View Full Version : [SWD&D] Up the creek without a paddle IC

2012-04-27, 05:19 PM
In a galaxy far far away.

It is the year 3985 BBY, the great Sith war ended only 11 years ago. The Republic is slowly rebuilding itself, the Jedi order has turned inward and is virtually non-existent.

(Hyper)space travel is still quite tricky, piracy is very common. One in ten ships still does not make it to it’s destination in one piece. Many travellers get captured on the trade routes, or worse.

In a recent effort to find safer trade routes a planet in the Farstine system has been discovered with a breathable atmosphere, and a tactical location in the Mid-Rim. The Kilmarian Transport Group (KTG for short) has started to colonise the planet protected by a mix of Republic Troops and mercenaries. The plan is for the Farstine system to become a true trading hub in the Mid-Rim, a safe haven on the trade routes, a garrison for ships protecting those trade routes, and a spring board for exploration of nearby systems. For now the planet is known by a code Tx89Y, rumours have it that the KTG is planning to rename it Kilmaria.

Each of you has found your way onto the Red Kilmarian, a brand new Praetorian-class Frigate designed especially for KTG to transport colonists and equipment to their new colonies. It is the first ships in a line of heavy armored transport ships. According the KTG it is indestructible; and to prove that it will it's virgin voyage from Coruscant to the Farstine system with an escort of only two warships.

Graybacca and Valdren

Both of you have only recently come into service of KTG, and have been assigned guard duty on Tx89Y. A position like this usually offers quick promotion into KTG employment, very likely in jobs fitting your specialisation.

The Red Kilmarian is currently in Orbit around Coruscant and you will be taken there by shuttle. You were ordered to report at the front desk of the KTG space station at 6 PM. The space station is a huge building, but you enter on the main floor into a spacious foyer with glass ceilings, and lots of marble. There’s literally 100s of people milling about in the foyer, but all the way in the back you notice a large row of desks.


Thanks to your family name you've earned yourself the right to settle on Farstine in a comfortable position. You'll start managing the planet's currently only space station; but you expect to become a member of the planet's ruling body.

For now though you accepted a bit of hard work to earn yourself a good name with the KTG. As a freelance pilot you've been shuttling goods from Coruscant to the Red Kilmarian, which is in orbit.

Two unexpected things happened during the day, you're assigned copilot did not turn up. and had to be replaced by a grumpy and silent young human which KTG hired last minute. He hasn't said much, but has been very efficient in loading all the goods on the Red Kilmarian.

Second, many passengers cancelled their tickets last minute, and KTG replaced them with tons of cargo. Making your day of more dreary, with only your unresponsive copilot to talk to.

Your last shuttle ride to the Red Kilmarian is expected to be better though. You're taking on 3 passengers and a bit of cargo. You are now in the KTG space station on Coruscant, awaiting your passengers.

OOC; those passenger are the other characters. If you hadn’t guessed already.

Mithric Gunn

You stayed on Coruscant way longer than planned, principally only planning on staying for two days tops, it fastly became 2 weeks. Getting yourself on a ship away from Coruscant proved way harder than you originally planned, due to the high risks prices for tickets have rocketed sky high and people are very hesitant to hiring strangers.

But then lady luck struck, on a dreary afternoon you got caught up in game of Pazaak. The stakes went very high, way over your head, and you won. You now are the owner of a ticket to Farstine, on the KTG’s brand new ship. Among the thousands of new settlers you hope to find yourself a new life away from prying eyes.

When you take a look at the ticket you realise you need to check in at the KTG space station within half an hour, so you rush there and arrive with only minutes to spare.

The space station is a huge building, but you enter on the main floor into a spacious foyer with glass ceilings, and lots of marble. There’s literally 100s of people milling about in the foyer, but all the way in the back you notice a large row of desks.

2012-04-27, 10:53 PM
Darex Wan

Darex glances down at his watch, tapping his booted foot anxiously.

"Don't have much time, lots of travel to do..." He mutters under his breath.

He is dressed as one would expect an explorer/pilot. He is wearing a blue shirt and a brown vest. A hip holster is slung lazily over brown pants, in which a blaster is holstered.

Most would not notice the small, and illegal, holdout blaster concealed in his vest. He has a pair of goggles perched above his head. However, he is very thin, lanky even, and the entire effect is unimpressive at first glance.

At this point, he has given up trying to speak to his new copilot, and is actively ignoring him at the moment.

2012-04-28, 12:37 AM
As he entered the station, Haedril took a moment to shift the weight of his gear. The white medical case on his back was by far the majority of that mass, with his only other obvious equipment being his simple blue-grey clothing and a civilian blaster at one side.

After a moment of taking in the view, Haedril made his way to the desks across the room. Once in front of a teller, he extended a pale hand with his ID."Haedril Kardis, I'm scheduled for a six pm shuttle en route to the Red Kilmarian. I was told to report here first." He stated in his usual even tone.

2012-04-28, 04:06 AM
The droid behind the desk quickly scans your ID and states in an even tone "Good evening sir, you'll be travelling with the other passengers on the Red Kilmarian. An officer on the ship will show you to your quarters. Your shuttle to the Red Kilmarian is RK6, which is on docking platform 36, just take the turbolift over there to the roof." He indicates a row of turbolifts on the far side of foyer.

The droid then continues; "May I remind you of our 'no weapons policy' on board our ships? I must now ask you to place all of your weapons in this case." He offers you a sizeable briefcase. "Your allowed to carry the case on board the ship yourself, and it will be unlocked remotely once you arrive on Tx89Y"

Your copilot offers you a sizeable empty briefcase; "Sorry, nearly forgot to give you this. Commander Carsley asked me to give it to you. Apparently we're not allowed to carry weapons during our flight to Tx89Y. So you're to place all weapons you have on you in the case and close it. They'll unlock it remotely once we arrive on Tx89Y."

You notice a similar briefcase right underneath his chair.

ooc; could you throw me a perception check please?

2012-04-28, 12:38 PM
Darex Wan

Darex nods and pulls his blaster from its holster and sets it in the briefcase, talking to his copilot, seizing this opportunity. "So, you never did tell me your name. We are going to be spending the flight together, might as well begin somehwhere with the small talk. I'm Darex..." He says for the fifth time.

His Ion Blaster was left in his personal effects, he mentally reminds himself to put those away at a later time.

The Hold-Out Blaster he keeps secreted away. No point in revealing an illegal weapon right now. After all, it was purely for extra security.

2012-04-28, 01:02 PM

After a moment's hesitation the man answers "Herod, you can call me Herod. But I don't think we'll be seeing each other much up there. There's 100's of passengers and you'll have VIP quarters no doubt? With your family status and all?"

Herod then turns back to the shuttle controls, obviously not interested in any answer.

You notice 2 things; first, when Herod hands you the briefcase, his sleeve slides up his arm a bit revealing the skin between his gloves and the sleeve. It's tattooed with flames as far as you can see.

Second, after these stingy words you realise that Herod is remarkably up to date on things concerning the Red Kilmarian. Especially for someone hired last minute to be your copilot.

Mithric Gunn
2012-04-28, 02:10 PM
Jessara Khel finds a place off to the side, away from people, and maintains a watchful eye on the other people in the room. While she is pretty certain that noone knows what she is, she isn't going to take chances.

She is wearing a red blouse, tan pants, and over it a long tan coat, mostly concealing her utility belt. She has a pack slung over her shoulder, with her few belongings, and is drawing on her datapad. Her clothing and pack are well worn, her coat battered with the occasional grease stain. While she seems to be trying to blend in, her bright flame red hair and attractive features makes it hard, and she tends to stand out in a crowd.

2012-04-28, 02:24 PM
Haedril took the case and stepped off to one side so the next person could be attended to. He set his blaster into the container and, just before closing it, remembered his knife, which he pulled from his pack and tossed in as well.
No sense in getting in trouble before i even start work he thought as he locked the case. Hopefully they wouldn't consider his medical gear a 'weapon'.

With that secured, Haedril pressed onwards to the turbolift, taking it up to head to his shuttle. All the while he was muttering "RK636"over and again.

2012-04-28, 06:56 PM

One turbolift is labelled "Roof expresslift". According to a screen next to it, it just left and is en route to the roof. You'll have to wait for it to came back down. Or take one of the other lifts.

Mithric Gunn

One of the desks you noticed earlier just became available as another person steps away from it towards a row of turbolifts. So far nobody is paying extra attention to you. It is a space port after all, and many colourful species come through.

2012-04-28, 06:58 PM

One turbolift is labelled "Roof expresslift". According to a screen next to it, it just left and is en route to the roof. You'll have to wait for it to came back down. Or take one of the other lifts.

Mithric Gunn

One of the desks you noticed earlier just became available as another person steps away from it towards a row of turbolifts. So far nobody is paying extra attention to you. It is a space port after all, and many colourful species come through.

Mithric Gunn
2012-04-28, 08:16 PM
Jessara sees that one of the desks has opened up, and heads over to it.

2012-04-30, 10:28 AM
Mithric Gunn

The droid behind the desk quickly scans your ID and states in an even tone "Good evening sir, you'll be travelling with the other passengers on the Red Kilmarian. An officer on the ship will show you to your quarters. Your shuttle to the Red Kilmarian is RK6, which is on docking platform 36, just take the turbolift over there to the roof." He indicates a row of turbolifts on the far side of foyer.

The droid then continues; "May I remind you of our 'no weapons policy' on board our ships? I must now ask you to place all of your weapons in this case." He offers you a sizeable briefcase. "Your allowed to carry the case on board the ship yourself, and it will be unlocked remotely once you arrive on Tx89Y"

2012-04-30, 01:36 PM
Wes spotting the it desk in the back of the room, Wes heads for the up open desk so we can check in. hello I'm Wes Malo I was told to check in here.

2012-04-30, 03:47 PM

The droid behind the desk quickly scans your ID and states in an even tone "Good evening sir, you'll be travelling with the other passengers on the Red Kilmarian. An officer on the ship will show you to your quarters. Your shuttle to the Red Kilmarian is RK6, which is on docking platform 36, just take the turbolift over there to the roof." He indicates a row of turbolifts on the far side of foyer.

The droid then continues; "May I remind you of our 'no weapons policy' on board our ships? I must now ask you to place all of your weapons in this case." He offers you a sizeable briefcase. "Your allowed to carry the case on board the ship yourself, and it will be unlocked remotely once you arrive on Tx89Y"

Mithric Gunn
2012-04-30, 05:38 PM
Jessarra unclips her lightsaber, wraps a rag around it, and puts it in the case.
[roll0] stealth if necassary

2012-04-30, 10:27 PM
Wes move over on the counter and then places both his Czerka Adventurer and his blaster pistol in the case, once done Wes closes the case and then heads over to the turbolift.

2012-04-30, 11:50 PM

One turbolift is labelled "Roof expresslift". Coincidently the turbolift just open it's doors the moment you arrive. You notice someone else with a similar briefcase waiting for it too.

Mithric Gunn
The droid does not notice the lightsaber, or doesn't appear interested. "Have a pleasant trip to Farstine, the turbolifts are over there." When you look to the turbolifts you notice one labelled "Roof expresslift" just arrived. Two men with briefcases similar to yours are about to get in

2012-05-01, 12:21 AM
Haedril stays next to the express lift, taking a moment to set down his weapon case and gaze about the area for anything interesting while he waits.

2012-05-01, 01:09 AM
Just as you look about the foyer and notice someone else with a similar case approach the turbolift opens.

Mithric Gunn
2012-05-01, 07:47 AM
Jessarra heads toward the indicated turbolift, wary eyes scanning the people around her.

2012-05-01, 12:22 PM
Darex Wan

Darex yawns and stretches. "I suppose we should get our pre-flight checklist completed. I'll see you later." He walks off, holding the case and intending to put it under his chair.

While in the cockpit, Darex will complete the standard protocol for an intersteall flight.

2012-05-01, 07:57 PM
Wes approaches the open turbolift and nod to those waiting and then enters along with side them.

2012-05-02, 02:33 AM
Haedril grabs his weapons case and returns a stranger's nod while he makes his way into the lift once it opens.

2012-05-02, 04:05 AM
Valdren, Graybacca and Mithric Gunn

Only the three of you get in the elevator, and it takes you to the roof in mere seconds. Once you get there you exit on a huge roof, and immediately notice a huge map showing were to find any of the docking platforms.

Once you get to docking platform 36 you find a huge brand new shuttle marked RK6. The loading bay doors are open, forming a ramp you can walk up. Inside you notice it's quite filled up with cargo, but all the way in the front, right behind the pilot and copilots seat you see 3 empty seats.

One person in pilot's gear, covering him from head to too, is currently stacking and restacking the cargo. Another person, the pilot you assume, is doing a preflight check.

ooc; throw me a perception check please.


Just when you're nearly done with the checks, three people walk up the ramp into your shuttle.

2012-05-02, 07:47 AM
Darex Wan

Darex hears the group approaching from behind him and turns to look. He smiles broadly and stops what he is doing for a moment to greet the passengers.

“Hello, I’m Darex Wan, your pilot for this voyage. Please make yourselves comfortable, it’s going to be a long trip.” He says, glancing down at the weapon cases each person was holding, and thinking about his tucked underneath his pilot’s chair.

“This is my copilot, Herod,” he says, indicating the quiet man stacking cargo. “He doesn’t talk much, so once we are off and the autopilot has kicked in, feel free to ask me any questions you may have.”

He looks back at the cockpit. “I imagine we will be leaving soon. Right now we are just awaiting clearance from the Port Authority, and any odd straggler that woke up late this morning.”

2012-05-02, 12:57 PM
Haedril greets Darex as he makes his way to one of the seats "I'm Haedril, a pleasure to meet you." Once seated, He slips his weapons case under the seat and sets down his medical gear in front of him where he can comfortably hold onto it.


2012-05-02, 02:59 PM
The man with the cargo laughs derisively; "What, you're going to use autopilot again? It's only an hour's flight up to the Red Kilmarian.. Want me to set the shuttle down in the cargo bay for you? Not much room in there to manoeuvre, and I don't think the autopilot can handle that."

He then continues securing the cargo.

All the cargo on the shuttle is marked with a symbol, looks a bit like a company logo. It looks like a C drawn around a small flame.

Mithric Gunn
2012-05-02, 05:55 PM
Jessarra smiles shyly, nodding, and takes her seat. She pulls out her datapad and continues drawing.

2012-05-03, 07:38 PM
Wes nods to Darex and says, pleasure to meet you sir, Wes Malo at your service. as he looks around.


2012-05-03, 07:41 PM
(Ok round two, on my phone)


Mithric Gunn
2012-05-03, 07:53 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2012-05-04, 12:42 PM
Right then the radio crackles into life. "RK6 your cleared for leaving the station and a direct flight to the Red Kilmarian. Weather is good, skies are clear. Have a good flight."

The man stacking the cargo walks to the copilot's chair, "Buckle up people, we're heading for the Red Kilmarian. Darex why don't you take her into orbit? I'll take over when we reach the ship, spotted a nice place for here all the way in the back of the hold."

All the cargo on the shuttle is marked with a symbol, looks a bit like a company logo. It looks like a C drawn around a small flame.

All if the crates in the shuttle are military spec usually used to carry high power explosives. In the military only used by high ranking experts, seldom seen in company property.

2012-05-05, 08:15 AM
Wes Malo

Wes takes a seat so he can see the crates and buckles up. once buckled up Wes takes a better look at the crates to see if he can identify the type of explosive might be in the crates, if there is any at all, and the crew and passengers

For the better look at the crates [roll0]
better look at the crew and passengers

2012-05-05, 10:00 AM
The crates are usually used to transport high grade detonite. Much more powerful than the usual detonite. If all the crates in this shuttle are filled with that particular detonite you'd have enough to blow up a large moon. Ownership of the stuff is highly restricted, and it usually only found in the military. It is highly unlikely to belong to a private company, even though there is a company logo on the crates

About your crew, there's only two, of which the copilot is most weirdly dressed. He wears a pilot's outfit covering him from head to toe. The only thing visible is his face, which is rather unremarkable.

2012-05-07, 06:13 AM
Wes thought the cargo was some what strange, so Wes says to Darex, excuse me sir I have a question about the cargo and its content s?? Sir.