View Full Version : Why Tarquin won't kill the OotS

2012-04-30, 12:47 PM
Elan: He's his son.

Haley: Son's girlfriend.

V: Friend of son's girlfriend.

Roy: Wants to duel him, not kill him.

Durkon: Friend of Malack

Belkar: Foil of the party, and T has an appreciation for the dramatic.


Gift Jeraff
2012-04-30, 01:07 PM
There are so many stories where a friend of the hero dies. There are even stories where the hero dies. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0443.html) There are even stories where someone breaks a promise they made to someone else. I don't think he will kill anyone, but I fail to see your point.

2012-04-30, 01:22 PM
Sure, why would the possibility of a total party kill even cross your mind? The comic would be over.

As for your reasons, V, Belkar, and Roy are a pretty big stretch there, and there's no better way to increase dramatic tension than to kill the hero's girlfriend.

I see no reason why Durkon and Belkar aren't still on the chopping block for prophesized deaths once again. But I seriously doubt V or Haley are going to die at any point soon. It's too close to the ending to be cramming in "Oh, so and so died!" without diluting the impact.

In fact, I'm guessing Durkon dies very soon, given that they made a point of stating that they only had enough diamond dust for one more resurrection. A resurrection that, say, they have to go to the dwarven lands to accomplish.

2012-04-30, 01:52 PM
Elan: He's his son.

Disproven by the fact he was about to kill Nale.

Haley: Son's girlfriend.

V: Friend of son's girlfriend.

Roy: Wants to duel him, not kill him.

Durkon: Friend of Malack

Belkar: Foil of the party, and T has an appreciation for the dramatic.


If he has no problems killing one of his sons, clearly "son's girlfriend" or "friend of son's girlfriend" aren't any better protected.

2012-04-30, 02:44 PM
Disproven by the fact he was about to kill Nale.

If he has no problems killing one of his sons, clearly "son's girlfriend" or "friend of son's girlfriend" aren't any better protected.

Elan didn't try to kill Tarquin. Nale did.

Elan tried to defeat Tarquin, but Tarquin still loved Elan.

Tarquin does not love Nale.

Tarquin's love for Elan makes Haley (and possibly, but maybe not) and V people on Tarquin's "don't kill" list.

2012-04-30, 03:36 PM
Elan: He's his son.

the afterlife builds character

Haley: Son's girlfriend.

an amazing way to get Elan motivated

V: Friend of son's girlfriend.

why would he care about a friend of his sons girlfriend?

Roy: Wants to duel him, not kill him.

all good duels are to the death

Durkon: Friend of Malack

and Malack said he would kill him himself

Belkar: Foil of the party, and T has an appreciation for the dramatic.

so hes not going to kill belkar... becuase he finds him mildly amusing?

Elan didn't try to kill Tarquin. Nale did.

*cough* climactic rooftop duel *cough*

so while i dont think the OoTS will actually lose the fight, it will becuase they either A) deus ex machina like Girard coming back to life B) them jsut straight winning the fight or C) Team Evil arriving and Tarquin vamoosing

it will definently not be because the LG decides not to kill them, as much as tarquin likes Elan he likes the idea of having a macguffin alot more

Gift Jeraff
2012-04-30, 03:59 PM
Tarquin does not love Nale.And this is based on what? The fact that he keeps talking positively about Elan and negatively about Nale in front of Elan? And does the reverse in front of Nale? I think the only reason it seems like there's more compliments for Elan and insults for Nale is because like 95% of his screentime he was trying to get on the Order's good side.

Tarquin's love for Elan makes Haley (and possibly, but maybe not) and V people on Tarquin's "don't kill" list.I'm still not seeing it. The hero's best friend dying is a fairly common element in stories, AFAIK. The hero's love interest's best friend is far enough removed that I see no reason why he should care both from his "only people close to me count as 'somebody'" viewpoint and love of storytelling.

Jay R
2012-04-30, 04:56 PM
The 1950s Superman TV show had one episode in which Perry, Lois and Jimmy visit Clark's sickbed, and he's not wearing his glasses. The cast wanted to know why they didn't recognize him as Superman. After some discussion, Noel Neill (who played Lois Lane) gave the ultimate answer: "Because we don't want to lose our jobs."

Tarquin will not kill the OotS because Rich doesn't want to lose his job.

2012-04-30, 05:34 PM
I think the only two out of contention for death are Elan and Durkon. Tarquin thinks Elan is the leader (which I can only speculate is fatherly wishfull thinking) and he has already threatened Roy and Belkar. He had no problem arresting V, which I take to mean he would have no problem removing the party wizard from the party permanently if he saw it as convenient. That leaves Haley, and I don't think "sons girlfriend" is good enough.

2012-04-30, 10:17 PM
In fact, I'm guessing Durkon dies very soon, given that they made a point of stating that they only had enough diamond dust for one more resurrection. A resurrection that, say, they have to go to the dwarven lands to accomplish.

Not sure the order, having a rather urgent quest to finish (saving the world from crazy lich) and no way to teleport freely, would take the time to travel back all the way to the dwarven lands just for resurrecting Durkon when they might just as well go to the nearest able temple and pay a cleric to do the trick. ^^

And Durkon prophecy is that he will go back home posthumously. There's no indication as for when it will happen, it might be in a day, a year or a decade. Even after Xykon is defeated, Durkon will probably not go back to his homeland as he seem to require the great cleric to allow him to do so. And he's still waiting for his answer. Wich got eaten by the MitD :smalltongue: So he will probably keep on wandering the world until he dies either from a fight or old age.

2012-04-30, 10:44 PM
He won't kill elan now because dramatic fights at the end of the adventure, or even after the main adventure is over* are far more awesome and theatric than killing him right now as thog.

He might kill haley, but I don't think he will, at least not on purpose. He does seem to genuinely care about elan's feelings. Besides he burned a ton of prisoners alive in elan's honor. To an evil person, that's the greatest expression of love.

I can't really think of a reason he would care about Vaarsuvius.

Durkon could go either way, malack said he wanted to handle him personally, and malack may intend to outright kill him or just keep him out of the way. I really haven't been able to figure out malack's character all that much other than being devoted to his religion, and hating nale for killing his children.

I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't have any qualms about killing Roy. He may consider recruiting belkar instead of killing him, but I doubt it considering belkar is at least as dangerous as thog.

*like "now that we've stopped the end of life as we know it, I must face my greatest challenge yet, my FATHER!!!!!!!" Dun dun dun.

And Durkon prophecy is that he will go back home posthumously. There's no indication as for when it will happen, it might be in a day, a year or a decade. Even after Xykon is defeated, Durkon will probably not go back to his homeland as he seem to require the great cleric to allow him to do so. And he's still waiting for his answer. Wich got eaten by the MitD So he will probably keep on wandering the world until he dies either from a fight or old age

Unless they're blown there by the force of the gate exploding. That would be a deus ex machina and a half, though.

2012-04-30, 10:51 PM
He won't kill elan now because dramatic fights at the end of the adventure, or even after the main adventure is over* are far more awesome and theatric than killing him right now as thog.

He might kill haley, but I don't think he will, at least not on purpose. He does seem to genuinely care about elan's feelings. Besides he burned a ton of prisoners alive in elan's honor. To an evil person, that's the greatest expression of love.

I can't really think of a reason he would care about Vaarsuvius.

Durkon could go either way, malack said he wanted to handle him personally, and malack may intend to outright kill him or just keep him out of the way. I really haven't been able to figure out malack's character all that much other than being devoted to his religion, and hating nale for killing his children.

I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't have any qualms about killing Roy. He may consider recruiting belkar instead of killing him, but I doubt it considering belkar is at least as dangerous as thog.

*like "now that we've stopped the end of life as we know it, I must face my greatest challenge yet, my FATHER!!!!!!!" Dun dun dun.

2012-05-02, 06:20 AM
Elan: He's his son.
Haley: Son's girlfriend.
V: Friend of son's girlfriend.
Roy: Wants to duel him, not kill him.
Durkon: Friend of Malack
Belkar: Foil of the party, and T has an appreciation for the dramatic.

Elan: Protected.
Haley: Protected.
Vaarsuvius: Not Protected.
Roy: Not Protected.
Durkon: Maybe Protected.
Belkar: Not Protected.

Mr Stereo1
2012-05-02, 07:17 AM
I don't think he'll kill any of them permanently at this point. That said, though, if he's fighting to win the battle then there's no reason someone with his resources couldn't just kill them and resurrect them later.

2012-05-02, 07:29 AM
Well... if he's killing Belkar, it'll be permanently.

If he kills anyone else, it'll be temporary.

2012-05-02, 12:04 PM
Tarquin won't kill the OotS because they'll kill him first.

2012-05-02, 01:04 PM
He also probably has some complicated scheme involving them.

2012-05-02, 03:05 PM
Unless I missed something Durkon's death prophecy only said he would return home after death.

DIdn't say when, heck, he might die of old age and someone takes him home. Doesn't mean he dies soon.

2012-05-02, 03:32 PM
Isn't one of the gates in the dwarven lands?

2012-05-02, 03:37 PM
Isn't one of the gates in the dwarven lands?

one of the gates is closer to dwarven lands then the other gates, thats all we know

2012-05-02, 05:04 PM
Because IFCC-dominated V will kill him first.

2012-05-02, 06:21 PM
He won't kill them because he'll start losing at some point and use some hidden magic item to teleport/dimension door away, after which little light bulbs will go on over the heads of most of the party (Elan might need some help getting a clue, unless his genre savvy kicks in).

2012-05-03, 01:56 AM
I think he won't kill them because in 849 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html) he carefully worded his request such that the goal of his actions was to drive back the OotS rather than kill them.

2012-05-03, 05:56 AM
The 1950s Superman TV show had one episode in which Perry, Lois and Jimmy visit Clark's sickbed, and he's not wearing his glasses. The cast wanted to know why they didn't recognize him as Superman. After some discussion, Noel Neill (who played Lois Lane) gave the ultimate answer: "Because we don't want to lose our jobs."

Tarquin will not kill the OotS because Rich doesn't want to lose his job.Lol, to true.

2012-05-03, 07:00 PM
I think Tarqin has already given us a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he won't kill tOotS: he's not dumb enough to do that.
The destruction of the entire world hurts him as well. He may or may not be allied with Nale for any meaningful amount of time, but if it comes down to a choice of letting the heroes live or letting the world go boom, there's no realistic doubt what he'll choose. Besides, I don't think there's much doubt that he's planning a sudden but inevitable betrayal of Nale, hmm?

No, he's got a team of heroes who will charge into a storm of fire to save the world and leave him to calmly walk in after them, wipe up whatever mess of world-destroying evil is left, kill the heroes, and be left as the saviour of the entire world, a hop-step-and-jump from taking control of it. There's no way he's dumb enough to throw that away just because Nale told him to do it.

My guess is that he's simply testing to see if tOotS are up to the task of saving the world. It's why he thinks their team battle tactics are outstanding, it's why he's so genuinely pleased at the chance to engage them personally. If they can beat him and the Linear Guild, then they've proven that they're as strong as he wants them to be. And if they can't beat him, he'll kill the weaker ones and tell his son to rebuild a new and stronger team and try again.

2012-05-15, 03:23 PM
Tarquin won't kill the OotS because they'll kill him first.
I personally actually don't think they'll kill him for at least a long time. Elan won't want them to, I'm not sure if Durkon would be enthusiastic, and Roy might not either.

2012-05-15, 04:20 PM
I personally actually don't think they'll kill him for at least a long time. Elan won't want them to, I'm not sure if Durkon would be enthusiastic, and Roy might not either.

Roy and Haley would love to stick his head on a pike simply because of what theyve seen in the empire of blood

Durkon might not be eager about it but he wouldnt stop them killing the dude trying to kill them

only person who might have a problem with it is Elan but hed be pretty quickly overrules