View Full Version : D&D Kung-Fu: The Totemist

2012-05-02, 09:36 AM
So I've had this idea for a while but I felt like sharing it after reading the Zinc Saucier monk competition.

Totemists have all their soulmelds themed after iconic d&d magical creatures. Though the some of the have had their serial numbers filed off we still know what they are: Dread Carapace=Tarrasque, Displacer Mantle= Displacer Beast etc. What I thought of is a major re-flavoring of the Totemist as not a nature themed warrior like the druid but rather a martial artists whose various styles and techniques are patterned off of the fantastic creatures of the d&d world. The incarnum angle still works because you could just say that the styles need essentia to be truly effective. You might have to refluff the meld's appearance as something more along the lines of various stances and strikes but that wouldn't be too hard.

Honestly, the totemist even works as a good monk replacement as he can use multiple unarmed attacks in melee effectively, is a lightly armored (sometimes not even armored) and mobile melee warrior, and has some neat supernatural tricks that are very different from spells.

What do you guys think? Any good names for the various styles or even possible stances?