View Full Version : PO help with a ranged skirmisher

2012-05-04, 02:22 PM
Note: I'm my group's OPifier. I know a lot about 3.5 and tend to make my characters crazy strong for their tier by RAW. My currently DM, however, is a fan of, uh, ad hoc balancing. So to avoid getting nerfbatted to hell I'm now the OPifier for the whole party so I don't stand out to much.

A new person is joining our group now that is fairly new to the system and I told him upfront, 'just tell me what it is you want the char to actually do, and I'll come up with a combination of classes/feats/etc (whose names may not sound right) that will do that thing.'
He pretty much did that, but read a little more on classes/races than I'd've liked. He came up with the rather specific, 'catfolk scout with shot on the run and multishot' which I talked down into the idea of staying away with high speed and shooting lots of times for high (probably skirmish) damage.
Problem being I'm not terribly familiar with optimizing skirmish... or ranged combat. I've never thought either good enough to bother with.
So with that in mind, coming in mid-level 9, lets make him as good as possible, however little that may be for this idea.

Catfolk is actually a good choice for that, thinking on it. The LA can be bought off already, he'll just be lower into level 9.
Class starting is scout(->???) if we do go for the skirmish effect but he might end up some rogue/ranger/fighter(targeteer). UA's partial BAB/saves is in effect so multiclassing is extremely viable.
I really don't know ranged optimizing at all, no idea for feats/etc, or else I wouldn't be here. Can you give me a hand?
P.S. a little into the realm of TO is fine if needed for good power, the DM trusts me to the point he won't be checking my work for making practical sense. Things can just be refluffed as needed.

2012-05-04, 03:28 PM
Greater many shot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot), from the srd (I don't know which book it's from, though), is great for skirmish, since it lets you move and then make all of your iterative attacks (but at a big penalty) and it lets precision damage apply on more then one arrow.

Something that lets you full attack while mounted (like wild plains outrider) is normally ideal for skirmish, but it seems this person would prefer his character to not be mounted.

Scout/ranger builds are pretty common, since you can take 3 levels of scout and the swift hunter feat (in complete scoundrel) so that you get skirmish damage from your ranger levels. It also lets you skirmish your favoured enemies, even if they're immune to precision damage, which is great, espcially if you take advantage of this and get all/most of the sneak attack immune monster types as favoured enemies.

Scout/rogue builds are also great, since you get both full skirmish and almost full sneak attack thanks to the swift ambusher feat. Debatably, this will let you get skirmish damage from taking levels in sneak attack varient fighter.

The improved skirmish feat gets you an extra 2d6 skirmish damage an improves your AC bonus.

There's a Highland Stalker prestige class, which is kind of like the mountain scout with full BAB.

Skim through the archery handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=642.msg15082#msg15082) for some ideas.

If the player is willing to get some casting, there are a couple of druid ACF's that are pretty cool in unearthed arcana: One trades off wildshape and armour proficiency for monk AC bonus, monk fast movement, ranger favoured enemy and a few other ranger things. Since it gives you favoured enemy, it lets you qualify for the swift hunter feat, which would arguably let druid levels, instead of ranger levels (since it's the druid levels, not ranger levels, that gave you favoured enemy). Ask the DM about it.
Another druid ACF that would go well with this is the druidic avenger ACF, also from unearthed arcana, which gives you rage and fast movement (as barbarian) in exchange for your animal companion and the ability to cast SNA spontaneously and a few other things.

2012-05-04, 09:31 PM
1. Scout - Point Blank Shot
2. Scout
3. Scout - Precise Shot
4. Ranger - Arcane Hunter ACF, B: Track
5. Scout - B: Swift Hunter
6. Scout - Nemesis, Darkstalker, Dead Eye or *Combat Reflexes
7. Ranger - B: Rapid Shot
8. Ranger - B: Endurance
9. Ranger - Distracting Attack ACF, Sword of the Arcane Order or *Ranged Threat
10. Ranger
11. Ranger - B: Manyshot
12. Ranger - Greater Manyshot
13. Ranger
14. Ranger - Spell Reflection ACF
15. Ranger - Practiced Spellcaster
16. Ranger - B: Improved Precise Shot
17. Ranger
18. Ranger - Improved Skirmish
19. Ranger
20. Ranger