View Full Version : Need help building a Tera-esque Slayer

2012-05-07, 06:57 AM
Greetings again fellow Playgrounders,

a few days ago Tera was released in europe. For those who don't know what this is: It's a "new" MMO with pretty fixed classes and roles.
At the Headstart weekend I tried out a Slayer. Found it pretty cool. But switched to Warrior for now and... well I don't really know what I want to play.

But I've got an Idea while playing the Slayer: "Can I rebuild this in DnD?".

Ok the informative details first. The Slayer is a light armored class that wields a really Large Greatsword. He is capable to Stunning Enemies for a short time and to Trip (at least till 33, thats the point we switched server from PvP to PvE) them. Additionally his attacks do area damage (like whirlwind attack) and he can do a overhand chop that deals high damage and is used faster if he used another style (Whirlwind Strike, Knockdown or his Stunning Strike) beforehand.

For DnD I thought about following feats to be needed to emulate this:
Whirlwind Attack (Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise), Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Power Attack

But because of needing that many feats (and my lack of experience with ToB) I can't really come up with a build without using too many fighter levels.

I would be grateful if someone of you had a similar thought or is able to help me get this one build.

I hope you can help me, since I would really like to test this sort of character in a campaign that might come soon.

2012-05-07, 07:54 AM
Warblade gets Whirlwind Attack-style attack as a maneuver; I suggest going that route. Warblade with Improved Trip, Knock-Down (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown) & Power Attack is probably going to cover what you want. They're even medium armored max by default (that's just a matter of Dex).

2012-05-07, 08:04 AM

So far it seems it would start as a Level 1 Human Warblade with:
H: Combat Expertise
1: Improved Trip

a 2 level dip of fighter would grant:
Combat Reflexes, Knock Down and Power Attack, that way I lose only one Initiator Level, right?

2012-05-07, 08:05 AM
At first I thought the name was either a weird typo or some kind of pun on "Tarrasque". :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:
That's about all I can contribute to this discussion.

2012-05-07, 08:08 AM

So far it seems it would start as a Level 1 Human Warblade with:
H: Combat Expertise
1: Improved Trip

a 2 level dip of fighter would grant:
Combat Reflexes, Knock Down and Power Attack, that way I lose only one Initiator Level, right?

Yeah, a 2-level Fighter-dip is viable in a Warblade shell.

2012-05-07, 08:20 AM
At first I thought the name was either a weird typo or some kind of pun on "Tarrasque". :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:
That's about all I can contribute to this discussion.

A Tarrasque is killed via drowning. :smalltongue:

For the Maneuver and Stance choice, I got to like Iron Heart but I don't think that this will fit the character. Any advice on the schools, and what maneuvers I should take? I'm AFB because I get my copy of ToB at (16.05.2012).

2012-05-07, 01:07 PM
A Tarrasque is killed via drowning. :smalltongue:

For the Maneuver and Stance choice, I got to like Iron Heart but I don't think that this will fit the character. Any advice on the schools, and what maneuvers I should take? I'm AFB because I get my copy of ToB at (16.05.2012).

I think you should take Iron Heart just 'cause the Whirlwind Attack maneuvers are there. Just selectively pick to maneuvers according to your fancy. Tiger Claw or White Raven can both do the BIG ATTACKS shtick very well, Iron Heart has some Block-maneuvers and Stone Dragon should have at least Mountain Hammer for breaking things.

2012-08-02, 12:38 PM

I'll revive this thread:

We started a new group to test the new player we'll get (seeing if he mixes well with us, as he is nearly double my age and that's not a few years).

I rolled a Warblade with quite awesome stats:
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 15 Wis 14 Cha 11

Feats I took:
EWP(Spikedchain) and Power Attack.

I thought about going a Tripping route (hence the Spiked Chain and Greatsword as weapons).

My Gear:
Greatsword, Spiked Chain, Breastplate(MW), Standard Adventurers Kit + Sigil-Ring and Holy Symbol, Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

My Stance is "still" open I didn't use it last session and think I could change it since it doesn't have any real Impact. I choose Punishing Stance.
For Maneuvers I took the Moment of Perfect Clarity and Steel Wind (already decapitated 2 kobolds with it) and as I somehow remembered it wrong Saphire Nightmare Blade.

My Plan is still quite the same as above.

Warblade 1/Fighter 2/ Warblade...
But now I'm thinking about feats. At level 3 I'll have: Improved Trip and Knockdown/Stand Still. I'm not so sure about Stand Still since I'll still only have one AoO... but it could still ruin a charge...

Another point:
How can I later exchange Maneuvers?

Hope you can help me again with this and I hope this turns out good.

2012-08-02, 12:46 PM
Level 4 and every 2 levels thereafter you can forget an old maneuver and replace it with a new one you qualify for.

Worth mentioning that maneuvers can fulfill their own requirements after you've learned them. That is to say, you need 1 other Tiger Claw maneuver when you learn "Sudden Leap" but afterwards you can retrain the other Tiger Claw Maneuver and Sudden Leap still remains usable.

You could take Combat Reflexes before Stand Still.

2012-08-02, 02:50 PM
"Trip until 33"
I assume that's your character level? How high does the game go? If you want that part of the character build to scale, it could be difficult:
Tripping until level 33 in a game that goes to 40 is hard to translate into a D&D game, when it means tripping until level 16 in a game that goes to 20.

If you like tripping, check out Jotunbrud from Faerun. (Races of, or Players guide to)
Warning: It is not powerful build. It has no effect on weapon size.
To change weapon size, dig into [Heavy] weapons from Magic of Faerun. Double check with the DM on how he thinks it should work, since MoF was written in 3.0 with different weapon size rules.

2012-08-02, 03:32 PM
"Trip until 33"
I assume that's your character level? How high does the game go? If you want that part of the character build to scale, it could be difficult:
Tripping until level 33 in a game that goes to 40 is hard to translate into a D&D game, when it means tripping until level 16 in a game that goes to 20.

If you like tripping, check out Jotunbrud from Faerun. (Races of, or Players guide to)
Warning: It is not powerful build. It has no effect on weapon size.
To change weapon size, dig into [Heavy] weapons from Magic of Faerun. Double check with the DM on how he thinks it should work, since MoF was written in 3.0 with different weapon size rules.

DnD Char-Level is 1. Tera we stopped at level 38... pvp was frustating and playing a melee there was more dodge dodge dodge than do damage...
The problem is: I already made the decision to be a Untherian Human, whorshipping Bahamut, while maintaining to be NG instead of Chaotic Good.

I don't want it to be too cheesy, as I don't know if we advance more or introduce the new player to the other "group" where I'm currently playing a level 6 Warlock.

And afaik Tera was going up to level 46 when we stopped. And the max-level slayer would also still do this. Not sooo often against the gigantic bosses but still...

2012-08-02, 03:51 PM
My first thought when seeing this thread: "Well, if you're character's female, she'll need Gloryforged armor..." :smalltongue:

(No, I don't actually have anything useful to add. Sorry.)

2012-08-02, 04:01 PM
My first thought when seeing this thread: "Well, if you're character's female, she'll need Gloryforged armor..." :smalltongue:

(No, I don't actually have anything useful to add. Sorry.)

Was that the enchantment that lets your armor look like you want?

ATM I have a Masterworked Breastplate.... going to take up a Mithril Full Plate later... far later. Together with that Crystal that let's you sleep confortable in her Armor.

2012-08-02, 04:25 PM
Was that the enchantment that lets your armor look like you want?

I think that's Glamoured you're thinking of - the one Tarquin's using in the current OotS story. Gloryforged is the 'chainmail bikini that's as good as real chainmail' enchantment. :smallwink:

2012-08-02, 04:30 PM
I think that's Glamoured you're thinking of - the one Tarquin's using in the current OotS story. Gloryforged is the 'chainmail bikini that's as good as real chainmail' enchantment. :smallwink:

Wait... you have no Bikini Mail statted out in your campaign? Suddenly I'm sorry for you...^^

2012-08-02, 04:38 PM
Wait... you have no Bikini Mail statted out in your campaign? Suddenly I'm sorry for you...^^

Not in a table full of guys. Especially not when the only guy to play a female character makes them anorexicly skinny, and slutty beyond belief.

Now I'm curious, how old is this new guy? Is he new to the table? Or new to D&D entirely?

2012-08-02, 05:54 PM
If it helps any and drag mag is allowed, Monk-fighter variant. Get whirlwind attack at level 1 while ignoring pre-reqs. Also, Sword and fist errata has knock-down as bonus fighter feat so can take another level of monk for getting knockdown feat 'free'. Saves will help too.

2012-08-02, 06:13 PM
You could take a 1 level dip in monk, just to get Stunning Fist.

2012-08-03, 02:12 AM
Not in a table full of guys. Especially not when the only guy to play a female character makes them anorexicly skinny, and slutty beyond belief.

Now I'm curious, how old is this new guy? Is he new to the table? Or new to D&D entirely?

New to the Table. His old Group split a year ago due to work and moving to other cities or something like that.
As I said he is ~44. I really had to think how old I am just now... TGIF.
The Session itself was a bit of awkward, new guy and so but it was fun. His character is quite mysterious but I hope it's going to work. We'll be speaking about that with the other two on Thursday (he's on vacation with his family).

Nope Dragon Mag is out. Except maybe Eldritch Claws as I already told the DM about them and he thought they are quite good balanced for what they give and what they take. But that would certainly not help me.

Problem is a) alignment b) multiclassing c) too low DC and I think Tripping and Whirlwindattacks should suffice for now. With Knockdown I get practically free Trip Attempts. 2d4 (average of 5) + 6 is most of the time more than 10 and IF I loose the Chain, I have a greatsword as Backup.

Books allowed:
PHB, PHB2, ToB, Completes (yes all of them), Most Faerun Books (I think Lords of Madness is not on the List), and some other books that I can't tell from memory (maybe UA when I get it back from my old group).