View Full Version : Sorc/Wiz spell suggestions for a Lyric Thaumaturge

2012-05-08, 12:25 AM
So my character unfortunately kicked the bucket last game session, and I'm thinking of rolling with a Silverbrow Human Bard/Lyric Thaumaturge for my new character (yes, I know that Sublime Chord/Virtuoso is better, but that's not what I want to play :smalltongue:). The plan is to use Dragonfire Inspiration and Snowflake Wardance plus a spell or two to buff, then go into melee with a Crystal Echoblade.

The question is, as Lyric Thaumaturges get the Spell Secret class ability and can choose one Sorcerer/Wizard spell for each spell level 1-6, what are the best suggestions for the Spell Secret spell selection? Available sources are PHB, PHB 2, Spell Compendium, all the Races books, all the Complete books (excluding Champion), Dragon Magic, BOED, and all the terrain books (Frostburn, Stormwrack, Cityscape, etc).

2012-05-08, 01:53 AM
If they're not banned pick celerity or polymorph.

EDIT - grammar.

2012-05-08, 02:01 AM
Also, Bite of Where<insert creature here> from SC might be worth looking into.

Keld Denar
2012-05-08, 02:26 AM
I like Ray of Enfeeblement at 1st and Cloud of Knives at 2nd. 3rd is kinda...eh, but Fly is a good pick, and Greater Mirror Image is great for 4th.

2012-05-08, 03:30 AM

2012-05-08, 03:39 AM
I like Ray of Enfeeblement at 1st and Cloud of Knives at 2nd. 3rd is kinda...eh, but Fly is a good pick, and Greater Mirror Image is great for 4th.
Greater Mirror Image is already a 4th level Bard spell.

1. Benign Transposition, Nerveskitter, Wall of Smoke
2. Command Undead, Rope Trick, Web, Heroics
3. Shivering Touch, Great Thunderclap, Regal Procession, Magic Circle against X, Ray of Exhaustion
4. Polymorph, Orb of Acid, Orb of Sound, Dimensional Anchor, Dispelling Screen, Enervation, Black Tentacles, Solid Fog
5. Dismissal, Draconic Might, Refusal, Cloudkill, Draconic Polymorph
6. Contingency, Disintegrate, Anticipate Teleportation Greater, Howling Chain, Planar Binding, Mental Pinacle