View Full Version : Need help finding Baldur's Gate 2 Class kits (Also other mods)

2012-04-25, 05:33 PM
Hey guys I just recently stumbled upon some old PC games...including Icewind Dale 2 and Baldur's gate 2 (My NWN1/2 were "borrowed" a long time ago) but unfortunately my icedale disks don't work.

Anyways I'm looking for Mods (mostly Class Kits) for Baldur's gate and found a plethora of awesome (ie. Lvl 1 NPCs, Divine Tweaks, BG2FIXPACK, BG2Tweaks, Banterpacks,etc.) EXCEPT for kits I found a few cool ones but most are either useless or ridiculously overpowered....I wish I could just make my own but I have a feeling it wouldn't be easy.

He're's my current Party Plans (All NPCs were class changed by a mod so I could have my preferred party without losing the unique dialog

1. Me Human Monk (Fists)
2. Minsc Barbarian (2-Handed Sword)
3. Jaheira Priest of Selune (Mace & Shield)
4. Amoen Sharpshooter Rogue (X-Bow)
5. Rachel Gnomes Illusionist Mage (Q-Staff...I really wish they other casters like Swiftblade,Artificer or Bladesinger)
6. No idea...thinking Bard..maybe a bow user....hoping I find a cool kit for this.

#5 & #6 I will modify a NPC that seems to fit the class/kit and switch to them when/if I find them

Any suggestions guys?