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2012-09-21, 12:47 AM
"Perhaps it means more than we realize, or there is more to taking it than we realize ourselves." Gothard says. "This being the last building standing though, we have little choice beyond this."

Gothard begins sifting through the rubbish to try to find something else worth taking home.


2012-09-21, 10:36 AM
Niklaus would walk over to long table and pique his brows in curiosity when he saw scattered, similar coins to the one the squirrel presented him with.

"What would you say to fact....these coins here on the table.....were the same ones the squirrel gave me?"

2012-09-21, 02:36 PM
"I would say it would be very easy for a squirrel to find a small hole through which to get into this ramshackle building...and that he may have been trying to give us a way to escape." He says, first jokingly, then in a slightly more serious tone. "...You know...a single coin alone might not make for a grand trophy...but if we could perhaps gather several into a bag..." Gothard looks around for an inviting container.

Lycan 01
2012-09-21, 07:11 PM
As previously mentioned, there are a large number of plates, tankards, and bits of cutlery on the table. A large number of silver coins are also scattered around. There are also a few knives and swords strewn about or tucked under some of the piles of bones; they also seem strangely pristine.

2012-09-21, 08:11 PM
"Well, I do have the pockets in my bag for that," Niklaus commented as he began to collect several coins.

2012-09-21, 09:54 PM
"And the silver would certainly be useful, even if not as a trophy." Gothard says, likewise collecting it. "Let us just take enough to fill a small pouch though. No need to be greedy"

Lycan 01
2012-09-21, 09:56 PM
The door to the longhall slams shut.

2012-09-21, 10:05 PM
"Ehehe...heh...hopefully...that was just the wind...." Niklaus said with a grimace as he put down the fourth coin he was pocketing.

2012-09-21, 10:30 PM
"...I suspect it was...nevertheless, the coins we have are likely enough for one of us. Let's take one more thing and be on our way."

2012-09-22, 09:28 AM
"Right," Niklaus picked up the coin again. "So, what else did you spy in your search?"

2012-09-22, 11:26 AM
"There are a few swords, tucked under the bodies of the fallen. And a few knives. They're in quite good condition, and one of them would likely make a good trophy."

2012-09-22, 11:43 AM
"You know...I wonder why those weren't taken too long ago....and doesn't it strike you odd that they're still in such good condition over all time? Not even rust?" Niklaus questions as he walks over to one and picks it by the hilt and stares at it.

Lycan 01
2012-09-22, 11:53 AM
The blade is strangely pristine.

A floorboard behind Niklaus creaks.

2012-09-22, 12:16 PM
"Probably just luck, I su-"

Gothard swivels around to look behind them when the floorboard creaks.

2012-09-22, 12:27 PM
Niklaus turns around as well, with the shiny sword in his hands.

Lycan 01
2012-09-22, 01:58 PM
There's nothing there.

At the far end of the hall, a plate falls off the table and breaks.

2012-09-22, 02:05 PM
Gothard turns around again, this time drawing his sword as he does so.

2012-09-22, 03:14 PM
"I'm starting to feel the wind can't be blamed for everything..." Niklaus turned and stared at the broken plate. "Gothard.........I think what I saw last night may have been spirits, ghosts of those of this village, drinking and being merry. I don't think luck has anything to do with why the swords were still in such pristine condition..."

2012-09-22, 03:44 PM
"...I suggest we get out of here, before we find out the real reason." Gothard says. "We have what we need,now let's leave."

Gothard goes and attempts to open the door.

Lycan 01
2012-09-23, 08:16 PM
As Gothard turns towards the door, it shudders, jamming itself in place.

A chill wind blows through the cracked and weakened walls of the longhall, whistling and wailing as it passes through the rafters.

And at the end of the longhall, the skeleton on the throne rattles as a shiver runs through it.

Sinew and strips of tanned hide and muscle begin to materialize across the bones, knitting the joints together and quickly giving the body the ghastly appearance of mummified corpse. The skeletal thing rises from its throne, and a an eerie ethereal light begins to glow in its empty eye sockets, bright blue shining from within the dark portals.

The skeleton raises its sword in right hand, and levels it with Gothard from across the hall. Its jaw clatters open, and a deep, throaty voice reverberates through the entire building. "YOUR CHALLENGE IS ACCEPTED, MORTALS. FACE ME, TRESPASSERS, AND PERISH."

2012-09-23, 08:28 PM
Gothard looks upon the abomination with wide eyes of terror, and in an instant, realizes he is about to do something profoundly stupid.

He draws his sword in one move, and calls out to the wretched being.

"I accept your challenge, and I alone! Face me, foul creature!" He says, and gestures for Niklaus to make a break for it.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-09-24, 12:09 AM
"No, I won't leave you to face this alone!" Niklaus insisted as his dropped the sword in his one hand and pulled an arrow from his quiver, being better at the bow than sword.

Initiative: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-09-24, 09:56 PM
The ancient elder charges, his bones and tanned flesh creaking with every movement, the ancient chainmail shrouding him jangling and clinking with every step.

They say the dead travel fast. This turns out to be more true than the vikings would wish, as the undead entity quickly sprints straight towards Gothard. Its bony hands raise its ancient greatsword above its helmed head, and with a unholy shriek it brings the blade down towards the young viking.

Dodge or block, your narrative choice, so long as you barely pull it off. :smallwink:

2012-09-25, 09:23 AM
Gothard raises his own simple, unadorned greatsword into the ancient undead's path, holding him off with all of his strength.

It is said that a true warrior can call upon the strength of the beast in times of great stress. When his life, or the life of another, hang in the balance, and he is pushed to the very limits of his physical form.

Gothard knew of this, and he knew he could not let his friend die out here in the cold wastelands. And as the undead warrior collided with him, sword-to-sword, the primal powers flowed through his body, seizing him and driving him as an animal driven to the edge.

Like a howling wolf, he barked out at his friend in a feral voice.


((Gothard has activated Rage.))

2012-09-25, 04:07 PM
"No I won't go!" He shouted as he nocked his arrow. He stood fifteen feet away near a chair by the table.

Lycan 01
2012-09-25, 04:58 PM
The skeleton-lord takes a step back to observe the two young vikings. It then begins to laugh. A deep, dark, mirthless laugh.

Rattle rattle.

Several of the skeletons scattered around the room begin to shudder and reconstruct themselves where they've fallen, an ethereal blue mist swirling around their forsaken bones...

2012-09-25, 06:09 PM
Gothard takes one look around the room, and constructs in his mind a hasty plan.

"New Plan. Kill zombie. Help now."

Gothard also intends to make good on his plan, and proceeds to charge at the man, swinging his sword down hard as he makes the charge.

Note: While he is charging forward, he cannot actually make a 'charge attack', because it requires at last 10 ft. of space between the foe and target, and you cannot take a 5 ft. step in the same round you charge, so it's actually just moving in to attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Critical: Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-09-25, 11:11 PM
Niklaus contains himself a swear word as three other skeletons manifested themselves.

"I don't need to be told twice," He meeped as he let his arrow fly at one of the new skeletons NOT engaged with Gothard.

Attack: [bow an arrow] [roll0]
Damage: [Piercing damage] [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-09-26, 01:28 AM
The arrow finds its mark, punching throw the eye-socket of one skeleton's skull just as it reaches for a knife. There is a loud, blood-chilling shriek, and the whispey blue energy around it disperses.

Two other skeletons, though, rise to their rickety feet, and begin to advance towards Niklaus. One holds a sword, while the other is armed with a pair of knives.

The bone-lord watches as Gothard's blade falls straight towards its face. Then, just at the last moment, it's left hand shoots out with unnatural speed. The boney fingers wrap around the blade, and ethereal blue light flickers around his grasp - the dark magic of the dead no doubt keeping the blade from slicing through his phalanges. "BRAVE..." it growls, working its jaw and creating the illusion of a rictus grin. "BUT FOOLISH."

It holds its right hand - and ancient blade - aloft, and begins to lean back, preparing a powerful strike of its own.

Strength check to wrestle the blade free, or just let go and think fast.

2012-09-26, 09:29 AM
Gothard attempts to wrest the blade free from the icy grip of the ancient horror.

Strength: [roll0]

2012-09-26, 03:20 PM
Niklaus reached, nocked, and shot in one swift movement an arrow towards the skeleton with the sword and then took a five step away from the two skeletons BUT not toward Gothard and his skeleton buddy.

Attack [bow and arrow]:[roll0]
Damage: [Piercing damage]: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-09-26, 07:53 PM
Niklaus arrow punches through the skull of the sword-wielding skeleton. With an echoing howl, it collapses to the ground unceremoniously.

Rattle rattle

Two more skeletons begin to clatter together, rising up to take their fallen comrades' places. The knife-wielder advances on Niklaus, trying to back him into a corner.

Gothard wrenches the handle of his sword with all his strength. It doesn't budge an inch. "WEAK. WEAK AND FRAIL. SUCH IS THE CURSE OF MORTALITY," the ancient undead entity growls. "COME, LET ME LIFT YOU OF ITS BURDEN."

And then, without further hesitation, it drives its greatsword through Gothard's stomach, burying the blade in his gut all the way to the hilt. Blood erupts out of his back, splattering Niklaus's face. The bone-lord then gives a brutal twist of the weapon, before yanking the sword from the torso of the wounded warrior.

Gothard's world begins to spin, and his feet go out from under him. As he slams to the floor, unable to feel his legs, darkness begins to tinge the corners of his vision. Strangely, though, there is no pain...

Gothard is dying, but it'll take another round or two for him to fully croak, since he's a stubborn bastard like that. Feel free to roleplay accordingly.

2012-09-26, 08:14 PM

Nope nope nope not going to do the smart thing and stay down or say some final words or beg for his friend's assistance as his guts spill out all over the floor with a sword jammed through his body.

No, Gothard is going to do none of those things.

Instead, what Gothard is going to do, what he SHOULD have done in the first place, though he can scarcely even think of that now with all the blood loss, is to grab a sword, preferably not the one he is currently impaled on, but one that has yet to be animated in the hands of a skeletal warrior, and bash through one of the various creatures that are coming after Niklaus.

Because reason be damned, no honorable barbarian will writhe on the ground and die like a worm. Not when his comrade is in danger.

Endurance Check: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Lycan 01
2012-09-26, 08:24 PM
Let it be known that Gothard does not go out like a punk.

The viking rises to his knees, blood freely flowing from his wounds. His hands reach out, and find what they are looking for - a blade, fallen and forsaken. His blade.

The viking staggers to his feet. The bone-lord watches, curious. "INTERESTING."

One of the skeletons howls, and charges Niklaus with an ancient axe. Mid-stride, Gothards bloody bulk smashes into it. The viking brings his blade down, cleaving the skeleton in twain from clavicle to hip. His body then smashes through the bones, scattering them in every direction as he plows through his fallen enemy. His momentum continues to carry him forward, before his feet go out from under him, and he slams heavily to the ground.

His breathing labored, his vision greying, Gothard the young viking has little time left in this world...

2012-09-26, 11:35 PM
"Gothaaard!" Niklaus cried out in utter shock and surprise at what just happened befell his very eyes. No!


He rushed over the ten feet to his friend as he check over his wounds. "No! Damnit no! You are not dying on me Gothard! We will finish this together whether you want to or not!" He then tried to stabilize his friend, save him from the death's grip. Niklaus was not about to abandon his friend! They were in this together, viking brothers to the end.

Heal Check to First Aid-Stabilize [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-09-26, 11:47 PM
Niklaus rolls Gothard over on his back, and attempts to stem the blood loss. Gothard is deathly pale, his eyes fluttering open and shut. Niklaus' hands are soon slick with the lifeblood of his friend, but the bleeding slows.

And then a shadow passes over the two vikings.

A heavy boot slams Niklaus across the shoulder, hurling him to the ground. He looks up just in time to see the bone-lord driving his blade down. There are two cracking sounds. The first is the greatsword punching through Niklaus' ribcage. The second is the blade smashing through the floor beneath him.

The undead warrior rips his blade from the dying viking, throws his head back, and laughs. His mocking, laughing features are the last thing the two men see as the world goes black...


The world explodes to life. The wind is roaring as thunder booms overhead, and the stabbing frigidness of ice-cold rain smashing against their faces brings the two vikings back to their senses. Darkness surrounds them, but as lightning flickers and illuminates their surroundings, Niklaus and Gothard find themselves in a powerful rainstorm.

On a viking longboat.


In the middle of a tumultuous ocean, which is throwing said boat around on massive waves as if it were a child's toy.

And as the lightning strikes again, the two men will notice that their wounds are still present. Blood flows freely from the ragged rends in their torsos, and yet there is no pain or weakness.

What is this black magic?

2012-09-26, 11:51 PM
Gothard pulls himself to his feet, attempting to hold his wounds closed with his arm, though it is quite difficult, and quite a bit more mortifying without the flow of adrenaline dulling the horror of the action.

He is wet, and bleeding, and painlessly dying, and strongly suspects that this is not the worst of what has happened to him.

With one bloody hand trying to hold himself together, he offers the other to Niklaus, attempting to bring his comrade to his feet as swiftly as possible.

2012-09-26, 11:58 PM
"Augh....ah...are we dead? Damnit....this is going to stain...." Niklaus commented wearily as he dipped his gloved hand into his gaping wound, pulled it out and stared at it, utterly discombobulated. He flopped his head and stared at Gothard and stared at the offered hand. "Hey......look....we're blood brothers...." And then Niklaus dry sobbed. "I'll never get my first kiss now.."

2012-09-27, 12:07 AM
"...You're not getting it from me, Niklaus. Now up on your feet." Gothard says, on the verge of tears himself, pulling the man to his feet whether he wants to be or not. "Do you know anything about controlling a ship?"

2012-09-27, 12:13 AM
"None....if I recall...was not much of a sailor....hunter, trapper, that was I..." Niklaus stiffened after standing up and tilted his head dramatically upward as the heavy rain fell upon him.

"Does it matter, when we're dead? There is no other explanation. Our wounds, we bleed continuously, but we do not hurt."

2012-09-27, 12:15 AM
"If we are dead, what matter is it if we exhaust ourselves? Better to have safe passage to the afterlife than to go through this stormy hell at the will of the gods."

"If we are not..." Gothard didn't feel like he needed to finish that, giving his friend a grave stare. "I suggest we learn about this ship. Right now."

Lycan 01
2012-09-27, 12:15 AM
Somehow, over the din of the storm and the waves, the two men hear whispers. Echoing whispers, coming from near the bow of the ship. The intensity of the downpour of the inky blackness of the night sky, though, prevent them from seeing what is there. They'll have to crawl closer...

2012-09-27, 12:20 AM
Gothard reaches for his sword, but finds it bereft of his body. Cursing the black magic that brought him here, he searches the deck for any sort of rigging or makeshift weapon he can find.

search: [roll0]

2012-09-27, 12:20 AM
"Echoing whispers...bah...I had enough of them......curses...I should have listened to that squirrel..." Niklaus muttered.

"We're dead anyway...let's go take a look?" Niklaus sighed defeatedly.

2012-09-27, 12:25 AM
"...Yes, let's do so." Gothard nods, continuing his search for something to defend himself with while making his way to the bow.

Lycan 01
2012-09-27, 12:35 AM
The two vikings make their way through the pouring rain, staggering and tripping over benches and ropes. Finally, they make it to the bow...

There's nothing there. Not at first at least. But something begins to appear. A strange mist, a swirling vapor with some sort of blue glow about it, begins to materialize. The ethereal mist begins to coalesce and shift, growing in size and mass.

And then the mist shifts, reforms, and creatures a figure.

Transparent and undefined, the figure still has the figure and many of the characteristics of a woman. The face, though, is devoid of features, except for two burning blue eyes. A pair of stag horns rise of from the figure's head, lending a sense of awe and majesty to her appearance.

And then she speaks.

Three voices at once - a young girl who speaks with childish innocence, a mature woman who speaks with motherly concern, and a wizened crone who's tone reveals knowledge and experience. The chorus of voices echo together, their words loud enough to be heard clearly through the storm.

"Gothard and Niklaus... You have been chosen..."

2012-09-27, 12:43 AM
For once Gothard does not attempt to be as brave and foolish as he possibly can be, and instead goes down on one knee in reverence of the clear godly figure before him.

I mean, unless it shows any intention of hostilities...

...He grabs some nearby heavy rigging, just in case it is needed.

"Ah...chosen, milady?"

2012-09-27, 12:45 AM
Niklaus stiffened, gazing upon the figure all wide eyed at the figure before him and Gothard. The majestic awe he felt prompted him to fall down on one knee as well.

"C-chosen?" He lamely parroted.

Lycan 01
2012-09-27, 12:49 AM
The ghostly figure nods her horned head. "Chosen."

"We have seen what you have done. What you are capable of. What you will do. What you will become."

The figure raises its ghostly hands out towards the two young vikings.

"We have chosen you, Niklaus and Gothard."


Knowledge (Religion) checks, boys!

2012-09-27, 12:54 AM
"And...what have we been chosen for?" gothard asks, still feeling rather wary of all this.

Knowledge (anything) [roll0]

2012-09-27, 12:59 AM
"Uh...wha?" Niklaus found himself hit with a chill up his assumed dead self. Who were they?...What were they going on about?

Knowledge religion: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-09-27, 01:05 AM

The say Fate is a fickle mistress...


You're talking to Wyrd - Fate itself. It is unknown whether she is a deity, entity, force of natural, or universal whim, or whether she is a single force or multiple forces acting as one. She is sometimes referred to as actually being a set of sisters - the Three Fates. What is certain, though, is that Wyrd is the power which ordains the lives, deeds, and deaths of all, from worthless animal to legendary hero.

2012-09-27, 01:08 AM
"...Ah! A-a thousand pardons milady, for my impertinence." Gothard says, surprised that he even knows what that word means. Under his breath, he mutters. "Niklaus, be incredibly grateful, and whatever you do do not insult her. Do. Not."

2012-09-27, 01:14 AM
Niklaus stared, that's all he did. Stared with one brow raised, his mouth slightly open, his blood trickling out of him.

Lycan 01
2012-09-27, 09:05 PM
Wyrd, the goddess/incarnation of Fate itself, does not respond. Rather, the vibrant blue eyes of flame continue to stare down at them observantly. "There is darkness in this world," her voices state in unison. "Dark powers, grim entities, and the vile hearts of corrupted men will commit transgressions. So it has been, so it is, and so it shall always be. But where there is darkness, there is light. In every cycle, there are those who are chosen to stand against the darkness. To protect the world of nature and of man. And in this time, it is you who have been chosen."

The spectral entity gently raises her hands towards Gothard and Niklaus' faces. "You are but young men now. So much weakness. So much potential. These Trials you are but the first of many you shall be faced with. We have seen you. Lives. Deaths. Rights. Wrongs. Many paths lay before you. Many decisions. Many challenges. And many fates."

The hands of Fate itself graze against the vikings' cheeks. "Fear not. For We are watching."

The world goes black...


A sharp intake of breath. A lightning bolt of feeling.

Niklaus and Gothard open their eyes. Their wounds have closed and healed completely, though they are still drenched in blood and sprawled out on the floor of the viking longhall. The bone-lord stands triumphantly over them, laughing mockingly at the ceiling in victory.

He doesn't seem to realize the men he just killed are alive once more. Though... whether they are mere "men" anymore is a matter of debate.


Gothard and Niklaus both just hit level 2. Their HD gain is max, and they gain skill points and feats as normal.


They have just been Touched by the Fates.

On top of leveling up, both men gain +2 to one attribute of their choice, a free feat (possibly ignoring prerequisites), and +5 to two skills of their choice.

They have taken their first steps towards becoming legends.

2012-10-07, 10:26 AM
Gothard rises up, feeling his body renewed, and something...more. Something significant, and powerful.

Looking about, he notices that they are still surrounded by quite a few skeletal beings.

Ah yes...take care of them first.

Attacking the first skeleton. If this succeeds, Gothard gets a free attack on each one that surrounds them.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-07, 06:43 PM
It was as if though the weight of crushing gravity was removed from his chest as Niklaus felt the rush of life return to his corporeal body. He took a gasp as his body arched for a second before settling down.

Reality hit him like a ton of bricks as his eyes gazed upon the skeleton lord laughing upward towards the ceiling. Right. There was a skeleton to destroy.

The lad grabbed his bow and tumbled out of reach. If he is successful in his tumble he will have had stood up and put himself at considerable distance as he was a range combatant after all.

Tumble: [roll0]

His feat Dodge will be in effect with the skeleton lord being the designated opponent giving him a +1 to his AC versus that fellow until he changes opponents. So, 17 AC effectively, at least toward skeleton lord dude.

Lycan 01
2012-10-08, 12:21 AM
The skeleton Gothard strikes at recoils back, barely avoiding his slicing blade.

The leader, his blade still dripping viking blood, takes a step back in suprirse. "WHAT TRICKERY IS THIS!?" he growls in outrage.

2012-10-08, 08:56 AM
Gothard opts not to answer, and instead throws himself at the next skeletal warrior savagely.

Attack: [roll0]
Damge: [roll1]

2012-10-08, 03:35 PM
"The sort of trickery that will kill you a second time!" He laughed with renewed confidence. Niklaus swiftly grabs himself an arrow, notches it and lets fly hopefully true.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-10-09, 03:07 AM
The skeletal warrior manages to blocks Gothard strike; sparks fly from the colliding blades. The skeleton quickly recovers, and swings its blade at Gothard. The other skeletal warrior staggers forward, standing next to it's comrade and jabbing in with it's own blade.

Time-tempered steel cuts through Gothard's clothing and hide armor, searing flesh as it draws blood. But his muscles are now like iron bands, tense and strong against the cutting edges. The blades produce naught more than flesh wounds.

The undead jarl staggers back as Niklaus fires an arrow into his chest. He looks down at the offending bolt, then up at the young viking. With a bestial roar that shakes the building, he lifts his blade above his head, and charges Niklaus. He brings the blade down with both hands, but the viking manages to sidestep in the nick of time. The greatsword smashes down through the floor, easily hacking through the ancient boards.

2012-10-09, 09:14 PM
Wincing very slightly with the pain of a flesh wound, Gothard renews his vigor, and throws himself into the battle with reckless abandon. He shall not be bested. Not now. Not when he has everything to prove.

Activating Rage

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-09, 10:18 PM
As Niklaus side stepped he again tumbled out of the way to put distance between him and the skeleton jarl while it busied itself with having to pull out its weapon.

Tumble: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-10-09, 10:31 PM
Gothard slams his sword against the skeletal warrior. It explodes in a mighty shower of dust and shards of bone, as the strength of his strike completely overwhelms its structural integrity.

Niklaus rolls across the floor, away from the enraged monster.

Niklaus' turn still, then Skellies go.

2012-10-09, 10:37 PM
"Fly with the blessing of Miss Adele," Niklaus cheesily said as he righted himself from a tumble and on one knee grabbed, notched an arrow and let it fly.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-10-09, 10:48 PM
The remaining skeleton swings its sword at Gothard, but the viking manages to deftly avoid the hit.

Niklaus is less lucky. The undead abomination lets out a roar of rage as the archer's arrow plinks off his ancient armor. He quickly strides forward, ripping his sword out of the floor as he goes. He slams the pommel of the blade into the young warrior, the impact knocking the breath out of Niklaus.

Niklaus takes 14 damage.

2012-10-10, 07:49 AM
"NIKLAUS!" Gothard screams as the blade stings his comrade. He attempts to extend his swing to smash through the second skeleton, but even if this is unsuccessful, he sees that he must get to the front of combat immediately, and charges towards the abomination at full speed, swinging his blade as he does so.

Great Cleave attack in OOC, charge attack on the undead warrior here.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Damage: [roll3]

2012-10-10, 07:32 PM
The blow more than just knocked the breath out of it, it also knocked out the confidence he was wielding as he staggered and clutched his stomach. "Ow.....that's just not......right...mmmhp." He felt as if though much of his life was just taken out of him, he felt close again death and with the skeleton jarl right in front of him, Niklaus felt his luck running out. He couldn't think of anything else to do, so he withdrew and put great distance between him. He needed a moment to access what just happened and deal with the wounds he just acquired.

Lycan 01
2012-10-11, 02:54 AM
Gothard's blade hacks down through the undead warlord's shoulder, slicing through his armor, clavicle, and several ribs. The greatsword is left imbedded halfway through his ribcage, and the ancient horror staggers slightly from the impact. Still holding his blade in reverse from when he pommel-smashed Niklaus, he grips the hilt with both skeletal hands and drives the blade backwards behind him, attempting to perform a backstab on Gothard.

Thankfully, his is not too accurate with the cumbersome weapon, and the old blade only grazes Gothard, drawing blood but leaving little more than a flesh wound on his right side.

The other skeleton runs up behind Gothard and tries to slash at him, but it is forced to divert its attack as it dodges the greatsword suddenly being thrust in its direction.

Gothard takes 8 damage.

New turn.

2012-10-11, 08:26 AM
There is one important fact that Gothard notices about the position of his sword, even through his blood-soaked rage.

The sword is still inside.

Rather than shift his focus onto the skeletal creature behind him, Gothard simply grasps the sword with both hands, and attempts to forcibly rip the sword straight through the torso and into the skeletal being.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If Undead Warrior falls:
Attack Skeleton.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2012-10-11, 02:31 PM
Niklaus took the moment and the sixty feet distance he put between himself and the skeleton jarl Gothard was fighting, to catch his breath. His innards hurt something fierce. He reached into a side pocket on his pack and pulled out a vial with a magical liquid. He then drank it, and it tasted awful, but he soon found his body infused with a curing magic.

Drinking cure light wounds potion: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-10-12, 12:39 AM
Niklaus feels a spike of adrenaline as he downs the potion, and the pain in his stomach quickly fades away. He's still battered and bruised, but he feels much more alive than before.

Gothard wrenches his sword free from his foe, and spins to face the remaining skeleton. In one fell swoop, he cleaves it's skull from its neck, and the skeleton clatters to the ground in shambles.

The undead jarl drops to his knees, a massive gouge carved through his ribcage. It raises a skeletal hand to its chest, then pitches forward and crumples to the floor. Unmoving. Defeated.

2012-10-12, 08:09 AM
Gothard, not fully satisfied that it is over, makes a final move to decapitate the undead Jarl. He lowers his sword upon his neck in one fell swoop, to make certain he has fallen entirely.

When that is done, he sheaths his sword, and pants in exhaustion from the surge of primal energy that had been flowing through him, surveying the scene, then finally looking towards his friend.

"Did....did that do it, Niklaus?"

2012-10-12, 11:04 AM
"I....I really hope so....You were quite something in the latter half of the battle," Niklaus tiredly smiled as he leaned against his longbow a bit. "By the gods that really hurt though when he plowed me with the pommel."

"Its still though....hard to imagine what happened to us earlier....being brought to the Fates.....that some.....I--I don't even have the right words for that, heh."

2012-10-12, 11:47 AM
Gothard examines the undead...well, now fully dead Jarl's sword as he listens to Niklaus's words.

He picks it up, feeling its weight in his hands.

"I feel as if a new energy has entered me...heh, well, felt is more like it...right now I feel as if I could sleep for hours." Gothard does indeed look fairly fatigued from the battle. "But for a trophy like this...I think it was well worth the fight."

2012-10-12, 02:46 PM
"I'm a little envious, when all I have is some coins haha.." Niklaus chuckled as he continued to try to keep his composure, being tired and all.

Lycan 01
2012-10-12, 02:53 PM
The dead warlord's head rolls free from his shoulders, though the ram-horned helmet adorning it keeps the gaunt visage from moving beyond a few inches.

The greatsword is in pristine condition, of excellent craftsmanship. Just... mind the blood.

The greatsword isn't anything special, mechanically. Just a normal greatsword. BUT, it looks pretty, and it's gotta be worth some brownie points with the village. :smalltongue:

2012-10-12, 03:54 PM
"Heh, you could take his helm, if you wish." Gothard suggested. "I'm certain that would make a fine trophy."

2012-10-12, 04:37 PM
Niklaus half smirked as he slowly made his way to Gothard and the jarl corpse. He picked up the helm with one hand and examined it. "Mmm, not a big fan of helm hair, heh. I will though still take a coin along with this. I find the coins interesting." And then Niklaus began his hobby of a coin collector. :smalltongue:

2012-10-12, 07:04 PM
"Are you sure? We are only supposed to take one trophy back with us. It could be an ill omen to take more than one thing." Gothard is not one for superstition, but he is one for leaving more things for future generations to bring back to prove themselves adults.

2012-10-12, 07:24 PM
"One coin? Is this really going to be over one coin? Fine, if it makes you feel better, it won't be a coin from the table. I'll just keep what the squirrel gave me."

2012-10-12, 07:29 PM
"I think that's fair enough." Gothard nods.

"...wait, squirrel?"

2012-10-12, 08:07 PM
"I told you about that already. Don't tell me death erased some memories."

2012-10-12, 09:54 PM
"Sorry, I'm just choosing not to believe that happened." Gothard shakes his head. "let's just get back to camp."

2012-10-12, 10:11 PM
"Right yes, of course," The ranger youth took a 10 moment to secure the helm against his pack vith his rope.

2012-10-12, 10:19 PM
Gothard likewise secured his belongings, before setting out with his comrade.

2012-10-12, 10:28 PM
"Just to make sure I got this right, the camp from the last right?" He asked as he stepped outside. He looked up at the sky. It felt like such a long time since they were in the long house, what with their...souls?...Something, being taken to meet the Fates. But alas, not so mucho.

2012-10-13, 07:36 AM
"Unless you can think of a more ideal place to camp. We both need rest after...well, after all that has happened today."

2012-10-13, 05:01 PM
"There really is no ideal place to camp around here...let's just...get out of here," Niklaus walked on passing the village center.

2012-10-13, 08:31 PM
"Well...no, you're right. It would just be easier to re-make the old camp." Gothard sighs. "But yes, let's get out of here, and never return."

Lycan 01
2012-10-13, 09:25 PM
The village is empty. No birds, no animals, no movements, no sounds.

The sky is cloudy and overcast. It feels like late morning...

2012-10-13, 11:41 PM
"...Is it still early...or far later than we realized?" Gothard says, not sure if little of the day has passed, or if they have lost an entire day.

2012-10-14, 01:31 AM
"I think its still early...given what with the skeleton jarl lording over our bodies all evilly as we came into consciousness," Niklaus said.

2012-10-14, 08:34 AM
"Do you think the dreadful creatures from a few nights ago would still be haunting this area, after what we did?"

2012-10-14, 04:30 PM
"Maybe....though I rather they not be haunting the area.....those things...were horrifying," Niklaus frowned and felt a chill hit him, so he shuddered a bit.

2012-10-14, 05:13 PM
"Any chance we could get far away from here before nightfall?"

2012-10-15, 07:22 AM
"I'm not quite sure given how long it took us to reach that pass from when we were by the cliff side...and failed at climbing...we can...try climbing......" he frowned, not quite happy with that thought, considering the height and drop from up here...to down there. "But....but....going the long way may not take as along...I mean...we're now more familiar with the land we walked through." And his knowledge of Geography don't hurt.

2012-10-15, 02:57 PM
"True...but that surge of adrenaline on my end did not come cheap. It will take time for me to recover." Gothard points out. "...Still, perhaps you are right...let's avoid the cliff face and head back the long way."

2012-10-15, 06:49 PM
And so Niklaus and Gothard made for heading down the pass they came from using the knowledge of what to expect from the terrain now to help them.

Lycan 01
2012-10-16, 02:29 AM
And off they go.

Many hours later, as the sun begins to near the horizon, they find themselves passing by the bone-scattered cliff-face where they camped the two nights before. It seems like so long ago...

They've made good time. But they are starting to slow down, as their stomachs growl and ache. They haven't eaten anything today, have they? Being a hero is energy-consuming work... Perhaps they should try to find food and set up camp before nightfall? Or they may insist on carrying on their journey, to put more distance between themselves and the eerie hillsides...

2012-10-16, 05:36 PM
"...I don't know about you, but I think we could keep going for a little longer." Gothard says. "...have we got any reserves left in our packs?"

2012-10-16, 07:58 PM
"I have nothing on me, the last of my rations gone," The tired Niklaus replied.

2012-10-17, 08:32 AM
"Then I suppose...we must hunt." Gothard says, looking at the site they are at. "I wish we had a better site to return to, but it looks like that isn't going to be likely. Let's hope we have some luck tonight."

2012-10-17, 07:12 PM
"Alright then...so..I'll go hunt, you make camp and the fire right?"

2012-10-17, 07:15 PM
"Yeah." Gothard says, unstrapping his pack and leaning against it as he does so. "I'll have it up by the time you return, friend."

And Gothard does proceed to make camp, setting up the bedrolls and, more importantly, making the fire.

Survival: [roll0]

2012-10-17, 07:30 PM
And Niklaus set about to go hunt for some small game.

Survival: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-10-18, 02:21 AM
Gothard goes about preparing a fire. He manages to find some branches and pieces of tree limb nearby, and piles them together. As he tosses the last branch on the bundle, the heat from the friction of the dry wood somehow creates enough heat for the whole pile of kindling to spontaneously combust.

The startled viking now has a nice fire to keep warm with.

Niklaus manages to find a few juniper bushes. The berries should be enough to sate their hunger.

2012-10-18, 08:59 AM
No protein, but this will do. Niklaus collected as many as he could on him before returning to camp.

"Berries, the food of heroes...or some such..." Niklaus smiled as walked up to the campsite. "Aaah...always can count on you for a nice fire."

2012-10-18, 09:19 AM
"....I'm almost afraid of how easily fire comes to me." Gothard says in almost-seriousness, because that is not usually how fire happens...but he does espy the ripe berries, and smiles. "That shall do for tonight, and at least we shan't have to rig anything to cook meat tonight."

2012-10-18, 11:50 PM
"Right," Niklaus began to give Gothard a large amount of berries as he sat down to eat his own. They felt really tasty right now after all that they been through. There was nothing like just chowing down after dying.

2012-10-19, 09:02 AM
Gothard bit into his as well. And it's true - having just gotten over a case of death, there was nothing sweeter in this world than tasting the ripeness of wildberries once again.

But he probably wouldn't get put to legend for saying something like that.

"...A thought occurs to me, Niklaus." Gothard says once their humble meal is done. "What are we going to tell everyone when we get back?"

2012-10-19, 03:04 PM
"The truth as much of a fantasy tale as it is. I do expect folks to be considering it an exaggerated tale....much like how I saw my father's story to be," Niklaus himself was not entirely sure about his own words.

2012-10-19, 04:09 PM
"...My father...he never spoke much about his journey." Niklaus admitted. "I've often wondered..what he would say, if he were to tell me about it."

Lycan 01
2012-10-19, 04:20 PM
The sun is beginning to set, and darkness is staining the cloudy sky.

Perhaps the vikings should determine their watch patterns, and/or ensure they have enough firewood to keep the fire going strong all night.

2012-10-19, 05:16 PM
"So...I'll go gather some more firewood, if you take first watch?" Gothard offers.

2012-10-19, 07:37 PM
"Mmm...very well...I'll take first watch, you just come back with a good amount of wood, shouldn't be hard, we're in a forest area after all, haha..." Niklaus stood over the roaring fire enjoying the warmth.

2012-10-19, 08:45 PM
"You just make sure nothing runs off with the fire." Gothard jokes back, as he heads out to the edge of the woods to gather more lumber for the fire.


Lycan 01
2012-10-19, 10:04 PM
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Not sure.

But Gothard finds an old birch tree that has recently fallen. It's branches and trunk can easily provide a night's worth of firewood, and more!

2012-10-20, 08:33 AM
Well Gothard certainly makes a relieved sound when he finds such easy-to-harvest timber. He takes it, along with a little extra for the next night, and some birch bark. After all, it has worked so well for him in the past in making fire...

At any rate, he returns to camp with the lumber needed. "This should easily last us the night."

2012-10-20, 08:56 AM
"Haha..fire and wood seem to be your thing, particularly fire...well...you rest up, I'll deal with the firewood."

2012-10-20, 10:48 AM
"Right, wake me when it's my shift." Gothard says, as he drifts off in his bedroll.

2012-10-21, 07:43 AM
And so Niklaus sat on a log in front of the fire as he kept watch and attended the roaring fire every once in a while to keep it burning.

Listen: 1d20+6
Spot: 1d20+6

Lycan 01
2012-10-21, 01:53 PM
Niklaus sees and hears nothing of interest. In fact, he sees and hears nothing at all.

There is an uncomfortable silence over the dark forest.

And the young viking can't help but feel like he's being watched. And no matter how he turns and looks, he cannot shake the feeling of eyes upon his back...

2012-10-21, 04:05 PM
Those were some very long uncomfortable hours, at some point the eerieness just got to him. That sinking feeling of being watched, he sharply turned around to look behind him out of paranoia.

Lycan 01
2012-10-22, 01:08 AM
Nope, nothing there.

Well, there might have been a small flicker of movement in the corner of his eye, but it was probably just his imagination...

2012-10-22, 08:34 AM
Niklaus shivered, his gloved fingers tapping on his thigh rhythmically, a sort of tense feeling in him. He suffered through his watch with an uncomfortable feeling. However eventually, his watch was over.

He went over to Gothard and gave him a slight shake to wake him up.

2012-10-22, 08:56 AM
Gothard stirs awake as Niklaus shakes him.

"Ngh...I'm almost getting used to this." Gothard says as he sees Niklaus. "My shift?"

2012-10-22, 09:31 AM
"Yea..but be wary.....it feels like something is watching us....and I would not be surprised at all if it were those creatures from before or something more sinister."

2012-10-22, 10:31 AM
"I'll keep my eyes open. Thank you Niklaus."

2012-10-22, 10:41 AM
And with that small comfort, Niklaus tried to get some sleep.

2012-10-22, 05:21 PM
And then it was Gothard's turn to keep the fire going and see things in the middle of the night.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-10-22, 05:30 PM
Gothard sees or hears nothing of interest, though he certainly survives. Still, he can't shake the sensation of being watched...

2012-10-22, 05:48 PM
He briefly glances behind him, to make sure that there's nothing circling behind them.

Spot: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-10-25, 06:29 PM

Gothard catches a glimpse of a figure in a hooded red cloak, standing amongst the trees. They silently fade into the darkness as soon as he spots them, though.

2012-10-31, 06:28 PM
Gothard stands, sword drawn, and calls into the darkness.

"Who goes there? Answer me, if ye' be man!"

Lycan 01
2012-11-01, 09:13 PM
"And what if I be not a man?" a woman's voice asks from behind Gothard.

The red-cloaked figure is now sitting in front of the campfire, its dark hood looking into the crackling blaze. Beneath the cloak, the figure appears to be wearing traveler's garb of light beige and brown. The figure's hands, clad in brown leather gloves, are neatly clasped and resting in its lap.

2012-11-01, 09:45 PM
"...You are a far way out to be from any village, milady." Gothard says, feeling wary of the seemingly supernatural. Nevertheless, he does return his sword to his sheath.

2012-11-02, 05:59 PM
...And Niklaus slept throughout this. Snore snore snore. "Oh Adele...why yes....I would like to have your babie--....I mean aah..what...nuuuuuuuu........"Snore snore Comically frightened expression on his face.

Lycan 01
2012-11-02, 10:39 PM
"Indeed I am," the figure replies with a small nod of her hood. "And you are a long way from your own village. What is it now? Two days journey to the West?" she asks with idle aloofness.

The howl of a lone wolf rises calls out to the night in the distant West.

2012-11-03, 08:27 AM
"Indeed I am, but I do not travel alone." Gothard points out. "Nor do I appear before armed strangers in the middle of the night and sit down before their campfire uninvited...So then tell me, what brings you here to this forsaken place?"

Lycan 01
2012-11-06, 07:46 PM
"What makes you think it is forsaken?" the figure asks innocuously. "There is still much life in these woulds. The birds, the vermin, the game, the predator, the prey. Much activity. Much struggle," she observes aloofly.

2012-11-06, 08:20 PM
"The monsters for one." He points out. "And in case you didn't know, just up that cliff is a village that is completely and literally forsaken."

Lycan 01
2012-11-08, 09:06 PM
"And once again, you are wrong," the stranger replies idly. "Yet again, you look at the world through the human perspective. That village still plays host to a variety of life. The ravens roost amongst the rafters, the vermin thrive amidst the wreckage, the insects bore beneath the stonework... Far from forsaken, in the grand scheme of things..." she muses.

2012-11-08, 09:12 PM
"...Let me correct myself then. Forsaken by humans." Gothard says, a little bit awkward now that she seems to be trying to tease him. "And in any case, you have not answered my question. Why are you here?"

Lycan 01
2012-11-08, 10:19 PM
"Here in your camp, or here in the wilderness?" the strange replies in a factual yet friendly manner. One might even say coy about it.

2012-11-09, 06:52 PM
"Er...both really...but more importantly, the er, first one." Gothard says, not at his peak when it comes to wordplay.

Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 10:17 PM
The stranger gives a soft, lofty laugh. "I am here presently because I desired to sit before the warmth of the fire and share words with the young vikings who have journeyed so far from their homes. And I am in these woods because they are my home, and I dwell within them."

2012-11-11, 10:49 PM
"Very well then, to whom do I extend the warmth of my fire, and hold the honor of hosting here on this humble campground?" Gothard asks.

Lycan 01
2012-11-12, 05:44 AM
"If you are asking my name, I am sorry to tell you that I do not have one to give," the stranger aloofly replies. "At least, not one you could pronounce."

Her hood tilts slightly; she's now looking at Niklaus. "Why are you questing? What is the point of this little adventure you have set yourselves upon?" she idly asks.

2012-11-12, 09:02 AM
"I ask because you give few answers, and I hope to hear one that is satisfactory, if I keep trying." Gothard responds, a mix of bitterness and bemusement. He can't quite place why, but despite this girl getting under his skin, he finds the whole situation somewhat amusing.

"And, if you must know, it is an annual tradition for the young boys in our village to make a journey to the forsaken town that rests atop this cliff, and to return to the village with a token of proof that we have made this journey, to earn our right to manhood."

Lycan 01
2012-11-12, 11:05 PM
"Tenacity is a positive trait, so long as it is kept within reason," the stranger muses. She then leans forward slightly, inching closer to the warmth of the fire. "So what did you find in the 'forsaken' village, if you don't mind my asking? Was it worth the cost?"

2012-11-13, 09:11 PM
"The cost? You talk as if you know what cost there is." Gothard says. "And I will answer your question, only if you can give me a name to call you by."

2012-11-15, 12:32 AM
And Niklaus still slept, soundly if somewhat cold still.

Lycan 01
2012-11-15, 12:39 AM
"You want my name?" the stranger asks, turning her hood towards him. Briefly, the campfire reveals a pair of glowing amber eyes within the darkened cowl.

The firelight wavers.

In the distance, a pack of wolves howls. From a nearby tree, the hooting of an owl is heart. A chill wind picks up, swirling around Gothard and rustling through the forest. His breath forms mist as he exhales it, and the swirling haze is quickly sicked away, spiraling into the night. All around him, he can hear the breeze through the trees, jostling boughs and shaking branches.

And then, after a few seconds of wind and sound... silent stillness falls over the forest and the campsite.

The stranger simply stares into the crackling flames.

2012-11-15, 07:08 PM
"...It seems fate is sunk deep within our souls tonight." Gothard says as he stares into the fire.

"Very well then. What do you want from us?"

Lycan 01
2012-11-16, 09:10 PM
"I desire nothing from you," the stranger remarks innocuously. "I am here merely to observe."

2012-11-17, 12:02 AM
"Ah...to observe...us?" Gothard asks.

Lycan 01
2012-11-17, 07:11 AM
"Interlopers in my forest. Killing the creatures which dwell within its confines. Showing kindness to others. Avoiding the snapping jaws of the predator, offering sustenance to the prey. And when offered dire warning and opportunity to return home..." The stranger tilts her hooded head to the side, as though studying Gothard. "They refuse, and insist on continuing to carry on their quest. I was curious to see what lies beneath the steel and flesh, and motivates the heart and mind. Stubbornness? Pride? Honor? Stupidity? Valor? Most importantly, I wanted to see what made you worthy of the Mark."

Another howl of a wolf in the distance.

2012-11-17, 12:28 PM
"...Had we taken the offering, and returned to our village, no one would have known we had done so. No one would have thought any less of us, for no man nor woman would ever know we had turned back."

"Except for us. We would know. And for that reason, we could not return to our village, and call ourselves men."

Lycan 01
2012-11-17, 10:08 PM
"I see," the stranger nods. "So honor is your primary motive."

Her hood tilts, as her gaze shifts towards the slumbering Niklaus. "I trust the same can be said for him?"

2012-11-18, 09:39 AM
"He made the same choice I did." Is all Gothard needs to say on the matter.

Lycan 01
2012-11-19, 03:23 AM
"I see," the stranger nods. "Interesting. It is good to see men of such character have been chosen for the Mark, then."

More howling in the distance. But something seems... off... about it.

(Listen Check optional)

2012-11-19, 06:18 PM
"You seem to know quite a lot about it...friend." He says, pondering a name for a moment, but choosing not to pick one for now.

Listen: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-11-19, 10:12 PM

That wasn't a wolf howl.

The stranger nods. "There is a world beyond that which your mortal eyes can see, things which mortal arms could not hope to harm. Now that you have been Marked, though, you have ascended beyond these limitations. And this has not gone unnoticed, by myself, or by others..."

More howling in the distance...

2012-11-19, 11:23 PM
"...What would happen to our village, if we were to return, and bring those things with us?" He asks, in all grave seriousness.

Lycan 01
2012-11-20, 12:02 AM
"Your village would likely be safe from whatever entities you interact with. But do not be concerned with what will happen.," the stranger replies with equal gravity. "Be concerned with what has already come to pass."

2012-11-20, 06:19 PM
"What has come to pass...what do you mean?"

Lycan 01
2012-11-20, 10:08 PM
"Events have been set in motion which you cannot stop," the stranger idly observes, staring into the flames. "Your actions will likely effect the outcome, of course. But the situation itself is already well beyond your control."

2012-11-20, 10:40 PM
"Such are all our fates...but perhaps you could enlighten me?"

Lycan 01
2012-11-21, 06:42 AM
"The only advice I can give you is this," the stranger replies, before idly sweeping her hand through the flames. Instantly her gloved hand alights, blazing and burning away in a crackle of flame and ash. The immolation races up her arm, burning it away and leaving nothing but sparks and char in its wake.

"Try not to tarry."

And with that, the blaze consumes the cloaked stranger entirely. The last sight of her Gothard has of her are the glowing amber eyes within the cloak locking on his own. The eyes give him a sly wink before disappearing into the roaring flames, and in less than a few heartbeats, all that remains of the cryptic stranger is swirling ash and a few burning leaves lazily floating through the air.

2012-11-21, 07:38 PM
"...I shan't" is all Gothard says, as he keeps watch over the camp...

...until it is Niklaus's turn, and he nudges the man awake.

2012-11-22, 01:42 AM
Niklaus murmurs in his sleep, something about clandestine squirrels. He opens his eyes.

"Mmm....yaaaawwwn...my turn? Darn..heh..."

2012-11-22, 07:38 AM
"Yes, and we'd best make the most of our daylight tomorrow. I feel...ill at ease."

2012-11-22, 11:57 PM
"Hauh? What do you mean?" Niklaus asked sitting up.

2012-11-23, 10:42 AM
"...Oh nothing...don't worry yourself...though if you have some time during your shift, you could try to map a shorter route home."

Gothard suggests, before wrapping himself in blankets and drifting off to sleep.

2012-11-24, 02:57 AM
Niklaus did consider trying to get home faster. Hmm, anyways. The young hunter fed the fire a bit more kindling and clutched his coat. His eyes were layered with eye crust so he rubbed away at his eyes and yawned. He kept to his watch and yawned again.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-11-26, 03:26 AM
Niklaus spots nothing of note in the darkness around the camp, though he does hear the howling of wolves off in the distance.

The rest of the night passes without note.

In the morning, the two vikings will awaken to overcast skies of dark grey clouds. Snowflakes occasionally drift lazily past them. Looks like snow today...

2012-11-26, 05:50 PM
Gothard groggily rises up from his covers, and sees the falling of the flakes as he opens his eyes.

"...This does not bode well for us. It will slow our pace, and make our trek back more hazardous."

2012-11-26, 06:16 PM
"Why do I get the feeling that the journey back will be the hardest part?" Niklaus rhetorically questioned and shook his head. His whole body was tired and cold and it took him a moment to move his body other than his mouth.

2012-11-26, 06:48 PM
"Let's go over our map once more, Niklaus, and see if we can cut our journey down to avoid the worst of this weather."

2012-11-27, 12:13 PM
"Let's go over our map once more, Niklaus, and see if we can cut our journey down to avoid the worst of this weather."

"Very well..." he says with a yawn as he pulled out the map from his pack and handed it over to Gothard.

2012-11-27, 06:04 PM
Gothard looks over the map, helping Niklaus to pick out a quick and safe route back to the village.

Survival (trailblazing) assist: [roll0]

2012-11-28, 03:02 AM
And because assists don't work that way, Niklaus will be the one to +2 assist Gothard in finding a quicker path to return to the village. Lots of plotting!

Lycan 01
2012-11-28, 03:30 AM
The two vikings are able to find a way to shave a few hours off their trip.

What's the growling noise?

Oh, it's their stomachs.

2012-11-28, 06:14 PM
"...Before we head out, we should probably find something to eat." Gothard says, trying to ignore those embarrassing growls. He checks his pack to see what's left, though he has slim hopes that there will be anything left.

Lycan 01
2012-11-28, 10:32 PM
Any leftover meat the vikings had in their backpacks is by now no doubt spoiled, or likely unsafe for consumption.

2012-11-29, 04:43 PM
"Perhaps there are still some berries left on the juniper bushes we had last night?" He said placing his hand over his stomach area.

2012-11-29, 07:18 PM
"It would be wise to check." Gothard nods. "We'll see about securing further provisions as we travel. Though it will be harder, it will be harder still to travel a longer distance without food."

2012-12-01, 03:36 AM
"Alright..." Niklaus said with a shiver as he sloshed through the snow and walked to juniper bushes where he found the berries. He searched the bushes to see if there were any berries left.

Search [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-12-01, 12:48 PM
Not far from the clearing, Niklaus manages to find several berry bushes. The two vikings will have plenty to eat, though they probably need some meats instead of just sweet, sugary fruits... Still, it will keep them moving for the time being.

2012-12-02, 03:34 PM
Niklaus would return back to Gothard with the berries and present them to him to share.

"Tis what we'll have for now, but we'll eventually need some proper protein."

2012-12-02, 09:29 PM
"We'll take a pause at midday, if conditions are right, to try to catch some game."

2012-12-05, 04:24 AM
"Hopefully they are....and hopefully we're not game," Niklaus said with a wry smile. "Eat up."

2012-12-05, 06:18 PM
Oh right. Berry eating.

*Om nom nom. Om nom.*

And now that Gothard has had his Sandvich berries, the two vikings set off on the way back home.

Lycan 01
2012-12-06, 12:21 AM
The vikings journey...

Near the end of the day, but with a fair bit of sunlight left, the two youths reach the river. The snowfall has begun to grow heavy, and the temperature is dropping. By a stroke of luck, though the river has begun to partially ice back over. And by an even greater stroke of luck, a few chunks of ice have managed to get jammed between the frozen banks, creating a (hopefully stable) bridge from one side to the other.

2012-12-06, 06:44 PM
"We should cross, and seek camp and food on the other side." Gothard says, still feeling wary about last night's events.

2012-12-07, 04:59 PM
'Here...I'll go first...you hold onto this end of the rope and I the other end...if I fall in I want you to pull me back up," He said wrapping a length of rope around his arm and hand and handed the other end to Gothard.

He then began to carefully walk across the ice bridge.

Balance [roll0]

2012-12-07, 06:14 PM
Gothard likewise followed, taking it slowly and carefully.

Balance: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-12-09, 07:50 PM
The ice cracks and shifts slightly beneath Gothard's feet.

And then there's a large splash as a massive, muscular blue arm punches through the water and takes a swipe at the young viking, a set of razor-sharp boney talons slicing through the air just inches from his face.

2012-12-09, 08:22 PM

Gothard makes a break for the other side, though no faster than Niklaus can go, since they are tethered together.

Balance: [roll0]

2012-12-10, 01:57 AM
"Gothard! Waah aah!" The youth yelled out for his bromantic partner and pulled on the rope with all his strength as he tried to keep himself a balanced'.

Strength: [roll0]
Balance: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-12-10, 02:15 AM
Gothard slips and falls towards the water. As he plummets towards the turbulent river, he finds himself looking directly into the face a leering sea-troll, lurking just beneath the surface.

But just before he makes contact with the water, Gothard feels the rope around him pull taught, and he finds himself being forcefully yanked back through the air and onto the ice. Niklaus has poured all his strength into one might tug on the rope, which leaves both vikings standing firmly on the unsteady ice bridge.

There's a flash of movement beneath the surface...

((Roll Initiative!))

2012-12-10, 07:56 PM
Gothard pulls himself to his feet as best he can, trying to compose himself to take on this monstrous beast.

Lycan 01
2012-12-10, 09:22 PM
(Intiative Order is:

-Sea Troll

Gothard has a moment to prepare himself for the inevitable next attack, while Niklaus finds himself slightly winded from the effort.

2012-12-10, 09:42 PM
Gothard readies himself, preparing to swing his axe at the beast, should it resurface.

>Readied action, turn over.

Lycan 01
2012-12-10, 09:44 PM
The massive blue arm once again punches through the water, jagged talons aiming to rake across Gothard unless he acts fast!

((10 damage to Gothard unless he comes up with something clever...)

2012-12-10, 10:30 PM
Gothard is ready, and attempts to catch the hand itself against his blade to both block it and damage it at the same time.

2012-12-11, 02:45 PM
Niklaus holds himself from panicking at the sight of the river troll and draws his bow and arrow out of combat reflex. Calm and steady. And then lets out another towards the foul creature.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rapid Shot Feat

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Lycan 01
2012-12-11, 04:50 PM
Gothard's sword kicks off sparks as it collides with the beast's claws. However, it does nothing to slow them down, and the viking is forced to desperately dodge the swipe. The suddenly movement is quite winding, and his already weary joints cry out in protest.

Niklaus looses two arrows at the bulky blue arm. One bounces off the thick hide, while the other punches clean through, the plumed haft jutting from one side of the troll's bicep while the glinting tip pokes through the other. A roar of anger and pain echoes beneath the river.

Gothard took 10 damage; he's up!

2012-12-12, 06:45 PM
Gothard hisses at the pain, and blood flows into his eyes, as barbaric rage once again takes hold of his senses, and he throws himself into the fight anew, slashing the undead jarl's sword at the wretched creature below.

Rage Activated!

Rounds of Rage Left: 8/8

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-12-13, 01:27 PM
Niklaus bit down on his lip to keep to concentration. They had to slay this beast now....he didn't think Gothard's rage would let him think rationally, allow for the option to retreat and run. Curse it all. Arrows were drawn.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

Lycan 01
2012-12-14, 10:48 PM
It's almost comical, really.

A big blue arm wildly waving around, a raging viking swinging his sword, an archer firing multiple arrows...

And nobody can hit anything, apparently.

2012-12-15, 07:53 PM
This is completely silly!

But also dead serious.

Gothard attempts to slash into it yet again.

Rounds of Rage Left: 7/8

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-12-16, 02:55 PM
Niklaus considered the Fates just messing with them now, jerking around with everyone's moves. But hey, he wasn't gonna complain if that meant bad luck on the troll either. He pulled out two arrows and really wished hard for them to strike. Hahah...I bet he gets double critical misses...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Lycan 01
2012-12-16, 09:05 PM
Arrows, blades, and claws flash and fly through the snow-filled air!

...and accomplish nothing.

The vikings hear a growl of annoyance reverberate through the ice, and the clawed arm sinks back beneath the water. It seems the youths' antagonist has given up.

Somewhere beyond space and time, Wyrd is facepalming...

2012-12-16, 09:18 PM
"...Well that was...underwhelming." Gothard concludes, as he continues across the ice flow. "Well...at least now we can cross in peace."

2012-12-18, 04:08 AM
"Perhaps it their own way...fate has delivered us from danger?" Niklaus questioned as he himself began to cross the ice floe bridge.

2012-12-18, 06:13 PM
"If so...that was some of the most underwhelming fate I've ever had...yet I am quite thankful for it, so I will cease questioning it."

2012-12-20, 03:28 AM
"Like wise." And so Niklaus, still tied to Gothard crossed the floes, just wanting to get off that death trap.

Lycan 01
2012-12-20, 03:55 AM
And across the river they go!

They make it safely to the other side. But it seems like the snow is starting to fall more heavily, and the temperature is dropping. It's still several hours til dusk, though.

Do the vikings press on til near nightfall, or do they just get a safe distance from the river and try to set up camp before the storm gets worse?

2012-12-21, 12:05 AM
"The storm will make it difficult, but we should attempt to find sustenance, and set up camp as soon as possible."

2012-12-22, 08:24 PM
"Well let's just not set up camp near the river....I don't want to get nightly visits from that creature under the water." Niklaus said as shivered himself something good.

2012-12-22, 11:43 PM
"Ah, that is perhaps wise, Niklaus. Let's head inland a bit. Either way though, we need to find some food."

2012-12-24, 09:45 AM
"Right, perhaps even a more defensive camp site if we want to find food and still not deal with too much, the cold." He said as he walked on some more.

2012-12-24, 09:58 AM
Gothard nodded, walking along with his companion to find shelter and food.

2012-12-24, 06:54 PM
Niklaus kept his cold ears and frosted eyes out for a good area to set up camp. Taking into account shelter from the cold, the availability of usable firewood, and the likes.

[Survival] [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-12-27, 03:34 AM
Gothard tries to find a good campsite, but Niklaus utterly trounces his attempts by finding a convenient little clearing with some fallen trees and rocks scattered around its edges, providing ample resources of firewood and stones for a fire pit.

The snow is beginning to fall slightly more heavily. An actual shelter of some sort may be needed for tonight...

2012-12-27, 09:15 AM
With little hope of building a solid shelter out of the raw materials of the forest, Gothard searches around Niklaus's chosen site for a suitable shelter.

Search: [roll0]

2012-12-28, 06:31 PM
'I'm tempted to take to the trees tonight," Niklaus commented as he collected some wood.

2012-12-29, 10:47 AM
"I hope you mean to take shelter under the trees. Because I scarcely think we could take shelter in them." Gothard says jokingly. "Unless you feel we have become that close to the squirrels."

2013-01-04, 03:45 PM
"Oh indeed, me and the squirrels are just best of pals," The youth replied jokingly and a tired smile on his lips.

2013-01-04, 06:56 PM
"Well they did apparently try to save us from our fate at the hands of the Jarl, so that is a blessing..."

Gothard thought about that for a moment.

"Niklaus..how do you think the Jarl will react to our trophies? Surely he and the other men of the village know what trophies were lying in the old village. They will recognize this sword."

Lycan 01
2013-01-07, 08:14 PM
Gothard's search proves fruitless, likely because he got distracted making snarky remarks about trees and squirrels.

2013-01-07, 10:59 PM
"Bah, there's no good place to take shelter here. Do you see anything worthwhile, Niklaus?"

2013-01-08, 05:45 PM
Niklaus had no answer fro Gothard's question, he himself was filled with uncertainty about it. A worrisome uncertainty.

However he took the moment to check his surroundings and strayed off the camp area to see what he could see in terms of shelter.

survival check [roll0]

Lycan 01
2013-01-09, 09:19 PM
Niklaus finds...

...a campsite.

There's an old lean-to against a boulder, comprised of sturdy branches and boughs, with some elk hides tossed on top of it to keep in the heat and keep out the snow. It looks large enough to seat two men, if not three. There's also a fire-pit and some bones nearby.

...the bones are only a few days old.

2013-01-09, 11:09 PM
"...Someone had quite a bit of time to set up camp here...where in the world would they be headed?" Gothard queries to Niklaus as he surveys their good fortune.

2013-01-10, 06:30 PM
"This feels...too convenient..." He said looking over at the campsite. He poked around at the fire pit and the bones. "Well...wherever they've headed....it couldn't have been to long ago."

2013-01-10, 08:04 PM
"We will have to be very vigilant tonight. If they return, one of us will have to explain ourselves."

2013-01-11, 09:41 PM
"Of course, well, better prepare an apology in advance eh?" Niklaus said putting on a small smile. His eyes then fell upon the bones with fresh sinew still on them. It made me feel unsettled. He took a moment to determine if these bones came from a game creature.

Knowledge Nature [roll0]

Lycan 01
2013-01-11, 10:11 PM
They seem to be the bones of small game, such as a rabbit of some kind.

2013-01-11, 11:32 PM
"Sorry, we thought you had left, and were going to freeze to death? I suppose that might be a little crass...what are you looking at, Niklaus?"

2013-01-12, 12:07 AM
"Just the bones, see what they are, ease of mind," Niklaus said putting the bones down. "One never knows. I mean, ever since we saw those foul creatures in the woods, I find myself having to take a new perspective on things."

2013-01-12, 12:13 AM
"I shan't forget that encounter either...still, they are but animals...right?"

2013-01-12, 12:20 AM
"Not like any I've seen. More like monsters. I also find it morbidly amusing that we've made it relatively encounter free heading towards the Forsaken village. And now after all that has happened to us....well that river creature is just one example." He let out a mirthless laugh and began to toss the bones into the fire pit and other bits of wood, before he had Gothard master of flame start the darn thing. :smalltongue:

2013-01-12, 12:31 AM
"Well...we need to rest anyway, let me start a fire."

Just you watch. After saying that he will utterly fail here to start a fire.


Lycan 01
2013-01-12, 01:08 AM
Nope, in less than a few minutes, Gothard somehow manages to get a roaring fire going. It's rather warm and cozy, if a bit unsettling how easily the youth makes fire bend to his will...

2013-01-12, 12:03 PM
"You know, it's a bit unsettling how easily fire comes to me, seeing how my father never really taught me how to set one...perhaps I simply learned by observation?" Gothard suggests. "Though I would've thought I'd known if I did that..."

2013-01-14, 04:09 PM
"It is unsettling how easy it comes to you, I think I shall give you the title of Gothard, The Campfire Flame Master." Niklaus lopsidedly grinned.

"Anyways, you keep warm my friend, I'll go see if I can find us dinner," He gave Gothard a two fingered salute and headed off.

2013-01-14, 05:52 PM
Gothard gave his friend a wave, wondering what his odd salute meant, as he tended to the fire and kept watch over the site.