View Full Version : Servants for a Fang Dragon

2012-05-07, 03:47 PM
Exactly what the title says. I can't think of any creatures to be slaves/ servants/accomplices for a fang dragon. He is based in a forest ruin. Any ideas?

2012-05-08, 07:49 AM
Exactly what the title says. I can't think of any creatures to be slaves/ servants/accomplices for a fang dragon. He is based in a forest ruin. Any ideas?

Well... building on a theme: Fang Golems.

Lots of fun when the PCs figure out that they explode. If I'm feeling devious, add some patches of brown mold or snowflake lichen.

Other than that... since the Fang Dragon's bite does Con damage, I'd look for something poison-ish. Actually, I'd strongly consider having the Fang Dragon cultivating a garden of Dread Blossom Swarms (MMIII). If the Fang Dragon has at least DR 12 (give it the Thick-Skinned feat from Savage Species if need be), then it will be immune to the Dread Blossom's Blood Drain (Ex), Distraction (Ex), and Poison Pollen (Ex) attacks.

2012-05-08, 11:16 AM
In the campaign I'm currently DMing there is an orc stronghold commanded by one of these. The dragon is actually worshipped as a deity, and it is believed by the orcs that no creature is worthy of speaking to the beast, except for the Voice (a member of the tribe who learns Draconic and acts as both the warchief's counselor and the high priest). The dragon's name is unknown for most people, who call him "Scourge".

The current Voice is Scourge's daughter, an orcish half-dragon dragonfire adept.

It has worked well so far. The orcs respect the fang dragon's lack of a breath weapon, saying that "magic is for weaklings". Scourge doesn't need elven tricks to achieve victory (well, the orcs think so, at least...)

2012-05-08, 11:51 AM
Goblinoids! A half-fang dragon bugbear would be pretty wicked.

2012-05-08, 12:51 PM
Hmm...what have we got here (Draco 159 for those following along at home):

Temperate Mountains
Greedy, rapacious and cunning.
"Bony" appearance, with spikes, spines, and protrusions everywhere.
Hunt a wide range, use boulders to block up entrance when out.
Willing to bargain when necessary, but prone to random violence and outbursts.
Meat eaters, especially intelligent foes.

Melee-focused...extra melee damage, no breath weapon, slow spell progression (1st level at YA/CR 8), so unless it's a VERY high level enounter the casting won't be coming from the dragon.

Servators are going to be a problem right off the start here. Most classic servitors are going to be eaten or killed in a fit of rage (or both). Whoever is left needs to be able to:

1) Not enrage the master.
2) Handle being walled up inside the lair when the master is out and about hunting.
3) Get something beneficial out of this arrangement.

I like the golem approach, though obviously the fang dragon itself is not the one manufacturing them...so enter a spellcaster. Never underestimate a dragon's capacity for self-delusion, especially if someone knows the right ego buttons to press (and has a backup plan to be elsewhere when necessary if the dragon is angry).

I can see two nearly-equal powered allies...the fang dragon who fancies himself in charge and the caster as a minion, who sees himself as the dominant partner because...well...he's a dragon. What more is there?

...and the caster. He sees the dragon as a manipulatable brute, a big ball of rage and power that with only a moderate amount of effort can be aimed at the targets HE wants to see obliterated. Keeping one step ahead is a mental exercise, one that keeps him sharp and feeling alive.

Caster levels can easily exceed these limits, and golems buffed up by HD...these are minimums.

Fang Golems (CR 6) require a Druid 7 (appropriate to a Young Adult CR8 Fang Dragon)

Rune Golems (CR 8, Dragon 343) require a Druid 9 (appropriate to an Adult CR10 Fang Dragon)
Also very in-theme...bone protrusions, spikey explosions...good mix with Fangs.

Mud Golems (CR 11) require an Arcanist 14 (appropriate to an Old CR 15 Fang Dragon)
Which would be ironic, since the golems have a breath weapon the Dragon lacks.

Dragonbone Golems (CR 12) require an Arcanist 13, also appropriate to an Old Fang Dragon
Very thematic, with how 'bony' fang dragons are. "reconstructing" a mate, or a rival?

Drakestone Golem (CR 15) requires an Arcanist 16, appropriate to a Very Old CR 17 Fang Dragon
Sculpted to resemble the Fang Dragon, perhaps?

Of course, you could take the "bony" thing another direction entirely and go undead...wherein the sky would be the limit for the companion necromancer and choice of minions.