View Full Version : (PF) Cleric/Rogue/Low Templar?

2012-05-02, 06:49 AM
an interesting build I thought of, blending two or three i had thought of earlier this month...

Cleric 1/Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler)/Low Templar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/i-m/low-templar) 7

20 point buy
STR 10
DEX 15 (17)
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 14
CHA 10

1 Finesse
1 Toughness
3 Dervish Dance
5 Mounted Combat
7 Iron Will
9 False Casting???
11 Imp. Critical: Scimitar???

Rogue Talents
2 (L3) Weapon Focus: Scimitar
4 (L5) Fast Stealth???

Cleric Domains: Travel, Healing???

Scimitar, mithril breastplate, various wands, a chair leg.

The fun of this build is mostly role playing: at level one, you start as a cleric dedicated to traveling and healing the sick and injured. You look upon your fellow, more warrior-like companions with wide eyed admiration. At level two, after they have saved your life, and you theirs, you channel your admiration into become more like them: start taking Rogue levels. Over time, after seeing some companions come and go, seeing death and horror first hand, you gradually become more jaded. However, deep inside, you still desire to do good, so on your off time, you go fight some at the World Wound, slaying demons, and watching more good men die. You take the oath of the Templars, sworn to slay demons. By the time this build gets to mid levels, you are mistaken for a mercenary, not a Cleric. Or, with good use of False Casting, you might convince some that you are a wandering Paladin, definitely possible since you can use Cleric wands with a 100% success rate.

Either way, its seems to be an intriguing and fun, *almost* no magic build.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Thanks in advance guys!

2012-05-02, 11:09 PM
Any advice playground?:smallbiggrin: