View Full Version : RP skill challenge assistance

2012-05-03, 08:25 AM
I am running my group through an abandoned Mage tower, I amhaving some issues planning out a skill based RP encounter. (admittingly my weakest area to run)

The tower has been abandoned, however as the group goes through the various wings, and rooms the tower reveals it's story/history through apparitions and encounters.

one of the wings I have planned would be the guest wing, for "VIP" type quests. During the hight of the Tower's glory this is where royalty and powerful quests would stay, and the finest and most lavish gifts would be afforded to them. The servents of this wing were actually enslaved Succubae(?) Succubusses(?)

As the group walks down the wing and peer/explore the various rooms they can witness visions of such trangressions in the rooms. At the end of the Hall I want a verbal debate or at least something non-combat related encounter.

Something along the lines of the Head Mistress Succubus argueing with a Law-ful good, but equally charming opposite. A Vice vs. Virtue scenario and the PC's must side with either one (as a group or indivdually).

At some point I wanted the PC to also encounter a an Incubus, (weak,non-combat, pitiful, cowardly, broken) and it be revealed that his life long soul mate was actually the Sucubus that was transformed into the Virtue from the skill challenge above.

A reverse Shrek, Love triangle, with the PC's own prefrence of Vice and Virtrue thrown in.

This is a 3.5 campaign, party make up is mixed: (N)Druid, (CN) Fighter, (CG) Bard, (N) Thief, (N) Alchemist (pathfinder class)

2012-05-04, 05:11 AM
Ok in my haste in writing that post, I feel that my grammar, spelling, and lack of one focused thought may have led me astray...

Basically I am looking for advice on how I should play out the roles of:

Succubus #1: Pro-vice, CE alignment, debating over control over the wing of the house with

Succubus #2: Pro-virtue, LG alignment, (willingly changed from succubus through magical means into a polar opposite), debating over control with Succubus #1.

Incubus: Found in another part of the tower, in seclusion, was in love with Succubus #2, felt betrayed by her, offers a quest to the party to either bring her back to evil, or put him out of his misery. A complete shell of his former life, restoring him means bringing two potential evils back into play.

I wanted this as a break point in in the tower to provide both a change of pace from combat, and offer a rest place as a reward either way, as I feel the Tower will be draining on their resources. Either way Vice or Virtue they earn a secure wing where they can rest up.

I'm just a little apprehensive in RPing this out, and feel that the loser of the debate is a loose end.

I tossed around the idea in my head to have them circle who on a piece of paper {VICE or VIRTUE} before the debate starts based on what their character would gravitate towards, and use that as a scale for any DC checks.

2012-05-04, 09:05 PM
I love a good RP challenge, and I like the setup. This has the potential to be really cool. Here are some ideas, please use any of them you like:smallbiggrin::

Your party is good-neutral, so they will probably be more inclined to work with the "Virtue" to start with. If you want to have some nice party conflict, you need to make their choice hard.

1. Have "Vice" be sympathetic. Maybe "Virtue" has already mostly won and has "Vice" in some kind of planar binding or chains. They are still debating because Virtue wants to try to redeem Vice instead of killing her. Vice can try to appeal to the Chaotic people in the party saying things like, "I just want to be free, but she is keeping me trapped here" or "this so called Virtue wants everyone to be emotionless and boring like her."

2. Make Virtue kinda a jerk to the party, Miko style. "I sense none of you walk the path of Law and Righteousness, and some of you have questionable moral character. You should repent of your evil ways and live a life of self-control for your own salvation."

3. Have Vice, or maybe the Incubus who loved Virtue offer a really nice reward to the party- like a ring of limited wish- and they can only have it if they turn Virtue back to evil. Greed motivates!

For the encounter itself, i guess you can do the usual social checks Dimplomacy, Bluff, but maybe throw in some Sense Motive to find out what arguments would work on them.

If they go with Virtue, the challenge is convincing the broken Incubus lover to repent from evil. If the party can do that, Vice will see her evil has no power with the party and Vice will fade back into the Abyss to face torment for her crimes. Virtue will then thank the party for their good dead and help them.

If they go with Vice, the challenge is convincing Virtue what she is missing out on as a Lawful Good paragon. (Lust! Instant gratification! Maybe freedom?) If she reverts, then Virtue and her Incubus lover leave to do whatever they want, and Vice takes control, helping the party in her gratitude.