there. Should we go in too or would you rather have me use my drone to get inside?"

2012-05-27, 08:09 PM
Looking at the bar Kitaru resonds, <Well, all this driving has made me thirsty, one beer can't hurt.> With that she walks through the door, finds a barstool near the center of room, orders a beer, and discretely looks around.

2012-05-28, 12:39 PM
Sparks arrives just in time to see Kitaru disappear through the door. Walking slowly, he nods to Gears and switches to astral perception briefly to ensure there are no hidden spirits or invisible magi nearby before settling in. He'll then move on somewhat away from his teammate, so as not to be photographed together, and standby in case Kitaru calls for help or some other situation arises.

Gray Mage
2012-05-28, 09:43 PM
Gears'll let Kitary work her magic for now, waiting outside by his chopper.

2012-05-29, 01:53 PM
Kitaru manages to blend into the bar quite easily and finds Alec Littletree sitting in a booth across a big black human ganger, with obviously different gang markers, but she cant place them. She observes what appears to be a clean business transaction where Littletree hands over the briefcase and recieves a couple of credsticks in return.
She also notices a small group of 3 asian men that are also in the bar and appear to observe the meeting as well as casually as possible.

2012-05-30, 03:31 PM
Kitaru messages the rest of the group with what she sees. <Gears, could you take a picture of these people when they are leaving? I don't want to do anything to blow my cover. I wonder who the asian men are. Do you think they are Yakuza? >

Gray Mage
2012-06-02, 10:43 AM
Gears replies to Kitaru :<Don't worry, I've got that covered. Sparks is around here too, might want to message him as well.

2012-06-02, 02:47 PM
Assuming he receives a message on his comlink, Sparks will zoom in with his cybereyes first to get a quick photo of the group, then attempt to assense the men leaving the bar so he can find them later astrally if need be. He'll start with any awakened men, then work his way from back to front, taking note if any are magicians or adepts.

2012-06-03, 04:52 PM
"Oh, don't worry, I'm sending these messages to everybody. I just called you out Gears because I know your drones have cameras. Is this something that we should tell Ms. Johnson? We should tail these asian fellows too."

Gray Mage
2012-06-04, 08:02 PM
<I don't see why not. Should we split up then? Two of us follow the asians, the other Littletree?>

2012-06-05, 02:03 AM
<Sounds good. I'll keep following Littletree, 'cause if my dad made me promise not to get mixed up with the Yakuza. :-)>

2012-06-05, 02:08 AM
<I'll stick with you, Gears>

Gray Mage
2012-06-05, 09:26 PM
<Need a ride?>

Gears'll wait for the three yakuza suspects to leave the bar, then try his best at following them from afar together with Sparks.

2012-06-09, 05:00 AM
Alec Littletree and the black ganger talk for about 2 more minutes after the deal is done and then both leave the bar.

While Kitaru follows Littletree at a distance back towards his safehouse with the help of the positions of his comlink, Gears and Sparks try their best to follow the Asians without beeing noticed. They drive about 15 minutes south towards Puyallup, and then turn around a corner into a small alley, for a moment out of sight. Once Gears also drives in there he sees their car standing just around the corner and the 3 asians moving towards them on foot. They have made you. While they dont have any weapons drawn, you can see that they have armed themselves with katanas and an SMGs.

2012-06-09, 07:58 PM

"Let's get outta here, go go go!" Sparks says.

(delay action until after Gears' escape attempt).

Gray Mage
2012-06-09, 08:06 PM
Gears quickly makes an U-Turn, speeding up to flee the scene as quick as he can, while cursing under his breath that they were seen.

2012-06-10, 02:48 AM
with his lightning fast reaction, Gears turns the car around an easily gets away from the cursing asians behind them.

In the meanwhile, Nova analyzes the footage of Littletrees exchange and manages to find a connection to her earlier research: The black gang member who bought the briefcase is Caine, lieutenant of the Ragers gang(see my earlier post for more details about him).

2012-06-10, 05:24 AM
After spending quite a bit of time staking out Alec, Kituaru is bored. She briefly considers trying to do a search on the matrix to see if she can find who these Asian guys are, then quickly thinks better. Given her computer skills, searching for Yakuza members would probably get her in trouble. Wondering if her teammates are having any luck she messages them

<Hey guys, you figure out who are Asian friends are yet?>

Gray Mage
2012-06-10, 05:25 PM
Gears keeps driving until he's sure they've left the asians behind, the he finds a quit place to stop and discuss with Sparks their next move. On the way, he recives Kitaru's message. Frustration in his eyes for a bothed job, he replies.

<Negative. We were noticed, but quickly bailed out. Watch out for they might warn Alec, although they could think they were our targets.>

Then he turns for Sparks.
"I hope it wasn't too much of a bumby ride for you. Are you still good? If so, what's the plan now?"

2012-06-10, 06:10 PM

"I hate carsmotorcycles..." Sparks mutters under his breath as he releases the OS bar.

He begins fiddling with his antiquiated comlink.

"I'm filling in the team on what we've seen," he says.

Once finished, he adds:
<Does anyone think this qualifies as something significant to report to J?>

Gray Mage
2012-06-11, 10:14 PM
<Might as well, I think. It could be important, they were possibly yakuza.

(OOC: By the way, Gears doesn't drive a car, he has a chopper.)

2012-06-12, 12:22 AM
<Agree, either our friend Alex is double crossing his mates or his yak friends are the ones pulling the strings. Either way it sounds like something our employer would be interested in.>

2012-06-15, 07:36 PM
Since T think we are all waiting for somebody to tell our emplyer, I will.

After discussing with his new comrades, Kitaru sends off a message to Ms. Johnson. She includes in the message pictures of the Asian gentlemen as well as the black human ganger.

<Kitaru here, I think we may have found something. We followed Alec to a bar in the Tacoma docks. I seems he was trying not to be seen going there by his fellow gangers. There he did buisiness with a different ganger. Also, there were three Asian gentlemen--I think they might have been Yakuza--there, quietly observing him. Shall we keep watching Alec or do you have new goals for us now?>

Gray Mage
2012-06-16, 05:43 PM
Having already caught his breath back, Gears waits for Ms. Johnson's next orders before moving out.

2012-06-17, 08:51 AM
Im assuming you also send Mrs. Johnson your informations about the identity of the gang lieutenant Alec Littletree made business with.

After a couple of minutes, Kitaru recieves a response from Mrs. Johnson:
<Good Job. With that information, I would be satisfied if you choose to discontinue your observation of Alec Littletree and focus on Xa Firebird from now on. Should you encounter any more suspected Yakuza members I advice you to keep your distance. Observation of them is not necessary.
After the sudden exit of your colleague Hez in this job, I have also aquired a replacement for the second part of this job. His contact information is attatched.>

2012-06-17, 05:17 PM
Earlier that day:

It is 9:30am as the commlink of James Avery beeps stubbornly with a call from Tabby.

<Hey chummer!
Im in a bit of a bind as one member of a team I put in touch with a Mrs Johnson bailed in the middle of the job and thus puts my reputation on the line. I need to find a reliable replacement quickly and thought of you. As far as I understand it, its an observation and information gathering job. The rest of the team can fill you in about the details. Payment is 5k with half up front. As the other guy bailed with his advance, Im gonna have to pay your advance out of my personal commission.

So can you do me this favor and help a girl out?>

Gray Mage
2012-06-17, 08:49 PM
Gears checks the replacement's information. With luck, he'll be good at sneaking around. It's not too bad to be found by the asians men, but if Xa were to find him, Tabby won't trust him with a good job so soon.

<Roger that. I'll go to the next target's house and begin surveillance.

Turning to sparks, he asks: "Want to tag along? Or is there somewhere you want me to drop you off?"

2012-06-17, 09:36 PM

"I'll tag along, seems all the fun follows you around anyway," Sparks replies.

2012-06-19, 03:50 AM
<Here, let me come too. I'll meet you there. Have either of you met this new team-member?>

So I assume we have an address for Firebird too? Is it like with Alec, a safehouse and an apartment?

2012-06-19, 02:54 PM
<You chums have fun. I'll tap Xa's commlink and track his location for you to make it a little easier on you. I already hacked his safehouse so if we're dedicated to following him now I'll start checking it out. In the meantime, I'm going to see if I can find a way to keep tabs on this Caine fellow just in case there's something more going on.>

Yes, Xa Firebird's address was in the Dossier I found so we have that. I also already gave myself a hidden admin account on his safehouse node, something that you wouldn't have known about until just now.

At this point, Nova would run a Data Search on her new team member as well as Caine, and then trace the commcode of Xa Firebird and start hacking it. I'll roll all this OOC so I don't clog the thread.

2012-06-19, 04:59 PM
Gears, Sparks and Kitaru meet up near Xa Firebirds apartment around 7:30pm and start their observation. It is a lower class community, but nowhere near as bad as The Verge. The Infrastructure might be in need of repairs, but at least you dont need a gun to walk through the street. Not during the day at least.

In the meanwhile Nova starts collecting a bit more information about Caine: Additional to what she already has(check that lonestar dossier again), she finds out that Caine is the youngest of 5 brothers, and he is the only human with all the others are orks. At age 31 he has a great deal of experience on the streets. And to become a human lieutenant in an almost all ork gang, he must be a real tough SoB. While he looks like a hardcore enforcer, he seems to prefere negotiation, but that doesnt mean he is any less aggressive.

After that she traces and starts to hack Xa Firebirds commlink. The Trace puts it right in Dantes Inferno, THE premier nightclub in Seattle. Nova continues to hack into the link, expecting a walkover like with Littletrees commlink, but is in for a suprise. Before she is able to brute force herself an administrator account, the node goes into alarm mode and loads what she can identify as a Rating 5 Babyswarm IC.
(I need you to either terminate the connection to the node, or give me a matrix-Initiative)

2012-06-19, 09:21 PM
As Nova is busy forcing her way into Xa Firebird's node, an alert triggers and she begins swearing as IC pours out of a hole in the node's metaphor, her filter immediately tagging it as a 'Babyswarm'. Luckily it only shows up as a swarm of bugs, probably locusts, which, while still disgusting, are probably less disturbing than an actual swarm of babies.

So I'm a DERP and forgot that I didn't finish healing my stun, so I have a -1 for this. I'll roll matrix initiative but I do need to know if the IC launched BEFORE Nova finished making the account.
Here's initiative for the first pass.
13 - 1 (wound) - 2 (Threading Stealth) - 2 (Threading Exploit)
[roll0] - 2 hits

13 + 2 (hits) = 15

2012-06-20, 05:41 PM
<Tabby, I'm in. Has Mrs. Johnson arranged a meet yet? And when do I get to meet the team?>

2012-06-20, 06:04 PM
In the Matrix:

A relatively steampunk power-gauntlet shimmers into existence on Nova's left arm as the swarm streams towards her. As she dodges out of the way, she presses a series of buttons on it's back. A hole in reality tears open and a large, very angry looking lizard climbs through, it's body adapting to the node's metaphor. At the same time, the gauntlet begins to glow and a bubble spreads from the palm of her hand to encapsulate her in a translucent sphere of protection.

2012-06-21, 05:14 AM
The IC, which in fact consists of dozens of cute-looking dog puppies, engages Nova and the Lizard simultaneously trying to bite into their Icons.

Area Attack with 2 successes on both of you.
damage ist 5+net sucesses with armor-piercing 3

The Lizard tries to bite in response at one of the puppies, but it quickly jumps out of range.

2012-06-21, 05:20 AM

<Thanks. I´ll owe you. Mrs Johnson said that the team already has all the information and a meeting should not be necessary from her point of view, but if you insist on one, I guess that could be arranged.
Im attaching you commcodes for the rest of the team as well as one for Mrs. Johnson if there are any questions.
good luck!>

With that the call ends and James notices 2.5k nuyen transfered from Tabby on his account.

2012-06-21, 12:54 PM
The swarm of puppies breaks around the forcefield Nova has in place. Glancing to the side she notices the tank sprite similarly under siege but it appears unharmed.

I don't know if you want us to roll initiative for each phase, but here it is anyways, along with actions:
((I just realized I added a bonus into my initiative twice on accident because the character sheet I had already added it without me noticing. My initiative is only 12 dice not 13... >_>)
12 (Initiative) - 2 (Threading Stealth) = 10
[roll0] - 5 hits (17 Initiative)
[roll1] - 0 hits Critical Glitch (Loses his turn if I'm not mistaken?)

Edit: And of course I accidentally cut the actions out of the post... >_<

2012-06-21, 06:19 PM
While Nova and Tank are engaged by the swarm of puppies, Nova notices that the node also tries to terminate her connection to protect herself against this intruder.

5 successes on terminate connection
If Nova can resist that, she can act again in the second initiative pass

2012-06-21, 11:53 PM
<Tabby, that'll be fine. I'll catch up with the team.>

<To All:I'm the new stealth support for the job. Care to bring me up to speed?>

2012-06-22, 05:10 AM

Stuck observing Firebird's apartment, Sparks punches keys on his hopelessly antiquated comlink.

<We're on stakeout for this guy [pic]; here's the address. Try not to make yourself obvious when you show up. Right now we're just looking for anything out of the ordinary to report back to Ms. J #Sparks>

2012-06-22, 08:59 AM
Nova is disconnected from the node and tries to log in again, while her sprite and the IC continue to attack each other. The combat on the commlinks node continues for a few more seconds until it is abrubtly ended by the node beeing shut down manually, and to Novas frustration it seems to stay offline for now.

Nova analyses what little she saw in the node and finds one small interesting detail: Not only is the commlink obviously much more secure than one would expect from an average gang-lieutenant, the programs running, including the IC are suprisingly NOT pirated software but were bought legally.

2012-06-22, 08:51 PM
<Roger, I'll be there.>

Karvusta packed up his gear and gunned the throttle, speeding off into the seattle night towards the stakeout.

2012-06-22, 09:31 PM
After taking a moment to decompress after her spectacular failure, Nova spends a few moments thinking about what to do. Eventually she pulls up an AR screen and fires off a quick message to the rest of the team:

<Hey Chums, something's not right about this guy; his commlink was way too secure. I don't think he'll be able to trace anything back to me but be especially careful when following him. More likely than not he knows someone's investigating him. Maybe he'll slip up and I can find something through the safehouse node. Until then, keep on your toes.>

With the message sent, she wanders into the living room where Onyx's projection is lounging on a bed of virtual grass. Sitting down next to the whimsical creature, she drops into full VR, relishing in the feel of the breeze on her face as she tries to put the pieces together.

Nova's going to rest for an hour, hopefully healing some more stun damage, and then investigate the safehouse node more thoroughly.
[roll0] - 1 hit (5S>4S)

Threading Stealth(5>>8)
[roll1] - 3 hits (3P>0)

Then logging into the hidden account. Is there something akin to 'taking 20' in the shadowrun universe? Or do I actually have to make Matrix Perception checks until I roll an absurd amount of successes? In any case, I want to make sure there are no hidden or otherwise encrypted files or nodes on or connected to the safehouse node, and then Data Search for anything related to Tempo, either of the Lieutenants, or Caine.

4 (Data Search) + 3 (Browse) + 2 (Hotsim) - 2 (Threading Stealth)
-4 hits

- 8 hits (1 glitch)

- 6 hits

- 8 hits (2 glitches)

- 5 hits
(The above represents 30 seconds of searching. Nova has nothing better to do and so will continue searching non-stop until she finds something or an alert is triggered.)

Gray Mage
2012-06-23, 10:19 AM
<Roger that, will proceed with caution.

High security means something to hide, yes? He'll probably wise up on hacking, hopefully he'll forget about other kinds of surveillance. Time for a ride, and it looks like it'll be a fun one.- he muses to himself.

2012-06-23, 11:16 AM
Karvusta arrives at the stakeout where he meets Gears, Sparks and Kitaru. Everything is silent for now as you can safely assume that Xa Firebird is not at home right now.
Nova had tracked his commlink to the nightclub Dantes Inferno, even though she didnt get in.

Anything special you want to do, or just wait for him to get back home and then general surveilance? Again, I would like some more medium term actions, as I plan to do another fast forward soon, unless you want to do something else.
For general surveilance I´ll need a shadowing check, this time probably from Karvusta

Nova finds the node of the safehouse relatively uninteresting. Apperantly there are no business informations stored there. She has access to a handful of cameras, maglocks and cleaning drones that are slaved to it, so she could use them to spy inside the house, but otherwise the node is pretty empty.

2012-06-27, 09:11 AM
Your team shadows Xa Firebird for 4 days.
Nova tried to keep a check on his commlink, but he seems to keep it turned of most of the time, only activating it for short moments at a time to check his messages. Instead she managed to hack carefully into his vehicle, an entertainment systems cyclops monocycle, which helps at least partly to keep following him.

Sparks stays on the lookout for awakened security or individuals but fails to find either. Assensing Xa reveals that he has moderate cyberware augmentation, mostly headware as well as some interesting natural resistance to magic (magic resistance positive quality).

Xa Firebird seems to be a creature of habit with a very regular timetable. He spends evenings and nights dealing in clubs and university campus parties and overseeing his underlings. In the afternoon he spends most of the time in the safehouse. As far as you can tell he does not use tempo himself.

At noon on the fifth day, he breaks his routine when instead of driving to his safehouse as usual, he makes his way to a cheap motel in Tacoma where he directly moves to a room and enters.

Gray Mage
2012-06-27, 08:25 PM
Gears notes Xa's break of his routine, concluding that it must be something big going on. Someone with that tight schedule doesn't simply change his usual routine for no reason.

<Finally something promising. Shall we go in as well? I could pass my microdrone from under the door and be able to stay hidden, I think. Probably our best shot. What do you all think?

2012-06-27, 09:18 PM
"Go for it," Sparks says, still scanning the Astral. Let me know how many are inside.

2012-06-27, 09:25 PM
"Go for it," Sparks says, still scanning the Astral, "let me know how many are inside."

2012-06-28, 06:40 AM
I agree, this looks interesting. I could try to summon a spirit to look, but I think your drone would be safer. I'm not very good at summoning, and I worry all this tempo around someone would see my spirit.

Gray Mage
2012-06-28, 05:39 PM
<I'd just need a way to know which room he is, or I'll waste a lot of time looking for him. Any ideas? I'm heading there right now.

Gears (and whomever wants a ride with him) will head out to the motel Xa is.

2012-06-29, 06:08 AM
"<<As a guess, I think he is in the room we saw him enter. :-P >>" Kitaru messages back with a grin. <<I'll see if I can get us a room.>>

Kitaru walks to the front desk of the motel. Looking as bashful as she can she asks the manager, Excuse me, me and my uhh ... my boyfriend would like a room. We were hoping for something on the second floor looking over the pool if you have anything free in that area by any chance.

I don't know where Xa's room is, but I'm trying to describe the area where his room is and ask for a room there.

Gray Mage
2012-06-30, 10:21 PM
Gears'll stay behind and wait for Kitaru to get a room.

2012-07-02, 03:18 PM
The manager, a sleazy old ork smiles while showing his bad teeth to Kitaru.
"Sure thing gorgeous. You need the night or do you want the hourly rate?"

The room she gets is adjacent to the room Xa Firebird entered. After she arrives there, she can hear noises through the thin walls of two people vigorously having sex.

Gray Mage
2012-07-02, 08:26 PM
(OOC: I assume the sounds are coming from Xa's side?))

Gears sets up his drone at the door, and lies on the bed, ready to enter Hot VR, sending a message for the others.

<It doesn't sound like the sort of meeting we expected. Will investigate anyway, in case it's a subvrsion or just to see who he's with. Even if it's nothing important, tailing the girl could be usefull, if this is not a one time thing.


Right after sending the message he conects his consciousness with the microdrone, his flesh body an afterthough now rests on the bed while his mind is in a world of giants. Glancing around to warm up, the drone darts under the door and heads to Xa's room, taking pictures of anything he finds usefull.

Infiltration roll (Response [+4] + Infiltration [+2] + Handling [+1] + Control Rig [+2] + Hot VR [+2] = 11DP, plus the opposing check gets a penalty for the micro size)
Roll: [roll0]

Edit: Two measly hits. :smallsigh:
At least they get a good penalty, expecially if they're not paying attention.

Edit 2: Of course, the drone was already in hidden mode. Plus, I was just wondering, would it have been possible for my Thermographic Vision to pick something through the thin walls? I assume that's a long shot (and it's probably too late now to check it), but I'd like to be sure.

2012-07-03, 10:00 AM
While Gears is distracted, Sparks meanders about a bit (50' or so), keeping an eye on the surrounding area, in case this turns out to be some kind of setup.

2012-07-03, 10:41 AM
While the drone doesnt fit under the door, Gears manages to get it into the room through an airvent. From there he sees Xa Firebird enjoying himself with a blonde human woman in her 30-ies.

2012-07-03, 10:58 AM
Blushing at the unexpected situation Nova finds their team in, Nova clears her through a moment and attempts to calm herself before sending a message to Gears' comm.

<If you can grab a pic of that girl's face I'll see if I can figure out who she is. Might have to... requisition some facial recognition software but it could be worth it.>

As I don't have the time in-game to connect to a VPN to try to get myself some illegal facial recognition software, how long would it take to purchase the rating 1 program and get enough of an access to the database to thread a higher-rating one?

I'm sure the time to purchase one is almost negligible, and just requires a test on my Fake SIN, but the latter task is a bit more abstract. Since I already have access to the server through my commlink because of the low rating program, the real question is does a higher-rating program use a different database? or is it the same database with a more complex algorithm?

Gray Mage
2012-07-03, 04:55 PM
<Well, it is just like it sounded like. Will try to do that, Nova, then stay back and see if I can hear the woman's name or some other worthwhile comment.

Gears tries to stay out of view and carefully try and take the picture of the girl's face or other marking feature, like a tattoo, sending it to the others. He then heads to the airvent again, where he hides and waits to see what happens next.

Do I need to roll something to take the picture?

2012-07-03, 05:41 PM
"I might try to follow her when they are ... finished, see if she is anyone interesting."

2012-07-04, 02:21 PM
Gears manages to get a few good pictures and sends them to Nova for face recognition.

After the couple is finished, they talk for a while quietly so that Gears only manages to understand only a couple of words of the conversation: "progress" and "careful" from her, "hacker", "trust", "opportunity" and "supply" from him.

After a quick shower Xa leaves the room 45 minutes after he entered it and the woman leaves 5 minutes later. She gets in a Honda Spirit in the parking lot and drives of.

2012-07-04, 06:19 PM
As the mysterious woman leaves, Kitaru watches her astrally, hoping to see whether she is awakened. She quickly talks to the helpful kami around, "Greetings spirits of the city, I have another small favor to ask you. Could you follow that woman and tell me where she is going? I would be best if you are unseen when following her."

Since it turns out I don't have shadowing, I guess I shouldn't be following her by myself. If she turns out to be awakened or there are astral defenses then ignore the spirit summoning bit. Oh, and I'm just summoning a watcher spirit.

I really wish I had more points in Summoning...

Assensing+Intution=1+5 [roll0]
Summoning+Magic=2+3 [roll1]

Gray Mage
2012-07-04, 10:21 PM
<It seems she's involved in the gang's bussiness' as well. Should we continue as we were doing before for now?

@Nova: I'm sending the images to everyone. Let us know if you get anything.
Is Xa heading home?

The drone leaves right after the woman does and returns to the rented room. He logs off as soon as the drone gets to the room, then carefully sits on the bed, a little disoriented by the change of scale, while the microdrone's dog brain takes it to his lap, where he picks it up.

2012-07-05, 08:04 AM
Sparks tries to assense the woman as she leaves, so he can find her later if need be.
"We should track her if we can," Sparks whispers, "It sounds like he tipped her off about his comlink being hacked, and she's definitely involved somehow."
"Anyone have any way of hacking or tracking her car?" he asks.

assensing: [roll0]
Edit: 2 hits

2012-07-11, 03:02 PM
Kitaru and Sparks assen the woman and find no magical ability and moderate headware augmentation in her.

Anything else? Does Nova want to hack the car?

2012-07-14, 01:36 PM
As far as I was aware, I couldn't actually hack the car without being close enough to interact with it personally through a wireless connection, but if that is in fact NOT the case, then yes Nova would of course hack it, it's gps/navigation, etc.

Honestly no clue what to roll here though as this wasn't something I was aware I could do... Do I need to find the car through the net first? I would assume that would entail connecting to the motel's node and then making a search for nearby nodes, followed by the normal rules for hacking on the fly?

2012-07-19, 12:55 AM
Nova easily hacks the car and manages to follow the womans movements for now. She also finds that the car is registered to a company which, as she quickly notices is only a shell corporation. She is confident that she would be able to find the real owners behind the shell corporation, but it would take time.
Datasearch + Browse extended Test, 1 hour interval, threshhold 8

2012-07-21, 01:01 PM
<If you guys wanna keep an eye on our mystery woman, I'll leave that up to you. I have my work cut out for me so I'll be checking in every couple of hours or so. I'm gonna see if I can get any more info on who this woman is or who she works for.

I'll do the car first as that seems a more solid lead and something Nova is more familiar with doing. At some point I'll still need to hack a facial recognition database or something but not immediately.

Thread Browse (3>>5)
[roll0] - 4 hits (2>0)

Pretty sure I still have 4 or 5 points of stun damage so:
4 (Data Search) + 5 (Browse) + 2 (Hotsim) - 1 (Damage)
[roll1] - 2 hits
[roll2] - 2 hits (4 total)
[roll3] - 4 hits (8 total)
[roll4] - 3 hits
[roll5] - 3 hits
[roll6] - 0 hits

As I mentioned, every hour Nova checks in with the team, if anything important has happened she'll stop her work to handle it, otherwise the above rolls represents the rest of her work for the day (most likely. I don't know what time of day it is right now XP)

Gray Mage
2012-07-27, 12:07 AM
<Roger that, me and Sparks'll follow her.

Gears will use the coordenates of the car's position given by Nova to follow her without being noticed.

2012-07-29, 11:20 AM
You are following the womans movements to a parking garage in downtown, but since you are only following the cars movements you lose her there. As far as Kitaru knows, the Watcher she summoned is still on her but hasnt reported back.

In the meanwhile, Xa Firebird returns to another one of the First Nations safehouses in Redmond, but another unusual thing happens there: Instead of entering the building, Xa apperently lies in wait at some distance, observing the entrance without getting seen by the guards. 20 minutes later, 5 gangers exit the safehouse and drive away in a GMC Hermes. Xa quietly mounts his cyclops monocycle and appears to be shadowing the other car in some distance.

While this is going on, Nova is making some progress on the backtrack of the womans car owners, but she isnt done yet.

Gray Mage
2012-07-29, 06:03 PM
<Well, she's parked her car, so we lost her. Me and Sparks will decide what to do now. I see that Xa's still moving, what happened Kitaru?

Turning to face Sparks, he asks him:

"Shall we try and ask or look around for her, or do we follow Xa? He's on the move again, which isn't in his usual behaviour."

2012-07-29, 07:42 PM
"Xa's the primary, right? Don't think J will be too happy if we leave him behind to look for someone else," Sparks replies.

2012-07-29, 07:48 PM
<I'm here shadowing Xa. It seems he himself is shadowing a group of 5 of his own gangers. I'll let you know if I see anything else.>

Gray Mage
2012-07-30, 09:32 PM
"Very well then. Hold tight."

<Me and Sparks'll go back you up since we got a dead end here and him following his own goons is big. Maybe later Nova will get us something on the girl.

Gears then speeds up and moves out to catch up with Kitaru and follow Xa.

2012-08-01, 07:09 AM
Gears and Sparks manage to meet up with Kitaru while she is following Xa, who is still shadowing the car of the other gang-members. They drive into a warehouse district in Everett and they arrive at an outer gate of a warehouse with the insignia KondOrchid on it in large AR letters. 2 guards open the gate and let the car in.
In the meanwhile Xa parks his monocycle in a dark corner and starts climbing up an adjacent building. From there he proves to be a suprisingly skilled burglar as he shoots a grappling gun over the fence and quickly glides over there without attracting any attention of the guards.

2012-08-01, 07:40 AM
"Think it's microdrone time again..." he says quietly, keeping an eye on the Astral to make sure they were unobserved.

Gray Mage
2012-08-01, 10:24 PM
"Don't worry, I'm on it."

Gears parks the bike out of view, but close enough that the micro drone could enter the warehouse without much trouble. He tries to find a confortable position to be and logs into the drone with hot VR.

< TO: Kitaru; Sparks
When I'm in it's hard to notice things from my meat body. If they see us out here, message me.

Halfway through the way, he sends another message:

<Do we have anything on KondOrchid?

2012-08-02, 06:18 AM
Kitaru parks her bike next to Gear's van, and watches his body. While waiting she talks to Sparks, "I do wonder who the woman was; I hope the facial recognition software will help. I am a little worried that my watcher spirit never came back."

2012-08-02, 07:53 AM
While none of you can place the name KondOrchid from the top of your head, a very simple matrix search reveals a bit of basic information:

KondOrchid is an AA Corporation, headquartered in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
A double-A rated transport and shipping conglomerate, KondOrchid got the much sought AA designation back in 2061.

Gears manages to get his microdrone into a good position to observe the procedings. He finds Xa Firebird on the roof of the warehouse, observing the dealings below with his cybereyes. Downstairs the GMC Hermes of the First Nation is beeing loaded with large wooden cases by some of the gangers together with a few warehouse workers, while a couple of wellarmed asian men stand watch. To the side the oldest of the First Nation members talks with an asian troll and a latino human, all of which seem to be in charge of their respective groups.

In the meanwhile, Nova finally finishes her backtrack. She finds that the owner of the mystery womans car, through a couple of shell corporations is none other than the Seattle branch of Lonestar.

2012-08-02, 08:50 AM
"Watcher spirits are flaky though, and not too bright," Gears replies to Kitaru.
He turns to the woman.
"You'd know if the spirit was disrupted though, right?" he asks.

2012-08-02, 04:05 PM
"I should, and I know they are not too bright, but I'm still concerned. I wish we knew who she was. I guess I should practice my summoning skills so I can try to get bigger spirits someday."

Gray Mage
2012-08-02, 10:00 PM
Gears, uses this oportunity to take various pictures, not only of the dealing, but of Xa observing it as well.

<K', it looks like our man Xa is himself spying on First Nation dealings. I see more asians, probably the same group that Littletree met, and it looks like they're selling a drone. I'm sending pics attached to you all. The bosses seems to be discussing, I'll see if I can listen in. Any news on the car?

Gears tries to listen in on the conversation while staying out of view.

Perception check (Sensor [1] + Rating [2] + Hot VR [2] + Control Rig [2] + Handling [1] = 8 DP)


Edit: So, half hits and a glitch at the same time? That's my luck, I guess.

Edit 2: I'm curious to see what the glitch gives me, though.

2012-08-04, 06:52 AM
the boni from handling and control rig dont really apply to perception checks through drones. They are only apply to vehicle tests, but from my point of view they make sense for infiltration checks as well. Anything where movement and maneuverability are an issue. But not perception.
So I removed the last 3 dice from your roll which means three successes and two 1s, so I dont have to wrack my brain around what a glitch on a perception check means.

It takes about 2 minutes for the drone to get into the building to be able to listen in on the conversation (before it was looking through a window on the roof). When it does the loading of the van seems almost complete so it manages only to hear the final few words. First the ganger says someting about "3000 doses", and then they say their farewells, but luckily for you they use names doing so. The ganger is called "Blood of the Buffalo", the Troll "Mr Yakamura", and the latino "Mr. Záfon". Then the gangers get into the van and leave.

Hint: check the information you already uncovered. I´ve put them into the second post of the OOC thread. Some of those names should be familiar.

Gray Mage
2012-08-04, 04:35 PM
Well, I can't blame you for that, a perception glitch sounds a bit hard to gauge. And noted on the rig and handling boni. :smallwink:

<Big news. Not only it was a big deal (3k doses involved), but the big boss Buffalo was here. Plus one Yakamura, likely Kaz Yakamura, a Lt from the Komun´Go Seoulpa Ring. There were also someone called Záfon. They're gone now, but I'll stick around a little more to see if our pal Xa isn't done for the night. If this is it, shall we pick this intel, plus whatever we already have on him and on the mysterious girl, wrap it up and send it to Mrs. Johnson?

Gears then tries to have line of sight to Xa, the main target, and see what he tries to do. If Xa leaves, so'll Gears with his drone.

Another Seatle Street Gangs check to see what Gears knows about this Mr. Záfon fella.


Plus, let me guess, the inside man on that dossier on post 2 is Xa? :smallwink::smalltongue:

2012-08-05, 06:25 AM
"That is big. I think this is exactly the sort of thing we should tell Ms. Johnson about. Nova, have you had any luck yet with the facial recognition?"

2012-08-09, 07:48 AM
"Hope J is satisfied, I really need this payday, know what I mean?" Sparks says.

Gray Mage
2012-08-09, 08:37 PM
<So, the mystery girl has a car owned by LoneStar? She told him to be carefull, so maybe he's a mole from LoneStar? There were an inside man in the LS dossier, and it could explain the well protected comm. Better report to Mrs. Johnson then. Anyone wants to do it, or should I?

RE: Paycheck
I think after this I think she'll be satisfied. Those creds are as good as ours, I think.

Again, Gears'll try to keep an eye on Xa, in case he wants to give us any more juicy bits of information. :smalltongue:

Gray Mage
2012-08-10, 11:24 PM
TO: Mrs. Johnson
Subject: Xa Firebird's Surveilance

<Target had an intimate encounter in a motel in Tacoma this night. He and the woman (unknown identity) seemed to know each other, having a private conversation after intercourse. Key words heard were "progress", "careful", "trust", "opportunity" and "supply". We obtained visual on her face (images attached to this message).

Further investigation on her lead to the discovery that her car has property of the Seattle branch of LoneStar. We also had found a while back a LS dossier that mentioned a mole from them inside First Nations. It could be concluded that Firebird is this inside man.

After this encounter, Firebird tailed some First Nation members to a warehouse (location: *warehouse location*), sneaking into the premises and spying from the roof right afterwards (photos of him spying are also attached). The meeting he surveilled had the presence of the First Nation's leader, Blood of the Buffalo, an asian Troll, Yakamura, who we think may be the Komun´Go Seoulpa Ring's Lt. Kaz Yakamura, and one Mr. Záfon, latino, current relation and affiliation unknown, and involved the trade of 3k doses, likely of tempo, and a GMC Hermes, the one Firebird followed. Firebird is still currently on the premises, or at least his cyclops monocycle still is.

I'm also sending what we've found on him so far.

Waiting further instructions,

2012-08-11, 01:07 AM
Only half a minute after Gears sent the message, all of your commlinks recieve a group call from Mrs. Johnson. From her voice you can tell that she is anxious and in a hurry, even though she tries not to let it show.

"Good evening everyone.

First I´d like to thank you for your good work on this job. The second half of your payment will be transferred shortly.

But second, and more important right now, I have an important time-sensitive follow up job: Xa Firebird cannot be allowed to ever report back to his employer and all evidence he gathered about the meeting tonight needs to be destroyed.
For this Im offering you another 5k each. Do we have a deal?"

2012-08-11, 01:18 AM
Sparks mumbles and glances around nearby buildings for a good vantage point where he can gain line of sight on Xa.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-11, 01:32 AM
I'll look for a similar building, to set up at...

<so, how would you like to handle this guys? S,D, or P ? //Typhoon>

Gray Mage
2012-08-11, 12:21 PM
TO: Mrs. Johnson
Subject: Next assigment.

<I'd be up for it, if the others are as well.

Subject: Plan of attack.

<Firebird'll likely go back to his monocycle. That could be a good spot for an ambush, plus me and maybe Nova could try to sabotage his vehicle or try a makeshift trap as well. I do have some explosives on hand.

Gears then logs off the drone, ordering it to find Xa. If the teams thinks sabotage/planting explosives is a good idea, he'll move as quickly as possible to set it up. Then/otherwise he'll go to a good vantage spot, probably following someone with more fighting experience then him, like Sparks.

2012-08-11, 05:20 PM
While you are still on the call with Mrs. Johnson, you notice that Xa Firebird is already on his way out and is just climbing back over the fence the same way he got in there.

Typhoon estimates that he doesnt have the time to set up on to of a building before Xa reaches his monocycle. If he wants to engage the target here he has to do it on ground level and basically in the open.

If Gears wants to sabotage the monocycle physically, he has to do so very fast and also hope not beeing noticed. He has about 30 seconds until Xa should be in sight of his cycle again(which means that there isnt enough time to get out and ready his explosives). On the other hand Nova already has hacked into the monocycles node and could certainly cause an accident, although its hard to make certain that it is a fatal one.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-11, 08:22 PM
<alright, forget that, I have a clear line of sight to her right now; can engage with CQC now, can pull out from back MR/LR to guarantee takedown, nervious about SP, so, engage? //Typhoon>

I'll go ahead and get out of my car, open the rear driver's side door, and discreetly slide open the smuggler's compartment.

2012-08-11, 09:04 PM

"Once he's on the monocycle, we might lose him. Let's move to somewhere we can see his ride," Sparks whispers to Gears.

"Are you able to tell if there are any cameras nearby?" he asks.

Assuming we don't have line of sight on Xa right now.

Gray Mage
2012-08-11, 11:48 PM
"Lose him? We can track his monocycle, plus, I am a very good driver. Remember when those yakuza noticed us when we were trailing Littletree? I didn't even need to use all my tricks on that one."
- Gears whispers back, speaking plainly just like if he was stating a fact, the smallest hint of smugness in his voice. He stops to think for a second or two, then continues, this time with some embarrassment. "I mean, sure, I'm not the stealthiest driver, but if he flees from us it's not like he'll simply forget we jumped him, right? But understood, better to not start a shootout in the middle of the city. Lead on, I'll follow." Gears draws his Ares Predator IV, takes a deep breath and follows Sparks.

As Sparks asks Gears, he answers: "I can see if I spot one or if my scan picks one up, provided it isn't hidden. I'm afraid that finding any hidden ones before Firebird gets here will be very dificult, as he'll be here shortly."

2012-08-12, 06:49 AM

Well, this isn't exactly my area of expertise, so I'll just do whatever you guys think is best. And if you have room Gear, I'd like to ride with you. You are a much better driver than I am.

Gray Mage
2012-08-13, 01:26 PM
TO: Kitaru
<Sorry, but I'm already giving Sparks a ride, so no extra room.

2012-08-14, 05:20 AM
<No problem, we should try to hit him before he get to his monocycle. Typhoon, you take the lead. I'll back you up once the bullets start.>

I could have sworn that you car had space for more than two. Never mind then.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-14, 12:03 PM
Turning on TSUBAKI, slaving it to my comlink, engaging Chameleon Coating, switching out the subsonic clip for a EX-Explosive Clip, aiming at where I am guessing he is going to be able to spot me ...

<Ready ... just waiting for him to come out ... , so, how do you like your targets, filled with lead, or exploded? //Typhoon>

Gray Mage
2012-08-18, 03:51 PM
<Roger that. I'll follow up when you start to open fire, Ty.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-21, 09:28 AM
<I really have a bad feeling about this ... I am not exactly fond of loosing my pension //Typhoon>

2012-08-21, 12:04 PM
Sparks touches Typhoon on the neck and imbues him with increased speed and reflexes.

"Go to town," he says.

2012-08-22, 07:08 AM
<I'll try to help as much as I can once it all starts. Glood luck everybody :-)>

Gray Mage
2012-08-22, 05:29 PM
<I'll see what I can do once it begins.

2012-08-22, 05:47 PM
Xa Firebird vanishes from sight for a moment, but you patiently keep his monocycle covered. You regain his sight as he steps towards it out of the shadows towards his vehicle, but as he does so he seems to notice something as his head turns towards you.

Sped up by Sparks magic, Typhoon is the first to react

Sir Rigel
2012-08-22, 08:39 PM
Do I have clear line of sight to at least one of his knees? if so then I take aim, call a shot, and fire at one of his knees.

Longarms: [roll0] (14 overall, +2 for sniper specialization, +2 for smartlink, +1 for aiming, assumed -4 for called shot)
Result: Five Hits

Damage: 7P
Armor Penetration Mod: -3 (If he has something there...)

2012-08-23, 08:22 AM
Typhoon curses silently as the mages movement next to him was apparently enough to give Xa the millisecond he needed to barely get out of the way of the bullets path. But his luck was not meant to last as Sparks easily penetrates even the unusual resistance to magic and sends Xa crashing down next to his monocycle.

Before Kitaru can decide if she wants to send a stunbolt after Xa to be sure he is down, she notices that the loud sniper-shot had gained them the attention of the guards to their right. At the moment it looks more like they are jumping behind cover, not knowing if they are the target, but it looks like its only a matter of time until they call for reinforcements.

Gray Mage
2012-08-23, 10:35 AM
Hoping to finish it quickly, Gears fires twice against Xa, trying to cover Typhoon's attack.

2012-08-23, 11:01 AM
Despite the rather large range for his pistol(-4 dice), Gears barely hits Xa with both shots, but probably only because he doesnt seems to be able to even attempt to evade enemy attacks. You guess that if he wasnt dead already, those bullets surely did the rest.

2012-08-23, 03:29 PM
Kitaru starts to run, the stops for a second and mutters something under her breath.

Cast Trid Phantasm, Force 3.

Spellcasting + Magic = [roll0]

Drain 4S = [roll1]

That is three hits (as it is only Force 3) and I take 2 stun

From across the street, a group of 4 orks come from around the corner and start firing on the guard position. While they don't seem to be hitting much, they put a lot of lead in the air.

"Now is the time for us to leave." Kitaru says as she runs.

2012-08-23, 08:34 PM
And she runs a total about 5 feet before she remembers his cybereyes. And the recording they most likely have. <****. Do you think his cybereyes will have recorded all of this?>

Are we still in combat time? If not, I want to cast invisibility.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-23, 09:41 PM
<Don't know, get him to my car and we'll handle it //Typhoon>

I assume this is the second initiative pass of this round, so Sprinting to the car in order to pull out a vibrosword, put it on the ground, and pull out "Kannon"

2012-08-24, 05:27 PM
Under the protection of Kitarus illusionary orks as distraction, Typhoon hustles over to Xas body and takes the commlink. Meanwhile Gears drives up behind him with the car and the rest of the team inside. They get away just in time before the guards start to return fire on the orks.

You make a short stop 2 blocks away until Gears drone manages to get back to him. After informing Mrs Johnson that you have accomplished the mission she invites you to another meeting at Ticklers as to finish the deal. She´ll be waiting there for you.

2012-08-26, 08:24 AM
You meet up with Nova and drive to Ticklers where you are once again welcomed by Mrs Johnson and guided to the same backroom. She wears a similarly revealing outfit and looks pleased.

"Thank you for all your work. I have already recieved confirmation on the completion of your second task and me and my employer are pleased with the result. If you are interested, you can expect to be called upon again if we are in need of talents like yours in the future. Keep working like this and you will not have to look for much work anywhere else in the future."

She retrieves certified credsticks with a balance of 7.5k each and hands one of them over to each of you.

"As agreed, the second half of the payment for the first job, as well as the bonus for the additional work.
One last thing: I assume it is self-evident and you are professional enough to know this on your own, but I have to make sure of one thing: The information you gathered while working for us is to be kept under the strictest of confidence. Especially the events of the last few hours cannot be allowed to become open knowledge.
I sincerely hope we understand each other on this."

2012-08-26, 06:23 PM
Nova remains silent throughout the whole meeting, a somewhat dazed look on her face. An astute eye might notice she appears unnerved and a little on edge. When Mrs. Johnson mentions the 'events' of the last few hours, Nova flinches but otherwise remains motionless, staring off into space.

When offered the credstick, she grimaces as she takes it, putting it away as quickly as possible.

Gray Mage
2012-08-26, 09:14 PM
Gears keeps his silence during the meeting, day-dreaming about the mods and upgrades he could buy with the money.

"A steady job? That's something to be valued."

He absent-mindedly takes the credstick, mind racing on the newest drone models and parts he had meaning to buy lately. He makes a mental note to speak with his supplier when he gets home.

"Of course, you don't have to worry at all."

2012-08-26, 09:33 PM
"Mutual benefit, everybody wins," Sparks replies, pocketing his credstick.

"It's a start," he thinks, "such a long way to go, but every journey begins with a single step."

Sir Rigel
2012-08-26, 11:16 PM
Mac stays quite throught the entire meeting except a quick message he sends off to Tabby (and to gears by mistake)

<I am still not felling comfortable about killing my fellow officers ... I mean, it feels ...


... I know I still don't technically work for them anymore, but still! //Typhoon>

2012-08-27, 06:14 AM
Kituaru smiles, "What events of the last few hours? We were just out having a quiet drink with each other. And we can find several witness who would testify to that effect."

2012-08-27, 08:43 AM
Mrs Johnson returns the smile and nods slightly. "Excellent.
It has been a pleasure working with you."

With that she stands up and bids her farewells.

As you exit Ticklers, the weather had taken a turn for the worse and you are greeted by dense rain which is barely not acidic enough to do lasting damage to your clothes. But with a job well done and a nice amount of nuyen in your pockets, things dont look that bleak for your future.


2012-08-28, 12:20 PM
10 days go by. Some of you keep themselves busy while others relax and enjoy the free time, but all of you get a message from Tabby on your commlink on a sunday noon:

<Hey chummers!
You are popular and were asked for by name. Mr. Johnson, who is the boss of the Mrs. Johnson of your last job, wants to meet at 77 in Renton at 9:30 tonight. Make sure to dress accordingly. You will also each need a special RFID chip to get admitted which have been deposited for you in locker 4816 of the nearby Renton Municipal Airport. The code you need to open the locker is attatched.
Good luck and tell me how that club looks afterwards. I envy you guys a bit for beeing able to get in there!

Kitaru knows quite a bit about the 77:
Some places build their success on popularity while others, like the simply named 77, make their reputation on exclusivity. Although one of the newest nightspots in the metroplex, 77 has become famous (or even infamous) as an exclusive private club for members only. Membership also requires sponsorship of an existing member.
According to the rumors she has heard the club is in the style of old century gentlemen´s clubs with lots of leather, brass, and polished wood and the very best food, spirits and nightly entertainment.
77 takes the privacy and security of its members very seriously. Blockage of all Matrixsignals, and powerful magical wards.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-28, 12:57 PM
<Sounds good! I need to clean some stuff first, but I'll meet you guys there! //Typhoon>

2012-08-28, 09:17 PM
Sparks curses as the pop up message causes him to lose concentration for an instant and get fragged. He takes a time-out from the game to answer.

"Ditto #Sparks"

Gray Mage
2012-08-28, 10:10 PM
Gears was in the middle of some routine maintenance when the message showed up. Rolling from under his car he grabs a nearby piece of cloth to clean some of the grease from his hands. New job, good that he's already finished with the car job.

77, sounded like a fancy place and Gears didn't own any fancy clothing. That could be a problem. They'd certainly not like someone with oil on his shirt, so before setting out he cleaned up properly and put on his best change of clothes (T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Again, nothing great, but it's the best he has). He also set the car's exterior to something nice, then drove to pick his tag and meet the others.

Sir Rigel
2012-08-29, 10:09 PM
<Hey Tabby, do you know if these Passes will allow for a +1? //Typhoon>

2012-08-30, 06:37 AM
Kitaru is impressed, the 77 is just the kind of place she has been trying to get into. This calls for drastic measures. Given that she just got paid it is clearly time to go shopping. Not that she doesn't have nice clothes, but you don't want to go out wearing last month's fashions. And besides it beats grading Anthropology papers (Kitaru wonders again why she allowed herself to be a TA).

Y 1000 later and several bags filled with new clothes she is ready to go.
<Alright chummers, I'll see U there //Kitaru>

Gray Mage
2012-09-02, 01:19 PM
<Ok, I'll be meeting you there, unless someone needs a ride.

2012-09-02, 04:02 PM
Typhoon only gets aholographic smilie as answer that shakes his head in a way that says: "you should know better that to ask"

You each retrieve the RFID chips stored in the locker and then meet up in front of the club, where Kitaru is in for a suprise. While Nova is dressed nice and apropriately and Typhoon acceptable, both Sparks and Gears are dressed as if the meeting was in a normal bar, despite them looking for the best clothes they had. Kitaru assumes that they wouldnt get into the clubs she usually frequents that way and would be really suprised if they were allowed into one of the most exclusive clubs in Seattle like this.

There are still 15 minutes until the meeting time.

2012-09-02, 08:05 PM
"Wait... why are you so dressed up? It's only 7's pub down the street..." Sparks says.

Sir Rigel
2012-09-03, 12:18 AM
<Ah, that's a shame Tabby... if these are good for another time I would be glad to lend you my pass //Typhoon>

"This is how I always dress ... "

<You would not believe how hard it is to get bloodstains out of this shirt (actually surprisingly easy) //Typhoon>

"Also, it doesn't hurt to look a little bit sharp." I say with a faked smile

2012-09-03, 01:06 AM
"Aw frag, is it 7's or 77?" Sparks asks.

Sir Rigel
2012-09-03, 02:39 AM
"I am afraid it is 77 ... " Mac responds.

2012-09-03, 04:08 AM
"Drek, well, it is Renton, there's definitely no shortage of malls... why don't you guys go first and we'll catch up? Tell 'em we got held up in traffic or something?" Sparks asks.

2012-09-03, 04:47 AM
As Kitaru sees her companions approach she inwardly recoils in horror at their attire. You would think they would at least bother to put on a clean shirt. And we are meeting Johnson in 15, no time to really go shopping for them.

"Quick," she says "Come here." She begins chanting over Sparks. As they stand there, his clothes begin to change in appearance. In a moment you can't even tell if it is the same outfit.

I have a chance to cast Fashion! Force 3.
Spellcasting + Magic= [roll0]

Drain (resist 1)

And for kicks, let's see how fashionable I can get

Looking over to Gears, "Alright, unless you really mind me dressing you; your turn."

Spellcasting + Magic= [roll3]

Drain (resist 1)

And for kicks, let's see how fashionable I can get

2012-09-04, 06:41 AM
"Whoa, thanks Kit, guess I owe you one," Sparks says as he admires his new threads.

2012-09-04, 06:57 AM
Kitarus magic transforms Gears and Sparks clothes into nice formal suits. While its not the finest quality Kitaru has ever done, its surely good enough to be accepted in the club.

The street adress takes you to a nondescript walk-up between a neighborhood bar and a men´s clothing store. There you are very politely greeted by security which asks you to hand over any weapons you have with you. One member of the security team also takes Sparks and Kitaru aside and very politely informs them that using magic of any kind is prohibited within the club.
Then you are led through top of the line chemsniffers and MAD scanners into the club. A hostess asks you to follow her towards a back room. On the way you manage to get a look at some of the other guests including some celebreties such as actors, musicians, politicians and Kitaru even manages to spot the Dean of her university. The odors of the food are almost intoxicatingly good and the bar which you pass by is filled with the best drinks you have heard of.

In the backroom a troll is waiting for you, whom Gears has already seen through his drone on the last mission.
I am Kaz Yakamura, second in command of the Kommun´go Seoulpa Ring."
Kaz is a very tall and thin troll. He may not look as menacing as some other trolls you´ve met, but something about him inspires respect.

"First I´d like to personally thank you for good work so far. Consider the invitation here as another sign of my gratitude. Let´s order something before we get to the new business at hand."

He sends for a waiter who takes your orders and then starts some friendly smalltalk. The food is probably the best you´ve ever eaten and it isnt until well into the second course until he starts talking about the new job.

"Now, heres the situation I called you in for: Jania Shields, a reporter for a local news station, was found dead in her apartment in Tacoma earlier today. She had been sniffing around in the local drugscene and started to use tempo while doing so. I have reasons to believe that she died of an overdose.
If this is true and becomes public knowledge I fear that that will shine more public attention to tempo than I would like. So what I would like you to do is to prevent any autopsy and make the body disappear. Specifically, I want you to break into the DocWagon Clinic where the body is stored, delete any results of medical tests already done and deliver the body to a contact of mine with the Tamanous.
Payment would be 8k nuyen each, and I can offer a bonus of 2k each if you also aquire the records of Jania Shields investigation and deliver them to me.
Does that sound acceptable?"

Gray Mage
2012-09-04, 08:23 PM
Gears stands motionless while Kitaru does her thing. Looking to his new clothers (suit, shirt, tie, shoes, the whole package) he has to admit he looks sharp. It's not his prefered clothing nor the most comfortable, but it'd do just fine for the meeting. "I appreciate this, Kitaru. Picking up clothing and knowing what's good enough isn't my forte."

Inside the club:
Even though Gears has seen him before, seeing him face-to-face has a very diferent feeling then seeing through the eyes of a drone. Somehow, he seems bigger now.

He ate the food, thinking to himself that high society does have its own perks, although in the end he'd be more interessed in checking out the other patrons rides. It seems like a straight foward enough job, kind of like the previous one, but he'll wait for the others before chimming in. Making deals and discussing contracts was above his confort zone.

Sir Rigel
2012-09-05, 12:37 AM
*orders a English Lager*
(Knowledge: Beer) [roll0]
"Hmm... " Mac ponders for a bit ...
(assuming that Kitaru has told me her name)
Mac pulls Kitaru aside, and starts whispering in her ear
"So, how much do you think it would cost in order to become a member here, or possibly get another two admission passes? I think our handler deserves a little bit of a treat."

2012-09-05, 01:32 AM
Sparks took in the sights. He'd never visited any place so upscale before. When the offer was made, he kept quiet, letting the others do the talking.

2012-09-05, 06:47 AM
Kitarus magic transforms Gears and Sparks clothes into nice formal suits. While its not the finest quality Kitaru has ever done, its surely good enough to be accepted in the club.

Actually given my low magic score, three hits is the best I can do without risking physical damage.

To Gears before the meeting:
"Anytime. And remind me to change them again when we leave. The change is permanent, and I understand if you want your old clothes back.."

Kitaru's eyes are anime sized as she tries to take in the club.

In response to Mac's question, does Kitaru know how much it would cost to get Tammy in here?

Intuition+Seattle Clubs=[roll0]

Following the hostess to the backroom, Kitaru listens to the troll's offer. She is concerned about working for the Kommun´go Seoulpa. While technically not the Yakuza, she doubts her parents would like her to get involved with those guys either. Oh well, better not tell them.

After he finishes, Kitaru answers "That sounds quite doable, and I thank you for thinking of us again. The only thing which concerns me is the involvement of the Tamanous. Working with them can give people in our line of work a certain reputation which can make future employment more difficult. I'm sure you understand we have to think of how we can continue to pay our bills...."

First, can I assume Kitaru knows in general terms who the Kommun´go Seoulpa and Tamanous are?

Also, negotiation to see if he will up the price....
Negotiation+Charisma: [roll1]

(Since she was politly asked not to use magic, she is not using kinesics. I am using glamour since I'm not sure I can turn it off.)

2012-09-06, 08:10 PM
Do you want to get Tabby in here one time as a guest, or do you want to organize a membership for her?
The first would cost a favor from Kaz plus whatever she consumates during her visit and the prices are quite high. Also the number of guests a member can bring with him over the course of a year is severly limited, so it does cost Kaz something to get her in there.
The second would cost a bigger favor from Kaz to sponsor her, a 500 nuyen annual membership fee plus whatever she spends there. To be able to afford regular visits would require her to increase the "Entertainment" part of her Lifestyle costs to High, which you assume is not in her budget at the moment.

And yes, you have a basic knowledge of the Komun´go and the Tamanous.

Kaz smiles at Kitarus concerns:
"The disposal of the body from the Tamanous is just an offer from me. If you find another way to make absolutely sure that the body will never ever be found, I have no problem with that. But I hate loose ends. Make sure not to leave any behind."

After a bit of haggling, Kitaru manages to increase the base pay to 9k each with a third of it up front.

2012-09-07, 09:10 AM
"So, sneak in, remove records, dispose of body, deliver records. Did I miss anything?" Sparks asks.

2012-09-08, 05:22 AM
"Well, if my compatriots agree, I think this sounds quite acceptable." Kitaru says, looking around at the others.

Gray Mage
2012-09-08, 05:40 PM
"It seems straightfoward. I'm in."

2012-09-08, 07:18 PM
Kaz Yakamura nods with a smile:
The body should be in the DocWagon Clinic on the Tacoma waterfront. If you have any more questions later on, you can contact Dae. She should have all necessary information including the contact with the Tamanous if you decide to use them."

He finishes his meal and if there are no more questions he turns to leave.
"I wish you all good luck. You can enjoy your stay for a while here if you like, but dont take too much time. Who knows how long you have until the autopsy starts."

Gray Mage
2012-09-09, 07:12 PM
Gears is ready to roll when the others are.

"Before we begin, it'd be good to have the floor plan for Clinic or at least where the backdoor is."

Sir Rigel
2012-09-09, 07:27 PM
I am a little bit more interested on where the morgue is, is it in a basement, is does it have windows, and more importantly, will I be able to do what I do best ... which is distance shooting ...

2012-09-10, 05:20 AM
Looking wistfully at the club, Kitaru replies "I guess I can go now too. I say we just head down there, I talk my way into the morgue and if there are any problems you come in guns blazing to back me up."

2012-09-10, 08:42 AM
"It's a DocWagon clinic, not a morgue... might just be a minor difference, but if the DocWagon quick response teams are housed there, they could be a real problem," Sparks says.

He takes another bite of his cheeseburger.

"Any way we can find out?" he asks, mouth only partially full.

Gray Mage
2012-09-10, 09:54 PM
"Well, I could map it out with my drones, but the fastest way would be to find the floor plan. Maybe it's on the Matrix."

Sir Rigel
2012-09-11, 12:41 AM
"Hmm ... *sips on beer* We should really get on this... Gears, can you do the search on the way over? I assume it should not take too terribly long ... "

Ponders for a moment

Snaps fingers

I got it! I could get a membership, and let her come out here on occasion!

Looks around, and lowers head slightly

Er uh ... So, anything else that we need to get before we pull this off?

2012-09-11, 06:42 AM
"Clinic, Morgue it is all the same. I walk up smile at the guards and convince them I'm supposed to be there, and they let me in. But we can start with trying it your way I guess"

Gray Mage
2012-09-11, 09:52 PM
"I can search the Matrix for the plans on the go, so we may start with tact. If they caught us in they'll be more alert so it's easier to dupe them first. The problem is, if it isn't openly on the Matrix, I won't be able to acess it, although the clinic itself should have it somewhere. Still, I'm not good with non physical stuff, hacking is out of my leage. Nova'd be a better fit."

2012-09-13, 11:36 AM
After leaving the 77 to get wireless access again, Nova manages to dig up some information about the Clinic:
The clinic is the primary DocWagon madical facility for the Tacoma area. Gicen the proximity to Outremer and the heavy sea traffic in the area, the facility possesses a High Threat Response water retrieval team and a dock of its own, as well as the usual EMT air and ground response teams. Security seems to be as tight as with any important corp asset including 2 raildrones with mounted Ingram White Knight LMGs on the perimeter fence and a multitude of cameras, all of which are controlled by a security spider.


2012-09-13, 12:33 PM

Sparks gives a low whistle.

"Drek, that's a lot of security," he says.
"Think we can bluff our way in?" he asks.

2012-09-14, 06:48 AM
"I'm sure we could bluff our way in, how hard can it be. I'd like to know also what kind of astral security they have. If there is that much physical security I assume they have some spirits patrolling or something.

Anyone a DocWagon member? Somebody could get shot and then get extracted. Then they would just have to get the body and escape.

Sir Rigel
2012-09-14, 08:22 PM
I ... wish... Their contracts are a tad bit out of my price range.

Hmm, Nova, out of curiosity what buildings are around the clinic, I think I may have a plan.

Mac then sends a quick text out to our Fixer friend:
<Hey Tabby, how fast can you get a Docwagon Quick Response Vehicle, and the IDs to match? The more battered the better, along with some White Phosphorus, and some black smoke grenades?//Typhoon>

What do you guys know about the local gangs ... the more convincing the better.

Gray Mage
2012-09-14, 10:09 PM
"Should we try to talk our way through, then? If it works it'd be faster and easier."

Seattle Street Gangs knowledge check: [roll0]

2012-09-16, 05:59 AM
Sorry, I don't know too much about gangs here. My knowledge of Osaka gangs isn't much help here. Any idea's on how to bluff our way in? Hijack an ambulance and pretent to be DocWagon medics?

2012-09-16, 10:08 PM
"That's pretty much what I had in mind, or we pose as disease health and safety inspectors or something," Sparks says.

"If we're going to check Astral security, we'd have to get close enough for us to take a look," he adds.

2012-09-17, 12:46 PM
Acouple of minutes later, Tabby responds to Typhoon:

<Do you need a real DocWagon Vehicle, or is a van that is modified to look like one enough? First one's gonna be tougher as I would probably need someone to go steal one, which could maybe raise some red flags you dont want raised. Second option would be easier and could get done in something between 12 and 18 hours.
Fake IDs depend on the quality you need. If you only need to pass a rough check, I think I could get something done sometime very late tonight. For the top notch stuff you'll need to wait a while, I'd say 2 days at least.
I have some Smoke grenades on stock, but White Phosphor is not in my usual sortiment. I'd probably also need at least 2 days to get some.

As usual forsuch specific stuff: payment up front.
Tell me what you want and I'll start looking for it.>

Nearby buildings include an apartment building with a bodyshop on the ground floor, an office building which is about half empty with many local businesses filling the rest, and a stuffer shack.

Gears thinks he remembers something about major territorial fights in the area between the ancients and the Halloweeners lately. Should look pretty much look like a war zone on the streets.

Gray Mage
2012-09-17, 08:31 PM
"Weird... if I remember correctly, the Ancients and the Halloweeners should be at each others throaths in these parts. It looks like it isn't messy enough, though.

Inspectors could work, but we need a way to get out with the body, right

2012-09-18, 10:16 PM
"Right, erm... maybe we have a cart with 'equipment' in it, and we stuff the body in there? We can roll up in a rented van, or better yet, steal a government vehicle," Sparks says, "if we can find out who is in charge, we can give them a call a few minutes prior to the 'inspection'. Might not hurt to do a little research and find out what the inspections usually mean, who does them, how often they're done, etc. We also might want to redirect the boss' phone calls to someone waiting in the car, in case they try to verify."

2012-09-22, 06:27 AM

This seems like the best idea so far. Shall we have our hacker try to find out that information? I don't have much experience in hospitals, does anyone know what kind of "equipment" our cart should have?

Gray Mage
2012-09-22, 06:33 PM
"Hacking would sure come in handy. It could help us get in. Once inside, with a distraction we can take off with the body with few problems. A fake fire alarm could do the trick. We could hack the signal or I could manipulate some sensors more directly."

2012-09-30, 10:45 PM
"Well if we go in as los inspectores (the inspectors) we need to go in at a time which makes sense, this means during working hours with lots of ojos (eyes) on us."

"If we sneak in at night it'll be hard to look legit. I mean people working the night shift probably know everyone else working the same shift on sight."

"Depending on Doc wagon procedues a fake or real fire alarm could get people out of the building long enough for us to dig and get out. Now looking through la señorita's (the lady's) personal appartment could point to where we can find her findings, and probably isn't that difficult to get into."

"Now this might require some looking into but I think I can set off the fire alarm, set up a fake inspection, hijack an ambulance or send off a fake emergency call to draw them away. Now some of these plots could take several days to pull off. So what is la plazo (the time limit) here? And does anyone know anything about Doc Wagon procedures or someone that could enlighten us? I'll poke around abit, if you want me to add anything to my search list now is the time to mention it."

2012-10-01, 10:54 AM
"I'm going to need some time for digging, Gears can you drop me off at my place? Otherwise I'll need a safe place to crash with matrix service for a couple hours."

If a decent alternate location is offered Enrico doesn't refuse and if Gears refuses the lift, I'll take the bus.

Once in a safe location Enrico finds somewhere comfortable and flips into hotsim.