View Full Version : "Favorite" Bad Advice from the 2E DMG?

Lord Torath
2012-04-23, 07:29 AM
I frequently see people listing the 2nd Edition DMG as the worst of the lot, mainly for some of the advice it gives.

What's the worst piece of advice you've read in it?

2012-04-24, 04:36 PM
Honestly, it never seemed all that bad to me. It doesn't have anything on the level of the 3.5 DMG II's "Episodic adventures are good because they make it easy to prevent the players from having agency" facepalm worthy advice, and that would be where I set the bar.

2012-04-24, 04:50 PM
What bad advice? I don't remember the 2E DMG giving any bad advice at all.

2012-04-24, 06:59 PM
The thing with the 2e DMG is that it lacks content in comparison with the 1e DMG, but has more advice on how to run a game rather than the tools to run it with.

I think its incomplete. Stacked with the Complete Book of Villians, Campaign Source and Catacomb guide and Creative Campaigning it makes for the best DM advice for D&D I've yet to find.

2012-04-25, 07:34 AM
The 2nd edition DMG was a fine book and didn't have any bad advice in it.

As noted above, it was lacking compared to the 1e DMG, but that's easy to fix. Just have the 1e DMG on hand for when you need it.

Plus the other books in the DM's reference series were always helpful. Creative Campaigning is a great book that every DM should own, or at least read once.

2012-04-26, 08:34 PM
I frequently see people listing the 2nd Edition DMG as the worst of the lot, mainly for some of the advice it gives.

What's the worst piece of advice you've read in it?
First thing that pops to mind is the example for handing out a penalty for an alignment violation which actually violates the rules/guidelines it just laid out for that.

Used to be I might have had other examples but I only have a pdf of the 2E rulebooks anymore, and that only to look up occasional questions about differences with other editions. I haven't actually played 2E since early 2000 so have forgotten most of such details that I disliked about it.