View Full Version : Maximize Cleric of Boccob's summoning abilities

2012-04-29, 11:23 AM
Right now I'm a level 10 PC cleric5/malconvoker5.

I like the idea of summoning creatures and maxing out the number I can summon. I'm going to be coming up to the end of the Malconvoker class though and would like to see the thoughts on anyone else on how to keep going with buffing the creatures or increasing the sheer numbers that come out when I summon them.

Alignment: NN
Level: 10
Deity: Boccob, Knowledge and Trickery Domain

Augment Summoning
Spell Focus: Conjuration
Divine Metamagic
Repeat Spell
Extend Spell

The only books open are the "Completes" though the Monster Manuals are all open for summoning and I can petition the DM for something from another book if necessary (such as the Nightsticks from LM, he was cool about that) though it isn't a guarantee. I don't want to push that if possible.

I looked at the Thermataulogist(sp?) from the DMG but it looked like all of the cool features already came from the Malconvoker. I'd like to keep going with the Cleric caster progression and work on the side as ranged magic or buffing as the secondary to summoning creatures.

Any thoughts on how to keep moving forward with this theme?

Edit: I don't suppose it is too late or too limited to try creating/animating undead to use as well, is there?


2012-04-29, 12:40 PM
Imbued summoning is a metamagic feat that lets you use a 3rd level or lower touch spell on the creatures you summon as part of the same action it took to summon the creature. It's a great way to put a dent in the action economy.

I've also heard good things about the cloudy conjuration feat.

3 levels of thaumaturgist gets you extends all your summoning for free. Combined with the similar malconvoker ability, your summons last 3 times as long as normal. Only really useful if you care about duration, though, and most fights are probably over before it runs out, anyway.

2012-04-29, 01:15 PM
Imbued summoning is a metamagic feat that lets you use a 3rd level or lower touch spell on the creatures you summon as part of the same action it took to summon the creature. It's a great way to put a dent in the action economy.

I've also heard good things about the cloudy conjuration feat.

3 levels of thaumaturgist gets you extends all your summoning for free. Combined with the similar malconvoker ability, your summons last 3 times as long as normal. Only really useful if you care about duration, though, and most fights are probably over before it runs out, anyway.

Let's see...

Invisible Spell (Cityscape) is a riot when applied to Summons (+0 metamagic).

Summon Elemental (Complete Mage) is handy in that it's a standard action at-will supernatural summon to give you a brief meatshield to keep things off you for a round or two while you Summon the heavy hitters.

Given that you're a Malconvoker, you probably don't want anything focused on elementals (Which is too bad, as Rashemi Elemental Summoning, Beckon The Frozen, Icy Calling, and so on). Hmm.

2012-04-29, 01:23 PM
with your summoning spells lasting 3 times (or more with a certain item that takes them up to 4 times.. though the name escapes me at the moment) your summoned creatures can last well into the 2nd fight

nothing is wrong with going Thaumaturgist as the abilits synch very well with the malconvoker.

id either go with that or paragonsitc apostle to get you summons fast healing.

cloud conjuration is STUPIDLY awesome

though ive alwasy felt that imbue summoning is a sort of waste unless you have meta magic reducers, though that is just my opinion

and you are going to find, especially with every MM open to you that you do not really need to focus on anything BUT summoning as everything you coudl do other wise ( except healing) is done just as good/more often through your summons

speaking form expericne here ont he ceric side of malcovking (with core complete scoundrel/warrior/mage allowed as those were the only books the DM physically had), just started a wizard based on in the rise of the runelords campaign so, while the generals are probably true for the wizard base there are some a few minor differences i would wager.

2012-04-29, 01:34 PM
Let's see...

Invisible Spell (Cityscape) is a riot when applied to Summons (+0 metamagic).

I believe it's debated as to whether or not this makes your summons invisible or the summoning of them invisible. Check with your DM on his opinion first.

2012-04-29, 07:36 PM
So I was looking at the classes more closely, and what do you guys think of this?

Malconvoker9/Thaumaturgist5/paragnostic apostle1/cleric5 as the total 20 level endgame?

I feel like the contemplative might not be bad to dip a level into for the extra domain, but maybe it isn't totally necessary.


I guess the feat selection part of it is also going to be tricky on what to do with the complete books open; I'm going to be using the DMM style with the feats to improve the summonings.