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Fable Wright
2012-04-30, 07:18 PM
In A Waking Dream


"They come here every day to sleep?"
"No. They come to be woken up. The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise, son? "

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Giant in the Playground PrC Contest XXXIII

The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will run through midnight of June 3rd.

Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of June 13th.


1) You will be creating an 'original' prestige class. You will be making a prestige class with "Dreamer" as a theme. This could be anything from a group of psions who literally reject reality and substitute their own, to a group of knights who focus on becoming their own idealized dream warriors, to a sorcerer/binder who binds the underlying dream of magic to wield massive power. Any Wizards of the Coast 3.5 source or Pathfinder source is allowable for material. Get to it!

2) Entries must include name, complete class, and fluff, combat related and role playing related. Incomplete entries at the deadline will be disqualified.

3) Entries must be 3.5, using the standard format below.

4) Post all entries in this thread. Post all conversation, questions, etc here in the chat thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207612).

5) Maximum of one entry per participant (gotta save up those creative juices for the next one too!)

6) Entries must be your own work, and must not be copied for other places. Only new work may submitted; no previously posted work will be accepted. Such entries will be disqualified. Such entries will be disqualified.

7) No reserving posts. Feel free to tweak your class, but the initial post must include the basics.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

And here's helpers if you need it!

(Fax Celestis' Prestige Class Creation Thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10433)
(Djinn_In_Tonic's What to make and How to make it special!) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137641)

Fable Wright
2012-04-30, 07:20 PM

http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!


How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills

The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....

Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!


Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.

Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.

Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.

Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..


A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.

Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.

Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).

Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction

This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.


This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.

Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.

Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter

Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.

EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!


How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills

The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....

Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!


Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.

Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.

Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.

Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..


A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.

Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.

Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).

Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction

This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.


This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.

Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.

Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter

Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.

EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

2012-04-30, 11:58 PM
The Resider-in-Dreams

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/311/3/f/oniric_self_by_thetgartist-d32dv5f.jpg (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/311/3/f/oniric_self_by_thetgartist-d32dv5f.jpg)

I love you; I don't know you, but I love you. Forever, and ever, and ever... Every time you sleep, I'll be there. Waiting.

You don't agree? Well, then, that can be remedied...

Some people are unlucky in love; the people they love might already be taken, or disinterested; however, sometimes, a chance gesture might be taken as an endorsement of their love.

Of course, such misconceptions are usually quickly erased, but to one that has sold their soul... Well, they tend to find that, though they may be rejected in reality, that creature will love them in their dreams...

So they resolve to never wake up.


Loneliness pierces your soul; you would do anything to fill it. If that describes your frame of mind, then speaking with a devil might be you first step down this road...

Class Features: Must have the Knight's Challenge class feature,
2 Special Maneuvers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13111285&postcount=1), Eldritch Blast 1d6
Skills: Lucid Dreaming 2
Feats: Dreamtelling
Special: May not be in a fulfilling and loving relationship; one's Familiar Fancy does not count; must have the need to sleep.

Class Skills

The Resider-in-Dream's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Lucid Dreaming (Wis), Ride (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d10

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial

+2Familiar Fancy, Oneiric Self (Sleepless), Knight of Madcap Dreams, Disturbed Essence

+3Form of the Incubus (Beloved), Perverse Chivalry

+3Disturbed Essence, Whisper in Dreams (Dream)

+4Oneiric Self (Dreamless), Dream Knowledge

+4Form of the Incubus (Obsession), Disturbed Essence

+5Audience of Grinning Fancies, Perverse Chivalry

+5Disturbed Essence, Oneiric Self (Night Terror), Whisper in Dreams (Dream Casting)

+6Form of the Incubus (Consumption)

+6Disturbed Essence, Perverse Chivalry, Decree of Dreams

+7Oneiric Somnolence, Be Mine Eternal

Weapon Proficiencies: You gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies. However, you may use your Invocations in Medium and Heavy Armor without incurring a spell failure chance.

Familiar Fancy (Su): You decided it for them. It's all for the best; they don't know what's good for them, do they, those silly, silly people who you've decided to love...

At 1st level, you gain a Familiar Fancy, a creature of your own race of whatever gender and age you find most attractive that has the minimum number of HD for your race, and who does not have any levels in a PC class. You may designate any creature that qualifies as your Familiar Fancy as your Familiar Fancy, whether they like it or not; in fact, they have no say in the matter, and you merely need to know that they exist for this designation to take effect.

That being gains all the benefits and penalties of being a Familiar, with the exception of the change to their Intelligence score and the Speak with Other Creatures of its Kind ability, which is replaced by Held in Dreams, as explained below, using your Warlock caster level to determine the benefits; you may treat your Familiar Fancy as if they were adjacent to you for the purpose of any beneficial class feature or Invocation as long as they are within 10' per class level of you and you have line of sight.

In addition, you are automatically aware of any action that your Familiar Fancy takes that you would construe as being unfaithful. Depending on your alignment, this could be anything from kissing their spouse to talking with someone of the opposite gender that isn't you.

Of course, this is no fun and games for the Familiar Fancy themselves; though they may not even know who you are, they are constantly filled with the sensation of being watched, and every night, as they fall asleep, they feel your presence right beside them as they sleep. Needless to say, there is a lot of emotional duress.

This feature also alters your behavior in a not-so-subtle way; you place this bond, which persists through death and resurrection, only being broken by a Wish, a Miracle, or a Reincarnation into a different form, above all other wants and needs in your life. This means that you cannot be made to act favorably towards anyone who tries to harm either you, your Fancy, or the bond itself; you must do everything reasonably within your power to dispose of anyone or anything who tries to get in the way of your perfect love. This includes your Fancy, if they choose to be... faithless.

Replacing a dead Familiar Fancy is identical to replacing a dead Familiar, except you select another eligible creature instead of summoning a new creature. If you ended up killing a faithless Familiar Fancy, you may instead replace them by simply waiting a single week and then selecting an eligible creature; this does not cause you to lose XP.

This ability counts as having a Familiar for the purpose of qualifications, and your Fancy is treated as a familiar for all intents and purposes.

Held in Dreams
If the Resider-in-Dreams has a CL of higher than 7, every time their Familiar Fancy sleeps, they appear next to the Resider-in-Dreams for the duration of the time they would spend sleeping, and must obey all commands given to them.

Treat this as if they were an Unseen Servant, except that the Resider-in-Dreams can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch them as if they were actually there.

The Familiar Fancy retains perfect memories of every single nightly foray at this point; most end up killing themselves through insomnia, as they try to prevent themselves from going back into that nightmare.

Oneiric Self (Su): You are always sleeping, always holding your beloved close; oh, if you could only do so in reality! Maybe if you bring your love with you...

As soon as you take the 1st level of this prestige class, you are permanently treated as if you are asleep. You cannot be awakened by any means short of death or deific intervention, and are left to tread your dreams alone within your heart.

Of course, this is mostly internal; outwardly, you seem as spry and wary as ever, perhaps, even more so, as you seem to never need any sleep at all... You are immune to any effect that requires you to be able to sleep, and if you spend at least 8 hours without using any of your Knight Abilities, Special Maneuvers, or Invocations, you are treated as if you had had a full day of bed rest.

At 4th level, your ever-sleeping nature expands itself outwards, making it almost impossible for you to wake another being. As long as a creature is within 100' of you, that creature must make a Will Save with a DC of 10+Class Level+your Charisma modifier to wake up for any reason, and time spent within this radius is not counted as restful sleep for the purpose of determining how many hours of sleep that the creature slept that night; in addition, any creature within that range receives a penalty on any save they make to prevent themselves from falling asleep equal to one-half your class level.

At 7th level, your dreams even begin to touch other minds, bringing with them horrible things as your desperation and loneliness fill up every creature that comes close enough. Any creature that fails a save to wake up due to this ability does not gain any benefits from any sleep they have; wizards don't recover spell slots and creatures do not heal. In addition, upon waking up, they are filled with an urge to find affection in any way that they see fit from whoever they see fit, which fades away within minutes.

Knight of Madcap Dreams: You are a Don Quixote, pursuing chivalry to its greatest extent; of course, some things just end up being... crazy.

Firstly, your Knight, Warlock, and Resider-in-Dreams levels stack to determine which Knight Abilities and Special Maneuvers you can access, the most powerful Invocations you are capable of learning, and how powerful your Fair Fight class feature, Special Maneuvers, and Knight Abilities are; in addition, you lose your Eldritch Blast, and instead may treat your Fair Fight class feature as if it were an Eldritch Blast for the purpose of applying Eldritch Essences.

Finally, your Resider-in-Dreams and Warlock levels stack to determine your Caster Level, and you may treat the number of dice in your Fair Fight class feature as if they were Eldritch Blast dice for the purpose of prerequisites.

Disturbed Essence (Ex): You are intrinsically disturbed; a madman wandering his private dream-world, which dances and sways at his bidding.

At 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter, you may learn an additional Special Maneuver, Knight ability, or Invocation that you qualify for.

Form of the Incubus (Su): You are a parasite; you feast on others through your rather vampiric love. Of course, this spills out, spreading through-out the world around you like a shattered flask of oil, tainting all it touches...

At 2nd level, any non-Hostile creature, except for your Familiar Fancy, that lays eyes on you for the first time, whether by being physically present or even by simply looking at a picture of you or scrying you, must make a Will Save against a DC of 10+your Class Level+your Charisma Modifier, or have their attitude towards you improved by one step; if a creature was already helpful, they are instead charmed throughout their first meeting with you.

In addition, any creature that fails this save begins to include a single random creature that they know of (as described in Familiar Fancy) in all of their dreams; they start off as a marginal character, but of course, this doesn't last long...

At 5th level, any non-Hostile creature that failed the save vs. your 2nd level ability contracts the Dream Obsession disease, as described below. As they fail each sequential save, the other creature (see below) rises in prominence in their dreams, and they begin to include references to that creature in every conversation they have; they build small, secret shrines to them, and begin to ignore any former romantic pursuits that they followed to instead pursue that other creature.

They will also have perfect recall of every single dream they have from this point onwards. They also must make a will save, against the same DC, each time they see you, or perceive you to be the object of their obsession for as long as they can see you.

At 8th level, any creature that enters the terminal stage of your Dream Obsession disease additionally begins aging twice as fast, and requires twice the normal amount of food and drink, even though they continue to get thinner and thinner. For each creature in the terminal stage, you age at half the normal rate, and require half as much food and drink; this stacks, and is not subject to the normal rule that two doubling equal a tripling.

Dream Obsession
{table=head]Name|Infection DC|Incubation|Damage
Dream Obsession|Non-Contagious DC 10+Class Level+Charisma modifier|1 Day|Special[/table]

A creature infected with Dream Obsession must make a save each time they fall asleep; in addition, each time they fail a save against the disease, their attitude towards the creature that they began to dream about improves by one step (up to a maximum of Helpful), and they require one more hour of sleep each night to feel rested. Any creature whose attitude has been improved to helpful and requires 14 or more hours of sleep each night is considered to be in the terminal phase of the disease; a creature in the terminal phase will begin to consider sleeping and their obsession more and more important, eventually eclipsing such petty needs as food and drink, or even their own personal safety.

Saving against the disease only delays the progression; only a casting of Remove Disease while the sufferer is awake and not in the terminal phase of the disease can cure this.

Perverse Chivalry (Ex): At this point, you defend your actions with your love; does it truly matter that you slew that man in full view of his family, laughing as his blood splattered on his children? Your action was for your love, as she holds you, loves you for what you are; what could be more pure?

At 2nd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, you may select a single one of the following; your Fair Fight damage automatically applies in any such Circumstances, even if you are flanked or the creature that you are attacking would not otherwise be eligible.


Adjacent to a single enemy
Adjacent to two or more enemies
Adjacent to no allies
Adjacent to two or more allies
Enemy is flanked
Enemy is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
Target is two or more size categories larger than you
Target is two or more size categories smaller than you
The enemy has injured you within the last round
The enemy has yet to injure you in this encounter
The enemy is unarmed and possesses no natural weaponry
You are unarmed and possess no natural weaponry
You did not attack during the previous round
The enemy did not attack during the previous round
You are making an attack of opportunity
You are making a readied attack
You have moved at least 10 feet before making the attack
You have not moved more than five feet since the start of the last round
You are prone
Enemy is prone
You have yet to hit an enemy with an attack in this encounter
You have yet to miss an enemy with an attack in this encounter
You are on higher ground than your enemy
Your are on lower ground than your enemy
You have downed a creature within the past round
You have yet to down a creature in this encounter
Enemy has attacked an ally in this encounter
Enemy has yet to attack an ally in this encounter
You are at over half of your total hit points
You are at under half of your total hit points
Enemy has insulted or physically or mentally harmed your love.
Enemy has harmed or neglected a loved one, that you know about.

You may change which circumstances you have chosen as part of an 8 hour ritual in which you contemplate the perfection of the one you "love"; your Familar Fancy has the sensation of being watched over every inch of their body, including inside their mouths and nostrils, while you are performing this contemplation.

In addition, each time you gain this ability, you may choose to treat any effect that would cause you to become fatigued or exhausted as if it were a fear effect for the purpose of your Lionhearted class feature, if you have it.

Whisper in Dreams (Sp): You are always dreaming of your perfect love; of course, you feel other dreamers, and, well, it lets you become... closer to your love.

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use Dream (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dream.htm) as a spell-like ability once per day per person contacted; since you are always asleep, you may use yourself as a messenger without entering a trance. In fact, you cannot use another creature as a messenger, and cannot convey a message of more than 5 times your class level words.

However, if you contact your Familiar Fancy with this ability, they do not need to be asleep (they hallucinate your presence and appearance, as if you had been watching them for some time, and had suddenly decided to step out of hiding), and you have no daily limit on the number of times you may contact your Familiar Fancy in this way.

If you contact your Familiar Fancy, you and your Familiar Fancy are automatically aware of how many miles you are away from each other, and if within a mile, the shortest route to reach each-other.

At 7th level, you may cause a creature to be affected as if by a Nightmare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nightmare.htm) or Dream Casting spell cast at your caster level whenever you use your Dream spell-like ability on them; this replaces the normal effects of the ability.

Dream Knowledge (Su): You know a lot about dreams. A lot. Much more than the dreamer, some times. You know, you think that man over there had a dream about your love; thus he will die.

At 4th level, you gain the ability to make a Dream Knowledge check instead of a Knowledge (the Planes) check whenever you use your Dreamtelling feat; your bonus on this check is equal to your class level plus your Charisma modifier.

In addition, you gain the ability to Speak Authoritatively (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11090621) about the contents of a single dream a creature had; it doesn't matter what dream you affect with this ability, or when it was, as long as it is a dream that the creature can recall with some degree of accuracy. If you do so, they gain perfect recollection of that dream, with the detail that you altered inserted within; you also gain full knowledge of that dream.

You do not need to know the specific contents of a dream to select it; just speaking about "the nightmare they had last night", for example, is entirely sufficient.

Audience of Grinning Fancies (Su): You walk while you sleep; why don't others? You care not for their petty excuses of exhaustion! They must rise and fight in the name of your love!

At 6th level, any creature that fails a save against your Oneiric Self ability begins sleepwalking; treat this as if they had gained the Zombie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/zombie.htm) template, except that they do not gain the DR 5/Slashing and their type does not change. You may control a number of HD worth of these "Zombies" equal to 4 times your class level plus your Charisma modifier. Any creature that is sleepwalking loses the template upon leaving the area of your Oneiric Self ability.

Dream Decree (Ex): Sleep is where everyone can see your love; they must be brought into your dream, where they can see her as perfectly as you can! Praises of her must be sung up and down the land!

At 9th level, any creature that sleepwalks due to your Audience of Grinning Fancies class feature retains the altered Zombie template until they wake up; in addition, they retain their own Base Attack Bonus and saving throw modifiers while sleepwalking, and are no longer penalized by the Single Action ability of the zombie template.

In addition, they receive the benefits of your Fair Fight class feature in any circumstance you would receive it, and also receive the benefits of a single one of your Invocations with a duration of 24 hours, until they wake up.

Finally, you receive Devil's Whispers as a bonus invocation, except that you do not say anything to the affected creature; instead, they fall asleep for a minimum of one hour (they are treated as if they were affected by your Oneiric Self class feature during this period, regardless of how close you are to them; this does not, however, allow them to retain the Zombie template from your Audience of Grinning Fancies class feature beyond the normal range) and have a dream that conveys whatever suggestion you wanted to use on them. This is a sleep effect.

If you already know Devil's Whispers, you immediately replace it with another invocation that you qualify for.

Oneiric Somnolence (Su): Sleeping is eternally your lot, but you don't mind; it allows you to become closer to your love... forever closer...

At 10th level, you are no longer able to be hindered; you become as a dream yourself, eternal and ephemeral at the same time.

You gain the Incorporeal and Void subtypes, and may use Tree Stride at will, as a free action, using sleeping creatures in the place of trees (you are not restricted by the creature's girth, and may travel between any creatures that share a type); treat all creatures that share a type with you as if they were Oak trees, and every other type of creature as if they were other kinds of Deciduous trees, for the purpose of determining the distance you can travel. Any attack you make that would benefit from your Fair Fight class feature is treated as if it were made with a Ghost-Touch weapon.

Any creature that you use to travel in this way must make a save, or be infected with your Dream Obsession disease.

Additionally, your Devil's Whispers invocation ignores immunity to sleep effects that isn't derived from type.

Finally, your Dream Obsession disease no longer has an incubation time, and any creature that contracts it is considered to be in the terminal phase unless they managed to succeed on their save the night before.

Be Mine Eternal (Su): Your love is so perfect, it has started to leak into your love; how... perfect!

At 10th level, your Familiar Fancy automatically contracts your Dream Obsession disease, with you as the object of their obsession. In addition, they must make a save every hour, even when not asleep, and may consciously choose whether or not to wake up at any point as a full-round action.

They also receive all the benefits of your Form of the Incubus class feature; however, creatures looking at them do not have to make a save against contracting Dream Onsession. In addition, once they require 24 hours of sleep each night, they are automatically affected by your Oneiric Self aura, regardless of their distance from you. Once they are inflicted with this disease, they immediately attempt to travel to your location, where they serve you for the rest of their lifespan; you still perceive them as you would normally through the Held in Dreams special ability.

Their body still benefits from all the normal benefits of Familiar Fancy, except that their intelligence is adjusted as if they were a normal Familiar, and they are not required to do anything that you tell them to, though due to the Dream Obsession, they probably will anyway.

Finally, any Invocation that you use on them or their corpse has a permanent duration, if you so chose; if you raised them from the dead using The Dead Walk, they instead receive the modified template as from your Audience of Grinning Fancies and Dream Decree class features; this counts as if you restored them to life, and automatically has a duration of Permanent.


You are a creepy stalker that eventually becomes essentially Freddy Krueger. Full stop.

Combat: Your contribution to combat depends on your invocations, special maneuvers, and Knight Abilities; you also will have some sleeping "zombies" following you around, which could be useful. However, until you hit Dream Decree, your contribution will boil down to hitting things, coupled with the nasty side effects known as Eldritch essences.

Advancement: You will end up following your own path; no two Residers-in-Dreams follow the same path after they leave.

Resources: While you may not have any definite allies, anyone who sees you becomes a bit friendlier, which can come in real handy as a fall-back option. And then there are all those people that think you are their loved ones...


That creepy knight that walked through here? No, I don't know anything about him; he isn't important, like my Veronica. Have I told you about her yet? She's the light of my life...

Residers survive, infecting others with obsession and feeding off of their hunger, slowly starving them to feed themselves.

Daily Life: You will usually spend your time trying to be close to your Familiar Fancy, whether by holding a photograph to your heart or by sneaking into their home and watching them sleep.

Notables: There are no notable Residers-in-Dreams. There have never been any; there never should be any. As they gallivant off in search of their love's "favor", they find less and less time to do such petty things as keep a public presence.

Organizations: No formal organizations exist, as Residers-in-Dreams are a thankfully isolated occurance.

NPC Reaction

NPCs will usually perceive you as some creepy night that came through their town, and might mutter a bit about appearances... at least until they go mad from the disease that you carry, and spread with each glance...


Though not mechanically that much stronger than its constituent parts, this class does get incredibly powerful on any occasion where the party is ambushing some creatures at night, in that you will then prevent the nearest sleeping creatures from waking up to help their comrades. You also aren't allowed anywhere near the party while they sleep thanks to your Oneiric Self class feature after 4th level; the wizard will especially argue quite vehemently about this.

Adaptation: If the campaign has a dream world, this class could be connected to it; it could also be that this class infects you with Dream Obsession in the first place, causing your rather demented worldview...

Encounters: They could end up fighting one at any point if it perceives that they have insulted their love; this could be anything as innocuous as accidentally inferring that some woman is more beautiful than their love.

Sample Encounter

EL 8: Sir Eldric hasn't been acting like himself lately; he has taken to obsessively guarding Lady Erica at all times, and she reports having unsettling dreams related to him, and the feeling that he is watching her in... improper ways. And there was that time last week that Lord Franklin went to speak with him about it, and Sir Eldric challenged him to a duel...

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities t
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

2012-05-02, 10:59 PM

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”You can hide no secrets from me – your deepest fears, your greatest dreams – they are mine for the taking.”

Dreams are a source of inspiration for many. So why limit oneself to just a small handful of all the potential dreams out there? With so many dreams just ripe for the taking, surely a few won’t be missed…


An unusual profession to be sure. But not as difficult to grasp as might be imagined. All one needs is a knowledge of the dream realm, a certain sensitivity to the minds of others, and an eye for soft spots.
It’s all in the wrist.


Skills: Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Sense Motive 8 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks
Special: Able to deal precision damage (Sneak Attack, Skirmish, etc.)
Special: Must not be immune to, nor incapable of, sleep.

Class Skills

The Dream Thief’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex) and Spot (Wis).

Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + Int. modifier

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Whispers

+2|Dream Strike, Paths of Reverie, Sneak Attack +1d6|

+3|Shadow Step|

+3|Slippery Mind, Sneak Attack +2d6|

+4|Dream Vision|

+4|Mental Mettle, Sneak Attack +3d6|

+5|Tread Lightly|

+5|Mind over Material, Sneak Attack +4d6 |

+6|Sleeper Agent|

+6|Watcher in Darkness, Sneak Attack +5d6 |

+7|Avatar of Dreams|

Proficiencies: Dream thieves gain no additional proficiencies.

Dream Strike: (Su) The most potent of the dream thief’s powers, dream striking allows one to strike not just into an opponent’s physical body, but its dream self as well. Dream thieves are capable of not just attacking their enemies’ psyches, but siphoning off their very essence while doing so.
Whenever a dream thief successfully deals precision damage against a target capable of sleeping, they may choose to activate their dream strike ability by choosing to sacrifice up to one die of precision damage per Whisper known (see Paths of Reverie).
The target must succeed on a Will saving throw against a DC of 10 + Dream Thief level. A failed save indicates the target’s dreams have been stolen, dealing a -2 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (the dream thief’s choice), as well as a penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks and effective level (for determining the power, duration, DC, and other details of spells or special abilities) equal to the number of damage dice sacrificed. Eight hours of continuous sleep removes the penalty, as would a Wish or similar spell.
Multiple penalties from dream strikes do not stack.
The dream thief gains a +2 enhancement bonus to the chosen ability score, as well as a morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks equal to the number of damage dice sacrificed. The bonuses last for 24 hours and may not be dispelled.
Sleeping enemies gain no saving throw against this effect.

Paths of Reverie: (Su) One hears thing when traveling through the dream realms. Strange, sinister, wonderful things. Dream thieves hear these dark murmurings and take them to heart, learning from the four paths of reverie.
At first level, and every even numbered level thereafter, the dream thief learns one whisper chosen from the four paths, and the caster level for any spell effects is equal to their character level.

The Path of Danger:

Bete Noir: The dream thief may as a standard action infect another creature within 30 feet with a fragment of nightmare from the dream realm.
For 24 hours, or until the dream thief uses this whisper on another creature, the target may not benefit from any bonuses against or immunity to fear effects. It is also always considered a valid target for the dream strike ability.
Dream Dagger: The penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma caused by the dream thief’s dream strike is increased by the dream thief’s number of whispers known.
Shadow Hunter: All the dream thief’s attacks are treated as having the ghost touch quality. In addition, they may add their constitution modifier to the DC of their dream strike.

The Path of Persuasion:

Stolen Confidence: The enhancement bonus gained from a successful dream strike increases by the dream thief’s number of whispers known.
Inspiring Visions: As a free action, the dream thief may activate or deactivate an aura that provides half their morale bonus from a successful dream strike to any allies within 30 feet.
Subliminal Influence: A successful dream strike also affects the target with a suggestion spell with no saving throw. In addition, they may add their charisma modifier to the DC of their dream strike.

The Path of Shadow:

Dream Shroud: The dream thief gains permanent concealment as long as they are within 30 feet of a creature capable of sleep. This ability may be activated or deactivated as a free action.
Heart of Darkness: The dream thief gains immunity to fear. In addition, they may add their dexterity modifier to the DC of their dream strike.
Nightchild: As a standard action, the dream thief may switch between being corporeal and incorporeal at will.

The Path of Vigilance:

Candle in the Night: The dream thief gains darkvision out to 60 feet (or extends their current darkvision by 60 feet), and can see even in magical darkness.
Eyes Unveiled: After a successful dream strike, the dream thief gains true seeing for a number of rounds equal to their number of whispers known.
Guiding Visions: The dream thief may use augury at will by expending the morale bonus from a successful dream strike, and gains a bonus to initiative equal to their number of whispers known.

Sneak Attack: (Ex) This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). If a dream thief gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.
Instead of progressing sneak attack damage, a dream thief may choose to advance a similar ability (Sudden Strike, Skirmish etc.) that they already possess.

Shadow Step: (Su) Passing through the dream world is as easy as falling asleep while riding a velocipede, as the saying goes. While a budding dream thief is not wholly capable of entering the dream world, they can get close enough to it that they slide through most mundane obstacles.
A dream thief may teleport up to 15 feet as a move action at will.

Slippery Mind: (Ex) A dream thief’s mind is always partially in the realm of dreams, providing a barrier against any outside influence.
If a dream thief is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails their saving throw, they can attempt it again one round later at the same DC. If the dream thief already has, or later gains slippery mind again from another source, they may gain a third saving throw on the next round again as well.

Dream Vision: (Su) Spending near as much time, if not more, watching the dreams of others as in the waking world allows dream thieves a heightened sense for telling the difference between reality and fantasy, and knowing where the two collide.
Dream thieves gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against illusions, and can determine by sight whether creatures will be vulnerable to their dream strike ability.

Mental Mettle: (Ex) Not all dreams are pleasant. Few know this as well as a dream thief, whose exposure to the darkest nightmares in the dream realm has strengthened their force of will – little in the waking world can measure up to the horrors they have seen.
If a dream thief makes a successful Will save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half), they instead completely negate the effect.

Tread Lightly: Where the shadow step allows one to pass briefly through the dream realm, the art of treading lightly relies on appropriating the dreams of others for a more corporeal connection.
As long as the dream thief remains within 30 feet of a creature capable of dreaming, they may air walk as the spell at will.

Mind over Material: (Su) By striking through a foe’s dreams, you may hit them where they are most vulnerable. A successful dream strike attack bypasses an enemy’s damage reduction.

Sleeper Agent: (Su) The difference between sleep and waking becomes insignificant to an experienced dream thief – indeed, they even learn to draw strength from old vulnerabilities.
If the dream thief would is targeted by a sleep effect, they instead gain the benefits of a freedom of movement spell for the duration they would have been asleep.

Watcher in Darkness: (Su) The dream thief can automatically sense the presence of any creature capable of sleep within 30 feet. They can also recognize any creature whose dreams they have previously stolen with their dream strike with this ability.

Avatar of Dreams: (Su) The dream thief is at one with the dream world, drawing on its essence to strengthen their body. They may use alter self at will as a move action, with a caster level equal to their character level.
As well, the dream thief may gain the benefits of one of the following templates, with the exception that their type remains unaffected:


The template chosen may be changed by the dream thief each time they get 8 hours of sleep.


Dream thieves are a highly individual lot, with mixed motives, backgrounds and personalities. But a few common threads tie them together.

Combat: You won’t be the toughest, the strongest, or the hardiest fellow on the battlefield. Good thing you don’t fight fair. Use the environment to get a drop on your enemies. Gang up on them. And when the going gets rough – well, no need to stick around.

Advancement: As your powers progress, your connection to the dream realm deepens, and you can slowly come to rely less on others for help. Not that you should ever turn your back on them of course (for a number of reasons). But

Resources: Dreams, dear boy! And anything else you can get your hands on that isn’t nailed down.


”A man who can reach into your mind and snatch your dreams? Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Those few who know the true nature of dream thieves view them with distrust. Fortunately, their numbers are few.

Nightly Life: Most dream thieves, especially the less moral sort, prefer to sleep by day, as the number of easy targets for dream striking is highest at night. Other than that, their routine changes little from whatever it was beforehand.

Notables: Jacqueline Grin is rumoured to have been the first dream thief. Whether she still lives, or if her name is passed down like a title is unsure, but tales of her exploits abound and continue to increase. Kings, archmages, generals – she has stolen dreams from the mightiest of men, and seems to take great pleasure in making them known.

Organizations: Thieves guilds are obvious places for dream thieves to congregate. But dream thieves shy away from the obvious. Look for them in other places – merchant guilds, mercenary companies and the academies of sages.

NPC Reaction

The opinion’s held of dream thieves range widely. Rogues and their ilk hold them in high regard (usually). Paladins view them with suspicion (spoilsports). Wizards and clerics are uncomfortable around them, though few would admit to fear.


This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.

Adaptation: Dream thieves are generic enough to fit into most campaigns, though those with a fleshed out dream world may need some work to make sure there are no contradictions between their abilities and the world at large.

Encounters: Most adventurers run into dream thieves when their goals are opposed to each other, though some might seek to hire one. As with the dream thieves themselves, each encounter should be different.

2012-05-04, 11:57 AM

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HuE9hjtslp0/TFLWpRdryJI/AAAAAAAACjI/V4_F2s-tUoI/s640/Native+American+art+of+woman+%26+dream+catcher+!!! !.jpg

"I walk with one foot in the waking world, and one foot in the world of dream. Does it surprise you that I am not what you expected?" - Iskara Dreamwalker

Many peoples have legends and stories of mythical beings who inhabit the realm of dreams, coming out for unknown and unknowable reasons to play in the world of men. A Dream Shaman is a man or woman who has met one of these and learned from them some of the secrets of moving between dreams and the waking world.


Those who become dream shamans are often not what one would expect - it takes both a hightly inquisitive mind and an adventurous personality to not only catch the attention of but also to befriend the type of spirit in the dream world who is capable of teaching a Dream Shaman what they need to know. Thus, while many might seek out this path for power or advantage, it is really only found by those who desire adventure and new experiences.

Dream Shamans come from nearly every race and walk of life, be it a city dwelling human or an orc barbarian. Once on the path, though, most Dream Shamans become wanderers and nomads, if they weren't already. Though they are often neglectful of their physical bodies and tend to lack in the physical side of their development as adventurers, Dream Shamans are too inquisitive and too used to the fantastic to rest in one place for long - unless they are challenged continuously, they will go and seek challenges.

Feats: Lucid Dreaming* and either Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Universal Item
Skills: Autohypnosis 4, Use Magic Device or Use Psionic Device 4, Concentration 8, Knowledge (Any One) 8
Race: Non-elf humanoid, monstrous humanoid or giant
Special: Must have met and been taught by a creature of the dream realm who is capable of manifesting outside of the dream.
* New feat, see below

Class Skills

The Dream Shaman's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis(wis), Craft(int), Concentration(con), Bluff(cha), Gather Information(cha), Knowledge (all individually)(int), Speak Language(int), Use Psionic Device(cha), Use Magic Device(cha)

Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d4

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
+2|Mysticism, Dreams of Another Life (Skills)
+3|Craft Dreamcatcher, Blessings of the Dream
+3|Dreams of Another Life (Ability)
+4|Calling forth the Dream 1/day
+4|Dreams of Another Life (Feat)
+5|Gifts of the Dream
+5|Dreams of Another Life (Prestige Class)
+6|Calling forth the Dream 2/day
+6|Dreams of Another Life (Class Abilities)
+7|Living the Dream[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A dream shaman gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies

Mysticism (Ex): Levels of Dream Shaman stack with levels in any other class you have for purposes of determining your effective caster level or equivalent (such as effective manifester level or effective binder level). This applies to any class ability which would be suppressed by an antimagic field. However, this bonus applies to each effective level seperately. This bonus is applied after all other bonuses provided by class features, feats, etc. are calculated and cannot increase your effective level beyond your hit dice. Dream Shaman levels do not provide any other benefit that additional levels of those classes would provide, like additional spells per day or being able to bind higher level vestiges.

Dreams of Another Life (Su): Immediately before preparing to sleep, the Dream Shaman meditates for ten minutes on what she wants to dream about, and then sleeps for at least 2 hours straight. If her sleep is interrupted before that, she must start this preparation over or lose the benifits of this ability for the next day. While sleeping, the Dream Shaman experiences lucid dreams that provide insight and knowledge about what her life might have been like if she had chosen another path. This provides a number benefits based on the Dream Shaman's level - they may use any or all of these abilities so long as they are of sufficient level, and each of these abilities last 24 hours or until they gain a new set of abilities. A Dream Shaman may only use this ability once per day.
A first level or higher Dream Shaman may dream of the skills she might have had. She may choose a number of skills equal to her Dream Shaman level, and for the next 24 hours or until she sleeps again she gains an insight bonus equal to her wisdom bonus to those skills.
A third level or higher Dream Shaman may dream of the special abilities and powers she might have mastered. The dream shaman chooses one class feature granted by any base class, so long as that class feature is gained at or before her Dream Shaman level. She has a class level equal to her Dream Shaman level for the purpose of determining the effects of that class feature. For example, if a third level Dream Shaman dreams about her life as a wizard's apprentice she may choose to gain the spellcasting ability of a third level wizard, and thus when she awakens she'll be able to memorize and cast spells as a third level wizard. Of course, this does not give her access to a spellbook to memorize spells from. The Dream Shaman may choose to use this ability to gain a class feature that she already has - a Dream Shaman who is able to bind vestiges may dream of herself as a binder, and choose bind vestige. If she does, she does not gain the ability to bind twice as many vestiges - instead, her levels in Binder and Dream Shaman stack for the purposes of determining her ability to bind vestiges. This may never increase her effective ability beyond her current hit dice.
A fifth level or higher Dream Shaman may dream of the feats that she might have been capable in that other life. The Dream Shaman chooses one feat she might have had in that other life - she must qualify for the feat, but if she chooses a class feature as per her third level ability, she may use that class ability to qualify for the feat. At tenth level, she may choose two such feats.
A seventh level or higher Dream Shaman may choose to dream of a more varied and interesting life. Choose one prestige class that the Dream Shaman might have qualified for (ignore all requirements based on skills, feats and special requirements based on circumstance, such as those requirements that a specific event occur or membership in a specific organization). The Dream Shaman gains all of the class features granted by the first level of that prestige class, with an effective level equal to her Dream Shaman level. If this prestige class advances an ability granted by another class (such as increasing spellcasting level), these increases may NOT be applied to an ability gained through Dreams of Another Life.
A ninth level or higher Dream Shaman becomes so adept at dreaming of other lives that she can very nearly become the person she dreams about. Instead of choosing a single class feature with her third level ability, the Dream Shaman may choose any base class, and she gains all of the class featrues of a member of that class with a level equal to her Dream Shaman level. If she already has levels in that class, those levels stack for the purpose of determining the level of class features granted. For example, a Rogue 3/Sorceror 2/Dream Shaman 9 who chooses to dream of her life as a rogue would have all of the class features of a 12th level rogue, including 5d6 sneak attack, Trap sense +3, Improved uncanny dodge, and a Rogue special ability of her choice.

Craft Dreamcatcher(Ex): A 2nd level Dream Shaman learns to catch some of the dreams of herself and others, causing the dreamstuff to manifest as a semi-transparent perlescent oil which can be collected and used. The Dream Shaman may craft a Dreamcatcher, a magic item with a value of 2000 gp (and thus costs 1000gp in materials and 80xp and requires one day to craft). Only Dream Shamans understand the connection between dreams and magic well enough to create a proper Dreamcatcher, though many others have attempted it and created similar looking items with different effects. Even Artificers are unable to create these items properly. Once a Dream Shaman creates a Dreamcatcher, they generally keep at least one of them nearby at all times, because they are able to use the special Dream Oil these devices produce to better effect than anyone else. A Dream Shaman may only craft a number of Dreamcatchers equal to 1/2 their Dream Shaman level. If one is permanently destroyed or disenchanted, she may craft a replacement. A Dream Shaman may choose to give on as a gift, however it is extremely difficult to steal a Dreamcatcher from a Dream Shaman - every time they fall asleep, they know precisely where each of the Dreamcatchers they have crafted are, even if that location is on another plane.

Blessings of the Dream (Su): A 2nd level Dream Shaman understands the proper use and application of Dream Oil better than anyone else, and may use it to much greater effect. When applying Dream Oil to weapons or armor, the Caster Level of the Magic Vestment or Greater Magic Weapon effect is equal to 4 plus twice the Dream Shaman's level.

Calling forth the Dream (Sla): A 4th level Dream Shaman learns to summon forth creatures from her own dreams and nightmares. Once per day, she may use Summon Monster IV with an effective caster level equal to twice her Dream Shaman level. An 8th level Dream Shaman may use Summon Monster VI and may use this ability twice per day.

Gifts of the Dream (Su): A 6th level Dream Shaman has learned to craft her dreams into deadly and versatile weapons and tools. When using Dream Oil on already enchanted weapons or armor, the Dream Shaman may choose to alter the affects of that oil. Instead of the normal Greater Magic Weapon or Magic Vestment effect, she may choose any one enchantment with a base price modifier of +4 or less and apply that instead. The enchantment must be appropriate to what it is being applied to - you cannot apply a weapon enchantment to a piece of armor (although you can apply it to armor spikes), and it cannot be the same as an enchantment already present on the piece of equipment. A 10th level Dream Shaman may apply any enchantment, even those listed with a price in gold pieces. This enchantment lasts for a number of hours equal to 4 plus twice the Dream Shaman's class level.

Living the Dream (Su): A 10th level Dream Shaman becomes a creature forged of her own dreams, able to escape both the bounds of mortality and her own form. Her type changes to Outsider (native, shapechanger) and she gains DR 10/cold iron. She may also use Ethereal Jaunt and Dimension Door 1/day each with a caster level equal to her Dream Shaman level, and may use Alter Self at will for any form of her original type (i.e. instead of using Alter Self as an Outsider, the Dream Shaman uses it as a humanoid, monstrous humanoid or giant depending on her original creature type).


Much has been said of the dreams and other lives that the Dream Shaman might lead, but the purpose most hold is in their desire to protect and guide their chosen people. While many Dream Shamans stay with those they are familiar with and use their varied abilities to protect and aide them, an equal number seek out those they see in their dreams and begin new lives as the companions to groups of adventurers.

The Dream Shaman is meant to be the ideal class for the dabbler - the one who can't really make up their mind what they want to be and is always comint up with new ideas and plans. This class gives that kind of player the chance to try out their ideas, in a limited fashion, without needing to bring a new character into the game.

See 'Dream Shamans in the Game' below for information on Personas and how to use 'Dreams of Another Life' without slowing down or derailing the game.

Combat: Combat for the Dream Shaman is as varied as the personas they use. Most Dream Shamans are going to be spellcasters or manifesters of some type before they take up this path, and they will often continue in this vein afterwards. However, the primary difference here is that with the dream oil from their dreamcatchers, they'll be able to buff their friends and themselves a bit more before combat, and they'll probably need to develop different combat strategies depending on the personas they adopt each day.

Advancement: As a Dream Shaman advances, they obviously become more adept at both artificing (both with the craft item feats and with dream oil) and in crafting more varied and versatile personas. And since advancing in Dream Shaman provides many of the same benefits as advancing in whatever other classes you might have desired to choose (through the Dreams of Another Life ability), more levels of Dream Shaman are normally the priority over other class levels. Because of the Dream Shaman's versatility, they pair well with nearly every other prestige class, though their ability to gain the abilities native to other base classes makes advancing in those after becoming a Dream Shaman generally unnecessary.

Resources: Most Dream Shamans are going to be associated with a group of people they protect and guide, giving them an anchor in the real world. They are generally also artificers, giving them a variety of magic items to use.


"The mystics who walk half in the waking world and half in the world of dreams are among your most dangerous foes, because you can never be sure what powers their dreams have leant them, and they fight the hardest when protecting others." - Markus Sextus, field commander of the eight legion, charged with wiping out the northern barbarian threats.

The only real constant in the life of the Dream Shaman is in who they choose to protect. This is absolute - once a Dream Shaman has added you to their 'flock', nothing short of absolute betrayal will cause them to abandon you. This protectiveness is sometimes seen as a weakness to be exploited, and sometimes as a great strength, but as it is one of the few defining characteristics that others can use to identify the Dream Shaman, it is often considdered to be their defining trait by those who do not fully understand what they are. To outward appearances, Dream Shamans are mystic protectors who create items of power and are capable of nearly anything when provoked - not inhumanly powerful, but always capable of surprising their enemies.

Daily Life: Most days, a Dream Shaman will spend learning about the lives of those around them, asking for the little details and the emotions and the thoughts of others. This is done for two reasons - first, because those they most often talk to are their own flock, and this helps the shaman understand the people she has chosen to protect, and second because these little details give her insight into the lives of others, and as an extension the lives she might have lead - leading to richer and fuller dreams.

Notables: Takana Ravenkeeper is an old and established shaman to one of the northern barbarian tribes. She watches over her people, protects them, and deals with threats like those who invade her lands from the south. While the threat to her people is grave, she has little fear of this wave of invaders - men with swords are easily turned aside with subtle illusion and summoned aide which are two of her favored tricks. However, she fears the day they call forth the battle sorcerors of their people, because while she can match anyone in subtlety, she is little threat to those who have been focusing on combat magics all their lives.

Curtesh the Black Hand, best known as the mysterious King of Assassins and who operates in virtually every major city in the civilised world, is well known for his fierce protectiveness of his chosen apprentices. Very few suspect that this is because he has hand picked these individuals as worthy of his guidance and protection, while the rest of the world is merely a means to an end. What is rumored is that he can become literally anyone to reach his chosen targets, becoming both physically indistinguishable and capable of everything they can do - some believe that he is some form of advanced doppleganger, but the truth is both simpler and far more complicated than they imagine.

Organizations: Individual Dream Shamans do not often gather together unless their chosen flocks are geographically close to each other and in some form of mutual danger. Because the knowledge of how to be a Dream Shaman is bestowed by spirits within the dreamscape, a Dream Shaman can come from literally any walk of life or background. However, they are generally more common among people who already know of these spirits and have a history of contacting them, so they are a relatively well known group among the Northern and Eastern barbarian tribes.

NPC Reaction

As is often the case, the unknown is feared and hated. And because their enemies often do not know what abilities a dream shaman is likely to display next, they are seen as a large and dangerous unknown. Over time, Dream Shamans have been vilified by nearly every church and government for one reason or another, and this has lead to an aura or distrust even though the most common attribute among them is their protectiveness of others. As such, Dream Shamans are automatically distrusted by most 'civilized' societies, and occasionally hunted by the more controlling governments and organizations. Those who have not yet gotten to know a Dream Shaman's character are likely to assume the worst about them.


The Dream Shaman is best played with a handful of specific 'builds' in mind, with the player choosing the one they're going to use each night before the character sleeps. Crafting a new 'persona' is a tedious and often complicated process, and should not be attempted 'on the fly' at the gaming table. These Personas should also be vetted by the GM in advance of being used, so that he's not completely surprised by the many and varied tricks the player can pull out of the dream hat.

Adaptation: A world that has never before seen a Dream Shaman is likely to confuse them with the Chameleon prestige class, and in truth there are a lot of similarites. Dream Shamans are already capable of appearing in any setting with ease. However, if the GM does not want to introduce some mysterious 'dream spirits' to teach the player about how to become a Dream Shaman, perhaps instead a Dream Shaman could be some natural offshoot of Psionics where the mind chooses new 'quantum paths' each night, gaining abilities that they might, through a different possible timeline, have gained. Alternately, it could be an offshoot of divine foreseeing, giving the prospective seer the skills of another member of their chosen god's flock - and widening the 'shaman' aspect of the class to any members of the god's faith.

Encounters: NPC Dream Shamans are primarily interested in protecting their chosen 'flocks'. This might be a group of individuals with little in common save the respect of the shaman, or a large family group or even a small community of some kind (like a barbarian tribe or small town). The Dream Shaman will generally be a person of importance, but usually not in direct leadership - preferring to act as guides and advisers rather than dictating the actions of those they protect.

The PCs may come into conflict a Dream Shaman in his role as the protector of a community if they somehow threaten that group or a member of that group, or they may be hired by a Dream Shaman to retrieve a member of the flock who has been kidnapped or 'gone astray'. Often, Dream Shamans are willing to pay for such services in magic items, something the PCs will no doubt find very tempting.

New Feats
Lucid Dreaming
Prerequisite: Wis 13 or Autohypnosis 2 Ranks
Benefit: You gain a +2 to saving throws to resist magical sleep, and while sleeping you automatically make any saving throws needed to wake up. Also, any sleep you are required to get by class features or other abilities does not need to be continuous - you may wake up after 3 hours of sleep, perform some activity, then return to sleep for 5 more hours and be considdered to have gotten 8 consecutive hours of sleep for the purposes of preparing spells or similar.

New Magic Items
A non-magical dreamcatcher is generally made of a hoop of willow wrapped with leather, with a web of sinew or twine woven in the center. Often decorated with feathers and small crystals or jewels, these devices are said to ward off bad dreams by filtering them from good ones. These devices are based on the reality of what the Dream Shaman is able to craft. A true Dreamcatcher, crafted by a Dream Shaman is a mystical tool which surves a dual purpose. First, it safeguards the sleeping minds of everyone nearby, keeping supernatural influences at bay. In practice, this acts as a Mindblank effect which is active on any person sleeping within 100 feet of the Dreamcatcher. This effect is continuous, but only applies to sleeping minds (trancing elves do not count). This ability also has the side effect of rendering everyone within 100 feet of a Dreamcatcher immune to most magical sleep effects, since as soon as the person would fall asleep from the a mind affecting magic, they would become immune to it. This affect also allows anyone already under a magical sleep effect that comes into range of a Dreamcatcher a Will save (DC 15) to wake up immediately - note that if the magical sleep effect has a duration, the Dreamcatcher only renders someone immune while they are within its affected area - an affected creature that has left the area of effect of the Dreamcatcher must make a saving throw vs. the original DC of the effect (if any) or be affected normally.
The second power of the Dreamcatcher is that it stores up and releases a semi-physical residue from the dream energies of those around it. Once per day when the command word is spoken, the Dreamcatcher releases one ounce of Dream Oil. This substance and its effects are described below.
Faint abjuration; Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Universal item, Craft Dreamcatcher; Price 2,000 gp (though generally not for sale at any price)

Dream Oil
This semi-translucent perlescent oil is generally contained in a small stoppered crystal vial. It should be kept out of the sun, as ten minutes exposure to sunlight will cause it to evaporate (even if kept in a sealed container), while storing it in an opaque container is also unwise since absolute darkness has a similar effect. Dream oil may only be stored in twilight, candle light, moonlight or similar conditions, and even then it will only remain active for 24 hours after it is produced - after which time it becomes a nearly-mundane lotion which is pleasant smelling to everyone and provides a +1 circumstance bonus to all social skill rolls for the next 24 hours, but has no obvious magical properties.
When applied to a weapon, shield, or piece of armor, Dream Oil acts as though it were an Oil of Greater Magic Weapon or Oil of Magic Vestment (as appropriate) with a caster level of 5. When applied directly to bare skin, Dream Oil grants the user DR 3/Cold Iron for 5 hours. When applied to any other object weight up to 25 lbs, the Dream Oil acts as though it were a Magic Aura spell for a strong illusion effect, with a Will Save DC of 26 for anyone using Identify, and lasts for 5 days.
One ounce of Dream Oil is enough for one application.
Strong illusion if active, weak illusion afterwards; N/A; Price 100gp or 1gp

2012-05-05, 05:53 AM


Dreams of kings, dreams of kids, dreams of needs, dreams of drinks.
I tasted them all!
Il'Valnishka elven Reverie Drinker

Everyone dreams.
Well, mostly everyone dreams. Some creatures are alien to the dream world, unable to dream for their whole lifespan but for a single mystic experience that shatters their worldview. Once they experience a dream they might become addicted to them, taking the path of the Reverie Drinker: a vampire of dreams.

A Reverie Drinker normally comes from the ranks of spellthieves or hexblades, since the class requires at least a basic training on their ways. Multiclass spellthieves and hexblades are then the most usual to become Reverie Drinkers. Other classes, provided that they can meet the requirements to become a Reverie Drinker might be allured to it. Most of those reverie drinkers come from the ranks of Beguilers, Binders, Factotums, Lurks, Paladins of Tyranny, Rogues, Sorcerers, or Warlocks.

Alignment: Any non-good.
Skill ranks: Bluff 4, Concentration 8
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 1st-level arcane spells, including sleep.
Base attack bonus: +4
Special: Must be unable to sleep or unable to dream. Must have the steal spell class feature. Must have the hexblade's curse class feature.

Class Skills
A reverie drinker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move silently (Dex) Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting

+2| Curse, Steal Spell, Touch of fatigue|-

+3|Steal Dream, Live the Dream, Nightmare Curse|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+3|Dream Drinking, Sleep casting|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Live the Dream (dream sight), Nightmare curse (greater)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Sleepy fatigue, Dream drinking (insightful hallucination)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5|Live the Dream (trance), Nightmare curse (dark)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5|Sleep companion, Dream drinking (inventive chimera) |+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6| Live the Dream (arouse), Nightmare Curse (dire)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6|Touch of exhaustion, Dream drinking (eerie power)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+7| Live the Dream (awake), Nightmare curse (nightmare spell)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Steal Spell: Your reverie drinker levels stack with levels in spellthief for the purpose of determining what level of spells you can steal. Your effective spellthief level, for the purpose of stealing spells, can not exceed your HD.

Curse: Your reverie drinker levels stack with levels in hexblade for the purpose of determining the number of uses of your hexblade curse and it's save DC.

Spells per day / Spells Known: At each level beyond 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (such as the bonus feats sometimes gained by a wizard). If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a reverie drinker, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Touch of Fatigue (Su): Once per round as a standard action you can make a touch attack that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. On a failed Fortitude save (DC of 10 + reverie drinker level + your CHA modifier) the target of your attack becomes fatigued for one round per reverie drinker + your CHA modifier.

Steal Dream (Su): As a reverie drinker you can siphon dreams away from your target and use them to power your abilities. Once per round when you hit an opponent with a successful sneak attack you can choose to forgo dealing 1d6 points of sneak attack damage and instead steal a dream. Most creatures dream, unless otherwise specified; if a creature cannot dream you cannot steal dreams from it. If your target is willing, you can steal a dream with a touch as a standard action. You can hold a number of dreams equal to 1 + your CHA modifier for a number of hours equal to your reverie drinker level.

Live the Dream (Su): Starting at 2nd level, as an immediate action you can close your eyes and focus on one of your stolen dreams to enter an eerie state. Doing this destroys the dream. You gain a +2 bonus to INT, WIS and CHA for a number of rounds equal to your reverie drinker level + your new enhanced CHA modifier. You can use another dream during the eerie state to reset its duration. You don't gain more spells or power points. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your reverie drinker level. While in an eerie state you need to keep your eyes shut, so you are effectively blind.

Dream Sight: Starting at 4th level, while in an eerie state you gain blindsense out to 60 feet. You can end your eerie state early, as an immediate action, to be able to use augury as a spell-like ability (caster level 1st).

Trance: Starting at 6th level, while in an eerie state you gain an insight bonus of +1 to your attack rolls, to your damage rolls, and to your saves. Any time during your eerie state you can decide to finish it early as an immediate action to gain a +5 bonus to your attack rolls, to your damage rolls or to any of your saves.

Superb Live the dream: At 8th level, your live the dream ability becomes extraordinary. Additionally the bonuses granted by your live the dream ability double, so you now receive +4 to INT, WIS and CHA in your eerie state.

Awaken: At 10th your feeding of dreams has left its toll in your body whenever you end your eerie state you can declare, as an immediate action, that everything that happened during the last turn was a dream. Any spells or abilities used are available again, any damage dealt is healed, any effects incurred are negated, any objects or creatures moved are reset to their original position, and so on. This ends the eerie state and consumes one of your stolen dreams. If you want, you can consume more dreams to go back more turns, being able to go back a turn per dream consumed in this manner. Using this ability is exhausting, you can only use it once per day.

Nightmare Curse (Su): At 2nd level you can use your stolen dreams to empower your curses. Once per round you can expend a dream to use your hexblade curse without it counting against your daily uses.

Greater: At 4th level you can expend two additional dreams to make your nightmare curse act as a greater hexblade's curse. If you use a greater hexblade's curse on an enemy affected by your hexblade curse, the greater hexblade curse replaces it.

Dark: At 6th level when you use a nightmare curse, you can forfeit the normal penalties of a greater hexblade curse or greater nightmare curse to apply the effect of a bestow curse spell. The save DC remains the same. The dark nightmare curse effects stack with the normal effects of hexblade's curse.

Dire: At 8th level you can expend three additional dreams to make your greater nightmare curse act as a dire hexblade curse Using a dire hexblade's curse on any enemy affected by your hexblade's curse or greater hexblade's curse replaces it.

Nightmare Spell: At 10th level when using your nightmare curse ability you can also empower it with the essence of any spell you have stolen. You can effectively cast your stolen spell, or any spell you know of the same level or lower, as a free action but the target must be the same target of your nightmare curse and no other creature can be affected. No spell cast in this manner can have a duration longer than an hour.

Dream Drinking (Su): Starting at 3rd level you can keep a dream in your mouth and drink it as an immediate action to gain some sustenance. You can't combine this ability with your live the dream ability. You cannot drink a dream while in an eerie state, nor you can enter an eerie state while the effects of dream drinking remains. For a number of rounds equal to your reverie drinker level + your CHA modifier you gain fast healing 1 and DR 10/Lethal (you ignore the first 10 point of non-lethal damage that you receive). You can drink another dream to reset the duration of this effect, but you can only drink a number of dreams equal to half your reverie drinker level per day. While drinking a dream you cannot speak, so you cannot cast spells that have a verbal component or use magic items that require a command word. If you choose you can drink the whole dream and end this state, but you gain no benefit if you do so.

Insightful Hallucination: At 5th level while drinking a dream you gain an insight bonus equal to half your reverie drinker level on skill checks.

inventive chimera: Starting at 7th level while drinking a dream you can make a skill check, even those requiring training, even if you have no ranks in that skill.

eerie power: Once you reach 9th level, after drinking a dream you can gain any single feat for which you meet the prerequisites as a bonus feat. This feat lasts only while you keep the dream in your mouth.

Sleep casting: You gain a better knack with sleeping spells. You add deep slumber and hiss of sleep to your list of spells known. You can replace any spell you steal of level one or higher with sleep, you can replace any spell you steal of third level or higher with deep slumber and you can replace any spell you steal of seventh level or higher hiss of sleep. The spells replaced in this manner do not incur arcane spell failure as long as you wear light armor.
Additionally once per day you can add your reverie drinker class levels to the maximum HD that can be affected with sleep or deep slumber. For example, a third level reverie drinker can affect up to 7 HD when using sleep.

Sleepy Fatigue (Su): Any creature affected by your touch of fatigue or touch of exhaustion supernatural ability while you are in a eerie state or while you are drinking a dream becomes vulnerable to your spells. As long as a creature is fatigued it looses any immunity or protection it has against mind affecting] spells that you cast . It still rolls a save as normal.

Sleep Companion: You create a figment of stolen dreams that accompanies you. You must sacrifice any stolen dreams that you have when creating a sleep companion. The ritual to create a sleep companion takes 24 hours and uses magical materials that cost 100 gp. The sleep companion appears as a fine glittering mist, hard to pin with the eye. Any enemy adjacent to a sleep companion takes a -2 penalty on all wisdom, intelligence and charisma-based checks. If an enemy shares a space with your sleep companion it must make a will save as if you had cast a sleep on it. You can move your companion as a swift mental action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity; it moves at a speed equal to yours.

A sleep companion cannot be attacked, nor damaged by any means, nor it can attack or damage any creature, but it can be dispelled or suppressed like a spell effect. Your sleep companion is treated as a spell whose level is equal to half your reverie drinker level. If it is dispelled you can sacrifice a stolen dream to manifest it again as a standard action, or it will appear automatically 1d4 minutes later.

Touch of Exhaustion (Su): Your touch of fatigue supernatural ability improves. It now causes exhaustion on a failed Fortitude save DC 10 + reverie drinker level + your CHA modifier and fatigue on a successful save. The duration of the effect is one round per reverie drinker level.

Dreams are much more than an illusion of the night. Each dream is unique and has its own flavour that combined sustain the essence of reality. You have discovered how to feed on them, combining dreams, nightmares, and magic so they empower and fill you.

As a reverie drinker your primary focus is the acquisition of more dreams. You move through the world alien to reality, in search of dreams and nightmares. In your travels you have learned a lot about people, about their dreams and hopes, about their fears and nightmares. Any step you take is in the direction of a new taste for your epicurean palate.

Combat: As a reverie drinker you combine the magic resourcefulness of a spellthief with powerful battle curses. Depending on your choices you can be a frightful opponent at melee or a sneaky death delver. But overall you are a great debuffer; anyone opposing you is going to be easily cursed.

Advancement: Going back to your main class before taking levels in reverie drinker can prove greatly beneficial. Taking levels in hexblade can improve your curse, making you less dream-dependent for improving it, or even allow you to utter dire curses without expending dreams. Spellthief offers more spell stealing options which, combined with your nightmare spell, can be really powerful. There are also other flavorful PrCs that might interest you like Nightmare Spinner (from Complete Arcane) or dread witch (from Heroes of Horror).

Resources: The dream traders (see below) offer several items or services in exchange for bottled dreams. Some reverie drinkers will join the traders as hired spies or assassins in order to benefit from the extensive web of contacts of the organization. Many other reverie drinkers, more selfish, might surround themselves with coteries of followers, paying for dreams with mundane favours.

The dream vampire took me by surprise, before I could utter the first syllable of the spell, I heard his robotic voice whispering my own words in my ears, his spell was mine but much more than I ever dreamed.
Roj "Fire Magi" Crimson, also known as the Crispy.

Daily Life: Reverie drinkers are nocturnal creatures: they feast on dreams and most creatures sleep at night. A good dream for breakfast is a usual occurrence; from there they just go collecting as many dreams as they can. They might use some to learn new things, feed on them or just trade them.

Notables: Il'Vanishka was one of the first reverie drinkers and probably the oldest still alive. During her childhood she hoped to become the greatest thief that ever walked the earth. And she did so, she ran among human communities surrounded by the darkness of the night, stealing their valuables. It didn't take long before she realized that there was a market for stolen dreams. She stole [dreams of fighting and conquests from soldiers and sold them to the young bravos that wanted to live them. She stole innocent dreams of wealth from the poor and sold them to the greedy rich who had forgotten what they wanted their money for. She traded dreams and became the greatest thief under the sky.

Hauer's name is only whispered because it is said to be bad luck. He was built so many years ago that no one but him remembers his purpose. His mind is dark and full of terrors taken from the dreams of many, be it a frenzied barbarian, a condemned murderer or a despotic ruler. Hauer excels in nightmares: he steals the direst of them all and releases them with powerful curses upon anyone that crosses its path.

The strongest reverie drinkers organize coteries surrounding themselves with dreamers. One of the most important coteries, the Dream Traders founded centuries ago by the elf known as Il'Vanishka is really successful. She seems to have refined the art of dream keeping and is able to trade them freely; many reverie drinkers would consult her for guidance. Another coterie, known as Robotic Nightmare consists of warforged that raid the dreams regularly, stealing powerful nightmares and using them as destructive weapons against fleshlings.

NPC Reaction

The path of the Reverie Drinker is mostly unknown to outsiders. They are charismatic rogues that tend to have access to several and diverse skills but their font of power is so different from normal magic that most disregard them as a legend.


Depending on how you optimize them reverie drinker can be powerful in different ways. They are excellent debuffers so any team that relies on saves will be greatly enhanced by the presence of a reverie drinker. They also can make enemies sleep even when they should be immune to it, so they might have spikes of damage using coup de grace. Both the curses and the stolen spells of a reverie drinker are a bit more powerful than those of the vanilla hexblade and spellthief. They have more options, more uses of the curse and having nightmare spell can cast their stolen spells faster. They also have better access to skills, thanks to their dream drinking, and can potentially cope with most situations.

With little work the reverie drinker can be turned to psionics. I suggest changing the prerequisites to the following: lurk augment class feature (from the lurk of Complete Psionics), and Psithief feat (from Complete Scoundrel). Dreams should provide more lurk augment uses and count as a number of PP equal to the level of reverie drinker, the nightmare spell ability should be adapted to work as a lurk augment. If using this adaptation trade spellcasting progression for manifesting progression.
Trading hexblade for warlock should also be possible (using invocations instead of curses). The warlock is normally considered stronger than the hexblade, but its invocations can already be used at will, the reverie drinker could gain its nightmare curses abilities as an invocation that could be augmented using dreams.
The class can also benefit from a more martial perspective adding the prerequisite to know a stance from the diamond mind or the shadow hand school and granting maneuvers known every even level, maneuvers readied every three levels, and stances known every five levels. They should be able to choose maneuvers and stances from the diamond mind, the shadow hand or the stone dragon school.

Sample Encounter

Varys Longshadow is a Reverie Drinker who has been feeding on the port city of Wettown. He hopes that with his actions he will attract the attention of the Dream Traders and offered a place among them. He is particularly convinced that one of the PCs has a particularly strong dream that he could later sell to the Dream Traders for a great sum of gold.

EL 10: Varys can be found from dusk till dawn on the port section of Wettown near the taverns full of drunken sailors, savoring the dreams of exotic lands as a delicacy. He might come across the PCs as they search for a place to sleep or information. While they are awake he will act friendly offering them advice and counsel, should they ask he will recommend a nearby tavern to rest. He will wait until the PCs are sleep and proceed to infiltrate into their room to steal from them, feeding on their dreams first and, if they do not wake up, taking their stuff before leaving.

Varys Longshadow
CN Male Elf Hexblade 4 / Spellthief 1 / Reverie Drinker 5
Init +4, Senses: Listen -1, Spot -1,
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Dwarf, Gnome
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed (16)
hp 71 ( 10HD)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +9
Speed 30ft. 6( squares)
Melee Atk +13 melee (1d6+2 / 18-20 x2 +2 rappier) Full Atk: +13/+8 melee (1d6+2 / 18-20 x2 +2 rappier)
Base Atk +7, Grp +7
Atk Options SA +1d6 Steal Spell, Steal Dream, Touch of fatigue
Combat Gear +2 Mithral Chain Shirt, +2 Rapier
Spells Known
1st level Sleep, Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
2nd level Alter Self, Invisibility
3rd level Deep slumber Can only be traded for stolen spells
7th level Hiss of sleep Can only be traded for stolen spells
Supernatural Abilities Hexblade Curse, Nightmare Curse
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
SQ able to notice secret concealed doors, Arcane Resistance, Mettle, Dark Companion, Sleep Casting, Sleepy fatigue, Live the Dream, Dream Drinking
Feats Weapon finesse, Ability focus (Hexblade curse), Great fortitude, Master Spellthief
Skills Bluff +17, Concentration +13, Intimidate +17, Spellcraft +15, Move silently +9, Hide +9, Search +7, Use Magic device +9
Possessions +2 rapier, +2 mithral chain shirt, Hexbands, Eternal wand of knock

2012-05-10, 04:39 PM
Dream Warrior


Combat is very simple. Get your consciousness out of the way so you can win. That's all. – Thragnar Bloodrage, Dream Warrior

Dream fighters have taken the idea of focus in combat to the next level: they use their instincts and perceptions without the hesitation and fear that comes from normal thought in combat. This special state is very similar to sleep but has some important differences, the most important one being that fighting a normal person who is asleep is trivial, while a sleeping dream warrior is more dangerous than one awake.

Becoming a Dream Warrior

Many paths lead to the inner revelation of the dream warrior. Some meditate on mountain tops, other schools use the aid of mind altering substances, and the occasional person stumbles in to the secret while fighting. Whatever the path, a certain amount of experience and competence is required before the dream warrior can begin applying his ideas.

Feat: Combat Focus (Player's Handbook 2)
Skill ranks:Lucid Dreaming 4 or Autohypnosis 4

Class Skills

The Dream Warrior's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration(Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Lucid Dreaming(Wis, Manual of the Planes) Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int
Hit Dice: d8

Waking Dream, Unthinking Avoidance, Practiced Meditation, Solipsistic Strike
Restful Watch, Bonus Feat, Instinctive Attack
Improved Unthinking Avoidance, Hypnic Strike, Rapid Eye Movement
Bonus Feat, Improved Instinctive Attack, Survival Instinct, Improved Solipsistic Strike
Rude Awakening, Sleepwalk

Weapon Proficiencies: A dream warrior gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Waking Dream(Ex): The similarities between sleep and combat focus grant the dream warrior certain protections. While in combat focus, a dream warrior is immune to [sleep] effects but can be affected by attacks which only affect those who are asleep (for example, the Nightmare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nightmare.htm) spell). Unlike most people who are asleep, the dream warrior is not helpless (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#helpless) while in combat focus.

Unthinking Avoidance(Ex): The first reflex a dream warrior brings under control is the body's tendency to avoid danger. When in combat focus, as an immediate action, the dream warrior may add his Wisdom bonus to his AC as a dodge bonus against one attack.

Practiced Meditation(Ex): Long practice with combat lets a dream warrior feel the rhythm of battle more quickly. A first level dream warrior may enter combat focus as a free action during combat. He may not do this when flat footed. This obviates the requirement from the Combat Focus feat to strike successful blow before entering combat focus.

Solipsistic Strike(Su): The attacks of a dream warrior can, over time, set a target adrift between waking and sleep. Any creature which takes weapon damage from a dream warrior also takes one point of wisdom damage. This effect only damages a particular creature once per round no matter how many times the creature is struck with a weapon.

Restful Watch(Ex): The line between sleep and awareness is gone. A second level dream warrior takes no penalties to listen or spot for being asleep. Unconsciousness (due to damage, ability damage, or other causes) still prevents the dream warrior from observing.

Bonus Feat(Ex): A second level dream warrior gains any feat which requires Combat Focus and which he qualifies for as a bonus feat. He gains another bonus feat with the same limitations at fourth level. If there are no feats which he qualifies for and does not already possess, he may instead gain a Fighter bonus feat.

Instinctive Attack(Ex): A second level dream warrior turns his subconscious attention to striking out. As an immediate action, a second level dream warrior may add his Wisdom modifier to his next to-hit roll as an insight bonus. This ability may only be used when in combat focus.

Improved Unthinking Avoidance(Ex): Avoiding attacks has become easier for a third level dream warrior. Now, when he uses Unthinking Avoidance, the bonus to AC lasts until the end of his next turn. It still may only be used when in combat focus.

Hypnic Strike(Ex): Even the spasms of near-sleep can be used in combat by a third level dream warrior. As an immediate action, he may make one attack at his highest base attack bonus. As with all dream warrior active abilities, this may only be done when in combat focus.

Rapid Eye Movement(Ex) Scanning for threats without conscious direction expands your vision. A third level dream warrior may add twice his class level to his Spot checks as an Insight bonus.

Improved Instinctive Attack(Ex): When a fourth level dream warrior uses his Instinctive Attack ability, the bonus lasts until the end of his turn instead of for only one attack. This may only be done when in combat focus.

Survival Instinct(Ex): The drive to live is one of the things that bind the conscious and subconscious together. Whether the danger be fire, poison, or a clouded mind, complete focus can turn aside the threat. A fourth level dream warrior gains his wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to his saving throws as long as he is in combat focus.

Improved Solipsistic Strike(Su): The Solipsistic Strike of a fourth level dream warrior now does two points of wisdom damage instead of one. It can still only affect a particular creature once per round.

Rude Awakening(Su): A master dream warrior effortlessly combines his senses, intuition, and a touch of fate to strike unerringly. As a standard action, a fifth level dream warrior may make an attack with a weapon. This attack is treated as though it rolled a 20 to hit, but it cannot critically hit. The attack also succeeds on any relevant miss chance or other similar effects (i.e. mirror image) The attack does not hit if it would be impossible i.e. through a wall of force, and an attack which targets an invisible opponent must target the correct square as normal. This ability can also be prevented by abilities which prevent a successful hit such as the Sleepwalking class feature. This ability may only be used when in combat focus. If a dream warrior uses this ability he cannot use Sleepwalking until after his next turn.

Sleepwalking(Su): The subconscious mind is a strange opponent to those used to fighting conscious opponents. A master dream walker can exploit this. As an immediate action, he can cause one attack roll against him to be treated as a natural 1. This can be over-ridden by Limited Wish or other effects of similar or greater power, but it is stronger than Rude Awakening. The dream warrior must be aware of the attack (not flat footed) to use this ability. Like all dream warrior active abilities this can only be used while in combat focus. A dream warrior who uses this ability cannot use Rude Awakening until after his next turn.

Playing a Dream Warrior

Dream warriors tend to be more introspective and reserved than, say, barbarians.

Combat: Swing your wisdom modifier against people. Or use it to resist getting killed. Management of your swift action suddenly becomes pretty important: by the end of this class you can use it to gain +Wis to hit, avoid an attack, make an extra attack, or gain +Wis to AC.

Advancement: Take levels in fighting classes. The small but significant effort required in this class makes martial adept levels less tempting but still effective. Classes that give passive bonus, such as feats or Favored Enemy, might mesh better with your action economy.

Resources: Whatever shadowy cabal or mystic order taught you these skills might be willing to help you more. Or maybe not, shadowy cabals are not predictable.

Dream Warriors in the world

It's the strangest thing. Most people in combat get more excited, but I swear Isaac falls asleep on his feet. I can't argue with his results though. – Imbril Quickfingers, companion to a dream warrior

Dream warriors are not very flashy or impressive. Inattentive opponents might completely overlook the fact that they are fighting a dream warrior.

Daily Life: Meditation and sleep are common pastimes of dream warriors. The group is far from monolithic however, so anyone from a count to a vagabond could practice dream fighting.

Notables: The Sons of Ralf are a strange barbarian tribe. They rage, as most barbarians do, but their warleaders fall asleep while raging. They must have very angry dreams.

Organizations: The Monks of the Veiled Eye farm strange plants and meditate on top of Mount Viuonbevo. Some whisper that even as they sleep the monks train. This is probably just a myth.

NPC Reaction

Fighters. What can you do?

Dream Warriors in the game

You're probably panicking about the capstone abilities. But if you are only making one attack a round at 10th level, with nothing more behind it than Power attack (you can't even charge with it), you aren't the scariest thing swinging a sword. And how often does one attack roll make the difference between victory and defeat? Ok, pretty often, but there are ways around this. I suggest either multiple attacks or attacks that require saving throws, not AC.

Adaptation: Take mystics. Add inner discipline. Remove vulnerability during sleep. Done.

Encounters: This class will look mostly like a fighter to the PCs. Maybe things will be interesting if they try to kill people in their sleep, but PCs are always honorable and would never consider such a thing.

2012-05-11, 06:43 PM
The Living Nightmare


Your dreams are dead and you will die, and no-one will lament or cry - A Living Nightmare

The Realm of Dreams is an odd realm, as would be expected. In it, the only limitation is imagination. However, there is a flip-side to that coin. If madness is added to dreams, we get nightmares. When magic is added to nightmares, we get horrors beyond imagination. When all of this is warped by the death of the dreamer in the Dreamheart, and then the subsequent reanimation of the dreamer, then all hell breaks loose.

Becoming a Living Nightmare

To become a Living Nightmare is quite simple. You need to experience what is called "The Necrodream" - dying while having a nightmare and then being reanimated, all the while suffering from madness.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Lucid Dreaming 10 Ranks (MotP)
Feats: Dreamwalker, Deformity (Madness) (Elder Evils)
Special: Must of died and become reanimated through the process of a Necrodream.

New Feat:
Prerequisite: Will Save +2
Benefit: You gain Lucid Dreaming as a class ability for all classes (present and future) and a +4 untyped bonus on all Lucid Dreaming checks. Additionally, your control over your dreams also allows control over your sleeping patterns, and so you also gain immunity to magical sleep effects.

Class Skills

The Living Nightmare's class skills (and key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Lucid Dreaming (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d12

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Invocations
+2|Necrodreamer| +1 of existing invoking class
+3|Blasphemous Dreamscape (40ft)| +1 of existing invoking class
+3|The Worst Horror| +1 of existing invoking class
+4|Blasphemous Dreamscape (50ft)| +1 of existing invoking class
+4|Deadmind| +1 of existing invoking class
+5|Greater Blasphemous Dreamscape (60ft)| +1 of existing invoking class
+5|Dreaded Entourage| +1 of existing invoking class
+6|Greater Blasphemous Dreamscape (70ft)| +1 of existing invoking class
+6|Psycho-Death Blast| +1 of existing invoking class
+7|Greater Blasphemous Dreamscape (80ft), Nether-Ending Nightmare| +1 of existing invoking class [/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Living Nightmare gains no new proficiencies.

Invocations: At each level, the Living Nightmare gains new invocations known, increased Eldritch Blast damage (if applicable) and an increase in caster level as if they had also gained a level in an invocation-using class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained. If the character had more than one invocation-using class before becoming a Living Nightmare, they must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and invocations known.
Special: If the Living Nightmare has no invoker levels at 1st level, then the Living Nightmare instead gains the Invocation abilities of a Warlock of their Living Nightmare levels.

Necrodreamer: The process of becoming a Living Nightmare involves dying, and reanimation. Henceforth, at 1st level the Living Nightmare's type becomes Undead (Augmented), and the Living Nightmare gains Undead traits. Additionally, all past, present and future hit dice become d12's, and the Living Nightmare's Lucid Dreaming checks become Cha based instead of Wis based from now on.

Blasphemous Dreamscape (Su): From 2nd level, once per encounter as a standard action, the Living Nightmare can drag their psychosis into reality and generally kick the laws of sanity in the teeth. As part of the standard action, the Living Nightmare makes a Lucid Dreaming check. For a number of rounds equal to 1/4 of the Lucid Dreaming check, the Living Nightmare creates an effect identical to the Black Labyrinth (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a) mystery, only it has a range of a 40ft radius spread centred on the Living Nightmare (the Black Labyrinth follows the Living Nightmare if he moves), the Living Nightmare itself is immune to it's effects, and any Save DC's are equal to the Lucid Dreaming check made. At 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level, the range of this ability increases by 10ft.

The Worst Horror (Su): At 3rd level, the Living Nightmare can twist itself into a ghastly form of whatever their enemies perceive to be their worst nightmare. The Living Nightmare gains The Worst Horror as a bonus invocation known, which is exclusive to Living Nightmares:

The Worst Horror
Lesser; 4th
This invocation functions as Phantasmal Horror, only once the Living Nightmare uses this Invocation, they must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

Deadmind (Ex): At 5th level, the Living Nightmare gains bonus hit points equal to his Cha Mod x HD.

Greater Blasphemous Dreamscape: At 6th level, the Living Nightmare sticks knives in the laws of logic because it's funny. When a creature would roll a d% because of the Living Nightmare's Greater Blasphemous Dreamscape, they must roll for it twice and use the worst result (if this is subjective, the Living Nightmare chooses).

Dreaded Entourage (Su): At 7th level, the Living Nightmare creates nightmares in his wake - what follows nightmares, but horror? At 7th level, the Living Nightmare gains a Phthisic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phthisic.htm) as an special Animal Companion, using their Caster Level as their effective Druid level.

Psycho-Death Blast: At 9th level, the Living Nightmaare gains an exclusive Eldritch Essence:

Psycho-Death Blast
Lesser; 4th; Eldritch Essence
You change your eldritch blast into an Psycho-Death Blast. A creature killed by a Psycho-Death Blast is instantly animated as an Allip under the control of the Living Nightmare that killed it. A Living Nightmare may only control 5 Allips created in this way, although they do not count for any other undead control pools of note (such as The Dead Walk invocation's control pool).

Nether-Ending Nightmare (Su): At 10th level, killing the Living Nightmare is a futile experience. If a Living Nightmare is killed, 24 hours after their death the Living Nightmare is reanimated (fully healed of all damage and ailments) at a random spot in the Dreamheart. Additionally, every time the Living Nightmare is reanimated in this way, they gain a 1 time only use of a Plane Shift SLA, useable only to leave the Realm of Dreams. Only by dying while still in the Dreamheart can a Living Nightmare be put down for good.

Playing a Living Nightmare

Living Nightmares are insane enough that generalizations are meaningless.

Combat: A Living Nightmare will typically start combat by activating their Blasphemous Dreamscape ability, using the disarray to pick off enemies one by one.

Advancement: Even non-invokers gain magical abilities from this class, and normally improve this ability further.

Resources: The Living Nightmare can draw on little others for help, but there's always a mad cult or two willing to worship them.

Living Nightmares in The World

...hesnotrealhesnotrealhesnotrealhesnotreal... - A Living Nightmare's victim

The Living Nightmare is boogeyman, dwelling in the minds of others as a terrible nightmare figure.

Daily Life: The life of a Living Nightmare is the life of a madman - trying to pin down specifics is worthless.

Notables: The one Living Nightmare that sticks out enough to warrant note is the eponymous Boogeyman - a mysterious Living Nightmare so ingrained into the minds of men that all mention of backstory died in the indescribable terror invoked by his name.

Organizations: No organization is neither consisted of or would knowingly accept a Living Nightmare into their ranks, no more would a holy priest accept a raging demon into their homes.

NPC Reaction

Mad people with magic. Not many people like them, and the Living Nightmare gains no exemption from this hate.

Living Nightmares in The Game

This class allows anyone to pick up some Invocations and a few powers pertaining to nightmares and horror, so long as they're willing to join "The Club of Lesser Sanity", as it were.

Adaptation: One adaptation could be that the Living Nightmare is a creature born or Quori meddling. If so, then at 1st level their type changes to Outsider (Evil, Lawful) instead of Undead.

Encounters: The most common encounter with a Living Nightmare is when adventurers are called in to halt the Living Nightmare's psychosis fuelled serial killings.

Jeff the Green
2012-06-01, 12:30 AM
Author's note: The dreamer of forebears' dreams is designed with the as-yet unpublished campaign setting of Adem in mind. For the most part classes are not changed, but for wu jen and spirit shamans some of the fluff is different, and has been posted in a spoiler below. This can, of course, be easily be adapted to other campaign settings, possibly by replacing ancestor worship with worship of animistic spirits. The ancestors' wisdom class feature, in this case, might become "spirits' wisdom."

Wu Jen
Many cultures throughout Adem engage in some sort of ancestor worship. Daltacian gnomes pray to saints that they might intercede with the otherwise indifferent gods, pre-Mindolite elves mummified their dead and used their bodies in ritual magic, and various tribes on the Malaben coast and the interior of Narudel worship heroic ancestors who, according to their shamans, tamed the first horses, invented steel, or wrestled giants.

Among the dwarves, however, ancestor-worship reached its zenith. The state-sponsored pantheon of Duazga's Children is rather impersonal and fails to fill the spiritual needs of much of the populace. Most dwarves, whether residents of the Silver Patriarchy or expatriates, make burnt offerings and prayers to the spirits of their ancestors. Usually these prayers and sacrifices are not directed to a particular ancestor and are for fairly mundane things: protection, wealth, love, or to propitiate ancestors who have been wronged in some way and brought bad luck. Some few, however, have a personal connection to a particular ancestral spirit and can use that connection to work magic--wu jen. While many--perhaps most--wu jen are dwarves, they can be found amongst all races.

Wu jen superficially resemble wizards: they prepare spells and can potentially know every spell available to them. However, where wizards use complex formulae to protect themselves from backlash when casting, wu jen can transfer some of the work of spell casting to their ancestral spirit, which allows them to cast unharmed. In return for this, their ancestral spirit expects the Wu Jen to act honorably and on occasion to perform certain tasks.

A wu jen's "spell book" is often not a book. Depending on the wu jen, it may be an embroidered tapestry depicting their ancestors' achievements, a long string of macrame knots, or a canopic jar with minute decorations. In any case, the weight, hardness, and hitpoints are the same as a wizard's spellbook.

Gameplay Changes
Wu jen are Beholden to their ancestral spirit. They can cast normally most of the time, but when acting against the orders of their ancestral spirit, performing a dishonorable act, or fighting a member of their family, their ancestral spirit shuns them and the wu jen is limited to the spells-per-day of an adept of their caster level, and cannot use their spell secrets.

The ancestral worship practiced by wu jen requires a certain degree of adherance to tradition, and so they tend toward lawfulness, and in any case cannot be chaotic.

Spirit Shamans
Wildborn are not the only beings with a connection to the Elemental Wild. Spirits and ghosts draw energy from the Wild to manifest, and on occasion the more powerful ones will ally with a mortal to further their agendas. These mortals gain the ability to cast a unique form of magic that is tied to the spirit world.

Spirit shamans are found among all races, but almost all come from nomadic tribes or rural environments. Most city residents direct their spiritual impulses toward organized religion and discount the power of nature spirits. The Mindol Truth considers spirit shamans to be dangerous at best and enemies of the faith at worst, and in general are treated even worse than sorcerers. In rural areas of the <elven kingdoms>, however, they can expect better treatment than their arcane brethren, and the Mindol Truth occasionally has to extirpate cults centered around one or a few spirit shamans. Spirit shamans are typically religious leaders among the half-orc and shifter tribes of the Malaben coast.

Patron spirits typically either place a fragment of their consciousness in their shaman or dispatch a lesser spirit as a guide. In either case, this allows the spirit shaman to cast spells without risk of backlash and the patron spirit to communicate with the spirit shaman, usually through dreams.

Gameplay Changes
Spirit shamans are Beholden to their patron spirit. They can cast normally most of the time, but when acting against the orders of their patron spirit or fighting a spirit (see Complete Divine p. 17) their power is dampened and the spirit shaman is limited to the spells-per-day of an adept of their caster level and a maximum of two retrieved spells per spell level, and their Sp and Su class features are limited to those of a spirit shaman five levels lower.

Dreamer of Forebears' Dreams


You impudent child! Know ye not that I carry the memories of all my ancestors? Begone, or you will know the power of my race!

Many worship their ancestors. Some gain power from them, to work magic, whether arcane or divine. But a select few go so far as to open their minds to the stream of ancestral spirits, giving them extraordinary powers.

Dreamers of forebears' dreams are spellcasters that draw upon ancestral memories to augment their casting. They do so by entering a dream-like state, allowing their spirit guide—an ancestor, or some spirit that serves them—to retrieve insight, knowledge, and even raw magical power.

Becoming a Dreamer of Forbears' Dreams

Essentially all Dreamers of Forbears' Dreams have levels in wu jen and spirit shaman, as they must have the Spirit Guide and Watchful Spirit class features. Some few might have levels in other casting classes, while others study the arts of Mystic Theurges.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Knowledge (history) 10, Knowledge (arcana or religion) 10
Feats: Dream Scion (Secrets of Sarlona)
Spells: Able to cast 1st-level divine and 1st-level arcane spells.
Special: Must have the Spirit Guide and Watchful Spirit class features. Must be capable of sleeping and dreaming. Must have traced your lineage back at least ten generations.

Hit Dice: d6

Table: Dreamer of Forebears' Dreams
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells per day

+0|Ancestral wisdom, dreamcasting (caster level), multitasking devotions, stream of visions|+1 level of lower level existing arcane or divine casting class

+2|Ancestral insight |+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class/+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+3|Ancestral memory|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class/+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+3|Ancestral boon (+1/day), Dreamcasting (DCs)|+1 level of lower level existing arcane or divine casting class

+4|Ancestral skill|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class/+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+4|Ancestral power|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class/+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+5|Ancestral boon (+2/day), Dreamcasting (Metamagic)|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class/+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class[/table]
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Speak Language, Spellcraft

Class Features
All the following are class features of the dreamer of forebears' dreams prestige class.

Weapon Proficiencies: Dreamers of forebears' dreams gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spellcasting: At each level except 1st and 4th, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in both an arcane casting class and a divine casting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of those classes would have gained. At 1st, 5th, and 9th level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in your spellcasting class with the lowest caster level. For example, a 5th-level wu jen/1st level spirit shaman who gained one level of dreamers of forebears' dreams would gain increased spellcasting ability as if he had gained a level of spirit shaman (since that class's caster level is lower than his wu jen caster level). If all your spellcasting classes have equal caster levels, you can apply this benefit to any of your existing spellcasting classes. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of those classes would have gained.

Multitasking Devotions: The devotions you perform to retrieve spirit shaman spells and prepare wu-jen spells are concurrent, not sequential.

Ancestral Wisdom (Ex): The intuitive understanding of your ancestors' desires, hopes, and power gives you insight into the workings of his own magic. You can use your Wisdom modifier to determine the Difficulty Class of any spell he casts.

Dreamcasting (Su): While in a dreamtouched state you can call on your ancestors' memories to enhance his casting. At first level, you add half your Wisdom modifier to your caster level while in a dreamtouched state. At 4th, you add half your Wisdom modifier to his spell DCs while in a dreamtouched state (this is in addition to using his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier to calculate his spell DCs). At 7th level, you can end your dreamtouched state to apply the effect of any metamagic feat you have to any spell you can cast without increasing the level of the spell, specially preparing it ahead of time, or increasing its casting time. When you end your dreamtouched state in this way, you takes a penalty to your Wisdom equal to one for each level increase in the metamagic feat you use; this penalty lasts for one minute. You can still apply other metamagic feats normally to a spell you modify in this way.

Stream of Visions (Ex): Your dreams are when you speak with your ancestors, and though nothing can harm you there you never get enough sleep. You are immune to anything that would cause you nightmares, such as the nightmare spell, but when you wake each morning you are fatigued. If something else would cause you to wake fatigued, such as sleeping in armor, you wake exhuasted. You are still affected by anything that would alter your dreams other than by making them nightmares. If your ancestors are displeased with you they spend your dreams haranguing you and you are fatigued (or exhausted) when you awake even if normally immune to the condition, and cannot remove the fatigue by any means until you address the source of their displeasure (though you can reduce exhaustion to fatigue as normal).

Ancestral Insight (Su): The stream of your ancestors' memories flows through you, and though you catch only snatches of them you can use them to guide your actions. starting at 2nd level you can sacrifice a prepared spell or spell slot to gain an insight bonus on any one d20 roll as a free action. This bonus is equal to half your class level plus the level of the spell sacrificed. You must choose to gain the bonus before rolling.

Ancestral Memory (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to access your ancestral memory in your waking dreams. You gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to all Knowledge checks whenever you are in a dreamtouched state. You can also gain a +20 insight bonus to any one knowledge check while in a dreamtouched state, immediately ending it.

Ancestral Boon (Ex): Frequent and immersive contact with the dreams of your ancestors allows you to make such contact more easily. At 4th level he can enter a dreamtouched state one additional time per day. At 7th this increases to two additional times per day.

Ancestral Skill: At 5th level, you gain a bonus feat from the following list: Improved Oneiromancy, any dreamtouched feat, or any metamagic feat. If you choose Improved Oneiromancy you need not meet its prerequisites, but otherwise you must meet all the prerequisites for the feat.

Ancestral Power (Su): At 6th level you can call upon the memories of his ancestors' magical power. You can call spells of up to 6th-level from a spellpool (see below).

Ex-Dreamers of Forebears' Dreams
A dreamer of forebears dreams that abandons or renounces his family, attacks a family member without cause, or regularly acts dishonorably loses all class abilities except spellcasting until he repents receives an atonement spell.

Calling a Spell: Calling a spell from the Spellpool requires the caster to have an open, unused wu jen or spirit shaman spell slot of the appropriate level. When a wu jen prepares spells for the day he may decide at that time to leave some spell slots open. When a spirit shaman retrieves their daily spells they may similarly decide to not retrieve a spell, leaving that slot open.

A dreamer of forebears' dreams can call only for a spell of a level that he could normally cast. He can call a number of spells per day whose total levels are equal to or less than his class level + 2. For example, Barian Teldezgka, a 2nd-level wu-jen/5th-level spirit shaman/6th-level dreamer, can call two 4th-level spell per day, four 2nd-level spells per day, or any other combination of spells whose levels do not exceed four, assuming he has slots available and his Spellpool debt isn’t too high (see below).

When a caster calls a spell, he takes a full-round action to concentrate on his focus. The spell appears in the caster’s mind at the beginning of his next turn and can be used immediately. However, if he does not cast the called spell within a number of minutes equal to his caster level, it fades from his mind as though cast. A dreamer of forbears' dreams cannot learn a called spell, despite its temporary presence in his consciousness, though of course he could later attempt to learn the spell through standard means.

Spell Availability: A dreamer of forebears' dreams can call a spell of any level between 1st and 6th. No 0-level spells are available, but the Spellpool can provide any other spell on the wu jen or druid spell lists. In addition, it can provide spells from the bard, cleric, and wizard/sorcerer spell lists, but such spells count as one level higher than normal. Divine spells may only be cast from divine slots, and arcane spells may only be cast from arcane slots.

Spellpool Debt: Every time a spellcaster calls a spell, he incurs a debt. He must return a the spell power to the Spellpool: a spell he has prepared of a level equal level to that of the called spell, or a number of spells whose combined levels equal the level of the called spell. For instance, the Spellpool debt for a 5th-level spell is five levels, which could be paid off with another 5th-level spell or any combination of spells whose levels total five. Returning a spell is a full-round action, like calling a spell, and depletes a prepared spell slot as if the spell had been cast.

The debt must be repaid within a number of days equal to the character’s class level; otherwise, the dreamer of forebears' dreams loses all class features except spellcasting and cannot progress in the class until he receives an atonement spell. A dreamer of forebears' dreams can’t run a "positive balance" with the Spellpool, paying off a debt before incurring it.

Playing a Dreamer of Forebears' Dreams

As a dreamer of forebears' dreams, you a spellcaster first and foremost. You have neither the martial skill and toughness required to go toe-to-toe with things much more threatening than a rabbit nor the skills to infiltrate, trick, or seduce. What you do have is spells in abundance and the ability to make them more powerful.

Combat: Because you have many spells per day available you should be relatively free with them, using them to enhance your allies' and your own abilities before battle as well as to attack your enemies. Generally you will want to enter a dreamtouched state in your most difficult battles of the day, though as you gain power you will be able to do so more often, even to the point of entering a dreamtouched state multiple times in exceptionally long battles.

Advancement: Once you have advanced as far as possible as a dreamer of forebears' dreams, a logical next step is the arcane hierophant prestige class. Though it doesn't offer you any new abilities it will advance both your wu-jen and spirit shaman spellcasting, unlike most other prestige classes. You might instead choose to focus on one or the other of your base casting classes, either by returning to that class or by taking a prestige class. Some prestige classes that might suit you as a guardian of your people and their history include loremaster, paragnostic apostle, ollam, skypledged, and lord of tides.

Resources: While dreamers of forebears' dreams don't often form covens, circles, or associations, they are typically revered by their people as keepers of history, links to their ancestors, and leaders. You can usually expect your family or clan to do anything you ask that will not endanger them or in some way go against what they perceive as their ancestors' wishes, though if doing so ends up turning out bad for them they will certainly blame you for misinterpreting your ancestors' instructions, even if you didn't! Others of your race might similarly revere you as a link to history and wise person, but they also might view you as a rival or enemy, depending on their disposition toward your family.

Dreamers of Forebears' Dreams in the World

Aye, Father Stormblood's of my clan. When I was a young'un he tought me our clan's history an' when I'd grown he gave me 'n' my Maddie the blessings of our ancestors on our wedding day. An' when that necromancer came and tried to set up shop in our graveyard, he blasted her t' bits!
-Donald, dwarf smith

A dreamer of forebears' dreams serves as a leader among her people and as a bulwark against the sort of radical changes that destroy tradition and reverence of ancestors. A PC that takes up this charge has access to considerable power, but also accepts the duties that come with it. He may be expected to defend his family against attackers or legal trouble, to return a stolen relic or misplaced or unburied body to its rightful place, or to advance his family's circumstances in some way. He may even be expected to help distant family members he has no affection for, though ancestors generally accept that their descendents will not always get along. Because they commune with your ancestors nightly, they often have an unusual reaction to death, particularly their parents'.

Daily Life: A dreamer of forebears' dreams days nearly always begin with devotions to his ancestors, during which time he sends his spirit companion to retrieve spells while preparing others. He might make an offering, such as of oil, incense, or burnt herbs, at this time as well. After this time he will perform whatever duties your day brings him, whether they are duties to his allies, his country, or his job, or new duties brought him during his nightly communes with his ancestors. Finally, when night comes he enters the sleep that brings him the visions of his ancestors and drinks deep of their wisdom.

Notables: While many families have a dreamer of forebears' dreams alive somewhere and most members at least know of them, few dreamers reach prominence outside their families, at least for their abilities as dreamers. While they might seek glory for their clan, however, they sometimes find that the glory shines from them.

Organizations: Few organizations for dreamers of forebears' dreams exist. Most either learn their art on their own or through an apprenticeship, and most don't seek the company of other dreamers.

NPC Reaction

NPCs generally react to dreamers of forebears dreams the way they would any other powerful caster. The main exceptions are members of their own families and members of rival families.

Dreamers of Forebears' Dreams in the Game

A dreamer of forebears' dreams can replace either the party's arcane or divine caster, but don't excel at replacing both at the same time because of the difficulty of maintaining a high caster level in both classes. Using their Ancestral Memory class feature they can also learn nearly anything a party needs during their quest. They need, on the other hand, protection from a stronger character because of their poor combat ability and someone to serve as a scout and trapfinder.

NPC dreamers make excellent villains both because of their strong spellcasting ability and the sometimes obscure nature of their motives. An evil dreamer might seek not to put themselves on the throne, for example, but to put another member of their extended family there instead. They might seek a powerful artifact not in order to rule the world, but because it was originally stolen from their great-great-grandfather's grave and he rests poorly with it taken. They might even seek the death of a PC because they PC's ancestor—even one centuries ago—killed one of theirs.

Adaptation: In a campaign without wu-jen and spirit shamans, a dreamer of forebears' dreams might instead require wizard and cleric or sorcerer and druid spell casting. Alternatively, the class might not be devoted to the wisdom of ancestors, but to spirits.

Encounters: A dreamer of forebears' dreams might be found wherever the party crosses the dead. If they rob a tomb, a descendent of its owner might follow them to dispense justice. If they raise an undead army, they might find that the offpring of their soldiers are unhappy about it. Even the mummy they destroyed might send its great-great-great niece to exact punishment.

Sample Encounter

Father Gayvon Stormblood is seeking the return of the Crown of Athames, a magical headpiece stolen from his family's crypt years ago. Either the party has obtained it in some way, in which case he will approach peacefully first, attacking only when clear they will not return the crown, or they hold some clue where it might be found.

CR 10
Gayvon Stormblood
LN Male Dwarf Spirit Shaman 2/Wu-jen 5/Dreamer of Forebears' Dreams 3
Init +0, Senses: Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common, Dwarf, Giant, Gnome, Terran
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 13
77 hp (14 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +16
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Base Atk +4, Grp +4
Atk Options Spells
Combat Gear Masterwork quarterstaff, wand of cure moderate wounds (CL 5, 21 charges)
Supernatural Abilities Dreamcasting, ancestral insight, ancestral memory
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 10
Feats Dream Scion, Extend Spell, Scribe Scroll, Empower Spell, Ancestral Knowledge (RoS), Skill Focus (Knowledge [history])
Skills Concentration +15, Knowledge (history) +20, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Spellcraft +16
Possessions Combat gear plus ring of protection +3, spellbook, cloak of resistance +2

2012-06-02, 02:26 AM

http://Picture URL

Your dreams are my plaything! -Zack Malin, Dreamspeaker

Sometimes, a spellcaster focuses her mystical might on unraveling the secrets of dreams. These casters have formed a cabal that calls themselves the Dreamspeakers. They have mastered the art of dreaming, and contacting others through dreams.

Becoming a Dreamspeaker

Most Dreamspeakers are either Sorcerers or Wizards. A very select few are Bards.

Skills: Concentration 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 8
Feats: Skill Focus (Concentration)
Spells: Must be able to cast Deep Slumber (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/deepSlumber.htm)
Special: Must have been contacted via Dreamspeaking.

Class Skills

The Dreamspeaker's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d4

Base Attack Bonus|
Fort Save|
Ref Save|
Will Save|

+2|Dreamspeak, Dream Channeler|

+3|Wading through Dreams, Dreamwalker, Dreamer's Music|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+3|Conversing Dreams|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4|Dream Meld|+1 level of existing spellcasting class


+5|Wading through Nightmares|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Sharing the Dream|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+6|Dreamspeaker|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: Dreamspeakers gain no proficiencies with either weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: At all levels except 1st and 5th a Dreamspeaker gains caster level, spells per day, and spells known as if she had advanced in the class that allows her to cast Deep Slumber. This does not advance any other class feature, just spellcasting. In short, when determining what spells she knows and casts, add the effective levels granted by Dreamspeaker with her original class.
Dream Channeler: Dreamspeakers are capable of making creatures that normally don't sleep dream. A Dreamspeaker may affect creatures that have sleep immunity, but not immunity to compulsions, with spells that force the subject to sleep.
Dreamspeak (su): A Dreamspeaker may go into a trance and attempt to contact someone that she knows. She may link with anyone within 500 feet. At 5th level the range extends to include anyone on the entire plane. Otherwise it functions as the spell Dream (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dream.htm), except that creatures that have sleep immunity, but something that replaces sleep (such as elves) may be affected while they are undergoing their replacement activity (such as an elf's trance). She may use this ability once a day per Dreamspeaker level. If the target is not asleep, the Dreamspeaker may break the trance immediately. If she does this it does not use a use of this ability.
Wading through Dreams (ex): Dreamspeakers trance frequently, and have become much less vulnerable than normal.
At 2nd level, She may make saving throws, albeit at a -4 penalty. The Dreamspeaker is no longer physically helpless while trancing. However, she is still considered to be flat-flooted while trancing. She may make listen checks at a -8 penalty.
At 4th level, a Dreamspeaker may make saving throws while trancing at no penalty. She may now make listen checks at a -4 penalty.
At 6th level, a Dreamspeaker is no longer considered flat-flooted against melee attacks. Against ranged attacks a Dreamspeaker is still considered flat-flooted. She may make listen checks at a -2 penalty.
At 8th level, a Dreamspeaker trance does not make her flat-flooted against ranged attacks. She may make listen checks at no penalty. The Dreamspeaker may still not take actions (other than Dream abilities) while trancing.
Dreamwalker: A Dreamspeaker is capable of looking through the dreams of people around her in an attempt to find out more about them. By using a use of the Dreamspeak ability, a Dreamspeaker may go into a trance that allows her to survey the dreams of any person within 100 feet of her. The information gained form surveying dreams is sketchy at best. Treat this as a Divination (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/divination.htm) spell with a caster level equal to twice your Dreamspeaker level, with the subject of your Divination the person you are Dreamwalking. Someone who has been put in a magic induced slumber can be targeted by Dreamwalking.
Dreamer's Music: If her class that allows her to cast Deep Slumber is a class with Bardic Music as a class feature, when she gains caster levels from her Dreamspeaker class, she may also advance songs that she knows as if she had gained a level in that class. She may learn new songs as if her Bard level was equal to her Bard level and her effective levels gained through being a Dreamspeaker. This does not advance any other class feature, nor does it grant additional uses of Bardic Music.
Conversing Dreams: A 3rd level Dreamspeaker may converse with the target while Dreamspeaking. The target may respond to the Dreamspeaker. In addition, a Dreamspeaker may count time Dreamspeaking as time resting in order to regain spells, but not for actual rest.
Dream Meld (su): A 4th level Dreamspeaker may establish links with additional persons. Each additional link takes an additional use of Dreamspeaking. If she so chooses, these links may persist when the people that have established links awaken. If they do, these links function as a Telepathic Bond spell, except it lasts until each person next rests. Each person's Dream Meld dispels separately.
Dreamcasting (su): While Dreamspeaking and creating a Dream Meld, you may choose to cast a single beneficial spell. This spell must be a spell that is at most 1/3 of your maximum spell level (so a caster with access to 5th level spells could cast a 1st level spell). This spell must be a spell that would normally affect the people you have linked with, otherwise the Dreamcasting fails. This spell continuously affects all the creatures you have Dream Melded with, until the Dream Meld is removed, unless the spell removes itself before that for a reason other than duration (like an Invisibility or Protection from Elements spell). This spell counts against your spells per day while it is still in affect, and until you next rest afterwards.
Alternatively, if the Dreamspeaker has access to Bardic Music, she may instead choose to Dreamcast a single song that she has access. The song affects all people in the Dream Meld as if they were listening to the Dreampseaker perform for the entire duration of the Dream Meld. Songs that normally require active participation beyond continuing to perform, such as the perform checks required for Countersong, are not able to be Dreamsung, nor are songs that mimic spells without a duration longer than instant, such as Song of Freedom.
The Dreamspeaker may take any action she would normally be allowed while this version of Dreamcasting is affecting people, including singing other songs, as this is a lingering echo of the song, not the Dreamspeaker actually performing. So long as any of the people in her Dream Meld are benefiting from the Dreamsong, she may not regain that use of Bardic Music.
Even when the Dreamspeaker gets additional uses of Dreamcasting, she may not have more than one Dreamsong at a time.
Wading Through Nightmares (ex): A Dreamspeaker has traveled through plenty of other people's nightmares. So many in fact, that she no longer scares. She is completely immune to fear and the spell Nightmare.
Sharing the Dream: A Dreamspeaker may induce dreams in anything, even the mindless. A Dreamspeaker may cast spells that cause the target to sleep against any target, including (but not limited to) constructs, undead, and creatures with sleep immunity. In addition, the hit die cap on sleep spells is improved by twice your Dreamspeaker level.
Dreamspeaker (ex): A Dreamspeaker is a master of dreams. The 8th level Dreamspeaker has been through so many dreams that they have tuned into daydreams as well. A Dreamspeaker gains Blindsense (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#blindsightAndBlindsense) with a radius of 20 feet. In addition, the Dreamspeaker may use the Dreamcasting ability two additional times per day.


You are an arcane caster with an emphasis on buffing and crowd control.

Combat: A Dreamspeaker is an arcane caster. In combat, you won't find much use for Dreamspeaking, but the all day buffs and telepathic bond will be useful.

Advancement: If you're a Dreamspeaker, you're an arcane caster of some kind, whether it be Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard (unless there's another way to get the spell Deep Slumber, which I am completely ok with).

Resources: You have all the resources of your spellcasting. You could use Dreamspeaking to contact people to request resources, but people tend to get weird when you invade their dreams. Dreamspeakers could be contacted, but first you would have had to meet one.


That guy isn't quite right. He mutters about freaky dreams all the time. Plus he keeps invading my dreams. It's really kinda creepy. -Endelvan Bluncrest, Half-Orc Barbarian.

Most people tend to have particular feelings about dreams. Mostly, these are mine, what are you doing here?!

Daily Life: A Dreamspeaker tends to spend his day contemplating dreams. Most people see them as detached because of it.

Notables: The prophet Dorian Nightblade was a powerful Dreamspeaker, he used his mastery of divination magic and dreams to give commanders and nobles advice on how to best go about their endeavors. There are even rumors of commoners that were visited in dreams by Dorian Nightblade. However, Zack Malin, an apprentice of Dorian's son, has been using the Dreamspeaking power for much more horrible ends. He is known for using illusions to alter his appearance to appear as a Celestial., and then suggesting things that destroy his enemies.

Organizations: Dreamspeakers have very little organization anymore. Each is started on the path by another Dreamspeaker, but beyond that, there is little knowledge of how many Dreamspeakers there are. Dreamspeakers can always recognize each other on meeting each other. The effects that dream trawling has are easily recognizable by Dreamspeakers.

NPC Reaction

Most people would see you as whatever arcane caster you were. Until you started messing with dreams. As has been mentioned, people don't like it when you mess with their dreams.


A Dreamspeaker should give a party more ability to contact each other, and should add to a parties preparation before battle.

Adaptation: Dreamspeakers typically hide themselves, and have only recently made themselves known to the PC's (and maybe even the world).

Encounters: A Dreamspeaker could be guiding the PC's through dreams for several weeks of gaming before the party actually meets them, if at all.

Sample Encounter

You've been trawling through the swamp, horrifically lost, for more than a couple of weeks. Suddenly, a clearing opens up with a ramshackle cottage in the middle of it. When you get to the door, it suddenly swings open. "I've been expecting you." says the wizened old man who opens the door, "Would you care to come inside? I've been leading you here through your dreams. There is plenty in the swamps that should be avoided."
What do you do?

EL 10: This guy has been leading the party Ranger here for several weeks, he's higher in level than the 6-7 party, but not powerful enough for what he wants them here for...

Alduwyn Dreamwhisper
Neutral Good/Male/Human/Sorcerer 6 Dreamspeaker 4
No further statistics included, as this would hopefully be a mostly social encounter