View Full Version : Increasing PsyWar's PP pool?

2012-05-01, 07:51 AM
Is there a way to replenish or increase the power point pool or for the psychic warrior?

I am aware of the replenish trick using, Midnight Augmentation, Linked Power, Metapower, Psychrystal, Psychrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation and a way to get Synchronicity and Bestow Power. That looks like it requires 8 feats to pull off. Is there a less feat intensive way to achieve this, maybe out of combat or once per day?

I would like to play an Elan but Kalashtar is very appealing for its 1pp/lvl.

I will also dip Totemist2 for a bunch of natural attacks and possibly Feral templated. Kinda a KoS variant.

Input is appreciated,


2012-05-01, 08:03 AM
The cleanest recharge trick I can think of is the old Earth Power + Torc of PP preservation + Bestow Power. Certainly less feat intensive.

Earth Sense (prereq)
Earth Power

Torc of Power Preservation (XPH)
Natural stone/earth to stand on.

Powers Known:
Bestow Power.

While psifocused, and standing on the natural stone, you manifest an unaugmented Bestow Power for 1pp (3 - 1 - 1) targeting yourself to gain 2pp.

You should really ask your DM before you drag in PP recharge tricks. Even though they're really only useable outside of combat, you're bypassing one of the class's fundamental resources that they're supposed to expend each day rather than each encounter.

w/o recharge tricks, you can get a bigger PP pool by building an egoist KoS variant (get the larger psion pp pool), or by building an ardent variant and customizing mantles to fit the KoS theme.

2012-05-01, 08:17 AM

Make sure to try a quick search before you post, this thread was started yesterday... here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=241592)

I have no idea if it's helpful as I don't know that much about psionics, but it sounds similar.

2012-05-01, 12:12 PM
Thank you for directing me to that thread. I did more than a quick search without much luck, most likely because that thread was started after I had concluded my searches yesterday.

I would like to find a way to simply increase my daily pool other than infinite loop it if possible.

Rubik stated in a post a few months back "I like taking EK for a number of other powers that help me conserve pp, such as Psionic Minor Creation in particular." How does this help conserve pp, I must be missing something here.

I also saw a post making a statement about a PsyWar having a pool close to a Psion. Not sure if I read it right either


2012-05-01, 01:06 PM
Well if you just want to expand your pool, your options are pretty scarce.

Any sort of bonus to wisdom is obviously good, kalashtar is good, modifying your build so that it works w/ a psion or ardent base is not a bad idea either.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-05-01, 01:33 PM
Long duration buffs effectively increase your pool as you only need to manifest them once per day.

Manifester weapon give you 5PP per day, though if you use the PP from the weapon you can't use your own PP so you only can use up to level 3 powers and unaugmented. If you want to be cheesy buy manifesting shurikens or arrows (so you get 50*5 PP).

Torc of power preservation again gives you effective PP as it reduces all the power costs (if you use the more expensive XPH version).

Finally getting some psychoactive skins might be a good idea, as they usually give an at will power and some of them are quite useful, the Skin of the proteus gives you at will Metamorphosis... yes Metamorphosis, polymorph psionic cousin and at a decent ML 7, skin of the psion gives you 7 extra PP per day and power resistance 21.

Finally the Meditant prestige class (Mind's Eye) can be used to get you ML*2 in temporary PP.

2012-05-01, 02:49 PM
Basically, if you take powers with A) good flexibility, B) really long durations, and C) effects that work well regardless of level without much augmentation, it'll help you stretch those power points out really really far.

For instance, Psionic Minor Creation (http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/minorCreationPsionic.htm&sa=U&ei=GTygT82_IoSu8AT1wfC1AQ&ved=0CAUQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNG6shH6Tj31KB_YShYEuoYWXg85lg) in specific is amazing for psychic warriors. With a flexible imagination and some real-world knowledge you can make yourself ammo, weapons, armor, food, drink, medicines, flammables, explosives, acids, semiprecious gems, poisons, and all manner of tools. It lasts for 1 hour/lvl, is insanely flexible, and at 1 pp a pop it's cheap and retains its usefulness up into epic levels.

Dissolving Weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dissolvingWeapon.htm) is another good power, since you can manifest it on your arrows individually on your off-days to get a serious power boost on your ranged attacks.

Bite of the Wolf (http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/biteoftheWolf.htm&sa=U&ei=MDygT9D1L9SgtwePueG4Ag&ved=0CAUQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNGOIx6qBY0qf4_rrlq16LCu-8YCaA) has a low duration but it has scaling damage for the cost of a single power point.

Claws of the Beast (http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/clawsoftheBeast.htm&sa=U&ei=VzygT4a5Co2C8ATirvCYAQ&ved=0CAUQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNHMzUYhmm7wnPDZIT--iL1r4YkG8g) has a 1 hr/lvl duration, but requires a decent amount of augmentation to keep it viable. However, even at 1 pp you can use size-and-Strength increases (and other damage boosts) to keep the damage reasonably high.

Expansion (http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm&sa=U&ei=mjygT5DJIJKftweZjuG4Ag&ved=0CAUQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNG9xfe41KQlS-BNg-ckMBDpzinXig) has a relatively low duration, and augmenting it can get a bit expensive until much higher levels. However, size-boosts are always worth it for most melee builds (though exceptions exist), and a 1 pp Expansion can give you a ton of mileage through most (if not all) of your levels.

Also note that psywars gain psionic and metapsionic feats as bonus feats, in addition to their fighter feats. Note that some of these are quite flexible and powerful. Psicrystals alone can act as everything from a universal translator to a walkie-talkie to a skill booster to a flanking buddy (via Metamorphosis) to a poison-delivery system. They're also pretty hard to kill if you use them right (as that 8 hardness and those immunities are damned nice).

Also make sure to use level 1 power stones judiciously. At 25 gp each they're cheap (half price if you burn a feat), and a lot of psywar powers are still awesome even without augmentation. If you DO need augmentation, note that according to CPsi you can use your own pp reserve to manifest them at your ML (with augmentation and metapsionics).

A bit of multiclassing, or the right feats, can get you some good mileage too. A 2-level dip in totemist gets you a lot of soulmeld effects you'd otherwise have to spend powers on, while a 1-level dip in crusader gets you lots of free healing. You can nab these through feats as well, if you REALLY don't want to give up levels for it, and lucky you, psywars get a decent number of feats.

There're other ways too, but most of those are slightly more obscure (or outright broken), so I'll leave them to others to mention (and some have).

2012-05-01, 02:51 PM
For completeness, Earth Power stacks w/ a torc of power preservation.

Soul Manifesters can get big returns from midnight augmentation if they have a power that they rely on spamming.

2012-05-03, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the responses.

I see what you did there Rubik. Thanks for spelling it out.

Seems that Earth Power isn't too bad on its own even without the Torc.

By RAW does Manifester enchantment on ammo give 5pp/day or 250pp/day? Is the ammo used up if you use it for just pp?

Thanks much,


2012-05-04, 06:57 PM
By RAW, Manifester ammo give 5 pp per unit, so, yes, 250.

2012-05-04, 07:37 PM
By RAW, Manifester ammo give 5 pp per unit, so, yes, 250.

Is this ammo used up if the pp is pulled from it or does it reset daily?

2012-05-04, 07:40 PM
It's used up.

Maybe you can re-use the arrows and re-enchant them if you have the feat, but there is a rule that says a percentage of arrows are broken after use. Talk to your DM about it.

2012-05-04, 07:48 PM
All magical ammunition is destroyed when it hits, and has a 50% chance of being destroyed when it misses, but remains intact if it's never fired, so a stack of Manifester arrows will give you PP day after day after day.

2012-05-05, 04:30 AM
Using Stored Power Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#usingStoredPowerPoints)

A variety of psionic items exist to store power points for later use, in particular a storage device called a cognizance crystal. Regardless of what sort of item stores the power points, all psionic characters must follow strict rules when tapping stored power points.

A Single Source
When using power points from a storage item to manifest a power, a psionic character may not pay the power’s cost with power points from more than one source. He must either use an item, his own power point reserve, or some other discrete power point source to pay the manifestation cost.

Most power point storage devices allow psionic characters to “recharge” the item with their own power points. Doing this depletes the character’s power point reserve on a 1-for-1 basis as if he had manifested a power; however, those power points remain indefinitely stored. The opposite is not true—psionic characters may not use power points stored in a storage item to replenish their own power point reserves.

So you may use Manifester arrows to power your Bestow Power augmented onece, and with a Torc of Power Preservation, to gain 4 pp for every Manifester Arrow. That's 200pp for one bundle of arrows. Cheap :)

2012-05-05, 06:53 AM
Finally the Meditant prestige class (Mind's Eye) can be used to get you ML*2 in temporary PP.

Aye, and if you don't fancy the class you can still just take the Psychic meditation and Deep psychic meditation feats. This nets you twice your ML in PP as well, or fully augmented claws and inertial armor every day for free.


2012-05-05, 10:17 AM
It's used up.

Maybe you can re-use the arrows and re-enchant them if you have the feat, but there is a rule that says a percentage of arrows are broken after use. Talk to your DM about it.The description of the manifester property says it's every day; maybe you're thinking about the fact that you can only FIRE ammo once unless it misses?

2012-05-05, 10:58 AM
well there is a feat that you can take multiple times to increase your PP pool, works best when combined with flaws

first time you take it it gives you 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 , etc

combine this with psionic body and it nets you quite a bit of hp too

obviously this works best with humans


level 1 feat, +2 flaws, +human, + psywar

2+3+4+5+6= 18 bonus PP

But it's quite a heavy feat investment for your return, if I remember right taking the feat 15 times nets you about 120 something PP over 20 levels.

2012-05-05, 11:03 AM
The description of the manifester property says it's every day; maybe you're thinking about the fact that you can only FIRE ammo once unless it misses?

No, I had entirely missed that they renewed. I thought they were a trap like Cognizance Crystals.

well there is a feat that you can take multiple times to increase your PP pool, works best when combined with flaws

first time you take it it gives you 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 , etc

combine this with psionic body and it nets you quite a bit of hp too

obviously this works best with humans


level 1 feat, +2 flaws, +human, + psywar

2+3+4+5+6= 18 bonus PP

But it's quite a heavy feat investment for your return, if I remember right taking the feat 15 times nets you about 120 something PP over 20 levels.

Ooh put that up on your Psicrystal... get one only to store power points, and Feat leech it to get BONUS power points, then you can actually recharge.

Let me explain.

You can share with your psicrystal the effects of a power you manifest on yourself, thus, you can manifest Feat Leech on yourself, and share both the loss and the gain of feats. It means you actually duplicate them : the psicrystal loses its feats as long as you leech them, but gains them by leeching them. You lose your feats by leeching them, and gain them by leeching them. Thus, because you also share the leeching you can simply append X feats (X = your Wis mod) from your psicrystal to your feat list.

So THEN you could Bestow Power on yourself using those bonus points, sharing the efect with the psicrystal to make sure there still are pp in the feats if your DM decides that's how they work.

If, by doing that, you can break even, counting the cost of the feat leech, then there's no reason you couldn't do it at-will.

I think it works out if you manifest Bestow Power about twice, using a Torc of Power Preservation, without augmentations, then next manifestations net you psi points.