View Full Version : [3.5] Adventure Fun...ness Level

2012-05-08, 05:53 PM
So, I'm starting out as a DM, and I would like to know if my current idea for a short adventure I'm doing(It's 1 1/2 hours because I have to play it at school) So, it's a basic monster hunting adventure with Large or larger monsters threatening the town. The twist is, the monsters are secretly controlled by a demonic force, which will explain the Half Fiend template added to the monsters. My question is, are my player's going to cry from boredom, or do i have a good idea that needs refining? Party level is 10th, by the way.

Amidus Drexel
2012-05-08, 08:59 PM
You should be fine as long as you know your players and their interests. I've found that if you play up the importance of what they like (combat, roleplaying, puzzles/mysteries, etc.) and have a good mix of everything else, the average group has no problem with whatever adventure the DM throws at them.

2012-05-08, 09:58 PM
are my player's going to cry from boredom, or do i have a good idea that needs refining? Party level is 10th, by the way.

You know your players better than we do. See what gets everyone excited/engaged, what the players like, what they don't like. Also ask them immediately after the session what parts they liked and didn't like, and probably write it down. Ask everyone what they want from the game, what they don't, and why. That should help you learn their interests, and whether your idea will work, or require a bit of tweaking.

I suggest posting/moving this thread in the Roleplaying Games forum, and removing the [3.5] tag. It's not really specific to the 3.5 system.

2012-05-08, 10:00 PM
Remember that, like any other level, the funness level of your adventure will increase with every PC you kill.