View Full Version : Vampire-less Vampire (Playable Monster Alternatives)

Piggy Knowles
2012-05-02, 05:01 PM
Hey, all,

Every week or two, it seems like there is a post about someone wanting to play a vampire, and someone inevitably suggests doing something like playing a necropolitan shifter soul eater instead. We also recently had a succubus thread, and another thread where someone imitated all of the abilities of a Greathorn Minotaur from MM4.

In any case, I think the idea of building a character that essentially picks up the abilities of an iconic monster is pretty cool, and I thought it would be fun to put it all in one place. The goal is to create a playable character that picks up most or all of the abilities of one of these monsters.

So, here are a few to start things off. I put a brief description of each monster, followed by what I think its most iconic abilities are, and then its other abilities. Then I posted some thoughts as to how it could be achieved in a build.

This isn't meant to be written in stone, by the way - instead, it's more for brainstorming. If you feel I've missed an iconic ability, or a really cool way to pick up ability XXXX, or have a suggestion for another iconic monster to reproduce, let me know and I'll edit it in!


Blood-sucking undead. Gains sustenance and power from drinking blood, and can create spawn under its control. Averse to sunlight. Lives in a coffin. Usually depicted as humanoid, with additional abilities including shape shifting, mental domination and super strength.

Iconic Abilities
1. Undead
2. Blood-sucking
3. Creates spawn

Other Abilities
1. Alternate Form – ability to change shape into a bat or wolf.
2. Fast healing
3. Damage reduction
4. Gaseous form
5. Ability to climb walls
6. Dominate person
7. Drain levels on a natural attack
8. Able to summon rats, bats or wolves

Build Thoughts
Undead is easy enough to deal with, by going Necropolitan. Alternatively, we could fake it with Tomb-Tainted Soul, but why bother when Necropolitan is an option?

To imitate blood-sucking, we’re going to definitely need some sort of bite attack, and a way to drain energy through it. Technically we should be draining Constitution to represent blood loss, but if we can get in a level drain, that should be fine as well.

Some sources of bite attacks (certainly not exhaustive) include...
Hunger domain gives you a bite attack.
Darfellan (race, Stormwrack).
Longtooth Shifter (cool thematically, since you can but limited number of times/day).
A ton of Totemist soulmelds do the trick.

Draining energy is interesting. Soul Eater from BoVD will give an energy drain attack right off the bat. If you want more of a bleeding effect, you could attach the Wounding property to your bite attack via an Amulet of Natural Attacks, or find a way of gaining sneak attack and taking the feat Disemboweling Strike.

Creating spawn is tough. The best way I can think of is to just fake it, by picking up the ability to raise the dead. My favorite way of doing this is the Horned Harbinger prestige class from Faiths and Pantheons, which gives you various animation SLAs that scale well with level. However, your mileage may vary.

OK, so that hits the three major iconic abilities. You could play a Necropolitan darfellan with a level or two in Soul Eater and some way of raising the dead, and you’ll do a halfway decent job of being a fake vampire. But come on, we can do better than that!

Let’s start with fast healing, since that’s one of the first things I think of with vampires.
Feral template. Adds a bunch of other cool things as well.
Four levels in Warshaper. Requires the ability to change form.
Shadow template. Slightly higher LA than Feral, but some cool stuff.
The Vigor aura of a Dragon Shaman.

For damage reduction, there are about a bajillion sources, including feats, templates and more. Here are a few:
Barbarian, Dread Necro, DFA and Warlock all get some DR in small amounts as they level.
Both the Feral and Shadow templates can provide some DR.
Various feats, including Abyssal Heritor feats, Fey Skin, and more.
Many soulmelds and vestiges.

Gaseous Form, on the other hand, is tough. We can take it as a spell, which might be the best option. And it’s a bit of a cheat, but as a Necropolitan we could always Alter Self into a Vampire Spawn and use Assume Supernatural Ability to pick it up.

Spider Climb is easily picked up as a spell or invocation, or via levels in Dragon Shaman, or by just taking a race with a climb speed.

Dominate Person is not easy to get at will. Everything I can think of that grants it at all requires a pretty serious level investment - Mindbender, various spellcasting classes, etc.

Sample Builds
Feral Necropolitan Darfellan, Warlock 6/Horned Harbinger 2/Soul Eater 2/Horned Harbinger +8/Soul Eater +2

Least: Spiderwalk, Summon Swarm, Entropic Warding
Lesser: Charm

Become a horned, undead feral creature of the night. Walk on walls, summon swarms of bats, and bend enemies to your will (Charm isn’t dominate, but we can pretend). Drain your enemies to nothing, then bring them back as your thrall.

MISSING: No gaseous form ability, although Entropic Warding could be replaced with Breath of the Night or Miasmic Cloud to pretend, I suppose - but it’s not at all the same. No alternate form. While you have a bite attack that drains levels (thanks to Soul Eater), you’re really not draining blood - although an Amulet of Natural Attacks with Wounding could help here.


Attractive temptress demon who can imitate any humanoid and focuses on seduction and trickery. Appears naturally as a beautiful winged humanoid. Primarily fights through control and misdirection rather than brute force.

Iconic Abilities
1. Demon
2. Wings
3. Ability to take the form of any humanoid
4. Drains energy via kiss

Other Abilities
1. Tongues
2. Ability to summon lesser demons
3. Spell-like abilities including charm monster, detect thoughts, detect good, ethereal jaunt, suggestion and greater teleport
4. Telepathy
5. Demonic resistances
6. Claw Attacks

Build Thoughts
Demon can probably be done easiest via tiefling (although that comes with a Cha penalty), or by template. Half-Fiend works well, since it also gives wings, but it’s expensive. A gloaming (Underdark) gives a winged outsider with a Charisma bonus for not too huge a penalty, although the small size is a bit off. The fey’ri is also an interesting choice.

For wings, we’ve got the Half-Fiend template again. Raptorans and dragonborn get wings, but dragonborn need to be non-evil and raptorans don’t really fit the look. There are also grafts that will do the trick in Fiend Folio and Dragon Magic. A tiefling qualifies for the Outsider Wings feat, which is perfect - although again, that Charisma penalty just doesn’t sit well with me. There’s also the Draconic Flight invocation of a DFI.

The alternate form effect is most easily duplicated by a changeling. Alternatively, the DFI has a nice lesser invocation, Humanoid Shape, that does the trick also at will.

Energy drain can probably come pretty easily from our good friend the Soul Eater.

Sample Builds


Tentacle-faced, brain-eating mastermind. Outrageously intelligent and long-planning, typically lives underground. Psionic. Can stun enemies and then extract their brain, killing them instantly.

Iconic Abilities
1. Stun enemies with a mental blast
2. Grapple with face tentacles
3. Extract and eat brains
4. Detect thoughts

Other Abilities

Build Thoughts

Sample Builds

2012-05-02, 10:36 PM
Vamps don't just summon bats rats or wolves. They have a specific supernatural ability called "Children of the Night" which is probably the most difficult to procure well-known ability.

See my vampire that suck build fo

2012-05-02, 11:18 PM
For the Illithid, the only thing that comes to mind is the Flayerspawn Psychic, of CPsi (in)famy.

You get a number of bonus feats, which must be used for Illithid Heritage feat, including Illithid Grapple to get a tentacle (take the feat 4 times to get the ability to extract brains!).

They Also get the ability to project a mind blast-type cone and then they have their regular psionic abilities to fall back on for detecting thoughts.

That sound like what you're looking for?

2012-05-02, 11:30 PM
Obligatory Oslecamo link (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?board=34.0). Vampire thread (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=709.msg3773#msg3773).

Piggy Knowles
2012-05-03, 09:49 AM
Vamps don't just summon bats rats or wolves. They have a specific supernatural ability called "Children of the Night" which is probably the most difficult to procure well-known ability.

See my vampire that suck build fo

Yeah, I just tossed Summon Swarm in on the warlock faux-vamp build because it was as close of an approximation as I could get. I'm not sure of any way short of Assume Supernatural Ability to actually pick up Children of the Night.

For me, the toughest ability to replicate is their gaseous form ability. Long-duration improved gaseous form at will, plus the ability to automatically turn gaseous when reduced to zero hit points, is tough to duplicate.

For the Illithid, the only thing that comes to mind is the Flayerspawn Psychic, of CPsi (in)famy.

I figured the Illithid Heritage line of feats would be almost required when I get to around to recreating this one. I could probably make it work without Flayerspawn Psychic, since the Psionic Blast power does a pretty good job of replicating the Illithid mind blast, although if I'm building a psionic Illithid from scratch there's no real reason not to take Flayerspawn Psychic.

Obligatory Oslecamo link (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?board=34.0). Vampire thread (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=709.msg3773#msg3773).

I love Oslecamo's monster classes! I almost ran a campaign based around some of them, although it ended up not happening.

That said, in this case I'm trying to replicate these monsters with existing, official WotC material. I want to see how close we can get to a printed monster with unique abilities just by clever selection of races, feats, items and classes.

2012-05-03, 05:49 PM
Good reply deserves good reply:

Gaseous form with contingent spell and DMM persist is the most direct way. Just like anything else, its easier to do with levels in a full casting cl

2012-05-03, 07:00 PM
A few templates that can be used for the Succubus, specially making the Tiefling usable:

Unseelie Fey (Dragon Magazine #304; LA +0; -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha; DR/cold iron, among several other things).

Feytouched (Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey; LA +1; +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha; a few SLAs, including Charm Person 1/day; type changes to fey; must be applied to humanoid, so only usable on Lesser Tiefling).

Half-Nymph (Dragon Magazine #313; LA +2; +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +4 Cha; Awesome Beauty ability; must be applied to humanoid, so only usable on Lesser Tiefling).

Half-Fey (Fiend Folio; LA +2; +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha; several relevant SLAs dependent on HD, such as Charm Person at will, Suggestion 1/day, Dominate Person 1/day and Mass Charm 1/day; has wings, but they are butterfly-like; type changes to fey).

As should be obvious, I specifically looked for fey-related templates. Succubus, with all their beauty and charms, are more like fey and less like other demons, anyways, and if you seek to emulate that, I think that this is a way to go :smallsmile:

2012-05-10, 11:51 AM
Another way to build a Succubus-like character is to use the rules laid out here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630x&page=1) and specially here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630x&page=3), applying the customized half-Succubus template to a base creature (be it a human or a lesser tiefling). I'd swap the +2 Str to +2 Con and give the character a very limited change shape ability to assume its own shape without the obvious demonic tidbits (wings and tail, mostly), though.

The LA +4 is the same as the original half-fiend template. However, it gives lots of nice things for a Succubus-wannabe, and it's much better than 6 RHD + LA +6.