View Full Version : Want a new character?

2012-05-03, 05:31 PM
I've been kinda bored lately and have tried to think of interesting characters that would also be slightly challenging to make(using it kinda like a logic puzzle to pass the time). The trouble is that I can't think of anything to make so..... this may be a bad idea but does anyone have any suggestions/requests/challenge characters for me to make?

Also include level and some personality/background info please.

Craft (Cheese)
2012-05-03, 06:18 PM
Altak, the Level 5 Kobold. Age 47, he's rather old for one of his kind. He has an undeserved reputation as a merciless, bloodthirsty, successful pirate captain (undeserved because he's completely incompetent at what he does). He has difficulty focusing on one task for any length of time, often even changing subjects in the middle of his sentences. His eventual life goal is to cover the entire world with orange paint, because orange is his favorite color.

2012-05-03, 07:37 PM
I'd give it a shot but i don't have the book for that. Just so everyone knows i have the following books:

Keep on the Shadowfell
Scepter Tower of Spellgard
Players Handbooks 1 2 and 3
Monster Manual
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Dungeon Masters Guide
Divine power
Manual of the Planes
Adventure's Vault 1 and 2
Martial Power 1 and 2

Craft (Cheese)
2012-05-03, 07:39 PM
Kobolds are in MM1. Everything else is nice and fluffy.

2012-05-03, 07:50 PM
oh that's right I forgot that they had stuff like that in MM1 I'll see what i can do

2012-05-04, 07:25 AM
It's not at all a "challenging" idea, but a rather interesting one.

I recently tried out a Dragonborn Paladin, but with a twist: he came to replace another player's Dragonborn Fighter, as brother he never knew about (he stalked him from the shadows to guard and protect him), and when the Fighter died before he could act to do anything about it, the Paladin was crushed. He made himself known, talked it out with the party and took his place as the Defender (so he could finish the job his brother never would), travelling with them for a while.

The catch is: he became a martyr. He never really got over the fact he couldn't protect his brother, so instead of basically doing the Defender's shtick, he actually threw himself in harm's way maniacally to protect the others. Most days, he burned through his Healing Surges way before anyone else (and he had a lot more), and he'd press on without telling he was out until someone noticed it. Another time, a really intricate battle was taking place on a parapet, and the Warlock was taking severe hits from artillery that was down in the courtyard, so the Paladin simply threw himself from the parapet, took the falling damage, got up, dusted off and went after the enemy that was killing his friend (it actually ended up helping, since it diverted some enemies that decided to turn and go back for him, giving enough time for the Warlock and Rangerd to snipe some of them off).

He ended up dying, but you can read his death on my Mouse-throwing thread, they thought it was really awesome. The party was actually somber and speechless until the end of that session, both in and out of the game.

2012-05-04, 07:55 AM
I always found this character concept amusing...

Jared von Hindman
Oct 27, 2011 (edited) - Public
Update on the glory of Captain FlikaFlak, nicknamed "Tinkerbeard" by others at the table: (Partially shared because hot damn I didn't figure so many folk would dig this particular chunk of my madness)

I'm so glad I doodled this character before showing up to the game because words had trouble conveying the joy here. While I could give specifics about how the Captain slew the Bigguns set against him, here are some in-play joys:

"Circling Strike", the power that lets the Beast shift before/after an attack got renamed "Hard to Port/Starboard". Short Rests involved laying the anchor & searching for booty.
The Queen's Mustang did, indeed, go down in the 1st encounter, but my DM gave me a bonus to the "land on your feet" save for RP goodness involving my scurvy pixie dog exclaimed "Abandon Ship!" as his vessel was slain by plagued-changed monstrosities.
The Hand Crossbow got refluffed to the Queen's Ballista.....and when the Captain goes on Total Defense I just took him below deck.

A few mechanical things came up that I wasn't expecting...namely that Pixies can talk to animals as a racial ability, meaning when screaming "Hard to Starboard!" the Queen's Mustang actually understood. The ability to use Pixie Dust to make the Queen airborne wasn't too terrible either. One of my favorite comments from across the table was how shocked they were that FlikaFlak was a "Classic Ranger", as opposed to some new 4E class. I think the reappearance of Hunter's Quarry and old stand-bys like Twin Strike helped tone down the weirdness by playing pretty much like the debuted Ranger, with a mix of melee & ranged. There's an Outsider article coming out soon where I give advice on making your weird ideas kosher at the table and if your fluff is bizarre or your concept abstract, keeping the mechanics recognizable is a great way to go. But I digress....

All in all, a fun concept I suspect my group will trick me into playing more often. A new player invited me to join their paragon game next week, on the condition that I bring a leveled-up FlikaFlak. I can't wait to get him an enchanted harpoon to throw at these filthy land-whales that lurk across the dry shores of Faerun.
Fun times.


"I see your Pixie Pirate on a Horse and Raise you a Samurai Pixie riding on a Pagoda on a Displacer Beast."

So, I painted an extra piece for my Heroes of the Fey: Gone Wild Outsider piece and...err....painted it a little late. So I'm not sure if it'll get included. I'm kinda proud/ashamed, so for kicks, enjoy.

Remember Captain FlikaFlak & the Queen's Mustang? You know, the Pixie Pirate leading the Winter King's fleet into the world? I gave him some color and a vendetta. Don't ask, it had to be done.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wappfMz_Bp8/TrvDC08AfbI/AAAAAAAAApk/zfmU8EdwBQY/w497-h373/hotFW%2BCaptain%2BFlikaFlak%2BVendetta%2Bjared%2Bh indman.jpg

Maybe a pixie scout with the fey beast tamer theme...

2012-05-04, 09:46 AM
That character is very amusing lol. As to the paladin, i did read your mouse-throwing thread and it interested me greatly. That is a very good character design even though I've never been a big fan of paladins, mostly because they don't fit in with my play style.

2012-05-04, 01:33 PM
Can you build a non-Leader character that never needs to make a successful attack roll and still do damage?

2012-05-04, 02:26 PM
Magic missile/storm pillar optimizing Wizard; you didn't say it had to be 'good', lol.

EDIT: That said, a reaper's touch charge cheesing Shadar-kai wizard might not be all that bad.

2012-05-06, 07:29 PM
You should make the girl from The Gamers 2. By the way, did you and River enjoy the prom. :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-07, 08:46 AM
Magic missile/storm pillar optimizing Wizard; you didn't say it had to be 'good', lol.

If you assume that 'Ranged Basic Attack with a Weapon' includes Magic Missile with a weaplement (I'm thinking a sword...) you could actually do something really amusing here. More specifically, a wizard|ranger/swordmage. Taking the ranger powers that give you lots of ranged basic attacks like Fox's Cunning and Thousand Arrow Awareness (though you'd need quickdraw to get the bow out to miss with the initial attack and set up the zone, then get the weapliment back out, or use the Moonbow Dedicate feat or other means of using a bow as a weapliment, which would mean you'd have a tough time using Dual Impliment Spellcaster). For added cheese, use Archery Mastery to trade in your ranger at-will for a Hunter at will, like Rapid Shot, then make magic missile attacks in a burst 1, obviating the attack penalty from rapid shot.

If not, you can still have a bit of fun using the Blackstaff Apprentice theme (which is inaccessible to hybrid wizards because you need to be able to prepare spells from a spellbook, which is a class feature lost by hybriding). Be a Mage, take the Pyromancy and Evocation Schools, be a Gensai with 18/18 strength/int, take all the stuff that adds to damage or to fire damage, then multiclass swordmage and take the Malec-Keth Janissary paragon path. The Malec-Keth Janissary trick is integral to this whether or not you hybrid ranger, but that's a rather hateful trick which might result in DMG-related injuries.