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View Full Version : recruting players (what info is required?)

big teej
2012-04-24, 12:05 PM
greetings playgrounders,

my gaming group has experienced a few losses lately, soI may be recruiting new players next semester.

for lack of a better way to go about it, I'm going to throw fliers up all over campus again.

however, it occurs to me now that the fliers I posted before were only really capable of grabbing at people with prior table top experience.

so I'm revamping the fliers this time around.

to put it simply....

"If you were creating a flier to recruit new players, what information would you place on said flier?"

so far I have

day/time of game
number of openings
current members.


2012-04-24, 12:51 PM
I'd say something like:
This is our group:
[drawn picture with arrows & names of both player & PC, list note or other stuff that might catch people off guard - like, Tom/Rabadon the Elf Scout, hard of hearing but you'd hardly notice, or Rachel, Lissa the Werewolf Queen, 45, Tom's awesome aunt.]
We primarily play [3.5, 4e, NWoD], sometimes we [play pokemon, play video games, try new card or board games].
We meet on X days, and our usual session runs for Y hours.
Our adventures tend toward the (serious, lighthearted, fast & furious, epic campaigns, roleplaying, hack and slash).
We need a (level) adventurer to round out this group.
Interested? Contact us at [freshly made email for the recruitment purposes]@gmail.com.

2012-04-24, 04:03 PM
Include an obligatory fantasy-themed image:

Just to grab the attention of those who would care about fantasy themed stuff. Then say something simple, like:

Traditional (not video) gamers wanted, new and experienced player welcome!

Contact if interested, on or before [insert date here]

[Contact information here]

K.I.S.S. Keep it short and sweet. Gamers are looking for other gamers, so you don't have to sell them. And if you give them an e-mail address to contact, then you can answer whatever questions they may have about play format through there without scaring off a noob. D&D can be pretty overwhelming the first time you play.

Jay R
2012-04-25, 10:16 AM
The ages of the players.

This is not so important when advertising on campus, but I strongly encourage it when advertising anywhere else:

My current game has players aged 42 - 60. A twentysomething will probably not fit in as well with us as with a younger group. Similarly, a group of teenagers probably don't want a new gamer in his fifties.