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View Full Version : [3.5] Help me optimize a Domain Adept, please

The Troubadour
2012-04-30, 08:42 AM
So, in Eberron Adepts can take a single Cleric Domain - they don't gain bonus spells, but they do add the domain's spells to their Adept spell list. I'm thinking of trying an Adept focused on curses, party buffs and divination spells. How can I optimize one, having access only to the Eberron Campaign Setting and the core books?

The Troubadour
2012-05-02, 11:15 AM
Bueller? Anyone? :-)

2012-05-02, 11:28 AM
I think no one has stepped up, because there aren't any great power to be won here. I think if you take a domain like Trickery, and just try to play a cleric with huge penalties. War domain might be decent too. You're just going to struggle with almost anything at mid to high levels as your casting is so far behind without giving you any boosts to anything else...

Edit: maybe dip into something with full armor profs so you can cast in them? I think the thing I'd most want to do with adept is use it to qualify for something that demands both arcane and divine casting as my divine side if I only wanted to use a little bit of the casting.

The Troubadour
2012-05-02, 02:08 PM
I don't mind playing as "a Cleric with lots of penalties" - the group's pretty low-op, and the other characters aren't too strong: a maneuver-focused Fighter, a Rogue and a Sorcerer. Besides, with core-only there's only so much you can do in terms of optimization.

Any other advice?

2012-05-02, 02:14 PM
Adept+Core Only doesn't leave much room to build. There just aren't many options - it gets all its spells, and unique options like the Hexer are out of play.

Travel Domain + Improved Initiative + Loremaster is about as tweaked-out as I can see.

2012-05-02, 03:13 PM
Knowledge or Travel are the two you would probably appreciate most as an Adept. For your purposes I would favor Knowledge.

Travel's granted ability will be useless on a non-Cleric, but Fly, Dimension Door and Teleport will be useful strategically.
Knowledge will grant you the best divination stuff and will give you all Knowledges in-class, which you may find to be surprisingly useful for figuring out stuff if you've never done a knowledge-heavy character before. The Knowlede domain is overall a much more unique, less replaceable party resource even though it's not very useful in combat - finding out the right course of action is more productive than having more tools to act with.

Long-distance travel is something you can buy scrolls or castings of Teleport for; divinations can help you on your adventures every day no matter what you need to do.

The Troubadour
2012-05-03, 10:36 AM
I see. Thanks a lot for the tips and suggestions, guys! :-)