View Full Version : Dvati and Change Shape

2012-05-07, 12:27 AM
Hey, guys. Some of you have probably heard of a race called Dvati. They are interesting in that they are one creature with two bodies. What I'm wondering is: how do they interact with Change Shape? If Change Shape is used on one of them, is the other affected? If another race is changed into a Dvati, does it become one Dvati, or two, since the pair technically counts as one creature? And finally, assuming that you can use Change Shape on each Dvati individually, and Change Shape will create two Dvati, can you make four Dvati by changing a Dvati into a Dvati with Change Shape?

2012-05-07, 12:30 AM
I can't remember the mechanics specifically, but unless the Dvati have a mechanic that lets them share the benefits of spells or abilities with Range: Personal, then nope, the spell works on just one of them. For a better understanding, treat Polymorph and the like as if it was a Shield spell.

EDIT: Also, it doesn't seem that you gain the Dvati's special quality of being two people, so you can't Change Shape into a Dvati to get a free clone.

2012-05-07, 12:47 AM
I'm having a hard time finding a good definition of special quality. According to the D&D glossary, a special quality is a distinctive characteristic. Going by that, an Elf's pointy ears are special qualities. If, however, all special qualities are identified in a monster's description, the Dvati text does not identify the twin creatures aspect as anything other than a racial trait.

2012-05-07, 06:29 AM
What I'm wondering is: how do they interact with Change Shape? If Change Shape is used on one of them, is the other affected?

This is the key phrase from the Dvati description:

"A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them."

Now, there are two ways to parse this:

A) mind-affecting abilities and mind-affecting spells affects both twins.
B) mind-affecting abilities and *all* spells affects both twins.

Since B) creates some really wonky rules headaches and is overpowered to boot, I think it's safe to say that A) was what was intended by the editors.

Which means all we have to determine now is if Change Shape is a mind-effect. And... nope. But if we're talking about a Change Shape (Su) ability, then each twin would have access to it, and each one could activate that ability individually.

If another race is changed into a Dvati, does it become one Dvati, or two, since the pair technically counts as one creature?

I'm going to go with "probably not", although if you're ready to run a Two-Kirks-Style "Enemy Within" scenario, go for it.

And finally, assuming that you can use Change Shape on each Dvati individually, and Change Shape will create two Dvati, can you make four Dvati by changing a Dvati into a Dvati with Change Shape?

...and that's why I was going with "probably not". But since Change Shape is only changing the body, shifting forms into a Dvati means you're only copying one of the twins, not both. The two halves of the Dvati can be encountered separately (and unless both were present, how would you even know it was a Dvati?).

If I was feeling particularly cruel, a non-Dvati shifting into a Dvati would only be one half of the twin, and since he doesn't have a twin, he immediately takes Con damage and starts dying.