View Full Version : Anyone have an online Bard character sheet I may peruse?

2012-04-26, 07:50 PM
Topic says it all. Or at least most of it. I'm looking for sample builds of anything involving Bard. So bardadin, bardbarian, bardsader, bardblade, pure Bard, Virtuoso, Sublime Chord, War Weaver, anything. Any level, any WBL, I'm just curious to see some builds.

Also, if you would be so kind, if you do indeed have a character sheet to share, I'm curious about how a typical combat would go, other tricks, et cetera. Thanks in advance!

Oh and I'll share my level 3 Bard when I'm actually done making him.

2012-04-26, 09:49 PM
M'kay, I might as well start. I usually don't like displaying a work in progress, but here we go (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=387104).

Still have to determine the fluff, but this is most of the build. I'll probably put some more stuff in for higher levels.

Also, at early levels, is Lingering Song, Melodic Casting or Extra Music best?