View Full Version : Leap Attack Question

2012-05-04, 01:11 PM
I'm just curious, could you combine Leap Attack with Battle Jump by making a sucsessful 20 ft. jump, an if you could would this be viable for an ubercharger build?

2012-05-04, 01:38 PM
Short Answer: Probably not, but ask your DM.

Long Answer: Battle Jump is falling ON the opponent. First you attack, then you take falling damage, e.g. land. Leap Attack is ending up IN FRONT of the opponent. First you land, then you attack. If either feat triggers, the other's conditions aren't met any more.

2012-05-04, 02:38 PM
My reading of the Feats is yes. You would just need to Jump from a point above your enemy, or start on level ground or below him and Jump high enough so that you were at least 10 feet above your enemy at some point.