View Full Version : Psuedo-Star Wars GURPS campaign

2012-04-22, 11:01 AM
So, I'm working on a campaign world for a GURPS campaign I want to run. It will be set in a custom star cluster with a bunch of custom races and some of the more interesting (Twi'Lek, Wookie, Miralika) Star Wars races. Now, The Force is a thing, but it's not well known and understood in this setting.

I've got Dark Lord Azagthoth's Star Wars stuff, and it's certainly useful, but I'm wondering if there might be a simpler way of representing the iconic force powers and it seems like some stuff is missing here, as well.

Also, in general, if anyone has ideas or advice on running this, or wants to give me pointers on my races, that'd be great. This will be my first GURPS campaign. I've DM'd some 3.5, but I've never even played GURPS.

Relevant Campaign background so far:


The solar system from which emerged the Galactic Empire was unusual. It had two planets with oxygen-rich environments capable of supporting carbon-based life. In fact, as they were forced to abandon Ramann, the Riktorann and Manaan found Eris a natural replacement. The Humans who were native to the planet – though technologically inferior – proved to be vitally useful, initially as servants and farmers in Kilkorann kingdoms and later, as the Kilkorann expanded to dominate the rest of the galaxy, the rapid breeding, adaptability, and relative intelligence of the humans made them ideal for colonizing newly terra-formed planets, for supplementing the Kilkorann armies, and for forming the backbone of the galactic economy. In addition, their language was more flexible and more easily mastered than Rilkorann or Manaan, making it an ideal lingua-franca for local administration, communication, indoctrination and trade.

Overall, while the Kilkorann rules and the Manaan dominated science and the highest level bureaucratic positions, humans became the backbone of Galactic Empire.


In Galactic 2576, the Sivi – a previously unknown race of force-users – invaded near the border world of Karith, home of the Miralik. There had been previous reports of strange ships, but the invasion came as a surprise (though there had been reports of strange ships in the area) and the Sivi invaded en masse. The Sivi were able to to gain control of the outer rim near Karith and made inroads into the heart of the Empire, eventually threatening the Galactic Capitol at Eris in 2598. At last, in the wheelhouse of Kilkorann strength, the Sivi were dealt a crushing defeat and systematically driven out of the Galaxy over the next 12 years. The casualties, however, were high. The Kilkorann were weakened and debate raged over how best to protect against future invasions.

In the short-term, there were localized rebellions and widespread questioning of Royal Authority. These were eventually put down with a combination of police actions and political compromises. Ultimately, due to the gratitude felt toward the Kilkorann for expelling the invaders, they were retained as rulers over the new Galactic Republic. An executive council, made up of the pater-familias of the 12 major tribes of the Kilkorann, led by the Emperor, pater-familias of the Emperial royal family, retained veto power, while a representative council drafts and submits legislation to the council for approval. This structure is mirrored in the government of each system and each of the most populous planets.

In the () years since the establishment of the Galactic Republic, there has been great debate over how best to strengthen the border defenses. Beginning in the earliest days of the Republic, localized militaries were strengthened by recruiting more broadly from the various peoples of the empire and allowing local rulers to purchase military equipment freely. Unmanned probes have been sent to the Sivi Galaxy, as well. Moreover, the Manaan have been working on the techonology for manned inter-galactic travel in the form of safer Jump Drives. These were only recently perfected. Debate now ceneters on whether it's best to invade the Sivi or to focus on defense.

Finally, shortly after the initial Sivi invasion, a wanderer from the Sivi Empire, representing the resistance movement of the subjugated peoples, came in secret to the military leadership of the Kilkorann with a new discipline and philosophy focused on the manipulation of something called The Force. It was revealed that the Kilkorann, the Manaan, the Miralik, and select members of other races are force-sensitive, meaning they possess the ability to manipulate the Force that permeates all life and the very fabric of the Universe. This Force is what allows the Kilkorann and certain humans to use Light-Sabers - a limitation that had long been a mystery. Young Kilkorann warriors and select force-sensitive humans are now being identified and trained in secret as Jedi Knights to prepare for the future battle with the Sivi – themselves powerful force-users.

Racial Templates thus far:
Race Name:

Attribute Adjustments:
DX +2 (40), HT +2 (20)

Secondary Characteristics:
Basic Speed +1.0 (20)


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:
Trained by a Master (30), Ambidextrous (5), Double-Jointed (15), 360 Vision (25), 3D Spatial Sense (10), Combat Reflexes (15), Penetrating Voice (1), Extra Arms (20) Extra Attack (25)

Racial Disadvantages:
Bad Temper (-10), Berserk (-10), Bloodlust (-10), Code of Honor (-15), Disturbing Voice (-10), Duty (-15), Sense of Duty (-15), Truthfulness (-5), Fanaticism (Galactic Empire -15)

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:
Rapier DX [A] 12 (2), Lightsaber DX [A] 12 (2)

Racial Skill Bonuses:

Racial Quirks:


Karann, Rakarann, Tikrann, Samrann, Ganorann, Ramann, Brakitrann

The Riktorann emerged as the dominant hunter and warrior race on the temperate planet of Ramann. When the planet's orbit degenerated, causing the planet to become increasingly uninhabitable (volcanic), the subject Manaan invented vehicles capable of hyperspace travel, only to see the Riktorann use the technology to expand their dominance across the solar system and then, for a time, the galaxy. The pacifistic Manaan have, over the millennia, served as the technological brains behind the Riktorann's braun. While the Riktorann have little interest in science and technology, they have been quick to adopt new advances and to utilize them as efficiently as militarily possible. Total (105)

Race Name

Attribute Adjustments:
IQ + 2 (40)

Secondary Characteristics:


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:
Visualization (10), Regrowth (40), Racial Memory – Active (40), Intuitive Mathematician (5), Language Talent (10), Hyperspectral Vision (40), Hermaphromorph (5), High Manual Dexterity +2 (10), Gadgeteer (25), Photographic Memory (10),

Racial Disadvantages:
Total Nonviolence (-30), Hoplophobia (-20), Oblivious (-5), Curious (-5), Cowardice (-10), Charitable (-15), Absent-Mindedness (-15)

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:


Hamdaan, Bendaan,

The Manaan were among the first races subjugated by the Riktorann on the temperate planet of Ramann. When the planet's orbit degenerated, causing the planet to become increasingly uninhabitable (volcanic), the Manaan invented vehicles capable of hyperspace travel, only to see the Riktorann use the technology to expand their dominance across the solar system and then, for a time, the galaxy. The pacifistic Manaan have, over the millennia, served as the technological brains behind the Riktorann's braun. While the Riktorann are the dominant political force in the galaxy, in theory, the Manaan occupy most of the top bureaucratic positions in the government and largely run things day-to-day – in addition to being the driving force behind technological advance in the galaxy. Total (130)

Race Name

Attribute Adjustments:
ST + 6 (54), HT + 2 (20)

Secondary Characteristics:
HP + 6 (12)


Tech Level:
TL 10 (-10)

Racial Advantages:
Sharp Teeth (1), Claws (3), Brachiator (5), Acute Taste and Smell (2), Constriction Attack (15), Danger Sense (15), Discriminatory Smell (15), Hard to Kill +5 (10), Hard to Subdue (10), Lifting ST + 6 (16), Super Jump 2 (20), Super Climbing 5 (15)

Racial Disadvantages:
Cannot Speak – Most Languages (-12), Bad Smell (-10), Bad Temper (-10), Berzerk (Resist QR -20), Life Debt (-10), Code of Honor (Family -5), Vow – No Claws in Combat (-10), Lunacy (-10), Stubbornness (-5),

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Total (111)

Race Name
Attribute Adjustments:
+1 DX (10), +1 IQ (10)

Secondary Characteristics:
+2 Will (10)


Tech Level:
13 (10)

Racial Advantages:
Trained by a Master (30), Combat Reflexes (15), Force Sensitive (5), Enhanced Dodge +1 (15), Sharp Teeth (1), Sharp Claws (5), Acute Vision +3 (6)

Racial Disadvantages:
Selfish (-5), Sadism (-15), Bloodlust (-10), Paranoia (-10), Bully (-10)

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:
Lightsaber DX + 2 (8)

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Total (75)

Race Name

Attribute Adjustments:
ST + 3 (27), HT + 3 (30)

Secondary Characteristics:
HP + 3 (6)


Tech Level:
9 (-30)

Racial Advantages:
Sharp Claws (5), Sharp Teeth (2), Striker – Horns, Impaling, No Parry (5)

Racial Disadvantages:
Stigma – Monster (-15),

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Total (30)

Race Name

Attribute Adjustments:

Secondary Characteristics:


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:

Racial Disadvantages:

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:




Race Name:

Attribute Adjustments:
DX + 1 (20)

Secondary Characteristics:


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:
Charisma + 3 (15), Xeno-Adaptability (20), Flexibiliy (5), High Manual Dexterity + 3 (15), Language Talent (10), Social Chameleon (5), Musical Talent (5)

Racial Disadvantages:

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:



The Twi'lek have survived and thrived in the G.E. By being natural diplomats, talented performers and sought-after lovers. In addition to the above, many Twi'Lek are Smooth Operators, Double-Jointed, or have Voice and most possess some level of attractiveness. Total (65)

Race Name

Attribute Adjustments:
DX+1 (20), IQ-3 (-60)

Secondary Characteristics:


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:
DR + 3, Hardened 3 (25), 2 Extra Arms (20), Enhanced Tracking 4 (20), Extra Attack (25), Fly (Wings, 30), Vacuum Support (5), Sealed (15),

Racial Disadvantages:
Slave Mentality (-40), Second-Class Citizen (-5), Cold-Blooded (-5), Bad Smell (-10), Short Lifespan 2 (-20)

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Total (0)

Race Name
Dimmii (Large)

Attribute Adjustments:
+3 ST (27), +3 HT (30), - 2 IQ (-40)

Secondary Characteristics:
+3 HP (6)

Hel Bovum

Tech Level:
TL 10 (-20)

Racial Advantages:
Sharp Teeth (1), Talons (8), Impaling Striker: Horns (8)

Racial Disadvantages:
Bestial (-10), Bad Temper (-10), Berzerk (-10)

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Large, hulking, red humanoids with sharp, black horns and black, patterned markings on their faces, arms, chest and back. Total (10)

Race Name
Skeek (Small)

Attribute Adjustments:
DX + 2 (40), HT + 2 (20), ST - 6 (-60), IQ - 1 (-20)

Secondary Characteristics:
Basic Speed + 1.0 (20), Basic Move + 3 (15)


Tech Level:
12 (0)

Racial Advantages:
Tinkerer (Allows one to train wild mechanic skill, 25), Hard to Kill + 1 (2), DR +2 (10), High Manual Dexterity +3 (15)

Racial Disadvantages:
Stigma (-5), Hideous (-16), Compulsive Liar (-15), Curious (-5), Fearfulness -1 (-2), Short Lifespan 1 (-10),

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:
Mechanic IQ + 4 [A] 12 (16)

Racial Skill Bonuses:



Kleptomania and Obsessive Behavior are also common among Skeeks. Total (29)

PS: Everything in here says "Galaxy," that will be changing. This will likely be an isolated star cluster bordering the Sith Space.

PPS: Sivi = Sith (as in the race).

PPPS: I only just realized I made the Dimmii twice. The second one is what I'll go with.

2012-04-22, 02:27 PM
Also, how many points would you all suggest awarding in a session, given that we'll likely play only 10 sessions and given a balance point around fantasy-levels.

2012-05-03, 11:59 AM
I haven't seen Azagthoth's stuff but for force powers I would go with a heavily modified innate attack. Using the limitations and enhancements section in Characters you can make pretty much anything. Also the affliction advantage could be used for any power that doesn't deal damage.

Your races seem pretty good, but I noticed that a lot of them have personality based advantages and disadvantages. I don't actually know of these races but vows and personal decision based advantages are something that wouldn't be racial. Of course, most of that race could choose to act like that but it wouldn't be in the template unless you want a race that has very similar personalities.

As for session xp points that would depend on how many points the players will start with when they build their characters. For fantasy hero-like game I'd suggest either starting your players around 100 point start and awarding 10-20 points each session. This would simulate them starting weak but quickly becoming powerful. Or you could start them with 150 points and award 5-15 points. This would start them pretty powerful and then they would become somewhat better.

Thats all I got, but I'll be following this and if you've got any questions hit me up!

2012-05-06, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I've since divided the templates into a racial and cultural package and pared down some of the attribute adjustments. The non-physical racial qualities represent a very strict cultural program, with a heavy elements of indoctrination and training. These guys are trained from the time they can stand to be soldiers and to follow the Kilkorann Code of Honor. They also have mandatory military service for Kilkorann males and females without children.

Race Name:

Attribute Adjustments:
DX +1 (20), HT +1 (10)

Secondary Characteristics:
Basic Speed +1.0 (20)


Tech Level:

Racial Advantages:
Peripheral Vision (15), 3D Spatial Sense (10), Force Sensitive (5), Penetrating Voice (1), Extra Arms (20) Extra Attack (25), Trained by a Master (30), Combat Reflexes (15), Ambidextrous (5)

Racial Disadvantages:
Violent Nature (Bad Temper, Bloodlust and Berzerk, minus tendency to attack allies - 25), Disturbing Voice (-10), Tarik-Karann (Code of Honor, Duty, Fanaticism, Truthfulness, and loyalty and self-sacrifice for GE citizens – 55).

Free Skills:

Racially Learned Skills:
Rapier DX [A] 11 (2), Lightsaber DX [A] 11(2)

Racial Skill Bonuses:

Racial Quirks:


Karann (A legendary Kilkorann leader and philosopher), Rakarann (“follower of Karann”), Tikrann, Samrann, Ganorann, Ramann, Brakitrann

The Kilkorann emerged as the dominant hunter and warrior race on the temperate planet of Ramann. When the planet's orbit degenerated, causing the planet to become increasingly uninhabitable (volcanic), the subject Manaan invented vehicles capable of hyperspace travel, only to see the Riktorann use the technology to expand their dominance across the solar system and then, for a time, the galaxy. The pacifistic Manaan have, over the millennia, served as the technological brains behind the Riktorann's braun. While the Riktorann have little interest in science and technology, they have been quick to adopt new advances and to utilize them as efficiently as militarily possible. Racial Package = 56, Cultural Package = 24, Total = 80)

As to the question of points, I'm looking for power levels around Jedi in the (original) Star Wars movies and d&d 3.5. I intend to start my players out with 200 points, with a maximum of 75 points in non-racial disadvantages. I'm leaning toward rewards in the 10-15 point range, as I want some growth and I don't think we'll play that often.

EDIT: Sorry it took me a bit to respond. I wasn't monitoring this very closely because no one was initially responding.

2012-05-16, 07:16 PM
Also, how many points would you all suggest awarding in a session, given that we'll likely play only 10 sessions and given a balance point around fantasy-levels.

Pick a starting point for power, pick an ending point, subtract the former from the latter and divide by 10. So, general point value estimates for characters from Star Wars:
100: R2D2, C3PO.
150: Luke (A New Hope), Bobba Fett, Lando Calrissan, Princess Leia.
200: Luke (The Empire Strikes Back), Han Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi.
250: Darth Vader.
300: Darth Sideous.

So, pick a starting point power, pick an ending point, and give 5 points per step difference.