View Full Version : 4e Character Sheet App

2012-05-01, 08:27 AM
Hey all,

I've written a character sheet app (http://bit.ly/yvGYjl) for the iPad & iPhone. It's got just basic features, and relies heavily on the .dnd4e character file. It doesn't require an account or logging into anything, so you can use it offline (unlike some of the other apps).

I'd like to add more features to it, so if you're interested you can help out (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/furlani/interactive-character-sheet-dandd-4th-edition). If you have any comments regarding helping the app out, you can comment over there.

But, let me know what you think of the app! Are there any must-have features? Does a particular hybrid or multi-class not work?

Thanks for the feedback. I hope the app helps you & your game out!

re: permission to post

Regarding the 'no advertising' rule on the forums I asked the Mods for permission regarding this post. I wanted to respect the community here at OOTS and not spam it for any kind of fundraising/commercial projects.

I have tentative permission from Roland St. Jude to post here, so if it's unwelcome just let him know and we'll remove it.

2012-05-01, 10:40 AM
So, if I wanted to look at any other character but the preloads, is there support for that?

2012-05-01, 10:54 AM
So, if I wanted to look at any other character but the preloads, is there support for that?


Either send yourself the .dnd4e character file in the mail app, or use another app like Drop Box and click the icon that looks like this: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/DOCUMENTATION/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/Art/UIButtonBarAction.jpg

That should allow you to open up your character in the app.

2012-05-02, 07:24 AM
Is it just for iphone and ipad?

2012-05-02, 07:27 AM
Is it just for iphone and ipad?

Yes, unfortunately. I don't know Android so I can't make an app for it (or promise to). Hardware and Firmware fragmentation make it hard for a single person to support. :smallfrown:

2012-05-02, 07:30 AM
Will just have to get my misses to download it then and have a look at it that way.