View Full Version : Help me decide my next handbook topic! [Serious] :)

2012-05-05, 09:36 AM
As some of you will probably know, I'm the very unhumble, devastatingly handsome, epic-endowed, Einstein-level--

Ahem. :smallbiggrin:

Basically, some of you will know I basically maintain, polish, and try to update the Red Handbook of Doom, that thread in my signature that tries to help people better run the 3.5 module The Red Hand of Doom.

I am still working on that, and I am intending to finish it as I take my party slowly through the remainder of the campaign, but given I had a lot of fun building it and then talking to people about what they did and how they did it, I got to thinking that RHOD can't be the only module out there that is basically sound but often requires some restatting or reworking to deal with more optimised parties.

I noticed there has been the odd thread or two about what module people's favourites were, and I still regard building the handbook as a service to the community, so I'm basically asking the community: if I were to do a new handbook up in the style of the one I already have, what module should I do it on? Is there another well-known D&D module out there which is popularly agreed as needing a bit of rework, which would benefit from a handbook treatment as I've done to RHOD?

Please let me know - I might not be able to get to it this week, or this month, but if there's a need and a want for it, I'd love to do another one! :smallsmile:

2012-05-05, 11:02 PM
Queen of the Demonweb Pits?

2012-05-05, 11:09 PM
3.x I'm guessing?

If so, City of the Spider Queen would be awesome. Supposed to be one of the greats but apparently always needs some sort of reworking (especially since it was a 3e module)

That or Rise of the Runelords, but that seems to be close to perfect ha.

2012-05-06, 07:00 AM
Undermountain would be nice, I think. CotSQ is probably more popular.

2012-05-06, 08:26 AM
I have a feeling for expedition to castle ravenloft, but any handbook will be useful and interesting.

2012-05-06, 08:33 AM
expedition to Caste Ravenloft seconded...

2012-05-06, 12:16 PM
One that you've actually DM'ed and/or played through.