View Full Version : Her Dark Majesty Saga Part 1: Where the Fallen Jarls Sleep

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-07, 08:22 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242633)

Disturbing shadows have grown long over the northern reaches of The Land of Song. The fierce people who once fished the chilly fjords and hunted in the evergreen peaks now huddle in their villages. An evil is abroad in the land. Outlying villages and holdings have become abandoned, their populations missing. Hunting parties and traders have vanished. Bandits and worse roam the lands unchecked. The harvests have soured and now, as winter descends, the Clans fear that their meager stores shall not last. A Moon ago, the six most powerful clans each sent their champion to discover the source of blight. The six never returned, nor has any trace been found. Putting aside his pride, Yngvar, the old Jarl of the Clans, has called for outlander heroes to aid the free peoples, promising great rewards and remembrance in song. The journey to Yngvar’s halls was long and arduous. The last leaves have fallen, and the cool air blowing off the sea has turned sharp and cold. The first morning frosts already grip the soil. Siri, the Jarl’s wise woman, has consulted with the ancestors of the Clans. An old evil has arisen, they say, full of anger at the living. The stain on the land originates from the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, where all the Clans’ chieftains are laid to rest. The evil will not abate, the ancestors warn, for it bears a great malice for past deeds and hungers for vengeance. Siri has sought to discover what offense has been made, what appeasement can be offered; all for naught. Two nights ago, guards along the wooden palisade protecting Yngvar’s Hall disappeared. The spring calves have died and the poultry refuse to lay. The heroes are charged with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. The well protected gorge can be found on the eastern shoulder of a particularly rugged mountain some three days’ travel from Yngvar’s hall. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords?

A gentle breeze blows through the barren white landscapes ever so slightly blowing your hair as your wagon comes into view of Yngvar’s Hall. For long hours have you rode with the wagon driver Leonus a kind fellow he was, as he was the only person kind enough to who take you up road to the great Hall. It is here that the eight of you met here in Leo's wagon, he promised to take you up to the hall and a cheap bargain it was to, but that is of little coincidence what perks your attention is the strangers you now ride with.

"There's our stop just up ahead," Leonus says to you. He doesn't have to point out the immense town gate or surrounding farms.

"I'm thankful that there was no need for you to wear your arms on the trip," he continues. "I guess that the raider that frequent these roads are busy elsewhere, or they've just been scarred off like the townsfolk. Anyways, there she is the Great Yngvar’s hall, I can take you as far as the main gate and then I must be returning home or the wife I get worried you know." He smirks at you. "An if you be needin a place for your mounts there the stables right outside the town gate." He says pointing towards the old rickety shed which you would hardly count as a stable. "Now just sit tight for just another few moments, ride ain't over yet." with that he grabs hold of his reins and the wagon continues it's slow pace. You feel that this will be your last moments of peace and quiet for a long long time....

Feel free to begin RPing amongst yourselves for the next while. No dice rolls yet though please, just actions and speech.

2012-05-07, 10:59 PM

Enjoying the silence before the big introduction to his next location, Zerak studies the others from under his long hood, that covers all but his scruff face. his hands clinch in and out, repeating the stretch constantly. Zerak wiggles at his right wrist, calming down his arm, and then goes back to the stretch. Peaking around, he comes to an assumption, that he will be the only of his type in these ranks of eight. Thinking calmly, he understands it to be a good thing, leaving everyone cable of being a target, and no one man safe.

2012-05-08, 02:48 AM
As our arrival time at Yangvar's Hall nears, you can almost feel the tension rising among my new compatriots and I, Akasha writes in her journal. Our destination has just come in sight after a days journey, and I still feel as though I hardly know the group I have been riding with. My mind has been so focused on what is to come that I've barely partaken in the conversations that have occurred so far on this trip. It does seem though that they are all fairly reasonable. It is unreasonable, however, to pass judgment on them knowing what little I currently know. I do however fear the imminent act of passion from one of the half-orcs that ends up jeopardizing our well-being. Sometimes their kind can bring too much havoc for their own good. Hopefully, they're careful in their actions though. Hopefully, we all are. We will surely need to be. Closing her journal and glancing at what seem to be her new friends, Akasha takes a deep breath and turns her attention to the city as it grows larger in front of them.

Chained Birds
2012-05-08, 08:04 AM

The black-robed man atop his "loyal" steed removes his hood to survey the area. Having joined the caravan in order to make the passage of time more enjoyable, he mainly kept to himself like most adventurers even though he never felt like much of an adventurer til now.
The white landscape complimented his one blue eye, while flushing out his black one. He rubs his eyes at the sight of all the white and brightness after so long under the hood. He was fortunate to come across winter gear and in a color he enjoyed, though how he came across the wardrobe escapes him. Praise Azathoth for poor memory or else Desmund might have committed suicide by now if he could remember every horrid image that plagued his head.
Noticing the others readying themselves to depart, Desmund decides to introduce himself to them; perhaps again if he has already forgot about doing it before.

"Furor on to thee my traveling companions today. Are you also heading in this direction? And if I haven't mentioned it yet, my name is Desmund; Heiratic Desmund as I've also been known. And this here is Armalon; he's a jerk."

The man named Desmund has long hair, extending to past his shoulders, that seems to curl up halfway down in an unusual fashion; almost like it is bobbing around on an invisible ocean around Desmund's head.

2012-05-08, 10:33 AM
The elf had been resting his chin in his hands, lost in contemplation. At the sound he stirred and straightened. "Hail Desmond and well met. We are all of the same destination, the hall of the Yarl-king, unless I miss my guess. Odd it seems and ill it bodes for us to come all together before he who's employ we shall soon enter without common will or unity in name at least.

Phanes I call myself, from the southern lands. In the ars arcanum do my skills lie. I would not in good consciousness place myself as chief of our negotiators at the bargaining table for I am better versed at conversing with sun and sky than with men."

He glanced at the other's in the wagon and looked distinctly uncomfortable to have said so many words all together.

2012-05-08, 02:39 PM

Rogar turns around upon hearing voices. After spending most of the first fday trying to strike up any conversation with the collection of shady characters, shy sharlas, and country bumpkins and failing, he might finally have some conversation. That of course is not counting the nonverbal posturing that had been going on, nor the strange utterances that came out of that strange fellow on the horse at random intervals, nor the wagon driver's inane banter, nor even the unintelligible conversations that only two brothers could have. Of course, none of them had even thought twice about furthering their lives through the way of Irori. So Rogar was left to meditate in the wagon and practice his exercises in camp, then fall asleep. However, now it looks like his boredom might be over.

"Thank goodness. Much further north and my armor would have frozen to my skin. Am I right?" He bumps his nearest companion that isn't that scary looking human in the cloak. "I believe that I should lead the negotiations with the chief about our salary since I am the only one here who seems to enjoy the arts of conversation, except of course for our lovely driver who is now leaving us to go home with his wife, who has a freckle on her chin, a scar from when she sat on a scythe by accident, and many other wonderful details I have learned on this trip. Now, are there any concerns that anyone else has that I should address with the King? Anyone?"

Please dear god don't let Rogar be the party spokesperson. And not just because of his -1 in Charisma.

2012-05-08, 04:27 PM

The burly Half-Orcs calloused hands held the reins tightly as he rode his horse at an even gait next to the wagon. He rode alongside his twin brother, his eyes scanning the sides of the road and darting up to take a look at cloud cover from time to time.

He was at home outside, he and his brother having traveled far on horse back, or foot. As they traveled north he seemed to take no notice of the more chill winds that blew. His furs were tight along his muscular form, but there was plenty of his flesh exposed where his armor did not cover him. Tough looking, almost leathery skin shown there. This one had been inured to harsh conditions.

He rode along in silence, most of his short strings of words saved for his brother. Xamot pondered what they may find here in the Land of Song. He knew he could meet it with steel. He only hoped that was enough.

As the well dressed one in the wagon began to speak, his sharp blue eyes turned on the man. He listened, and only a furrow his brow and the turning back of his head seemed to be his answer. For now he disregarded such talk, always allowing Tomax to handle the finer talking points.

Chained Birds
2012-05-08, 04:48 PM

"Hmm, so we got two who might want to represent us as a whole. I'm fine with either as some find conversations with me to lead down very odd roads. Perhaps we shall flip a coin to determine who speaks for us?"

Desmund fishes for a copper piece from his coin purse.

"So tails for Phanes; as he is quite skittish about taking on the role but is not unwilling. Heads for (I believe he once said his name was something like Ogar or something); as he wants to be the face of our group."
- 1 = Tails
- 2 = Heads
"Congrats Ogar, the fates have deemed you a worthy mouth for our group."

2012-05-08, 04:55 PM

Taking part in the conversation, Zerak lowers his snow white hood, letting his cloak crinkle from the shoulders down. His emerald eyes peer off like a cat's senses. His face, although scratched meagerly across the left cheek, is soft and less brazen then what his voice and posture amounts to. His hooded cloak stays baggy on his arms, and the only things shown are his perfectly dexterous hands. Sharp, like a surgeon's, he looks at the men on horseback, then back to the departing wagon. Finally, resting on the main talkers, he looks on with pure emptiness. "Do you need the sound of chatter? Or are you just innocently making chit chat? Not to be a jerk so early in the trek, but, I'd rather hear more about the king's willingness to pay, and the actual job. So, if you WANT to talk to the king, or figure-head, please, do bring that all up. As for the meaningless conversation, I wouldn't get used to it."

Zerak turns directly into a beam of snow white light, and digs back into his cloak, resuming his Zorro like appearance against the harsh backdrop. Twitching his hands around, they jolt here and there, as if he were warming up for something to puncture. His legs' movements jingle softly to his belt, and the sound of clinking metal chafes his waist holster for his beloved dagger. He's open of his pride in his art, and the knife has grooves all along it, closely resembling tally marks as a number of kills he has confirmed. If only.

2012-05-08, 07:11 PM

A shiver awakens the hulking form riding next to Xomat. Having dozed off from the beating sunlight, he glanced over to his companions caught up in conversation. He chuckled heartily to himself then leaned close to his brother and growled softly. He laughed again as Xomat gets the joke and they start up a healthy conversation of barks and yips, glancing over his brother's shoulder at the others to see if they register anything being said.

The barks and yips are gnoll. For any that can understand, I make a stab about how the the men in our troupe sound more like clucking hens then grizzled warriors.

Adjusting the furs surrounding his frame, glints of steel and iron can be seen underneath. Tomax spurred his horse forward to speak with the wagon driver. "OY! Driver! There be any meat or ale at this hear fancy Garl you be taken us? I've the hunger to eat the south end of a northbound bugbear right now!" A deep belly-laugh follows his joke and he pulls back, falling in next to his brother watching the trees for signs of movement.

2012-05-08, 11:51 PM

"Well at his point in time there is hardly much of the mission or the rewards to talk about considering we don't even know if we have all the information that the King has," Akasha states. "I know it seems already decided that Rogar shall speak on the behalf of us all, but I cant help but notice that you dont seem to be very enthusiastic about this idea, Am I correct?", she asks. "If that is truly the case I am fairly comfortable with taking on that task. I like to think of myself as fairly well versed in most social situations.", as she turns her attention towards the group, to participate in the conversation

2012-05-09, 07:41 AM

Rogar is pleasantly surprised by the groups approval of his proposal. Putting aside an urge to do an acceptance speech and the temptation to respond to that angry ne'er-do-well in the corner, he replies politely. "Thank you for your support, although my name is Rogar by dear friend. I shall seek to do my best to put our group in a favorable light, and I promise to get the Brothers a good meal as soon as possible, although I doubt it will be a problem from what I have heard of these lands. Zerak, I realize you might not be one for conversation, but not only does it have its uses, it can be a wonderful way to pass the time. Although, Akasha is it?, if you want to speak as well I would welcome your presence, as you do seem to know how to use your words! Now let us go forth and rock!" Seeing their confused faces at his use of a dwarven idiom, Rogar shrugs and shakes it off, Rogar looks forward to try to anticipate where the wagon will stop so he can jump off and stretch his legs.

2012-05-09, 11:52 AM
The elf brought a palm to his head and rubbed his temples. Under his breath he muttered something that sounded like, "Shikata ga nai"

2012-05-09, 02:15 PM
When Arn had come out of the woods with Maw, he had frightened the horses quite badly. He had heard talking on the road and it had made him curious, because travelers were somewhat rare these days. When he realized how he was dressed, it made sense though. He was wearing his beloved deer-skull helmet that he'd made in homage to Brother Deer after a particularly grueling hunt. The buck had been very large, and his antlers an impressive ten points, and Arn had painted it a crimson red. Couple that with his sickle, his armor of enchanted leaves and his shaggy, moss and foliage strewn cloak, and he looked something out of a nightmare.

After some swift apologies the driver, a man named Leonus, agreed to take him to the Jarl's hall. He'd picked up some other traveler's along the way, and Arn did his best to seem nonthreatening as he walked alongside. Druids were not always a welcome sight.

He took off his helmet and addressed his traveling companions. His blond hair was knotted and bits of leaves and twigs poked through it.

"Sorry for scaring you, sister Horses. Brother Deer can have that effect, thought I don't appear to upset any of you. No? Good. that would make for a poor first meeting, would it not? Are you going to the Jarl? I mean to speak with him about this wound in Mother Earth and see what can be done about it."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-09, 02:42 PM
Leonus cannot help but overhear your conversation's and butts in ubrubtly, "You mean to say you don't know, the Jarl is as sick as a dog and I highly doubt he is in any fit condition to meet anyone at the present. Some say he was cursed but the wise woman Siri seems to think that he caught some strange disease, rumor's been spreading around a lot lately, this is definitely not the best time for the Clans I can tell ye that much."

@Tomax: "Oh you'll be in for a feast all right lad, Yngvars Hall is home to some of the Greatest mead halls in all the land! An if that don't satisfy you the feat sure will." Leo grins merrily at his comment.

The wagon continues slowly trotting along the rough path, farmlands line either side of you most appear to be abandoned and it is clear to your eye that no crop grows, that which does is all rotten and inedible. The sight gives you a eerie and dark feeling inside, there is something about this place that just isn't right.

Leonus scowls at the barren farmlands, "Look what's become of us. Once we stood bravely among the north we had strength and power but now just look, pathetic I say." He say's in a deep and foreboding tone, though he seems to be mostly just talking to himself. After a while of staring down the barren farms he turns towards you all with a smile on his face and simply says. "Now don't get to comfortable back there stops just right ahead."

Think it would be good to give you all a little more time to converse amongst yourselves.

2012-05-09, 03:06 PM
Something about the farm made Arn's skin crawl, and Maw growled deep in his throat.

"I feel it too, little brother. Just a moment Leonus."

Arn stepped off the road and into one of the fields. He stooped close to the ground and took a bit of soil and began to rub it into his hands, mumbling a prayer.

I'd like to roll Know: Nature, because this sight is troubling to Arn. He wants to know if the cause is natural or unnatural.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-09, 03:24 PM
The soil itself has an unnatural essence to it, all nutrience has been drained from the earth here and a tainted essence flows from it sending a chill down your spine. This is no plague no drought this is the work of something far more sinister, the mystery of it all boggles you and you feel that Maw senses the same taint in the earth. This is far from anything natural at least that you've seen.

2012-05-09, 03:36 PM
Arn winced and gave an involuntary shiver. He rose from where he crouched and washed his hands with water from his skein.

"It is worse than we thought, little brother."

He turned and walked back to the wagon, shaking his head.

"Mother Earth is grievously wounded. Do not eat of any plant from this land, nor drink any water that you do not first purify. I am loathe even to touch this blighted earth. It was wise for the farmer's to leave, though they may have carried the taint with them. We shall see."

2012-05-09, 05:32 PM
Rogar accepts the Druids words, nodding in appreciation. "Well, its a good thing I brought some good dwarven breadloaf with me. Shame about the Jarl. Will there be someone there able enough to be in charge, or should we just spend the night and hurry off?" he says as he returns his gaze to Leonus.

2012-05-09, 05:42 PM

Tired with the wait, and sitting in one spot for so long, Zerak flung himself out of the carriage, plopping both feet perfectly firm onto the ground. Walking along side the horse back rider for a bit, he scowls invisibly beneath his long white hood. Moving up to the front, almost showing off how fast on his feet he is, Zerak plays perfectly in turn with the head horse, not wanting to get leg cramps in the tight space.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-09, 06:06 PM
Leonus looks at Arn with a concerned look in his eyes and says, "Is it truly that bad Druid, perhaps you will be of greater aid to our people than the last." He takes a short breath and then mutters under his breath. "I sure hope so."

Leonus responds almost immediately to Rogar, "Siri is likely the one you should see if she isn't with the Jarl at this time, she is likely at the Palace of Kings, at her study or as i said with Jarl Yngvar but then again what do I know, I haven't been in town for more than a month now. "

2012-05-09, 07:35 PM
Arn resumed his place beside the wagon and waited for the driver to start off again. He noticed the white-hooded man, barely into adulthood it seemed, twitch and move about restlessly.

"Our young friend wishes to be off it seems. I too confess a desire to reach the Jarl, or whoever speaks in his name."

He paused and scratched at his beard.

I also admit to a bit of curiosity. The restless lad I can partially understand. But what business does a dwarf, an elf, a halfling and two half-orcs have in this country? Adventurers? Mercenaries? A bit of a strange sight, isn't it little brother?"

2012-05-09, 07:49 PM

Hearing what Arn had found, he grimaced a bit further. He knew his way around the flora and fauna of his homeland, but to see such a blight upon the north actually made the large man worry a bit.

He turned his head and made a few short yips and low growling noise. A communication to his brother that he was unhappy with such poor tidings.

He tightened his grip on the reins, watching the one who took to going by foot, a snort of his large nose letting on to what he thought of the matter. They would be there soon. Surely this seer would have more concrete information for them.

2012-05-09, 08:11 PM

Zerak turns on the man, and scowls rather vocally from under his hood. "Let's just put something to rest. I'm not your friend. Never wanted to be. I like the silence, it helps me unwind. As per restless. I really want to murder. The sooner we get to this place, the sooner i get to kill." Zerak never peeked from under his hooded cloak, but stayed in perfect stride, even backwards. The heat from his words gave him comfort in the chilled wind, and he turned back around, staying silent, and resuming the stoic figure of what he sets out to become before the end of this. An Assassin.

2012-05-09, 08:56 PM
"Murder is it? As a maxim of murder leads to contradiction and as ex falso quodlibet you are liable to do anything. Moreover, as murder is the thing you desire for itself you do not need a reason to kill all of us and might damage your own well-being for the chance to murder us.

What assurance do we have save your unvalidated and very suspect word that you will not murder all of us in our sleep, during combat, or after the problem is rectified? Please thing carefully before responding."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-09, 09:11 PM
Leonus is shocked by Zerak's sudden outburst, he never thought that of the young lad before and a look of concern crosses his face turning behind he whispers to Arn, "Not very friendly is he, poor lad."

As you get closer you can now make out the brighter details of the large sturdy wooden palisade surrounding the hold, at least a half dozen guards stand armed at the entrance alone and several archers can be seen in the wooden towers that stretch only just enough above the wall for the archers to give a clear shot as well as offer a great defensive location. A short distance west of the gate lies the hold's stables or what serves as them at least you see no mounts here at this moment and by the look of the place's condition you doubt the stable have very few uses as of late. Only a few minutes now.

Chained Birds
2012-05-09, 09:46 PM

Desmund leads his horse to the stables and ties his weary steed off in a shaded place (if there is one). He then directs his attention towards the strange group of people who have joined in aiding these woeful lands.

"I wonder who will be the Jarl's proxy?"

He converses with himself about this question as he joins back up with the group. He wonders if it would be a family member, a trusted adviser, head mage, young boy, or some trustworthy woman. It would be silly if the proxy was a dog or a sign saying "Need Help, refer to this guy for advice. -->"

2012-05-09, 10:06 PM

Rogar looks over at the hooded man, silently making a note to take watches with him so he couldn't stab me while I'm sleeping. He silently applauds the elf, while realizing it might be a bad idea to vocalize his agreement. Instead, he focus on Arn, feeling almost sorry at how his useful comments have been depreciated by the group.

"Since you asked so nicely, its the least I can do to answer your question. I have come to the north to spread the word of Irori, and teach these northerners of the paths to self-improvement and enlightenment. And while each person has their own, it is important for me to give advice, as having a friend along the way certainly would not hurt. Also, doing great deeds in the service of the god is my way of celebrating him beyond simple prayer, and I hope my blessings can help save this poor land from a fate it seems that no-one should deserve." He looks reproachfully at the others, hoping to shame them into some sort of response other than Mr. Murder over there.

2012-05-09, 11:08 PM
Arn shrugged and continued walking. He was not offended by the younger man's words. It was natural. A cub fresh from his den, and a hungry one at that.

"You're a predator then. Naturally, you wish to kill. Good, wonderful even. All creatures have their place in nature, not the least of which are predators. But recall, young one, the wolf who hunts alone often dies that way, and usually in the teeth of some larger predator. Better to have a pack, yes?"

He turned to the dwarf with a quizzical look on his face.

"You spread the word of Irori? Is it a god or a concept? I don't understand."

2012-05-10, 01:16 AM

Tomax returned a low growl to his kin, agreeing that the druid's tidings did not bode well for this trip. He shifted again in his saddle, reaching up and adjusting how his giant axe sat against his back.

Tomax grinned in amusement as the young one in the white cloak spouted off about murder and such. Such people were usually the first to fall when the real fighting began. "Hey Squirt! You be saying you want to kill someone, but have ya done it before? Have ya felt the warmth of a man run over ya knuckles as th' light fades from his eyes? I have, and it be not as glorious as ya think."

Chained Birds
2012-05-10, 02:45 AM
Tomax grinned in amusement as the young one in the white cloak spouted off about murder and such. Such people were usually the first to fall when the real fighting began. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Hey Squirt! You be saying you want to kill someone, but have ya done it before? Have ya felt the warmth of a man run over ya knuckles as th' light fades from his eyes? I have, and it be not as glorious as ya think."


"I've done that before. But not only did the man bleed out, his hair also turned snow white and his body turned weak and old. It only happened once, but it was pretty interesting to watch to say the least. Not something I'll be wanting to repeat anytime soon, as it gave me nightmares (more so than usual) for over 7 weeks.
It's amazing how one can remember most every nightmare they have had in their life, but it's the good dreams that seem to escape."

Desmund mind wanders off for a bit, with his eyes trembling and his skin paling. As though he were staring at something horrendous beyond belief. But he quickly recovers. His one Green eye still a bit twitchy.

2012-05-10, 02:47 AM

"If our young friend wants to kill specifically for the sake of doing so then he shall do it with or without our approval. It will be his soul that will be damned to serve under asmodeus for all of eternity. I trust justice will come to him on swift wings."

2012-05-10, 11:03 AM
"As I said, I worry not that he will murder but that he will murder us. Though I am reminded of a halfling I have heard told about."

2012-05-10, 12:41 PM
While the others busied themselves with conversation, Arn spoke with Maw.

"I think you should stay outside of the town, little brother. You tend to scare Mother Earth's other children, and you like to pick fights with your tame cousins. Don't venture too far, and don't eat anyone. I shouldn't be long."

With Maw taken care of, Arn moved toward the building Leonus had indicated, hoping to find the Jarl's proxy.

2012-05-10, 02:27 PM
Rogar turns to stare at the strange rider's cryptic comment. An involuntary shiver runs down his spine. 'The lands not the only unnatural thing around here...' he thinks to himself. This is counterbalanced by the fact that the others share his distrust of the shady man who speaks of murder. Ignoring them, he turns back to Arn, thinking up a different tack on which to explain Irori.

"Irori is indeed a god, though he was once mortal. He teaches through example, by following his path we mortals may attain powers others can only dream about through self-improvement. Us priests of Irori seek to lead new believers onto a path that will only benefit them. His pragmatic faith is open to all, and merely requires you engage in improving your mind and body in focused exercise and meditation. He is above the quarrels of other gods, and yet accepts them all, as everyone has value. Most of all, Irori teaches that by bettering yourself, you can accomplish more, and that is why I revere him above all others."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-10, 03:13 PM
The guards don't even react to you as the wagon halts a few paces from the entrance to the lustrous town, Leonus turns towards you and says, "This is were you get off lads now don't cause any trouble while I'm gone and spoil my reputation." He grins at you. Not long after he turns to face the six guards now eyeballing the eight of you Leonus breaks in and speaks on your behalf, "Greeting oh guards of Hjalmar's Hold." The largest of the Guards speaks out, "Another group of yours Leo, I'd like to see your story behind these ones eh." He says bumping his nearby companion with his shoulder, the six then erupt in laughter but Leo makes no move simply waits for them to calm. "Laugh if you will but this time they came to me, needed a ride up here they did. This group is different I can feel it." The burly guards man let out one hearty laugh more to mock Leo than anything else.

"You said the same about the last group you brought up here and were are they now Leo, face it the Clans are in no need of your help or that of any out lander I don't give a damn what the Jarl said but look at him now as he lies on his deathbed. These are troubled time I can agree but with the way you make a fuss it's like you think an army's of devil marches on our lands." The man sneers. "If this little groupie of your still wants in then so be it, but don't come crying to me when they find there deaths searching for a false 'evil'."

Leonus' face is full of disgust at the guards continued mockery he keeps his distance however trying not to be overcome with rage he spits onto the cobblestone path below and turns to face the man. "Aye, laugh if you will! But who knows what shapes of horror have had birth in the darkness, the cold gloom, and the whistling black gulfs of the North? In the southern lands the sun shines and flowers bloom; under the soft skies men laugh at demons. But in the North, who can say what elemental spirits of evil dwell in the fierce storms and the darkness? Laugh and mock me if you will but don't come crying to me when the darkness swoops the lands, it we be them." He says gesturing to the eight of you. "Who will be the one's standing atop a mountain of glory not any of you lowlife's who stand and watch denying anything out of your range of experience."

With that Leonus stops his rant and the guards just stare at him and the eight of you silently they do not flinch or move, Leonus grins as he sees his speech seemed to knock some thought into their tiny brains he say's nothing further and waits for you to unload your things from the wagon. He smiles at the eight of you as you tie your mount up in the stables outside and gives you a farewell and begins to make off back down the long path to his village leaving you eight alone in front of the town gate to determine your next move.

2012-05-10, 04:20 PM

casually taking his sack of belongings, and knotting it off over his right shoulder, he stands, still clutching at his things. Standing before everyone in the group, he fails to remove his hood, but talks plainly to them, with pure confidence, and the lack of fear, respect, or tidings from any of them. "To each statement you all have given me, let me retort. I plan not to be a lone wolf, I plan to find my way into the halls of a guild worthy of my primal talents. I do not know the perfect, confirmed kill, but I know of it's fate. My people were slaughtered, and everyone died. Excluding me, of course. I do not know how it came to be, nor do I care. It was a beginning for me to take over my life, and damn it, I took it over. As per your talk of me killing you, and if I can assure you i won't. I can't. If it be that i must kill you, I must kill you. You all are no ties to me, but that goes to say both ways. I have no prejudice to any of you, but no kinship either. And as for big and bad on his steed. Those are past accounts. You let me worry about me. " After his monologue, he stays as silent as he wishes the world could be. His toes dig into the ground, and he spins perfectly in a semi circle. Standing before the large estate, he surveys it, but prepares to be mentioned to by the guards.

Chained Birds
2012-05-10, 05:06 PM

"Can we stop with all the killing and god speak for now and just head to the proxy or the Jarl himself to see what we can do. I'd rather here from him/her about what might be causing all this damage rather than these bunch of stu... nice guards."

He catches himself as he is still within earshot of the guards. He then swiftly rushes up to the head of the group and pretends to lead them towards the most Jarl-ish building.

2012-05-10, 07:00 PM

Tilting his head as he listened to what went on between Leonus and the guards..and then the further speaking of the troupe, he let out a small grin. As he spurred his horse forward past the guards, he gave a small sneer as his basso voice rolled out for the first time.

"Too much talking. I did not come here to speak of murder, or to bandy words with gutless guards who cannot even defend their own land from peril. Actions are what will decide this lands fate."

He soon became as silent as he had been on the ride before, he and his mount moving towards their destination.

2012-05-10, 07:21 PM
Arn was somewhat vexed to find his path barred by the guards, and also somewhat embarrassed that he had forgotten the question he asked the dwarf. It had been months since he'd spoken to another person at length, and even longer since he'd been near so many human voices. It was a tad disorienting.

He stood patiently and waited for the guards to move, while silently wishing to be out of the town. Towns were complicated for druids. Such strange customs.

When they parted he put on his best smile and continued on his way to the Jarl's residence.

2012-05-10, 09:55 PM

Following Xomat's lead, another growling chuckle rolls from Tomax's throat.

"Truer words, me brother, have yet been said! Now..." A grin cutting from cheek to cheek, letting bare his orcish tusks to all, "Let's us feast and drink like none before!!" He spurred his horse forward, on his brother's heels.

2012-05-10, 09:59 PM
Rogar begins a slow clap at the conclusion of Leonus's speech. Seeing no one else was interested, he began taking his belongings off the wagon and walking into the city. Both Desmond and Xamot redeemed themselves in his eyes with their words, and he resolves to try to get to understand them. Right now however, Rogar decides to evaluate the city. He is rather unimpressed with the archetecture, it all being rather bland and wooden, but ultimately he realizes its the best they can do up here, and decides to leave it. Instead, he keeps an eye on his companions trying to see what they will get up to next.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-11, 03:50 PM
The guards make no move or comment towards you, they simply stand at the ready with a hand at the ready to draw a blade at any moment. You slowly enter the town taking a close look at your surroundings as you look in search of the Jarls Residence.

Your search is over and done with only moment after you enter the town as you see the large castle like towering structure, which tower high over the other wooden buildings. Not only does it's high betray it right away bu the fact that it lies on much higher ground as well betrays it's location. It is apparent that it is the Jarls residence. Looking around there appears to be no easy path leading up other than following the weaving path that slowly scales up the hill so you continue along.

Wooden hatch roof and other such longhouse sit on either side of the road, among them are several mead halls and bars, it would appear Leo was right about the clans thirst for ale. The road's emptiness is frighting to you, despite the nice weather this day next to no one seems to be outside, no one tends the merchant booths and all items that used to be sold are long gone leaving them barren on the side's of the roads. The few people you do spot on the road only return a stare which gives you a strange feeling inside. Not even the children walk about the only folk who often the street are guards probably heading to and from duty. It is apparent that these are troubled times for these people.

As you come up to about the mid section of the hill the road leads to a short set of stairs at the top of the stairs another wooden wall cuts across blocking your view of what lies above or leaving any other possible entrance upwards. You climb the stairs leaving you in the merchant district, a large and quite clearly very old waterfountain sits in the middle of the shops and merchant stands that dominate this circular area. The merchant stands in this area are actually tended to unlike the ones on the lower levels of town, as well you notice that people freely move around up here though it is not many you can at least see two to three within your vision at most times. The building of this district are made much nicer as well, stone and good masonry are put into these building, more so the shops than anything else. The district seems to be cared for with greater care nonetheless. This district seems to hold the wealthy merchants and citizen's.

As you continue to head up and and down each street slowly scaling up the large hill, the number of citizens about seems to increase drastically as does the number of guards. The architecture and even the pathway also seem to be a significant improvement. The pattern seems to continue all the way up to the Jarls residence were only the noble house lie, a set of long stone steps leads to the front door of the great building were a great number of guards can be seen on guard.

Overview of Kerava (Yngvar's Hall) (http://www.billcasselman.com/LANDST08.JPG)

Closest picture I could get to what the town looks like, just imagine the building continue up to the top like in my description.

Chained Birds
2012-05-11, 04:36 PM

With a very annoyed expression as he looks up at the path he and his comrades must travel,


2012-05-11, 05:01 PM
"I worry for us all. They huddle in fear from unknown evil and so give to it the victory. Yet each carries within the scintilla deo that would light the whole world.

Are only such as we, iconoclast and flawed, to confirm the hope of glory?"

2012-05-11, 05:07 PM

Spurring his horse along as they made their way up the winding trail, he became more and more uncomfortable the further along they went. The merchants stalls, and the increasing population always made him generally grumpy and unnerved.

As they made their way out and towards the noble houses he gave a snort. So this was the strained opulence that they lived in while their people were driven to the brink by whatever evil plagued this land.

He now wanted to speak to this proxy as much as the rest. Simply to see if this land is even worthy of saving. His views would seem callous to those that made their lives there in the north, but Xamot and his twin brother had never known luxury. They had made due in terrible situations. He only hoped this journey would prove worth his time.

2012-05-11, 08:04 PM
Arn looked back at his companions as he climbed the hill and a smile formed on his face.

"Come my friends, it's only a little hill. And think of what's waiting for you. You cubs have been speaking drinking something. Ale was it? Is that a sweet water?"

2012-05-11, 08:22 PM
"I am more a plainsman myself.

Ale is a solution of fermented grain by yeast and water. It, like most fermented beverages, possess a most unpleasant aftertaste which only experience reduces the distaste of. It and other alcohols reduce inhibitions, interfere with memory, and if imbibed in significant quantities can lead to unconsciousness or death. They also leave an unpleasant headache and sensitivity to light. Strong alcohol is occasionally used to treat wounds as it prevents infection. Their addictive properties are also well known.

In short, it is a vile tasting poison taken for its ability to cause people to become stupid which is generally regarded as more pleasant than their usual demeanor.

In the spirit of stereotypically expected racial posturing I suggest a good elven mead instead of any of the local swill."

2012-05-11, 08:25 PM
Rogar cheers up at the sight of a challenge, if small. He smiles and looks at his fellow. "Tell me you brave fellow are not intimidated by such a small hill? Let's go!" He starts moving up the hill, jogging at a slow speed in hopes of inspiring the others to show some cheer and move.

2012-05-11, 09:55 PM
"Sounds dreadful. Why would anyone drink poison? Towns are strange places."

Chained Birds
2012-05-11, 10:22 PM

"Probably to mute the voices."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-11, 10:25 PM
You slowly and steadily climb up the dreadfully long staircase and eventually find yourself at the top standing before the front gate of the Palace of Kings. You don't even have a chance to move as the guards immediately halt you. Two guards stand at the door halberds crossed in front of the door blocking any entrance one steps forward dressed in fairly regal looking clothes, "State your businesses with the Jarl outsider, or stand down he has little time for small talk or any of the such for that matter."

2012-05-11, 11:10 PM

Getting the harking feeling that the guards really deserve a small blade to the stomach, for the sake of expanding on the job, he stays in the back, keeping the pure intentions of murder hidden underneath his snow white cloak. All the casual talking gave him a pit feeling in his stomach, and his blood raised to a point of pure equilibrium.

2012-05-11, 11:31 PM
"Peace sons of this land of song! We come at the bidding of your Jarl; we eight alone or a few together heard tidings of his summons and so now stand before his hall. Our swords and our art we bring to offer into his service that we may drive out the shadow that has taken root in this land and redeem it from the specter of death.

Now go and bear word to him or to the one who speaks in his name that we may enter and present ourselves. I beg you to make haste, for winter is close and our errant must be done with speed as well as power and it is our will to depart as soon as we may to make for the Valley."

As the elf spoke he seemed less a hedge wizard from the jungle than a son of a proud line who walked with heads unbowed before the queen of his people's realm.

2012-05-12, 06:28 AM
Rogar gets to the top a few seconds after the elf, as the rest of the group had indeed taken their time, at least, except for the Man who must Not be Named! As such, he found himself incapable of adding to the elf's eloquent introduction, and merely stood their looking heroic.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-12, 12:11 PM
The guard falls into a low bow after Ashiel speaks, "Forgive me I did not recognize you, are duty have been strict as of late." He says. He then stands straight from his bow and waves the two at the door to lower their weapons, "You two take these folk to see Siri she will know what to do." The guard captain speaks the two guard in synch respond, "Sir!" They heave open the great double doors and wave you to follow.

Inside is a very regal first chamber a great fire is set in the middle of this room and surrounding it is a large U shaped dining table, which appears to be set for a feast. On the walls hang several trophies, the heads of dears, arms and armors and of coarse many war banners. The banners are red with a gold trim with the symbol of two horns crossed in the middle. At the far end of the room is the Jarls great throne, it is made of wood with great design covering the whole of it with padding for comfort and the towns symbol stitched in, it is empty at this time. Flanking the throne are two small tables which you suppose are used simply to hold basic items or place offering for the King. Behind the Throne is an open entryway leading into what appears to be a hall, two guards flank the door arms crossed and blades at the ready. Several shelf's and bookcases lie on either wall each hold a variety of items, there appears to be no sorting involved. on top of the door leading out and the entryway behind the throne, you spot four other entryways two on either wall spaced apart accordingly saying that they likely all lead to different rooms.

The guardsman takes you into the room to the far left, a seating area by all looks of it and tells you to make yourselves comfortable while you wait you the wise woman.

Jarls Palace main chamber (http://ancientomnivore.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/JarlsPalaceRiften-sm.jpg)

To give you a better idea of how the palace looks I got this image(yes it's from Skyrim) just so you can see the detail the main room would look almost just like this.

Chained Birds
2012-05-12, 01:45 PM

Desmund just observes the feast having wondered if him and the group would be given a meal for helping out; but considering the conditions outside, that seemed unlikely.

2012-05-12, 06:22 PM
Rogar avoids the food, remembering Arn's advice concerning the land, and he would know since he spends so much time close to it. Instead, he takes a seat on the floor, and begins to meditate on the situation, seeing if he can gather any insights while he is waiting, or even focus his minds and clear it of the clutter that has accumulated over the course of the day.

2012-05-12, 08:19 PM

As the group enter the large feasting hall, a delicious aroma wafts into Tomax's nostrils. Laid out before them lie smoked meats of all varieties and dishes brimming with fruits and vegetables of all kinds.

Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his tunic, Tomax nudges his brother in the arm and nods towards the spread before them. "Brother! A feast be laid bare before us and these noble people brush it off. We been hungry on too many a night to leave such a thing be!"

Tomax bounds to the closest seat and begins devouring everything in sight. He leaves room next to him for Xamot to sit down and throws glares and growls at any that try to part him from his seat.

Intimidate any that attempt to move him away from the table.

Intimidate Check: [roll0]

2012-05-12, 08:37 PM

Approaching the feasting table with his brother he reaches forward and grasps up a turkey leg and a dips a cup into whatever alcoholic beverage is provided. he stands nearby where Tomax feasts and munches the food that he decided to take, waiting for this seer to make her appearance.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-13, 02:07 PM
You sit in the waiting room and help yourself to some of the delicious foods, after one bite your mouth begins to water it is some of the most flavorful food you've ever tasted. It is not long before a small dwarf lady enters the room you sit in, her robes drape down to the floor with lustrous designs and colors going all the way down. She smiles at you and takes a seat. She is quiet a moment but then begins to speak, "It is good to see that one has answered our calls, I am Siri Wise women of the seven clans and wife of the Jarl. I take it you have come to speak with me about business no? I will tell you that you are not the first group to come out here, there have been many before you and no word has been heard of any from those ill fated groups. I will tell you what I know. Many a days ago I consulted with the ancestor of the Clan to find some mean's some information as to what troubles our lands s at this darkest hour. An old evil has arisen, they say, full of anger at the living. The stain on the land originates from the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, where all the Clans’ chieftains are laid to rest. The evil will not abate, the ancestors warn, for it bears a great malice for past deeds and hungers for vengeance. I prayed for further guidance made offering to our ancestor but no more help was offered I fear they, have left us. The ancestor have told us the source of the benevolence but still it is all a mystery, what causes these dark time's and why. It is all so troubling to us and now the Jarl lie on his deathbed and all hell has been loosed on our towns, the clans are breaking apart and...we have no power to stop it." Siri Looks on the verge of tears as she finishes her story, these are truly troubled times. After a short pause to get herself back together she continues.

"That is not all I fear as recently the four horns of the north have been lost. Those are the relics of our people and are handled with more care than anything else in the whole Land. This is no coincidence something wants to rid of us something we have no knowledge about no power to stand against, and now it holds the upper hand, please you must help us...""

2012-05-13, 02:26 PM
Rogar listens intently, as it is self-depreciating to ignore the instructions for any important task. When she has finished, Rogar has two questions. "I am afraid I don't know much of the local lore. Could you tell us more about the horns of the north? That might be linked to your problems. In addition, what sort of compensation might you have for us noble adventurers heading into the jaws of undeath should we return victorious? All that I have heard has been extremely vague on that point." Rogar inclines his head, doing his best to look respectful. [roll0] just because he would.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-13, 02:52 PM
"The horns are the relics of our people, they have been our beacon of hope in every battle, they give our people strength and call upon holy might to strike down our enemy's. Last they were drawn from the vault was many a decade back when Jarl Hjalmar used them to slay the evil that once infected this place, upon his glory he settled in these lands and him and a handful of settlers forged the first of the Holds Kerava which is know as the capital today. No one knows how Hjalamr came into possession of the Relics or much about them but we have held them dear since, but somehow our vaults were penetrated and know the horns are lost to us." She explains in response to Rogar.

"Reward? Oh yes of course, our vault hold many items of great importance as well as hefty sums of gold, I suppose if the Jarl is ok with it we wouldn't mind losing a few of our relics for your efforts. Also take these" She says as she pulls out several bronze torcs from her sachel and hands one to each of you. ""They will allow you to enter the valley of sleeping Jarls unharmed only those who wear one will be not punished by the ancestors upon entry of the valley.""

2012-05-13, 03:03 PM
Rogar nods at the rewards promised, about as good as could be expected. His mind sifts through the information and comes to a plan. He needs one more piece of information however, and makes sure to speak up. "Since we are going to the tombs of the Jarls anyway, why don't we head to Jarl Hjalmar's tomb first? It makes as much sense as any other place there. Could you tell us where his tomb is in the valley?"

Chained Birds
2012-05-13, 03:23 PM

Desmund grabs one of the torcs and examines it a bit for magical properties.

Casting: Detect Magic (3rds)
Spellcraft Check: [roll0]
- Attempting to identify magical properties.

2012-05-13, 03:31 PM
Arn hefted the torque and smiled politely at Siri.

"A pretty thing. Are animals allowed to enter the valley without one? It would be a shame to have to go in without my brother."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-13, 03:46 PM
In response to Arn:"Should the wearer were one the ancestor will recognize your companion as a friend."

"Hjalmar's tomb lies to the southwest of the valley, I have never been to the valley myself so forgive my vague directions all I can say is that you will recognize it when you see it."

There is no trace of magic whatsoever in the torc's, although they do have rather queer designs on them.

2012-05-13, 04:44 PM

Taking the Torc, he looked at it for a moment before shrugging and clipping it to his belt, not seeing a need to put the thing on quite yet. They were still a ways from the valley. He raised his cup to Siri and gave her a toothsome smile.

"Your evil will be met. If your artifacts lie in that valley, they will be retrieved. Can't promise they won't be soaked in blood upon return though."

He finished his cup and grinned wide down at his brother. The closer they came to a time of baring steel and meeting this evil the more excited the large man seemed to get. Or at least the more talkative.

2012-05-13, 05:20 PM

Not caring for the more political roles, he follows ill suite, and takes the items given. He does crack several shades of a grin when the woman mentions a reward. He nods along, barely paying attention. He simply waits for the time in which his skills will be needed, wanted or not.

Chained Birds
2012-05-13, 05:46 PM

"So, how far away is this valley? If it is close by, then me might be able to head out immediately. Evil, like madness, spreads as time goes on. So the sooner the better."

2012-05-13, 06:51 PM
Rogar turns to the eager young man and replies with the sage sounding "Soon my friend, soon. Let us rest here tonight, and set out on the dawn." With his words of wisdom recited, Rogar puts his torc in his bag for now and turns to the door he came in.

Chained Birds
2012-05-13, 07:02 PM

"Fine. Excuse me miss Wise, but can I trouble you for a bit of your rotted food? I am quite famished over this long journey, and I hate to waste (once) fine cuisine."

Desmund says all this with a straight face.

2012-05-14, 12:44 PM
Arn nodded his thanks and put the torque away. He surveyed the food set before him with a grimace. The vegetables looked fine to him, but something about the meat seemed...off. He had not cooked it, so it was difficult to be sure of the cleanliness of its preparation, and he strongly doubted that the proper rituals had been observed.

Not wanting to seem a poor guest in front of the masters of the house, he helped himself to a generous portion of the greens and potatoes. There was a delicious asparagus dish that had been cooked with garlic and pork fat, and he consumed almost the entire platter himself.

2012-05-14, 01:05 PM
Ashiel took the offered torc and said, "If I may have a moment of your time or of your chamberlain, I would like to see to the apportionment of supplies. Our reserves are somewhat depleted by the long journey. You may of course remove the balance from our reward when all this is concluded.

Additionally, might you have any magical items such as scrolls of spells, or casters of arcane magic? I would be interested in expanding my own repertoire."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-14, 07:55 PM
"No need to worry I would not have you venture out without supplies, I will have them waiting for you at the gate on the morrow. I'm afraid we have little in the ways of arcane knowledge here but if you so wish there may be some to be found in the library upstairs, I could show you up if you wish sir."

2012-05-14, 09:40 PM

Not interested in any of the food or hospitality, Zerak gathers to his feet, and removes his white cloak for the first time. A long robe of pure grey stayed on, loose, and baggy for his hidden assortments, and for the most part, the same as his cloak. Placing his sack over his shoulders, he pulls his cloak back over his body, letting the hood hang over his face once more. Without saying a word, he brushes past everyone and everything, and clambers outside. He makes the effort of intentionally dodging the guards, and ducking behind a black alley. Giving it all of his might, he tries his best to acrobatics his way up the side of the building, to get to the top.

him being a nimble assassin, i figured acrobatics checks could get him up walls.
Acrobatics: [roll0]
If not
Climb: [roll1]

2012-05-14, 10:34 PM
"I would appreciate it madame."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-15, 03:59 PM
Siri nods as she gets up Ashiel short behind her, before she leaves she says one final thing to you "Please continue your meals I shall return soon as will your elf friend." Siri leads him to the entryway behind the throne and up the stairs.

The second floor is layed out much like the first, with shelves lining the wall full of disorganized items varying from food to clothing. The room itself is triangular with a small table in the middle and town banners on the walls, two hallways lead down halls to your left and right, this room is mostly empty.

Siri continues to lead you on after you get a chance to survey your surroundings, you continue down the right hallway were you pass countless shut wooden doors, at the end of the hall is a large wooden double door were you stop and Siri pushes the door open wide, revealing the huge library inside.The large domed ceiling if this room is some 80 ft up at the highest point, the shelves of books almost touch the ceiling and the room itself is slightly more than 80 feet wide and long making for an almost perfect cube(save for the fact that the ceiling is domed). The library has three levels of balcony's to reach all the way to the top of the bookshelf, several sets of stairs lead up to each level, Siri turns to you with a smile as you look around the great caste library. "I think that there is bound to be some arcane books and scrolls laying around."

You scurry outside pushing your way through the crowds and find a good high building out of sight from the guard, your expert acrobatics allow you to easily jump from ledge to ledge and aided by your climbing skills you reach the top of the building. From here you can over look the entire town and all who wlak about below you without being seen.

2012-05-15, 04:40 PM
"Many thanks madame, a most impressive collection to be sure."

Take 20 on a search check. I am looking for arcane spells, scrolls, information about the valley, and discussions of the culture. If we meet some unquiet ancestor ghosts and the proper means of propitiating them is to burn the horns of a stag it would be nice to know. So specifically religious practices, art and motifs, and history.

Also, if possible I want to requisition a few servants to help me look and inquire if there is a catalog or librarian who can just tell me where some of this stuff is.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-15, 06:49 PM
Siri tells you she will be back downstairs with the other if you need her and not to stay to long and miss the rest of the meal. Searching through the place takes you a good 30 minutes but you want to take your time and get everything you can out of the library.
The arcane scrolls you find in the library:
1st level:
Disguise self
Floating Disk
Silent Image
Mage Armor
Memory Lapse

2nd Level:
Burning Gaze
Acid Arrow
Protection from Evil, Communal
Spider Climb

3rd Level:
Lightning Bolt

4th Level:
Hurricane Blast

It seems that they have quite a fine amount of arcane writing simply lie about the library although some were hidden among the books you think you've fished out at least most of them. But arcane scrolls are not all you look for, it is library after all and this place is stacked with knowledge you look for things discerning the location and find several books of interest:

The Frozen Lands(A novel about Torvek Hjalmar and the founding of the Clans).
Lennart the Wise(A book written in cryptic speech about the mysterious shaman of the North Lennart).
The Ancestor's(An informative on the Ancestor of the Clans and their origins).
The Horns of The North(An informative describing the treasured war horns of the Clans).
The Black Towen(A book full of a series of short stories and legends regarding the fabled Black Towen).
Terava Peaks(A informative written for adventurers detailing the danger's of the Terava Peaks)
Kirkoien(The Story of the hero Kirkoien and the founding of the 4th hold of The Land of Song).
On Origin of the King(A biography on the life of Torvek Hjalmar).
Way of the Stag(A book fabled to have been written by Lennart the Wiseman, discuses the barbarian clan of the Stag and their way of life).
The White Terror(A short book written for adventurers detailing the savage yeti.)
Dead Mans Valley(An informative on the Valley of Sleeping Jarls and it's purpose in the Land of Song).
The Day of a Farmer(An autobiography written by the farmer Ahmal and his life story, surprisingly holds a lot of information of the Culture of the Land.)

I could keep going forever but I think that this is more than enough books to suit your need.

You chose a few of the nigh infinite amount stacked on these high shelves and stuff them in your pack, you don't have enough time to read them at this time but you think you can work in some time to read. This library does not appear to have a library but Siri did give you the Ok to take anything you need you assume she is in charge of the library.

Siri comes back down the stair and joins you once again at the feasting table some 10 minutes later, though Ashiel is still upstairs. She immediately notices that someone is missing but says nothing of it and simply returns to the matter at hand. She turns to you all to speak, "Sorry to interrupt your feast but it has come to my attention I have yet to know your names, it only makes sense that if we are going the be working together in this that we are properly introduced."

Chained Birds
2012-05-15, 07:15 PM

Finding comfort in eating good food, Desmund responds to the man in a flat tone.

"I go by the name Desmund, but people sometimes call me Hieratic Desmund for some reason. I'm a wanderer and have no particularly exemplary skills in any field. Do enjoy our sanity while it lasts."

He then continues his meal.

Side Note: Anything Desmund eats is given a casting of Purify Food & Drink with the cost that he must sip or take a bite out of the item to initialize the spell. This is just fluff and doesn't removes the necessary Standard Action required to cast the spell.

2012-05-15, 07:24 PM
Rogar turns at her words, he apparently had presumed to much. "I'm sorry, for some reason I had assumed we had been announced. I am Rogar Goldcounter, Faithful of Irori and traveling peace-bringer." That last name might have been self-bestowed, but it was the most accurate description of what he had been doing with his life after all.

2012-05-15, 07:43 PM

finding home atop the large buildings in any city, Zerak perches, and peeks down around the place. He takes his time, noticing anything that pops out as unordinary. He uses his emerald eyes to snake out through any large crowds on people, and continues to prey down on the citizens, trying to steer his sight in pathways not noticed by guards.

Take a 20 on perception check to notice any wealthy looking people, who also seem weak and bitter.

2012-05-15, 07:51 PM
"I think I am going to enjoy this immensely. The Nantambu wasn't exactly great for pure scholarship."

The tall elf beckoned one of the servants over to him.

"I am going to be here for a while. Would you please bring me some watered mead and dried fruit? Also, some candles would be appreciated as would paper or parchment, ink, and blotting paper. Finally I will need a waterproof scroll case."

While the light was still good he bent over the scrolls. The more advanced ones he carefully set aside before inserting them into the case and sealing it. He carefully poured over the others to work out the nature of their magic. That done he settled down to skim through the books and take careful notes. In truth his notes were expanded indexes and tables of contents so that he would be able to find a particular section quickly. When the sun set he continued on.

One or twice a servant walked in and might have heard him say under his breath, "Upon these least of stones I raise a mountain."

Take 10 on the spellcraft checks for the level 1 and 2 scrolls to decipher magical writing. Read magic on the 3 and 4s to the same end. All of them are going in the case and are most certainly not going to be used.

The notes thing as I said above is so that I can quickly find information. It isn't the same as reading it, it is like adding a search feature to a PDF for key terms. I figure it aught to be good for a bonus to knowledge geography, history, or local checks.

Finally, if possible I would like to borrow 1,100gp in semi precious stones and gold thread, value to be deducted from our reward at the end. There is however one issue which remains to be cleared up. Are we still using the 3.5 banned school means can't use or the Pathfinder banned school means requires 2 slots paradigm? If the second, I would like to use the rest of the day adding silent image to my spellbook, taking ten on the spellcraft check.

Come to think of it, if you are going with the first I can't even cast the spells that are from Divination, Enchantment, or Illusion even from scrolls or magic items. Hope someone has a good UMD check.

(This was the issue where you said to stick with the class as it was printed on the website because you didn't have time to look it over.)

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-15, 08:11 PM
You scan throughout the whole of the town and notice that very few nobles walk freely throughout town at this time, you do however notice a few wealthy looking merchants weaving throughout town one of which clearly has a bodyguard who makes a poor job at concealing himself.

Banned schools would work like they would for a pathfinder wizard, so you can actually use all the scrolls sorry if I was unclear about such earlier. Another question what or which books are you making notes for, also to add some flavor make an Intelligence check should you look through any of the informative books(Lennart the Wise, The Ancestor's, The Horns of The North, Terava Peaks, Way of the Stag, Dead Mans Valley).

2012-05-15, 08:40 PM

Zerak flocks down from the building, breaking his fall on multiple cracks and jutted out items. Once on the ground, he keeps tab on the bodyguard. Taking inventory, he flaps his sheath on his right wrist, dropping his punching dagger into his hand, and tightening around it. The thrill of his first kill making his blood boil with anticipation. He's doing this as a matter of training, wanting to become one with the great assassin's before his time. He sneaks along, casually, not letting anyone see his face or weapon. Both feet softly hitting the ground, not to cause alarm. He waits for his target to separate from the group just enough. Stumbling into his target, making it look like a tripping mistake, he stumbles the blade underneath the guard's clothing, stabbing right into the spin.

Holding on with open hands, he retracts the blade, and looks at the man with part of his face showing concern, the rest hidden in his hood.

Sneak attack on the studied foe: attack: [roll0]
Damage:[roll1] + Sneak damage:[roll2]

Sleight of hand check to pull the blade back into my jacket while we are collided, and not seen by bystanders. Check: [roll3]

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-16, 02:37 PM
As you collide with the bodyguard you easily slip your blade through his shirt, trying to make it look as accidental as possible with little blood to show the wound. The man staggers back a few steps before he falls to the ground face first while meanwhile you slowly and casually walk away, at first no one pays heed to the man thinking him just a drunken loaf who fell flat on his ass after a few to many beers but as seconds turn to minutes people begin to panic and call the guard, one man walks up to the corpse to feel for a pulse, when you see him call out for a healer you suspect that the man yet lives but is slowly dieing, the man looked fairly hardy and you think he will likely survive this incident which is definitely not good on your part, you do not think it to be wise to tarry around the scene if the guards are on their way you want to put yourself far from them.

2012-05-16, 03:31 PM
Ashiel sat with five books in front of him. The first two "The Ancestors" and "Dead Man's Valley" seemed the most relevant to the quest. "The Horns of the North" Might prove interesting since they had been brought up. Finally "Way of the Stag" and "Lennart the Wise" Looked to be useful background on this land.

He cracked open "Dead Man's Valley" and began to read.
Take 20, modifier is +5 from int for the book.

If there is still time, take 20 on the Ancestors as well. Oh, and did they approve the loan in semi precious stones?

2012-05-16, 03:47 PM

Perching up in a dark spot, trying to stay hidden, the adreniline will not let him stay away. He dips into his cloak, and pulls a dagger. Still cloaked in the darkness of the alley way, he staggers the dart forward, in order to attack his target, who he still sees plainly, and easily. After the attack, he stays in the alley, but attempts to climb the walls once more.

Throw Dagger at the unhealthy guard.
damage:[roll1]+ Sneak damage[roll2]

Stealth check: [roll3]
Climb and acrobatics to scale the building once more:[roll4] and [roll5]

2012-05-16, 04:21 PM

Perking a brow as he heard a call for names, he merely grunted as he pushed away from the feasting table.


As he stood and made his way past the more friendly of their party he exited the hall, but stayed on near the entryway. His belly was full and he was deep into his cups, so it felt good to have the wind on his face for a moment.

He gave the guards a glare, if any where about. He had so far not found the men of this northland to be made of tough enough stuff. Perhaps it was wise for them to call for outside help.

2012-05-18, 02:35 PM
Arn looked up from the plate of green's he was eating and spoke around a mouthful of potato.

"Forgive my rudeness Elder Sister. I am Arn Kjellen, a druid from the circle a way's south of here. I was sorry to hear of your plight, but I confess that my concerns over Mother Earth have brought me hear. It is my guess that the cause of Her wounds and the evil befalling this land is the same, so I am happy to assist."

Arn paused to swallow his food and take a sip of water before continuing.

"If it is not too much trouble, I have a few question, if you don't mind. Do you know much of the creatures in the area we will be going? Or if there is a circle of druids there? And what of the Mother's first children, the Fey? Do they reside there?"

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-19, 03:47 PM
Siri smiles at you as you give introductions and bows, "It is my honor to make your acquittance, all of you."

In response to Arn she says, "Creatures? Few of those are left in our lands I'm afraid at least ones without a motive for killing, and even then they are scarce in numbers. But if you wish to know of the ones of danger I will happily fill you in. Gorecrow's, and Yeti are likely the biggest of threats in the land, or they were I should say. Be not fooled by the small birds, for they are blood thirsty ravens and travel in great number and bring swift death from above to the unwary, The Yeti on the other hand, large beast of evil and as big as they may be they still move as quite as a mouse through the mountains and snow covered lands."

Siri watches with concern as Xamot excuses himself, and her face is grim as she ponders on a matter. She faces you all and speaks in a quite and grim tone, "Our people weren't always like this, once they fought for themselves with honor we were known as fearless warriors of the north. This Plague, Curse whatever you call it, I fear it taints the very heart of our being." Siri shakes her head then excuses herself as she leaves for a breath of fresh air.

Summary of first book:
Once a nameless spec of land lost amid the high towering Marching mountains, is now a place of hope and importance to our people. History of this place of great importance dates back all the way to the the year 4137, in the first days of Torvek Hjalmar's conquering of the northern lands. Our land was once just but a desolate waste were winter would seem eternal, none lived here none even dared to come near these lands but what better a place for evil to emerge. The valley was but a battlefield in those days, were Hjalmar fought is final battle against the tyrannic witch Brandholm amidst the icy fjords of the Marching Mountains using the power of the horns Hjalmar was victorious. The battlefield at first was used to bury the bodies of the good hearted they were given last rights and buried in the Valley, The survivors of the battle knew it as Dead Mans Valley. The place was mostly forgotten for the next many years and only the few who fought their years ago even knew of it's existence. To this day it is not know why Hjalmar returned to the place years later, some say it was the first call of the ancestor's whether this is the truth or not however is hard to say. Hjalmar found the valley exactly as it had been left all those years ago, apart from one thing. The large stone in the middle of the valley, it rung with a strange divine magic unlike what it had been before, Hjalmar was confused as to it's origins why and how this came to be, but curiosity took over and Hjalmar placed his hand on the stone, a flash of memory's lept through his mind all of which from the battle that had long ago taken place here however they were not his memory's but that of the soldiers who died. Panic overwhelmed him and he removed his hand from the stone, but it did nothing the visions continued until he heard voices in his head calling to him, "Through suffering and pain we fought we fought for honor we fought for peace, but our failure was death. Your heart is strong and you are worthy of our cause, we give to you this gift that of our souls, our memory's, our thoughts. We are dead but yet not we were servants in life and so servants in death, we are your Ancestors and so we bring with us might." And so it was that the Ancestors were born, and Hjalmar became the first true Jarl of the Land of Song. The Valley soon became a much more important place to the men and women of the Land of Song, it became known as the Valley of Sleeping Jarls were the most honorable and true people of the land were buried their souls combining with the essence of the "Ancestors", each soul buried in the valley was given a special ritual that tied their soul to the Valley were they join the Ancestors and watch over the Valley for all eternity. One would never be given to the Ancestors against their will as it is the will of the soul if they should or should not be bound for eternity, which is no doubt quite a great sacrifice situation. When one who is worthy should touch the Ancestor stone, then the souls of the Ancestor's are tied to that person giving the individual not only wisdom and memory's but power and life as well, it is known that only two people aside from the Jarls themselves have ever been tied to the stone, the two being Lennart and Kirkoien(Who soon after became the first Jarl of Kirkoien). The Valley has been vital to the survival of the Clans for centuries, and Jiri(Hjalmar's wisewomen) and several other high priest's/priestesses set up great ward on the Valley to forever keep evil and unworthy at bay. It is known that those touched by the Ancestors can pass on pieces of their power to others and each Jarls has always passed on the essences of Knowledge and Wisdom to their Wisewomen. When one who is touched is returned to the valley their soul and that of the ancestors within them are channeled back into the stone. Bronze torcs are given to outsider's and untouched who wish to enter the valley without such objects the wards on the valley take effect and are driven away through the Ancestors magic, an Evil creature that were a torc may enter the Valley as well but is unable to enter any of the Jarls tomb or go anywhere near the Ancestors Stone. This knowledge has been passed on for as long as any can remember and through it we gain strength, not even death can break the bonds of Honor.

You throw the dagger into the large crowd from a dark alley a short way's away, the dagger hits the dying man square in the chest effectively finishing him off the few tending to him drop his corpse and turn to towards the alley you know stand in, you try to scurry up one of the building but it is to no avail, you notice a group of heavily armored guard's walk over to the scene one has his weapon and shield drawn, a lady runs over to him with tears in her eyes and begins to speak with the guard, though you cannot make out their words you do see her point in your general direction and the guards slowly begin scanning the area in search of the killer. You are confident that no one say you but the guard's do however known the killer hides in an alley and with few to check they will likely be upon you soon unless you use expertise to get yourself out of this sticky situation.

Guards perception checks:[roll0]

2012-05-19, 04:55 PM
"That is very helpful, thank you. Now, I hate to be a poor guest, but my little brother is waiting for me outside the town, and he's probably hungry."

Arn rose and took a leg of mutton from a platter.

"Hmm, it's a little overcooked, but he'll be grateful none the less. I should be back within the hour. Excuse me."

Arn left the feast hall and headed down to the town gate, meat in hand.

OOC: If the guards don't give him any trouble, Arn will go outside the town and look for Maw.

2012-05-19, 06:19 PM

Taking his white cloak off his body, he places it in his sack, along with his punching dagger. He then tosses himself upwards, going for the wall once more. The removed clothing and lack of hidden, assassinating weapon should help him avoid any finger pointing. He studies the wall a bit, and lurches for it once more.

Acrobatics check:[roll0]
Climb check:[roll1]

2012-05-20, 03:53 AM
Ashiel took a sip of wine, turned the last page, closed the book, stood up, carefully turned away from the books on the table and proceeded to spit out that sip.

Having grown up in a location where all the books was quite literally irreplaceable he had been trained to treat them with almost religious reverence. Therefore, he had contained his shock until after finishing the book in the small quite part of his mind where the other unresolved emotions, which of course had all been totally dealt with in a healthy way, were kept.

He turned to a servant who had been waiting in case he needed anything, "That never happened..." He stood up straight, his several inch advantage allowing him to look down on the man and his century more experience fully visible on his face. He brought his fingers together, steepling them confidently. "...understood?"

The servant nodded a little shakily, like afraid of some elf curse or being murdered in his sleep, and said shakily, "If there will be anything else lordship?"

"Yes, please fetch the wise woman and those who arrived with me. You may exempt the white cloaked one and the half-orks from these summons."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-20, 10:31 AM
"As you wish sir." The servant say with a bow, before running down the hall to fetch the others.

A man comes stammering down the stair's with great haste catching all of your attention, he spots Siri come in from the great door and calls out to her, "Madam, the elf wishes to speak with you." Siri walks over to the servant and then he continue. "...oh yes and the rest of you too." Siri bows before the servant and waves him off and turns to you all. "Dessert can wait eh." She says with a grin and begins to make for the stairs. She calls back as she reaches the first step, "Don't be long, I don't think this can wait."

You leap with great confidence a second time and begin to scale your way up the side of a building and the guardsman are non the wiser, once at the top you remove your cape and punching dagger and place them in your pack, you are quite confident that no one has seen your face and it should avoid finger pointing. From here you have a good place to hide yourself but it will not keep up forever and with no building nearby it may be difficult to hop from building to building.

Make a perception check.


2012-05-20, 01:49 PM

Zerak takes his time on the escape. He crouches, listening in on the people below. Smiling continuously on the fact he made his first kill, he takes inventory of his items. He counts his darts, nine left. His punching dagger in his sack, and his regular dagger still holstered to his hip. He peeks over to the next roof, trying to gauge the distance between the two and the height to the ground.

Knowledge local, to see if Zerak can tell who most of those people are. Check:[roll1]

2012-05-20, 05:10 PM

His cup empty, and the small commotion down in the streets not interesting to him at all, Xamot made his way back into the hall. He was just in time to hear one of the servants calling them all together to speak with Ashiel, and he shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea if he was wanted, but if someone had something interesting to say perhaps he would listen.

He followed the group to Ashiel, keeping silent and staying to the back of the pack.

2012-05-20, 08:08 PM
Arn shrugged and headed up to where the elf had gone. Maw could wait another few hours without eating. It wouldn't hurt him to be a little hungry.

Chained Birds
2012-05-20, 09:19 PM

Desmund just hangs back in the dinning hall devouring his 4th serving after getting the okay to eat. As a wanderer he never gets too many chances to eat a lot, so this is a luxury he will not pass up.

2012-05-21, 09:26 AM
Rogar, seeing the druid eating some of the food, decides to follow suit, but is careful to only eat from the same serving plates as the druid. His stomach full, he goes off in search of his room, intending to meditate for an hour before going to sleep.

2012-05-21, 09:04 PM

A servent called them all to the library as Tomax shoveled the last bit of food from his plate into his maw. Enough food to feed four men had been packed into him but he still felt room for dessert later. Standing from the table, he walked to the stairs stepping in beside his brother.

2012-05-21, 10:02 PM
Once everyone who seemed to want to be present had arrived Ashiel turned around from the book he had been reading. He shot the servant a glance as he turned, too quick for anyone who wasn't specifically looking for it to notice.

"As time grows short I will be brief. First Lady Siri, I suggest you get literate people and go through every book in this library. A good index would have made this much easier.

Secondly, while I am still confirming all the fine details I have discovered several things. I now know the cause of the evil in the valley and its source, the reason for the theft of the Horns, and more of what we must do to solve the problem.

In short; An evil and powerful witch is the source, her incomplete defeat by Hjalmar and the weakening of the ancestors is the cause, and the power of the horns to aid in her defeat is the cause of their theft. We must therefore recover them at all speed.


Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-22, 03:33 PM
Siri looks at Ashiel with great concern, paying great attention to his every word once he is finished she immediately jumps in, "Looks like someone been doing a little thinking up here eh." She smiles at him, "But I'm afraid such is not possible, Brandholm was killed during the battle at Dead Mans Valley and as punishment her soul was trapped within the Ancestor's Stone. It is impossible for her to have broken out and even if she had her soul would be damned to the Abyss, with no physical body I don't see how it could be possible. However the Ancestor do seem to be weakening perhaps it is a possibility, though I still doubt it. Though your point about the horn's is defiantly possibility, but how any could have penetrated our vaults is beyond me. I do not doubt your reasoning it just seems unlikely to me, I shall contact the ancestors this night and see what they have to say on this manner."

After such she turns to face the whole of the group, "I suggest you keep those books for your Journey Ashiel they should prove of great use on your travels, feel free to walk the Castle as you wish, and you are honored to borrow anything in my power to grant. Your rooms are just down the hall and ready for you if you need anything just call for one of the servant."

Siri bows before you and then leaves the room.

From your vantage point here you can spot the three guards tirelessly searching the alleys at the base of the building, they seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that you are just above them though two of them seem to have spotted some of your footprints though they can not see enough to follow them. You also notice that from the large mob surrounding the corpse a man dressed in a clad full plate with the town emblem encrusted on it, through your little knowledge of this land you recognize this man is one of the Guard officer's of the Hold, it seems murder has alerted many of the guardsman. Looking around the people below none seem to be anyone of importance save for the Officer. He stays with the people and seems to be talking with them likely about what they say and the such. You have limited option's here and most buildings are to far away to jump to, save for one,though it would still be about a 10 foot or more jump but you are confident you could make it, from there there appears ro be a row of building's much closer together then those near you that head in the direction of the Castle, it sounds strange to say it but the Castle seems your safest route, problem being the guard's stationed there will likely not recognize you without your cloak but wearing it would risk getting caught, a sly tongue could likely get you past them though.

2012-05-22, 04:48 PM

The two Half-Orcs standing there listening to Ashiel and Siri discuss the particulars of their coming excursion, a small smile spread over his tusked maw. He turned his head and spoke to his brother.

"Perhaps this will be worth it after all. Retrieve their artifacts and maybe even kill one of those curse spewing hags."

2012-05-22, 05:23 PM

"Aye, Brother. I've been in need of a new belt pouch as of late. I think the skin of this witch would do nicely for such." Tomax chuckled back at Xamot.

Moving a step foward towards the wisewoman, Tomax cleared his throat to catch her attention. His gravelly voice softly echoed in the room when he spoke, "Excuse me, Ma'am. Do you happen to have an article of clothing or some close held possession of this witch you and the Elf speak of?"

2012-05-22, 05:43 PM

Zerak takes a running start, making a leap of faith that he hoped to make good on. Once there, he continues the trek towards the castle, holding onto his sack, with a deep smile.

Acrobatics check:[roll0]

2012-05-22, 08:58 PM
Rogar is excited about the answers, as it is a surprisingly solid solution for the matter at hand. He is sure to go up to the elf and thank him "Goodman Ashiel, you have indeed done very well in your research. Let me know if you need assistance, for you have proven your worth better than certain other members of the party. Speaking of which, has anyone else seen a hooded figure that was supposed to accompany us on this quest, or did I just hallucinate. Rather nasty hallucination at that!" Rogar begins pondering why his subconscious would create such a nasty character. Perhaps he feels guilty about something. A nice meditation would clear that right up.

2012-05-22, 09:27 PM
Arn spoke first.

"The cub wanted to take a walk or something. He shouldn't be much longer. Maybe he will be in a better mood when he returns."

2012-05-23, 11:11 AM
"Given what that one professed to be seeking, I suggest that guards be posted to watch for his return and any reports of violence be investigated.

If he has killed someone he had better have a very good reason or he will soon be joining them I think."

Chained Birds
2012-05-23, 11:58 AM

The strange man is still eating in the dining hall, proceeding unto his 6th serving of food. He is very clean and thorough with his meals and leaves nothing wasted, though he has very nice manners and leaves little mess.

2012-05-23, 12:15 PM
Arn scowled at the elf's suggestion.

"That seems rather unfair, setting the guards on the boy for something he may not have done. We cannot assume that some random act of violence is his fault simply because he seems violent. The town probably has several criminals running around right now, and we only arrived today. For all we know, his words are spoken out of fear, like a wolf growling at an unknown scent."

2012-05-23, 02:36 PM
"I think it is a poor idea to treat him as a helpless cub. The young of the serpent, spider, and scorpion carry as potent venom as their parents and are the more dangerous for they are less easily seen.

I am old by human standards. I have traveled the world from the Mwangi Expanse to the Land of Song and seen many things between. That one is trouble; experience tells me this. He is too cold, too enamored of killing, too broken in spirit. He was not jesting when he said he sought murder.

Therefore, I will take his words as a confession should there be manslaughter this night. I will not convict him in my heart or words er there is proof sufficient for such a charge, of this I assure you. But I will suspect him.

Surely you have heard the old fable of the scorpion and the frog master woodsman. If it is his nature to sting us I will not bear him across the river."

Having spoken his peace the elf turned to the next of the books, that concerning the horns and began to read.

Take 20 Int check, +5 bonus.

2012-05-23, 03:30 PM

Listening to the conversations around him he began to get a wider and wider smirk on his face. His brother had asked a pertinent question...if there be anything about that would help them in tracking such a foe as this potential witch.

What made his smile widen further was the inane babble about Zerak. If he wanted to go out and be a nuisance, who cares? He would make his own bed, and the guards would help him lie in it if it came down to it. Or perhaps he would simply come back from his brooding and continue on their journey. If he fancied himself a killer then he should prove it on the battlefield, not skulk about trying to pick off these weak northmen, with their courage hanging by a thread. Xamot in fact just, didn't really care.

2012-05-23, 05:57 PM
Arn gave a grudging nod of agreement as the elf finished.

"I have heard that fable, though this far north it is the Serpent and the Stag. If there is nothing further, I must look to my brother's needs. There is nothing pure in these woods to hunt and I will not have him go hungry while I feast."

With that Arn turned and moved to leave.

OOC: If no one stops him, Arn will try to get Maw his dinner.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-26, 03:59 PM
You gather up some of the leftovers from diner and begin to make your way back outside the town to feed maw. On your way you come across a rather peculiar sight in the nobles district. In the open plaza a large group of people stand in the middle and countless guards are walking around questioning them, you realize this is the scene of a murder. You do not wish to concern yourself with this and continue on. Outside you return to the stables and find Maw sitting there patiently he is exited at the scent of food and digs in.

Siri shakes her head and replies, "I'm afraid not Tomax, all of her possession's would be left in the valley and are likely all gone or buried in the earth now. With luck however you may find some though." She bows once more and continues down the hall.

You leap from building to building with ease and make your way to the castle, standing perched on the closet building you must decide your next coarse of action, and how you plan on getting inside.

You open up another book, The Horns of The North.

Summary: The four Horns of the North, have been savior too our lands countless times and they play an important role in the founding of the Land. Without these four horns our land would still be that nameless space of land, home to many a evil creature. It is said that Hjalmar found the four horns during his conquest of the Land of Song, one for each side of the compass. The Eastern War Horn holds the power to protect the user and their allies from the evil forces that oppose them, but it can only be sounded by one of a good heart, It's power also drives away cowards and they flee from the horn. The Southern War Horn holds the power over nature itself, the user holds the ability to manipulate the weather in a designated area as well as hold a charm over animals. The Northern War Horn holds the power of might, when blown it calls mighty warriors to aid the wielder in battle. The Western War Horn hold's the power to rally allies and break apart foes, When sounded it can have two abilities on to Rally and inspire allies and the other to deteriorate the mind of your enemies. The four horns are all mighty on their own but they hold secret power when sounded together as well. When the Northern Horn and Southern Horn are sounded simultaneously it calls upon the aid of a mighty Roc to aid the user for a limited time. When the Northern Horn and Eastern Horn are sounded simultaneously it make a song soothing to the ears of allies but harming to that of your enemies. When the Northern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously it causes a large area surrounding the user to be rid of any dangerous magics. When the Southern Horn and Eastern Horn are sounded simultaneously it brings forth the wrath of the earth, causes the ground to shake and waver in various ways to bring wrath to your opponents. When the Southern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously it summons up to twelve noble and strong steeds who last until death due them part. When the Eastern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously it summons a heroes feast fit for at least 12, not only nourishing but the feast also increase the eaters output in battle and resilience to the elements. When the Northern Horn, Southern Horn and Eastern Horn are sounded simultaneously, a half dozen or more werebears are summoned to the aid of the user and will aid until death. When the Northern Horn, Southern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously a storm of fire is created in a designated area within sight of the user. When the Southern Horn, Eastern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously it causes the users to become immune to the harmful effects of the cold for a week's time. When the Northern Horn, Eastern Horn and Western Horn are sounded simultaneously it causes the users to become immune to the harmful effects of fire for a weeks time. If all four War Horns are sounded simultaneously, the “Sleeping Jarls” are awakened. The shades
of the Clans’ ancestors and their loyal retainers arise from the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls and immediately make for the source of the sounding. Their actions will depend upon the circumstances of their summoning. In ages past, they were called upon for counsel or to aid in epic battles. Woe be to those who wake the sleeping jarls for frivolous matters! The four horns have been locked in the Vaults of Kerava in hopes that we will never be of need of them again, but if we are they shall be by our side in our victory.

Chained Birds
2012-05-26, 04:46 PM

Desmund will leave once he finishes off his 7th serving and thanks everyone there for their hospitality.

2012-05-27, 04:40 PM

Moving his way down the building, looking to not fall to his death, zerak places his white cloak over his shoulders, not on his body however. When moving to the guards, he looks on with the same look he had the first time going in. "Zerak. I was here with the travelers from the caravan. Old man, eerie speech, went in for food." Zerak places it as cool as possible, keeping his winter cloak visible, but only within line of sight.

Diplomacy check to give the information, considering it isn't a lie.
Check:[roll0] This is only if they do not remember Zerak.

2012-05-27, 06:42 PM
Arn sat in the stable while Maw ate his food and mulled over what the elf had told him about the witch. At the very least, Arn now knew how to solve the problem, if not the exact means of doing so.

He leaned back into the straw and smiled. He'd be able to help the Mother now.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-05-27, 08:59 PM

The guards look at you with an appraising look, they then nod to each other and raise their halberds unblocking the entrance before you step through though one of them speaks. "Lady Siri wishes to meet with you on the morn, preferably early she said not sure what about though." They then let you walk inside the Castle.

2012-05-28, 11:37 AM

Nodding at the guards, he enters the mead hall to see if any of the food is left. Taking his fair share of the remaining food (if any.), He then settles up for bed, going to the nearest worker of the castle to ask for a place to sleep.

2012-05-28, 01:32 PM
Opening the next book "The Ancestors" the elf continued his reading. He felt a twinge of pity for humans who required so much sleep.

Take 20 on the int check for the book.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-02, 05:08 PM
Reading one of these books takes about 6 hours 4 if you don't take 20, and seeing as you've read two that would equal up to 12 hours total, seeing as you have only been here 6 hours, and 8 hours rest that mean you only have 2 hours of time left which is not even close to enough to read the book. If you can think of something else you wish to do with your time go ahead.

You spend the night in the library reading and jotting down notes, while the other go about their menial task of sleeping. Nothing of interest happens this night.

Heiratic Desmund:
You retire to your room after hours of eating, you have never had so much in your life and you fall asleep quickly and quietly this night, your night is not free of nightmares however, well they never are. But this time they are different, the usual horrid imagery and unreadable images, is not there but instead the vision is bright and quite vivid. A land of ice and snow clouds your dream, though it appears peaceful you notice something about it, it is barren. Not a single living thing can be seen for miles, you recognize this to be the Land of Song, you cannot help but feel a strange sensation while standing in this empty plain of ice and snow, but suddenly you feel a pull, a pull to walk onward through this empty land, slowly you place your foot ahead of the other and walk on, and soon the pull become a push as you continue on for what seems an eternity, it doesn't stop and you cannot stop yourself. Soon words fill your head you cannot understand them and but they seem to be speaking to you, they become louder and faster beating at your brain, soon you fall to the snow and lie there as the voices fade, as does your vision and as ubrubtly as it began your dream vanishes. You awake in your room sweat beating down you face and body, you do not find any more rest this night.

You retire to your room rather late this night, the day has worn you and you jump right to bed. Before you fall asleep however you hear something, a strange sound it is almost as if someone is calling out to you, the sound comes from your room but you cannot discern from were this eerie noise comes. Curiosity takes over and you get out from bed and begin to search the room. You search the entire room and nothing turns up the noise keeping the same frequency no matter where you stand, despite your curiosity you return to bed and sleep through the noise, just as you fall to sleep you hear the voice of an elderly man in your head, You will learn. the noises stop.

You sit in your room meditating for a long while before retiring for the night, but something catches your eye as you peer out the window before getting in your bed. Your curios to see what it is and look out the window and begin to look around, from here you have a great view of the town and can even stop some of the farms on the outskirt, you squint and can make out a strange light floating in the middle of one of the outskirt farms, this eerie light begins to fly around as you spot it with great speed, from farm to farm it moves and you cannot discern what in the world this could be. This light makes it's way closer and closer to the town gate as it moves, suddenly the light zips up towards the sky and disappears, leaving you in a confused and awestruck state. You jump into bed and slowly fall to sleep as you ponder what this light could be.

You sit alone in your room, lying spread out on you great bed you desperately try to fall asleep, but all that has happened this day and your curiosity keeps you awake. Your mind is to stuck up in this whole situation for your to find much rest this night. Nothing of interest happens this night.

You stay with Maw until he falls asleep and then return to your room in the castle to get some sleep, the giant bed is more than comfortable and you fall into restfully sleep in only a few moments. Nothing of Interest happens this night.

You return to the castle rather late and find that most of your companions have already turned in for the night, you skulk up to your room the adrenaline fading from you and leap onto the large bed and fall to sleep in moments. Your night is restful for the most part until you are awoken, mid night by the familiar voice of a dwarven lady. You open your eyes to find Siri standing before you arms crossed and a scowl on her face, she looks disdainfully down at you and speaks, "We need to talk rogue."

Please post responses in spoilers.

2012-06-02, 08:39 PM

Looking up with half-awake eyes, he shifts over her image. Nodding with complete coherency, he sits up, pats the bed, and finds his shirt to dress with. "Please, do sit and talk then. Don't worry, I don't bite. Much."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-02, 09:04 PM
Siri nods towards you and sits at the far end of the bed, "It is about your business here and about, a certain incident last eve. I think you are aware of what I am speaking of and know that it is by my will you will go unpunished. You see you have a certain role in this land wheater you know it or not, and I do not want to put your talents to waste, you came here for a purpose and you shall go through with it. Let me keep this short, you put your...deed behind you and do not harm another of the Lands citizens again, you accompany your group to death and with loyalty, and you shall be free of your crime. Do I make myself clear." Siri speaks with great concern, and waits for your agreeing nod, or whatever response.

2012-06-02, 09:16 PM

"Lady, i can honestly say. My initiation, so far as to kill mindlessly, is over. I needed the one under my belt. However, you're not telling me all of the story. As you already know, i wasn't hear for the intelligent portion of this session. So, before i go adventuring, give me a run down on what needs to be done. But, once i give you my word, you'll have it forever." Zerak doesn't try to cover up his action, or as she put it, 'crime', he does however, need to know what goes on.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-02, 09:26 PM
"Honestly I am unaware as to what must be done, that is why I am sending my aide Gregers with your group he shall be my eyes and ears in this mission and should keep your group together as well as being a competent fighter, I shall contact him each day via a Sending spell to watch your progress, you are to follow his orders that he gives gather as much information as you can and if you do find what it is that lurks behind this you are to crush it. Gregers should fill you and your group on anything else. He should be waiting for you at the gate at noon this morn, if you have no more questions I should be off."

2012-06-02, 09:40 PM
"I got one more, maybe two more, questions. Who ARE you exactly? As far as I can tell, you're a lady that just walks into a person's room. That's rude. Exciting, but rude."

Chained Birds
2012-06-02, 10:09 PM

Waking up and vomiting in the corner after seeing such a non-horrid dream, it takes Desmund a few seconds to realize what his new dream might be asking of him. I understand what I must do. He thinks to himself.
Desmund then walks outside and prostrates himself on a fencepost for a while, receiving his daily allowance of spells for the day. He will be feeling a sharp pain at the base of his spine for a few hours after that after performing such an unusual act; but it had to be done.

Desmund will then attempt to meet up with the group.

2012-06-02, 11:47 PM
Rogar gets directions to his quarters, and shuts the door behind him, to attempt meditation. Finding inner peace despite the crazy happenings of the new place, he regains his composure, and settles in to rest for the night.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-03, 03:31 PM
"I am high priest of this hold, and wife of Jarl Yngvar, If your so curious I think your elf friend might have a book lying around regarding my dutys here." Siri says with a grin. Now if that is all I must get going, and do keep our meeting secret from your, allies.

2012-06-03, 04:30 PM

Tossing and turning in his bed, he couldn't help but sleep with one hand on the hilt of his Falchion. When he heard those ominous words, he stayed awake for a good ten minutes. Holding his blade and peering about into the shadows. He knew much of the strange magicks and tales of spirits, but he so hated when such things sought to bother him. Soon though he returned to his rest.

2012-06-04, 12:47 PM

"Sure thing lady."

2012-06-05, 12:03 PM
Arn woke with the sunrise and set off to the stables to make sure Maw hadn't eaten any of the townsfolk's horses or pets or children. His little brother was generally well behaved, but his aggressive nature tended to get him in trouble without Arn around to monitor him.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-07, 05:04 PM
At this point you have all awoken and have a few hours of day until your party gathering at the main gate, feel free to finish up any business you have in town visit some shops, listen for rumors etc.

2012-06-08, 05:38 PM

tossing out of bed, Zerak scrambles around his bed, before leaning out of it. He takes seconds out of his way to straighten the bed, and then dons his attire, leaving the heavy cloak behind. He takes his pocket watch out, and rubs it down for 25 minutes. Seeing every nook and cranny clean and shine. Cherishing it, Zerak places it back in his pocket, and scrambles down stairs to the mead hall.

2012-06-08, 10:43 PM
Arn strolled back up the hill to the meadhall at a leisurely pace. There was no apparent hurry as of yet, and breakfast sounded agreeable to him.

Chained Birds
2012-06-09, 02:00 AM

Greeting his companions,

"Furor on to thee. Did any of you dream of peaceful thoughts last night?"

2012-06-09, 02:45 AM

Xamot awoke and began to gather his things of their journey. Little had to be done, given that he had left his things packed in his backpack. He fitted his Falchion upon his back within easy reach and made his way to the stables.

He spent most of the morning grooming his horse, and even took a meager breakfast there when the offer was made. He wanted nothing more than to get on with the task at hand. He soon had he and his brothers mounts saddled and ready, waiting near the gate.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-09, 12:26 PM
After gathering your supplies you all meet up at the mead hall for breakfast, after your hearty meal you all make your way to the west gate the many people you pass give you their eternal thanks and wish you the best of luck in unraveling the evil among the frozen fjords. The two guards standing on watch stand with 4 others this morning when they see you approach they suddenly stop you and the four men walk over to you. "A pleasure to make your acquittance adventurers Jiri has told me about you and has since put us to the task of taking you to the Valley as it is a strenuous trip dangerous and even more so in such dire circumstances."He pauses and bows, "Where are my manners, Gregers is the name here with me are Josh, Kenneth and Egil. I know that you may have many questions but there is little time as evil shan't wait for us." He turns to his three companions and you introduce one another he then turns to you and says, "We shall have plenty of time to get to know each other on the road, we shouldn't teary any longer grab your mounts and let us set off."

Gregers is a man of rather short stature for a human, standing at a mere 5'6, but his muscles are finely built the scars on his body tell you some tales about his past. Despite his apparent shortness, Gregers is a handsome man, his brown eyes seem to reflect the sunlight, his brown hair is of medium length. He is clean shaven though you do spot a little stubble growing in, he wears a longsword at his side and wear a tower shield on his back, he dons a fine plate mail and appears to be an expert swordsman.

Egil on the other hand is a short and wide man, like most of his race he has a full grown beard which almost sweeps the floor as he walks, This battle trained dwarf wears a dwarven axe at his side and a heavy shield on his back he is also clad in a plate suit. Something strikes you odd about this dwarf, something you don't much see in them but he seems to lack a certain gruff nature of most dwarves and you notice his skin color is more golden tinted than usual. He greets you all with a smile.

Gregers and his crew all have their own mounts as well as a carriage, which is currently pulled by two horses as well, since the party is leaving I would like to make up a marching order, Carriage and NPCs included. The carriage currently holds a large number of food items and supplies, including several tents and even a few spare weapons, up to four people can sit in the carriage at a time and two can ride at the front manning the horses.

2012-06-09, 12:32 PM
Onward then! The Mother suffers, and haste is needed.

2012-06-09, 01:03 PM
"I will set myself to continuing my research and will ride in the carriage. I suggest it be placed in the middle of our little caravan with an outrider on each side those without mounts and who favor range should likely join me in it."

2012-06-09, 09:07 PM

The young man walks along side the guards or men, and stays without word. He's more accustomed to following along on foot, given his stature of parkour type movement.

2012-06-10, 08:26 PM
Rogar, after a suitable breakfast, goes out to find his transportation. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem interested in conversation with the guides, simply saying, I'll be in the carriage, and I promise to leave you to your work, good sir elf." With that he puts his gear in the carriage such that he can lean against it, and begins to hum softly to himself.

2012-06-10, 08:54 PM
"I prefer to walk, so I'll keep to one side of the cart. Besides, my little brother would scare the horses.

Chained Birds
2012-06-10, 10:09 PM

The strange man returns back from retrieving his horse that he left by the stables. He wears his hood in a way to obscure most of his face in shadows.

"I've brought my own horse, might as well put him to good use. Though if any ladies would like to ride along, I wouldn't mind the company up here."

Desmund grins and chuckles under his hood. He makes no attempt to hide his reasons for making such a claim.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-11, 02:44 PM
Gregers grins as the party discusses positioning and the such, after a time he mounts his horse and says, "Egil and I shall take position at the front, Josh, Kenneth, you two take your mounts to the back we don't need to be ambushed anytime soon."

So I suppose marching order will look something like this:

R=Rogar(In Wagon)
A=Ashiel(In Wagon)
K=Akasha(In Wagon)

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-17, 11:32 AM
Once everyone has found their positions Egil, turns back to face the group and says, "It'll be a long trip to the valley, two weeks at least that be considering the weather is too our liking and I can guarantee ye it won't. Well at least it gives us a little more time to get to know one another eh." Egil says with a grin then turns his attention forward.

You march out of the town in respective order along with your four new companions they seem the nice sort but talk next to none in the first few hours of marching. You notice they too were a bronze torc around there neck it would seem it is tradition among the clans.

The roads seems somewhat safer then they are made out to be after eight hours of marching the sky grows dark it is at least midnight and Gregors tells you it is best to set camp and leave early morning. "The roads are unsafe after midnight some claim a many headed monster and his large band of undead stalk the roads at night and attacks nearby settlements dragging people away." He says to you but then shakes his head. "Never mind it is only a silly rumor, nevertheless we should rest and make it far from the road in case..." you take a few minute detour though the cold he finds a area shadowed by a large rock and you begin to set up camp there.

Feel free to spend this night as you will RP if you wish stand watch etc.

"Through suffering and pain we fought we fought for honor we fought for peace, but our failure was death. Your heart is strong and you are worthy of our cause, we give to you this gift that of our souls, our memory's, our thoughts. We are dead but yet not we were servants in life and so servants in death, we are your Ancestors and so we bring with us might." Such are the words of the Ancestors the words that bind them to us, and grant upon us great might. The Ancestors of old have led us through countless trials amidst the icy mountains and frozen tundra, that make out land, they are the sole reason we can survive in this land of beasts, they are us. Ever since Torvek Hjalmar set foot on our land they have walked among us and will so till the end of days. The Ancestors were truly birthed when Hjallmar used the power of the War Horns of the North to slay Brandholm in the Marching mountains, the combined power of the war horns and of all the souls who had died to this point literately tore apart the witch and bound here in the Ancestral stone along with the rest of the souls who had fallen. The stone is said to be indestructible, but if through some tainted and dark magic it were to ever be broken all that would be need is for the four horns to be sounded once more, to keep the Ancestors safe for all of eternity powerful wards have been placed on the valley and the stone itself. To top that off the horns have been placed deep within the vaults of Kereva were only the Jarl and the few of his top men have access. Each soul buried in the valley was given a special ritual that tied their soul to the Valley were they join the Ancestors and watch over the Valley for all eternity. One would never be given to the Ancestors against their will as it is the will of the soul if they should or should not be bound for eternity, which is no doubt quite a great sacrifice situation. When one who is worthy should touch the Ancestor stone, then the souls of the Ancestor's are tied to that person giving the individual not only wisdom and memory's but power and life as well, it is known that only two people aside from the Jarls themselves have ever been tied to the stone, the two being Lennart and Kirkoien(Who soon after became the first Jarl of Kirkoien). One who is tied to the Ancestors must also join them upon death, even if their corpse is not returned to the valley their soul shall always. Upon touching the stone, the worthy are given a set of flashback from a part of the lands History, after this vision the Ancestors them self come to speak with the one(Though they don't have a physical form). The one answers a series of questions witch are different for everyone, the answers to these questions determine the powers they grant and sometimes what curses they place upon you. There is a ritual to speak with the Ancestors from afar, but such is a secret only to be known by the Wisewomen of the Clans, Lennart the unusual Shaman also managed to master this ritual without the aid of a teacher. When one becomes tied to the Ancestors, a number of their souls flows into you, binding your soul with theirs which grants you all the powers they hold in life and more, but with the power comes a cost, one also receives the suffering of these soul which could drive the weak to insanity. The bound souls in you release upon death and return to the Stone with a new member along with it.

Chained Birds
2012-06-17, 12:41 PM

The strange man spends his time obsessively flipping and shining a singly gold coin, before continuing on to the next one in his possession. He finds these actions quite soothing, and repeats these actions until night fall or until someone asks him to stop.

2012-06-19, 10:11 PM

Pulling his white cloak back over his body, he chuckles at the static behavior. Not enjoying it, he takes a walk with his cloak up over his head. Keeping his punching dagger in his grasp, he hides it for the sake of feeling at home with the blade. He wanders not too far, only a few, 20 or 25 feet radius from the camp.

2012-06-19, 10:42 PM

Xamot spent most of the time keeping his eyes open and his mouth shut. Once camp was made for the night he set about to sharpening his Falchion, and takes a shift with the first watch. He doesn't seem unapproachable, but he doesn't seek anyone out for conversation, save his brother.

2012-06-20, 06:51 PM
Ashiel had his nose buried in the next book, this one a discussion of some wise man or another.Take 20

2012-06-20, 11:00 PM
Rogar takes care of his own needs, then gathers some wood for a fire. While he is up, he walks over to Ashiel to ask him about his book. "Ashiel, have you learned anything interesting today about these lands? It couldn't hurt to know more after all!" His tasks done, he eats and prepares for sleep.

He will take the third watch, getting his sleep in early and meditating after.

2012-06-20, 11:30 PM
"If it is the witch, a prospect which appears increasingly likely, we are going to need those horns. Also, there is a magic rock in the valley to which the souls of all the important people in the Land of Song are bound. I know how to gain access to their power, though the price is joining them upon death."

2012-06-21, 06:22 AM

In his escape from the others, he does a few exercises, including his quota up pull ups, sprints around the natural lap of the forest, and a few combat exercises, such as stabs, or parries.

Sweating enough for him to remove his cloak, Zerak comes back with above average news. Without actual regard for urgency, he casually walks into the site.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-21, 03:16 PM
Egil walks up to Ashiel only moments after Rogar, he seems rather intrigued by Ashiel's knowledge of the land, "You learn quickly I see elf I see you've already learned much of our lands. Just keep your magic away from me and I think we can get along just fine." Egil says with a wide grin before leaving for his tent.

Gregers walks over to you as you continuously flip the shiny gold coin, at first he says nothing but eventually he turns to you and begins to speak, "I can't help but feel there is something amiss about you. Sorry if I sounded rash, but I don't think I've gotten your name."

While wandering around camp you spot something rather odd from what appears to be the direction of the road you were traveling earlier this day, you take a second and squint trying to make out what it is. You make out at least 20 humanoid figures which appear to be marching down the road in two lines, one of these humanoids is walking a safe 30 or more feet in-front of the the others likely a scout or something of the such. The group in the back are all carrying torches or an other such light source some are significantly less powerful. These humanoid seem to be walking down the road in the direction of Kerava, you can discern nothing more.

2012-06-21, 05:30 PM
"Being entirely objective, I am on the short list for the smartest mortal alive. This is not to say I know everything or even a close approximation. However, where you to divide all living things into one-hundred categories of equal size sorted by intelligence I would be firmly within the most intelligent of them.

The fact remains that almost anyone here could kill me in battle so intelligence isn't everything. Also, your land is very interesting and I am happy to learn more about it." Anyone watching would see not a twitch or slightest change of expression to indicate he was being facetious. Now to see if they would get the joke.

2012-06-21, 05:40 PM

Gathering up to the captain, he based his talking on only what he saw in his short exclusion. He relayed the imagery he saw perfectly, and told the man what he assumed to be their path, down to Kerava. He did not fail to mention a scout well ahead, down to a good guess of 5 feet off the actual 30 feet. Nodding at the captain of this group of, what Zerak thought to be, bodyguards, he traveled off to a shade of night, and let his body rest in it's sweaty pores.

Chained Birds
2012-06-21, 07:28 PM

Removing the coin from sight in a very nervous and extremely awkward fashion.

"I am the Heiratic Desmund, and I do be-believe we haven't been pr-properly introduced yet."

Then he takes out another coin (A copper one) from his pocket and stares at it for a while with his one red eye, before suddenly bending it and tossing it behind him with an annoyed look on his face.

2012-06-23, 10:10 AM
Rogar turns to the elf, laughing. "You and me both elf! Now, I understand that some might be reluctant to desert their ancestors or their god in the afterlife, so would it be possible for someone not trained in the magic arts to perform this ritual? I mean, the defender of these lands should be one of their own, it only makes sense." Rogar looks around to see the reactions of those around him.

2012-06-23, 11:28 AM
"Possible, though as always the possibility of dying horribly if judged unworthy or lacking sufficient resolve exists."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-06-25, 12:48 PM
"Well met Desmund, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but if you'll excuse me I have matters to attend to," Gregers says with a bow before leaving fro the center of camp.

You find Gregers as he is leaving from Desmunds tent you don't bother asking him any question and just begin to report what you said, he looks rather intrigued and before you can leave he interrupts and says, "[B]Based on what you said it sound's like they are headed down the same road we were passing, they could be survivors from one of the outlying villages. If so we could learn a thing or two about what we face from them. Zerak I'm sorry to burden you but it is vital if they are indeed survivors then we can't just let them walk down the road to their deaths, I need you to investigate for me, you being the stealthiest here I doubt you'll have much of a problem. All I need to know is if their humans report what you find back to me.[B]" Not even giving you time to speak a word Gregers rushes off to gather the others.

Gregers comes dashing from tent to tent gathering each and everyone of you around the campfire at the middle of camp, he explains nothing just says that it is important. Once you have all gathered he speaks, "I have gathered you all to announce that we are not alone on the road this night. They aren't headed our way, but it seems a little odd to me that such a big group would be out at night after all I heard back in town about the monsters that lurk the roads at night. By what Zerak has explained to me they would appear to be a lost band of villagers, likely from one of the small outlying villages that more than likely lay in ruin now. That is not to say they aren't just a band of gnolls looking for an easy kill, and that is why I have sent Zerak to confirm my assumption before we confront. Either way we could learn a fine thing or two from them, and if they are indeed some foul bandits then keep on your toes, that is all." Gregers say's with a bow, "Well then what are we waiting for." Egil says as he heaves his axe of the ground and begins to stamper of in the direction of the group, he does not get far before Gregers grabs his wrist preventing hims from going further, "Easy friend, you don't know what your getting into." Egil settles down and seats himself once more on a log.

2012-06-25, 12:59 PM

Before reaching the orders, he snares his stuff from his campsite, and takes his cloak to his arms, plopping the outside, in. It now looks more dark coloured, a lot more camouflaged in the night. Readying his punching dagger much like the time he went in for his kill, he travels the under brush and shadows of the side of the road, following himself back to the group.

Seeing the scout first, he walked forward fifteen feet, and stayed off to the side of the road by twenty-five feet. After all that, he waits for the band to show up.

Stealth check:[roll0]
Acrobatics to move safely through the thick of the jungle/forest. (if needed.): [roll1]

2012-06-25, 04:18 PM

Shaking his head as he listened to what the people prattled on about, he heard them mention Zerak and a heavy snort came from his nose. He didn't know what their little scout would find, or if he would even come back. At least in either circumstance they would know what they were dealing with.

His only real reaction was to pick up his falchion and hoist it up onto his shoulder. His hand that held it flexed easily, and he awaited news...hoping to get to put the thing to use.

2012-06-27, 04:50 AM

Tomax's visage stiffened as Gregers told them the news. He flexed and clenched his hands, cracking every knuckle while he did. Standing up silently, he takes hold of his axe's haft and hefts it upon his shoulder. He had been quiet for the entire trip, brooding in his thoughts of his compatriots and what they may face in the wintery Northlands of Song.

Kujoe Dirte
2012-07-15, 12:32 PM
You sneak your way near the source of the light and look closely at the band. You spot at least twenty odd humans as they struggle desperately to keep up the slow pace they march, most are unarmed save for a few brave men who stand near the front holding makeshift weapons out in front of them, it is clear these men have never wielded a weapon before. They appear scarred and seem torn about something, a wounded pony struggles to drag along a cart at the back of the group. It would appear that Gregers assumption was correct.

2012-07-15, 05:02 PM

Gathering all the information he felt that the campsite needed, he sprinted ahead to the scout. He made sure to stay low, and watch. When it was clear that the scout was coming up near the site, Zerak broke for the site, and informed the group of what he saw, as they stood around talking.

"There is a scout coming up. I say a band go and greet the scout now, and bring him back here. If he sees us, before we can make mention of what we are doing here, he may alert the poor men to attack us. And if they attack us, they'll die."

Kujoe Dirte
2012-07-15, 05:23 PM
"Poor villagers forced to flee their homes because of...we could learn much about what haunts the lands if we speak with them but I do not wish to hold them up." Gregers is lost in thought and then the stuby dwarf interjects. "We cany leave em out in the dark Greg bring em here and we can keep em safe." Gregers nods in agreement to Egil, "Each second they spend on the road they are in danger, I will bring them to our camp they can stay safe for the night here and come the morn continue on to Kerava." Gregers hastily retrieves his sword from his tent and returns to you clad in full plate, he stands beside Egil, the dwarf already wearing all his gear and turns towards you all, "Who's coming with me?"

2012-07-15, 05:34 PM

"I've done my part. I'll be asleep."

Derek was simple, and meant it. He left to go to his distant area of the campsite, and wrapped up in a Winter blanket, using his soft pack as a pillow.

Chained Birds
2012-07-15, 07:42 PM

"Fine, I'll aid these wayward souls. Perhaps they will shower me in gifts for my assistance."

Desmund joins Gregors.