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2013-08-26, 06:15 AM

"That doesn't look good! Not at all!" I say, as I take aim at the nearest ooze and fire.

Damage: [roll1]

Move action to reload.

2013-08-26, 10:38 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red slides and dices...and watch the goo simply multiply.

"Argh! What the...", and he tries more, and he gets quicker with each slices.

Finally, he throws the guisarme away. "Gah! This just won't do! I think I shall try pounding next." Kataun draws the heavy flail this time. "Now, for the extra overkill...rise, my minion, mini-me!" As he raise his left palm, palm up, a small fire elemental grows out of the ground, looking just like Kataun, except tiny, fiery version of him, with a matching tiny flail, and tries to poke at the goo-piles. As everyone is mesmorized by the display...Kataun tries to whack the ooze pile double-handed.

Then, he takes a step back, and turns around, "Excuse me, everyone. I will take one more step back after this. Please give me a bit more space. Also, can someone take my weapon on the ground, and move it somewhere safe? I don't want it ruined..."

Slicing and Dicing is action description from last turn....his real action in this turn starts from the throwing away the Guisarme. Free Action to drop the Guisarme behind (One North) of him. Move action to draw Heavy Fail. Swift Action to use Distracting Ember, summoning the small fire elemental south of the goo-pile to make it into flanking position. Standard Action to use Crusader's Strike, using it on the same Goo he has been attacking so far. 5' Step North of him. Healing Priority: Kataun, Kataun, Kataun, until he heals himself full-almost full...

To Hit "Crusader's Strike" Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Furious Counter Strike+2 Flanking):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 +1 FCS Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 FCS +2 Flanking):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str +1FCS:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, possible +1 FCS):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str +1 FCS:[roll6]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR+1 FCS: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 FCS):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str +1 FCS:[roll10]

2013-08-26, 07:24 PM

"Hey, esoteric and impossible creatures that are beyond human comprehension are supposed to be friendly."

Dave looks a bit sad as he fires a ray of blazing energy at the monster.

Standard action to fire a ray...

2013-08-26, 08:02 PM
Dave does the pewpewpew thing! One of the bizarre and improbable jellies takes the full impact of a blast of crackling pie eldritch power! A nice chunk of ooze is now missing, the edges of the chunk singed by not-fire.

Kataun finds, to his surprise, that the blobs don't seem to have discernable faces or sides or anything -- just a homogeneous sort of blobbiness. Which is to say, they don't seem to be any easier to hit when distracted by a second little burny Kataun. One desultorily extends a psuedopod in the general direction of the fire-Kataun, but what attention or awareness it may have is not divided. (i.e., They don't appear to be subject to flanking.) That said, they're only barely moving, so they're not hard to hit at all, even without flanking.

Kataun uses his flail to kerWHAM the relevant ooze right in the blobbiest bits, spattering bits of goo everywhere, and healing himself... I don't see a roll for it, so for [roll0], yes? Anyhow, that strike looked much more effective. Some of the chunks of goo continue to twitch, but that particular bit of ooze appears defeated.

Arazha might run up and grab Kataun's glaive, if she understood his commands. Instead, she loads and lobs another slingstone, this one at the ooze glorpulating up the wall, bruising its membrane.

Lauren takes aim at that same ooze, hitting it square in the protoplasm! It looks for a moment like that might have damaged it, but then the place where the bolt struck begins to split, and soon, this ooze, too, has split in two, one of them plopping to the ground. It looks like bludgeoning is the way to go.

Once again there are three oozes! In a mass, they schlorp forth, two of them squeezing on the ground and one sticking high on the wall (apparently there's enough wall-space for this technique to accomodate all three oozes for now, albeit all three of them squeezing).

The three oozes extend their psuedopodia and come at Kataun all at once! But all three of them all jostling and jorbling together is interfering with their attacks, so none of them manage to actually hit him.

#......≈≈≈≈≈## ..#
#a....≈≈≈≈≈≈# .#
#OO## ≈≈≈≈≈#
#OOO# ≈≈≈≈#
#**.# ≈≈≈≈
#...# ≈≈≈.
##._.. ≈≈.#
##.### #.#
, - grass
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun (standing over his guisarme)
J - Jarrus
a - Arazha
r - Rocinante
O - three Large orangey-brownish oozes, all squeezing & climbing to share limited space
* - defeated foe

2013-08-26, 08:45 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Ah ha. Obviously whacking is the way to go. And I know someone who is good at whacking than I do.", and Kataun turns his head briefly.

"Excuse us, Mr Pink. I'd like to step back and if possible, I'd like Rocinante next to me. He is very adept at whacking things."


2013-08-26, 09:08 PM

Dave moves north east a step, and fires another round of energy into the monsters not-face.
Move action to move 10ft NE and 5ft just N, then take another shot.

2013-08-27, 12:59 AM

"I think I'll just get out of your way. I don't have any weapons that won't make things worse, apparently"

I sneak forward to grab Kataun's Guisarmine before stepping well back from the opening to encourage Roccinante to help his master.

2013-08-27, 09:25 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red hesitates for a moment until Mr Pink steps back, and he quickly nods upon observing the space behind him. "Didn't know I was a switch hitter, did you.", and he switches the grip on heavy flail, his right hand to the end and his left handslightly above and makes a swift, short, compact baseball swing to attempt to smack the goo on the wall without a big windup he has been using. He then takes a quick step back with his flail ready and yells swiftly, "Come, Rocinante! Come to my side to play even more of Whack a Mole...even though in this case it's more of mud than mole."

Standard Action to Fight Defensively, using it on the Goo on the Wall. 5' Step back as non-action. Move Action to "Handle Animal" skill, trick "Come". Healing Priority: Kataun, Kataun, Kataun, until he heals himself full-almost full...then Rocinante.

To Hit "Fighting Defensively" Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR-4 Fighting Defensive):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR-4 Fighting Defensive):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat-4 FD):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR-4 FD):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

2013-08-29, 06:57 PM
Dave steps back, and pewpewpews right into one of the jellies! The eldritch blast makes a neat "sqlrch" noise when it boils some plasm off the target.

Kataun takes a mighty whack at the wall-climbing ooze, effortlessly spattering goo all over (and healing himself)!

Then he steps back and summons his valiant steed! Rocinante obligingly ambles over, whickering.

Arazha loads and launches another bullet into the pile of oozes! One of them is looking pretty badly bruised.

Lauren goes forth, picks up Kataun's guisarme, and retreats, urging Rocinante forth! (Ability to split movement around a move action is such an obvious house-rule that I keep forgetting to add it to my official list. But it's definitely among my house-rules. So yes, you can take 5' of your movement, pick up the guisarme as a move action, then take most of the rest of your movement.)

The jellies! Two of them squeeze into the narrow passageway between the cave-sections, one low, one high! the third finds that it absolutely cannot fit past the other two at all. A sound tactical choice on Kataun's part!

One of the oozes merely fails to get past Kataun's defenses. The other critically fumbles, it shapes its pseudopod into exactly the wrong shape, and Kataun's armor bonus is doubled against it for three rounds. This effect is called "OVERTHINK IT", but no exception is made for mindless creatures, so it's all good.

#......≈≈≈≈≈## ..#
#a....≈≈≈≈≈≈# .#
#OO## ≈≈≈≈≈#
#OO.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**.# ≈≈≈≈
#...# ≈≈≈.
##._.. ≈≈.#
##.### #.#
, - grass
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun (standing over his guisarme)
J - Jarrus
a - Arazha
r - Rocinante
O - three Large orangey-brownish oozes, squeezing & climbing to share limited space
* - defeated foe

2013-08-29, 11:19 PM

Dave keeps backing up, and throws... you guessed it, another round of energy!

5ft step NE

2013-08-30, 08:14 AM

I briefly wonder when we became so staggeringly effective as Dave and Kataun blast chunks out of the quivering jellies.

"Um, I'll just stand over here then." I try not to get in anybody's way.

2013-08-30, 09:15 AM
Kataun Yriand

As there is a bit of space around Kataun and Rocinante now, he starts twirling the heavy flail in a flashy maneuver. "Ah ha! Time to play whack a mole again, Rocinante! Mr Red and his trusty companion, power of friendship combo attack of doooooom!" Kataun points at the goo-piles, and as the horse tries to stomp on the goo at the bottom, swings at the goo on the top, simultaneously.

Move Action to "Handle Animal" skill, trick "Attack". Standard Action to Crusader's Strike, using it on the top-Goo. Healing Priority: Kataun for 2, Rocinante for everything else.

To Hit "Crusader's Strike" Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]
Crusader's Strike Heal +2 Initiater Level: [roll5]
Rocinante on the bottom goo:
Hoove #1 to hit +2BAB +4 STR: [roll6]
Damage +4 x1 STR [roll7]
Hoove #2 to hit +2BAB +4 STR: [roll8]
Damage +4 x1 STR [roll9]
Bite to hit +2 BAB +4 STR -5 Off-Natural Attack: [roll10]
Damage +2 x1/2 STR [roll11]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat):[roll12]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll13]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll14]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll15]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll16]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll17]

2013-09-01, 06:11 PM
Dave steps back another bit, and shoots! These oozes are almost impossible to miss, so even firing into melee, he managed to hit one a glancing blow that deflates it, spewing liquefied jelly all over the cavern floor. Another ooze is dead!

Kataun flails with his flail! He bludgeons the ooze right in its endoplasmic reticulum, knocking it down from its wall-clinging and then repeatedly pounding it, spattering orangey goo all over his armor. Another dead ooze.

Rocinante's a proper warhorse, and when directed to attack, he has no problem with taking the initiative to wait a few seconds for the proper target to come within range! So he delays before carrying out Kataun's orders. (It amuses me that this puts Rocinante at -1 in the initiative.)

Arazha loads and slings another rock! She seems to be getting the hang of this, and her projectile bruises the remaining ooze.

Lauren is safe, far from the fighting.

The remaining jelly mindlessly oozes forth, swinging a psuedopod ineffectually at Kataun.

Then Rocinante... amazingly, manages to miss with his first hoof! (Not a critical fumble. I just rolled on the desk; it was a 10, and the only way for him to miss this ooze right now is with a natural 1.) But then he pegs the ooze with his other hoof, and tears a big chompy gash in it with his grindy plant-gnawing teeth, and so the last remaining ooze expires, collapsing in an inert heap of juices on the ground.

You gain 600XP each.

#......≈≈≈≈≈## ..#
#a.D..≈≈≈≈≈≈# .#
#**## ≈≈≈≈≈#
#**.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**.# ≈≈≈≈
#...# ≈≈≈.
##._.. ≈≈.#
##.### #.#
, - grass
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
J - Jarrus
a - Arazha
r - Rocinante
* - defeated foe

2013-09-02, 10:28 AM

"Well, at least now we won't smell nicer then the cave. Also, you might want to have that horse purge itself... no telling what Ooze jelly will do to the digestive system."
Dave steps forward and starts clearing a path through the jellies, using his blast on a wide beam seeing if he can uncover anything hidden in the biomass.

2013-09-02, 04:39 PM
The only stuff Dave locates in the jellies appears to be bits of jelly. Unlike some oozes, these apparently don't keep valuable metals or gems floating within their protoplasm.

But wait! He notices, encrusted with slime, nestled between some rocks (probably not dropped by the jellies), what looks like a flask! He only narrowly avoids shattering the flask with his eldritch blast.

Upon examination, the contents of the flask appear to be some sort of icky tangerine potion.

2013-09-03, 11:10 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr Red pumps his left fist again. "Power of Endeesy Five, well, four plus sickly one strikes again! I feel like we've gone through some power-up sequence, without having training montage. We shoulda had some training montage in the Town. That would have been appropriate." Kataun then dives out of the way of Dave's pew-pewing the remains of the goo, and into a goo. "Eww", he grabs a rag out of his sack and start wiping off his face and arms, and throws the gooey rag away, but he is very quickly distracted with the vial Dave uncovered.

"Ohhhh, shiny bottle!"


2013-09-04, 07:46 AM

"I'm glad those things weren't about the last time I was here!" I prod the defeated jelly with the blunt end of Kataun's glaive, watching it wibble. "Shall we continue?" I pass Kataun's weapon back to its owner.

2013-09-04, 08:53 AM
Kataun Yriand

As quickly Mr Red gets distracted by the vial, he forgets about it again. "Should we check the bottle first...Yes! Let us proceed! There's a lot more poo to clear out." Kataun again asks Rocinante to take care of the halfling, and rushes into the next room again.


2013-09-04, 12:37 PM
Dave slips the vial into his pocket, figuring that a hostile cave is not the place to try new things.

He Follows Mr.Red further into the cave, putting away his spear in favor of his dagger and bullseye Lantern.

2013-09-04, 11:04 PM
Potions don't get numbers, all the information I need should be in the description, so just put icky tangerine potion down in your inventory.

Then the parties continue forth! Leaving Jarrus behind, with Rocinante to look after him. Stepping gingerly over the fried goo of the jellies, around the shallow, muddy hole, and onwards, into the darkness!

In the very next cavern, a wide, long area (with the smashed-down door and the bottomless-seeming hole to the south), the party interrupts a huge pile of tiny, black creatures, climbing all over one another, which collectively hiss and gnash their itty-bitty teeth as you approach. Rats!

#**.#.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**.#.# ≈≈≈≈
#..L#.# ≈≈≈.
##a_..# ≈≈.#
##D### #.#
*....## ###
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
o - bottomless 6" hole
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
* - defeated foe/door
r - rat swarm

2013-09-05, 12:51 AM

Aware that our lack of knowledge about jellys made that last fight trickier than it had to be, I wrack my memories for information about rat swarms that we can use.

I also step back, keen not to allow the creatures anywhere near me.


2013-09-05, 08:07 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red exclaims. "Beware! we've got a bratty tatty ratty on our hands!", amd he tightens the grips on his polearm and winds it up side way as he takes a step forward. "Time to get this roly rotund rat some exercise!" Kataun makes a long, sweeping swing on the pile of rats with his Guisarme!

5' move to S if Kataun go before the rats, or, if the rat's too close, try to step back. Standard Action to use Vanguard Strike. If this hits, all subsequent attacks by the allies gain +4 bonus to hit. Healing Priority *whoever has taken damage* Note, if Kataun takes damage before he attacks, there's also possible +1 to hit/+1 Damage from furious counter strike.

To Hit "Vanguard" Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork Weapon):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+4 VS Bonus+1 Masterwork Weapon):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

AoO (Note if the Vanguard Strike hit earlier, +4 Bonus is added):
To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork):[roll9]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll10]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll11]

AoO2 (Note if the Vanguard Strike hit earlier, +4 Bonus is added):
To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll12]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll13]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll14]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll15]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork):[roll16]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll17]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll18]

2013-09-05, 08:19 AM

"I wonder if bats eat rats, or hats... or mats?"

Dave Summons a swarm of bats onto the swarm of rats.

2013-09-06, 11:56 PM
Dave makes manifest bats upon the rats!

The bats swoop upon the rats, biting and nipping and batting with their wings! Violent swarm-on-swarm action, red in nippy little tooth and slashy little claw! Apparently bats do eat rats.

The rat swarms return in kind, swarming up the walls and grabbing onto the swooping bats with their little paws to gnaw vigorously! The swarms are doing a fair amount of damage to one another.

Arazha steps carefully into the muddy hole, loads up a sling bullet, and looses it into the crowd of little furry bodies. The bats and rats alike avoid the projectile.

Lauren is reasonably certain that slashing and piercing weapons are less effective against swarms of rats than bludgeoning weapons, but are not entirely ineffective as they might be against, say, a swarm of bats. She's pretty sure you don't want to get bit by a swarm of rats, lest you contract the noxious disease filth fever. She is certainly familiar with all swarm traits (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#swarmSubtype) of the rat swarm.

Kataun steps forth, swinging his weapon through the swarm of tiny fuzzy creatures! A few rats are mortally slashed or impaled upon his weapon, but it didn't seem as effective in sweeping the swarm away as one might have hoped. Kataun bowls over some of the rats, but unlike an ooze, a swarm apparently cannot be tripped, so though he knocks over some of the individual rats, more of them just climb all over their brethren. A brave few scurry up his guisarme.

#**.#.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**L#.# ≈≈≈≈
#...#.# ≈≈≈.
##.a..# ≈≈.#
##D### #.#
*....## ###
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
o - bottomless 6" hole
* - defeated foe/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha (in the shallow muddy hole)
r - rat swarm
b - bat swarm + rat swarm

2013-09-07, 11:32 AM

Dave Stops focusing on the bats, allowing them to blink out of existence. Then he summons some nearly Identical bats in the same space.
He then watches as they eat the rats in a fairly creepy manner.

2013-09-07, 07:51 PM

As I recall what I know about swarms, I pass what I know onto the others. I suggest that Kataun's flail might work better, but to be careful not to get bitten. I also note that one of my more powerful spells might end this encounter instantly, but that would be wasteful when it looks like dave's already got this, so I let him have his fun.

2013-09-09, 09:10 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr Red gives a swift shake of the polearm he is holding, and the rats that are running up fall off and scurry off into the darkness. "What a mess. I suppose this 'filth' thing is a theme." Kataun again holds the end of the guisarme and makes a sweeping, low strike parallel to the ground.

Standard Action to Leading the Attack. Note, if the maneuver hits, allies who attacks the same target of the maneuver gains +4 Morale Bonus (Important when Inspire Courage is running...) to hit until Kataun's next turn. Healing Priority: Whoever happens to be wounded...probably no one

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MSTW+4 Leading the Attack):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 MSTW +4 possible Leading the Attack):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 MSTW):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 MSTW +4 possible Leading the Attack):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 MSTW):[roll15]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-09-09, 10:08 PM
Dave stops concentrating on his bats, and starts concentrating on new bats. The rather badly injured bats poof out, and new bats take their place.

The new bat swarm swoops and bites and tries to eat the nearest living thing, which is the rat swarms!

Half of the swarm leaps and snatches at the bats in the air, taking many of them down!

The other half of the rat swarm (which is to say, the other of the two rat swarms) heads for the other nearest living thing, which is Kataun! They provoke when they enter his square, so he sweeps many of them away with his guisarme.

But they still begin to swarm all over him, nipping at him with their nasty little teeth where his armor is thinnest, for 6 damage!

Arazha... isn't so big on chucking sling bullets into melee, so she concentrates for a moment, there's an audible bass hmmmm, and some of the rats near Kataun are splattered by telekinetic force. The small handful of rats on or near Kataun who have survived the onslaught so far scatter, some of them ducking into little cave-holes or under mushrooms or into the nasty, greasy, slimy water. One swarm defeated! Arazha then ventures into the room, so she can better see the rest of the rats.

Lauren lies in wait for a foe more worthy of her talents!

Kataun steps south (as there are no longer many rats in range without doing so), and then ker-thwacks at the remaining rat swarm! But the seething mass of tiny furry bodies has perhaps learned to fear the flailing pointy-stick of doom, and they manage to mostly scamper out of the way.

#**.#.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**L#.# ≈≈≈≈
#...#.# ≈≈≈.
##._..# ≈≈.#
##D### #.#
*....## ###

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
o - bottomless 6" hole
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
r - rat swarm
b - bat swarm + rat swarm

2013-09-09, 10:27 PM

Dave does his little trick again, summoning yet more bats to fight the rats. He also waits for the swarm to fall apart and then lets them dissipate.

2013-09-10, 09:25 AM
Kataun Yriand

. "Rats!" Kataun takes a step to the side towards diagonal to the Githzerai, and tries to shake off the vermin. He then drops his unwieldy long weapon and draws his heavy poundy weapon yet again and start squishing the target yet again.

5' step to NE, Free Action to drop the guisarme to the N, Move Action to draw Heavy Flail, Standard Action to use Crusader's Strike. Healing Priority: Kataun until full, then whoever else takes damage...

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
Crusader's Strike Heal +2 Initiator Level:[roll2]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll3]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STRk):[roll4]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll5]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat):[roll6]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll7]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll8]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll9]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll10]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll11]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat):[roll12]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll13]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll14]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll15]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll16]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll17]

2013-09-11, 08:11 AM

"Just be careful guys," I say, as I continue to stand well out of the way of the combat.

2013-09-11, 06:00 PM
Dave stops concentrating on bats, then summons bats!

The refreshed bat swarm bites and nips at the rat swarm!

The rat swarm is locked in deadly, pointless battle with the constantly replenishing bat swarm!

Arazha... doesn't think she can necessarily hit the rats with a slingstone without hitting the bats. A difficult proposition, as they are all up in on each other's spaces. So instead, she elects to deploy another concussion blast! There is another sonorous hmm, and another bunch of rats are splattered all over the slimy floor. There was not much left of that swarm at all, after the bats were done with it. So the few remaining surviving rats now elect to flee from the batty onslaught, dispersing and scampering away.

Lauren remains safe!

Kataun takes a step, and discovers that there are no more targets! There are still a handful of rats scampering around, trying to escape to safety, but not enough to be any threat or concern. Kataun splats a few, healing himself to full, but the swarms are dispersed and defeated.

The bats wink out when Dave stops concentrating on them.

You each gain 400 XP.

#**.#.# ≈≈≈≈#
#**L#.# ≈≈≈≈
#...#.# ≈≈≈.
##._..# ≈≈.#
##D### #.#
*....## ###
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
_ - shallow muddy hole (difficult terrain)
o - bottomless 6" hole
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha

2013-09-11, 09:48 PM

Dave cautiously moves forward and examines the wreckage, looking for anything out of place...

Taking 20 for a natural 20 searching for loot or anything interesting.

2013-09-12, 12:41 AM
Dave carefully searches the heaps of dead and bleeding rats! He finds a great many dead rats!

He also finds a few of what appear to be half-nibbled moldy, rotten muffins in various flavors. Like, mini-muffins. Muffins suitable for a Tiny creature.

And, in one corner, he finds a large tome bound in leather and clasped with gold. When Dave and Lauren inspect this volume, they identify each page as a perfectly preserved dragon scale, which has been inscribed with the black blood of a fiend. The book describes the four spirits (quicksilver, orpiment, sal ammoniac, sulfur) and seven bodies (gold, silver, iron, quicksilver, lead, tin, copper) of traditional alchemy. It's difficult to say how much the book is worth, but it's probably on the order of hundreds of gold to the right buyer. (Item #62)

2013-09-12, 08:15 AM

"Well... that was unexpected. Looks like a solid piece of loot with some retail value. Mind if I just add it to my sac and we deal with it after clearing the river?"

If there are no objections, dave adds the book to his backpack and starts moving towards the next room.

2013-09-12, 08:55 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun flings the heavy flail again to his back, and grabs the polearm off the floor. "You are right, Mr Pink! This is no time to be reading the books! Unless it's about the secret of filth or something. Time rush to the new foe!" Mr Red starts running to the next room, pushing Mr Pink aside and running in front of him...


2013-09-13, 11:25 AM

"Best if you carry it Dave, I'd be struggling after only a few more pounds. If we find anything that looks like a belt of strenght, I'd definitely be interested!" I ruminate briefly on the disappointment my physical frailty has always caused, before realising I'm in danger of being left behind as the others advance to the next area.

2013-09-17, 08:29 PM
Kataun, trailed by the rest of the party, forges on southwards!

In the next cave area, long and narrow, there are no monsters to be found. Something appears to have eaten or dragged away the corpse of the walrus. In the south of this area, nobody appears to have reset the arrow trap in the wall, so it doesn't shoot at Kataun.

The next room, the kind of irregular roundish (or maybe sort of trapezoidal) room, is similarly empty!

In the passage to the south from there, the party is only very briefly delayed as they find the switch to the secret door. It whispers open, and they pass down the tunnel beyond!

There's a turn-off here. Dave thinks that the garbage area across the river was big enough that turning left here would probably get them as close to it as turning left in the next room (the one with the broken gilded jade fountain) would.

But there is no time to discuss directions before a section of wall, previously unnoticed, suddenly erupts with goo and flails at Kataun when he draws near! It isn't wall at all, but a thin, grayish translucent protoplasmic creature adhering to the wall! Kataun only barely manages to scramble out of the way of the monster's grasping psuedopods. It smells mildly of vinegar.


. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
! - section of the wall attacking you

2013-09-18, 04:33 AM

I stumble backwards past Arazha as Leonora flaps her wings in alarm. Once again I'm not sure the creature is worth wasting a spell on or vulnerable to any of my conventional attacks. I try and recall seeing mention of it in my studies.

2013-09-18, 09:08 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Argh! Another one! What is this, it's as if the master of this cave went out to Monsters Supply Store and restocked all the rooms with these. Hmph." Mr Red turns halfway around and asks Mr Pink, "Hey, give me a bit of space, will ya? Would like a bit of room with my polearm."


2013-09-18, 04:24 PM

Dave will politly take a step back, and fire a ray of unatural energy at the monster over K's shoulder.


2013-09-18, 07:04 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Thank you, Mr Pink!" Kataun steps back and points to the section of the wall with his Guisarme. "You! You are some bulk-purchased second rate monster from Stables! Step aside or else!"

5' move to N. Standard Action to use Vanguard Strike. If this hits, all subsequent attacks by the allies gain +4 bonus to hit. Healing Priority *whoever has taken damage* Note, if Kataun takes damage before he attacks, there's also possible +1 to hit/+1 Damage from furious counter strike.

To Hit "Vanguard" Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork Weapon):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+4 VS Bonus+1 Masterwork Weapon):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

AoO (Note if the Vanguard Strike hit earlier, +4 Bonus is added):
To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll9]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll10]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll11]

AoO2 (Note if the Vanguard Strike hit earlier, +4 Bonus is added):
To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll12]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll13]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll14]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll15]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 Masterwork, possible +4 from VS):[roll16]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll17]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll18]

2013-09-18, 08:02 PM
The wall-clinging ooze strikes again! (It got a surprise round, and also happened to (barely) win initiative.) It swings its psuedopods, trying to slam them into Kataun! And... it hits him! It slams into him with 4 bludgeoning damage and 6 acid damage. He keeps moving for a few moments, but notices his limbs going numb as the jelly's anesthetic slime seeps into his muscles, paralyzing him for 7 rounds. That's Kataun out of this fight.

Arazha notices Kataun stiffening, and says <Uh-oh.> She takes a step back, considering for a brief moment, and judges it an urgent enough fight to blow her last concussion blast for the day. A bit of goo squidges off the ooze, as if it were struck by an invisible mace.

Dave steps back, and blasts the jelly with a ray of eldritch doom! It makes a squelching noise as some of its goo ablates.

Lauren, too, backs up! She can't recall anything in particular about this creature from her studies -- oozes were apparently an unfortunately neglected subject -- but she's pretty certain this isn't another of the last oozes. It's not particularly ochre-colored, for one thing, and also it was doing an astoundingly convincing wall impersonation until a few moments ago. She's not entirely sure how many oozes have the ability to split when struck, but she's reasonably sure it's not all of them. Plus this one appears to be covered in anesthetizing slime, and most oozes don't tend to have more than one schtick. So she thinks there's a high probablity that this particular ooze won't split when damaged. Its membrane doesn't look like it would be any more or less susceptible to any particular kind of damage.

Kataun finds himself stiff and numb, unable to move, except to sway slightly, and maybe to speak (albeit muffled-like)! :smallfrown:


. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
! - jelly

2013-09-18, 08:39 PM
Kataun Yriand



2013-09-19, 12:05 AM

"Not good..."

Dave draws his spear, and takes another shot at the monster. He tries to motion for the Giz to get in front of him... He would rather not get into melee combat with this thing.

2013-09-19, 08:44 AM

Taking aim with my crossbow and hoping for a better result than before, I shoot at the gelatinous thing.

Damage: [roll1]
Move action: Reload

2013-09-21, 06:39 PM
The jelly oozes down off the wall and slimes around Kataun, engulfing him with its protoplasm! He takes an additional 1 acid damage, and the paralysis afflicting him is renewed (10 rounds now).

Arazha sees Dave motioning at him, and sees Kataun get pulled into the monster. She decides that Kataun being engulfed by the ooze is bad. She drops her sling, and moves up to the monster, drawing her longsword. She tries to pull Kataun out of the jelly! But the ooze keeps a firm grip on the paralyzed party member!

Dave's eldritch blast doesn't go haywire, but he does hit the ceiling instead of the jelly.

Lauren takes aim at the blob! Now that it's spread out in a heap on the floor, it becomes clear that yes, it is technically squeezing in a space too small for it. But now Arazha has run up and is trying to drag Kataun out of the goo. Plus, this creature appears to be rather quicker than the other oozes the party has fought. It quivers out of the way of the flying bolt, which embeds itself in the wall instead of the jelly.

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
~ - dropped sling
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun (engulfed by the jelly)
a - Arazha
! - jelly

2013-09-21, 09:32 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Wa,hammahahahahha,ahahaa ahahahahaha."


2013-09-22, 01:42 AM

<Be careful Arazha!>

Aiming my crossbow I take another shot, then reload


2013-09-23, 12:22 AM

Dave fires again, trying not to hit Mr.red.


2013-09-23, 01:28 PM

The jelly deals 2 acid damage to Kataun as it slowly digests him! (He doesn't get any more paralyzed, though.)

Then the jelly swings at Arazha! (Since I failed to mention it before, she appears to have forgotten to activate her inertial armor. She's still new at this.) Nonetheless, she manages to duck out of the way of the jelly's psuedopod. I think the jelly doesn't actually threaten anybody while it's got Kataun engulfed. (Also I think it's flat-footed, but its flat-footed AC is the same as its regular AC.)

Then Arazha tries to pull Kataun from the jelly again! And completely fails to get a grip on him. So she takes a 5' step back to let Lauren and Dave get a clearer shot at the jelly. She asks, in Gith, <Is there anything you can do to help get him out of there?>

Dave blasts at the thing with his eldritch blast, hitting it a good solid hit! The creature waves Kataun in the air, and, though some of it is ablated by Dave's pewpewpew, some of it hits Kataun. The jelly and Kataun both take 5 damage.

Lauren also hits it! Her bolt too, squelches into the monster, grazing Kataun. Again, the jelly and Kataun both take 1 damage.

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
~ - dropped sling
* - defeated foes/smashed door
L - Lauren
D - Dave
K - Kataun (engulfed by the jelly)
a - Arazha
! - jelly

2013-09-23, 02:45 PM
"So the jelly is surrounding our friend... Rats eat anything... Perhaps this will work!"
Dave has A Bad Idea.
He summons a swarm of rats covering the jelly and to either side of it as he can't really fit them in a solid block.

2013-09-23, 04:33 PM
Kataun Yriand



2013-09-24, 01:12 AM

"Dave! I don't think Rats are going to help! We need to get him out of there!"

I'm on the point of panicking. We need to get him out of there immediately, and any damage we do to the creature it seems we do to Kataun as well. Think Lauren, Think! It's what you're supposed to be good at.

<Um, Ok, I have one idea, but someone's going to have to pull him out of there. This spell will weaken the creature's hold on him and may provide insulation against the acid.>

Pulling a piece of pork rind from my spell pouch, I say an arcane word and attempt to cover Kataun in Grease. Then I move up the passageway and attempt to pull Kataun free, gesturing for Arazha to help.

2013-09-25, 04:52 PM
The jelly digests Kataun for 6 more acid damage, and numbs him more, resetting his paralysis to 12 rounds.

Arazha hears Lauren, and waits for her to do her thing!

Dave conjures rats!

The rats swarm all over the jelly, biting into its membrane, trying to get at the delicious acidic juices and stiff prey inside (they don't stay where Dave put them, they wind up swarming over Kataun, too), their little paws and teeth already beginning to stiffen and/or dissolve. Kataun and the ooze both take 2 damage.

Lauren greases Kataun! It might make him slightly harder to grab, but it'll make the ooze's grip on him much less secure. Then she runs up, prepared to pull Kataun out next turn if Arazha doesn't manage it this turn!

I'm treating pulling Kataun out of the ooze as an opposed grapple check against the ooze. So, standard action. In this case, I'll treat the Grease as a -2 circumstance modifier for people trying to pull him out, but -10 for the ooze trying to keep him in.

Arazha steps up, tries to get her arms under Kataun's freshly-lubricated arms to pulls at him! This time, with the aid of Lauren's grease, she successfully manages to pull Kataun from the jelly, with a sick schlllorp noise! She considers depositing Kataun in a heap immediately to the north, but thinks she'll instead carry him to dump him further up the hallway, away from the ooze, which she can do next round.

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
~ - dropped sling
* - defeated foes/smashed door
D - Dave
& - Lauren and Arazha, squeezing into a square, with Arazha carrying Kataun
! - jelly, also rats
r - rat swarm

2013-09-26, 11:00 AM
Kataun Yriand



2013-09-26, 02:07 PM

With Kataun freed, I help Arazha pull Kataun away from the jelly, hoping the rats distract it enough to cover our escape.

2013-09-26, 09:20 PM

Dave Maintains the rats and moves back with the group. He hopes they will distract the beast.

2013-09-26, 11:32 PM
The jelly... is not, so far as I can tell, immune to nausea. It makes its save against the distraction of the rats, though. The jelly, finding itself swarming with tiny animals... probably can't engulf them, they probably count as a Large creature for that purpose. So instead it extends pseudopodia and thwacks at... the rats! It looks disturbingly like the jelly is trying to turn itself inside out to get at the rats crawling all over it. It bludgeons and begins to digest many rats!

Dave moves back and maintains the rats!

The hundreds of rats swarm over the jelly and bite at it! But also they extend their swarming, climbing all over Lauren, Kataun, and Arazha (delicious living things)! (The jelly makes an attack of opportunity; it misses.) The jelly, Lauren, Kataun, and Arazha each take 4 swarm damage. Nobody involved is looking particularly happy with this situation. Not even the rats, trying to swim through paralytic acid ooze.

Lauren... is distracted by the horrible rats swarming all over her! It's all she can do to get herself away from the rats and the jelly. (It already used its attack of opportunity for the round on the rats.)

Arazha manages to make her save. First, she swings her sword in the general direction of the jelly, missing it completely. Then she hauls Kataun away from the mess at the south end of the tunnel, and dumps him (carefully but unceremoniously) to her north, under Lauren.

Kataun appears to be bleeding profusely, patches of skin dissolved all the way through and then all sorts of bitten on. At least grease should be sterile.

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
D - Dave
L - Lauren, standing over Kataun and the sling
a - Arazha
! - jelly, also rats
r - rat swarm

2013-09-27, 02:31 AM
Dave refreshes the rats (allows them to dispel and then summons a new batch) dumping them more squarely on the jelly. He then pulls out a potion of healing from his pack and holds it out suggesting that one of his allies should feed it to Mr.Red.

2013-09-27, 03:12 AM
I struggle to prop Kataun up into a sitting position against the passage wall to make the potion drinking easier. Once more I find myself lamenting my woeful strength that makes even simple tasks harder than they should be. Ignoring my own rat bites (which itch furiously), I dribble the potion into Kataun's mouth, taking care not to let him choke in his paralysed state.

2013-09-27, 03:21 PM
Okay, so Kataun isn't actually in all that bad shape... yet. He's about to be, though. So Lauren takes Dave's medicine potion and carefully pours it down Kataun's throat! He regains [roll0] HP, and should be fine now. Still paralyzed, but at least not unconscious and bleeding out.

The jelly florps and blobs and tries to kill the rats; Dave resummons the rats whenever they get too injured or too close to the party; the rats bite the jelly; Arazha retrieves her sling and starts chucking rocks at the jelly again. Lauren starts shooting it with her crossbow, too. This tactic works pretty well, because the ooze isn't smart enough to go after the rat-summoner instead of the rats, and just stays there, rippling and inverting itself to try to kill the rats as they gnaw at it and are regenerated.

So let's skip to the foregone conclusion! It takes half a minute or so for the ooze to go down to this slow but steady assault. Half a minute after that, Kataun shakes off the last of the numb paralysis. You all (including Kataun, yes) gain 300 XP.

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren, standing over Kataun
a - Arazha

2013-09-27, 03:32 PM

<Good grab Arazha, I think you probably saved Kataun's life!>

"Dave, do you still have that wand of healing from earlier? We all could use a bit of its magic right now. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help in that fight, I'm just glad we managed to get Kataun out of there. The next threat we come across that I can affect is getting blasted. I'm not going to hold back!"

2013-09-27, 04:03 PM

"Save your magic... we have a giant monster to fight after all of this."
Dave pulls out the wand of healing(remind me of the charge?) and heals L and A once and K a lot(until he seems near full).
Could someone remind me of the number of charges on that?
Also, a **** ton of rolls.

2013-09-27, 04:26 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Mmmmggghghghg, mglllgll, dddmmdmd! Kill it, kill it to death!" Mr Red slowly comes around, flailing around on the floor.

"Oh, it's dead!" Not looking so good, his eyes wonder into the far, far away land as he receives some healing. "Oh, yeah, just like that. It's good. Gooooood." He is drooling slightly. Suddenly he realizes there are other people there. "Oh, right. We are still in here. Shall we head south?" He stands akimbo again.


2013-09-28, 01:49 AM

I gesture that we should continue.

2013-09-28, 11:22 AM
I believe -- correct me if I'm wrong -- the wand that the party bought and gave to Dave has the full 50 charges. At least, before you use some of them now. You should note this on your sheet.

Lauren is healed for 9 hp. Arazha is healed for 4 hp. Kataun is healed for 28 hp. Everybody is fully healed. This used up 7 charges of the wand. Dave managed to fully heal the party before rolling any natural 1s, so the wand will continue to function for him today.

And then the party continues! There are two souths, but you can see that one of them just leads to more vile water. Assuming the goal is to get to where Dave saw the otyugh, he leads the party through the next room (nothing here but an inert goblin skeleton -- something has evidently stripped the flesh from the bonedrinker they killed), and then to the left!

Scanning the area across the river with the lantern, the party sees, just as Dave described, huge heaps, mounds of trash. Refuse of all sorts and sizes. Decaying flesh, excrements, metal things, noxious liquids oozing into the river. Upriver of this point, the water is flowing clean.

There is definitely movement in the heaps of trash, but it doesn't seem to be coming after you just yet. You have at least a momemnt to survey the scene.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #K~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
#...# #.##~~###╪##
#...# . ~.
#...# ... #

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha

2013-09-28, 11:38 AM

Dave summons a large quantity of rats on the garbage pile farthest from him that the spell can reach. He hopes the monster doesn't like competition...

2013-09-28, 12:10 PM

"Is that a door on the other side of the waste pile? It could be that the monster is a symptom rather than a cause. That's almost certainly the back door to Asterbossk and Nalf's base. I don't know if we can defeat them all. We should be cautious not to fall into any traps."

2013-09-28, 04:59 PM
Lauren notices the eastern door! Also doors to the north and south, but the eastern one is the relevant one, both from context (having deduced by its location that it's probably the back door to Nalf's and Absterbossk's base) and also it appears to be somewhat different than the others. The north and south doors are badly-rusted iron, like the other doors in this place, but the eastern one appears to be some dingy grayish material. All three doors are rather covered in slime, though, and kind of far away, so careful examination isn't possible yet.

Then dave conjures rats as far away as he can reach! The river is about 20' wide here, and he's got about a 30' range, so the rats appear kind of close to the middle of the room. They scrabble around for a moment, attracting the attention of the otyugh, which had been rooting around in one of the garbage heaps, picking through the refuse and shoveling the choicest bits into its gaping maw. The aberration emerges from the trash heap and eyes the rats for a moment, which collectively eye it in return.

And that's when Lauren, Dave, and Arazha hear something hissing faintly from the tunnel to the south. (Kataun is much too distracted by the otyugh to pay attention to noises.)

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #K~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
#...# #.##~~###╪##
#...# .h ~.
#...# ... #
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
r - rats
O - otyugh
& - monster(s) in trash heap
h - something hissing faintly

2013-09-28, 09:21 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Huh, this water is pretty clean but pretty dirty over there. Not sure if we can get there at the monster without swimming through the dirty part. Can we even swim through this? How deep is it?" Mr Red pokes around, trying to figure out the depth of the water by using the guisarme to see if he can reach the bottom.

Use the standard action to measure if we are in combat rounds, other than that, get combat-ready.

2013-09-28, 10:25 PM

"The water is clean... but why give up the advantage? If it has to cross the river to reach us all the better. Let it fight rats, they will bury it in corpses. Also... is it just me or is that tunnel hissing?"

Dave maintains the rats. He also pulls out his spear, hoping that the tactical advantage of a water brake will win the day.

2013-09-30, 08:02 AM

"Everyone back up!" I hiss quietly. "If there are two threats perhaps we can turn them against each other."

2013-09-30, 08:38 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Two? The rats are Mr Pink's pets, I think. Not too sure though. So many of them."


2013-09-30, 11:13 AM

I simply point at the tunnel where the hissing sound is coming from.

2013-09-30, 11:25 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Oh?" He turns to the south, and then turns to the left towards the abberation, and then right to the south again, and then left to the abberation again.


2013-09-30, 11:54 AM
Arazha peers around the corner, waiting for combat to start, readying an action to peg anything hostile she sees with a slingstone.

Dave maintains the rats and pulls out his spear!

The rats, being mystic rats that seek flesh to devour, aren't happy with mere trash, so they swarm over to the otyugh and swarm all over it! The otyugh whaps at the swarm with a tentacle, grabbing several rats and squeezing the life out of them! Then the rats bite and nip at the otyugh, for great justice!

Since Lauren pointed it out, Kataun (and everybody else) sees, to the south, a place where the tunnel widens! They see a creature there, wandering into sight and hissing at the party! A squat lump of flesh resting on four short, thick legs that protrude from the sides of its body and bend like a spider's. Its flat snout and thick neck give it the appearance of a thick-bodied hairless bulldog, except for its strangely jointed legs and the two rubbery tentacles it's waving aggressively in the air.


Lauren, pointing out the hissing thing and telling everybody to back up as free actions, delays until the top of the next round.

The otyugh, meanwhile, tentacles the stuffing out of the rat swarm, smashing into the swarm, tossing rats into the trash, into the river, squeezing the life out rats, and generally causing havoc within the swarm.

Kataun pokes at the river. His weapon hits bottom, barely, but it's hard to tell if it gets any deeper in the center. For sure the party would need to swim; the otyugh might or might not be large enough to be able to just wade.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #K~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
#...# #.##~~###╪##
#...# . ~.
#...# ... #
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
r - rats
O - otyugh
& - monster(s) in trash heap
a - hissing thing

2013-09-30, 12:11 PM

Dave allows the rats to dissipate, and summons now a swarm of bats as close to the monster as possible from his position.

"Mr Red, would you mind moving a bit towards the hissing thing. Those tenticals look a bit long for my taste, and I have to focus to maintain the swarm."

2013-09-30, 02:04 PM
Kataun Yriand

"OK Mr Pink! I shall cover the little hissy thing! Ohhh, aren't you a cute little tentacly monster. Who's a good little tentacle monster!" Kataun takes 2 steps down the corridor and waves at the hissing monster.

10' move to S S using Move Action, Standard Action to ready an action, "Whenever either of the monsters comes within a reach" use Vanguard Strike (Every Ally gains +4 bonus to hit against the target) at it. Healing Priority: Whoever is hurt before him going, then Arazha, then Lauren.

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 MW):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW+4 Vanguard Strike):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll15]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-02, 03:36 PM

Trusting that the Otyugh is under control for now, I fire my crossbow at the nearer threat.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-02, 10:32 PM
Lauren shoots her crossbow at the little tentacley bulldoggish aberration! The creature ducks slightly, and her bolt bounces off the creature's fleshy hide and into the wall.

Arazha doesn't have a clear shot at either the otyugh or the other thing, so she delays.

Dave allows the rats to vanish, and summons bats instead!

The bat swarm behaves much as the rat swarm did, flying over to the nearest living thing -- the otyugh -- and swarming it with sharp little bitey teeth! The otyugh makes an attack of opportunity with a tentacle, misses the bats, and the bats nip at it. Ichor-like blood oozes from many small scratches.

The bizarre little creature to the south hisses, and scampers to the west, out of Lauren's line of sight. Another peers around the corner, hisses, and returns to its hidden position.

The otyugh flails, blundering southwest, through the bat swarm, towards the river.

Kataun steps down the corridor, allowing a view of a little more of the cavern to the south. He can hear more hissing. There's definitely at least a few creatures in there. Kataun pokes them around the wall, but they have cover from him where he is, so his attack misses them. They hiss louder.

Arazha takes this moment to step out to where Kataun had been and... launch a slingstone at the otyugh. The rock flies over the creature's head, through the cloud of bats, and lands on a heap of trash with a puff of grossness.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #a~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #K#~~~~@..@##
#...# a.a~~~.
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
b - bats
O - otyugh
& - monster(s) in trash heap
a - hissing thing

2013-10-02, 11:44 PM
"Everybody, we need to fall back... The Ogly is not playing nice, and I think it is going to cross. We might be able to get it to fight those things in the cave, and I know the tunnel we came in by was to narrow for it."

Dave lets the bats dissipate, then summons a swarm of spiders covering the monster. Finally he falls back to behind Laura.

So, bleeding in effect... now to hit it with poison. This tarpitting is not being the most effective.

2013-10-04, 08:53 AM
Kataun Yriand

"OK everyone back! Back back back! Farther!" Mr Red starts motioning everyone. "Hey you, before I do that.", Kataun tries to smack one of the little tentacle monster on the west side, and then moves back himself after people fall back, pushing and nudging everyone back.

(If Kataun is going before Lauren and Arazha, hold action until they go, and then Standard Action to use LEADING THE ATTACK (Every Ally gains +4 morale bonus to hit against the target) at little monster on the west side. Then move action to back up, prefarably where Lauren vacated (and Arazha further back, but in any case, in front of whoever is at most front side. Healing Priority: Whoever is hurt before him going, then Arazha, then Lauren.

To Hit Regular AC, presumably with cover (+3BAB+3STR+1 MW):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC, presumably with cover (+3BAB+3STR+1MW+4 Leading the Attack):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 LA):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 LA):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 LA):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 LA):[roll15]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-05, 01:58 PM

I don't take urging twice. I take a shot at one of the hissing things before quickly falling back to the other side of the ruined fountain.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2013-10-05, 02:29 PM
Lauren shoots at a hissing thing, but it ducks behind the cavern wall and she hits only air. Then she retreats!

Dave allows his bat swarm to vanish, then conjures up a spider swarm, almost right on top of the otyugh this time! Then he, too, falls back.

The spiders swarm over the otyugh (which attempts an attack of opportunity and misses), biting at it with their little poison pincers! The otyugh does not appear affected, at this moment, by the poison.

Some of the hissing creatures to the south continue to hiss.

But one of them grows impatient and waddles right up to Kataun! He whaps it right in its blunted snoot with an attack of opportunity!

The otyugh is apparently smart enough to realize that the regenerating swarms of various nasties are not the target it needs to be concentrating on. So it wades heedlessly through the spiders, and then wades/swims into the gross water, from which position it swings a tentacle at the only convenient target: Arazha! It whaps her with a very solid hit that is only barely not a critical hit.

Kataun delays!

Arazha sees people retreating, sees Kataun gesturing for the retreat, and so she... yeah, she retreats. Then she readies an action to peg anything hostile she sees from her new position near the fountain!

Kataun is presented with a closer foe than he anticipated! One without cover! It's too close to guisarme, but he can armor spike it, and easily hits either way. He splats it and it collapses. Then he moves back up the tunnel!

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~OO.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
O - otyugh
& - monster(s) in trash heap
h - hissing thing
s - spiders

2013-10-05, 05:01 PM
Dave shifts 5ft to the NE, regaining line of sight with the monster. He allows his spiders to dissolve again, and then summons a swarm of bats near the Oglyothe.

2013-10-05, 05:20 PM

I've felt useless for too long. I ready a spell - when the Otyugh gets within 30ft and is squeezing through the narrow passage, a bright yellow beam bursts from my fingertips, making an 'uh' sound.

Ray of Stupidity.
Ranged Touch Attack against squeezing target: [roll0]
Intelligence damage (no save): [roll1]

2013-10-07, 08:59 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red huffs and puffs as he trots around the corner and when he sees everyone in the room, he turns around and readies his polearm. "Huh, that little thing just popped. That was easy. Let's see how easy the big tentacle thing is going to be." He shakes his arm, and bits of stuff caught in his armor spikes splash off to the side of the wall.

Standard Action to ready an action ("When a monster comes within reach") to use Vanguard Strike (Every Ally gains +4 bonus to hit against the target) at whatever comes within reach. Healing Priority: Whoever is hurt before him going, then Arazha, then Lauren.

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR+1 MW):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW+4 VS):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW, possible +4 VS):[roll15]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-07, 04:17 PM
Lauren readies an action!

Dave summons a bat swarm near the otyugh!

The bat swarm flocks about for a moment, then collectively divebombs the nearest target: the otyugh! The aberration easily whacks a quarter of them out of the air with a flurry of tentacles, but the rest of the bats bite at it most vigorously.

The little tentacled creatures to the south find that their foes have fled! This disgruntles them greatly, and they mill about a bit, cogitating on what to do. Not that anybody can directly see any of them at this moment.

The otyugh does just what one might expect it to do: it swims/wades the rest of the river, and squeezes into the tunnel, sticking its tentacles in to fetch out its prey!

At this point, Lauren shoots her spell at the otyugh! She hits it square in the mouth with her ray of stupidity, and the otyugh blinks the three eyes on its eyestalk, befuddled.

The otyugh, glassy-eyed, half-remembers that it was ignoring the swarm, but now it can't remember exactly why. So it whacks at the swarm, knocking another load of bats out of the air!

Arazha loads her sling with a rock and chucks it at the otyugh! The rock bounces harmlessly off the otyugh's thick hide.

Kataun readies an action! It may kick in before his next turn (but it probably won't -- if the otyugh starts ignoring the swarm again, the otyugh's tentacles look like they're probably long enough to reach him from its current location, though it probably can't reach so far with its disease-ridden bite, so it could still decide to bite him).

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~bb.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
O - otyugh (squeezing)
& - monster(s) in trash heap
h - hissing thing
b - bats

2013-10-07, 04:55 PM

Swarms too close... time to start shooting the mother****er.
Dave forgets about the bats, and gathers up a bolt of arcane fire to throw at the monster. He Incants "Kamehameha!" and loses the bolt at the monster before backing up a step to keep clear of the beasts reach.

So... yeah... eldrich blast.

2013-10-08, 02:47 AM

No, that wasn't the tactic I was after!

"I've rendered it too stupid to tell that we're the source of the swarms! We should fall back and let the swarms finish the job!"

I translate for Arazha and then back away down the secret passage to the north.

2013-10-08, 10:41 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red scratches his nose. He then takes a step back, directly to west, and draws a sap from his waist, and hurls it at the monster. "Mental note. I need something cool-looking to throw sometimes. Maybe a cool throwing knife. Or one of those hand-crossbows. Or a shuriken. Or at least a javelin. Doesn't look cool throwing a sap." But he makes a pose nonetheless, with his polearm back down and ready again.

5' step back to West as free action. Free action to hold the guisarme in one hand. Move action to draw a sap, Standard action to throw it. Healing Priority: Whoever is hurt before him going, then Arazha, then Lauren.

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3AGI-2 Shaky-4 Improvised Weapon-4 Range 20'):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW+4 VS):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW):[roll15]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-08, 12:41 PM
Dave stops concentrating on his swarm, and pewpews! He hits the otyugh square in the eyestalk with a very precise but not very powerful blast of eldritch power, poking out one of its three eyes. It narrows the other two at him.

The bat swarm dissipates.

The hissing creatures finally get their act together a bit! Apparently one of them decides their prey isn't going to come after them so they have to go after it! One of them trundles up to the otyugh (which misses it with an attack of opportunity), sniffs at the bigger aberration with its tentacles, and... yes, softly pokes the otyugh with its tentacle. The otyugh twitches slightly when touched, but does not visibly appear affected. The little aberration appears a little satisfied, though.

Lauren issues orders to her party, then withdraws!

The otyugh is baffled anew by the vanishment of the swarm! And it's been poked by a little tentacle-creature! And there's this other guy just standing there, waiting for it to move closer! So it flails in all directions! It tries to tentacle and bite the little aberration, and it tries to tentacle Kataun! It completely misses Kataun, but it hits the little hissing creature with both of its attacks, taking a chunk out of the little creature with its massive jaws and bludgeoning it with a tentacle.

Arazha launches a rock at the otyugh! And misses!

Kataun's readied action does not trigger, nothing gets close enough to him, so he picks a new action! He chucks the sap straight at the otyugh as hard as he can, and it... lands with a plop in the broken fountain behind him.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #h~~~~.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
O - otyugh (squeezing)
h - hissing thing

2013-10-08, 07:01 PM

Dave takes another blast at the aboleth.


2013-10-09, 06:12 AM

I cross my arms and level a glare at Dave.

"I'm just trying to get us to kill this thing efficiently! If you retreat it's now stupid enough to attack only the biggest threat. If you keep blasting it, it will decide you are the biggest threat!

If it's that stupid already, I can kill it instantly with one more spell, but I'm not doing that because it would be a waste. Blasting it is a waste of the healing spells we'll need when it decides to chew your head off!

Now get over here and let it fight those other creatures and your swarms!"

2013-10-09, 11:19 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red looks around. "I hate to tell you this, Mr Pink, but Miss Blond is probably right. You know the **** hits the fan pretty soon, when we run into Nalf or whoever the boss of this cave is, they wiggle their bone fingers in front of my face and I'm going to go all spirally-eyed and put completely under their control. Then you guys have to blow all the tricks under your sleeve to get us out again. We might have to save what we got on these boss fights, and not blow our stuff on these trash pulls."

Kataun yoinks the sap behind him. "Oh hey! Who left one here!"

And as he puts the sap away onto his belt, "Besides, there are those hissy-tentaclies. Swarm might catch them along with the big tentacly. Plus, you don't have to worry too much about me getting bitten by your vermints. Those just kind of tickle me a wee bit." Then he leans over to Dave and whispers, "Aaaand, I think she's a bit grumpy because her power is, you know, some kind of lame HEART thing." Mr Red akimboes again.

Move action to pick up the sap, Standard action to put it away.

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW):[roll0]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll1]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll2]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll3]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW):[roll4]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll5]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat+1MW):[roll6]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll7]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll8]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll9]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+1MW):[roll10]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll11]

2013-10-09, 12:45 PM
Dave shoots more eldritch blast! He pegs the otyugh right where one of its legs meets its body. It's starting to look rather unsteady now.

The little hissing things crowd down the tunnel! One of them crowds the other next to the otyugh, and they both start caressing the bigger aberration with their tentacles!

Lauren waits for the others to follow her instructions!

Normally, the otyugh would probably be smart enough not to spend several rounds stuck in a squeezey tunnel, surrounded by foes. But it has been dumbified by Lauren, so in the tunnel it remains.

However, it's getting a little freaked out by the little tentacle-monsters making it feel uncomfortable, so it squeezes further away from them (they caress it with attacks of opportunity as it goes), towards Kataun (it comes all the way up next to him, provoking an attack of opportunity; Kataun hits it a solid strike, healing Arazha)! Then it notices that Kataun is in its way, so it pays the tentacleing forward, trying to swipe at him! But it misjudges the distance and hits the wall instead.

Arazha, because the creature is coming closer, now elects to follow Lauren's instructions and withdraw... but she provokes an attack of opportunity from the otyugh on the second square she moves through, because its tentacles are long and stretchy. Luckily for her, though, the otyugh misses her.

Kataun picks up the sap and puts it away! And now he finds the creature once more close enough to strike!

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #&~~~~.....@#
#...# #h#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
O - otyugh (squeezing)
h - hissing thing
& - two hissing things squeezing

2013-10-10, 03:32 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red notices the otyugh and turns toward it. "O, hai. I'm sorry, we are having a conversation here. No interrupting!" Kataun tosses his guisarme and draws his flail, and attempt to pound the large monster.

Free action to drop the guisarme, standard action to Vanguard Strike. If it happens to kill Otyugh, drop the flail again and pick up the guisarme as a move action to ready for more monsters coming. Healing priority: Whoever takes damage, then Dave, then whoever is around.

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+4 VS):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +4 VS, maybe +1 MW):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll8]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll9]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possibly +4 VS possibly +1 MW):[roll10]
Damage Heavy Flail+4 x1.5 Str:[roll11]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll12]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +4 VS, maybe +1 MW):[roll13]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll14]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll15]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 STR: [roll16]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll17]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possibly +4 VS possibly +1 MW):[roll18]
Damage Heavy Flail +4 x1.5 Str:[roll19]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll20]

2013-10-12, 01:20 PM
Lauren and Dave delay until the top of the next round.

One of the hissing things creeps up behind the otyugh -- provoking an attack of opportunity, but the otyugh misses it -- and touches the larger monster with a tentacle.

The other two move up, but refrain from entering squeezing.

The otyugh full attacks! Everything in range (except not Dave)! It barely misses Kataun, and manages to grab one of the small hissing aberrations, picking it up and shaking it.

Arazha delays until Lauren tells her to do something else.

Kataun drops his guisarme, pulls out his flail, and slams it into the otyugh right below the eyestalk! The otyugh drops the little hissing thing, flailing its tentacles and gnashing its excessively large teeth, then collapses in an inert, oozing, twitching heap. Then it stops twitching. (Then Kataun drops his flail and picks up his guisarme, to threaten the little hissing things again.) Dave, if he's injured, is healed for 2 points, yes?

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~~.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun (standing over his flail)
a - Arazha
h - hissing thing

2013-10-13, 04:32 PM

With the fight backed off sufficiently, Dave summons a swarm of bats to fill the tunnel, centered on the middle hisser.

2013-10-14, 07:16 AM

With the Otyugh apparently dead, I huffily stalk back to the fountain cavern to take a shot at the hissing things. <These children are going to get themselves killed!> I grumble to Arazha, allowing my frustration to cause a rare slip into disdain for the younger races. Particular disdain is levelled at Dave. Kataun at least acknowledged the wisdom of my advice. And to be fair to Kataun, falling back would have left Dave vulnerable. Maybe Kataun can be taught, I sigh as I take the shot.


2013-10-14, 08:27 AM
Kataun smacks the closest hissy thing with Leading the Attack maneuver.

2013-10-14, 02:05 PM
Lauren (who had actually been hanging out closer to the fight than I had her on the map, my bad) returns, and takes a potshot at the nearest little aberration! But her bolt caroms off the wall and plunks into the floor.

Dave summons bats!

The bats swoop and swarm and nip and bite at the little hissing aberrations, making them bleed.

Arazha gives a kind of 'it is what it is' shrug to Lauren, then also returns to fight alongside her, loading her sling with another bullet.

The hissing creatures! One of them 5' steps to Kataun and... caresses him with a tentacle. It just barely hits him with its touch attack, and it feels really weird as it eats his thoughts and instincts, doing 1 wisdom damage to him. It looks slightly healthier than it did a moment ago.

The other two flail about, whacking more violently at the swarm of bats, but the bats just avoid the flailing tentacles.

Kataun uses an armor spike to smack the hissing thing that just came at him! He whacks it a solid blow (everybody gets +4 to hit it now, and Arazha is healed back to full).

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~~.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun (standing over his flail)
a - Arazha
h - hissing thing
b - bats
& - hissing thing and bats

2013-10-14, 02:12 PM

Dave Maintains the swarm.

2013-10-15, 01:42 AM

Still singularly displeased from earlier, I lash out at the creature Kataun's fighting with one of my more visually impressive spells. Luckily, he appears to be doing something to make firin into melee easier. The entire cavern blazes orange-white as a tiny ball of fire blasts from my palms towards the foe!

Ranged touch: [roll0]
Fire damage: [roll1]

2013-10-15, 11:47 AM
Kataun Yriand

With a wee bit of star in his eyes, Mr. Red is still not sure about this whole tentacle things. "Er...I didn't like the way you touched me. Maybe I did. I can't tell. But I have to ask you to sit down a bit while I contemplate." Kataun snaps his finger and a mini-fiery Mr. Red arises from the ground in the midst of the bats. Some bats fly into the flame-body of mini-Kataun and promptly torched. The tiny figure cackles and then starts to try to bother the hissy-monster. Then suddenly regular-sized Kataun drops down and attempts to leg-sweep the wierd hissy tentacle thing while the thing is looking at the fiery-Kataun. Then the Fiery-Kataun disappears, waving at the hissy monster.

Swift action to use Distracting Ember, flanking the closest Hissy Thing (tm). Standard action to attempt Trip (with Imp Trip from Wolf Totem, it doesn't draw AoO). Healing priority: Whoever takes damage, then Lauren, then whoever is around.

To Hit Touch AC (+3BAB+3STR+2 Flanking):[roll0]
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll1]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+2 Flanking):[roll2]
Damage +3 x1 Str:[roll3]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll4]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll5]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll6]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll7]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possily +1 MW):[roll8]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll9]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll10]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll11]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll12]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll13]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possily +1 MW):[roll14]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll15]

2013-10-15, 02:50 PM
Lauren fires a ball of fire at the nearest monster! The creature, alas, ducks under the ball of fire, and it explodes against a wall, leaving a scorch mark.

Dave concentrates on bats!

Dave's bats have the option to go towards the party, ceasing to engulf one or more creatures in order to begin engulfing an equal number of creatures, or to go away from the party, engulfing no more and no fewer creatures. The swarm, collectively, elects to move one square east. It inflicts many small bites upon the two hissing things there!

Arazha chucks a rock at the closest hissing thing! And misses! So she reloads! (She appears to be getting maybe a little frustrated that she isn't more useful.)

The hissing things! The one next to Kataun flails, more violently this time, with a tentacle! It hits him, bludgeoning a weak spot in his armor with the tentacle, doing 6 damage and 1 wisdom damage to him.

One of the other hissing things tries to get out of the bat swarm, going to the south, where it can no longer be seen.

The last hissing thing tries to get out of the bat swarm, then successfully attacks the bats! The bats are mostly unaffected, but the hissing thing appears to stop bleeding.

Kataun summons a mini-fire-Kataun, and then sweeps his legs through the little monster's feet! The creature falls prone, so Kataun stabs it squarely with his spikes! The hissing thing looks unsteady, like it's on its last legs. Metaphorically, that is; right now, it isn't on its legs at all, it's on its side. It goes down. (Kataun heals himself for 2 and Lauren for 2... or something like that?)

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #b~~~~.....@#
#...# #h#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun (standing over his flail)
a - Arazha
h - hissing thing
b - bats

2013-10-15, 05:27 PM

With the foes cut down to size, dave elects to prevent potential disaster and allows the swarm to disapate harmlessly.

He then gathers and throws a bolt of dark energy at the Hissing thing.

Eldrich blast the eldrich beast.
Touch attack:[roll0]

2013-10-15, 05:54 PM
Kataun Yriand

Now, he's got a bit of a grin. Not very satisfied grin, but more like I'm a bit drunk silly grin. "Oh! I hehehe, it worked. Hehehe." He points and laughs at another hissy monster, and tries to smack it.

Standard action to Maneuver Leading the Attack. If there's a Hissing Monster next to him, use the Armor Spike. If there happens not to be one next to him, use the Guisarme. Healing priority: Kataun, then Lauren, then whoever is around.

To Hit Regular AC (+3BAB+3STR + possible MW +1):[roll0]
Damage Armor Spike +3 x1 Str:[roll1]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll2]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll3]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR+4 LA And Possible +1 MW):[roll4]
Damage +3 x1 Str:[roll5]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 Str:[roll6]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll7]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll8]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll9]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll10]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possily +1 MW):[roll11]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll12]

To Hit (+3BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll13]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll14]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll15]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll16]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+3BAB+3STR Possily +1 MW):[roll17]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll18]

2013-10-16, 04:23 AM

I too am feeling more than a little frustrated with my involvement so far, even as Kataun's skill heals my wounds. I start throwing prudence to the wind. The creatures don't appear to be smart enough to avoid the bats, so maybe I can kill them outright. I extend a finger towards the nearest creature. "Stupify!" Again, a bright yellow beam bursts from my fingertips with its characteristic 'uh' noise.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Int Damage: [roll1]
Also, I think I healed 4 from Kataun's two hits so I'm back to full strength.

2013-10-16, 10:07 AM
Lauren points and stupefies! But once again, her ray hits the wall, to no apparent effect. (The wall is now dumber!)

Dave allows the bats to unbe, and pewpews at the nearest hissing thing! He hits it squarely, and it looks close to death!

Arazha tries to finish it off! And actually hits it! And... just barely doesn't manage to finish it off!

Hissy Thing One is, perhaps, just barely smart enough to know that its one hope lies with sucking out a bit more of Kataun's smarts! So it 5' steps to him, and attempts to stroke his head with its tentacles. It successfully does so! It looks slightly healthier, and Kataun takes another 1 wisdom damage.

Hissy Thing Two, the bats gone, waddles up behind its compatriot, just into Kataun's range! And then through his range, trying to get through its buddy and around to eat the delicious minds he's there to protect! But Kataun slams the creature to the floor with his guisarme, where it twitches, but doesn't move. (He heals for 2.)

Then Kataun armor spikes the last remaining hissing thing, right through its bulbous tail-like thing! It, too, goes down. (Lauren heals for 2, leaving her at, yes, full strength, because I failed to notice that Kataun hit two things last round, thus heaing himself and Lauren.)

The battlefield is silent but for the rushing of water to the east! All the foes are dead! You gain 850XP each.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~~.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun (standing over his flail)
a - Arazha

2013-10-16, 10:40 AM
Kataun Yriand

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He points and laughs, and starts chopping up all the bodies on the floor into bits.


2013-10-16, 10:49 AM

I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I'm still angry at myself for my lack of impact on the battle before, and now I'm almost out of spells of any note. I'm feeling ignored and insignificant, despite defusing the threat posed by the Otyugh. This fight was messy and there was no need for it to have been that way. I'm about ready to take all this out on someone, but Leonora seems to think she should be giving Kataun a once over, hopping on the cavern floor just out of range of Kataun's Guisarme and cawing at him in elvish. I translate.

"Um Kataun, are you ok? Leonora's asking politely if you'll stop waving your blade around so she can take a look at you. She'd also like to know if you can tell her many Primaries she's holding up."

2013-10-16, 11:31 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun keeps pounding the bodies on the floor. "But see, these tentacles, they are still twitching!" After making sure all the bodies are cut up into small pieces and stop wiggling, Mr. Red finally stops and points the polearm towards the Raven. "What do you mean Primaries! Endeesey Five is a Dictatorship, and I'm the benevolant overlord! We need no stinking election! Zero primary!"
Coup de Grace Everything!

2013-10-16, 12:00 PM

<Um, zero primaries,> I translate for Leonora, who wing-faces, before making a characteristic circling gesture with a wingtip pointed at her temple, before shrugging. We hold a short conversation in elvish before I translate the verdict for tthe others.

"Leonora thinks his mind has been affected, but it's not too bad and as long as we don't run into more of those things we should all be fine. Shall we survey the garbage dump and inspect the bodies for any treasure? I'll need a full night's rest before I can be helpful in another battle unfortunately."

2013-10-16, 01:59 PM

"Really? Cause he sounds only a little bit less sane then normal. So you want to leave? But, the pile is right their and I have an endless amount of dark power to pour into that trash heap. Without the monsters to stop me, shouldn't take more then an hour."

Dave raises an eyebrow. Wizards... always get on my case for using "dumbed down magic" and "not having to work for it." Yet I can go all day and not break a sweat, and they cause a little havoc and go "boy, that took it out of me, time for a nap." Sheesh.

2013-10-16, 02:09 PM

"Good job... I now have some trash to burn. Excuse me..."
Dave tries to step around K and over to the river side. If he gets there, he begins pumping eldrich energies into the pile... hoping it will all disintegrate eventually.
Oops, this was pre laura starting a conversation. Just saving this for when it is needed.

2013-10-16, 03:40 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun sits down pouting, picking up his heavy flail and toss it behind his back and holding the guisarme out. "But mom, I hate cleaning my room!" He is transfixed with the pew pew beam destroying the pile of garbage and smiling while watching the area being cleared without him doing any work.


2013-10-16, 03:48 PM

"All I'm saying is let's think about this for a moment. Torching the rubbish may inadvertently poison the river irreparably or render the air in here unbreathable. And the trash heap isn't the source of the problem, the hidden base is. If we clear the heap without destroying the base then the problem will just recur. And if we were to run into Nalf then in the state we're in he'd probably dominate Kataun and then we'd all be dead inside of ten seconds. Just blasting may alert the base, and then we'd be in serious trouble."

"Let's study the pile, sure. If there's a good way to take care of it then we'll do that, but let's not rush in to something we may not be able to get out of. It could be we'll need to bring back military support."

I pause thoughtfully.

"Or we could always clear the pile and leave a note threatening to reveal their base if they don't clear up their act. That might work."

2013-10-16, 05:48 PM

"We call in the military, and whatever officer they send with us will claim the bounty. We may or may not be allowed to live to see him do so. Leave a note and they might move... or might just get ready for a fight. The river has been like this since I can remember, its in all the history I have heard of. How can Nalf be behind it corruption? Wait... You said dominate! What is Nalf? I never did really hear what went on after you were kidnapped."

2013-10-17, 01:50 PM
Kataun successfully minces all the foes into little tiny harmless bits!

Let me know when Dave actually starts trying to pewpew the trash.

Arazha is beginning to pick up a few words of Common, and she's picking up some of the argument from inflection and gestures, and also maybe Lauren is translating the gist of the argument for her. So eventually, once she grasps enough of the argument, she interjects, (still in Gith, of course), <Might we make camp nearby, inside the cave, while Dave destroys the trash?>

2013-10-17, 02:27 PM

What Dave said makes me stop to think. It's true, I haven't said much about what happened whilst I was captured by Nalf. I try and think back over everything I can remember.

"I... I couldn't work out what Nalf was. I don't think he's anything special, but I don't know. He managed to shrug off my charm spell without my knowledge, which is impressive, and then managed to do the same to Kataun. Perhaps Dominate Person is beyond him - if not he'd be frighteningly powerful - but he is still a skilled enchanter and swordsman and we should not underestimate that."

I pace back and forth a bit, brow creased in thought.

"I know less of Absterbossk. I remember trying to identify puzzle him out before, though the situation was not ideal. Nalf did call him an 'Old Squid'. And I suspect I was being taken to be harvested due to my magical ability or intelligence, and that I needed to be alive for that. There was maybe something else about using lightning for communication, but I'm less sure about that..."

I tail off again, once more lost in thought. I wonder what Absterbossk could be. This time the 'old squid' reference is much closer to the forefront of my mind.

Then I reply to Arazha's comment (I am of course still translating for the entire group). "Yes, making camp here might be sensible. I would like to think about our approach before setting dave on the garbage pile."

Knowledge check: What is Absterbossk?

Knowledge checks, best way to dispose of garbage pile? Architecture & Engineering? (+6)
Consequences for the river? Nature (+6)
All other checks +5 and untrained except for geography and local (+6), Arcana and The Planes(+11).

2013-10-17, 02:54 PM
Lauren is still not certain what Absterbossk is. Communicating by electricity certainly doesn't describe any creature she's familiar with, as far as she can recall. "Squid" probably means tentacles, and tentacles usually means aberrations, but Lauren's studies of aberrations have been woefully neglected compared to her other studies. If only they'd brought Jail's Aberration Cyclopedia from the library, she could peruse it and maybe find out. (Though the she-orc librarian might not have appreciated the book leaving her sight.)

Lauren's knowledge of engineering and nature are rather more fruitful:

Probably the best way to deal with the trash is to wish it away. Failing that, walling it up with a wall of stone or the like would be good. Dave blasting it with his eldritch blast (and baleful utterance) would probably break it up into smaller and smaller chunks, and might neutralize some of the noxious chemicals, might evaporate some of it, could even completely destroy and denature much of it -- the eldritch blast can be unpredictable, and she would have to carefully study Dave blasting the garbage to determine exactly what its effects would be.

But it would probably leave behind some residue, a dust or slurry, which would probably flow easily into the river and be just as bad as leaving the trash here to continue to leach into it. With such a sudden dose of noxiousness, some would probably find its way into the soil, though much would flow into the ocean, and at least the water would flow clean afterwards.

If the trash is removed, it could still take years for the problems with the groundwater and the soil to completely go away, but at least it wouldn't keep getting worse, which is what will happen as long as the trash is here.

Except that nothing is stopping Nalf or Absterbossk or whatever minions live in their base from just dumping more trash in the heap and perpetuating the problem back to square 1.

2013-10-17, 03:18 PM
Arazha is somewhat familiar with mind flayers -- after all, she was on the material plane hunting their minions -- and she does agree that "squid" and being harvested for ones brains are mind flayer traits, and Absterbossk could plausibly be a mind flayer name. She doesn't know about the lightning-communication thing, though -- <Mind flayers are telepathic.>

Pitching the entire dump into the river would probably have much the same effect. Eventually, the river would wash the trash into the ocean, and it would take maybe a few years for the land to become clean. It might resist seeping into the groundwater and the soil a bit better than if it were liquefied by Dave's eldritch blast, but also the eldritch blast could potentially evaporate some of the more noxious bits.

The best course of action might be to sort it: dumping the innocuous stuff (corpses, etc) in the river, eldritch blasting and baleful utteranceing the less-innocuous, toxic stuff.

2013-10-17, 09:02 PM

"Wait... So now we are camping next to the home of an eldrich abomination and a sword mage? Whatever we do, being able to run sounds like a good idea... Also, if you are worried about blasting it all away... what if I just set rats on it. We hide and I just keep summoning waves of them. Rats like trash? Right?"

Corpses, so innocuous.

2013-10-18, 03:31 AM

"That's actually not a bad idea. The rats could help sort through the spoil heap. From whatever's left, we could dispose of the harmless items in the river and Dave can disintegrate whatever's left.

It will still take years for the local ecology to recover, and the main problem is that unless we somehow remove the source of the problem, we won't have solved anything. The base is the larger issue. I don't like our chances for taking it by force. I think our best bet may be to serve an Antisocial Behavior Order as a prelude to an Eviction Notice on behalf of the government of Gus."

2013-10-18, 11:53 AM

"Oh... wait I think I have it now. The garbage pile was always here, the Oglyoth made sure of that, but only recently has it gotten worse by way of the base. Now the trashlovers dead I see no reason they would want to keep the garbage piled high. If we could clear it, then I really doubt anyone would mind one more person dumping in it. Its not like Endeassy doesn't dump all their sewage into the sea..."

2013-10-18, 12:39 PM
Kataun Yriand

There was a sudden lightbulb above Mr. Red's head. "Oh oh oh, I know!" He disappears, and reappears with paint buckets and brush in his hands. "Look, we can serve Anti-Social Behavoir Order all over these walls!"
Just typing stuff to indicating I'm around, and keeping truck of things. Kataun's character doesn't offer much more insight on the issues so...

2013-10-20, 08:46 AM

I double check my calculations quickly.

Except that nothing is stopping Nalf or Absterbossk or whatever minions live in their base from just dumping more trash in the heap and perpetuating the problem back to square 1.

"No, I think the Otyugh is just a symptom. This pile is easily small enough to have been first generated by the base, and I don't think simply removing it will solve the problem in the long term. We either need to destroy the base, force its relocation, or convince its inhabitants to dispose of their waste more sustainably. Given our current status, the latter may be our best course of action. I'd need to do some more research to be sure."

"In any case I see no harm in attempting to first remove the waste pile as you wish. Rats then eldritch fire! I'll be resting in the fountain room so that I may refresh my spells in the morning. Wake me if anything happens."

2013-10-21, 03:03 PM
So Lauren shall make camp in the fountain room, to have a trance and replenish her spells! Arazha indicates an inclination to do the same (except instead of "trance" read "sleep", and instead of "spells" read "psi-like abilities").

Dave shall keep a watch concentrating on conjuring rats into the garbage? And then, if the rats grow bored of the garbages, starting to pewpew the heaps of garbage with his gun that shoots benches eldritch blast! Yes?

Kataun and Dave will presumably also want to rest at some point, for the purpose of a.) being well-rested and b.) leveling up, yes?

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈@@...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~~.....@#
#...# #.#~~~~@..@@#
#.KD# #.#~~~~@..@##
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile river
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha

2013-10-21, 03:51 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun watches Dave burn the pile of toxic stuff the rats won't touch. He laughs, "Heh, heh, heh, fire. Heh, fire." and occasionally summons small fire elemental that looks just like Kataun.
Yes, rest, also, takes care of Rocinante.

2013-10-22, 03:51 AM

After completing my trance, I take over the second part of the watch. Luckily this isn't strenuous, so I'll still be in the right frame of mind to prepare my spells in the morning. I sit near the others and idly consider the legal means we could use to force Asterbossk's base to clean up its act. Leonora helps keep a watch by flitting about the perimeter to peer into spots less easily observable from where I'm sat, though never straying too far.

2013-10-22, 12:47 PM

Yes, Dave will Summon rats to eat the garbage, Baleful utterance anything that is small enough and that the rats won't touch it, and blast the rest.

He will keep going until it seems like there isn't anything else worth destroying, and then rest.

2013-10-22, 01:26 PM
So Lauren goes into a trance, and Arazha curls up and has a nap!

Kataun makes his way back through the cave to check up on Rocinante and Jarrus. Inside the cave isn't very comfortable, and there's not a lot for a horse to eat, but it's probably a bit safer than outside, and at least protected from the elements. The horse can defend himself pretty well, too.

Then Kataun comes back and has himself a rest, too!

Meanwhile, Dave summons rats at the garbage!

The otyugh, being a garbage-eater, appears to have already eaten most of the larger edible bits of the trash. Still, there's plenty for the rats to nibble on.

This takes about five hours. Concentrating on the rats is kind of like meditation, except more strenuous. Eventually, fewer rats are eating trash than are scattering away from the swarm or trying to cross the river to get at Dave (before being unsummoned and promptly replaced), which is a decent sign that most of the rat-edible stuff has been eaten and carted back to the plane of earth or darkness where the rats live.

Dave can't hit all the trash from across the river, so at some point he'll probably have to cross to get everything. But for now, he can get what he can reach.

Then Dave starts baleful utteranceing the bigger chunks of trash, cursing at them in Dark Speech. Misshapen panes and crystals of what look like grayish glass shatter quite satisfyingly. The other stuff disintegrates okay.

Occasionally, Dave hits some alchemical residue, and there's a burst of light or sound or fire. One of these explosions sets a heap of trash to burning merrily. Another utterance at a canister of what turns out to be acid winds up dissolving a hole in the trash, and then in the floor. (The hole soon fills up with scummy water.) Then he starts using his eldritch blast on the smaller chunks, dissolving and evaporating some of it, turning some of it into powder or slurry or ash, some of which does wind up sifting or sliming its way into the river.

After another four hours, Dave has pretty much cleared away all the trash that he can reach from this side of the river. Most of the remaining trash within reach has been reduced to slurry, and further blasts don't seem to be having much further effect.

This work is repetitive enough that it's restful enough for Dave to level up, though not to grant any other benefits of a rest. Everybody else gets legit 8 hours of rest. And then there's enough time to start having a touch of breakfast, before:

Dave hears a click between his eldritch blasts, and sees the unusual grayish door at the eastern side of the cavern, the one that Lauren said must lead to Nalf's and Absterbossk's base, begin to swing open!

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈,,...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~≈,..@@#
#.L.# #.#~~~~,..@##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha

2013-10-22, 02:35 PM
Oh yeah, before that happens:

Lauren, while keeping watch, does a little thinking and recollecting and drafting and blueprinting.

She's aware that, in Gus (being a libertarian (u/dys)topia), most lawsuits are handled entirely privately. Most of that sort of dispute are handled through private arbitration. She can think of a few law firms and a few arbitration firms and a few that do both.

Astonishingly (to an elf from Miranda, anyway, where sustainable environmental caretaking constitutes much of the economy), there's hardly any precedent in Gus for environmental disputes of any kind. But then, there hasn't really been much of a land environment for long enough for it to become an issue.

Lauren does suspects that a competent law firm could probably come up with some precedent relating to neighbors dumping sewage on each other's property, even if they have to go back to the days of the Disreputable City to find it. She's pretty sure that the Viscount Noodleton, as protector of the land and its people, is the one who would have standing to sue.

But the main reason private arbitration works is that everybody involves agrees to abide by private decisions. There's no telling whether Nalf or Absterbossk would be at all inclined to abide by the social contract of Gus.

Lauren can draft a reasonably official-seeming cease-and-desist letter on behalf of the Viscount Noodleton, formally requesting, basically, that Nalf and/or Absterbossk and/or their representatives a.) stop polluting or b.) meet with the Viscount and an arbitrator to settle the dispute.

Adventurers don't tend to work in very large groups -- if they were, they'd be mercenaries or privateers -- but Lauren figures probably they could get a few dozen recruits to help assault the base. Few of them would be likely to be very much help, though, especially if her hypothesis about Absterbossk being a mind flayer turns out to be true.

Then Lauren blueprints an underground waste disposal unit! She's not a sanitation engineer, but she apparently studied the subject extensively at some point, because she comes up with an excellent system for a combination compost/recycling/incinerator, much better than the current dumping system in every way. The main benefit of the dumping system is probably the deal with the otyugh, which helped defend the base, so she can even design the system so the incinerator can be redirected to defend a corridor, so Absterbossk can't complain that their defenses will be weakened by doing away with the garbage dump.

And then the door opens!

2013-10-22, 03:56 PM

My contemplation has certainly been fruitful. I particularly enjoyed sketching out plans for the Incinerator/biocomposter/security system. It's almost enough to make me think I should have considered being an engineer rather than a mage! I'd have liked to have spent a little bit more time drafting the legal part of my letter as well, but it seems I got bogged down a bit in the detail. Leonora startles me out of my reverie me to the opening door, and I quickly hurry over to prevent Dave blasting the first thing he sees that moves. He has been up all night after all!

"Dave, don't shoot!"

I hurry over to within sight of the door, and double check that my crossbow is loaded, just in case.

"We're here to talk!" I call in the direction of the open door. "We've come on behalf of the Viscount Noodleton and Terek, Second of His Name, King of Gus, Vice-Admiral of the Dread Fleet, Ninth Count Rogan, and Emperor of the Mongrelfolk regarding the quality of the waste disposal facilities of this base and the resultant pollution of the river. Could we speak to Messrs Nalf, Absterbossk, or an individual authorised to speak on their behalf?"

2013-10-22, 04:31 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun pokes Lauren in her back. "Pssst, aren't these bad guys, with capital B and capital G? Shouldn't we be delivering punishment to them?"


2013-10-22, 07:09 PM

Dave staggers a bit as the door opens, Manic Grin firmly in place after a night channeling powers beyond mortal comprehension and very little sleep.
He is still singing quietly about death and his beautiful rodents, and seems ready to dish out whatever kind of pain is needed.

He gonna get some sort of penalty for a sleepless night? or that much sustained casting? Just curious.

Also, character leveling to come shortly.

2013-10-22, 07:55 PM

He gonna get some sort of penalty for a sleepless night? or that much sustained casting? Just curious.I'm gonna say yes: Dave is fatigued (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fatigued).

Arazha follows Lauren and Kataun to the place within sight of the door.

The creatures that emerge from the strange door are... not mind flayers, at least. Unless Dave or Kataun put ranks into knowledge(dungeoneering) during the night, nobody recognizes the creatures.

They float in the air like bulbous, brain-shaped balloons. Ten long, spiny tentacles hang from the bottom of each balloon-creature, twisting in the air like ropes. Each has a sharp parrot-like beak in the front of its body, but no other visible facial features.


A quartet of the creatures floats out of the tunnel. They don't appear to understand, or respond in any way, to Lauren's words. They definitely know you're there, though. They appear to be deferring to the one in the back, allowing it to take a moment to survey the scene: the otyugh is missing, much of the trash is trashed, and here are four humanoids.

The reaction of the creatures, if any, is inscrutable.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈≈≈≈,,...@@#
#.*.# #L~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~≈,..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~,..@##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster

2013-10-22, 08:51 PM

Dave's grin spreads, casually ignoring physics and the size of his face, definitely Fae.
"Ratharhca! Bats margthing rack, BAAAAAATTTTTSSSS*!"

He summons a swarm of bats as close to the quartet as possible. He then backs up a bit down the tunnel to stay out of the swarms way but not far enough to break line of sight.


2013-10-23, 02:15 AM

I may not recognise the creatures, but that doesn't mean I'm can't perform a tactical analysis. They each have 10 decidedly lethal-looking tentacles. Probably a multitude of attacks each and good at grappling. Their brain-like appearance and evident telekinetic power suggests formidable intelligence. Lack of eyes suggests blindsight or tremorsense - more likely blindsight. Their beaks are in the shape of predatory birds, and we don't even have the advantage of numbers.

My spells today are optimised against sighted mobs of weaker foes or individual casters. Engaging them in close combat appears suicidal, and we have no way to prevent them closing. Perhaps negotiation might have been possible before Dave dropped a swarm on them, but I doubt that will be possible now. I would be willing to bet my spellbook they're not stupid enough to be distracted by it.

This complete analysis takes just under a second.


I push past Dave and Arazha, giving the gith woman a tug as I go, making for the cave entrance as rapidly as I can.

2013-10-23, 10:28 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun watches the scene in bemusement. "Huh, near trick. The bats look just like Mr Pink's."


2013-10-23, 05:39 PM
Lauren orders the group to run, then follows her own instructions!

Arazha has come to recognize that Lauren is the one with her head on straightest, and if she thinks it's time to run, maybe it's time to run. But first, she manifests an inertial armor on herself!

One of the monsters defers to its leader.

Dave manifests bats, then backs up a touch!

The bats swarm the closest three of the monsters, each of which gets an attack of opportunity, none of which hit! Then the bats bite and nip at the bulbous, fleshy membranes! They begin to bleed ichor!

The four monsters twitch and gesticulate with their tentacles, silently. Then they apparently decide on a plan!

One monster flails away with all its tentacles at once, and also bites! A mad flurry of tentacles and beak all up in ons the bats, flailing like Animal on the drums! It hits with half of its tentacles, taking down so many bats that those few which remain disperse, scattering, the swarm breaking up, defeated. However, in this mad flailing, the floating creature falls off-balance, and will only be able to make a move action next round.

The leader of the monsters backs up, away from its compatriots, to lessen the probability that it gets caught in another swarm. Then it performs a complicated series of tentacle-gesticulations, squawks, and pulling something out of a pouch. Dave doesn't recognize the spell; the squawks sound wrong to Lauren, almost-but-not-quite like recognizable verbal components for a conjuration spell.

The monster that delayed shifts to get a better angle on Dave, and you see that one of its tentacles is tipped with a 3'-long silvery metal object, almost like a pointy rod or wand. (You notice that all four creatures have one of these things, in fact.) This one aims at Dave, and a blast of electricity spews forth from the device, hitting Dave square in one arm, sending it twitching, for 14 electricity damage.

Kataun, transfixed by the swiftly-destroyed bats, delays until the top of the next round.

The last monster floats, leisurely-like, southwards, aims its shiny device at Kataun, and fires. Kataun barely, just barely, dodges out of the way of the blast.

#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#L# #≈≈≈≈,,...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~≈..ç..@#
#...# #.#~~~≈,..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~,..@##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader

2013-10-23, 05:45 PM

Dave continues muttering gibberish, though it seems to be more concerned gibberish. He throws another bat swarm right on top of the lead monster, then retreats down the tunnel.

2013-10-24, 05:36 AM

I pause briefly in the corridor to the secret door, manifesting a Shield spell to protect me. I note that Arazha is following me, but there appears to be no sign of Kataun.

"Kataun, get out of there!" I yell, before once more jogging towards the cave entrance.


2013-10-24, 11:33 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Wait, wha? I thought we were going to dispense some justice here! Or at least talk! This is neither dispensing or talking! Wait, wait!", Mr Red looks very confused and starts running after running Endeesey Five-ish members.

Run back to catch up to peeps.

To Hit (+4BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll0]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll1]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll2]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll3]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+3STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll4]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll5]

2013-10-24, 02:02 PM
Kataun withdraws to the secret door! Hopefully there aren't more monsters lurking on the other side of the door.

Lauren moves up to Kataun, then shields herself!

Arazha joins them there.

Dave conjures bats as close as he can to the monsters' leader, then retreats to the rest of the party!

The bats elect to flock the two closest monsters, provoking attacks of opportunity (both of which hit), then biting and nipping at the fleshy monsters!

The dizzy monster emerges from the bat swarm, floating over the filthy river to follow the party!

The lead monster floats over northwest a ways.

Another monster floats north to the ajar door, opens it the rest of the way, and passes through but is too distracted by having found itself in the middle of bats to open it.

You catch only the barest glimpse of the last one floating back down the passage from whence it came. Going for reinforcements?

#---#L# #≈≈
#---#a# #≈≈≈
#---#D# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#.# #≈Ç≈≈,,.ç.@@#
#.*.# #.~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~≈,..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~,..@##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
b - bats

2013-10-24, 04:29 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red huffs and puffs. "OK, so those floaty things are kinda cute, aren't they? I think we should try getting one as a pet. You know, maybe they are like 'coo' and all. I mean, they only used those wand-like thingies. Maybe they make great pets. I vote for petting one of those."


2013-10-24, 07:32 PM

"It is flat all the way round. IT IS FLAT ALL THE WAY ROUND!"

Dave pivots, allowing the previous swarm to dissperse, and summons another bat swarm as far from the party and down the tunnel he came from as possible. He then rejoins the fleeing party, trying to get in front of Mr. Red so that he isn't bringing up the rear.
DR dosn't apply against those Lazor guns right?

2013-10-25, 02:18 AM

I give Kataun a shove to indicate he should open the door before we're all trapped and killed in this bolthole. If he doesn't open the door, I'll push past him and do it myself and then continue fleeing.

"Kataun, they can follow the river around us! If you don't MOVE they'll get to Roccinante before us!"

Still attempting to get away.

2013-10-25, 08:49 AM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red attempts to open the secret door. "Actually, I bet the little guy's brain is tastier than Rocinante's."

OK, I guess Kataun will use his move action to open it.

2013-10-25, 01:09 PM
Kataun activates the door (it slides silently open), and peeks through! There doesn't appear to be anybody on the other side. So he heads through?

Lauren is... presented with the opportunity to take the Run action, actually, it's a straight shot north some hundred feet from here. It would put her a bit ahead of Kataun and the rest of the party, which is risky.

Arazha, convinced by Lauren's insistence on hurrying, takes the run action, even if Lauren doesn't.

Dave stops concentrating on his bats, then conjures new bats! Then he heads north after Kataun!

DR dosn't apply against those Lazor guns right?Correct. And, for that matter, resistance doesn't, either.
Dave's bats have one target, and they target it effectively, nipping and biting at the creature for great justice!

One of the tentacle-balloon-monsters floats, leisurely-like, northwards.

The aberrations' leader floats northwards a bit, back into Dave's line of sight... and that's it.

The last one shakes its way free of the cloud of bats and advances on Dave! It shoots its wand-like thingy at him... but no, as he ducks, he realizes the thing is shooting not at him, but past him, at Kataun! It hits Kataun squarely in the back, for 6 electricity damage.

#---#.# #≈≈≈≈.
#---#.# #≈≈≈≈.
#---#.# #≈≈#####|####
#.-.#ç# #≈≈≈≈,,...@@#
#.*.# #.~~~≈.....@#
#...# #.#~~~≈,..@@#
#...# #.#~~~~,..@##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
ø - broken fountain
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - two possibilities for Lauren's location, depending on whether she Runs
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
b - bats

2013-10-25, 03:51 PM

Pain is finally starting to register... Dave gives up on the swarm and tries to put some distance between himself and the approaching monsters.
Double move to 10ft ahead and 5ft to the west of L's current position, trying to block LOS to all the monsters.

2013-10-25, 05:15 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red staggers and the turns around. "Hey, I felt that!", and he trots away, and turns around the corner.

Kataun will use Move Action to move to the spot N N N NW NW from his current position. Use Standard Action to ready Mountain Hammer, to any of the monster who comes in within his reach with his Guisarme.

To Hit Regular AC (+4BAB+3STR + MW +1):[roll0]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+3STR +1 MW):[roll3]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+4BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+3STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll9]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

2013-10-26, 06:26 AM

I'd keep running, but the group appears to be getting a bit strung out. I consider providing some sort of covering spell, but I don't really have enough range, so instead I take a speculative shot with my crossbow. At more than 100ft, this is one of the most tricky shots I've yet attempted. I once again cursr my inability to master a simple spell like magic missile. After taking the shot I continue to head for the cave entrance.

I did indeed run last turn.

Crossbow: (+4, -2 range increment) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Then move north again.

2013-10-26, 01:02 PM
Kataun heads north, and readies an action!

Lauren turns and shoots off a bolt! Surprisingly, it hits the faraway creature (which emits a slightly startled squawk), but only glances off its tough hide.

Then she heads north again! It is, at this point, far away from Dave's lantern, quite dark. She recalls the general shape of the cave, and stays far away from the weird bottomless hole in the ground (not big enough to fall into, but easily big enough to twist an ankle in).

That said, she steps on something that definitely wasn't there before. Something enormous. Something that moves under her foot and hisses, as a giant snake. In fact, she's pretty sure it is, in fact, definitely some kind of giant snake. And she appears to have woken it. She reflexively backs away before it bites her.

Arazha moves up behind Lauren, wondering why she's stopped. Then she hears the snake. She curses in Gith, and slings a rock at the creature! But in her haste, she messes up, and... wow, that card (Errant Aim: Reroll attack against creature nearest the target). Okay. For once, she manages to roll well! And bonks Lauren right in the back of her head, for 5 damage. Arazha curses again, <To the illithids with this sling!>, which is of course one of the most vile curses in Gith, and (deliberately) throws the offending sling over her shoulder. <Please accept my infinite apologies! Get behind me, I'll hold it off!>

The giant snake shakes itself a bit, waking up, and examines its prey. It nonchalantly slithers back within range of Lauren, trying to bite at her, but its enormous fangs snap shut just shy of the wizardess's face.

Dave's bats bamf back whence they came. Dave hustles around the corner!

One of the balloon-monsters floats northwards, and Lauren and Arazha catch a glimpse of it coming at them over the river.

The balloon-monster leader floats out into the middle of the cavern to the south of the party.

The last balloon-monster decides it wants to catch up with its prey, so it uses the run action... right into Kataun's Mountain Hammer! WHAM! You know what happens when you bop a helium balloon downwards, it hits the floor, then just rebounds and ends up exactly where it started? That happens. The creature is not looking particularly happy, though. Bleedin' ichor all over. Another hit like that will probably take it out. Also, Dave is healed for 2.

At this point, the secret door to the south slides silently shut.

*....## ####

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
~ - clear, fresh water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
☒ - deep pit
@ - heaps of trash (difficult terrain)
, - trash slurry (not difficult terrain)
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - two possibilities for Lauren's location, depending on whether she Runs
K - Kataun
a - Arazha
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
S - huge snake

2013-10-26, 01:55 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Mr Pink, I shall try to get rid of that balloon for you. Keep moving after I attempt to remove it.", and he makes a step to the side (NorthEast, trying to get to a position to use the flanking with Distracting Ember), and raises his left palm up. The small fire elemental in the shape of Kataun rises up from the ground. Makes a *very, very* rude gesture (one that involves its hand under his chin and makes Italian Grandmas very unhappy) to the small, slightly battered balloon thingie. While that one is distracted, Kataun attempt to smash the nearby balloon thingie to the side of the wall.

Then, the Fire-Kataun disappears. But not before making yet another super-rude gesture this time to the Leader. This one involves middle-finger.

Kataun will use non-action to 5' step to NE. Use swift action to use Distacting Ember, to summon an elemental into flanking position. Standard Action to use Mountain Hammer on the nearby enemy.

To Hit Regular AC (+4BAB+3STR + MW +1 +2 flanking):
Damage +4 x1.5 Str +2d6 Mountain Hammer, ignoring all DR:[roll]2d4+4+2d6
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll1]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+3STR +1 MW+2 flanking):[roll2]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll3]

To Hit (+4BAB+3STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll4]
Damage Armor Spike +3 Str:[roll5]
Damage Guisarme +4 x1.5 STR: [roll6]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +3 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll7]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+3STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll8]
Damage +4 x1.5 Str:[roll9]

2013-10-26, 04:59 PM

Dave is quite willing to get out of the way of the fight. He withdraws, avoiding the monsters reach and gets up behind the Gith.

Withdraw action, got the reach to get just behind a...

2013-10-27, 03:44 AM

Argh! A snake! Why did it have to be a snake? Did we not clear this cave out on the way here? I am not in the mood for this right now! "<Arazha, distract it, quick!>

I wait for my ally to provoke the snake into presenting a better target before unleashing a Ray of Stupidity. "Stupify!"

Delay until after arazha.

Ray of Stupidity: [roll0]
Int damage: [roll1]

If the snake goes down, I keep going, calling a warning to Dave/Kataun that they're about to be cut off. If not, I back stay behind Arazha to try and stay out of reach of the snake and break line of sight to the creature closing on us acriss the river.

2013-10-27, 09:38 PM
Lauren delays a moment!

Arazha steps forward, drawing her longsword and provoking an attack of opportunity as she does so! Luckily, the creature's fangs bounce off Arazha's inertial armor. The githzerai gets in a swing at the snake, but completely misses, even though she can see now that Dave's lantern is close enough to dimly illuminate the area!

Then Lauren emits a ray of dumbness! Alas, the snake, despite its immense size, is a lot quicker than it looks, and dodges the ray. There's no safe place from the creature coming up from the river, but the snake has already used its attack of opportunity, so Lauren slips past Arazha and takes up a position in the blasted wreckage of a doorway.

The giant snake is... not equipped to judge the greater threat, so it goes after Arazha! This time, it successfully impales her with its fangs, picking her up and shaking her like a ragdoll, spraying blood everywhere. Then the snake, all leisurely-like, opens up its jaws wide and slurps down Arazha's body whole.

Dave runs up to just outside the snake's reach.

The one of the balloon-monsters that's over the water floats a few feet closer, then targets Dave with its electricity ray! It hits him, for 4 damage!

The led zeppelin lead balloon-monster emits some more squawks, gesticulates a bit more with its tentacles, and... vanishes!

Kataun hits like a meteor, splatting the last balloon-monster against the wall! Its body, venting buoyant gasses, slowly crumples to the ground.

#.L....## ####
#.# #D...##
╪.......# ###

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
S - huge snake

2013-10-27, 10:18 PM

Dave looks at the flying monster, and says in a voice dark and terrible, a baleful utterance if you will."That ****ing Hurt!!!" and attempts to blast the creatures weapon asunder. He then staggers back towards Mr.Red, seeking the shelter of his superior combat skill.

I think he has range from his space... but if no drop a swarm near the creature and move back towards K.

2013-10-28, 02:05 AM

<Arazha!> I shriek, barely able to contain my horror at what just happened to my friend. I can hardly believe she's gone! And I'm next! This is my fault for not hitting the monster when I had the chance. Tears of shame pour down my face even as a detached, logical portion of my mind forces my fear and horror into a dark recess, numbing myself to all feeling except a burning hate for the creature before me. Through clenched teeth I choke out the words of arcane power that I hope will spell the snake's doom.

Ok, another ray of stupidity coming right up. I can't afford another miss.
Attack: [roll0]
Int damage: [roll1]

And I can barely react as the ray misses. I stumble back into the alcove away from the snake, hoping it can't squeeze in after me.

2013-10-28, 01:56 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red hams, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo.......... ................. Miss I-Haven't-Even-Assigned-Color-Yet!", and charges into the big snake who is still enjoying bits of Githzerai.

Swift Action to activate Ferocity, and IF there's a path to charge, Full-Round Action to charge. If not, double move and get within 10' and wave the Guisarme to get its attention...

To Hit Regular AC with Charge (+4BAB+5STR +2 Charing +1 MW):[roll0]
Damage +7x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR +1 MW):[roll3]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +7 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll9]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +7 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll15]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-28, 03:26 PM
Lauren, her eyes blurred by tears, shoots past the snake-monster again! Then she stumbles back into the hallway. Hopefully there's nothing lurking behind the door there to be attracted by the noise.

The giant snake indeed can't easily get at Lauren... but it can get at Dave! It slithers towards him (ignoring the bottomless hole that it's too big to fit into), and bites at him! But the narrow passageway gets in the snake's way, and Dave's armor barely deflects its fangs!

Dave... let's say he takes a 5' step to the east, to get out of the jaws of the snake, to get a bit closer to his target, and to make a path for Kataun, hokay? Then he attempts to shatter the monster's lightning-gun by cussin' at it in the Dark Speech! The item's possessor wills it not to break, and, though it strains and warps and glows slightly, the item, in the end, does not break.

The brain-tentacle-monster in question floats another 10' closer to Dave, and reaches out to smack him with a tentacle! But Dave ducks, and the tentacle passes over his head.

Kataun charges the snake! It gets an attack of opportunity, but completely misses doesn't get an attack of opportunity, because Kataun is too far away. Then Kataun slams into it like a ballista bolt! (+74 is a typo, right? Should be +10, right? Kataun doesn't get +64 damage on a charge or anything? Making the total damage 16, yes?) Kataun heals Dave for 2, then sweeps the snake's... body... attempting to slam it to the ground! Because it is extraordinarily unlucky this round, the snake flops over with a mighty kerTHUD, and Kataun whacks it a second time! This attack wouldn't hit, except the snake finds itself prone, so Kataun leaves a second gash in it, healing Dave for another 2. The snake is no longer so sure about this situation.

#.*SSS## ####
#.# #KD..##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
S - huge snake (prone)

2013-10-28, 05:30 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red sighs, "You know, you are making this awefully difficult for us. If you just kindly get licked by Miss Blonde's beams, we wouldn't have to go through with all of this." Kataun slashes across the snake's eyes.

Standard Action to use Vanguard Strike, Healing Priority is still Dave. Depending on what happens (if Dave vacates his spot and the balloon monster doesn't move, and etcs), Kataun will take 5' step towards the balloon monster to move the balloon monster within Kataun's Reach to stop it from using the zappy-gun with AoO. If the Snake is still prone, keep Snake in 10' reach so Kataun can smack it when it stands up with AoO. If the Snake is *not* prone, 5' away to get away from Snake 10' reach, so if he wants to attack us, he will have to squeeze into the doorway). Note -2 AC from Charging won't take effect until it's Kataun's turn.

To Hit Regular AC(+4BAB+5STR+1MW):[roll0]
Damage +7x1.5 Str:[roll1]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll2]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR +1 MW):[roll3]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll4]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll5]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll6]
Damage Guisarme +7 x1.5 STR: [roll7]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll8]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll9]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll10]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 MW):[roll11]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll12]
Damage Guisarme +7 x1.5 STR: [roll13]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll14]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll15]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll16]

2013-10-28, 11:56 PM

Dave hopes to see if Mr. Red kills the big snake by hitting it.

Gah... all the threatend spaces. Dave delays until after K. If K kills the snake, he will 5ft step into the tunnel mouth, pull out the wand of CLW, and activates it by taking ten(total 21) heal himself for [roll0] damage. If he fails to kill the snake, 5ft step up to behind Mr. Red and do the same process with the wand.

2013-10-29, 04:47 AM

I want to run. I want so badly to run. But the snake is blocking the way out and stumbling in the dark down an unknown passage is exactly the situation I didn't want to be in last time. And my friends are in trouble. I can help with that. Keeping my movements muted so as not to attract the attention of the snake, I feel my way back to the corner in the passage. On discerning that the snake is still where it was, I fill the space it occupies with golden, blinding dust.

Glitterdust, DC17 WILL or blinded for 3 rounds. Please, please let it be blinded!
Blinded removes its Dex to AC, gives a further -2 to AC, and we'll all have total concealment with respect to the snake - 50% miss chance.

2013-10-29, 08:36 AM

One more thing suddenly occurs to me, and I hiss at Kataun. "Quick Kataun, summon Rocinante! We need the help and he should be able to hear you if you call!"

2013-10-29, 09:57 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun tries to do the manly two finger whistle. He tries. And he tries again. He sucks at this. "Goddman it! Rocinante. Halp! HALP!", he gives up and start screamin'.

Use Move Action to see if Come-Trick works from this distance...

2013-10-29, 01:20 PM
Lauren moves back up to within sight of the snake and glitterdusts it -- it tries and fails (because it's prone and Lauren has cover) to bite her -- and then it's completely covered in sparklies! It blinks the sparklies from its eyes, and hisses at Lauren, its forked tongue darting in and out of its mouth.

The snake... decides that this prey is a little more than it feels like handling right now. After all, it just got a nice big meal, it doesn't feel inclined to take any more beating. So it rises up again -- Kataun slashes it again with his guisarme, healing Dave for 2, but failing to trip it again. Then the snake tries to get away, triggering another AoO from Kataun, which also hits, healing Dave for another 2, and at this point the snake is looking really unhappy, but still doesn't go prone again (it's very big and therefore resistant to being tripped, not to mention it's a snake), and it manages to get far enough away to begin the process of squeezing as tight as it possibly can, scraping off scales and chunks of rock, to get back to the river!

Dave... doesn't need to delay, the snake is already fleeing! So he steps into the narrow spot and uses the wand to heal himself!

The brain-balloon over the river floats 5' closer to Kataun, and strikes at him in a massive flurry of tentacles! Five of them hit him, for 13 damage. His limbs feel very briefly stiff, but he shakes it off and is unaffected by the creature's paralyzing sting.

Kataun finds himself out of reach of the snake, but within reach of the balloon monster. So he attacks the balloon monster! But alas, misses it. Then Kataun yells for Rocinante!

Then suddenly, the bigger brain-beak-balloon-jellyfish-monster rematerializes (or, more properly, becomes visible), right next to Kataun! It slashes viciously at him with its tentacles, completely blindsiding him, hitting with 7 tentacles at once, of which one is a critical hit, for 25 damage! This time, Kataun's body's defenses are not so powerful, and the heftier dose of paralyzing agent overcomes him! Kataun is paralyzed for 2 rounds! However, the grell also messed up one of its attacks, accidentally bruising its own stiff cartilaginous endoskeleton (doing 1 constitution damage to itself).

Rocinante hears his master's call, and has to squeeze, but he comes a-rescuin'! He just makes it to within sight in the big cavern on his double movement!

Then, from behind Rocinante, comes a familiar voice, calling out sardonically, "I am surprised to find you lot here."

#.*...## ####
#.# #KÇ..##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
r - Rocinante
ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster
Ç - floating balloon-tentacle-beak-monster leader
S - glittering huge snake
N - Nalf the Prevaricator

2013-10-29, 02:16 PM
Kataun Yriand



2013-10-29, 04:27 PM

Dave sees a hopeless case... but still a friend. He sadly taps Mr. Red on the shoulder with his healing wand [roll0] and then moves back behind Laruen.

2013-10-29, 04:51 PM

Spines on the tentacles. I had a bad feeling something like that was going to happen. I'm nearly hysterical as I seek a way - any way - out of the mess this mission has become."Nalf! Call them off! A thousand platinum if you just call them off!"

I cling to dave for moral support, burying my face in his shoulder and expecting the end at any moment.

2013-10-29, 05:30 PM
Lauren calls out for mercy!

(The dire snake finishes slithering away, into the river, leaving behind a trail of blood. It had some 3hp left.)

Dave heals Kataun, who remains paralyzed, but is at least no longer bleeding out (and I think conscious?), then heads for Lauren!

Nalf yells something in an unfamiliar language -- sounds like maybe Undercommon? Then he takes a bite of an an apple (looks like he's been sharing a few apples with Rocinante, who appears slightly positively disposed toward the slaver), and ambles over to the middle of the cavern.

The lead beaky-brain-jellyfish floats over, and they appear to have a conversation, of a sort. Nalf speaks in Undercommon and flails his arms as bonelessly as he can, and the balloon-monster writhes its tentacles. (Perhaps the balloon-monster language involves both tentacle-movements and electricity, but they appear to understand Undercommon, and apparently it's possible to communicate at least basic ideas using just the tentacle-movements.)

It appears that perhaps Lauren has, if nothing else, bought them a few seconds for Kataun to recover, though one of the monsters still lurks hungrily over him. (This last creature takes advantage of the brief respite to slap some gross mud onto its still-bleeding bat-bites, stopping the bleeding.)

Eventually, Nalf beckons Lauren forward. "I completely believe that you have that much money, so there's no need to elaborate. But my authority over the grell is absolute; they will do whatever I tell them and will wait indefinitely." The grell leader twitches and writhes, already getting antsy having let its prey live this long.

#.*...## ####
#D# #K...##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
r - Rocinante
ç - grell (yay, now I can stop calling them 'balloon-monsters')
Ç - lead grell
N - Nalf the Prevaricator

2013-10-29, 06:19 PM
Kataun Yriand



2013-10-29, 06:45 PM

Dave quickly taps himself again with his healing wand, hopping that it will matter. [roll0]

2013-10-30, 01:42 AM

I immediately wish that I knew undercommon. Perhaps this whole fiasco could have been avoided. Taking a few steps towards Nalf, though staying at least 15ft away from the Grell leader, I don't bother to admit that I don't have the money. I think that much is already clear.

"That's the value of the bounty for cleaning up this River. Also, a grant of land, the favour of Lord Noodleton, and one of his offspring's hand in marriage if you so desire. I have schematics for a masterwork combination sanitation/security system that will eliminate the need for the garbage pile doing the polluting which we noticed last time we were here. Implement my plans and you can have that bounty. You won't be able to buy better ones, and I'm offering them for free. Just spare our lives and they're yours."

2013-10-30, 04:49 PM
While Dave heals himself, Lauren approaches, but not too close, and explains about the bounty!

Nalf considers this, translating into Undercommon for the benefit of the grell, and then considers it some more. He looks like he's just about to come to a decision when there is an audible bass hum and a subtle mental chime, and the half an apple in his hand begins to glow with silver light, plucks itself from his hand, floats over to Rocinante, and feeds itself to the horse. (Nobody can quite identify this effect, other than it's probably psionic.)

Nalf immediately takes a knee, bowing to nobody in particular, saying, "Absterbossk."

Then a spare tin of Kataun's red paint begins to glow, lifting itself from Rocinante's saddlebags, prying itself open, and floating over to the wall. A glob of the paint writes a message on the wall, in Common: "Keep the land and the marriage for yourselves, on condition that you never bother us again, and the deal is accepted."

Nalf looks like he wants to object, but thinks better of it, and just translates Absterbossk's message for the grell's benefit. They also kind of look like they want to object, judging from the writhing tentacles, but apparently Absterbossk has authority that Nalf doesn't.

#.*...## ####
#D# #K...##

. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
- - 5' higher area
o - 6"-wide bottomless hole
~ - sling
u - floating tin of Kataun's paint
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
r - Rocinante
ç - grell
Ç - lead grell
N - Nalf the Prevaricator

2013-10-30, 05:17 PM

I feel light headed with relief! "We accept!", I quickly acknowledge.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I move to help Kataun up, remembering to pocket a handful of sand soaked with Arazha's blood on the way. I feel horribly responsible for her death, and if the opportunity arises to raise her in future, then I need some of her remains, just in case.

After helping Kataun up, I turn back to Nalf. "There are perhaps a few administrative details to arrange the bounty. Perhaps we could go over them at the cave entrance? We'll need to make the exchange of plans for our freedom in a mutually agreeable fashion."

2013-10-30, 06:11 PM
Kataun Yriand



2013-10-30, 07:37 PM

Dave is at best suspicious of the sudden acceptance of the terms... would they hold after Nalf knew how to get the bounties? No matter... Dave could see at least the feature of nobility was at hand. Gold would be nice, but he could get that other ways. Especially with some knights at his back. Thinking about it, it isn't as if they were really getting that raw of a deal...

Dave Slowly edges out of the small tunnel. He goes to help support Mr.Red.

2013-10-31, 07:38 PM
For the one grell and the dire snake, Lauren gains 900XP, Dave and Kataun gain 800.

The floating tin of paint reseals itself and replaces itself in Rocinante's pack. Nalf nods, says something in Undercommon, and everybody proceeds out to the entrancey cave.

There is no sign of Jarrus. Hopefully he fled when Nalf showed up, and didn't meet some more horrible end.

In the sunlight, Nalf adjusts his high collar, turns back to the party, and says, "Give the grell the plans to take back to Absterbossk. Then bring me to the Viscount and give me the money there. After that, we will have further business. Is this an acceptable arrangement?"

#. ≈≈≈#

, - grass
. - fungusy rock floor
# - fungusy rock wall
≈ - vile water
╪ - closed door
| - open door
$ - secret door
* - defeated foe
D - Dave
L - Lauren
K - Kataun
r - Rocinante
ç - grell
Ç - lead grell
N - Nalf the Prevaricator

2013-11-01, 03:20 AM

"I am enthusiastic about approaching the grell," I say, mimicking Nalf's prevarications. I remember this amusing him last time. I place the schematics I drew up on a dry patch of sand at the back of the chamber and then step 5ft away from them. "The grell can collect the plans once we are safely past them. We agree to the other particulars."

2013-11-01, 09:29 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun follows while stretching and holding his side. Every time Nalf speaks, he opens his mouth, and hig hand moves up slightly, and then he makes a frowny face and his hand goes down. Does the same when Lauren speaks. Then he goes to check the cans of red paint and sniffs it. Makes a frowny face again. He then growls very low and short. Pats Rocinante on the face.


2013-11-01, 11:03 AM

Dave follows Mr.Red, and starts prodding him in the back with his wand of healing.
He looks suspicious at the good terms, but at the same time happy to get something out of the deal.
3 uses, [roll0][roll1][roll2]

2013-11-02, 01:30 PM
The paint smells like paint. Aside from a bit having been used -- almost like somebody dipped a finger in the paint and wrote on the wall with it -- it now displays no unusual properties.

The grell look increasingly annoyed (if you're interpreting the writhing tentacles and grinding beaks correctly), but nobody stops Dave from healing Kataun up.

Ned (slightly amused again by Lauren's imitation, it's true) agrees to this arrangement. The grell float aside to let the party pass, then they gather up the plans and float off back the way they came.

Then the party, and Nalf, head north, out of the cave. It's nice to be in the fresh air again, after the dank, musty, moldy vileness of the garbagey river cave.

2013-11-03, 04:54 PM

I make sure to keep my distance from Nalf as we walk back to Noodleton. I don't like him, and I'm sure he doesn't much like me. I must be becoming and annoyance by now, no sense leaving myself within his power if I don't have to.

The relief at being alive was fleeting. I may have been able to talk our way out of it, but my abject failure in the cave led to the death of a friend and weighs heavily on me. Giving up such a large share of the bounty to Nalf and Absterbossk doesn't sit right with me either. I know it'll be upsetting my friends as well. "I'm sorry, this isn't the result I wanted. But by cooperating we're saving Noodleton - that's the thing we should focus on."

2013-11-04, 03:22 PM
Kataun Yriand

You hear grinding noise from Kataun's direction. Some hard objects. Stones or enamel or something. He also frowns at Rocinante, "A mere apple? Is that all one needs?"


2013-11-04, 06:36 PM
Rocinante appears appropriately shamefaced for a few moments, before snuffling at Kataun's pockets, just in case he's got horse treats on him.

Nalf appears content to keep his distance from the party. He's probably well aware that they could probably take him down, unless he got another dimension door off and got away. But he's also aware (or hopes) that the deal is off if he dies, and that the party has thought of this.

So it's a relatively uneventful, quiet trip up the river (along the road that mostly runs alongside it, a mile or two to the west) to Noodleton!

Noodleton is easily the second-largest town in Gus, though at a population of some 24,500, it's an order of magnitude smaller than Endeesy. (Endeesy is kind of like New York City: if you want to make sense of the distribution of population in the nation, you gotta just ignore it.)

When asked, passersby point you towards the viscount's mansion -- not the biggest domicile in the town, nor the fanciest, but hardly a hovel.

When you knock and say you're there about the bounty, a slightly harried-looking butler leads you to a smallish office, where the Viscount -- a smallish, balding mongrelman -- sits behind a simple wooden desk covered in paperwork.

2013-11-04, 11:51 PM

Dave waits for the elf to attempt her diplomacy. He figures this situation cannot be resolved with bats, and that she is looking a little to depressed for further complications.

He stretches and looks about the room, especially looking for a nice chair. After that much marching, a chair would be excellent... Really really excellent. Dave might even go as far as to say he would kill for a chair right now. Probably not as far as selling his firstborn to the Fae(that ship had already sailed), but a decent amount of homicide. Not fratricide, as he lacked siblings, but probably regicide. Dave wondered if the viscount counted for regicide. he muttered "Close enough".

2013-11-05, 12:08 AM
There do appear to be several chairs in the room, across the desk from the viscount. None of them are fancy -- indeed, even the viscount is sitting in a simple wooden chair with naught but a thin cushion to make it more comfortable -- but they're at least chairs.

2013-11-05, 01:50 AM

Dave moves a chair closer to the group, and collapses into it. He seems to fall asleep, head falling to his chest.

2013-11-05, 07:59 AM

I curtsey to the viscount, before getting straight to the point. "My lord viscount, my companions and I seek to claim the bounty for eliminating the source of the river's corruption. We ventured into the cavern at the river's mouth and found an Otyugh dwelling in a garbage heap by the banks. We slew the beast and eliminated its nest. You should start to see an improvement in the coming weeks." After a beat I add "I apologise for my companion, he was up all night transporting the otyugh's garbage to another plane."

I also try and recall anything I know about the viscount.

2013-11-05, 10:05 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun grabs a chair and takes the position farthest away from Nalf. You still hear grinding noise from Kataun's direction.


2013-11-05, 02:15 PM
Nalf is content to sit far from the rest! (He appears pleased with Lauren's omissive semi-prevarication. Most everything she says is technically true, but she's left out some important bits! It amuses him.)

Lauren knows that the "S" is silent! She also knows, from (if nothing else) having read that historical brochure back in the day, that the Viscount Noodleton was a minor functionary in the Disreputable City, serving the soon-to-be-royal House of Rogan. He was promoted when the waters fell and he was sent out with an expedition to found a northern port for the new nation of Gus. So he's been around awhile.

She has also heard that he has 3 daughters and 4 sons. Moreover, because Gus lacks any official constitution, hasn't necessarily inherited the traditions of the Disreputable City, and has a powerful Dowager Queen who exerts much influence: it's still not entirely clear whether Gus uses male-preference or female-preference or equal primogeniture. Which is to say, it's not clear to anybody whether the Viscount's oldest son or his oldest daughter (or somebody else entirely) will wind up inheriting the Viscounty when the Viscount eventually dies. (He's looking pretty healthy right now, albeit late-middle-aged, so it's not likely to come up for awhile.)

The viscount steeples his fingers, listens to Lauren, and considers. He examines the party -- elf maiden, sleepy creepy-looking guy, angry-looking guy, smarmy-looking guy -- they're definitely adventurers. No group of mere con artists could pull off such a motley appearance.

"An otyugh, eh? Interesting." It's believable, because it's common knowledge that otyughs are associated with garbages! (The thing where they eat garbage, and don't produce it, is perhaps less well-known.) "Interesting. ...Well, then you shall be my guests for the coming weeks! If improvement becomes evident, I shall alert the escrow service and you may each marry one of my children, and be given a grant of land near the city!"

2013-11-05, 02:36 PM

Dave snaps up at the comment about the planer shifting of the trash.
"Well... Its more that summoned rats ate as much of the trash as was edible, and the rest got blown to bits and allowed to flow down the river. Might see a drop in water quality for a bit, but after it should start to rise. River flowed as clean as any I had ever seen just before the trash, so with time it should wash any remaining trash clear."
Dave then goes back to being semi conscious.

2013-11-05, 02:47 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun does't let go of the clenched teeth, but somehow makes audible speech, "Well, technically speaking, didn't the rats bring the munchies back whence they come from? So the crap did get moved to some plane..."


2013-11-05, 03:42 PM

I should have anticipated that he wouldn't just take our word for it. Still, I can think of worse things than to enjoy extended hospitality. I can only hope it will do something for the black mood that seems to have settled over us. Even if Nalf is there. I glance at Dave, waving exasperated hand towards Kataun to show that the warrior was along the right track. I turn back to the viscount.

"Again, I'm sorry. We've had a rough couple of days. I would be happy to accept your hospitality. I'm sure it will be delightfully refreshing for mind and body! We can talk about the bounty again when it's confirmed that the river is improving."

2013-11-05, 08:41 PM
The viscount's house is a little shabbier than a nobleman's house ought to be, but it's still at least a nicer place to stay than an inn! So guest rooms are made up for the party, and stabling is found for Rocinante at the stables of the town guard.

Nalf the Prevaricator soon vanishes, making it clear (somehow) that he has no interest in the land or the marriages, but that he'll be back for the money. So that's one source of anxiety and anger absent for now.

And, apparently operating under the presumption that all three of them will want to take advantage of this portion of the reward, the Viscount introduces the party to his children! In descending order of age:

Margot is sensible and no-nonsense, albeit rather homely, woman of 28 years.
Amelia is almost preternaturally forgettable and overlookable.
Guy is rather fumbling and physically inept, and he tries to entertain Lauren with clever tricks of prestidigitation, not realizing how far beyond him she already is in the magical arts. (Alas, his talent is innate, so he doesn't even have a spellbook to copy spells from.)
Tristram is a dashing blond squire, well on his way to knighthood.
Anastasia, maybe 17 or 18, is probably the most attractive of the Viscount's children, and has a lighthearted, carefree demeanor.
The twins Dwight and Drake, being 8 years old, are probably not fit consorts. (Even though Dwight is a rather bookish child, and shows signs of potentially being the most inclined to sharing interests with Lauren.)

They also take a tour of the promised "Grant of Land", out on the outskirts of the town. It isn't a huge lot -- it's becoming increasingly clear that the Viscount has more political power than he has material wealth to give away -- but it's certainly big enough to build a large manor house on, or three small houses, or a nice medium-sized tower, or a tiny little castle.

Howver, after a day of this pleasant rest and recuperation, Kataun falls ill, adding injury to insult! He takes 2 dex damage and 2 con damage from the filth fever he apparently contracted somewhere in his recent misadventures!

2013-11-05, 09:06 PM

Dave enjoys the rest, and after a few days the madness caused by the night of casting fades. He goes into town, seeking to buy some less travel stained clothes.

I think he is interested in something nice to wear when he isn't likely to have to walk across the continent at a moments notice.

I guess this would count as a courtiers outfit, though favoring a simple cut.
Something in black and dark green would be best, though he would favor the available over the color. A cape would be nice, though not a necessity.
Additionally, if some jewlery were available he would also seek to perchance something simple of copper and glittering stones. A broach to clasp his cape, or a nice necklace.

Ok, too much game of thrones is making me go detailed.

After he is reasonably dressed, he would make an effort to learn more about the family, and most especially the daughters before attempting to begin courting them.

Dave is only running a natural +4 gather information check, but what he seeks is hopefully common knowledge... do the marriageable girls have lovers, other suitors. Is the family well off? Any big scandals? Are they all secretly werewolves? Vampires? Undead?

also, the fact Dave is 16 is suddenly relevant... and makes me realize he is over 2 years old now.

2013-11-06, 08:27 AM

The first thing I do is find a small vial to safely hold som of the bloody sand I recovered. Then I bathe, thoroughly, soaking in the tub for what must have been hours, and I have my clothes laundered. Then I use a couple of charges of prestidigitation from my wand just to make sure.

For the first day of recuperation I recluse myself as much as possible, save where politeness dictates for the introductions, meals, and tour of the land grant. Still in mourning for Arazha, I throw myself into study, jotting down ideas for various spells that came to me during our latest adventures and thowing myself back into the study of various topics of interest arising. I resolve never to be caught so badly unprepared again.

I spend most of the second day helping Leonora attend Kataun. Though I still fill a lot of my time with study, I make a point of talking politics with the viscount and getting to know him and his family (What's his name? His wife's name?) and the workings of Gus and Noodleton in general. (Gather information!). It's also this day that I notice Guy trying to impress me with (admittedly my favourite) cantrips, which I find amusing. I play along for a bit, pretending to hav trouble imitating his spell. Then I use Silent Image to fill the room with bats, and jest at his reaction! I make a positive effort to get to know and get along with the entire family.

2013-11-06, 10:26 AM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun...sleeps a lot. And snores. After enough days pass and he feels alright, he finally comes out of the bed rest with his hair completely disshoveled and grumpy looking, but he trots out, "I think I need some javelins.", and runs out to the weaponsmith.

Assume if he keeps taking bed rest and heal 2 ability damage per day, he will eventually get rid of the sickness and keep up with the damage done by the disease so he won't die?

Looking for 3 javelins, 3g

2013-11-06, 03:14 PM
As Absterbossk's grell minions begin to put Lauren's plans into place, each of you gains 1000 XP for successful completion of a difficult quest!

The Viscount lets it be known that the party may have saved the town, so everyone is appropriately (albeit cautiously) grateful! Not grateful enough to offer substantial discounts on goods, but grateful enough to spend time chatting with the heroes.

Dave finds a fine tailor, who, over the course of a day or two, makes him exactly the nice outfit he desires!

Then Dave heads out for a few nights out, chatting up the townsfolk about their liege lord! He learns that Margot has a few suitors, mostly social climbers, the sons of rich merchants who want the Viscounty for themselves. Anastasia has more suitors; pretty much all the boys in town want to get with her, but, as far as Dave hears, nobody has succeeded in this endeavor. He hears that the Viscount wants to marry Anastasia to the King, but, though she's cute, she's far from "the most beautiful woman to be found in the all the reaches of the cosmos", so it's probably not going to happen.

The Viscount is more effective at administrating than he is at accumulating wealth. The family isn't quite impoverished, but it's certainly far from rich. They're apparently probably not vampires -- "You're thinking of the King, mate." "Nah, dude, the King's a tiefling." "Yes, yes, everyone knows that, but he's a vampire too, mate." -- but the fact that the Viscount jumped from being a functionary at the court of old Count Rogan to being a Viscount in the kingdom when the Count's cousin was raised to the new monarchy apparently raised some eyebrows. Perhaps the Viscount performed some treacherous service for the new King against the old Count? Aside from that little tidbit, the Viscount and his family appears to be basically decent folks.

Lauren learns that the Viscount's name is Thomas, and his wife's name was Marta. She apparently died a few years back of eating tainted fish, when the Don't Drink This River first started to get really bad -- hence the Viscount's willingness to go to such lengths to get somebody to fix it.

Gus operates on basically a feudal system, with the Viscount reporting directly to the King (the choice of "Viscount" for the rank of the Lord of Noodleton appears to have been pretty much arbitrary; there are no Dukes or Counts (aside from the King, who counts Ninth Count Rogan among his titles) or anything like that in between). It's not entirely clear exactly what the feudal lords do, but they exist, and that's what matters.

Guy shrieks and covers his head when Lauren appears to summon a swarm of bats at him, good fodder for jest. The family all seems to be basically okay people, which is kind of rare in Gus, especially among the nobility. Probably the worst that can be said is Tristram's kind of arrogant and vain.

Kataun rests for a few days, carefully tended by Leonora, Lauren, and Margot (who periodically bustles in to take Kataun's temperature and feed him sickly-sweet herbal tisanes) and his filth fever is cured!

Then Kataun locates a local smithy, which sells him some fine javelins!

2013-11-06, 04:27 PM
Dave is glad to hear of no further complications to his courting plans, and begins using his charms on the lovely Anastasia. He would see if he couldn't convince her to go on a pick-nick a little further away from the river.

He also tries to see if their are any local issues were an adventurer could help with. Such as anything in need of being murdered for the common good, or some macguffin to be recovered. is their a local branch of the adventurers guild?

So... mongrelmen... um, any interesting variations among the children? Or anything notable? Like fish faces, or octopus arms?

2013-11-06, 04:42 PM
Kataun Yriand

Once Mr. Red feels good enough to run around, he starts...literally running around like madman as usual. On the occasions when he is with Mr Pink or Miss Blonde he asks them, with mouth full of food, "So, I think we need two more colors, instead of romances. Are any of them brave enough to fight for justice? Do you think Viscount minds it if his son or daughter gets devoured by a huge snake? Does that woman who brought that sickly sweet herbal tea at least use some kind of magic healing or something? Or Scrying power? Man, it's so stereotypical. They are type-casted into healers or oracles for some reason. We probably need some kick-ass Archer girl or something. One that doesn't get devoured by a huge snake, that is. Or, gets devoured heroically to save us at least."


2013-11-07, 12:42 PM

Whilst the others go shopping, I myself am feeling a serious lack of funds. It's just as well that the viscount is putting us up - I'm fairly sure I'd be dependent on the others before too long. As I don't have the funds to spare eating out, I mostly eat with the others. At one such meeting Kataun touches a nerve with regards Arazha's fate, but I engage in the valid topic of discussion that follows.

"I don't think the viscount would thank us for leading his children into danger. I can't imagine any of them wishing to join us ei- no, that's not true. Perhaps Tristram might wish a chance to prove himself. But you're right, we could perhaps use a few new members. I'll make enquiries in the town this afternoon."

2013-11-07, 02:24 PM
It's true, mongrelfolk do sometimes inherit weirdnesses from ancestors! Especially when mongrelfolk breed with other mongrelfolk, because heterozygous-on-heterozygous breeding can lead to weird stuff!

Part of Margot's homeliness may be due to her rather goblinoid mouth. Guy is slightly asymmetrical: his right arm is a bit shorter than his left, which perhaps contributes to his physical non-dextrousness (that was a subtle pune, or play on words). Little Drake walks somewhat awkwardly: his right foot is overlarge, with claws like a lizard's (Drake and Dwight are not identical twins). The others, including the Viscount himself, are perfectly normal mongrelfolk. (Well, Anastasia is unusually attractive, which is not exactly normal for mongrelfolk, but you know what I mean.)

Anastasia, having been instructed by her father that she is to marry one of these adventurers should they desire, acquiesces to a picnic-date with Dave. She's a little shy and a little teasing, but generally pleasant to be around.

The Adventurer's Guild doesn't have a Noodleton branch so much as there are some old-fashioned inns here. Adventurers and sailors can perhaps be found at these inns, and some of the same bounties are posted at some of these inns as are posted at the Adventurer's Guild in Endeesy. In particular, the dwarven tombs (http://highseas.wikia.com/wiki/Bounties#The_Dwarven_Tombs) west of Serpent Pass are relatively close to Noodleton; closer than they are to Endeesy, anyway.

There may be more local Noodleton problems if/when I think of some.

Lauren is correct: Tristram is rapidly develops a habit of requesting stories about the adventurers' gallantry, and he would undoubtedly join the team if they asked. But it's also true that the Viscount would probably not approve.

We can certainly bring in a couple more players now if you'd like to recruit.

2013-11-08, 10:49 AM
Kataun Yriand

On the occasions when Kataun runs into Margot, he will shake her hand. "A yes! The bad-taste-tea woman! Thank you for that tea. I feel fine now. But man, that tea tasted horrible. I know you are trying to cover the bitterness and harshness of the straight drink, but you put too much sweetener. I will tell you a better solution. Milk. Scald it below boiling temperature and brew the herbs in there. Takes edge off of the harshness of the medicine. Will taste a lot more pleasant."

In general, Kataun interacts with all the members of the Viscount's family with enthusiasm, and in the Noodleton citizens in general. Except when he runs into Nalf. He starts grinding his teeth and give some glaring eyes.


2013-11-08, 01:04 PM

I sigh at the Noodleton bounties not being substantially different from the Endeesey ones, and begin asking around for anyone (Tristram excepted) who might wish to join us.

2013-11-08, 11:38 PM
Eventually, the Endeesy Five Three come across a pair of human gentlemen from Shell, chilling in one of Noodleton's several bars: Grahm Moonfalx (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=686591) (Ziegander) and young Elian Windsailor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=683609) (littlebum2002). Perhaps they're on their way to Endeesy, or from Endeesy, or one to and one from, or perhaps they're looking to solve the mysterious disappearances around the Noodleton countryside, or any number of possibilities. This being a small port town, Shell humans aren't unheard-of here, but maybe they still got together to reminisce about the homeland (or maybe they're even just coincidentally in the same bar and weren't interacting at all).

The Shell humans see: two young human men and an elf maiden. The town is all abuzz with rumours that a party matching this description (plus maybe a mysterious fourth guy) has been staying with the family of the Viscount Noodleton, having possibly secured the generous bounty for cleansing the river. (The river shows no signs of having been cleansed, but the townsfolk advise one another to give it time.)

2013-11-09, 12:59 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red starts to get antsy within a day, and he keeps back and forth going to the river bank keep checking the water quality. "Clean damn it, clean!" He keeps yelling at the water and rides Rocinante back and forth, going up the river a little bit to see if there's any sign of water quality improving.

And keeps doing it every day.


2013-11-09, 02:41 PM

Knowledge: architecture&engineering/nature, how long for Absterbossk's minions to construct the device, clean the garbage pile and see some improvement in the river?

2013-11-09, 04:54 PM

So... yeah, Dave takes the lady on a nice pick-nick, with some good food and drink. He would like to take her away from the river, a to any local beauty spot.

2013-11-09, 05:13 PM
Kataun Yriand

Dave obviously notices Kataun running back and force by the river. "Mr. Piiiiiink!" Mr. Red waves at the couple from distance as he runs by.


2013-11-10, 01:50 AM

Dave waves back, though he tries not to make a scene of it.

2013-11-10, 12:28 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun, noticing Dave is moving away from the river as he waves, quickly forgets what he is doing. He rides back and grabs Margot and any other household member of the Viscount, "Hey hey! Mr Pink and whatshername-I-don't-remember is going on a pick-nick and it looks fun! We should join them!" and herd the group. And then he runs off to find Lauren.

"Hey hey! Miss Blonde! Oh, I see you have two boyfriends now. I didn't know you are into that sort of thing. But perfect! Mr Pink is having a nice picnic and it looks fun! Ya'll should join!" Kataun herds all the people and leads to Dave and Anastasia crashing the date with plenty of food and drinks.


2013-11-10, 01:33 PM

Having heard how Lauren showed off for the family with a false swarm, he decides to show off with a real one.
"Now my dear, allow me to give us some protection. Wouldn't want a wild beast to sneak up on us."

Dave summons a swarm of rats behind himself, as far as possible. He will then try to maintain a nice sedate 15ft walking pace, to maintain distance with the rats. Leading the rats for a merry dance across the land.

2013-11-10, 07:20 PM
Lauren isn't entirely clear on how long it'll take Absterbossk's minions to construct the garbage disposal. She doesn't know how many grell minions he has on hand, whether Nalf can provide any human slaves (probably not, considering how thoroughly they crushed his operation), how fast the grell can work with those tentacles, whether Absterbossk's minions have any quick means of digging through rock, what they'll do with their spare trash while they're building the disposer, and so on. Too many unknowns. Could be days, could be weeks.

She is pretty sure that, once the thing is complete and the spare trash disposed of, it won't take more than a few days for detect poison to register a difference, and shouldn't take more than a week or two for a difference to be evident to the naked eye.

Dave attempts to have a picnic with Anastasia! They have a pleasant, peaceful picnic for a time, before Kataun starts waving at them. Anastasia giggles, "Your friend is certainly enthusiastic."

Anastasia is suitably impressed by the swarm of rats, albeit somewhat concerned by how Dave keeps them moving away from said rats.

Then Kataun comes up chasing them on his horse! Margot and Tristram keep pace with him on their own horses -- they're competent riders. Guy and Amelia would fall a bit behind, except that Kataun rides around herding them in the right direction. (It's up to Lauren and the gentlemen from Shell whether they come along.)

Suddenly, as they approach Dave and Anastasia, there is a swarm of rats! The horse-riders manage to avoid blundering directly into the swarm, but it might attack them if they don't get out of the way quickly.

2013-11-10, 07:28 PM

Look Grahm. The book says it right here. Just look.

Elian pointed out a passage in his book So You Want to be an Adventurer?

It says, right here:

"If you want to meet people to adventure with, the best place is the local tavern. A tavern provides a safe place for adventurers to lick their wounds after their latest adventure, and bartenders often have information on any locals who might be willing to hire adventurers."

I'm sure if we wait around here long enough, some adventurers will show up. The book says this is the place, so we should stay here!

2013-11-10, 08:25 PM

Dave keeps his Anatsia walking, "The swarm is a fickle protectors. They sadly are no more under my control then any other animals. Luckily we can outpace them, and I can dispense with them at need. Though I would hate to be the creature trying to interfere with this lovely afternoon." Dave's smile tries for reassuring, though comes out a bit ghoulish. He tries to turn the conversation back to his retelling of his part in the heroic quest to free the slaves of Endeassy, from a foul villain. Mostly how he defeated a half dozen foes in single combat.... or rather multitudinous combat. He still jokingly claims as the animals are their at his behest, they should merely count as another weapon.

Unless he hears real screams(as in pain, not surprise), he will keep maintaining the swarm.

2013-11-11, 08:07 AM

In my search for new members I've just been directed by the barman to the two humans from Shell when Kataun accosts me. I manage to wriggle out of whatever it is he has planned and ignore his implication, though I do reassure him that the change in the river will take time to effect. I'm not unduly worried about that yet, though I am beginning to wonder what we can do to occupy our time. Other than woo the Viscount's offspring, that is. Perhaps a new adventure would help. I turn back to the two would-be adventurers.

"Hi, the barman said you were looking to join and adventuring party? My name is Lauren Norovathar, and I represent just such a group. We were looking for a couple new members to join us on our next endevour, whatever that may be."

2013-11-11, 10:17 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Oh noes! More rats! Will they ever give up? I will save you, Mr Pink!" Kataun put the guisarme away, and draws the heavy flail while pursueing. Once sufficiently close, Kataun hops out of galloping Rocinante, and runs THROUGH the rats, emerging on the otherside, completely rat-covered.

He then attempt to whack at the rats with the heavy flail with vigor. "You little vermints! I've had enough of you!"

Time the combat so that Kataun has all 5 maneuvers ready. Move action (40') running through the rat swarm, to the other side (Dave side), taking damage, taking Fort Save vs nausea, and if succeed Swift Action to activate Ferocity and Standard Action to Mountain Hammer at the swarm.
Fort Save vs Nausea:
Damage from Swarm: [1d6
To Hit Regular AC(+4BAB+5STR+1 FC):[roll1]
Damage +7x1.5 Str+1 FC:[roll2]
Mountain Hammer Extra Damage: [roll3]
If the damage is 10 or more, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll4]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, gains another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR +1 FC):[roll5]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str+1FC:[roll6]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 FC):[roll7]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll8]
Damage Flail +7 x1.5 STR: [roll9]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll10]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll11]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll12]

To Hit (+4BAB+5STR+4 Deft Opportunist Feat, maybe +1 FC):[roll13]
Damage Armor Spike +5 Str:[roll14]
Damage Flail +7 x1.5 STR: [roll15]
If the damage is 10 or more and the target is standing, Knock-Down kicks in tripping attempt on the target:
Trip +5 STR +4 Improved Trip Feat:[roll16]
If the trip is successful, Improved Trip kicks in, another attack:
To Hit Proned AC (+4BAB+5STR Possibly +1 MW):[roll17]
Damage +7 x1.5 Str:[roll18]

2013-11-11, 10:57 AM

Elian was enjoying a refreshing non-alcoholic beverage with his new companion. He was discussing the different ways spells acted on different planes. It was a topic he knew a LOT about, although he had never actually experienced it firsthand. But who needed to actually experience something? All you had to do was read about it. Then, when the time came you practically already had experience.

As he was talking, an elf approached their table and introduced herself.

Yes, yes, we are looking to join an adventure! My name is Elian and this is my associate Grahm. I am traveling the world seeking...

He looks in his book

fortune and fame! That's it, fortune and fame. I know all there is to know about adventuring, so I'm sure I will be invaluable to your party.

2013-11-11, 03:41 PM

"Oh! That sounds fantastic! What experience do you have?"

2013-11-11, 07:47 PM
Oh, I've got plenty of experience! I've read all these books, and I know everything in them!

He starts reading the titles from the books on the table next to him.

So You Want to be an Adventurer?
Everything You Need to Know About Exploring Dungeons.
Creatures You Will Meet: Are they Friend or Foe?
Exploring the Planes

AND I got a 98% on my Adventuring Proficiency Test! I'm prepared for any possible scenario!

2013-11-11, 10:22 PM
Kataun slams through the rat swarm, sending rats flying and scurrying in all directions! Tristram whoops, Margot looks impressed, and the terrified rats vanish.

Anastasia shrieks and ducks behind Dave when the rats go everywhere! Then, when she realizes it's only Mr. Red, she laughs and applauds. To Kataun, she says, "Your friend is a mighty warrior! I can see how such great adventurers as yourselves could have done all these things."

2013-11-11, 11:03 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Mr Pink! Looks like there are some more of the vermin still around. It would be wise to stick together and pic-nic with everyone! It'll be safer!" Kataun looks at Anastasia and Margot and Tristram, and points to some more of the food and drink they bought.
Diplo taking 10, +5 rank +1Honest Trait, total of 16

2013-11-11, 11:19 PM
Grahm Moonfalx

Moonfalx stared listlessly at his companion's book and sighed. "Look, Elian, I'm sorry. I didn't come here for any adventures. I've told you. I came for a funeral."

2013-11-12, 01:13 AM

Dave whirls as Something bursts through the line of rats. He is about to put a number of eldrich bolts through the creature... then is forced to reconsider.

Dave briefly considers if K can ride bareback.

"I would not try to keep you riders. Horses are made for riding, not walking. Also... you might want to see to your horse and your own wounds, their mouths are full of offal, and you are fresh recovered from your own illness. Without you, I would only hope to guard the lady, not her entire family. A group will attract attention were a couple won't. I would hate to see them set upon by a harpy like we were?"

Dave gives K a cool look, and allows the rats to fade.

If the rats don't lead to an illness, the river water in Mr.Red's bath soon would.

2013-11-13, 03:04 PM

I'm... that's cute. A couple of weeks ago that would have been me. "Sure, okay. That's a good start. I'm sure you'll pick up the rest as we go."

Then I turn to my new companion's friend with a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I lost a friend myself a few days ago, though I hope I may one day be able to bring her back. I don't know anyone who'd attend her funeral besides me anyway. When's your friend's service? Have you come far for it?"

2013-11-13, 03:09 PM

Thank you! I'm sure I'll be a valuable member of your party.

I'm waiting for Grahm to respond. Don't really know what to say yet...

2013-11-18, 12:13 PM
Anastasia giggles at the party's infighting. "Aw, we wouldn't want to leave your friend alone with my brothers and sisters, they'll bore him to death!"

Margot just laughs; Tristram looks indignant. (Guy and Amelia eventually catch up.)

The funeral service for Grahm's knight may well be at the Monastery of Numiel at Perch Hill, which is closer to Noodleton than it is to Endeesy (thus explaining, perhaps, why Grahm is here and not there). Or it could be in or near Endeesy, and he's just taking a layover before heading there.

2013-11-18, 03:07 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red grins wide and calls Rocinante over. "Yes! Although, I am sure I provide enough entertainment for all before apathy kills us."

Kataun grabs an apple out of the saddlebag and tosses it to Dave. "You two can ride Rocinante even! He's a good horse. Especially when he gets an apple. I can run and keep up! Not that we need to but I have some leftover energy from days in the bed!" He starts running around all over the places for no apparently reason.

"Let's go have a nice picnic together!"
If everyone is agreeable and nothing goes wrong, like random encounter happens...Kataun will just have a nice time from this point on this day.

2013-11-18, 03:27 PM
Then Lauren sees, previously unnoticed (possibly because <insert short joke here>), an engineer, also at the table! It's Diane "Gasket" Karr of the Ankeg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=681309) (Bayar)!

2013-11-18, 05:52 PM
"Hey, Elian, who's your new friend ?" said an engineer coming towards the table with a mug of ale. Addressing the newcomer: "Hello there, dreadfully sorry for not being here to greet you, saw you come to our table on my way to the little girls room, no pun intended." Taking a seat at the table and drinking from the mug: "Name's Diane Karr, Gasket for short. What is your name ?"

2013-11-18, 05:57 PM
Elian speaks before Lauren has a chance to.

This is Lauren. She's looking for adventurers to join her party, and she said I can join! It sounds really exciting. Maybe you can join, too!

2013-11-18, 06:21 PM

"Asking people you only met for hours out for an adventure ? You're cute !" :smalltongue:

To Lauren: "I can listen to him talk about this and that for hours. In fact, that was the main reason I was sharing a table with him and Grahm. Nice to meet your acquaintance, Lauren. I guess I could join up for some fun in the wilds on my way to Endeesy. Sure, count me in! Umm, if that's ok with you."

2013-11-19, 04:03 PM

I smile at the engineer joining us, briefly forgetting the melancholy turn the conversation had taken a moment before, actually laughing when she teases Elian in using the same term I did in the privacy of my head!

"Nice to meet you Diane, I'd be glad to have you join us!" It would be nice not to be the only girl in the party as well.

"I don't know when we'll next be going to Endeesey. As members of the group you'll of course have a say on where we go, but I think we're going to be based around Noodleton for the time being. I really need to monitor the river each day. But I hear there's a bounty for exploring the old dwarven tombs, I don't think that's too far away?"

2013-11-19, 05:50 PM
Ooh, tombs! I bet they're full of treasure! Let's go!

2013-11-19, 08:49 PM

Dave sighs "fine... though I would be happier walking."
Dave resigns himself to a long day of planning.

2013-11-20, 12:52 PM
Anastasia is completely okay with riding Rocinante with Dave. It is almost as good as their interrupted pic-a-nic! And then it's more pic-a-nic, with most of the family, and also Kataun running around like a madman!

And then to meet up with Lauren and her two new recruits!

2013-11-20, 02:36 PM

"I'll have to buy some supplies before we leave. I was going to do that later, but if everybody is already getting ready to leave might as well get on with it. Should not take long, just some ammunition, maybe something to deal with possible tomb critters, the usual stuff." With that, Gasket goes looking for a fletcher or weapon shop that has crossbow bolts, looking to buy 20. Then of to an alchemist for one of each: holy water, acid flask and alchemist's fire.

2013-11-20, 02:59 PM
Gasket has no trouble finding shops to sell her the items she seeks, for the usual (i.e., listed) prices!

2013-11-20, 03:43 PM
Kataun Yriand

Mr. Red spends fun time with the pick-nicking. But by the time everyone is done and gets back to the Viscount's place, he still has too much energy apparently.

He runs off to find Ms. Blonde. "Hey, hey, Ms Blonde! The river is not getting clean fast enough! We should go adventure in the meanwhile! Who knows how long this is going to take and you know, if it ever gets done." He grinds his teeth some more.

"Oh wait, now you have another new friend! I had no idea you swing that way too. The other boyfriend got dumped? Oh well, Mr Pink appears to be doing pretty well. But who knows if the river actually gets clean and he gets to marry." He grinds his teeth yet more.

"But now, it's time for Endeesey Five to roll out!" He akimboes again.


2013-11-20, 03:53 PM

"Ok, where do you want to go? I'll need to pay a visit to the river before we leave, but other than that I'm about ready to go. I picked the last few bounties we took up, and the results weren't so great. I think someone else should pick this time."

2013-11-20, 03:56 PM
Elain looked stunned.

I'm sorry....Who....is that?

2013-11-20, 04:20 PM

"Oh, this is Kataun. He's our best fighter. He may be a bit excentric, but he means well."

2013-11-20, 04:22 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun makes pondrous face. "Surely, you are joking, Mr. Brown. We met a few hours ago back during the way when you were with the Mr Blonde Boyfriend #2 and when she was trying make a move on you two and I was trying to invite ya'll to Mr Pink's Pick-Nick! He was a bit glum fella, boyfriend #2. You should have come, Ms Blonde. There was lots of politicking opportunity to be had. Plus food. Alas, it's time for an action!"

K looks through the list of bounties and mutters, "Looking for dwarven graves? Well, not much of pick is it. Oh well, it looks simple enough. Besides, we need to come back here in a bit anyways. Dwarven graves it is! We need more stuff on this list though. Here."

He starts scratching on the paper with common and pins the paper on the board with the list of bounties. It reads:

"For Sale: Right to the Name of this Fab Five, formerly known as 'Endeesey Five'. You can purchase and we'll call our group in the name of your choice! Justine's Justice League? Noodleton Noodlers? You pay the money, you pick the name! Contact the Man in Red for more info."


2013-11-20, 04:33 PM


Elian turns around, but there is no one else in the immediate vicinity that this stange man could be addressing.

No, no. I'm sorry for the confusion. My last name is Windsailor, not Brown. You must be confusing me with someone else.

2013-11-20, 04:38 PM

"Kataun, Grahm's still right here!" I gesticulate towards the human at the table with me, Elian and Diane. He's doing a creditable job of ignoring our antics.

"And I wasn't trying to put the moves on anyone! I'm only one hundred and six!"