View Full Version : [PF] Looking for some input on a Barbarian

Beowulf DW
2012-05-06, 10:12 PM
In an up coming game I've decided to try to replicate the abilities of a Final Fantasy dragoon. You might know the drill: The guy jumps really high, comes back down dealing massive damage with his spear.

I've decided to use a Totem warrior barbarian to accomplish this. It is not a perfect facsimile, but I figure that with the beast and dragon totems, combined with a lance for the bonus to charging damage, and the barbarian's fast movement speed, I should be able to make a character that can function like an FF dragoon (if you're willing to ignore the fact that he won't be doing any aerial charging for a while at least).

If anyone has any suggestions on how to fine tune it, or any flaws that I've overlooked, or even if there's a better way to accomplish this, please let me know.

In case it matters, here's what I rolled for starting ability scores:


2012-05-06, 10:46 PM
Is this a strict PF character or more of a 3.P?

Because I've built this character in 3.5 a couple times. Dragonborn Cleric 1/Ranger 9/Blade Dancer 10 is my usual build, but some levels of Warblade for Tiger Claw manevuers/stances is also very useful (especially the stance that gives you +10' to jump and makes you always count as a running start, at the boost that allows you to jump as a swift action). This (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872838/Little_Red_Raiding_Hood:_A_Tale_of_38;_Guide_to_th e_3.5_Dragoon) is a ridiculously helpful resource.

Strict PF though? I don't have enough experience with the system.

2012-05-06, 11:01 PM
Uh, you do know that 3.5e might be a liiiittle bit better to do the Dragoon thing? There is even a handbook for it!


2012-05-06, 11:28 PM
If your goal is to make a Dragoon, I would suggest Ninja 4/Barbarian X. Four levels of Ninja can give you access to 2 + Cha worth of Ki and two ninja tricks, specifically Acrobatic Master to gain +20 acrobatics for a ki spent and High Jumper which reduces the DC of a high jump from a 4/1 ratio to a 2/1 ratio.
For Barbarian I would suggest the Raging Leaper power, which gives you an enhancement bonus on Acrobatics equal to your barbarian level while raging.
A feat to consider is Death from Above, which would give you a +5 on attack rolls from charging from higher ground. A strict reading would disallow it when on the downward portion of a fall, but talk it over with your DM.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-07, 04:21 AM
We're going straight PF here, people. I should have said that in my first post. Additionally, multiclassing won't be allowed until a bit later in the game.

I knew there was a feat like Death from Above somewhere. I'll ask my GM about it. The game is based partially on the first Final Fantasy game, so he might agree to bend the rules slightly to allow it.

2012-05-07, 03:36 PM
Perhaps not what you're seeking but the Dragoon Fighter archetype is very much about the leaping, though it's mostly on and off of a mount and it doesn't really occur till late.

2012-05-07, 04:17 PM
Regardless, Power Attack (Good even after the nerf) and the Furious Focus are a pretty wicked combo.

2012-05-07, 08:10 PM
Here's that feat: Death from Above (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/death-from-above-combat).

Charging is usually running in a straight line unless you have wings, so talk to your DM if he will count your jumps as charges. Shame there is no Leap Attack feat in PF, that would have perfect.

Beastial Leaper (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/bestial-leaper-ex) and Raging Leaper are probably what you were going for already, which makes you pretty mobile. Wear light armor, 40ft speed gives +4 to jumps, roll half-elf for skill focus for another +3 and raging leaper gives you your class level as a bonus. Don't forget your ring of jumping when you get the gold. Ninjas and monks are the ones with the really crazy jumps, but they don't get to power attack/ vital strike with a glaive. :smallbiggrin:

Beowulf DW
2012-05-07, 09:13 PM
Perhaps not what you're seeking but the Dragoon Fighter archetype is very much about the leaping, though it's mostly on and off of a mount and it doesn't really occur till late.

I've looked over the Dragoon archetype, and it only becomes the FF dragoon late in the game. We're starting at level 1, so that's somewhat problematic. Still, it would seem to be the most obvious choice, but it simply doesn't have what I need at the level I need it.

Power attack is always fun, and bestial and raging leaper seem to be just what I need. Does power attack work with a lance? I know I'm hung up on the idea, but if I can get it to work, I'll be turning the baddies into giblets.:smallbiggrin:

2012-05-07, 10:44 PM
Power attack is always fun, and bestial and raging leaper seem to be just what I need. Does power attack work with a lance? I know I'm hung up on the idea, but if I can get it to work, I'll be turning the baddies into giblets.:smallbiggrin:

It's a melee weapon, so yes, you can Power Attack with a lance.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-08, 08:20 AM
It's a melee weapon, so yes, you can Power Attack with a lance.

That's good, though I just looked up the weapon description for a lance. I thought that the bonus for damage applied whenever you charged, but it's only when you charge on a mount. There goes most of my plans.:smallmad: