View Full Version : (PF) Count Fenring-esque? (Murderer, Nobleman, Diplomat)

2012-05-02, 12:24 AM
Kind of a tangent from one of my earlier threads... IN any case, for those of you who don't know, Count Fenring is a character from the Dune series of books.
Throughout it, he is seen using a knife, poison, and a shortsword. He is also ordered to kill a man with a dagger, and while he knows it is within his capability, he refuses. IT is also said that he has used his bare hands to kill.

Apparently at the age of 19, he slipped out of the Imperial Palace and murdered two civil servants at random, just to prove that he could. He is described as a "dapper, but ugly" man, and is also described as "one of the deadliest fighters in the Imperium."

It can however be argued that the deadliest weapons at his disposal are his wit and his plans. He eventually attains a minor noble title, acts as a diplomat and adviser, all while maintaining his edge as a killer.

I would kind of enjoy a character like this: using bluff, diplomacy, and intimidation to influence others, using well laid plans to get what he wants, and using murder and skill with a blade when all else fails... or when he feels like.

As a result, Im definitely seeing him as a rogue. This gives him the needed skills, and the ability to murder via Sneak Attack. I don't think it will be possible to make him "one of the deadliest fighters" due the limitations of classes, but I feel the skills and the penchant for murder is the most important part.

I guess this is my rough outline:

Human Rogue (Maybe Spy Archetype?)

STR 12
DEX 15 (17)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12

1 Finesse
1 Persuasive
3 combat Reflexes
5 Iron Will
7 Improved Initiative
9 Quick Draw
11 Betrayer

(I feel like Betrayer adds more to the feeling of being a murderer type, but the pre-reqs of Quick Draw and Persuasive are a bit steep. Though Persuasive does add to being a diplomat. I would be open to suggestions to replace those feats.)

Rogue Talents
2 Fast Stealth
4 Offensive Defense
6 Honeyed Words?
8 Surprise Attack?
10 Hunter's Surprise
12 Crippling Strike

River Rat

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath
Daggers (x7)
Studded Leather Armor

Any help, suggestions, or advice are much appreciated!

2012-05-02, 01:10 AM
Count Fenring...

using a knife, poison, and a shortsword...

It can however be argued that the deadliest weapons at his disposal are his wit and his plans...

using bluff, diplomacy, and intimidation to influence others, using well laid plans to get what he wants, and using murder and skill with a blade when all else fails... or when he feels like.

Human Rogue (Maybe Spy Archetype?)

STR 12
DEX 15 (17)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12

Rogue Talents
10 Hunter's Surprise
12 Crippling Strike

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath
Daggers (x7)

Your stats seem a little stretched (looks like dice rolls?), I say this because you single out Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate as 'useful' and then dump CHA.
Might I suggest a level or 2 of Inquisitor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor)? It has similar 'base' stats as Rogue (d8HD, 3/4Bab, 6 skills, but good Fort/Will saves).
The Conversion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/inquisitions/conversion-inquisition) Inquisition lets you use WIS instead of CHA for Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate.

And either the Infiltrator (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/infiltrator) OR Heretic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/heretic) archetypes can help further (can't take both).
Infiltrator adds WIS (again) to Bluff and Diplomacy.
Heretic adds WIS (again) to Bluff and Stealth.

Maybe swap your INT and WIS scores then? It's not like you'll be hurting for Skill Points.

Given your weapon choices, you may find the Knife Master (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/knife-master) archetype more useful than Spy. Your Sneak Dice become d8's, and you get an occasional AC Dodge bonus (not compatible with Spy ACF, they both trade Trapfinding)

As far as Feats/Rogue Talents go, I'd skip Hunter's Surprise, yes it's flavorful, but you only get it ONCE per day, for at MOST 2 rounds.
Instead, use the Ninja Trick talent to pick up Pressure Points (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/ninja#TOC-Ninja-Tricks), on a successful Sneak Attack, you can do 1 point of STR or DEX damage, this will help the efficiency of Crippling Strike (and can be taken as early as level 2).

1 level of Assassin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/core-rulebook/assassin) is a quick way to pick up another +1d6 Sneak attack, Poison Use, and a Death Attack, and the entry requirements are stupid-easy.