View Full Version : Help with Airships and Eships book

2012-04-22, 05:58 AM
I'm sorry, and even more sorry to make this my first post, but ironically I've been a reader of the forums/comic for a while and I think if ANYONE will know the answer... it's going to be members of this forum. So my dm has a custom world/campaign, and uses airships and eships to handle construction. And I can't find the formula for how long it takes to construct airships of various tonnage ANYWHERE in the book. Maybe I just keep missing it over and over again, but I'd really appreciate if someone could tell me WHERE in the book it shows how to determine construction time... And even better where it says how much it costs to increase that construction time. I'm trying to build a 100 tonnage ship, priced at about 500,000 total before labor costs for construction. It's wood, later to be enchanted as ironwood, if that matters. Thank you in advance.

2012-04-22, 06:04 AM
construction of any magical item defaults to one day for each 1,000 GP in the base price.
Your ship will require either 500 or 1000 days, depending on if 500k is the base price, or the ammount you paid to craft the thing.

2012-04-22, 06:31 AM
Thank you Acanous, but do airships count as magical items? Judging from what I've read in that particular book... I'm pretty sure that, despite being magical in nature, they do not. Especially since it DOES mention that you can pay more gold to increase the speed of construction, I just have not been able to figure out the formula for that yet. I could be wrong though, and if I can't find a better solution I'll DEFFINITELY be going with that one.

2012-04-22, 06:52 AM
in that case, you're looking at the basic craft rules.
That's (Check result)/2GP per week per laborer.

2012-04-22, 07:20 AM
Ah, that actually makes perfect sense to me. The engine would probably use magic item rules though, since that's the main magical thing on the ship (At least in this case, using an energy engine).... Hm.... I'm too tired NOW was up all night planning this monster, but I'll deffinitely look into it. BTW, just for fun? I'm taking "blue prints" for warships. One and a half million gold limit, Excluding construction costs, energy engines only. Only using the Airships and Eships book. Needs to be able to keep up at 240 miles per day max speed, bare minimum. Anything else? Anything goes. Magical weaponry, mundane, anything. Think high-powered guard ships for a caravan of unarmed, fat, cargo ships.

2012-04-22, 07:41 AM
Dont forget you can hire additional laborers to preform tasks and cut the time down significantly. A good trick for any large D&D construction project.

From what I understand an Air ship's mechanics can be broken into two categories. A lift device and a propulsion device. Elemental drive are normally combined but extremely costly. Blimps use gas balloons and the motor (if you will) operates the props. It all depends on how your DM is picturing Air Ships and Sky riders.

2012-04-22, 08:06 AM
a Superior Spell Sail™ only cost 145,800gp to buy How bought I show you more :smallamused:

This seemingly normal sail appears as an ordinary sail upon first glace but upon a closer inspection reveals that it has silver scales of sort. The Superior Spell Sail™ functions as a normal sail until its command word is uttered (Usually something like "Lift off" or "Set Sail" or something stupid like that) when this occurs the Superior Spell Sail™ opens up and begins to lift the boat currently hoisting the sail in the air for up to 9 hours without having to land. This functions as an Overland Flight spell casted at 9th caster level.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Items, Overland flight; Price 145,800gp

Take it or leave it, you can just buy a boat and hoist one of these things up the mast and set sail :smalltongue: much cheaper then your... ahem "Alternatives"

2012-04-22, 11:27 AM
Ah, that actually makes perfect sense to me. The engine would probably use magic item rules though, since that's the main magical thing on the ship (At least in this case, using an energy engine)....

Nope. The engines have a listed Craft DC as well. They are created with the Craft rules, not the magic item creation rules.

2012-04-22, 04:09 PM
Oh, that saves me a boatload of money then, pardon the pun. So no takers on the warship development challenge? :P

2012-04-22, 04:18 PM

I made a document compiling and comparing various methods of making airships with official wotc D&D sources.

Is that enough of a development information guide for you?

Also, if you don't have enough wealth, consider reading this handbook of mine as well:
