View Full Version : Need Help Making Mobs

2012-05-02, 03:37 PM
I have decided to make a few extra generic mobs for my PCs to fight and to give me more options when making encounters; so far I've thought of three(all martial based) but I want to make a bigger list.

Here are the three I have:

Legion Fighter
Special Ability- Together- The Legion Fighter cannot be flanked when adjacent to one or more other Legion Fighter(s)
Gear - Scale armor, heavy shield, short sword, javelin x 2

This mob would probably be a a minion with multiple of the same mob in a battle. The would try to stick together to gain the benefit of Together. Their other tactics would be very similar to those of the fighters of Roman Legions.

Special Ability- Turn Tables- the Spin master shifts 1 square adjacent to target on a hit.
Gear- Leather armor, Shuriken x 10, spearsword
The spearsword is something I thought of that is a weapon that has a blade the same length as a short sword or dagger with a longer handle creating a short spear looking sword. The weapon is thin and made for slashing. The Spinmaster gets it name from the way it spins and twirls when it attacks.

I've thought of one move I want this mob to have - Shuriken burst - it's a burst attack that has the range of the shuriken and can only hit enemies that have nothing between the Spinmaster and the target.

Name TBD
Special Ability- Strong Arm- Roll a d4 to determine the effect on a hit with a heavy thrown weapon.
1 - Target is dazed until the start of the attacker's next turn
2 - Same as 1 except target is stunned instead of dazed
3 - Target is pushed 1 square
4 - Target is knocked prone
Gear- Hide armor, trident, throwing hammers x 3
This mob likes to stay out of combat as long as possible by throwing its hammers trident(also has a recharge of 4 5 6 that makes them return to its hand) before engaging in melee combat.

That's all i have so far, suggestions on mobs, attacks, abilities, and names are welcome and encouraged

2012-05-03, 01:22 AM
Legion Fighter
Special Ability- Together- The Legion Fighter cannot be flanked when adjacent to one or more other Legion Fighter(s)

Although it depends on what your group is consisted of, this minion is really made for killing by controllers, or anyone with an AoE attack. The idea behind minions is to spread them out, make people "waste" attacks on them, while they might even get a shot at you. This way, you grouped them nicely for a "Fireball". At least try adding some good defenses, an ability to charge into battle, making it harder for PCs to try blast them without hurting their allies or even some "Turtle Shell" ability which makes them more resistant to bursts and blasts. [in my opinion]

Good luck with this! :)

2012-05-03, 08:18 AM
I was thinking something along the lines like that. Like I said I haven't thought of powers yet, but for the "turtle shell" power would that just raise defense or would it make them impervious to attacks from the front?

2012-05-03, 08:47 AM
Two mobs of mine I've used before that should provide what you're looking for. Adjust the level as you see fit.

Karavakos' Sergeant - Level 3 Skirmisher (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (tiefling) - 150 XP
HP & Defenses:
HP: 46; Bloodied: 23. Initiative: +5
AC: 18 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
Perception: +7 Low-light vision
Speed: 6
Resist: 6 fire (racial)
Squad Tactics
The sergeant gains a +2 bonus to its defenses and can't be flanked while adjacent to an ally with this trait. The sergeant deals +2 extra damage to creatures it flanks with allies that have this trait.
Lead From the Front
Whenever the sergeant hits a creature with a melee attack, allies gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and deal +2 extra damage against it until the end of the sergeant's next turn.
Bloodhunt (Racial)
The sergeant gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against bloodied targets.
Standard Actions:
Melee Basic; Longsword (weapon) * At-Will
Effect: Before or after the attack, the sergeant or an ally adjacent to the target can shift 1 square, or if made as part of a charge, the sergeant can stand from prone as a free action.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. If the target is granting combat advantage, or the sergeant is charging, this attack deals +2 extra damage. The sergeant shifts 1 square.

Ranged Basic; Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/25 (one creature); +8 vs. AC (ignores attack penalties from prone)
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.

Coordinated Strike * Recharge when the sergeant ends its turn without using this power
Requirement: The sergeant must be adjacent to an enemy
Effect: Close burst 2 (one ally, or two minion allies in the burst). The target shifts up to 2 squares to a square adjacent to an enemy the sergeant is adjacent to. The sergeant and target each make a basic attack. These attacks can be made in any order.
Minor Actions:
Deploy Here! * Recharge when the sergeant ends its turn without using this power
Effect: Close burst 5 (each ally within the burst) The target shifts 1 square.
Triggered Actions:
Hit the Deck * At-Will
Requirement: The sergeant is not prone
Trigger: The sergeant is targeted with a close or area attack
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The sergeant falls prone and gains a +4 bonus to its defenses against the triggering attack.

Infernal Wrath (Racial, fire) * Encounter
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares hits the sergeant.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 10 (the triggering creature) 1d6 + 1 fire damage.
Skills & Attributes:
Skills: Athletics +8, Endurance +8, Insight +7, Stealth +8
Str: 14 (+3) - Dex: 14 (+3) - Wis: 12 (+2)
Con: 14 (+3) - Int: 12 (+2) - Cha: 12 (+2)
Alignment: Unaligned - Languages: Common, Supernal
Equipment: longsword, light shield, breastplate, crossbow, 20x crossbow bolts

Karavakos' Soldier - Level 3 Minion Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (human) - 38 XP
HP & Defenses:
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative: +4
AC: 17 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
Perception: +6
Speed: 6
Squad Tactics
The soldier gains a +2 bonus to its defenses and can't be flanked while adjacent to an ally with this trait. The soldier deals +1 extra damage to creatures it flanks with allies that have this trait.
Standard Actions:
Melee Basic; Shortsword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Effect: If made as part of a charge, the soldier can stand from prone as a free action.
Hit: 5 damage or 7 damage if the target is granting combat advantage, or the soldier is charging. The soldier shifts 1 square.

Ranged Basic; Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC (ignores attack penalties from prone)
Hit: 6 damage.
Triggered Actions:
Hit the Deck * At-Will
Requirement: The soldier is not prone
Trigger: The soldier is targeted with a close or area attack
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The soldier falls prone and gains a +4 bonus to its defenses against the triggering attack.
Skills & Attributes:
Skills: Athletics +7, Endurance +7, Stealth +7
Str: 12 (+2) - Dex: 12 (+2) - Wis: 11 (+1)
Con: 12 (+2) - Int: 10 (+1) - Cha: 10 (+1)
Alignment: Unaligned - Languages: Common
Equipment: leather armor, light shield, crossbow, 20x crossbow bolts, shortsword

2012-05-03, 11:05 AM
What Surrealistik said.

Don't make the Spinmaster a mob, make it a minion, adjust Surrealistik's Skirmisher.

As for Name TBD, make him a brute, with throwing weapon and add something for grabbing - that could be fun. So, they throw stuff, and once without ammo (they should carry just a few hammers), they go on rampaging. Or if someone approaches them. I like that.

2012-05-03, 11:30 AM
I'm using the word mob as a general term for monsters, it's something i've picked up from friends, the roll/level on them are TBD. And does anyone have an idea for the name of the TBD mob?