View Full Version : A World on the Brink (D&D 3.5 Homebrew Setting, WIP, PEACH)

2012-05-09, 10:36 AM
In the interest of creating a new world to run a campaign in, I'm creating this thread so I can have it all written down in one place online, and also for the benefit of my players, who may want to see the creative process.
I would, of course, appreciate input wherever one feels it is necessary. So, here it goes.

All feat and class designs are based and balanced around the material presented in Frank Trollman's Tomes.

Table of Contents

To-do list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13199821#post13199821)
The Planet Shenal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13199880#post13199880)
The World Map and Celestial Bodies (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13200531#post13200531)A Brief History of, Well, Everything (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13200706#post13200706)
Movers & Shakers
Nations of the World (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13264802#post13264802)The Templars & The Godless Church (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13283021#post13283021)
Semit Alchemical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13352031#post13352031)
The Beholden Court
The Sirens (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13352114#post13352114)Who Are You?
New Races: The Lanitians (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14245959&postcount=16)
New Races: The Alnirans (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14259447&postcount=17)
New Races: The Onirans (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14368869&postcount=18)
New ClassesCharacter Options
New & Revised Feats
New & Revised SpellsMagic: The Good, The Bad, and the Horrific Corruption

2012-05-09, 10:45 AM
The Great To-do List

Complete history lesson
Complete explaining the major organizations
Put up race list
Put up the new classes
Put up list of feats
Put up list of spells
New skills, and revisions to old ones
Explain The Corruption

2012-05-09, 10:57 AM
The World

"Funny little thing, this little lump of rock. We're just the right distance from Mandrin, you see; a few thousand miles in either direction, and life never would've had a chance here. We're pretty lucky that our Shenal happens to be juuust so."
~Alaric Theron, Astrologist

Shenal is the name of the planet you live on. It has its problems, certainly, but by all rights it's a perfectly fine planet.

Shenal Statistics: Rotation: 24 hours.
Revolution: 385 days
Globally accepted Lunar Calendar, tied to the cycle of Zanjei. Each month is 55 days. Seven months in a year.
55 weeks in a year.
Illim (Literally 'First Moon.')
Nilim (Second Moon)
Salim (Third Moon)
Shilim (Fourth Moon)
Golim (Fifth Moon)
Kulim (Sixth Moon)
Sholim (Seventh Moon)

Winter begins on the 33rd day of Sholim.
Spring begins on the 20th day of Nilim.
Summer begins on the 7th day of Shilim.
Fall begins on the 48th day of Golim.

The Moons:
Five of them. Each tend to occupy different orbits.

The Brothers, Liporam and Elporam, are two moons, the smallest of the five. They continuously orbit around one another, though their shapes are irregular. It's theorized that the Brothers were actually at some point a single object, a large moon split in half by a meteor impact. This is supported by geological evidence, which reveals a large series of craters that impacted the planet's surface approximately 200 million years ago, an event that would shape the Hadean Plains into their characteristically pock-marked landscape. The Brothers orbit one another once every 30 hours, making a complete revolution around the planet once every 20 days.

Faremal is the smallest of the moons, strange in that it has an Elliptical orbit around the planet. It's oft called 'The Watcher of the Harvest' because Faremal's orbit takes it closest to the planet during autumn. It is slow in its rotation, completing one once every 20 years, with a revolution spanning 2 years.

Zanjei is second largest, while occupying the second-closest orbit. Its surface contains large amounts of cobalt, which gives it its unique pale-blue coloration. It's also this coloration that has earned it the nickname 'Jewel of the Heavens', many regarding it as the most beautiful of the moons. Orbit 55 days, rotation 40 days.

Sharilim, largest and furthest, most famous for its crimson color. Widely regarded as an omen of ill fortune. Also possesses the longest orbit, spanning 5127 years. Its rotation appears to be synchronous with its orbit. Recent study has shown that Sharilim is, in fact, actually a massive chunk of Sagestone. This has come to cement the common practice of giving Arcane Magic the moniker 'Blood Magic'. While scientific minds are slightly baffled by the fact that Sharilim manages to stay in orbit around Shenal given its distance and size, Sharilim's composition being what it is has suggested that the moon is held in place by the very Sagestone it's composed of.

Stars and Constellations:

Sandrin, the second-brightest star in the night sky. It's used for navigation, due to its constant orientation to the south and its ease of spotting.

Galdrin is the brightest star in the night sky, such that it can even be seen during the day. It has recently been discovered that Galdrin is so bright because it is actually in nova, thankfully far enough away that the planet suffers no ill effects.

Mandrin is the sun. A small star, white and hot.

From what is known to the few scientists who're oddball enough to pay attention to the occupants of the night sky (as opposed to most others, who will be more inclined to get themselves involved in this 'industrial revolution' hullabaloo), we can tell that, apart from Shenal, there are a few other planets orbiting this tiny little star. These will receive detail later, as they're really not terribly important in the grand scheme of things.

There are a series of constellations in the sky, each particularly visible during certain times of the year, and each associated with a natural 'element'. It's said that the constellation a person is 'born under' affects the sort of person they will be. Certain cultures have dedicated entire religions to these distant stars, but most use them as a fortune-telling gimmick.

The Zodiac:
Water: Sign of the Serpent (Illim 4 – Illim 51) Constellation: Nasral
Fire: Sign of the Bull (Illim 52 – Nilim 46) Constellation: Benrallah
Day: Sign of the Wolf (Nilim 47 – Salim 39) Constellation: Terasim
Wood: Sign of the Tree (Salim 40 – Shilim 32) Constellation: Arimus
Earth: Sign of the Scarab (Shilim 33 – Golim 27) Constellation: Kham
Air: Sign of the Hawk (Golim 28 – Kulim 20) Constellation: Salamir
Metal: Sign of the Sword (Kulim 21 – Sholim 15) Constellation: Lirim
Night: Sign of the Cat (Sholim 16 – Illim 3) Constellation: Fluris

2012-05-09, 01:08 PM
This World
(And a few others)

In progress.

2012-05-09, 01:39 PM
A Brief History
of.. well, everything.

"History is a subject predominantly focused on by stubborn old men who can't live in the present, so they just dwell on the past. If it were up to me, we'd burn the history texts and maybe people'd actually bloody get along for once"
~Aphis Semit, CEO, Semit Alchemical

The calendar is something of an oddity. The Sirens tell us they measure the passage of time not in days, or months, or even years, but rather in the passage of Sharilim, the fifth moon. They measure this in Ages, which they apply very significant-sounding names to, presumably because a given Age has been or will be defined by something related to that title. Sirens are notoriously tight-lipped on how many Ages there have been, though written history only goes back for a few. Geological studies find that contrary to what some believe, the World is quite a bit more than just ten thousand or so years old.
Regardless, they keep calling this one The Age of Steel, and by our reckoning it's a good two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven years into it. (2127 AS)
The last Age wasn't anything special. The Alniran and Oniran nations had a lot more wars, there was something to do with a meteor impact, and we were, for the most part, sitting around in the dirt and marveling over this crazy new thing called agriculture.
On the other hand, this one's been pretty interesting so far.

The Age of Steel
In timeline form

2012-05-13, 02:51 PM
One comment: in real life, moons in orbit further away tend to be smaller, because larger moons must be closer to the planet or they gather enough momentum to escape the gravitational pull. You should just know of this issue and be prepared to address it.

2012-05-16, 08:44 AM
One comment: in real life, moons in orbit further away tend to be smaller, because larger moons must be closer to the planet or they gather enough momentum to escape the gravitational pull. You should just know of this issue and be prepared to address it.

Ah. That would be an important oversight on my part. Thanks for that, will be addressed as soon as I can get back to editing all this.

2012-05-21, 10:58 AM
Movers & Shakers
The Nations of Shenal

The Republic of Zan

"Of course we have enemies. Who doesn't, these days? But the kicker is, our enemies happen to need us to stay afloat; you know how many countries use the Crown now? The world's changing, and if the rest of the world doesn't keep up, they're gonna get left behind."
~Eric Faust, Minister of the Treasury

Capital: Zaneir
Largest City: Zaneir
National Language: Zanshi
Government: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Area: ~7 million sq. kilometers
Population: ~40 million
Currency: Crown

Map Incoming

Zan is, currently, the greatest economic power on the world stage. The Industrial Revolution of 160 years prior to the current date jump-started the previously small nation, combining a massive desire for expansion with promises of prosperity and progress. The nation itself is relatively small, but many other nations on the continent of Lanis have allied with them, providing supplies, and military support. After the Blood War (the most recent one, at any rate), Zan stepped forward, sending ambassadors to various other nations it had beaten. It had proposed opening trade routes between the nations, in exchange for peace. Reluctantly, agreement was made. The Zaneir Treaty of 2095 was the first of its kind, and for the first time in several ages, the world enjoyed a semi-reluctant peace.

Today, Zanshi is spoken in many countries, and the Lanitian Crown became a worldwide standard of currency.

Zan is located on the continent of Lanis, across the Attaric Sea from Attal. Its capital, Zaneir, is currently the largest city in the world, boasting a population of approximately seven million. The massive port city is both the seat of Zan's economic and political power, as well as the home of Semit Alchemical's international headquarters, Semit Tower (See Semit Alchemical). In Sydran, the city's name means 'Jewel of the Sea', a moniker which comes from the city's roots as a center of the pearl trade.

Zan is famous for having produced the first mechanical airships during the last war, as well as its development of the firearms and the combustion engine. This allowed Zan a level of military power previously only available to mages as fast, light aircraft greatly outmaneuvered the magical airships used by the Sandric military, and cannon-equipped ships were able to match Ardyn's naval power. Until the development of the antimagic bombs, however, most major battles were fought to a standstill. It was when the first of these weapons was test-fired on the Sanaric fleet that the other sides of the war agreed to a ceasefire, signing the Zaneir Treaty.
Since then, Zan has remained the primary superpower in the world.

The Imperial Dominion of Alnir

"In ages past, we were the most feared empire on the planet. Onir wouldn't dare to attack us, even with their precious airships; we were always the naval power. Nobody had a better infantry, either, the Templars saw to that. My father, and his father, et cetera, all of them lived in the supreme knowledge that the Empire would never fall, that we'd be around forever. Now I'm in charge and I have to face the fact that the world is moving on without us... Alnir needs to evolve as a nation, otherwise... Well. You saw how the last war went. If we don't adapt to the new age, we're finished; as a political power... and as a people."
~Emperor Aremis fon Daral VII

Capital: Ardyn
Largest City: Jadahl
National Language: Ardynal
Area: ~9 million sq. km
Population: ~10 million
Currency: Hara (largely discontinued; adopted the Crown as currency recently)

Map Incoming

Allied Oniran Nations

"A demon? You come into my home and you call me a demon, Lanitian? Our people have struggled and fought for every scrap of land we possess since time immemorial. This continent is a volcanic Hell, and much of it is uninhabitable. Lava fields, amounts of radiation from the Sagestone deposits too high to bear safely, bitter winters... We were lucky to gain our magicks, else we mightn't have survived. But you... You move ever forwards, with neither care nor caution in the name of 'Progress', and the Alnirans to the North war with us constantly, and why? Because of some long-forgotten grudge? We do only what we must to survive, and yet you call us demons for it... No, I think; the only demon in this room is sitting right in front of me."
~Councilor Actaeon Seneca

Member Nations: Sandrimal, Sanara, Ramasta, El-Shala, Shalara, Ishmir, Gala-Shalal
Council Meeting Place: Cha-Shakar
Largest City: Ashramet
Languages: Sandric (Pidgin, common among traders), Sanaric, Shalavic, Ramast
Government: Confederal Oligarchy
Area: ~35 million sq. km
Population: ~23 million
Currency: Sagestone universally accepted. Recently accepted the Crown as currency.

Map Incoming


"Why should we come out of our holes? No infantry can navigate our tunnels. No airship fleet can stand up to the winds at this altitude. We can weather any assault here, as we have always done. The heavens do not change; why should we?"
~Ammarala Aldin, Malavan Priest

Largest City: Malav
National Language: Malific
Government: Largely Tribal
Area: Indeterminate
Population: 2 million +
Currency: Barter-based

Map Incoming

Remal & Nasremal

"We live our lives apart for reasons I would think obvious. Hâdra excluded, no people have been as marred by the Stones as we. Our own kindred see us as monsters, and we have no allies elsewhere. For our own continued survival did we cut all ties."
~Remalan Melekh

Capital: Hakhradi
Largest City: Hakhradi
National Language: Remalan
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Area: ~600 thousand sq. km
Population: ~1.5 million
Currency: Kha

Map Incoming


"The Empire is long gone; there's no point in dwelling on that. We're proud of our heritage, but our ancestors fought and bled for this land. We're not about to leave it in exchange for some worthless piece of soil those heretics up North have desecrated."
~Ituha Lani, King of Alliris

Capital: Hong-Va (Formerly Attal)
Largest City: Hong-Va
National Language: Alliric
Government: Elected Constitutional Monarchy
Area: ~8 million sq. km
Population: ~7 million
Currency: Pearls still accepted as currency, but Sagestone and the Crown recently accepted

Map Incoming

2012-05-24, 09:29 AM
Forgive the temporarily incomplete nation information.

I'm working on it.

2012-05-24, 02:37 PM
Movers & Shakers
The Godless Church

"Moderation in all things leads to wealth."
~First precept of the Unclouded Path

Official Name: The Unclouded Path
Dogma: Atheistic
Center of Religion: The White Temple, located in Ardyn
Associated Organizations: The Templars, The Imperial Dominion of Alnir

The Templars

"Blood for blood."

Nature of Organization: Military (Infantry)
Based in: The White Temple, located in Ardyn
Associated Organizations: The Unclouded Path, Imperial Dominion of Alnir

2012-05-30, 05:52 PM
This is quite amazing. Looking forward to the finished product. Great work. :smallsmile:

2012-06-06, 08:26 AM
Movers & Shakers
Semit Alchemical

"I am often accused of being an evil man. This is natural, because I am successful, and to be successful in the business world, you have to be willing to slit a few throats. It's not like politics, where you can spew lies and have people who don't care swallow every drop, or the arts where you can get by on a pretty face and force of personality alone.
No, it isn't... I am a business man, and there are a great many other business men in the world who would very dearly like a piece of the rather massive fortune I've gathered for myself. I had to be a backstabbing, conniving, cutthroat miser to get here. But now I'm the richest man in the world, and half the population of the planet knows my name, uses my products every single day. If that makes me an evil man... So be it."
~Aphis Semit, CEO

Type of business: Alchemy-related products
Headquarters: Semit Tower, located in Zaneir.
Associated Organizations: The Republic of Zan

2012-06-06, 08:49 AM
Movers & Shakers
The Beholden Court

"Honestly, I don't hold with this political nonsense. It's like watching checkers, except every piece is in it alone. Everyone's so busy trying to stab everyone else in the back they don't even realize that they have other problems. Wars every other century, and there's no allies in this world, only acquaintences you don't want dead; bit stupid, really. I mean, We have a strict non-interference policy, but really now."
~Tursa Fola

Type of Organization: Combination school for arcane magic/leadership body for Falitians
Headquarters: It's a school protected by epic-level wizards. If it doesn't want to be found, it's not going to be.
Associated Organizations: Allied Oniran Nations

The Sirens

"It's a shame really. Can't get a word out of them, it's maddening. Usually they won't shut up and bugger off, but the moment you try to get a straight answer..."
~Historian, concerning the Sirens

Type of Organization: Race of ageless... things.
Headquarters: None.
Associated Organizations: None.

2012-06-11, 08:05 AM
I will admit, I could better judge your nations with a map, as I like the geographic aspect of it. For now I will leave them be

Your groups should include an explicit goal, just to make it more obvious what they are for. It will help you better plan out their reactions to events in the world, and also help your players better understand them.

2012-11-18, 06:54 PM
After a long hiatus I have returned. Many apologies, my life has been hectic for the past few months. I have continued work on the setting, and will be posting up the races I have worked on shortly.

2012-11-18, 07:41 PM
Who Are You?
New Races: The Lanitians


Zan are, in appearance, very similar to humans. Biologically, they are nearly identical, even. The difference comes in mentality...
Zan are a race dedicated to progress. Deprived of the innate magic of Arcans and the connection with divinity that Alniran races have, they took to another source of power. Zan are incredibly gifted with technology, inventors and technicians being common. As a race, they're relatively new on the world stage, but due to their comparative speed of reproduction and their sheer drive to succeed, they have quickly become the most numerous and widespread race on the planet.
Zan typically stand between five and six and a half feet tall, on average weighing between 150 and 250 pounds. They have lifespans generally regarded as average, and will typically live to around eighty years of age, barring health complications. Zan run the gamut of the skin tone spectrum, from dark brown to nearly white.
The Zan are on shaky ground diplomatically with most races. The last war saw the Republic as the winner, with the advent of mass-producible weaponry and ease of transportation with the combustion engine, and many begrudge them this. Still, The Republic is economically the biggest bully in the playground, so most other races are at least civil towards them.
Zan have no real alignment tendencies, nor do they have one centralized religion. You're as like to find devotees of the Unclouded Path as atheists. There are cults here and there, but for the most part the spiritual beliefs of any given individual could be anything.
Zan born in the Republic grow up speaking Zanshi. They may hear Attaric quite a bit as well, but Zan in the northern reaches of the continent may grow up speaking Malific, or even Shalí.

Common Male Names: Adam, Brandon, Ethan, Isaac, Jared, Scott, William
Common Female Names: Amber, Elle, Grace, Laura, Madison, Nicole, Victoria

Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity. Whatever they choose to do, Zan have a great deal of manual dexterity, and are light on their feet.
Humanoid (Human)
Medium: Zan have no penalties or bonuses due to size.
Base speed: 30 feet.
Automatic Language: Zanshi. Bonus: Attaric, Malific, Shalí
Mechanical Knack: Zan treat firearms as martial weapons.
Determination: Zan get a +2 racial bonus to Will saving throws.
Zan must choose between Technical Prowess and Warrior's Prowess at character creation. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-Technical Prowess (Ex): You've been around mechanical devices for so long that you just intuitively know how to make them work right. As an action that takes a number of rounds equal to 10 minus your ranks in Use Mechanical Device, you may duplicate the effects of a Make Whole or Repair Moderate Damage spell. If you have 10 or more ranks, it becomes a Standard Action, and a Swift Action if you have 15 or more. Additionally, you gain a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence.
-Warrior's Prowess: You've spent some time on the battlefield, and it's made you both more perceptive and more adaptive to your surroundings. You gain Danger Sense as a bonus feat.
Alignment: Any. Zan are highly individualistic, prizing personal choices.
Favored Class: Engineer, Soldier
Level Adjustment: +0.


The Shalí people live in the northeastern regions of the continent of Lanis, a land of arid deserts. Despite their… unique appearance, the Shalí share a common ancestry with Lanitians, although according to a combination of history and legend it was the favor of a Dragon God which brought the Shalí to their current state. Geneticists theorize that it was, in actuality, the result of the Dragons attempting to carry on with their race, using what little Magicks they possessed to attempt to breed with creatures far more prolific than they. Of course, the Age of Great Wyrms (as the Sirens call it) was a very, very long time ago, and today the fossils of the ancient beasts can be found littering the desert landscape, so it is evident that their intent failed.
Regardless, whether through Divine Intervention or just the final grasps at the future by a dying race, the Shalí are all that remains of the once-great reptiles. This is most evident in their reptilian appearance, appearing almost lizardlike save for the obviously draconic influences. They stand taller than most, heights over six feet being not at all uncommon.
Culturally, they are highly unlike their neighbors, the Hamil. They are still tribal in nature, but not content to live in tents and constructed towns, they search for the great limestone pillars that dot the landscape, turning these into their homes. Shalí prize architecture as an art form, master sculpters and masons being among the most revered cornerstones of their society. Over years, a relatively small tribe will convert one of these pillars into a beautiful work of architecture, reinforced with Sandstone. The Shalí have also perfected the art of glassblowing, which is natural given the contents of their environment.

Common Male Names: Abasi, Djoser, Hasani, Isaq, Madu, Musim, Qeb, Tau
Common Female Names: Ain, Dalila, Hafsah, Jendayi, Lapis, Mesi, Safiya, Thema

Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence, +2 Strength. Shalí are both very intelligent and physically powerful.
Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragonblooded)
Medium: Shalí gain no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base speed: 30 feet.
Normal Vision
Automatic Language: Shali
Shalí are always considered to be trained in Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering) and Craft (Glassblowing), and receive a +2 to checks with such.
Scaled Skin: Shalí gain a bonus to their Natural Armor equal to Ľ their character level, rounded down.
Creature of the Sun (Ex): You gain Resistance 5 versus fire. This increases by 1 per character level. At level 20, you instead become Immune to fire.
Shalí choose between the Breath of the Sun and Blessing of the Sun racial features at character creation. Once made, this decision cannot be made.
-Breath of the Sun (Su): The tiny fragments of draconic blood within you have given you the ability to, on occasion, bring forth a breath of flame. You gain a breath weapon that can be used once per day, that deals 2d6+Con mod fire damage in a 15-foot cone.
-Blessing of the Sun (Su): The tiny fragments of draconic blood within you have given you extraordinary healing capabilities when exposed to the light that gave your ancestors their power. While exposed to direct sunlight (a daylight spell or similar effect does not count), you gain Regeneration 1.
Favored Class: Artificer, Swordsage
Level Adjustment: +0.


Cold, bitter people of the north, Malavans share a common ancestry with Belkhim and Ardynals, but differ in their culture and receptiveness to outsiders. They are xenophobic, and it shows in their mountainous homes. Physically, they are almost spiderlike in build, being tall and having longer than average arms and legs, which lend themselves easily to climbing and maneuvering quietly through the world.
Malavan culture strongly encourages individuals to adhere to the religious doctrine that their people have followed since the beginning of their written history. The twin moons, Liporam and Elporam, are intricately tied to this religion, representing the elements of Light and Darkness within each individual. Light representing Life, Creation, and Progress, Darkness representing Death, Destruction, and Entropy. Darkness is not portrayed as Evil, nor Light as good; rather, Malavans see these as two necessary portions of an endless cycle.

Common Male Names: Amin, Diya, Farid, Husani, Khaleq, Nasr, Shadi, Zayid
Common Female Names: Anisa, Dema, Farrah, Inaya, Majda, Rima, Tali, Zia

Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence , +2 Dexterity. Malavans are both cunning and agile, making for terrifying opponents in combat.
Humanoid (Alniran)
Medium: Malavans have no penalties or bonuses due to size.
Base speed: 30 feet.
Darkvision 60'
Automatic Language: Malific. Bonus languages: Sydran, Zanshi, Shali.
+2 to Climb and Stealth checks.
Malavans must choose between the Path of Light and Path of Shadows racial features at character creation. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-Path of Light: You have devoted yourself to the philosophy of The Path of Light. Gain a +2 to Spot, and the ability to cast Daylight once per day as a Spell-like ability.
-Path of Shadows: You have devoted yourself to the philosophy of The Path of Shadows. Gain a +2 to Listen, and the ability to cast Darkness once per day as a Spell-like ability.
Alignment: Lawful.
Favored Class: Sohei, Assassin
Level Adjustment: +0.


A hardy people, the Hamil live primarily in the cold, northern expanses of Hamis, although some Hamil tribes have been found in the arid deserts of the Shalir region. They typically stand shorter and stockier than most, having a greater need for endurance and fortitude than raw physical strength. However, the clearest mark of a Hamil is the way their ears taper to a point, unlike any other race. They live in harsh climates, and yet defy all reason or logic. Still obviously humanoid, and yet they seem unbothered by either extreme heat or cold.
The Hamil culture is largely shaped by their environment. They place a great emphasis on one’s toughness, and in many tribes it is considered a rite of passage to be able to withstand the harsh weather of one’s environs without food or water for several days.
In spite of this stoic attitude, the Hamil are surprisingly amiable. They don’t receive visitors often, but many find themselves being treated as honored guests and, supplies permitting, invited to stay for some time. This attitude confuses their neighbors, the Malavans, but frequently puts them on good terms with those around them.

Common Male Names: Anunka, Dowan, Hotah, Ichante, Kohana, Oyate, Zuya
Common Female Names: Alowa, Chante, Iyanke, Lakota, Olowa, Tika, Wiyaka

Racial Traits

-2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity. Hamil are hardy and agile by nature, as is made necessary by the harsh environments they live in.
Humanoid (Hamil)
Small: Hamil gain a +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC.
Base speed: 20 feet.
+2 Survival, +2 Search
Automatic Language: Hamisal. Bonus: Malific, Shali, Zanshi
Stoic Nature: Hamil gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saving throws. Additionally, a Hamil is immune to the fatigued condition.
Hamil choose between the Southern Efficiency and Northern Charm racial traits at character creation. Once made, this decision cannot be changed.
-Southern Efficiency: A life in the desert has given you quite a lot of resilience to heat. You gain the [Fire] subtype, and a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence, as you’ve learned how to make virtually anything work to your advantage in the desert.
-Northern Charm: A life in the arctic has given you quite a lot of resilience to cold. You gain the [Cold] subtype, and a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom, as it becomes necessary to locate any amount of food you can in the frozen wastes.
Favored Class: Ranger, Totemist
Level Adjustment: +0.

2012-11-21, 04:48 AM
Who Are You?
New Races: The Alnirans


Ardynal are the most populous of the Sydran races, hailing from the Ardyn region. Physically, they are typically fair-skinned, usually possessing darker hair colors, although blonde is not unheard of. Eye colors can run the full range of what is considered 'normal' for humans, although frequently the gaze of an Ardynal is slightly unnerving, owing to the frequently golden color of the sclera (many Ardynals embrace Divine Magic in some way or another). Culturally, they tend towards a religious ideal, following the Unclouded Path's doctrine of balance and moderation in all things. They hold to a very militaristic culture as well, the Templars being the most famous of their military endeavors.

Common Male Names: Aremis, Daret, Halim, Kesral, Orrim, Tashmal
Common Female Names: Ailin, Erin, Jala, Mirin, Saya, Ylin

Racial Traits

+2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution. Ardynals are connected strongly with the Divine powers, as well as hardy as a people.
Humanoid (Alniran)
Medium: Ardynals have no penalties or bonuses due to size.
Base speed: 30 feet.
Automatic Language: Ardyn. Bonus languages are Zanshi, Sydran, and Belgan.
Weapon Proficiencies: Bastard Sword, Halberd, Greatbow.
+2 to Sense Motive and Gather Information.
Ardynals must choose between the Military Mind and Divine Mind racial features at character creation. Once the choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-Military Mind: Your long life in a militaristic society has given you a unique insight into how tactics work, and you're at home on a battlefield. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves.
-Divine Mind: Your long life in a religious society has given you an unshakeable faith. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saves.
Alignment: Neutral.
Favored Class: Monk, Cleric
Level Adjustment: +0


The closest cousins of the Ardynals, Belkhim are slightly shorter, slightly lankier, and their fingers are longer. Skin tones tend towards darker ones, ranging from bronze to dark brown, while hair colors tend towards the lighter end of the spectrum. Blue eyes are highly common, as well, and they share the frequency of golden sclera with their northern cousins.
Belkhim culture is based quite hapily around the ocean and the forests on the Belkh landmass, and though they still have a deeply religious culture, they do not adhere to it quite as strictly as others. Rather, their culture as a whole has a great love of storytelling, this combining with an environment that some call 'inspiring' to create quite a few ideas in the heads of young Belkhim.
Belkhim adventurers are not at all uncommon; indeed, the culture seems to promote and appraise them. Tales of heroics abound, and more than a few playwrights have embraced the life of an adventurer, seeking their next great tale.
For the more mundane members of the culture, enjoying these stories from the fireside is more than enough. Belkh enjoys a thriving fishing trade, and the heavy jungle regions on the island provide a wealth of building materials, as well as a highly unique brand of local cuisine.

Common Male Names: Ajit, Bishen, Hari, Kama, Nala, Pran, Vivek
Common Female Names: Arya, Chandra, Ila, Kumari, Nisha, Rani, Uma

Racial Traits

+2 Strength and Charisma. Belkhim are hard-working, and generally good-natured.
Humanoid (Alniran)
Medium: Belkhim have no penalties or bonuses due to size.
Base speed: 30 feet.
Low-light vision
Automatic Language: Ardyn, Belgan. Bonus: Zanshi, Remalan, Sydran.
+2 to Swim and Tumble checks.
+2 racial bonus to Reflex saves.
Belkhim must choose between the Sea Legs and Land Legs racial features at character creation. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-Sea Legs (Ex): You've grown up around the ocean, and you're a damn good swimmer for it. You gain a swim speed of 20 feet.
-Land Legs (Ex): You've grown up in the woods, and you're pretty adept at maneuvering through terrain. Gain the Ranger's Woodland Stride ability.
Alignment: Good.
Favored Class: Paladin, Bard
Level Adjustment: +0.

2012-12-12, 08:11 PM
Who Are You?
New Races: The Onirans


The southern cousins of the Zan, and the last remnants of the Attaric Empire, driven from their homeland to the continent of Onir. They tend to be taller and more sturdily built than their genetic cousins to the north, with darker skin tones being common.
An Alliran occupies a curious place in the world. They live in one of the more hostile environments on earth, as Onir is littered with all manner of dangers, and yet the remnants of the Attaric Empire have made their life less unpleasant than one would think. Old fortifications still exist, and Alliris has by far the mildest climate of the Oniran nations. They share a heritage with the Zan to the North, but have cut virtually all ties with the people who drove them out, instead embracing their neighbors. They have a standing tradition as feared warriors, capable of amazing feats of strength in battle, but spending a few centuries in a magic-heavy environment has had a profound effect on them, exposing the race to the Magicks of the wild.
In times past, tradition dictated that women have a subdued place in the culture, more subservient to men, though a dwindling supply of warriors in recent years has caused this trend to fall in support in recent years.
As Allirans are the remnants of the Attaric Empire, they still hold fast to the older ideals that the Empire once held. Namely, Allirans still prize the jungle cats that, once upon a time, made them a military presence to be feared. The giant, panther-like felines that make the forests their home are often raised from birth by breeders, sold at an early age to those looking to ride. Otherwise, these predatory beasts can be slow to trust, and require a significantly greater investment of effort to train.

Common Male Names: Ardavan, Gaspar, Javed, Khurshid, Naveed, Shah
Common Female Names: Anahi, Hester, Jasmine, Leila, Pari, Zarina

Racial Traits

+2 Constitution. Allirans are incredibly hardy due to the environment they were raised in.
Humanoid (Human)
Medium: Allirans have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
+2 to Survival and Handle Animal.
Automatic Language: Sandric, Alliric. Bonus: Shalavic, Remalan, Ramast
Hardy: Allirans gain a +1 Racial bonus to all saves.
Allirans choose between the Born to be Wild and Born in the Saddle racial features at character creation. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-Born to be Wild: You’ve grown up in the hostile forests that populate Alliris. As a result, you’ve learned to keep your wits about you. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom, and Awareness as a bonus feat.
-Born in the Saddle: You’ve grown up surrounded by the jungle cats your culture has grown so close to, and have become more adept at handling them. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Strength, and Mounted Combat as a bonus feat.
Favored Class: Druid, Fighter
Level Adjustment: +0.