View Full Version : Minecraft Thread X: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the ... SSSSSSSS

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2012-05-08, 03:01 PM
Terry576 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=41225) made a very nice banner.
Previous Threads:
Ssssssss... Minecraft (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164347)
Minecraft Thread II: Just One More Block (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171864)
Minecraft Thread III: Zombie Pigs Eventually Forgives (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=177349).
Minecraft Thread IV:Life's A Birch And Then You Dye (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183503)
Minecraft Thread V: Don't fear the Creeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190226)
Minecraft Thread VI: All the Blocks Just Form this Way (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=199594)
Minecraft Thread VII: Don't Blink (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209439)
Minecraft Thread VIII: Thank you, but our Princess is in another version! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216738)
Minecraft Thread IX: Beginning of the End (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12362824)
This thread is by no means primarily for my server, it is for all things minecraft-related, it's just we tend to talk about the server a lot here. So come, be merry, and build amazing things.

Non Server Stuff
Croverus is doing an LP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216357) by text of minecraft!

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Main GitP Servers:
add your name to this (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AqU4LU4RNy0AdEZqY1VudzdDaDRxTEN3NTR6Z2hvM Wc&authkey=CKedzfgI&hl=en#gid=0) spreadsheet in the first column marked "MINECRAFT NAME HERE", AND make a post in the thread.
Mods/Admin Software: The list is on the whitelist
Details about the worlds:

*We have different types of worlds to accomodate different ways of playing Minecraft. They are organized into groups. The main group (/wg main or /wg survival or /wg 0) is standard survival. World list:
--world: Our oldest world, and where you spawn. Set to peaceful.
--terra: Mobs spawn here. The result of a merge of some other worlds.
--release: Newest map with less stuff in it; uses the latest world generator.
--nether: Old nether, with its stuff. Mobs are off.
--nether2: New nether, with the latest world generator. Mobs are on.
--There are also two end worlds, one for world and the other for terra.
*We also have a creative group (/wg creative or /wg 1). Here, you have unlimited resources to build whatever. Also in this group is the world for Ironcraft. Nether portals in Ironcraft lead to creative and vice versa.
*Our third group is hardcore (/wg hardcore or /wg 2). Here, all mods are disabled, and the difficulty is set to Hard.
*Our final group is for roleplaying. Talk to Deme if you want to join the RP.

Server Rules
General rules to follow while on the server.

Don't be a ****
Swearing is censored(Cause it was easier to do than not, not that it was ever a problem)
Don't steal peoples stuff
Don't break stuff that isn't yours
Use common sense

Rules for the section of the server that is RPTown:

The setting is fantasy, after a dragon attacks our ship, causes it to wreck, and leaves our characters stranded. Certain steampunk elements (jukeboxes, TNT, minecarts) are allowed, of course.
There are no classes, but most characters do have jobs and specific skills as a result of their backgrounds. Use your own discretion.
Characters should be tied to skins, but the character's name should be used in description whenever possible, as well.
Keep RP things within the RPtown area, please. This includes grudges and so on.
There is no commitment here -- play when you want to, go build and explore elsewhere when you don't. Easy enough, right?
RP should be surrounded by quotes. Dialogue can simply go inside the quotes, and extra description and action are to be within asteriks inside the quotes, to make it clear to people not inside the RP. This is a good way to use names. "Like this, you see? *Deme shuts her book and waves it* I hope that's clear."
Bringing objects is limited at first, except for building materials it would be hard or impossible to get on the landmass, but are still good for characters, like brick or mossy cobble.
However, when a character starts, they can bring a few objects and tools appropriate to the character, for fun's sake. These are objects like tools and items, appropriate to their background -- the things they may have had in what bags they could grab *quickly* or on their person. Again, use your own judgement.
PVP = A-OK. Destroying structures or stealing items, on the other hand will require advance permission from the victim and will require in-story justification, not just for lulz. Otherwise, it shall be declared griefing.
If you want to temporarily "break character" and build a labrynth or a temple of doom to serve as an adventure, feel free. This can apply for groups as well.
If you need people to play special monsters or NPCs for your plot, ask around -- you don't have to (and probably shouldn't) reveal too much until you have some takers, and then, mainly to those who need to know.
The ability to re-spawn after death is a new, strange, magical ability that only happened after the wreck. The characters wouldn't know it at first. The same, of course, applies to the monsters that fester up from the ground after dark...
When building in RPtown, be sensible. Obey whatever laws of physics apply to your character or building materials, be respectful of others' spaces. Unlike regular minecraft, these buildings have to make sense in an IC way.
Most importantly, have fun. Be curious and adventurous and not afraid to bruise the apples with chaos and conflict a little.

IronCraft is a Minecraft building competition in the spirit of Iron Chef.

Do not build in the Ironcraft world unless you are a current contestant, a judge, or the chairman (forbiddenwar)

Rules are:
Teams consist of no more than 6 players.
Build only with the materials provided to you by the chairman, admin or mod
Build only within set boundary for each team.
Violating rules will result in disqualification

{table=head]Name|Steam Name|Skype Name
Sapo|Saposhiente (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045740818/)|
Memnarch|memnarch (http://steamcommunity.com/id/memnarchx/)|
Scuzzball|Scuzzball (http://steamcommunity.com/id/scuzzball555)|sdafeds

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Going to an earlier version of minecraft:
MCNostalgia (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/800346-tool-mcnostalgia-201/)

2012-05-08, 03:10 PM
Mage: Does it involve dispensers? If so, known bug.

Nope. Trying to place them.

Think it might have to do with how they're not a planned-for egg, and don't really have coding.

2012-05-08, 03:29 PM
I love the smell of a new thread. It smells like . . .

GAH! *runs off*

2012-05-08, 03:30 PM
Since I switched to 64 bit Java, my Minecraft won't connect. :smallsigh:
Repeated reinstalling and switching back to 32 bit didn't help. I have yet to reinstall Mincecraft.
Anyone got an idea what might have gone wrong?

Try playing in the browser. If that works, it's the same problem I have.

2012-05-08, 04:10 PM
Do you guys been to funcraft server? I have problems with res create system (I got the buying part but I need to expand to second storey!)

2012-05-08, 06:00 PM
Try playing in the browser. If that works, it's the same problem I have.

Does not work. First I get a very long Java load screen, then an error that says



2012-05-09, 12:48 AM

So you gents know, I've been playing on my Australian server a fair bit of late, on account of not having constant lag.

The Bushranger
2012-05-09, 12:49 AM
And the Giant server seems to have kablooied again.

2012-05-09, 12:54 AM
Alright, I'm getting more time to do actually fun stuff. So I've actually got time to run another Ironcraft competition.

If you'd care to to join in, please sign up here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc). This way I can actually organize the build area. Sign up goes until thursday-ish of the build week.

Contest will run from the 13th to the 19th, starting at 12:00am thereabouts and ending 11:59pm thereabouts. This is assuming all goes as planned of course.

Theme will be "Ponds, lakes, and puddles". That is to say, the build will need to relate to one of those things in the area. There will be another rule added later, which will be told at the same time as the special ingredient.

@/\; server seems to be working for me.

The Bushranger
2012-05-09, 12:58 AM
That's quite odd, because the status image times out, IsItDown says it's down, but I tried logging in and presto.

Darth Mario
2012-05-09, 12:59 AM
Hell freaking yes, I'm in.

2012-05-09, 05:28 AM
I might try, hopefully I can do more than just help plan out my team's design. I was kinda sad after finding out how small the areas were last time because my vision for them would have been awesome.

2012-05-09, 06:54 AM
A stupid question perhaps, but, why does rptown need to be in a different group then terra and release?, As it is currently(from my understanding anyway) you can no longer move items between release/terra and rpworld anymore.

2012-05-09, 08:01 AM
Posting to get a shiny tick thing.

Currently been doing the Skyblock challenge. Lots of fun. Making a garden of mostly snow with occasional dirt blocks for trees. :D

2012-05-09, 08:06 AM
A stupid question perhaps, but, why does rptown need to be in a different group then terra and release?, As it is currently(from my understanding anyway) you can no longer move items between release/terra and rpworld anymore.

Because that's what I'd like it to be as the person in-charge of it (I wasn't asked, but they did correctly guess my feelings). Moving items from regular words to RPtown was always forbidden except in cases of adventure, and a few "character creation" items. So it produces exactly 2 problems, but in exchange prevents several bits of unfairness and cheating.
We have 3 potential solutions to this:
#1: I spawn in a requested set of gear.
#2: I put some basic gear-type things in chests in the town hall, and say "Ok, pick out X number of items appropriate to your character's concept."
#3: Ha-ha, screw you! (I don't like this option)

As for adventure-stuff... Ah, an idea.
Get a chest together containing, let's say, half the materials you want/need at that time. I will spawn in double that for you in RPworld, since I've seen your hard work. Is that an acceptable use of mod spawning powers, admins?

2012-05-09, 09:09 AM

As for adventure-stud... Ah, an idea.
Get a chest together containing, let's say, half the materials you want/need at that time. I will spawn in double that for you in RPworld, since I've seen your hard work. Is that an acceptable use of mod spawning powers, admins?

Very much acceptable.

2012-05-09, 09:58 AM
Posting to get a shiny tick thing.

Currently been doing the Skyblock challenge. Lots of fun. Making a garden of mostly snow with occasional dirt blocks for trees. :D

HAve you seen SkyGrid? I haven't tried it yet, but it makes Skyblock look easy. Also it allows for more exploration and the possibility of enchanting tables and diamond gear.

2012-05-09, 11:30 AM
HAve you seen SkyGrid? I haven't tried it yet, but it makes Skyblock look easy. Also it allows for more exploration and the possibility of enchanting tables and diamond gear.

Yeah, that one looks terrifying. I'm awful at jumping, so not gonna try that.

2012-05-09, 12:48 PM
Signed up for the Ironcraft. Too bad you didn't go with my idea earlier of fortresses. Hopefully for later.

2012-05-09, 05:45 PM
As for adventure-stuff... Ah, an idea.
Get a chest together containing, let's say, half the materials you want/need at that time. I will spawn in double that for you in RPworld, since I've seen your hard work. Is that an acceptable use of mod spawning powers, admins?

K, np, that was the main thing I had been worried about, now that I'm starting to get over a flu I should be able to start again on the adventure I had been making.

Admiral Squish
2012-05-09, 05:48 PM
Okay, does anyone know what would cause my MCedit problem? When I load a world, it just shows a big blank blue expanse. This is really becoming a problem. I've got a literally half-finished airship and my tower of babel is too short.

2012-05-09, 07:27 PM
Speaking of dispensers, if a piston face comes into contact with the face of a dispenser, the piston will not retract when power is turned off, even if the dispenser is unpowered. Whether or not the dispenser has items in it or the piston is sticky does not matter. Anyone else had this happen?:smallconfused:

2012-05-09, 07:37 PM
Dispensers can't be moved by pistons because they're tile entities.
*Updated WorldGroups:
- Added the ability to tp to groups with their name instead of their number
- List of group names is at spawn

2012-05-09, 07:41 PM
That's not what I meant. The piston isn't trying to move the dispenser, the face (End of the piston) when fully extended, with a dispenser in FRONT of it will not retract.:smallconfused:

2012-05-09, 08:14 PM
...what's Ironcraft and how does it work?

2012-05-09, 08:20 PM
...what's Ironcraft and how does it work?

IronCraft is a contest on the server in the spirit of Iron Chef. Build what ever you want on a theme within a boundry and a time limit. Since it takes place in a special world where you are in creative, you don't have to gather resources.

I'm debating on being a judge or a contestant this time.

2012-05-09, 08:41 PM
IronCraft is a contest on the server in the spirit of Iron Chef. Build what ever you want on a theme within a boundry and a time limit. Since it takes place in a special world where you are in creative, you don't have to gather resources.

I'm debating on being a judge or a contestant this time.

Aah, ok. Hum... I think being a judge would be cool.

2012-05-09, 09:50 PM
In as a judge

2012-05-09, 10:16 PM
Just as a note, I haven't asked for judges yet. And as there's only two people signed up on the spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc#gid=0), it might not even be worth running if people only want to judge.

The Bushranger
2012-05-09, 11:57 PM
Annoyance is building a structure out of lots and lots of glass and glowstone...and then realising (without having a Silk Touch pick) that you have to move two of the walls to have room for what you want inside it.

However, once all was said and done...I had this!


2012-05-10, 12:29 AM
Repeating my earlier question. Anyone know of a good Tekkit server that's accepting new people?

I'd actually offer to host a GitP server, but… I don't really have the resources to do so.

2012-05-10, 12:54 AM
What is it?

2012-05-10, 12:54 AM
I'll join in on ironcraft now that my laptop is back.

2012-05-10, 02:40 AM
I'd like to try competing in ironcraft as well

2012-05-10, 10:19 AM
I've been AFK from Minecraft for a while, but Ironcraft DOES seem like a pretty awesome use of my free time...I guess I'll call in, although preferably either with Mario, or as his ARCH-NEMESIS! :smalltongue:

2012-05-10, 12:25 PM
A new Ironcraft, you say?

I'm down, I take it we will be put into creative mod and somehow locked into the Ironcraft world?

2012-05-10, 12:31 PM
Repeating my earlier question. Anyone know of a good Tekkit server that's accepting new people?

I'd actually offer to host a GitP server, but… I don't really have the resources to do so.

I do not know of a Tekkit server. But Scuzzball's server does serve (for me at least) as a Giantitp server, as the thread deals with it a lot.

Admiral Squish
2012-05-10, 03:13 PM
Okay, does anyone know what would cause my MCedit problem? When I load a world, it just shows a big blank blue expanse. This is really becoming a problem. I've got a literally half-finished airship and my tower of babel is too short.

Nobody? At all?

2012-05-10, 03:23 PM
Not a clue, squish, I never use MCEdit...I'm a much bigger fan of doing things purely legit, on survival. Plus, multiplayer servers are better, IMO. I like showing stuff off to others.

Also, signed up for Ironcraft.

Also, Also, going to populate Obsidian Junction with NPCs...anything I need to know about for this? I already got the stuff for the runes I'll need, but I'm unfamiliar with NPC behavior...that said, the whole city is walled, so it's not like they can get lost...but there is lava they might walk into.

2012-05-10, 03:39 PM
Also, Also, going to populate Obsidian Junction with NPCs...anything I need to know about for this? I already got the stuff for the runes I'll need, but I'm unfamiliar with NPC behavior...that said, the whole city is walled, so it's not like they can get lost...but there is lava they might walk into.

Hm... Let's talk about it on the server. I can show you some tricks to save on effort. But, simply put, Obsidian Junction is gonna be kinda big for a village.

2012-05-10, 03:41 PM
Hm... Let's talk about it online. I can show you some tricks to save on effort. But, simply put, Obsidian Junction is gonna be kinda big for a village.

Aright, I'll hit you up next time I'm online. Yeah, I figured it was likely a wee bit larger than most of their places...but I'm ok distributing housing throughout to make this populated.

2012-05-10, 03:56 PM
Aright, I'll hit you up next time I'm online. Yeah, I figured it was likely a wee bit larger than most of their places...but I'm ok distributing housing throughout to make this populated.

Yeah. I've got a base set up for villager farming that I can show you.

When you log on, you should get an invite to it. If not, just let me know.

2012-05-10, 04:15 PM
Does not work. First I get a very long Java load screen, then an error that says

The problem was Java 7! Downloaded Java 6 and now it works again!:smallbiggrin:

Props to DRUNK_SOB on the Minecraftforum who posted this suggestion.

2012-05-10, 04:40 PM
I'm down, I take it we will be put into creative mod and somehow locked into the Ironcraft world?

Yes and no. WorldGroups automatically prevents you from moving items out of Ironcraft, so you're not locked in.

2012-05-10, 04:49 PM
Is Ironcraft gonna have a separate thread? What's the theme? When is it?

The Bushranger
2012-05-10, 05:47 PM
What is it?

Semi-automatic wheat farm, using sticky pistons. It's based on the layout in this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PTdd9-j1Ew), albiet with a tweaked redstone arrangement (there's a redstone torch under the glowstone acting as a OFF (I think) switch) so that the lever has 'down off/up on' functionality).

It's a bit of a space hog (each two rows of six wheat require a space seven blocks wide), but I, at least, find it nifty.

2012-05-10, 05:54 PM
Ooh, count me in for Ironcraft. :smallbiggrin:

The Bushranger
2012-05-10, 06:04 PM
...ok, that's annoying. My Iron Golem somehow climbed my fence and came down on the other side. :smalleek::smallsigh:

I managed to herd him back inside after chopping up the fence to let him through, but who knows if it'll happen again. (The doubly annoying part is that this fence is on top of ice; if the original biome my place was in was still there (as opposed to the Tagia it became), that'd be open water and the iron golem would avoid it like the plague...)

2012-05-10, 06:27 PM
That would be annoying.

In other news, I seriously don't think I'm going back to vanilla minecraft after playing Tekkit/Technic pack. Setting up enormous contraptions, all meant to mine out an area, sort the mined materials, smelt up any metals, and sort the junk and turn it into DIAMONDS is just too much fun. :smallbiggrin:

The Bushranger
2012-05-10, 06:39 PM
sort the junk and turn it into DIAMONDS


I'm on Hinjo's junk."

EDIT: As predicted, the Iron Golem managed to glitch over the fence and wander off, last seen heading in the direction of Bigcastle. :smallsigh:

2012-05-10, 09:25 PM
Repeating my earlier question. Anyone know of a good Tekkit server that's accepting new people?

I'd actually offer to host a GitP server, but… I don't really have the resources to do so.

The other GITP server is Technic pack.

2012-05-10, 10:35 PM
Respectfully requesting whitelisting, username: digimedib

2012-05-10, 10:38 PM
Is Ironcraft gonna have a separate thread? What's the theme? When is it?
No to the separate thread, READ the thread for the rest. It's not that hard.

Alright, I'm getting more time to do actually fun stuff. So I've actually got time to run another Ironcraft competition.

If you'd care to to join in, please sign up here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc). This way I can actually organize the build area. Sign up goes until thursday-ish of the build week.

Contest will run from the 13th to the 19th, starting at 12:00am thereabouts and ending 11:59pm thereabouts. This is assuming all goes as planned of course.

Theme will be "Ponds, lakes, and puddles". That is to say, the build will need to relate to one of those things in the area. There will be another rule added later, which will be told at the same time as the special ingredient.

@/\; server seems to be working for me.

2012-05-10, 10:48 PM
The other GITP server is Technic pack.

Oh, really? Does that one have a seperate whitelist and everything, or is it the same list?

...for that matter, what do I type in to enter the Tekkit GitP server?

2012-05-10, 11:24 PM
Oh, really? Does that one have a seperate whitelist and everything, or is it the same list?

...for that matter, what do I type in to enter the Tekkit GitP server?

I believe this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=220149) is about the tekket GITP server

2012-05-11, 07:15 AM
Oh, really? Does that one have a seperate whitelist and everything, or is it the same list?

...for that matter, what do I type in to enter the Tekkit GitP server?

Completely different server.

I believe this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=220149) is about the tekket GITP server

Yep Iskandar. I'd forgotten the name for a moment.

2012-05-11, 07:20 AM
Huh, I've never noticed that tekkit server before....

2012-05-11, 09:33 AM
Semi-automatic wheat farm, using sticky pistons. It's based on the layout in this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PTdd9-j1Ew), albiet with a tweaked redstone arrangement (there's a redstone torch under the glowstone acting as a OFF (I think) switch) so that the lever has 'down off/up on' functionality).

It's a bit of a space hog (each two rows of six wheat require a space seven blocks wide), but I, at least, find it nifty.

I actually had one of those in Obsidian Junction, until a derpchunk ate it. That said, since my experiment was a success, I intend to make a vastly larger one.

Also, I believe that the water method is more space and resource efficient for semi-automatic than the piston method, so if space is a problem, something to think about.

Eventually, though, I intend for Obsidian Junction to have farms for everything farmable.

Admiral Squish
2012-05-11, 09:55 AM
...Hm. I have my tower of babel reaching to the heavens. I have my hanging gardens, albeit a bit brown and unkempt-looking. I even have a colossus. But the rest of my city of babylon is empty. Anyone have suggestions? I still have to fill like 2/3 of it.

2012-05-11, 10:03 AM
...Hm. I have my tower of babel reaching to the heavens. I have my hanging gardens, albeit a bit brown and unkempt-looking. I even have a colossus. But the rest of my city of babylon is empty. Anyone have suggestions? I still have to fill like 2/3 of it.

You could do what Ogremindes did and make housing. Check out his castle area with the telerune that's up the northern road at /spawn, through the doors, and on the left.

2012-05-11, 11:17 AM
Alright, I'm currently planning out a massive technological fortress/academy.

redstone contraptions galore, potion making, libraries (No enchanting though),

Thus far I plan on building a disposals system that consists of conveyer belts to a furnace, a large potions room, a conservatory, Some form of space cannon that launches you straight up into a hovering space station built as high as humanly possible....

Any ideas?

2012-05-11, 11:35 AM
New page posting of sign up sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc).

The Bushranger
2012-05-11, 12:41 PM
Is there any plugin that can be added to the server that duplicates the Treecapitator/Timber! mods?

Having to whac-a-mole at leaves to find hidden wood blocks stopping decay when a tree cut down is a major pain...

The Bushranger
2012-05-11, 01:23 PM
Construction of my NPC village is underway.

First structure: well, the well.
Second: St. Creeper's of Inconsequentia.

And the Holy Redstone Torch:

2012-05-11, 01:51 PM
Is there any plugin that can be added to the server that duplicates the Treecapitator/Timber! mods?

Having to whac-a-mole at leaves to find hidden wood blocks stopping decay when a tree cut down is a major pain...

God yes. It's the thing I hate most about resource gathering. My farm is built to minimize that, but it still happens on occasion. Terrible.

2012-05-11, 02:30 PM
You guys know that with three of the four tree types, there are no branches? And you can get wood from all four? Unless you specifically want that color of wood plank or log, no reason not to switch over to pine or birch.

2012-05-11, 02:46 PM
You guys know that with three of the four tree types, there are no branches? And you can get wood from all four? Unless you specifically want that color of wood plank or log, no reason not to switch over to pine or birch.

It comes up a great deal when clearing land. It's the most common type, it appears.

Now yeah, I can tweak my farm to use the other kinds(and in fact, I do plant them too), but I do need all four tree types from time to time, and clearing land is a big factor for me.

2012-05-11, 03:27 PM
It comes up a great deal when clearing land. It's the most common type, it appears.

. . .
clearing land is a big factor for me.

Clear it with Fire

In all seriousness, if you have strange leaf blocks hanging in the air, it should be perfectly safe to do this. After the nerf, fire can only jump 1 block of air down or horizontally and four blocks of air up.

Admiral Squish
2012-05-11, 04:28 PM
You could do what Ogremindes did and make housing. Check out his castle area with the telerune that's up the northern road at /spawn, through the doors, and on the left.

How does one actually use the telerune?

EDIT: Nevermind, spotted a video about it.

EDIT2: This... is a lot of houses. Holy crap am I lost. Are we sure the person who built this wasn't half-cthulu?

The Bushranger
2012-05-11, 05:56 PM
You guys know that with three of the four tree types, there are no branches? And you can get wood from all four? Unless you specifically want that color of wood plank or log, no reason not to switch over to pine or birch.

Duh. :smalltongue:
But, as pointed out, oaks are everywhere naturally.
Plus, having the whole tree drop when you knock out the bottom block of wood is handy, both from saving time and effort and not having to pillar up to get the last block or two on tall trees.

Clear it with Fire

In all seriousness, if you have strange leaf blocks hanging in the air, it should be perfectly safe to do this. After the nerf, fire can only jump 1 block of air down or horizontally and four blocks of air up.

The trouble begins when we want to get all the wood. :smalltongue:

2012-05-11, 06:04 PM
To whoever domesticated a lot of cats and put them in the residential district of New Rome, near the 9-block permenant bonfire:

I was sprinting out of my house there and accidentally pushed one in. I believe it was orange.

On another note, I believe it was said that if one could show that they could get a significant amount of materials in the main world, they could be spawned for a project in RPworld? A chest containing a portion of such materials (for building the geode-egg) is at (1273, 70, 399). I already have the necessary excavation tools. CAn I have the coordinates of an appropriate large hill or small mountain in RPworld to hollow?

Darth Mario
2012-05-11, 08:10 PM
LittleRaven (ShortOne on the forums) and Hometruck have joined my Ironcraft team, for the reunification of team One Foot Three.

2012-05-11, 08:14 PM
So Eldest, How about it, team?

What were we last time? Team Wild or something?

2012-05-11, 11:33 PM
Close enough. Who was the third member? I can't recall.

2012-05-12, 02:48 AM
EDIT2: This... is a lot of houses. Holy crap am I lost. Are we sure the person who built this wasn't half-cthulu?

We're sure he's not half-cthulhu, yes :smallwink:...:smalleek:.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-12, 05:24 AM
Something we should look into (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjnGWTX35Zc&feature=g-all-lik)

2012-05-12, 06:58 AM
Close enough. Who was the third member? I can't recall.

Croverus. Though I don't know if he's joining in this time.

2012-05-12, 11:20 AM
Something we should look into (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjnGWTX35Zc&feature=g-all-lik)

MCEdit is not the tool you are looking for. It requires shutting down the server. I actually recently installed a biome editor. Admins: //bm

Darth Mario
2012-05-12, 11:51 AM
MCEdit is not the tool you are looking for. It requires shutting down the server. I actually recently installed a biome editor. Admins: //bm

Does MCEdit actually require shutting down the whole server, or just taking the map in question offline temporarily?

2012-05-12, 12:22 PM
Clear it with Fire

In all seriousness, if you have strange leaf blocks hanging in the air, it should be perfectly safe to do this. After the nerf, fire can only jump 1 block of air down or horizontally and four blocks of air up.

I was under the impression that fire spreading was disabled on the multiplayer server?

I mean, I'm perfectly ok with fire for clearing things, but if it's disabled...

2012-05-12, 09:12 PM
Does MCEdit actually require shutting down the whole server, or just taking the map in question offline temporarily?

We do not use MCedit. There is another tool that does not require a shutdown.

2012-05-12, 09:50 PM
Does MCEdit actually require shutting down the whole server, or just taking the map in question offline temporarily?

Taking the map off, but that's quite a hassle to do so. Especially when plugins can mimic it.

Darth Mario
2012-05-12, 11:26 PM
We do not use MCedit. There is another tool that does not require a shutdown.

Was more of a technical curiosity than a query as to how our server operated, sorry for the confusion.

The Bushranger
2012-05-13, 12:26 AM
Hmm. I seem to have realised a possible problem with the village I've built on Terra.

Namely, the fact that it's close enough to Bigcastle that the Testificates are likely to be able to pathfind their way there...

I suppose building a three-block-high wall along the Bigcastle sides of the village would prevent them from moving in there?

2012-05-13, 12:43 AM
Ironcraft competition is open!

Theme is "Ponds, lakes, and puddles". That is to say, the build will need to relate to one of those things in the area.

Three rules to follow: 1) always have the diamond/gold/iron block setup with your sign on in somewhere. You can move it around as you like, just have it there for judges to use. 2) Try to stay inside the glass floating square, but it's alright to go some blocks out from it if you need or want to. No more than 8 blocks out from the boundary however. The glass ring near the ground can be removed if you choose. 3) Please keep the build within reason. This means don't build up higher than 20-30 blocks tall, don't change the lake shape too badly, don't dig too far under, etc.

Those rules are specific to this contest, and don't make up all the rules to be followed. One such rule is don't build outside your area.

Secret ingredient(s): Stairs! Any of the stair blocks will do. But you must have them, and they must be visible.

Image for finding where you will build; anyone who joins after this will get a new spot made for them.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post or ask! :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2012-05-13, 01:16 AM
Alright, village now has a wall!


Admiral Squish
2012-05-13, 01:55 AM
Did I ever actually post my Atlantis pics?

2012-05-13, 12:09 PM
Ironcraft competition is open!

Theme is "Ponds, lakes, and puddles". That is to say, the build will need to relate to one of those things in the area.

Three rules to follow: 1) always have the diamond/gold/iron block setup with your sign on in somewhere. You can move it around as you like, just have it there for judges to use. 2) Try to stay inside the glass floating square, but it's alright to go some blocks out from it if you need or want to. No more than 8 blocks out from the boundary however. The glass ring near the ground can be removed if you choose. 3) Please keep the build within reason. This means don't build up higher than 20-30 blocks tall, don't change the lake shape too badly, don't dig too far under, etc.

Those rules are specific to this contest, and don't make up all the rules to be followed. One such rule is don't build outside your area.

Secret ingredient(s): Stairs! Any of the stair blocks will do. But you must have them, and they must be visible.

Image for finding where you will build; anyone who joins after this will get a new spot made for them.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post or ask! :smallsmile:

How do you get into ironcraft?

Also I have like a day and a half for whatever I do.(until D3 comes out) So I should probably figure out what I am going to do soon. :smalltongue:

2012-05-13, 12:39 PM
How do you get into ironcraft?

Also I have like a day and a half for whatever I do.(until D3 comes out) So I should probably figure out what I am going to do soon. :smalltongue:

Use the portal behind /spawn. It's the glowstone thing with the portal blocks.

2012-05-13, 05:13 PM
To whoever domesticated a lot of cats and put them in the residential district of New Rome, near the 9-block permenant bonfire:

I was sprinting out of my house there and accidentally pushed one in. I believe it was orange.

That would be the cats that I had... so lol... thanks for letting that note be made aware, next time, be a bit more careful please. :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2012-05-13, 11:11 PM
Beware The Sand...


The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 01:11 AM
Does the trick with soulsand to create a one-way gate no longer work? Because I had one on the minecart line behind my place and it used to work, but now I can just walk right over it, both directions. :smallconfused:

Darth Mario
2012-05-14, 01:29 AM
Does the trick with soulsand to create a one-way gate no longer work? Because I had one on the minecart line behind my place and it used to work, but now I can just walk right over it, both directions. :smallconfused:

It should still work. Might require a slightly different design though, want to post a screenshot?

2012-05-14, 01:41 AM
Here's a resource that's pretty much essential if you want to make something like a Wizard's Tower: perfect Minecraft circles. (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101122023757/mconstuct/images/e/e9/Basic_circular_tower_layouts.png)

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 01:46 AM
It should still work. Might require a slightly different design though, want to post a screenshot?

Here you go:

2012-05-14, 02:32 AM
Try removing the rails and see if it still fails. The normal design doesn't have anything on the soulsand.

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 02:36 AM
I did. Still fails - I can walk right over it, either with one block of soulsand or two.

(And, also, the design specifically says it's good for minecarts. :smalltongue:)

...aaaaaand I hate to do this, but is there any way that an admin could restore 10 levels of XP to me? I just discovered the hard way - and by "hard" I mean "TheBushranger aimed for the ground and hit" - that /warp dragontemple is (a) located with only air underneath it, and (b) enough air that it doesn't matter whether it's the fall or the sudden stop that kills you, you're just as splattered over the landscape beneath the warp point.

2012-05-14, 02:41 AM
DX Ouch! That hurts.

Darth Mario
2012-05-14, 05:06 AM
Here you go:

Found your problem. Soul sand needs to be on the block just outside of the doorway, not the one just inside of it. Least, that's how mine work.

2012-05-14, 06:07 AM

Here's something that should help you figure out how to make your one way door :)

Hope you manage to get it fixed. Off to school for me now.

2012-05-14, 07:23 AM
Hatches work well. As when in a cart you travel through them as if they were not there and when not in a cart you can open them to walk through as normal.

2012-05-14, 07:25 AM
It needs to have a full sized block in the middle, too.

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 11:22 AM
Found your problem. Soul sand needs to be on the block just outside of the doorway, not the one just inside of it. Least, that's how mine work.


Well, I tried that. And it stops me being able to walk /into/ the minecart tunnel...but not /out/ of it, which is what I'm trying to do, to stop mobs wandering up the tunnel and into my basement.

I did manage to get it to work though, by building an arch on the basement side of the soulsand, then establishing the "door" on the other side. A kludge, but it keeps the zombies out.

2012-05-14, 11:48 AM
Soo... I just got the Xbox version of this and I've been trying to figure this out on my own but the answer has not been forthcoming. How am I supposed to keep monsters from spawning INSIDE my fortifications? Last night I went to bed and woke up with a creeper next to me which exploded and destroyed my chest with almost all of my valuable equipment in it, and right as I was getting a handle on remaking the chest, another one shows up and destroys all the items laying on the floor. I was so pissed I reloaded my previous save (which was about 3 hours previous), and quit for the night.

2012-05-14, 11:52 AM
Soo... I just got the Xbox version of this and I've been trying to figure this out on my own but the answer has not been forthcoming. How am I supposed to keep monsters from spawning INSIDE my fortifications? Last night I went to bed and woke up with a creeper next to me which exploded and destroyed my chest with almost all of my valuable equipment in it, and right as I was getting a handle on remaking the chest, another one shows up and destroys all the items laying on the floor. I was so pissed I reloaded my previous save (which was about 3 hours previous), and quit for the night.

Light the entire place up. Make sure there aren't any places mobs could fall in or walk in.

2012-05-14, 01:12 PM
Establish a Secure Area that you know to sealed from all entry other than the one you choose and light the heck out of it.

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 01:17 PM
Hostile mobs (skellingtons, zombles, Nice Everything-seeking creepers) will spawn if the light level is 7 or lower. (Honey BadgerSlime doesn't care but only spawns down low.) A torch gives off light level 14; so spacing torches appropriately (they can be up to 12 blocks apart, but usually less looks better) will stop spawns. Glowstone will work as well, but redstone torches will not.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that the Xbox version of Minecraft is based on the PC version's Beta 1.6.6...which means the Two Block Rule is in effect - and, based on your description of what happened, I suspect this is the problem. Basically, if you place a bed against an outside wall, it doesn't matter how lit up your room is - monsters can glitch-spawn through the wall (so to speak) ("They're coming out of the walls!!"), which will wake you up and, if the mob in question is a creeper, result in Something Happening to your Nice Everything. The solution here is not to place your bed against a wall - you must have all of the bed at least two blocks away from a block which is valid for monster spawning (i.e., one block for the wall, one block of air, then the bed = no monsters; bed touching wall = SSSS).

This was fixed in the PC version later (you can even sleep safely completely outside if you go to sleep before spawns start in the evening); I presume as the Xbox version is developed it'll be fixed there too, but for now, remember, bed against wall is bad.

2012-05-14, 02:27 PM
Hey, Sap?

I found a problem with your excellent and clever world-group thing... Basically, it doesn't count "dying" as "leaving the world-group." So if you die and use the /back function to return, you have the inventory you had the last time you left that worldgroup through non-death means. But the items you dropped when you died don't vanish.

Darth Mario
2012-05-14, 02:55 PM

Well, I tried that. And it stops me being able to walk /into/ the minecart tunnel...but not /out/ of it, which is what I'm trying to do, to stop mobs wandering up the tunnel and into my basement.

I did manage to get it to work though, by building an arch on the basement side of the soulsand, then establishing the "door" on the other side. A kludge, but it keeps the zombies out.

Sorry, misunderstood the problem. The solution for that would be to build the one-way door further down the tunnel, just before the unlit area. You can also put half-slabs at face-height in the tunnel, above the tracks. Slabs won't suffocate you and they'll allow you to pass through in a minecart, but not when you or the zombies aren't in one. Glass, glowstone, or stairs would work as well, though those would have the side effect of allowing you to see through walls as if you had x-ray.

2012-05-14, 07:32 PM
A quick question, is there any way I could use TNT on the Ironcraft world? I was hoping to use it to create a cave and expand my lake, but I get a permission denied message when I try.

2012-05-14, 07:37 PM
A quick question, is there any way I could use TNT on the Ironcraft world? I was hoping to use it to create a cave and expand my lake, but I get a permission denied message when I try.

That should be mostly unnecessary. Creative mode lets you remove blocks by hand fast enough that making a new cave doesn't take too much longer without TNT.

I'll jump on and give you a hand if you want.

2012-05-14, 08:02 PM
It's more for a natural look then needing too, also, fireworks would be fun to build.

EDIT: ALSO adding a seiged look to my project.

2012-05-14, 08:03 PM
-Updated WorldGroups
--Fixed player deaths not triggering the group enforcement
Thanks for the report, Gadora.
Zain: The purpose of the TNT ban is to prevent you from crashing the server. You can ask anyone who's (Trusted) or above to place TNT.
@v: No, it's only banned in creative because there you can get an unlimited amount of it.

2012-05-14, 08:10 PM
Is TNT banned in non-creative worlds, too?

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 08:25 PM
Is TNT banned in non-creative worlds, too?

Judging by the fact I used twelve blocks of TNT to clear out a cliff for expanding my village, I'll call that a no. :smalltongue:

Darth Mario
2012-05-14, 08:45 PM
Zain: The purpose of the TNT ban is to prevent you from crashing the server. You can ask anyone who's (Trusted) or above to place TNT.

Oh, you mean that thing that Scuzz, Paper and I used to do for fun back when the server was new in like 2010? :D

2012-05-14, 08:57 PM
Oh, you mean that thing that Scuzz, Paper and I used to do for fun back when the server was new in like 2010? :D

You guys and your TNT, me and my exploring until the server lagged and died...we're lucky the server never exploded more permanently.

The Bushranger
2012-05-14, 09:28 PM
Fear the skies, for the Ender UFOs are coming...


2012-05-14, 10:12 PM
What's the deadline for Ironcraft?
In the past it was one week, is it the same?

2012-05-14, 10:16 PM
Oh, you mean that thing that Scuzz, Paper and I used to do for fun back when the server was new in like 2010? :D

You guys and your TNT, me and my exploring until the server lagged and died...we're lucky the server never exploded more permanently.

I really do miss that first map. The obsidian roads, the two really pretty castles I helped work on, the ghosted road that crashed you half the time... Fun times.

2012-05-14, 10:17 PM
Stuff .
Ironcraft competition is open!

Theme is "Ponds, lakes, and puddles". That is to say, the build will need to relate to one of those things in the area.

Three rules to follow: 1) always have the diamond/gold/iron block setup with your sign on in somewhere. You can move it around as you like, just have it there for judges to use. 2) Try to stay inside the glass floating square, but it's alright to go some blocks out from it if you need or want to. No more than 8 blocks out from the boundary however. The glass ring near the ground can be removed if you choose. 3) Please keep the build within reason. This means don't build up higher than 20-30 blocks tall, don't change the lake shape too badly, don't dig too far under, etc.

Those rules are specific to this contest, and don't make up all the rules to be followed. One such rule is don't build outside your area.

Secret ingredient(s): Stairs! Any of the stair blocks will do. But you must have them, and they must be visible.

Image for finding where you will build; anyone who joins after this will get a new spot made for them.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post or ask! :smallsmile:

2012-05-15, 06:52 AM
In relation to Hostile mobs in safe places: twice today i have had a Zombie spawn in my house.

The first one was after i came back from the nether and found it in the hall that connects the portal room to the rest of the house and then just before i logged out just now i was outside and saw one spawn in my main room and then head down into the hallway that the last one was in.

The light around the front door was a lil bit dim but more than what i would think a mob would spawn in.

2012-05-15, 07:04 AM
In relation to Hostile mobs in safe places: twice today i have had a Zombie spawn in my house.

The first one was after i came back from the nether and found it in the hall that connects the portal room to the rest of the house and then just before i logged out just now i was outside and saw one spawn in my main room and then head down into the hallway that the last one was in.

The light around the front door was a lil bit dim but more than what i would think a mob would spawn in.

I get surprised at how low the light level in some places gets when setting up my lighting.

If you open up the f3 display, the 'bl' reading stands for 'block light' and tells you the light level where you're standing disregarding the sun. Check the darkest spots, 7 or lower is not safe.

2012-05-15, 08:55 AM
Interesting. I am surprised that they don't spawn in my upper bedroom as the there is a patch of Bl: 6 right where the bed is. I should remove the bed and seal the room to see if i get spawns in there.

2012-05-15, 12:07 PM
The reason is that mobs have to be at a certain minimum distance from you to spawn. You might find monsters there if you venture out elsewhere.

2012-05-15, 01:11 PM
The spot where i saw the zombie spawn was in a Bl:10-12 area

2012-05-15, 05:05 PM
Uh, there's a slight permissions problem.

It turns out that runecrafting works on Hardcore. (Well, the compass rune at least. Don't want to actually set up runes there.)

The Bushranger
2012-05-16, 01:37 AM
To whoever owns the big ship at New Cobaltia: I believe you've been griefed. It's possible the "under construction" look is intentional; if not, though, the south end of the superstructure is...patchy at best, and either way a number of the logs were on fire when I found it.

Uke Fox
2012-05-16, 09:17 AM
I added a friend of mine to the whitelist. He's new, and we wanted to play together... but I have no idea how to set up a server. All my attempts have thus far met with failure, no matter what tutorials I follow to the letter.

His name is Morguemeat!

2012-05-16, 09:44 AM
[QUOTE=Uke Fox;13239267]He's new, and we wanted to play together... but I have no idea how to set up a server. All my attempts have thus far met with failure, no matter what tutorials I follow to the letter.


Upgrade to the newest test patch or wait until 1.3 They are working to make setting up a server as easy or easier than playing single player.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-16, 11:09 AM
Bluuuhh. So i logged on today,. and deciding to test out if my warps still worked, i warped to annother world and found all my stuff gone. That was expected though, but when i used /home to warp back to rpworld, all my stuff was still gone!

Soooo yeah. Any chance of getting a dimond sword, at least two iron picks, an iron shovel or two, an iron axe, a clock, and half a stack of torches spawned in for me?

maybe some food too?

2012-05-16, 11:29 AM
I had a simmilar problem with using the /spawn command.

2012-05-16, 11:35 AM
I must add that I also experienced this problem. Not long after Deme noticed it, I believe.

I left RPworld and when I returned, found that I'd lost an enchanted Diamond Sword, an enchanted Bow, a Diamond Pick, about a stack and a half of arrows and an Instant Health II potion. There was other stuff in my inventory, but I can regain that fairly easily.

EDIT Many thanks to Deme for restoring my items.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-16, 11:37 AM
Thinking i might just cancel one of my non-rpworld projects, it was grinding down to a close already, and i even removed all the torches from the mineshaft i was using and closed it down, but i think this no-item-transfer thing does it for me. i was hoping to get some more work done on it, but i guess i'll need to consider it finished as it is.

The Bushranger
2012-05-16, 11:39 AM
Furnace installation complete!


Uke Fox
2012-05-16, 11:42 AM
What exactly does it do, BR?

2012-05-16, 11:43 AM
Oh, and apparently /wg 3 takes me to hardcore.

Uke Fox
2012-05-16, 11:56 AM
Did the server just explode?

EDIT: Nevermind, my dad was messing about with the router and broke the internet. All is well.

The Bushranger
2012-05-16, 12:08 PM
What exactly does it do, BR?

It cooks stuff just like any other furnace? :smalltongue:
It's just a rather nifty installaton, I think at least.
I'd love to figure out how to hide it with sticky pistons when not in use, but I don't want to tear apart my house to try my inexpert hand at restone, even if it could be done...

Did the server just explode?

Uke Fox
2012-05-16, 12:19 PM
You said it was redstone-operated, I was wondering what it actually does. It just lights up?

Hiding it wouldn't be too hard. I'm sure someone would be willing to aid you (I would, but there are better redstoners than I).

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-16, 12:55 PM
Good news everyone!

I may have found a way to populate testificate villages with a high number of testificates and a low number of houses. still doing a bit of testing, but so far so good.

Uke Fox
2012-05-16, 01:12 PM
Hooray for human experimentation!

2012-05-16, 01:22 PM
It cooks stuff just like any other furnace? :smalltongue:
It's just a rather nifty installaton, I think at least.
I'd love to figure out how to hide it with sticky pistons when not in use, but I don't want to tear apart my house to try my inexpert hand at restone, even if it could be done...


I am not a Redstone wiz so there may be ways to compact this but its something i just whipped up on my Creative world.



Bottom mirrors the top
The switch is connected to it via circuit that come in from around the back one block down

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-16, 01:58 PM
Was going to show off the screenshots i took while testing, buuuut the forum derped on me and it was all deleted. and its bedtime now, so i'm just gunna log off and post them sometime tomorrow.

The Bushranger
2012-05-16, 04:46 PM
You said it was redstone-operated, I was wondering what it actually does. It just lights up?

Hiding it wouldn't be too hard. I'm sure someone would be willing to aid you (I would, but there are better redstoners than I).

Yup, Redstone Lights.

Already got help with hiding, now I just need enough slimeballs for 14 sticky pistons...

2012-05-16, 07:45 PM
AWDI here,

I"ve got a little problem. It seems that my inventory disappeared when I used a wrong warp.
I was in release(-780x, 64y and 995z is the start of the building that i was in) and I was going to my different warps for my tower( I have one for each floor and there only 1 symbol or letter ranging from q to ] )by error I went to /warp e, Which brought me to the Rp world(674X,68y,904z)
After a while, I looked at my inventory and it disappeared. I'm not sure where exactly this happened but i lost my whole inventory. In this inventory, I remember having a diamond sword, Pickaxe and axe, all enchanted, Other than this I had normal item that I don't mind losing
After a brief inspection, It seems that going from release to Rp. Deletes your whole inventory.

Could I have back the diamond things I lost, Scuzzball/Admins/Moderators?
Thank you memnarch who re spawned my lost items
On a side note: Sinderman, Could you please move you teleporter to the side of the road at "wizard's tower". I would like to thank you for making the teleporter but at the moment your teleporter blocks the road and prevents the expansion of the road. If you are unable to move or wish not to move it, Please PM so we are able to find a compromise.
Thank you very much.
PS: I don't I call it "wizard tower", I call it port and there /warp port if you want to go there with out the teleporters.

2012-05-16, 08:04 PM
Ya, problems have apparently developed, problem though is that I have no idea what their sources. RP is no different a group than any other.

2012-05-16, 10:16 PM
*Updated WorldGroups
-Fixed inventories et al sometimes being cleared when you change groups.
--It was because I was in the middle of making the new version of WorldGroups when I fixed another bug and didn't think to fix one thing.
Still looking for bug that causes groups to be given the wrong numbers. Meanwhile, all other forms of teleportation target correctly, and there's no risk of losing stuff by changing groups.
Edit: Okay, it's one of those annoyingly weird bugs. I can't replicate it at all on my test server, and the exact things that are wrong changes at times. Won't be fixed before later tomorrow.

2012-05-17, 12:35 AM
So, Sap, a question.

What are the limits of Worldgroups? Can you completely remove some items from a worldgroup? So, say, making it so that one worlddoesn't have TNT, or even dirt, while another does?

I'm asking... BEcause there are awesome mods that require clientside downloads, and back before worldgroups... Well...

2012-05-17, 09:11 AM
No, though it could be made so theoretically, but I doubt your idea will work. Does it specifically say that it can be applied only to given worlds? If not, it can't. The other question is whether it's truly worth it. Big mods means more resource usage, and if you're the only one interested in it it's not worth it.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-17, 12:46 PM
SO! resulting from testificate testing. (they were made for it!)

spoilering because many large screenshots.

According to a youtube video by docredstone, this counts as a village, each door having one block (and a torch) to it's name. I have encased it in a dirt wall as this will all be "underground.

Step 2: Place a single testificate inside this "village. I was told testificates needed to be able to pathfind to all the doors, this is to test if this is true. I also put an iron golem in there just in case.

Sorry about the darkness, but here is the burried result. it is three-blocks high inside in order to fit the iron golem, the coblestone path is directly above the one-block gap between the two rows of doors.

Next, i light up the surface and build four houses on top. Since one testificate takes up three doors, a settup like this would normally spawn zero baby testificates. Note that i did not place any blocks on the coblestone path.


Next, we populate the village. With two testificates and an iron golem for safety.

While they get busy, lets build annother (but not-identicle) version of this same setup. Here's the "control" where we have the same set up, but no testificate pathfinding the rooms beneith. another thing to note that the inside of this one is only two blocks tall due to lack of an iron golem.

Going back to check on the first two, BABBY!!!!

roofing and making houses for the seccond village


Wait... make that three! This test is going very well!

Thse two however... not so much.

The growing family accidently got out, so i made them a little staircase so they can get back in.

These three... kept getting out without breeding. So i had to lock them up. (and also kill/replace them.)

On the other side of the feild the family seems to have gotten themselves trapped outside in the dark. Evidently they have trouble figuring out stairs.

Stiiiill no breeding here...

Get to it guys!

Maybe if i put a guy down here...


It's a sad sad day when your robot can figure out stairs.. and you can't...

Meanwhile THESE guys... urgh! i even made you extra two-door houses and nothing! >:(


These guys on the other hand are doing pretty well. All but two of them figured out the stairs and got back inside, and started breeding again!


Maybe if i kill the non-breeders and replace them...


*Ten minutes later*

I find this lack of breeding unamusing.


The winnahs! (minus two who sill cannot figure out stairs.)

SO! What did we learn from this? Well.

Burying bare-bones houses one block underneath a village DOES work. But as seen in the second village, not all the time.

So what was different?

Well, lets see.

In the first village, the villager in the bare-bones houses was the first villager spawned.

The underground houses in the first village had a roof three blocks above them, rather then the two from the second. I am guessing this is the key factor.

But do we need a villager down there? Hard to say, as the test did not have two identical bare-bones villages. More testing will be needed, with four villages. Two with a roof only two blocks above them, two with a roof three blocks above them. Two with a testificate in it, and two with no testificate.

I will do that testing later, maybe not today.

super dark33
2012-05-17, 04:10 PM
I am building a secret mountain base that i would love to build in the server too.

Reserve me a mountain. :smalltongue:

2012-05-17, 05:06 PM
I am building a secret mountain base that i would love to build in the server too.

Reserve me a mountain. :smalltongue:

Well it's not very secret anymore, now is it? :smalltongue:

super dark33
2012-05-17, 06:28 PM
But you do not know the location :smallbiggrin:.

Now it has a series of traps leading to it, a lobby and barracks. up next: training room, an extarior fort that is guarded by soliders, The wizards office and Secret chamber.

Uke Fox
2012-05-17, 07:23 PM
Well it's not very secret anymore, now is it? :smalltongue:

Not secret... but fun.

2012-05-17, 08:09 PM
I am building a secret mountain base that i would love to build in the server too.

Reserve me a mountain. :smalltongue:

On the note of mountain reservation, I'm still waiting for information on where in RPworld I should put that huge geode-egg-thing, and whether wool and digging tools are going to be spawned for that project (as they're not exactly rare, other than the blue wools, and it would save a lot of time, and it's not like you can extract the lapis from blue wool).

If not, I can still do it, but I still need to know what mountain or large hill to put it in.

EDIT: I've now decided on making a character. Makes this all much easier.

Name: Unknown. Doesn't talk much.
Thing he/she/it can't do: Attack mobs or players.
Thing he/she/it can do especially well: Maybe I can build using Minecraft Physics instead of sensible ones (only to a small degree)? Don't worry, I won't abuse it. I just want to have a bit of craziness, since the general concept is an enigmatic thingy that does stuff that doesn't make any sense at a glance (or five).


2012-05-17, 09:06 PM
Sure, that sounds fine. If a character's capable of building nonsensical structures, than nonsensical structures built by them aren't a problem. "A wizard did it" is a valid explanation in this world, provided a wizard (or whatever) can vouch that they did it.

Also, I explained what the deal was with that: I will meet you halfway on and re-create anything you prove you can work to get. As for locations, I'll go scouting when I get the chance.

2012-05-17, 09:12 PM
Sure, that sounds fine. If a character's capable of building nonsensical structures, than nonsensical structures built by them aren't a problem. "A wizard did it" is a valid explanation in this world, provided a wizard (or whatever) can vouch that they did it.
OK then.

Also, I explained what the deal was with that: I will meet you halfway on and re-create anything you prove you can work to get. As for locations, I'll go scouting when I get the chance.

Oh right, I forgot that. Sorry.

Uke Fox
2012-05-18, 12:51 PM
If going for so much realism, though... it's not like using lapis lazuli as dye makes any logical sense. :P It's a rock! Maybe you could come to some sort of compromise, like representing the character gathering woad or true indigo by having Unknown deliver obscene amounts of foliage in exchange.

Is an idea. Blue was a practical and easily-obtained colour back in the day. Purple, however...

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-18, 01:56 PM
Know what i'd like to try one day?

A village in the nether.

I think if i put it right at the roof and if the bedrock layer up there is only one block thick, then it might work. Probably won't have any concept of day/night though.

Uke Fox
2012-05-18, 02:23 PM
Time for testing? Use redstone lamps for the sun! :o

Speaking of other dimensions; Endermen are either unassailable or seriously glitched out. Not even water kills them - they just teleport away. Sunlight has no effect on them. Was this to stop us going to The End? I want Endstone! :'c

2012-05-18, 02:41 PM
On another note, I seem to have some stuff in-inventory while in RPworld. This was there when I first went there upon making the character. No idea what it's from. Could the bits of it other than shears and bread (i got those after) be removed? I can't find lava to dispose of it in.

Also, any idea what I should have as my starting stuff? I was thinking just a random assortment of dye materials.

2012-05-18, 02:56 PM
Time for testing? Use redstone lamps for the sun! :o

Speaking of other dimensions; Endermen are either unassailable or seriously glitched out. Not even water kills them - they just teleport away. Sunlight has no effect on them. Was this to stop us going to The End? I want Endstone! :'c

They are also passive. I'm confused by your difficulty. Just put a pumpkin on your head and you're golden.

Uke Fox
2012-05-18, 03:22 PM
Hardcore? They're not passive! They murder my face in two attacks if I so much as look at them, and are invulnerable. :P

Speaking of Hardcore...

Phenomenal amounts of ridiculousness have just occurred. So much so, that I am reduced to begging for my stuff back.

I was in the Blaze grinding room in the Nether (Hardcore). I notice, roughly around reaching level 50, that Ghasts are firing upon something. So, I ask, "Is anyone in the Nether?". With no response, I assumed this person was too busy running to reply. Nope. The Ghasts, somehow, knew exactly where I was - many blocks indoors, that is - and blasted inexorably through the walls until I noticed I was under attack. By that stage, the floor had already been destroyed, and I was thoroughly at the mercy of those Ghasts. I died, not only losing a diamond sword, but fifty levels. I couldn't care less about the sword. The levels, however...

Meanwhile, I believe that the delicate Redstone circuitry composing that grinder is now damaged. Secondly, using /wg 2 to return to Hardcore returns me to the Nether, to the exact point where I died - falling into lava, now.

Fifty levels!

2012-05-18, 03:54 PM
Hardcore? They're not passive! They murder my face in two attacks if I so much as look at them, and are invulnerable. :P

Yep. That's why you don't look at them. Hence the pumpkin. Or is this a case of "Ze Pumpkins! THey DO nothing!"

IS the Hardcore END working on the server? It wasn't the last time I looked.

Secondly, using /wg 2 to return to Hardcore returns me to the Nether, to the exact point where I died - falling into lava, now.

Fifty levels!

Ah, Hardcore, how I missed you. I have to dig out my unmodified .bin to play though.

And on that subject, with world groups can we have a very popular mod installed on just one world?
Like this one (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1008473-125-xxxhardcorexxx-mod/) :3
I'm finding Hardcore to be too easy without it. And with it we could have our own UHC competition, and I can fraps my perspective.

And on that subject, I have several minecraft videos of UHC speed challenges, as well as my ironcraft video, but when I upload them to youtube is looks terrible. I thought it took some time to get it working for HD but it's been a week and still looks the same. Once I figure this out, I'll start posting vids.

Uke Fox
2012-05-18, 04:11 PM
Yep. That's why you don't look at them. Hence the pumpkin. Or is this a case of "Ze Pumpkins! THey DO nothing!"

Ah, but every time they take any damage (or rather, just before they do), they teleport and proceed to ignore me. Be it sword strike, arrow, even water - they just teleport away, good as new. I stood on a lily pad, glancing at this one Enderman every so often, to aggro him. He'd walk over, step in the water (and I mean, he'd be waist-high in it), teleport away, and ignore me. So I'd look at him again, and he'd do it again. Evidently he took no damage whatsoever from this, because he didn't die even after many, many dips in the water. This was during the day, also.

2012-05-18, 05:04 PM
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned in the thread yet, but, I found a mountain range that appears to have been blown up with several stacks of tnt near a certain jungle in rpworld, would whoever blew up the mountains mind if I used part of the blown up mountain range as part of the adventure I was building?

spoiler warning which leads to the jungle I planted there, and starts near a small hill of mycelium somewhere in the forest

^white grey text above^ edit: nvm, looks like I cant make invisible text in a spoiler

2012-05-18, 05:23 PM
And on that subject, with world groups can we have a very popular mod installed on just one world?

As I have already said, only if the mod itself supports it. Worldgroups does nothing to the game logic; it only archives and retrieves player data.

2012-05-18, 05:47 PM
On another note, I seem to have some stuff in-inventory while in RPworld. This was there when I first went there upon making the character. No idea what it's from. Could the bits of it other than shears and bread (i got those after) be removed? I can't find lava to dispose of it in.

Also, any idea what I should have as my starting stuff? I was thinking just a random assortment of dye materials.

Never mind the first bit. I found lava and disposed of what seemed to have appeared from nowhere.

2012-05-18, 06:02 PM
Hey, Deme, is the hill under Hazel's shop hollow at all? I was thinking of putting David's home there.

2012-05-18, 09:46 PM
No, it's not hollow. All I ask is that you keep the entrance out of Hazel's yard and not interrupt the staircase.
...I cannot recall who David is, but I will worry about that when I am less sleepy.

2012-05-18, 10:35 PM
No, it's not hollow. All I ask is that you keep the entrance out of Hazel's yard and not interrupt the staircase.
...I cannot recall who David is, but I will worry about that when I am less sleepy.

The caveguy. Went off to hunt, came back to his tribe, and found the town instead. I sent you a few PMs about it a few weeks back, only now starting to play.

2012-05-18, 10:58 PM
*Added port redirect to make McMyAdmin work for admins who aren't me
You guys could have told me that it wasn't working...

2012-05-19, 01:56 AM
Meanwhile, I believe that the delicate Redstone circuitry composing that grinder is now damaged. Secondly, using /wg 2 to return to Hardcore returns me to the Nether, to the exact point where I died - falling into lava, now.

A structure in the Nether without cobblestone shielding is just asking to be destroyed eventually.

2012-05-19, 02:00 AM
A bit of an odd question, but one related to the adventure I'm making; have we slain the enderdragon on terra, release, or rp yet?, I had been planning to use the ovicaptor rune to get a few villager spawn eggs, but relized I couldn't remember any warps to end portals or if we had even found/made one yet.

2012-05-19, 08:30 AM
A bit of an odd question, but one related to the adventure I'm making; have we slain the enderdragon on terra, release, or rp yet?, I had been planning to use the ovicaptor rune to get a few villager spawn eggs, but relized I couldn't remember any warps to end portals or if we had even found/made one yet.

I have at least one warp to the end, but it's private for some reason I forgot. So tell me you need to get to the end when we're both ingame and I'll send you along. Or there are supposed to be a few other warps. And this end has had the dragon killed, yes. I was part of the group that did it.


Admiral Squish
2012-05-19, 10:47 AM
I have completed my doomtower. Except I don't know what one puts in a giant, well-lit sandstone tower. I gave it a floor, but I haven't though of anything else yet.

Suggestions? Someone said wizards before, but I feel that may be overdone.

2012-05-19, 11:59 AM
I have at least one warp to the end, but it's private for some reason I forgot. So tell me you need to get to the end when we're both ingame and I'll send you along. Or there are supposed to be a few other warps. And this end has had the dragon killed, yes. I was part of the group that did it.


(needed ten letters)

The Bushranger
2012-05-19, 06:07 PM
If you just need End Stone, try /warp secondend.

(But careful of that one-block hole in the floor...it got me once.)

2012-05-20, 12:33 AM
*Updated Bukkit
*Added a portal to hardcore until the wg bug is fixed

2012-05-20, 01:45 AM
Has the server been updated to the current Minecraft version yet? :smallconfused:

Because I'm not sure whether to wait until it is before diving in, or backdate my copy of Minecraft.

2012-05-20, 02:25 AM
It's on the most recent full version, which is 1.2.something.

So dive in. :smalltongue:

2012-05-20, 02:29 AM
Semi-related; is there any chance that sometime in a future patch that adds something that we need to generate a new world to get we could go with the large biomes option?, The large biomes variant looks pretty cool from whats on the wiki about it.

2012-05-20, 07:26 AM
What do you do when you really like jungles but already have a established base?

http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/2955/20120520025512.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/837/20120520025512.png/)
Plant your own

Went Dungeon Hunting yesterday, used the glowstone trick and located 3 in a near vicinity but they were boring (2 zombie 1 Skelly)

2012-05-20, 09:53 AM
Went Dungeon Hunting yesterday, used the glowstone trick and located 3 in a near vicinity but they were boring (2 zombie 1 Skelly)

Glowstone trick?

2012-05-20, 12:50 PM
Phhase, you were trying to puzzle out that wireless redstone thing? I built a mock-up just behind my project, take a look if you want.

Here's a set-by-step:

Make your Phase Blocks, using a signature.
Make a Lock Block for that signature.
Build the thing you want out of Phase blocks, then make sure your Lock block is in contact with those blocks and that the Key block is touching the Lock block.
Build an Automation Designator Rune.
Designate the Lock block.
Build two Redstone Sensor Runes that are both tied to that Designator.
Wire the Redstone Sensors so that they're both tied to whatever it is you want to activate them.
Put an inverter in the circuit leading to one of those Redstone Sensors.
Whenever you trigger that redstone, the phase blocks will appear/dissappear (your choice) only for as long as there's a charge.

Admiral Squish
2012-05-20, 09:35 PM
I made a yellow submarine! Warp to bigocean if you want to see it! Still empty, but it's cool.

2012-05-20, 10:55 PM
Glowstone trick?

Glowstone on a Sticky Piston attached to a switch while standing in a 2 deep hole will let you see under the world (best done in Daylight so you can see the cave systems better)

2012-05-20, 10:57 PM
I'm gout to need somebody to place some TNT as part of my Ironcraft thing. Just a heads up.

2012-05-21, 03:10 AM
Its messy and not working like it is supposed to but i have a Spider Eye supply (the cave spiders are being difficult about coming down the chute smoothly)

2012-05-22, 12:29 AM
Well, I became very distracted last sunday, so the ironcraft contest will be extended until tomorrow evening. Which is to say around 18-20 more hours.

Also, judges. There were some people who posted that they'd want to judge awhile back; if you still do, please post again. Other people, if you haven't competed and want to judge, first post first serve (with previous posters getting priority).

2012-05-22, 10:10 AM
Sure, I'll judge. I like judging people.

2012-05-22, 10:43 AM
I'd like to judge.

2012-05-22, 10:59 AM
Still want to judge unless it's urgent that things get judged before Thursday.

2012-05-22, 05:46 PM
Does anyone know how many houses I need to put in an artificial npc village to spawn extra npcs?, And could I increase the house count with small 2x2x2 rooms connected to form a larger building?

2012-05-22, 06:11 PM
Does anyone know how many houses I need to put in an artificial npc village to spawn extra npcs?, And could I increase the house count with small 2x2x2 rooms connected to form a larger building?

1) 4 houses per villager
2) House count as a door, wall, ceiling and a space to see the sun. Most effiecent are Door:smallsigh: Floor:smallwink: Wall:smallannoyed: Sun:smallsmile:

:smallsmile::smallannoyed::smallannoyed: :smallannoyed:
:smallsmile::smallsigh::smallwink: :smallannoyed:
:smallsmile::smallannoyed::smallannoyed: :smallannoyed:

2012-05-22, 07:18 PM
Sapo, Deme, Qwerty, please have judging results done by friday at noon lets say? Judging spreadsheet will be pm'ed.

2012-05-22, 07:26 PM
Is it OK if my vote is actually a conglomeration of my family's opinions?

2012-05-22, 07:33 PM
1) 4 houses per villager
2) House count as a door, wall, ceiling and a space to see the sun. Most effiecent are Door:smallsigh: Floor:smallwink: Wall:smallannoyed: Sun:smallsmile:

:smallsmile::smallannoyed::smallannoyed: :smallannoyed:
:smallsmile::smallsigh::smallwink: :smallannoyed:
:smallsmile::smallannoyed::smallannoyed: :smallannoyed:

ty, also, looks like I can reduce it to just two blocks per house then, should be fairly easy to get a village going(hopefully)

2012-05-22, 07:33 PM
Secret ingredient was(/were) the stair block (wooden, cobble, stone brick, nether brick).

Yes, as long as they didn't participate.

2012-05-22, 07:39 PM
Ok then, does...

Count as four houses or one? I have evidence it counts as four. I made a villager farm in creative based on the principle, and it worked. Not at Iron Golems yet, but closing.

The Bushranger
2012-05-22, 07:41 PM
It counts as one house, but four doors for villager population numbers.

Villager numbers are, IIRC 0.33 villagers per wooden door in the village.

2012-05-22, 07:43 PM
So wouldn't houses be a... less-useful term, if you don't mean a door? What does it matter for villager breeding the number of houses, if there are a different number of doors? Honest question, I'm trying to figure this stuff out.

The Bushranger
2012-05-22, 08:05 PM
The villagers need somewhere to shelter at night, hence the need for houses.

Of course, since a freestanding door with a single hovering block above and just to the side of it is a valid house...

(TMK is our village expert, though. He has a village full of eight-doored houses.)

2012-05-22, 08:07 PM
I've seen four of them in one house. Admittedly, my houses are bigger, with four squares of floor instead of one, but they hang out in the space the door occupies so I don't think there will be much of a problem downgrading.
Edit: And I know TMK is the expert, I just learn best by doing and being shown examples. It's how I finally got redstone.

The Bushranger
2012-05-22, 08:09 PM
Well, I think you have to have a 3x3 floorspace in order for villagers to breed, but I wouldn't say to quote me on that.

2012-05-22, 10:33 PM
Well, I think you have to have a 3x3 floorspace in order for villagers to breed, but I wouldn't say to quote me on that.

Perhaps, but they don't need to be inside. They have bred right in front of me. Like your design, eldest. Also another way to maximize village breeding is to bury the doors. They still count even if they can't get to them.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-23, 09:37 AM
Perhaps, but they don't need to be inside. They have bred right in front of me. Like your design, eldest. Also another way to maximize village breeding is to bury the doors. They still count even if they can't get to them.

i've done some tests, and while i havent mastered it yet, i beleive burried doors need one block of air above them (three-high room with a one-block roof) and one testificate inside this door room.

Really need to get around to finishing that test.

Frog Dragon
2012-05-23, 12:08 PM
Greetings ladies, gentlemen, and tentacled abominations!

After a long while not playing minecraft, I came back to the server, spawning with an inventory full of stuff (probably from the last time I played on the server), next to a strange house. I wandered around in the wilderness for a bit, and ran into a creeper. It exploded.

I logged out, and logged back in after a bit. I went back to the strange house, and walked inside. The house was a mere shelter to pass through, as it had no furniture and merely opened up to another outdoor area. This however, was fenced and had stairs leading upwards. I went up, and opened the door.

It was at that point that I realized this was a house I had personally built back when I was playing on the server.

Nice to see that the old maps have been preserved. I was honestly expecting the opposite after half a year. :smallsmile:

2012-05-24, 08:04 AM
So, people.
To everyone ever considering entering ironcraft in the future, as a judge, I'd just like to say this:
Please, please, please, for the love of your deity, deities, non-theistic universal framework, or all definitions of goodness you care for, put interesting stuff in your structures. It makes them automatically cooler, nicer-looking (because they can be experienced from more than one angle), and more interesting and creative. As a judge, there are few things less satisfying than seeing a neat-looking structure and learning it's a near-empty shell. It's just sad.

2012-05-24, 09:13 AM
Is Ironcraft building over? I still need TNT placed.

2012-05-24, 10:02 AM
What's your name in Minecraft?

2012-05-24, 10:06 AM
So, requesting a new world in the default group when 1.3 is released.

Because emeralds and cocoa and stuff.

2012-05-24, 11:26 AM
Right. Jbhaugh. I need one TNT put in the ship, it's buried so I'd have to show you where. Basically it's just for show, because it's not going to cause any blocks to be blown up, but seeing as the point of Ironcraft is show...

2012-05-24, 11:57 AM
Snapshot week 21:
Trade with villagers!
Sandstone stairs!
(Desert villages?

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-24, 01:05 PM

And even more reasons to love deserts! :D (though idk i think i kinda like normal villages in the desrts. *shrug*

2012-05-24, 01:14 PM
Right. Jbhaugh. I need one TNT put in the ship, it's buried so I'd have to show you where. Basically it's just for show, because it's not going to cause any blocks to be blown up, but seeing as the point of Ironcraft is show...

Ah, you want the cannons to actually fire TNT?

2012-05-24, 01:38 PM
Cannons? What? The cannons fire arrows, its the bombing chute that's not operational.

2012-05-24, 02:48 PM
So, people.
To everyone ever considering entering ironcraft in the future, as a judge, I'd just like to say this:
Please, please, please, for the love of your deity, deities, non-theistic universal framework, or all definitions of goodness you care for, put interesting stuff in your structures. It makes them automatically cooler, nicer-looking (because they can be experienced from more than one angle), and more interesting and creative. As a judge, there are few things less satisfying than seeing a neat-looking structure and learning it's a near-empty shell. It's just sad.

I second this, even if it was my first time judging.

2012-05-24, 07:21 PM
So, requesting a new world in the default group when 1.3 is released.

Because emeralds and cocoa and stuff.

Those two shouldn't be a problem: you can get emeralds from trading with villagers and, if I'm not mistaken, existing cocoa can be used to make cocoa plants.

The Bushranger
2012-05-24, 09:36 PM
So, requesting a new world in the default group when 1.3 is released.

Because emeralds and cocoa and stuff.

Those two shouldn't be a problem: you can get emeralds from trading with villagers and, if I'm not mistaken, existing cocoa can be used to make cocoa plants.

Plus new areas will generate the new stuff when explored; I haven't gone into the jungle I found on Terra for just this reason.

We have too many worlds as it is, we don't need another, additional one.

The Bushranger
2012-05-25, 01:47 AM

Is the plugin that privatises chests, signs, etc. working? 'Cause I placed a sign and didn't get the "you have created a private sign" message...

Frog Dragon
2012-05-25, 04:37 AM
I've been getting unexplained timeouts since yesterday. Nothing else seems to be wrong with my internet connection (though Steam has also been refusing to start but it kind of does that sometimes). Reboots haven't helped. Is there something going on with the server? I suspect the fault is in my computer though.

2012-05-25, 07:54 AM
Hmm. Not sure where to get wool for a bed on Terra.

Mostly so I can change my spawn to my construction instead of the standard spawn.

2012-05-25, 08:20 AM
I just realized that the structures are being judged today. :smalleek:/:smallmad: I'm not done! Oh well. That sounds rather like a description of my thing, Deme. I think I know who's gonna win based on the necessity of cool shtuff :smallfrown:. RESOLUTION: Next time, I need more dakka. MUCH MOAR. NEVAR ENUFF.

2012-05-25, 11:05 AM
Actually, they're being judged *before* today...
But I get the impression that there was some confusion, since there seem to be a lot of people not done. The deadline needs to be clearer, I guess.

Also, I wouldn't consider that a description of your thing. Your thing isn't a hollow shell, whatever else I find bothersome with it as an entry for this contest. ...By the way, were the cats part of your entry? I was confused.

2012-05-25, 01:41 PM
Those two shouldn't be a problem: you can get emeralds from trading with villagers and, if I'm not mistaken, existing cocoa can be used to make cocoa plants.

Aye, that is correct, it's the main reason I'm still continueing construction on the parts of the adventure I'm making in rptown that use villagers; they'll work just fine for the new stuff in 1.3, even if i add them in 1.2.3

The Bushranger
2012-05-25, 04:36 PM
I've been getting unexplained timeouts since yesterday. Nothing else seems to be wrong with my internet connection (though Steam has also been refusing to start but it kind of does that sometimes). Reboots haven't helped. Is there something going on with the server? I suspect the fault is in my computer though.

I think it's the server. My dog has been un-sitting almost every time I log in (and sometimes when I just go /home) as if the server has reset, and chests, furnaces, etc. are no longer private.

Something is wrong here, can things be checked out?

Hmm. Not sure where to get wool for a bed on Terra.

Mostly so I can change my spawn to my construction instead of the standard spawn.

Check your place now. :smalltongue:

2012-05-25, 05:07 PM
I assume you found it, then? :smalltongue:

Given the lack of room, I'm thinking of making my construction a tower of the 'rises through the bowels of the earth' type.

The Bushranger
2012-05-25, 05:29 PM
Yup. I was looking way too far down the road. :smalltongue:

2012-05-25, 06:08 PM
Results from the Ironcraft Competition, theme Ponds, Lakes, and Puddles
3rd place is.... Forbiddenwar! 2nd place goes to.... DarthMario, LittleRaven, and Hometruck! And finally, 1st place goes to.... Taejix!

Also, I will endeavor to make the ending time clearer in the future, and also start another competition this weekend. The amount of time to work also be longer. Sign-up again if you plan to compete (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc#gid=0)!

Also, I will add pictures when I get time later. Unless someone beats me to it.

The Bushranger
2012-05-25, 06:19 PM
Congrats to the winners!

Could one of the admins use the biome-changng plugin to tweak some biomes on Terra? I'd appreciate it if a path of open water could be set from x572, z63-ish to the open water to the east, along the path of flaming netherrack.

2012-05-25, 06:33 PM
Hmmm. For my tower idea, I'm not sure how to determine where to hollow out the mountain to make room for it. Ideas?

Basically, a sure way to mark off the four corners of the room at the top of the mountain.

2012-05-25, 09:11 PM
Also, I will endeavor to make the ending time clearer in the future, and also start another competition this weekend. The amount of time to work also be longer. Sign-up again if you plan to compete (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc#gid=0)!

So does that mean that we're starting another one right away?

2012-05-25, 09:35 PM
Results from the Ironcraft Competition, theme Ponds, Lakes, and Puddles
3rd place is.... Forbiddenwar! 2nd place goes to.... DarthMario, LittleRaven, and Hometruck! And finally, 1st place goes to.... Taejix!

Also, I will endeavor to make the ending time clearer in the future, and also start another competition this weekend. The amount of time to work also be longer. Sign-up again if you plan to compete (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmPags_sb462dGhtZVhzM3ZQSGNIZk95OTJCUDBkV Wc#gid=0)!

Also, I will add pictures when I get time later. Unless someone beats me to it.

Whoo! Go me! :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-25, 09:47 PM
I discovered circuit version of Red Stone torch's infinite loop!
Before image (pressure plate as a trigger.
After stepping over pressure plate (notice that I am not on the pressure plate)

2012-05-25, 11:36 PM
So does that mean that we're starting another one right away?


Frog Dragon
2012-05-26, 12:49 AM
The server doesn't want to let me use warps. It lets me set them, but when I try to use them it claims that there is no such warp.

2012-05-26, 11:44 AM
Hey mem: I'd like to make a request for the new competition's theme: The new trade center being build near spawn needs a proper sail. How about everyone in the competition is given the same boat, and must construct a sail for it?
(I can arrange the boat)

2012-05-26, 12:01 PM
Or what about boats and ships in general?

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-26, 12:11 PM
Doing some testificate-testing and it seems like my underground-doors idea could work, even without the testificate in the underground homes. I've got a child in a four-house village with a bunch of doors and no testificate buried underneath it anyways.

And from the looks of things you don't even need three vertical blocks of space in the underground door-village, just two blocks will do.

Still testing, results may vary, must still test the two-block-high underground village with no testificate inside it, and I’m still waiting for second-child conformation on three-block-high-no-testificate village.

Got this while posting. on to the final village!

Seems to be a few bugs in the system though, as testificates will not enter homes at night, and instead stand outside, presumably standing over a home in the underground portion of the village. This may mean we are limited to having our underground homes only underneath the above-ground homes (and at the edge of them so the block that determines the “outside” of the underground village is not covered.)

2012-05-26, 12:41 PM
Boats you say...

Just finished turning my Mining platform into a Mining Boat


Its not complete yet, still needs more hull underwater.
There was formerly a Portal to its location but since the rail link is connected the obsidian has been reclaimed and will go toward the nether fortress project (found a massive nether fortress yesterday and spent today building a secure path to it)

Admiral Squish
2012-05-26, 04:34 PM
Everbody who's intersted, take a quick warp over to /warp squish harbor and check out my latest three builds.

I've got a dragon's head spewing lava as it juts out of a cliff, complete with a lava-filled stomach.

I've got the fabulous sea serpent from MLP:FiM.

And I've also got a star whale, a D&D creature of my own design, from one of my old campaign settings.

2012-05-26, 05:11 PM
Also, I wouldn't consider that a description of your thing. Your thing isn't a hollow shell, whatever else I find bothersome with it as an entry for this contest. ...By the way, were the cats part of your entry? I was confused.

Nah, they were just for amusement and added cuteness. Couldn't hurt, right?

2012-05-26, 05:55 PM
Hey mem: I'd like to make a request for the new competition's theme: The new trade center being build near spawn needs a proper sail. How about everyone in the competition is given the same boat, and must construct a sail for it?
(I can arrange the boat)

I had been meaning to ask about that; first, sorry about having given up on making the sail myself, I'm really bad at making things like that in minecraft.
Second, are you still planning to use the same boat?, or construct a new one for the ironcraft competition?, And third, if it doesn't end up the next competition, could I try giving it a paddle wheel instead of a sail?, I can do cylinders fairly well.

2012-05-26, 09:17 PM
Would everyone have their own boat? If that's even the theme.

2012-05-26, 10:13 PM
I've got the fabulous sea serpent from MLP:FiM.

*looks at this*

*looks at avatar*

* finally realizes that you like MLP*

Don't really care one way or the other about the show, just thought it was funny I didn't notice.

2012-05-26, 10:33 PM
Everyone would get a copypaste of the same boat; the idea is that the winning sail would be featured in the actual trade building.

2012-05-26, 11:54 PM

Also, an update on the adventure I'm planning in rptown/paleburg(just today I noticed it had a name), told in an in character style, and based partly on an ingame conversation(though not entirely);

"Where did you find that odd tree?" said the dryad, "And how did it grow to such a height?".
"I found the sapling in a strange village I discovered in a hidden valley, far away across the great desert." said the alchemist to the dryad., "it's great size is due to an experimental fertilizer I made, using condensed magic essences from some ancient relics I found in some ruins in the desert".,
"the trees I obtained that sapling from grow like weeds in the village, though none of them to quite the same size"
"could you show me the way to this village?" asked the dryad.
"aye prepare supplies and follow me, it's a long journey to the valley, though there is a small inn at the edge of the desert we can rest at".

*two days pass as the journey progresses, and the dryad and alchemist, now accompanied by a foreign knight, finally reach the entrance to the valley*

"what is this?!?" exclaims the alchemist, "the entrance has collapsed and a dark energy has formed a barrier over the town".
"what dark beings could be the cause of this" says the knight as he draws his wooden "sword":smallwink:
"I am afraid I do not know, I have never seen this sort of magic in person before"
"do you know of any other way to get to the village?", asks the dryad Croverus.
"I may know one path, but it is dangerous, I read about an ancient device of teleportation in a book I found in that ruined castle we found a few weeks back on that mountain" says the alchemist, Algernon, "but it will take a while to acquire the condensed magic required to summon a device capable of sending us there", "and even then, I could only send us to a cave beneath the town".
"what is so bad about the cave?" asks the knight.
"the locals of the village talked about an ancient curse, and a mighty demon sealed away under the village".
"do you think it could be the cause of the evil barrier?" asks Croverus.
"Aye I dread to say it, but it may be so, hopefully at least some of the villager may still be safe by the time we manage to gain entry" says Algernon.

OOC explanation; I've finished both the start and end of the adventure, but it will take a little while to get the cave system ready.

Draconi Redfir
2012-05-27, 08:32 AM

We should try this sometime. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1oyzhK9kYA&feature=relmfu)

preferibly on an unmodded server seperate from the scuzzball one.