View Full Version : E-locater Rebuild (3E/PF)

2012-05-01, 03:05 PM
First thread here, wishing it were a happier reason.

My current campaign has been on hiatus for three years and I'm trying to restart it. I left the party rather out of their time, moving forward over 100 years and into a whole different world/game system. The plan had been to switch from 3.5E to 4E, but my players decided they'd rather go with Pathfinder. Now, the main character the party is built around worshipped a pair of goddesses who are no longer around (good drow and magic), and he has also found he is no longer a drow, but a dark elf. He's pretty upset about both of these, and to some extent one would be deal-able with, but both together are a game-killer. However, he's trusting me and my meta-plot - in turn though, I'm trying to leave him with a playable and fun character.

Previously, he was playing a custom rebuild of the favoured soul, with elements of the elocater thrown in (mainly the Scorn Earth power). However, now he has been divinely 'neutered' - and he refuses to switch to another deity - I was planning to allow him to play an ardent/elocater. The rationale here being that he would draw on the still-existing divine energy from his goddess's divine realm, and still build his character to be similar to how he was before. Currently, the campaign is around 11th level - he has one level of drow noble level adjustment (ability scores only now) plus five levels each of ardent and elocater.

The problem is, he's come up with some novel reinterpretations of the elocater. Whilst I can understand where he is coming from, I feel that any of them rather stretch the basis of the class, and all of them, especially with the manifesting ability inherent to the class as well, make for something... very broken. I will stress I run a very high-power campaign, so this isn't as bad as it might look compared to RAW, but I can just see so much potential abuse here.

I'm interested in hearing other people's ideas as to what are the most broken elements of this, so I can go back and have a discussion with him from a stronger position than "it feels badly broken". Personally, I'm happy with one main extension of elocater here, but there seem to be three here (teleportation, flight, and inertial fighting), plus manifesting. Even better, if anyone has any suggestions for fixing.

Original 3E Elocater

Pathfinder Elocater

So here is the 'new' elocater:


Elocaters are renowned for their ability to make effective use of space and motion to pull off difficult or otherwise-impossible tactics in combat. They excel at closing in with less agile enemies, striking, and departing quickly to cover. Elocaters learn to manipulate the effects of gravity to reorient its effect for their own personal use, and often will use walls, ceilings, and other obstacles to maximum effect.

Psychic warriors tend to be the most common character class drawn to the elocater, as the freedom and manoeuvrability it gives on the battlefield is a prized ability, while nomads find the freedom of movement to be a powerful attraction. Some wilders and psions of other disciplines also find use out of the elocater class, although more rarely than psychic warriors or nomads.

Role: As masters of manipulating gravity and space, elocaters know where to position themselves to be effective. With their ability to defy gravity, elocaters can make excellent scouts, get to locations that might otherwise be impossible, and overcome physical impediments that a normal person might find impassable.

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become an elocater, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.
Psionics: Manifest third-level powers
Special: A character with the Nomad’s Step ability does not need to meet the Spring Attack requirement.

Class Skills
The elocater’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Powers Known
1st +0 +0 +1 +1 Aerial Acrobatics, Personal Gravity, Telekinetic Motion —
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Spatial Awareness +2, Transporter +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +2 +2 Psionic Dimensional Agility, Vitesse —
4th +3 +1 +2 +2 Capricious Flanker +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +2 +3 +3 Inertial Assault —
6th +4 +2 +3 +3 Master Transporter, Spatial Awareness +4 +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +2 +4 +4 Hyperspatial Sensitivity —
8th +6 +3 +4 +4 Spatial Awareness +6 +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +3 +5 +5 Dimensional Assault +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +3 +5 +5 Objects in Space +1 level of existing class

Class Features
All the following are class features of the elocater prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Elocaters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armour.

Powers Known: At every level indicated on the table, the character gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if she had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of elocater to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
If a character had more than one manifesting class before she became an elocater, she must decide to which class she adds the new level of elocater for the purpose of determining power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.

Aerial Acrobatics (Su): As long as either Personal Gravity or Telekinetic Motion are active, the elocater adds her ranks in Acrobatics as a bonus to any Fly checks, and her ranks in Fly as a bonus to any Acrobatics checks, due to her ability to control her personal gravity. She also treats all Acrobatics checks to jump as if she had a running start.

Personal Gravity (Su): The Elocater can change the direction of her personal gravity field with a thought (free action). As a result, she may move on walls, ceilings, etc. as if they were level floors, including being able to run, jump, and take 5' steps.
At 1st level you may shift your personal gravity by as much as 90 degrees allowing you to move on walls etc. (90-135 degrees counts as a slope)
At 3rd level you can invert your personal gravity by up to 180 degrees and you may now use its movement abilities on ceilings or any angle.
Personal gravity is constantly active, even when unconscious, unless the elocater deliberately suppresses it (a free action), is heavily encumbered, or is slain. If the elocater is carrying a medium load or wearing heavy or medium armour while using personal gravity, her speed reduces to 10 feet per round.

Telekinetic Motion (Su): Use of Telekinetic Motion is as simple for you as walking, and is constantly active, even when unconscious, unless the elocater deliberately suppresses it (a free action), is heavily encumbered, or is slain. If the elocater is carrying a heavy load or wearing medium armour while using Telekinetic Motion, her speed reduces to 20 feet per move action. The elocater does still need to use move actions to move (with the exception of falling) using this abilty.
At 1st level you can reduce your own kinetic energy, changing the rate at which you fall to a mere 60' per round, the equivalent of falling just a few feet.
At 3rd level you can not only completely negate your own kinetic energy at will (meaning you hover unconsciously unless you will yourself not to), but generate it as well, allowing you to move in any direction at a speed of 10 feet per move action as a fly speed (average manoeuvrability). If there is any sort of light surface below you, such as water or snow, you can even propel yourself across it at full speed as if you were weightless and use Personal Gravity as long as you stay within 1 foot of the surface. You leave no impression when you do so and cause no pressure, but the imperfections in the mesh of repulsing telekinetic and gravitational fields causes sound equivalent to moving on a soft carpet, meaning stealth still applies and your movement can still be heard.
At 5th level you can propel yourself across air and other as if it were solid up to your full speed, but never at an angle greater than you could walk on the ground (approximately 45 degrees upward). If there is a strong wind you can ride it at whatever speed it's travelling, and essentially have a fly speed equal to your land speed (good manoeuvrability). Purely vertical climbs are still limited to 10 feet a move action.
By 7th level your control over your personal kinetic energy is sufficient to allow you the power to fly at a base speed of 60 feet (perfect manoeuvrability), 40 feet if you are wearing or carrying medium armour or a heavy load, and 20 feet if wearing or carrying heavy armour or an over-encumbering load (this supersedes the original limit). You no longer produce noise when you fly though you have no inherent ability to stifle sound you make as you move such as clothes rustling etc. (Nice gamesmasters may grant a stealth bonus.)

Spatial Awareness (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, an elocater's hyperawareness of spatial relations lets her use the battlefield to her advantage. When she attacks with a bonus from higher ground or is flanking the attacked enemy, the first attack she makes against that enemy each round gains a +2 insight bonus to her attack roll and damage roll (if the attack hits).
Furthermore, due to her ability to reorient herself, enemies no longer gain a bonus when attacking her from higher ground.
At 6th level the insight bonus increases to +4.
At 8th level the insight bonus increases to +6.

Transporter (Ex): At 2nd level, an elocater learns Psionic Dimension Door and Psionic Dimensional Anchor. These powers are in addition to any powers the elocater normally learns by advancing a level.
The elocater treats these powers as if they were 3rd-level powers on her class list. This means, among other things, that manifesting these powers costs 5 power points. If the elocater already has either of these powers they gain them for free at the new power level and may reassign those previous power choices to any power allowed by their class list of the same level or lower as the power exchanged.

Psionic Dimensional Agility (Ex): Teleportation does not faze you. (As the feat in Pathfinder: Ultimate Combat, but psionic)
Psionic Dimensional Agility
Prerequisites: Ability to manifest Psionic Dimension Door (Fold Space in Psionics Unleashed)
Benefit: After manifesting Psionic Dimension Door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks when manifesting Psychoportation powers.

Vitesse (Su): At 3rd level, the elocater uses her ability to moderate her inertia to become faster. As long as either Personal Gravity or Telekinetic Motion is active the Elocater gains a bonus to her speed. Beginning at 3rd level, an elocater's speed increases by 10 feet. This is treated as an enhancement bonus. This bonus increases to 20 feet at 5th level and to 30 feet at 7th level.

Capricious Flanker (Ex): An elocater of 4th level or higher can flank enemies from seemingly impossible angles, she can take an extra 5-foot step in any round when she doesn’t perform any other movement (except for the first 5-foot step). She can also designate any square adjacent to her as the square from which flanking with an ally is determined (including the square where she stands, as normal). She can designate the square at the beginning of her turn or at any time during her turn. The designated square remains her effective square for flanking until she is no longer adjacent to it or until she chooses a different square (at the start of one of her turns). The character can even choose a square that is impassable or occupied.
At 9th level she can also designate a square each time she makes an attack and all squares count until the elocater starts her round no longer adjacent to them.

Inertial Assault (Su): At 5th level, the elocater can store her built-up inertia to enhance blows dealt in combat. As long as she is psionically focused, each 10 feet she moves in this round adds a +1d4 bonus to damage to any melee attacks she makes before the start of her next round, up to a maximum of her Dex bonus. This is considered to be precision damage. If the Elocater loses psionic focus for whatever reason, all inertia she currently has built up for this power is lost and she cannot regain any until she is psionically focused once more.

Master Transporter (Ex): At 6th level, an elocater learns Psionic Teleport and Psionic Plane Shift. These powers are in addition to any powers the elocater normally learns by advancing a level.
The elocater treats these powers as if they were 4th-level powers on her class list. This means, among other things, that manifesting these powers costs 7 power points. If the elocater already has either of these powers they gain them for free at the new power level and may reassign those previous power choices to any power allowed by their class list of the same level or lower as the power exchanged.

Hyperspatial Awareness (Ex): At 7th level, the elocater becomes hypersensitive to her surroundings. She is considered to have a continuous Detect Teleportation effect as a passive sense without the need for concentration. She also gains Blindsense out to the limit of the effect's range (40 feet).

Dimensional Assault (Su): At 9th level, by accelerating herself instantaneously in 5th dimensional space as she teleports, the elocater can count distance teleported in a round towards abilities like Inertial Assault (although the usual Dex bonus limit still applies).

Objects In Space (Ex): At 10th level the elocater gains a new unique power unavailable to anyone else.

Objects in Space
Psychoportation (Teleportation)
Level: Elocater 5
Display: Auditory, Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: You, see text
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 11
By collapsing the same time wave down a multitude of planar tunnels the elocater can temporarily be in a multitude of places at once. She can choose 60-ft. (cubic) long cone, 120ft (cubic) line, 60x10ft (cubic) beam, 40ft (cubic) radius burst, 30ft radius (cubic) hemisphere, 20ft (cubic) radius sphere.
She can make a single melee attack with any weapon she currently holds at her full base attack bonus against any single target within any or all of the 5 foot (cubic) squares in the area of effect. For sake of argument, any creature smaller than 8 foot in every dimension only occupies one 5-foot (cubic) square, any creature 8 foot or taller in any dimension occupies at least two. If the elocater chooses to do a flat effect at a height of 5 feet then medium and taller creatures are assumed to extrude onto this height if only to be affected once etc. as common sense denotes.
If the elocater is psionically focused and both Inertial Assault and Dimensional Assault are active she counts as dimensionally moving her maximum speed before all attacks for calculating additional damage and effects.
The elocater teleports to any free square in the effect and gains concealment until the stsrt of his next round.
For each additional power point she spends manifesting this power the elocater may substitute any single attack in the effect for any other single physical action that could otherwise be performed by her in a standard action such as a trip, sunder, pickpocket attempt etc. These are rolled separately.