View Full Version : Player-run Kingdoms in 3 and 3.5

2012-05-04, 11:14 AM
First off a little background info. my dm is planning on running a world in which there are not just multiple gods but multiple regionally based pantheons inspired by real world ones (he basically ripped all the pantheons from the book of dieties and demigods). I'll be playing the next in line for the throne of a kingdom ruled by kitsune that is in the middle of the whole mess and has helped to prevent all out war between the worshippers of the various regional pantheons.

So my question is, where can i find information on players in the place of royal houses as well as info on how kingdoms are run with tax systems, laws, and everything else i could need in the D&D context.

Extra info:
the city ruled by the kitsune (Tendancy towards druidic magics, as well as a religion involving the sun and moon) is one where all races and creeds are welcome provided they abide by the laws. the city is divided into quarters that cater to specific cultures with the area around the palace devoted to the kitsune race themselves. The cities overall atmostphere is somewhere around the border between lawful and nuetral good. and finally the kingdom has most of the surrounding kingdoms trade traffic heading through it.

Thanks in advance.

2012-05-04, 11:26 AM
Players Handbook II has the Affiliation rules, which do a half way decent job of doing all this stuff. Taxes and the like are handled passively and generate Capital. Capital can then be spent to take various actions (depending on your type of Affiliation), which can sometime generate more capital (this is not really the case, it is just that if you affiliation does not take action during two months, capital is produced, if they take executive actions, capital is not generated.

Affiliations also have scale. This determines their max capital (Scale x2) as well as their number of members, world wide power, and resilience to attack. Affiliations can attack each other through some powers, and if they succeed, reduce the enemy affiliations scale by 1. If an Affiliation's Capital is reduced to -1 , the affiliation is eliminated, but can be refounded 1d4 month later (at a scale dictated by the affiliation creatio rules). Hostile actions can also reduce Capital, and lost capital can also reduce scope.

Affiliations have rules and guidelines for rank, and the benefits conferred there by.

An affiliation has three executive powers as determined by their type.