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Space Lawyer
2012-05-09, 12:17 PM
The smell. It is inescapable, omnipresent, and clings like an invisible beast, here at the port. It is the smell of fish, low-tide, poor sanitation, and too many people in too small of place. This is the city of Lilt. The docks jut out into the water, piercing into the clear blue water like filth-encrusted spikes, and the city spills backwards from it, climbing the hills. The buildings at the tops of the hills are those of the rich merchants and the Republic's representatives. Down in the valleys, and towards the port, the buildings become more crammed together, and grow taller. This is where you have found yourself, hanging around the docks. Luckily, an opportunity has come for you. This past week, recruiters from the Redwing were looking for the best these docks had to offer. You were one of the ones who was chosen. Today is the day you reported for duty on the privateer ship. The Redwing is before you. It is not the largest ship, but a fast one. The angled sails and raked lines give it an appearance of being in motion even here in port. The bow mounted ballista and ram lend an aura of fearsomeness. A man stands at the top of the gangplank. The red sash around his waist gives him away as a crew member, and the enormous curling mustache identifies him as Captain Lewes. He has a reputation as rake, but his abilities are widely respected. Beside him stands an elf, dressed in ship's clothing but with clerical accoutrements. The dock crew works quickly, hauling crates and casks onto the ship. The seagulls scream, and the crowd murmurs. The day is hot, and the wind blowing in from the sea only serves to make it more humid. It took a lot for you to get here, and it is here you will find fortune and adventure.

2012-05-09, 04:14 PM
Hanak wipes his brow, sweat beading on his face.
"This place has reek. Reek is never good. Dead fish have reek. Red tides have reek," he looks about, still uncomfortable in urban environments since leaving his tribe for his world-wide spirit quest.

2012-05-09, 04:23 PM
Rodrigo smirks, and takes a deep breath, not even phased by the stench.
"Make the most of it, Witch Doctor. We might not see land for a while, so we may as well enjoy it while we can..."

The Squirrel
2012-05-09, 10:44 PM
Pete pauses before the gangplank, drinking in the sight of the ship. Smiling, he comments, "You may want to take a good look at the ship as well, as we aren't likely to get another dockside view of it anytime soon - if we're lucky."

2012-05-09, 10:53 PM
"I think I prefer sea. At least sea's god gives warnings instead of reek," Hanak runs his hands up and down his voodoo doll.

2012-05-10, 10:54 AM
Versvesh steps up proudly to the dock, chest out and grim-faced, though a persistent grin keeps tugging at the side of his lips, twitching one of his tusks weirdly. It's been a great day. He found his long-lost brother, freed him from a hellish life, and is about to step out into a world of adventure. Versvesh couldn't deny that this may be the best day of his life.

"Hamrin," I say, trying to sound impressive, "behold the Redwing and the brave Captain Lewes. Our new lives begin here." His awkwardly concealed grin bursts forth at last as he clasps Hamrin's shoulder. "Free air and open waters!" He laughs merrily, a weird grunting sound for those unaccustomed to seeing a happy orc.

He clears his throat and struggles to reshape his grim-faced facade. Unsure of how to proceed, he looks to the other new recruits and tries to mimic their behavior.

2012-05-10, 08:54 PM
Eyeing the hills in the distance with great disdain, Silas approaches the gang plank; shifting his attention to his new crew mates.

"It shall be grand to sail with you all."

He rests his right arm at his hip and appears pleased.

He murmurs to himself Finally, returning to the seas again.

2012-05-11, 06:39 AM
Hamrin doesn't know what to expect Versvesh seems exited but Hamrin feels like venturing into the great unknown might be kinda weird. instinctively he agrees with Versvesh Yes, new lives. I like free air.

Space Lawyer
2012-05-11, 07:34 AM
Peering down at you from the ship, Captain Lewes yells out, "Ah, my fine and faithful crew! You are granted permission to come aboard. Grab a red sash from Lyn here, tie it on, and prepare to cast off. We've had word of an enemy ship trying to make a sneak through the islands. It'll be an easy prey, but they've a head start and a favorable wind."

2012-05-11, 07:41 AM
"As you wish, Captain. Let's take them down!"
Rodrigo boards the ship, taking a sash and tying it across one shoulder.

The Squirrel
2012-05-11, 08:11 AM
"Yes Sir!"
Pete hurries up the gangplank and takes a sash from Lyn with a nod. After we're settled, I should see if there is additional material for a headband; maybe something for my avian friend.
Securing his new red accessory Pete tosses his baggage pack into an unused corner and helps to prepare to cast off (take 10 on profession (sailor) for a result of 11).

2012-05-11, 11:43 AM
Hanak shrugs and climbs aboard the ship, graciously accepting the red sash as a symbol of his allegiance to the seas and the ship. A coral snake, black and white stripes allowing it to hide in his headress, twists down around his arm, looking about the ship and taking in new scents.

He's surprised that the first thing he'll be doing the ship is expediting somebody's death, but pirates are as much a danger of the ocean as coral reefs or giant squids.

2012-05-11, 03:41 PM
Silas walks aboard and accepts a red sash.

"Thanks Cap, let's catch those sneaky bastards!"

He ties the sash around neck like a scarf, and joins his fellow crew mates.

After observing his new team, Silas declares "This certainly is a diverse crew, but I have faith we'll be more than able to blow them out of the waters!"

2012-05-11, 08:10 PM
Hamrin walks up and takes a sash he ties it on and asks What next?

2012-05-12, 03:00 PM
Versvesh receives the red sash with a deferential bow. "It'sh an honor to sherve, Capt'n Lewesh! You are highly thought of by my mashter, the bronzshe dragon who guardsh theshe watersh, Thurirlekeshlingshthyr" He offers a toothy grin and ties the sash around his waist, assuming that his words were as high a complement as he could give, and then struts onto the deck, looking positively pleased.

Space Lawyer
2012-05-12, 09:29 PM
Looking pleased with the new crew, and seeing that all the supplies are stowed aboard, Captain Lewes gives the order. "Draw in the gangplank and raise the sails! We sail out with night breeze!"
The departure goes smoothly, and the Redwing sails out of port. A few hours later, dinner is called for. As it is the first night out of port, the meal is sumptuous, with both fresh meat and vegetables. The captain stands and speaks "Now, we have somewhat of a decision to make. Our target, the Fresia, is making her way through the islands. We need to decide how to take her. We can come from behind her, and overtake her. We're faster, and more maneuverable. She might have too much of a start on us though, and we'll never catch her. We could come around the front then, but if we're wrong about where she is, she'll make it to the open seas without us catching sight. So, what say you?."

2012-05-12, 09:41 PM
Hanak stands to speak.
"Sea-mother shares her secrets with me. If I ask nice, she will show the way?"

2012-05-13, 05:15 AM
Hamrin gets into the water beside the boat and looks around.
Spot: [roll0]

The Squirrel
2012-05-13, 10:03 PM
Pete rubs his nonexistant beard and speaks, "My instinct is to ambush it as it makes its way to the ocean. It may require a bit of luck, but trying to chase it down isn't without its risks either - we could lose the trail, be blown off course, or simply by coming at them from behind give them more opportunity to try something sneaky or evasive. While my preference is a frontal attack, I am not particularly opposed to a chase."

2012-05-14, 12:32 AM
"Experienshe hash taught me the virtue of pashienche. I shay it'sh shafer to rely on our shpeed to catch them, than to rishk loshing them on the open sheas. It shoundsh like a higher rishk to try to head them off for the benefit of a quicker catch and the catching them off guard. Beshides... I shay let them shee ush coming! It will shtrike fear in their heartsh! And while the Redwing ish engaging the Freshia, my brother and I can shwim aboard and shabotage the ship."

Versvesh gestures to Hamrin while explaining this.

2012-05-14, 12:15 PM
"I agree about the sneak-attack plot, no hiding my love of ambush. If they get that far out at sea, we may have many more risk factors than just the Fresia, and although either plan leaves this as a possibility, if they saw us, we'd only be stacking the odds against us" Silas says with a grin, agreeing with his comrades.

The Squirrel
2012-05-15, 04:25 PM
Pete takes in the opinions, then looks thoughtfully around, his gaze settling on Rodrigo, "You look as if you've been on a ship before - any thoughts?"

Space Lawyer
2012-05-15, 07:13 PM
The captain nods and twirls his mustache. "I see more votes for an ambush. I'd like to take them with as little risk as possible. I do liek your plan, Vervesh, of sneaking on. Those of you accustomed to the water could attack from the sea while they're looking at Redwing. Hanak, cast your magic and let us know what the ocean tells you. Let us work out where best to catch them."

I need profession (sailor) rolls from everyone. If you have knowledge (geography), that would work too.

There is nothing much to see, simply the sandy bottom and some fish. Some men throw down a rope to help you climb back up.

The Squirrel
2012-05-15, 07:27 PM
Pete studies the charts available. "If I were them and trying to make it to the open sea, this could be a decent route - if so, we should strike them here," he says pointing a finger.
Know: geography [roll0]

2012-05-15, 07:44 PM
Hamrin will try to stab a fish before climbing back onto the ship.
Attack:1d20+9 (I haven't applied the penalties for fighting underwater because I don't know where to find them)

Sailor: [roll0]

2012-05-15, 07:47 PM
Last roll didn't work.

2012-05-16, 06:20 AM

Hanak holds off on using his ties to the sea for now, waiting until the moment he truly needs Mother Sea. He'd hate to bother her too much.

2012-05-16, 12:10 PM
Versvesh nods and studies the charts to the best of his ability. Less travelled than the rest of the crew, he prefers to remain silent here and learn.

Profession Sailor: [roll0]
Know Geo not trained (I have ranks in Nature, through. :smallfrown:)
Intelligence Check: [roll1]
Aura (Senses) to Listen and Learn: [roll2]

2012-05-17, 10:32 AM
Rodrigo looks thoughtful for a second, then speaks.
"If we were to ambush them, could we disguise ourselves as a trade or merchant's ship? That way, even if they were to sight us, it wouldn't be of any help to them.
Profession: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-05-17, 08:19 PM
"Ah, a good plan, Rodrigo. If we hide our armaments well, we can take them easily. Though I must say the lot of you need a bit of work on your map reading, we've an idea of where they need to go. We've about two days sail, so prepare yourselves and the ship."

You stab a number of red snapper. They will make for good eating.

You pick up a number of helpful pointers on sailing and map reading.

2012-05-18, 05:42 AM
If Hamrin swims can he keep up with the ship?

Space Lawyer
2012-05-20, 08:51 PM
Though it has taken a few days, the ship eventually arrives at the spot picked out on the map. It is a small harbor on an insignificant island, with a small mouth. It opens into a narrow channel, about 2 kilometers across. Palm trees grow thick to the side the Fresia is expected to come from. Wind blows down the channel. If the Fresia crosses here, both she and the Redwing will be sailing into the wind.
"Now, we wait here for our prey to come. We'll fly the colors of the Marlon Empire, and when we see her, we'll come as a friend and propose a convoy. We'll be ready to attack as soon as we get in range. Those of you that can take to the water easily, be waiting underwater to climb from the opposite side. Take some ropes and grapnels to help you. We aren't intending to slaughter the crew, nor sink the ship. We'll deprive the Fresia of her valuables, and be on her way. That said, if any take to offering an undue amount of resistance, feel free to disabuse them of the notion that such is a good idea. Be clever, be vicous, and we'll come home celebrated and rich."

No. Ships at full sail move significantly faster than you can swim.

2012-05-21, 04:52 AM
When should I go underwater. Now?

2012-05-21, 05:53 AM
"I'll prepare my shuppliesh, and Hamrin and I can dishgussh our shtrategy." Versvesh bows and heads down below deck to grab a grappling hook, rope, and to coat his pouches in oil, just to make sure they remain water-proof.

"Hamrin. Perhapsh we should shwim the area and shee if there'sh a good plashe for ush to hide before they arrive."

2012-05-21, 06:16 AM
Yes sir. Says Hamrin and he follows Versvesh.

2012-05-21, 07:55 AM
"How many men board Fresia? What ship is she?" Hanak asks, also looking about to get a good idea of what the combat area will be like. He's mainly interested in the depth of the water and strength and predictability of the wind.

2012-05-21, 05:34 PM
Versvesh claps Hamrin on the shoulder and grins again. Before diving off into the water, he looks back at the captain. "How frequently would you like ush to check in to report and resheive ordersh?"

The Squirrel
2012-05-23, 09:45 PM
"Aye captain, it's a solid plan."
Pete heads to the galley to prepare pre-fight power food.

Space Lawyer
2012-05-29, 07:03 AM
The Fresia is a slow, waddling caravel. There will be little time to report in such an attack. I trust you'll follow orders and do the Redwing proud. Get in your positions; our prey arrives soon.

Typing on my phone is not conducive to writing out the combat scenario. The Fresia will show up sometime around 1 today.

Space Lawyer
2012-05-29, 11:07 AM
A ship comes around the bend of the island. It is wide and round, two-masted, and riding low in the water. A number of sailors mill around on deck. The sails are full, but the ship is not moving particularly fast. The name Fresia is clearly embossed on the side. It is about 500 ft. away, and moving 5 ft. per second, clearly trying to avoid treacherous sandbars. The Redwing begins to sail out of the cove it had waited in, flying a merchant flag and with the weapons hidden.

Everybody gets one post for describing where you are, any actions you want to take, etc. The initiative will be by group, as it would be an absurdly long process for it to go initiative by initiative. I'll roll it. My next post will be the Redwing closing to within 30 ft. of the Fresia, or entering into combat, depending on how well the captain lies and the sailors managed to disguise the ship. Just to clarify, you're in a narrow channel between islands. It is about 1500 ft. long, 200 ft. wide, and opens up into the sea. The Redwing was hiding in a cove along one of the islands.

2012-05-29, 01:22 PM
Hanak will stand near the bow of the ship, pretending to nap peacefully with Savashi (the coral snake) in his arms while he's propped up against the ship's railing.

2012-05-29, 02:16 PM
"It ish time..." Versvesh growls in anticipation as he slips into the water and glides toward the rear Fresia.

Movement Speed: 15' per round
Hide: [roll0] (plus any bonuses I get for being underwater)
Move Silently: [roll1] (plus any bonuses I get for being underwater)
Spot: [roll2] (to find the least guarded part of the ship)
Listen: [roll3] (to hear any clues that we've been spotted)

2012-05-29, 04:32 PM
Hamrin follows Versvesh 30 ft. bellow the surfce of the water not thinking to hide or anything.

2012-05-29, 05:16 PM
Rodrigo will stand in the bow of the ship, pretending to be checking over the contents of a crate or barrel.

The Squirrel
2012-05-31, 07:44 AM
Pete will be in one of the stairways to the hold, halberd ready, waiting with others for the signal to burst forth and attack.

Space Lawyer
2012-05-31, 12:59 PM
The Redwing closes with the Fresia. Captain Lewes gives a long rambling speech, something about how good it would be to travel in a caravan, and how glad they are to see another ship, since there are pirates and privateers about, and the Redwing certainly is no privateer, and they know a good way through the islands, maybe a current or two, and BAM! The ballistas fire harpoons into the hull of the Fresia, through the rear shot goes too high and shallow and does not manage to grab into the wood. The ships are only 20' apart.

Captain Lewes rolled absurdly high; the Freisa wasn't expecting this at all. Surprise round for everyone.

You can't see what parts of the ship are unguarded, being underwater. Before going underwater though, there seemed to be a man at the wheel at the back, with a robed figure standing next to him. A few sailors were milling about the deck. Two bored looking pikemen stood watch mid-deck. There is netting hanging down from the back of the ship.

2012-05-31, 04:27 PM
Hamrin will swim to the surface.

The Squirrel
2012-06-01, 07:38 AM
Pete casts shield from a scroll.

2012-06-01, 10:51 AM
Rodrigo looks for the Captain of the Fresia, and, upon spotting him, his eyes glow black. He murmurs something, and, momentarily, a dark mist appears to descend upon the man, leaving behind a sense of gloom and despair.

Spot check to find the Captain: [roll0]
Hexblade's Curse-ing the Captain (DC 17) for a -2 to everything.

2012-06-01, 02:24 PM
Versvesh swims to the opposite side of the battle between the Fresia and the Redwing and latches onto the ship. Pulling himself just high enough out of the water to toss a rope, he slings a line over a cleat and tugs on it to tighten the lasso.

Use Rope: [roll0]

Then, nodding to Hamrin, he climbs...

Space Lawyer
2012-06-04, 05:26 PM
The sailors of the Fresia react to this sudden attack. A cry of "boarders!" rings out from the captain, but his yell is cut short by a dark cloud descending around him. He emerges looking dazed.

There are 4 sailors and 2 pikemen standing on the deck. They quickly rush over to the chain grappled into the deck, and begin hacking at the wood in attempt to dislodge it. The Redwing pulls closer though and lowers a 10' wide gangplank over the side at mid-deck, the teeth biting into the Fresia. The captain, standing at the back of the ship, draws his sword. The robed man standing next to him waves his hands and shouts some unintelligible words, and a quick flash traces out a sphere around him.

2012-06-04, 06:04 PM

Hanak holds his spell doll to his chest and begins chanting softly, casting flaming sphere in the middle of the Fresia's main sail and moving it downwards to envelop as many of the Fresia's sailors and important looking bits as possible.

2012-06-04, 08:16 PM
Initiative: [roll0] (I'm including the dragon shaman thingy.)

2012-06-05, 02:43 AM
Drawing his cutlass, Rodrigo charges across the gangplank, cutting down the first crewmember he comes across.

Init: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Per Dreadful Wrath, everyone within 20 feet of me has to make a DC 15 Will save, or me shaken for one minute.

2012-06-05, 06:06 AM
Hamrin hurls a spear with all his might at the closest enemy. [roll0] [roll1] (This isn't including range increments or dragon shaman powers or things, I can't keep track of them and I don't know where I am in relation to the sailors.)

2012-06-05, 06:07 AM
Critical Conformation: [roll0] Extra damage: [roll1]
As the man is impaled Hamrin feels glad. He is contributing, he is helping, the group will aprove, they can't yell at him for being a coward or being weak.

2012-06-05, 12:51 PM
Versvesh's eyes pop wide open when he sees the spear impale a sailor above him. Cursing his luck, he focuses on climbing as fast as he can to get on deck before he's noticed.

The Squirrel
2012-06-05, 09:28 PM
Pete utters a single word, "Speed" (casts Swift Exp Retreat) before rushing out the stairwell. He quickly makes his way to the calm side of the deck before running across the Redwing and jumping onto the Fresia (Jump check [roll0]) landing nearby the gaggle of men hacking at the ballista chain. Stepping closer to the group (moving into, but not through the pikemen's threatened area), Pete readies a (subdual) attack to the first person that attacks (and is within reach) or attempts to move past him.

"Surrender and you will be treated fairly."

2012-06-07, 05:51 AM
I forgot that a spear does triple damage on a crit. so
Extra extra damage [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-06-07, 09:05 AM
The sailor Hamrin threw the spear at falls to the ground, clearly dead. Rodrigo's cutlass finds a sailor, slicing deep into his arm and sending a spray of blood across the deck. The sailors who were hacking at the ballista chain are visibly frightened, and try to get away, deciding that attempting to put the fire out is a much better use of their time than fighting these dreadful scoundrels. The pikemen make a stab at Pete, but their shaking hands make the action difficult. One goes wide, but the other manages a glancing blow dealing 3 damage. There are some sailors peering up from below-deck, but they do not seem inclined to risk their lives.

The captain remains where he is, knowing that if he surrenders the wheel, all is lost. The robed man, having seen Hank's casting, responds with his own spell, hurling a blue-white ball at Hanak. It catches Hanak full in the face, frost spreading across his head, and dealing 14 cold damage.

He crit hit, and rolled high on the damage.

The Squirrel
2012-06-07, 10:05 AM
Pete looks at the wound the shield spell failed to protect. Glaring, he steps to the pikeman and attempts to knock him out with the flat part his halberd, rounding it out with a poke to the gut. "Draw blood again, and I'll return the favor. I'd suggest surrendering", Pete offers as he nods to the the other crew members streaming across the gangplank.

5 ft step and full attack (AC 21 for this round)
1d20+2 for 1d10+3 subdual damage
1d20-3 for 1d6+1 subdual damage

2012-06-07, 04:49 PM
Can Hamrin see anyone from where he is?

2012-06-07, 08:41 PM
Hanak shrieks in pain and attempts to move to cover while maintaining his spell and moving the ball of roiling flames towards the opposing spellcaster.

2012-06-09, 12:47 PM
Once Versvesh scrambles to the top, he looks around and assesses the situation.

If they have surrendered:
He's going to move to the nearest armed sailor and claim their weapons.
"I'll take your weaponsh now," he growls at the sailor.

If they have not surrendered and are trying to escape:
He's going to fling his alchemist's fire at the nearest sail in an attempt to becalm the ship.
"You're shailsh are burnt! Thish fire can shpread to the ship if you continue to reshisht us!"
Attack vs Grid Intersection (AC 5): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] and 1 pt of fire damage to all parts of the sail in a 5' radius.

If they have not surrendered and are still fighting:
He's going to charge the captain, attempt to knock him overboard and take him hostage.
"HAHAHAHA!" Versvesh bellows as he drags the captain overboard to the depths below.
Attack with Charge: [roll2]
Bull Rush (Provokes AoO): [roll3]
I chose to move with the captain over the edge of the boat.

If someone is definitely coming after him as soon as he's on deck:
Letting out a vicious snarl, Versvesh strikes hard at the approaching sailor, dealing non-lethal damage. He dips low, and punches downward at him, seeking to cut at each of his thighs. "Shtay down if you do not wish to die!"
Attack (Left Hand): [roll4]
Damage (Non-lethal Left): [roll5]
Attack (Right Hand): [roll6]
Damage (Non-lethal Right): [roll7]

The Squirrel
2012-06-09, 02:33 PM
Pete looks at the wound the shield spell failed to protect. Glaring, he steps to the pikeman and attempts to knock him out with the flat part his halberd, rounding it out with a poke to the gut. "Draw blood again, and I'll return the favor. I'd suggest surrendering", Pete offers as he nods to the the other crew members streaming across the gangplank.

5 ft step and full attack (AC 21 for this round)
[roll0] for [roll1] subdual damage
[roll2] for [roll3] subdual damage

2012-06-10, 03:43 PM
Satisfied in having scared off the sailors, Rodrigo charges towards the captain.

"Surrender and be spared!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Again, Dreadful Wrath DC 15 Will save, or be shaken.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-11, 05:54 PM
The captain sneers at the dashing young man who drew first blood from him, but his eyes betray fear. I've lost more blood in the.... He does not get to finish his no doubt witty insult as a screaming orc barrels into him from behind, breaking through the railings and tackling the captain into the water.

The pikemen see the fall of their captain, just in time to be battered into submission themselves. The sailors have given up the battle, yelling "surrender" at the same time they are desperately trying to put out the fire.

The robed man offers his surrender as well "I can see it would be foolish to continue. I am but a sellspell, and have no wish to die."

So, yeah, you guys beat the hell out of the Fresia. I'll post the treasure in a bit. I'd recommend going to the captain's room.

2012-06-11, 06:29 PM

Laughing wildly the whole way down, Versvesh doesn't quite hear the call to surrender. As they plunge into the water, he grabs the captain by the back of the shirt and swims back to the surface.

"I have your captain! Surrender at onshe or we'll shee who can hold their breath the longesht!"

2012-06-11, 08:10 PM
Hamrin will climb on board, retrive his spear, start to throw it, and then stop because he realizes no one else is fighting. Did we win sir?

2012-06-11, 09:54 PM
Hanak casts cure light wounds and quickswim on himself and dives into the water, heading towards the Fresia with intent to climb onboard.

He gains a temporary swim speed of 30 ft and a +8 bonus to swim and heals [roll0] damage to himself.

Swim check [roll1]

When he makes it there, he climbs onboard the Fresia and points an angry finger at the hirespell, shouting angrily and incomprehensibly, his face a visage of fury.

The Squirrel
2012-06-12, 12:38 AM
Pete starts directing the crew not busy firefighting to the poop deck where they can be easily watched. "Hamrin, watch these men - good work today! And see if you can figure out what's got Hanak so worked up."
Hearing the commotion below he yells down at Versvesh, "Nice work! The ship has surrendered; get the captain's personal surrender and bring him up!"
Making his way below decks he calls out, "The ship is ours, anyone caught below decks will forfeit his life and liberty!" In the galley, Pete rummages though the supplies gathering anything that would compliment the stores already aboard the Redwing. (Search [roll0])

2012-06-12, 05:57 AM
Yes sir! Hamrin watches the prisoners carefully and says. No one move or else my captain will tell me to throw spears at you until you die!

Space Lawyer
2012-06-12, 10:17 AM
The captain thrashes around in Versvesh's grasp. "LET GO OF ME, YOU BRUTE! I SURRENDER!"

More of the crew members of the Redwing are heading down into the Fresia, checking the holds and pacifying the more recalcitrant crew members.

Pete finds some marvelous stores of dried meats, and quite a few barrels of water. In a chest, he finds a jug marked with a kraken, nestled in straw. The top is sealed with wax. He also finds a fine copper pan.

The hirespell is looks nonplussed at at Hanak's display of rage. "What did you expect me to do, let you burn the ship down?"

2012-06-12, 11:58 AM
Versvesh looks to his captain and smiles a creepy snarling looking expression, which is about as close as an orc can get to a smile. "Thank you shir!" He releases the Fresia's captain. "Thank you for your cooperation. You may return to your ship," he says with a wink as he swims back to the Fresia to help the crew loot their stores.

2012-06-12, 12:31 PM
Hanak stops for a moment.
"Good point," he smiles, "If it was will of sea mother, your ship would be sunk. But your ship is not sunk. So will is different."

The Squirrel
2012-06-12, 10:39 PM
Pete starts gathering his finds, marking out which barrels should be taken, ensuring that at least two barrels of water are left for the crew of the plundered ship. Pete then starts carrying the loot back to the Redwing by way of the captain's cabin, seeing if anyone has started the rummaging.

Any knowledge check or proffesion:cook check I can make to identify the kraken jug without opening it?

If I'm the first or near the start of the search of the captain's cabin; Pete will do a quick search - though in any case once the food stores are safely transferred Pete will take time to take 20 on the search of this important area.
Search [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-06-13, 06:15 AM
The appropriate rolls for the jug would be profession: cook, knowledge: arcana, knowledge: the planes, or knowledge: religion. I'll wait to give you the result of the captain's room once everyone has posted their actions. Someone else might decide to search with you.

The Squirrel
2012-06-13, 10:56 AM
Sounds good on the captain's cabin; I'll certainly not object to more people being in the room when I'm ambushed by a pair of red slaad hiding under the bed :smalleek:

When there are several knowledge checks that could apply (such as this situation), do you want us to pick one or make checks on them all? I've seen it done both ways - and either is fine with me, but it'd be good to know how you'd like to run it.

(If it's pick one, just take the cook result and ignore the others)
Profession:cook (no masterwork knife bonus) [roll0]
Knowledge:planes [roll1]
Knowledge:arcana [roll2]

Space Lawyer
2012-06-13, 11:54 AM

The mark is found only on jugs of Kraken Black Fire Rum. The water is from the Plane of Water. It is never to be used for cooking or medicine, or before approaching a good deity. Drinking it often has unpredictable magical effects.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-19, 10:25 AM
The captain's room:
The search turns up the following. Much of the room has already been carried off onto the ship.
a gold choker with a large onyx set in the front (803 gp)
crystal snow globe (730.1 gp)
small porcelain vase, chased with floral patterns (61.9 gp)
large, well-done wool tapestry, depicting a pastoral scene (287.3 gp)
1 masterwork longsword
1 masterwork studded leather armor
57 gp
30 sp
205 cp
A scroll case. It contains maps.
1 small teak box. The craftsmanship is astounding. It is emblazoned with a seahorse.

The Squirrel
2012-06-19, 08:18 PM
"Hmmmm..." Pete muses as he looks over everything. He casts detect magic on the lot (including the rum and copper pan from before). Pete brings over everything to the ship but pockets the box and scrollcase until he has more time to examine them (for traps). Pete continues to help haul loot and cargo, but catches the captain on one of the trips. "Sir, there was quite a bit in the captain's cabin, but there could be more; do we have time for a thorough search?"

After using detect magic magic on the found items, Pete will quickly scan the captain's cabin and as much as the rest of the ship as time allows.
Would the captain's cabin normally co tain the maps or would these be bonus maps in addition to normal navigational aids

Space Lawyer
2012-06-21, 06:48 PM
The captain orders everyone back to the Redwing. The rest of the crew strips the Fresia of everything of value, and even much that has no value. The ship sets sail back towards port. That night, the captain invites you all into his cabin. Men, we have some options. We must return to port, but from there we can either return to raid the shipping lanes, or we can follow some interesting clues from this map we have from the Fresia. I've no ability to translate this map myself, but I feel we can find someone to help us in harbor.

2012-06-21, 07:08 PM
"I shupposhe that dependsh on what you hope to find with thish map. What intereshting cluesh have we found?" Inquires Versvesh as he eyes the map curiously.

2012-06-21, 07:11 PM
Hamrin is confused. The captain doesn't ask his crew for advice and he certainly doesn't ask me! This is very strange. Hamrin gives no response and just listens to how others respond.

2012-06-21, 10:01 PM
Hanak doesn't really care which way the ship goes, he just wants to see the world. But that map does sound interesting...

"Maybe we go see your harbor man, see if know."

The Squirrel
2012-06-21, 10:42 PM
"Well, it all depends on what these clues refer to," Pete says as he puzzles over the map (Decipher Script [roll0]). "I say we see who we can find in the harbor and if the information is uninteresting, we simply sail for the shipping lanes."

Space Lawyer
2012-06-26, 10:35 AM
I've seen treasure maps before, and this is rather similar. We'll sail for port, offload the loot, and get the map translated.

A few days later...
The Redwing sails into port. The docks are crammed with merchants and whores (and probably a few cutpurses), looking to lighten the pockets of the crew. As the gangplank is lowered, a short man walks up. He has a thin pinched face but a large gut, and he is dressed in officious seeming robes. You know this man to be a customs agent, a representative of the government, come to claim the proper portion of the loot. Captain Lewes sidles up to you as he approaches and whispers I've no intention of handing this map over to this uptight leech. He'll give it to some lackey of his who'll bungle the job. Take it, and find someone to look over it.

2012-06-26, 10:41 AM
Hamrin bellows. YES SIR!, salutes and takes the map.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-26, 10:42 AM
Captain Lewes presses his palm to his face and slowly shakes his head.

2012-06-26, 11:27 AM
Is something wrong sir?

2012-06-26, 11:57 PM
Versvesh shifts his aura from Senses to Presence and does his best to look the part of a reliable representative of the crew (and to take some of the attention off of Hamrin), making flourishing gestures with his hand and bowing obsequiously.

"PERMISSHION TO DOCK SHIR! WE BRING SHPOILS FROM OUR LATESHT VENTURE! AAAALLL ARE CATALOGUED on the shipsh manifesht and ready for your inshpection, shir."

Diplomacy: [roll0] (to attract the attention of the customs agent)
Bluff: [roll1] (to keep his attention off of Hamrin and the map)

With my Presence Aura, all allies near me get a +1 to Bluff, Intimidate, and Diplomacy.

The Squirrel
2012-06-27, 12:51 AM
Pete echos Hamrin's salute, "Yes Sir!"
"Come Hamrin, the best radishes are usually gone by mid morning, but if we hurry there my be some decent ones left," Pete explains as he climbs down the rigging to the dock, motioning to Hamrin to follow.

2012-06-27, 05:14 AM
Uncertainly Hamrin follows Pete.

2012-06-27, 01:40 PM
Hanak shakes his head, grinning, and follows Pete as well.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-29, 10:30 PM
The custom agent looks askance at the odd behavior of this crew. You hearmuttering something about "scummy privateers". He walks up to the captain, who leads the man into the hold.

As soon as you hit the dock, the group is mobbed by the crowd.

The finest wares! One for your spouse, another for your lover! The finest...

Hey there, you big, strong, green man. Why don't you show that legendary orc endurance I've got a nice clean room and...

Sell your loot and get gold! Why carry...

Inns for cheap!...

Down at the end of the docks, just past the waterfront, are a number of carts with draft horses yoked to them. They advertise as "Anywhere in the city for 20 coppers*!"

2012-06-30, 07:00 AM
Versvesh helps to tie off of the boat, then follows the crew onto the dock.

The overwhelming crowd makes him a bit nervous, but Versvesh tries to take it all in stride. "Thank you, no. Pardon... pardon me. Oh, no don't have any money. I- well thank you for the offer ma'am..." Versvesh blushes at the prostitutes offer, then looks to Hamrin.

"I washn't ekshpecting a reshepshion like thish. Get a red shash and raid one ship and shuddenly you're a shelebrity." He looks back at the ship, wondering if he shouldn't just stay on deck.

2012-06-30, 07:55 AM
Hamrin hopes he won't be laughed at for asking this, his other crew surely would have mocked him. He turns to Versvesh and ask's What does shelebrity mean sir? Hemakes sure to speak very clearly and call who he was addressing "sir" back when he was with the navy "you are gonna talk proper and having tusks pertruding from your mouth ain't no excuse not to talk like everyone else and you will call me sir!" was drilled into his head.

2012-06-30, 08:13 AM
Versvesh pauses for a moment, trying to figure out if he's being mocked or if Hamrin is asking a genuine question.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

then laughs and claps Hamrin on the back. "HAHA! For that, you can buy the firsht drink! I'm glad to shee you've got your shenshe of humor shtill. You've been all bushiness shinsh we got on that boat!"

The Squirrel
2012-06-30, 06:07 PM
"C'mon Versvesh, business first, then drinks... though it would be nice to grab a few minutes at the produce market. It can feel a little constrained in the galley with only dry goods to work with - though that trio of exotic fish you and Hamrin caught a few days ago (what did you call them?) was a welcome challenge. Though I might not fillet them next time - possibly frying...
Anyway, business first"
Pete strides through the mass of hawkers, keeping an eye on his purse and for any suspicious activity around. Going into the merchants district, he starts looking for a magic shop. Turning to his three companions, he says softly, "We're looking for a translator, linguist, or best yet, a magic shop. If I can get a hold of a scroll of comprehend language I may be able to translate myself, not to mention that we may be able to avoid a premium for secrecy."

Spot check for an appropriate shop: [roll0]

2012-06-30, 08:54 PM
Hamrin is disapointed that he got no response that he understood though is glad that Versvesh seems to be in a good mood. After hearing "magic shop" he decides to ask another question. Do you think the magic shop would sell a supply of water or something to stop my skin from drying away and me dieing if I go with out water for long?

2012-07-01, 10:32 AM
"Shertainly, Pete. Letsh go shall we?" He looks to Hamrin with some concern. "I don't shee why not. That should be a high priority."

Versvesh tries to remember if he saw a magic shop, alchemical shop or armor (or tailor's) shop (for some clothing that can retain water) the last time he was in port.

General Intelligence Check: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-07-01, 12:20 PM
Pete does not see a magic shop in the waterfront area. This area is far too low-class.

Verscesh remembers how to get to the magical merchant's district however, and it here that such shops would be at. Upon entering, Pete spots a likely shop.

Daz's Magical Goods
Specializing in the Utilitarian

The Cheapest Wands, Potions, and Scrolls

This district has wide-open streets, and armed guards walk along, looking at those passing by. The city of Lilt has no unified guard, beyond the local garrison of the nation's military, so these guards are hired by the merchants. The sounds and colors here are unusual to say the least. There are merchants hawking strange ingredients, magical blacksmiths, and more.

2012-07-01, 01:06 PM
Hamrin asks a gaurd Do you have away to hold lots of water?

2012-07-01, 11:59 PM
Versvesh points to the sign, "There it ish... I thought I remembered pashing by one of theshe on my way into town. I-" he pauses when he hears Hamrin speaking to a guard. He looks at Hamrin with a discerning expression, assuming he must be getting desperate for water if he's asking the guards by now. "Perhapsh we should hurry thish up then. Shome of my kin, my brother included, are born with a shpecial affinity to the water. The downshide ish that they musht shubmerge themshelvesh in water every onshe in a while. I think that onshe-in-a-while ish coming up," he says to Pete.

The Squirrel
2012-07-03, 12:09 AM
Pete looks at Versvesh slightly askance. "I didn't think the need was so frequent. Hamrin, you gonna be okay for ten/twenty minutes? What about you Hanak? You've been looking a bit on edge since we've lost sight of the dock..."
While conversing, Pete walks into the shop and starts browsing through the scrolls, looking for comprehend languages but also keeping an eye out for identify objects.
Finding his selections, he asks the proprietor while paying for the purchase, "Say, my friends here are interested in armor or clothing that would simulate the effects of submersion in water. Would you happen to have anything of that nature - or know of a shop that might? Many thanks."

2012-07-03, 05:42 AM
Yes sir, I could make it twenty minutes probably.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-03, 11:42 AM
The shopkeeper is a portly gnome (looking rather like a ball with stubby legs and arms), with a fantastic mustache, oiled and well-cared for, with the ends turned up beyond the top of his head. He speaks to you rapidly, waving his hands about as he goes.

"Oh, yesyesyes, Daz know of many things that could help you and your friend. From here, we have this, ahhhh, how do you say, ahhhh, Decanter of Endless Water. Very cheap! For you, only 6000 gold. Ah, you think not a good price? Daz tells you, is the very best. Never run out of fresh water, very good if you are on a ship. If you look for very cheap, there are tailors who can make you a bag to cover your body, it will keep water in. Daz does not know what they will charge you, and so many are so very dishonest, they will give you very bad price. There are many smiths on this street too. They can make you things that will do what you ask. Not as useful as what Daz has, but less expensive, yes? If you do not like what Daz offers you, Daz is sad, but will give you the name of the best smith for what you want. He is Gurndak, a dwarf. He is maybe, hmmm, a mile north from here.So, you like the scrolls Daz has, do you like this decanter as well?"

The Squirrel
2012-07-03, 01:11 PM
"Hamrin, you can call me Pete - we're not officially in the navy (stupid regulations) and even if we were, I'm not your superior officer - even if I am prettier," Pete says with a wink.

Pete listens patiently as the gnome extolls the virtues of the decanter. "Daz, this decanter sounds amazing, but I'm afraid I don't have nearly that amount of cash. Need a few more big prizes before I could even consider something like that. We'll make sure we visit Gurndak; we can tell him you sent us and maybe he'll be able to return the referral to some of his customers?
For the scrolls, I definitely want this comprehend languages and identify. I'm a little short on cash, but if you could give me one of your special prices, I'd also take a second comprehend language for my spellbook."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-03, 03:23 PM
Daz is so sad that you cannot buy this wonderful item. But yes, these scrolls, Daz will give you the best price. I say 70 gold for you, for all three of these, but you must buy all. For just two, 50.

The Squirrel
2012-07-03, 04:03 PM
"Sir, that sounds like a wonderful price, not least of which is that is that I actually have that much," Pete says with a grin as he starts pulling out small coin sacks, one of which contains 200 copper. "Sorry about the small coins; as I said, I'm scrapping the bottom here."

Happy with the purchases, Pete waves as he walks out. "Gentlemen, where to? Do we need to swing by the riverfront? If we get a back booth at a bar, I can work on translating as we drink. We could look for that armorer, or maybe a tailor. We could also try to sell some of our bonus loot from the captain's cabin so that we can actually split it. By the way, I may have dipped into the coinage from that, figured it'd be okay with you guys since it's kinda ship's business?"

2012-07-03, 06:18 PM
In response to Pete Hamrin says Sir, I call everyone sir incase they offended if I don't. He says to Daz Sir, I have about 300ish platinum pieces.

2012-07-05, 05:56 AM
Versvesh, previously amused by the happy little Gnome, turns to gawk at Hamrin's claim.

He leans in to whisper in Hamrin's ear.
Sent via PM.

"Perhapsh a bit of shopping would do ush shome good. If we have the fundsh, we can get shomething for my brother that will give him the freedom to move about town."

2012-07-05, 06:51 AM
In response to Versvesh Hamrin says. "I'll try to sir.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-05, 07:00 AM
For that money, Daz is sure you can find something nice. Daz does not often have customers with your problem. You will come back to Daz for your more simple needs, yes? It is what Daz does best. What are you names? Daz can put in your order with Gurndak, and you pick it up here.

I'll just assume Pete says what he says when you all leave the store.

2012-07-05, 08:32 PM
Hamrin will go to water as quickly as possible, submerge himself, and meet up with the group.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-10, 08:50 AM
The party walks into Gurndak's smithy. There isn't much in front of the counter, but behind are numerous items, everything from armor to amulets. Each has a slight haze over it, obviously a magical shield.

A dwarf walks in from the back.
So, you are the ones Daz sent over. I can make something to help you keep your skin moistened. I can go from something like a ring that will keep you wet continuously, down to a simple charm that you just have to remember to use every now and then. At the high end, you are looking at about 3000, but at the low end, I could do it for maybe 500. It won't be giving you any drinkable water at the low end, but you can assuage any fears about drying out. His voice is rather high-pitched, and his diction exacting.

2012-07-10, 10:57 AM
I like cheap sir.

2012-07-10, 11:21 AM
Versvesh pokes around at the shop, sizing up various types of equipment, making the odd appraising nod, but trying to stay out of the way. He whistles low when he finds a particularly nice set of punching daggers and compares their shine to his own, weather-worn and rust-edged blades. "It'sh the shalt air, I shupposhe," he sighs. "I should polish theshe more often." He mumbles and then moves on to the armor.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-12, 03:44 PM
Cheap it is then. I'll make you a charm that you'll just have to keep with you and use every so often to keep yourself moisturized. Come back in about two days; I'll have it ready by then. Anything else I can help you all with today?

Space Lawyer
2012-07-12, 03:46 PM
Forum errors. Posting to make the other thing show up. Also, indicate if you guys want a sidequest, or to just get back on the water.

2012-07-12, 06:21 PM
Thank you small sir. Hamrin says. Then to the rest of the group he asks What do we do now?

No preference on side quest

2012-07-13, 11:41 AM
Versvesh, puts on a helmet with a scowling mask and fangs, similar to a samurai's helmet, then looks around, testing it's peripheral vision. "Amazhing... shuch cratshmanship."

He looks to his shipmates. "How do I look?" He asks with arms out wide in an inquisitive stance.

2012-07-13, 11:43 AM
Revealing hidden post.

The Squirrel
2012-07-14, 02:14 PM
Pete is slightly taken aback as he turns to look at helmeted orc. "Versvesh, that might not go over quite so well with the..." Pete pauses, considering his crewmate's unmasked visage, "actually, not bad. A little disconcerting upon first glance, which could help with any ship to ship action, but then again, you could likely just growl and get the same effect," Pete finishes smiling. Remembering what is in his pack, Pete pulls out the merchant captain's masterwork studded leather armor and masterwork longsword. "Gurndak, I might be looking to sell these two items. Would you be willing to quote me a price for either - or know someone who buys such items?"

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 03:34 PM
Examining the items. Hmmm, I'l give you 300 for the sword, and and 310 for the armor. Its good stuff, but a bit worn and rusted from the salt air. Turning to Versvesh That will do well for you. You look even more intimidating.

The Squirrel
2012-07-14, 07:26 PM
Pete's eyes narrow as he tries to recall the value of similar items that he's encountered. Trusting in that his detect magic spell did not fail him, Pete chuckles as he shakes the dwarf's hand, "Sir, I was worried I'd have to traipse around town most the day before offered a half decent price. Both items are yours."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 07:43 PM
Thank you for your business. I'll have the charm ready soon. I'd suggest heading over to the Flying Whale. They give a fair price for room and board for sailors like yourselves, and they have a bathhouse. Vents from underground give out hot water and steam. It'll keep you hydrated.

The Flying Whale is easy to find. It is nestled at the bottom of two hills. It is brightly colored, with a wide open patio. It is two levels, and the bathhouse spills out behind it. As the party enters, the bartender waves to you. He is a cheery looking half-orc. Have a seat anywhere ye like. If yer with de Redwing as I see by yer sashes, I'll just start ye a tab. Full fait' and credit and whatnot.

The party finds a table over in the corner. The benches are high, and tapestries muffle the noise. The party could talk here without being overheard.

2012-07-15, 11:14 AM
Versvesh is still visibly mesmerized by the sights and sounds of the city as we stroll through the entrance to the Flying Whale. He nods at the half-orc and greets him in their common language, then passes through the door.

After surveying the room, he plops down at the table with his back to a wall, and takes some time to soak in the ambience.

Versvesh's aura gives everyone at the table a +1 to Spot, Listen, and Initiative

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Are there any persons or activities of interest going on at the bar?
Other crew members from the Redwing?
Anyone showing any particular interest to us?

The Squirrel
2012-07-15, 01:30 PM
Pete follows the orc to the table near the back, catching the attention of a server and motions for a round of drinks. "Well, there's something to be said for the wartime economy - weapons and armor must be in good demand," Pete muses as he divvies up the new coin. "OK, by my count, there was about 70 gold in coin and 610 from the sword and armor - divided by four would be about 170 for each of us - though I've already spent 70 on scrolls, so I'm only taking 100. Sound good to everyone?" Satisfied that every gold or platinum piece has been distributed into one pile or another, Pete pockets the smallest pile while digging out one of his recent purchases along with a blank parchment and ink. "Speaking of scrolls, let's get to it. Hamrin, can you hand me that map?"
Pete casts comprehend languages and starts translating and transcribing what he can from the map.

2012-07-15, 04:25 PM
"Shoundsh fair to me." He collects his coin and leans back, watching Pete go to work. "Ish there anything I can do to help?"

2012-07-15, 04:44 PM
Hamrin hands over the scroll. Permission to rest under a dock and keep moist until you need me sir?

2012-07-15, 04:46 PM
Hamrin hands over the scroll. Permission to rest under a dock and keep moist until you need me sir?

The Squirrel
2012-07-15, 05:08 PM
Pete smiles as he accepts the map from Hamrin and looks at Versvesh, "The spell will only work on the words; we still have to figure out where this map is actually of and the more of us to puzzle that out the better.
That in mind, Hamrin, it'd probably be best if you stuck around, though if you're feeling uncomfortable you could duck into the bathhouse for a minute; I think it's though that door?"

2012-07-16, 06:32 AM
Alright. I'll stick around sir.

The Squirrel
2012-07-16, 07:57 AM
"Hamrin, I won't be offended if you call me Pete. You can 'sir' everyone else, but it starting to inflate my ego."

2012-07-16, 10:49 AM
Versvesh smiles at the exchange, then takes a look at the map. "I'm no authority on geographical boundariesh, but I'll do what I can."

He scans the regions laid out on it, trying to find a point of reference.

General Intelligence: [roll0]
Plus any bonuses I get from learning about maps during the first outing. Remember how I studied maps to try to learn?

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 11:11 AM
The map:
Pete's eyes water and his head aches as the spell takes over. Usually, translating something isn't much of a problem, but it seems like the spell is tying to comprehend 3 or 4 different languages at once, all jumbled together. The experience is uncomfortable, but bearable. The map tells of the directions from a city called [Blue; Great; Imperial; Home], which sounds simply like Ryslasalpur to Pete, to a place that sounds like Guromagsa, which translates to [Gods; Deep; Forbidden; Power]. It tells of various dangers along the way, such as tribes of various species and giant monsters. The path leads over the ocean, through sea-caves, and deep into the jungle. Hamrin can find no specific point of reference, but deduces that it is likely not anywhere nearby, as the islands and other things outlined are not at all familiar.

The bar:
It is the usual evening clientele of sailors, locals, and those looking to make some money off of each. A young child tries to cut the strings to a man's purse, but the bartender spots her and flings her out of the bar, end over end. A duo at the end of the bar is poring over a massive leather bound book. Both are hooded, and the book is filled with arcane writings and strange sigils. At another table is another group from the Redwing. They are a group of deckhands and cabin boys, three humans and a half-elf that looks to be the brother of another one, no more than adolescents. Each one is roaring drunk. A fat man waddles into the baths with a with a buxom young woman and a slim blonde elf in tow. Overall, the place is loud and boisterous.

2012-07-16, 09:27 PM
Yes Pete! Hamrin says in the exact same manner he had previously been saying "yes sir!" in. Hamrin squints at the map and tries to imagine as a battle scene with one land mass being a massive deformed dragon and the small round islands being boulders hurled by giants.

The Squirrel
2012-07-17, 01:15 AM
Pete smiles at Hamrin's response before focusing his complete attention on the map. The spell takes its toll as Pete starts mumbling softly while frantically transcribing everything. After a few minutes, the cook pauses, seeing that the once blank parchment is now covered in scrawled notes barely more comprehensible than the original. Pausing with a deep breath, he slowly explains what he can make out to his crewmates, matching locations with names (or the meaning of names).
"That second scroll'll be handy; something tells me I might be casting it a few more times after I get it into my spellbook. The first thing we need is the starting point."

If we can find the first city, do I think we can follow the map to the intended destination? Any hint what might actually be at the destination? Treasure/magic/fountain of youth?

Know geography(for the location of the first city):[roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-07-18, 03:58 PM
Pete thinks he could recognize the coastline if he got close enough to check it against the map. The capital seems to be out in an island chain, while the temple city appears to be inland on a larger landmass. It would be reasonable to suspect treasure and magic lay in both cities.

2012-07-19, 04:37 PM
Versvesh bristles at the sight of the child being thrown out so violently and is clearly distracted while Hamrin and Pete study the map.

"Pete, Hamrin... pleashe exshcushe me for a moment."

He gets up and walks in measured steps toward the door, glaring at the bartender on his way out, and then looks outside to see where the child fell and if she is alright.

Do I need a spot check for that? If so...
Spot: [roll0]

If I see the girl:
Versvesh walks up to her and kneels to pick her up.
Diplomacy Check to Appear non-threatening: [roll1]

"Don't be frightened. Are you hurt, lash? Where ish you mother? I'll take you to her. Waterfront barsh are dangeroush. You shouldn't be playing in shuch places."

Changing Aura to Vigor (gives 1 point of Fast Healing) to clean up any scrapes or bruises she may have. "There... all better."

If I don't see the girl:
Versvesh turns back and returns to his table shaking his head disapprovingly towards the bartender.

The Squirrel
2012-07-19, 06:02 PM
Pete shakes his head as the spell's duration expires. "Something tells me that is not going to be one of my favorite spells to cast.
I have no idea where this place is. I suppose that we should check in with the captain, but I'd like to stop by a cartographer on the way; maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have a map or a clue as to where this..." Pete looks at his notes and reads, "Ryslasalpur... is. Hamrin, you want to pop into the steam baths before we head out?"

2012-07-19, 07:32 PM
Yes Pete! Hamrin goes to the steam baths and then meets up with the rest of the group.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-21, 07:24 AM

You find the child sniffling in an alleyway close to the bar. She doesn't seem to badly hurt, and as your aura washes over her, the minor scrapes and bruises rapidly disappear. She looks up at you. She screws her face into a weird contortion, clearly trying to look tough.

I dun haf no mudder. I take ker of meself, see. Stoopid 'tender, al'ays gettin' in me way.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-24, 01:52 PM
As you get up to leave (or from your vantage point in the alley), another group walks in. They each have a long black feather hanging from their hair, with a golden bead on a black leather string.

A human, massively built. At his side hangs a throwing axe, and across his back, a larger axe. He is hairy as a moose, with a great bushy beard and long hair.
An elf, with a slender rapier through his belt. His face reminds you of a shark's, with predatory eyes and a grin that shows too many teeth.
A gnome, difficult to see through the crowd. She is cleaning her nails with a dagger. She moves furtively, keeping her back to the wall by instinct.
Another human. She is small and slim. A longbow is strung across her back, and at her hip is a quiver filled with gold and black feathers.

The large axe-wielding human notices the group of Redwing crew at the table (the other one). OH, what do WE have HERE!?!? A bunch of Redders! Hows that flamboyant moron of a captain doing for ye, eh? Still sailing around in some leaky piece of crap boat?. He leers at the boys, yellow teeth showing.

The boys look up at the man. Most look somewhat intimidated, but one speaks up, "And what is talking to us? Some bear that learned to talk but not to bathe? Go back to your ship, Feathers."

The Squirrel
2012-07-25, 02:50 PM
As Pete is enjoying his drink and trying to converse with the druid when he sees the scene unfolding. "We do not need this. Hanak, go to the steam baths and tell Hamrin to get in here. Circle back to the street and see if you can spot Versvesh, then just get back in here yourself. Hopefully, this is unnecessary, but if something goes south, we may need their help."
As Hanak disappears, Pete gathers all the materials on the table, ensuring that the map itself is securely stowed, all while keeping an eye on the situation at the other table.
Before getting up and walking over, Pete casts prestidigitation using it to give his longbow a dull blue shine.

2012-07-25, 10:27 PM
Assuming Hanak tells him Hamrin will leave the steam bathes and walk out into the main area. He doesn't pay much attention to the newcomers and pays more attention to the fact that Pete has a blue bow. Hey, Pete! Where'd you get that blue bow?

2012-07-26, 11:19 AM

You find the child sniffling in an alleyway close to the bar. She doesn't seem to badly hurt, and as your aura washes over her, the minor scrapes and bruises rapidly disappear. She looks up at you. She screws her face into a weird contortion, clearly trying to look tough.

I dun haf no mudder. I take ker of meself, see. Stoopid 'tender, al'ays gettin' in me way.

Versvesh listens to the child intently, then nods grimly. "I, too, have no mother. Mine wash killed in a great battle. Shtill, picking the pocketsh of bar patronsh ish no good way to take care of yourshelf. It will eventually get you killed. Come with me child, and I'll shee if I can find you a warm bed and shome food. There are plashes that help children in need." Versvesh holds out his hand and smiles as warmly as his tusked mouth can.

Intelligence Check (to see if I remember where a good aligned monastery/temple is in town) [roll0]

2012-07-26, 11:23 AM
"Hmm..." Versvesh grunts, thinking aloud. "Perhapsh shomeone in town knowsh where I can find what I'm looking for." He guides the little girl to the nearest local (preferably someone in authority like a guard).

"Pardon me." Versesh punctuates with a small bow. "I'm shorry to dishturb you, but do you happen to know where the nearesht temple or monashtery ish?"

Space Lawyer
2012-07-26, 07:26 PM
The guard looks as Versvesh. He is sloppily dressed, with a crooked helmet and two days of stubble. "Erm, I think there's a temple of some happy god or another 'bout three streets down. They're good 'fer healing and such."

2012-07-27, 12:20 PM
"Thank you shir." Versvesh takes the girl to the temple and introduces himself to the cleric there. "Hello, my name ish Vershesh, crewman of the Redwing. I ran into thish little girl who claimsh she hash no home. I wash hoping thish goodly temple could provide her shome clean clothesh, a warm bath, and a plache to shleep until provishionsh could be made."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-29, 07:26 PM
In the Bar
The human does not take the insult well. He punches the boy who talked back in the face. You hear a wet crack as teeth fly out of the boy's face. He lands on the ground, nose streaming blood, clearly broken. He bellows ANYTHING ELSE HAVE SOMETHING STUPID TO SAY? The bar has gone quiet. The atmosphere is tense, and the patrons look ready for a good brawl.

At the Temple

The cleric looks at Versvesh and the girl. "Hrrrmm. Another orphan, huh? Ahhh, this war creates a lot of them. Aye, we'll take her in. Are you sure you can't take her though? We've got quite a number of orphans, and it's always best if they can learn a trade."

2012-07-29, 08:17 PM
Hamrin walks to the rest of the crew in the bar. What are your orders, do we fight em'? Do we give them our stuff? Should we justa say they aren't here?

2012-07-30, 01:01 PM
Versvesh looks to the priest with a sympathetic nod, "I am a Dragon Disciple of Thurirlekeshlingshthyr, a Bronshze Dragon. I can teach her our waysh if that ish indeed your wish. But perhahsh the child should have a shay. I am, after all, a privateer ash well, and our world ish not a calm or shtable one."

He kneels down to look the little girl in the eyes. "Child. Here, you will have food, shelter, and friendsh. They will care for you and protect you. You can learn the waysh of the monksh here. Or, you can come with me, ash my dischiple. You will travel the open shea and learn the waysh of the Bronshze Dragon. It will not be an eashy life, but I promishe to look after you and teach you what I know. What ish your choice, little one?"

The Squirrel
2012-07-30, 11:43 PM
Startled by the aggressive act, Pete rises from his chair as he mouths to Hamrin in a half whisper, "Follow."
Drawing a wand as he walks over to the boy, he glares at the bearded hulk.
"No sir."
After casting cure light wounds on the deckhand ([roll0]), Pete continues, "There have already been enough stupid things said since your arrival."

2012-07-31, 06:22 AM
Hamrin follows Pete. He isn't sure what is going on though he thinks staying with the people who seem to know what is going on is a good thing.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-31, 09:37 AM

The girl looks at the priest, then back at you, then back and forth between the two a few more times. A life of adventure, but potential hardship, or one in relative safety and comfort, but boring and rule-laden? Aye, I'll follow ye, dragon orc man. Cannae stand deese priests wit' all der jabberin'.

Feel free to roll up a character sheet for her. She is a level 1 commoner right now, but as soon as you train her, that will be replaced by dragon shaman levels. I never specified her race, so that is up to you. Her background, on the other hand, will be something I generate.

At the Bar

Pete: You are close enough to the human to smell him. He is clearly drunk, and his breath is fetid. He takes a step forward, looming over you. What're you going on about, heh? Ah, another piss-ant Redder? How 'bout you ye take yer idiot boy here and go back to that sad excuse of a boat? He punctuates his words by jabbing you in the chest with a finger.

Everyone in the bar, roll spot and sense motive.

The Squirrel
2012-07-31, 12:21 PM
"I'll tell you what, beardy - meet me at the west docks down at six bells - that's about an hour from now - and we can settle this like men. Or you could punch me now, 'keep over there gets mighty angry at us starting a brawl in his bar, and we both spend a night in lockup."
Pete helps the deckhand up, "Or is your bravery limited to suckerpunching boys who never lifted a finger against you?"

Persuasion (?) [roll0]

Spot [roll1]
Sense motive [roll2]

Spot for Bates (seahawk familiar) [roll3]

2012-08-01, 12:19 PM
At the Temple:
Versvesh nods his head, then removes his dragon pendant and puts it around her neck. "Very well child. What'sh you name, then?"

Space Lawyer
2012-08-04, 12:18 PM
Me names Rel, 'dough most folks know me call me Rat. I dun care for it. Ain't gots no last name.

You can see that the hairy brute's companions have arrayed themselves in positions advantageous in a fight, but their body language and facial expressions suggest they do not wish to brawl. The hairy one sees this as well. FINE. The DOCKS it'll BE! Bring yer friends. I like an audience.

The Squirrel
2012-08-04, 01:45 PM
Pete watches protectively over the deckhands as beardy moves on to harass someone else and/or get drinks. "Well, Hamrin, I think we dodged a bolt there, but I may be in for a beating later."
After Hanak returns without finding Versvesh, Pete goes to the barkeep and settles the party's tab as well as the deckhands'. "The other orc that was with us will return, can you tell him that we've returned to our ship? I apologize for the disturbance earlier, I hope we're still welcome at another time?"
Pete leads the deckhands (likely along with Hamrin and Hanak) back to the ship, checking that he still has the map once outside the bar.
Back at the ship, Pete, Hamrin, and Hanak meet with the captain and update him on the situation.
"Sir, have you ever heard of this Ryslasalpur? We would have checked with a cartographer, but now have other obligations. I realize that this fight may not be part of best procedures, but I had feared that if we got into it at the bar, the map would have been taken - either in the fight or by the watch. Hence why I'm leaving it here with the ship."

2012-08-05, 12:10 PM
Versvesh smiles. "Very well then, Rel. Let's go."

He turns to the priest and shakes his hand. "Thank you shir. May your god blesh you in you mishion."

As he walks away with Rel, he ponders what to do with his newfound disciple. "A bar ish no plashe for a young girl, but thatsh where my friendsh and crew matesh are. I shupposhe we should head to the boat and introdushe you to the captain. He'll have to approve you to travel with ush... but firsht. Are you hungry?"

2012-08-05, 03:19 PM
Hamrin followed Pete. He has trouble understanding what is going on though he is glad that the mean person at the bar didn't hit Pete. Hamrin likes Pete and doesn't like the angry looks he gets when he impales people with spears in the middle of town.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-07, 09:18 AM
Versvesh and Rel

Rel indicates she is a bit hungry. When you two reenter the bar, the barkeep looks over at you. "I told you to get out, you little thief! Oh, and you, from the Redwing, your friends went back to the ship. You might want to hurry. Seems one of yours got himself into a duel."


The captain looked mildly annoyed at this interruption. He had been entertaining. As Pete explains what happened, his expression softened. "Good thinking. Can't be too careful; maps are valuable things. I don't recall hearing of this, what did you say again, Ryslasalpur. I'll have to check my books, and consult with our resident spellslinger. Now, about this fight. It sounds like you've gotten into it with the Blacktalon. I know, uncreative name. Her captain and I go way back, and he hates me more than most folks. A spoiled noble brat, but vicious and good with a blade. I don't know the one you've gotten into a spat with, but knowing that group, he'll be mean, nasty, and likely to cheat. Watch yourself."

2012-08-07, 12:17 PM
Versvesh's jaw drops at the news of his friends getting into so much trouble in the little time he's been gone, but then regains his compose nods his head, and with a "Thanksh friend," he heads out the door, Rel in tow. "We'll get shome food at the ship. It would sheem my friendsh got themshelvesh in a little trouble."

The Squirrel
2012-08-07, 09:51 PM
"Yes sir!" Pete salutes as he takes his leave.
Outside the captain's cabin, the cook pauses, starts down toward the crews' berths, "Come on, Hamrin, let's go make ready. Hopefully it'll be a quick fight, I'll get pummeled, and we can get back to the ship - you may have to carry me. Anyway, it shouldn't break out into a general fight, but be ready if it does." Just before he enters the belowdecks as he spots Versvesh with the small child approaching the ship.
"Hamrin, is Versvesh usually followed around by vagrant children?" Pete asks his companion as he changes to meet the orc.

2012-08-08, 07:04 AM
How can I help you "make ready"? I don't know about Versvesh and children. Sorry Pete. Hamrin doesn't like the sound of Pete getting pummeled though Pete seems okay with it so Hamrin won't raise any objections.

The Squirrel
2012-08-08, 08:51 AM
"Not that much different than before a fight before a ship raid - leave any excess weight behind, have something light to eat, and we should probably spread the word around the ship that we'll leave within half an hour. If another crewmate was fighting, I know I wouldn't want to miss it. Speaking of, maybe we should suggest that Hanak and Rodrigo stay here - if this Blacktalon is untrustworthy as the capt' says, their crew might try a raid on the ship or some other such nonsense and making sure at least someone is here might not be a bad idea."
Pete pauses as he meets Versvesh coming up the gangplank. "You left the bar, to acquire... the pickpocket? I don't undrstand."

2012-08-08, 11:16 PM
Versvesh, chuckles awkwardly at the greeting. "The child'sh name ish Rel. She'll be traveling with ush, asshuming the captain allowsh it. She hash no family, and the monashetery ish full. I shall raishe her ash a dragon shaman... and uh... what'sh thish about a fight, by the way? The bar tender shaid you got in shome trouble at the bar while I wash away."

The Squirrel
2012-08-08, 11:42 PM
"Oh," Pete regards the child. "OK, I'm not sure a privateer ship would be the best place for her, but then again, I suppose it's better than the streets. No idea what capt'n 'll say. Careful, he's was entertaining and not too pleased to hear about the fight. Anyway, remember the deckhands in the bar two tables away from us? This lummox of a guy walks in spouting garbage about our ship and Charley calls him an unbathed bear. Pretty accurate, but Charles gets suckerpunched to the floor for his trouble. Eh, I probably shoulda let it be, after all, the kid needs to learn to either duck or not insult people twice your size. But the trash he was talking got to me too, and crews do need to stick together. Anyway I was figuring for a fight then and there, but with the documents that brought us into town in my pocket, a brawl's a pretty good place to lose them - or be 'misplaced' by the town guard once they break up the fight. Anyway, I delayed the fight 'till six bells down by the west docks; I think I may have scored a few points with the barkeep for trying to keep the brawl out of the bar, or at least we won't be ejected next time we show up. The fight should just be me an' him, but Hamrin's agreed to back me if it's come to that. Given the size of the guy, it might be worse than a keelhauling, but the papers are with the capt'n. Care to come watch?"

2012-08-09, 08:55 AM
Giving Pete a sly wink and a nudge, Versvesh laughs "No plashe for a child, eh? I'm beginning to wonder if there are any adultsh on the ship at all! I'll be there to watch your back, friend. But firsht, I need to get Rel introdushed to the captain, and then get her a bite to eat."

Versvesh guides Rel up to the ship to meet the captain. But before knocking on the door, he squats down to meet Rel eye to eye. "Don't be frightened lash. The captain ish a good and fair man. Jusht prove your worth to him, be willing to pull your own weight, and I'm shure he'll have no problem keeping you aboard."

Rel nods and wipes her nose, still taking it all in. With that, Versvesh knocks on the door.

2012-08-09, 04:39 PM
After hearing "Hamrins agreed to back me if it comes to that" Hamrin starts looking worried. What do you mean by "back me"? Do I throw spears at the guy your fightin' or do I just throw spears if his mates try to off you? I've been in fights like this before I think but the my side often hurts me afterwards for backing them wrong.

Once someone was trying to stab Skurn so I threw a spear and killed him. skurn yelled at me.Then the friends of the guy trying to kill Skurn rushed Skurn saying "Cheater" Since Skurn didn't want me throwing spears the I didn't see what I was to do so I walked away. Later skurn told me that I should have helped him and that I wascoward for running away.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-10, 01:14 PM
The captain opens door. He is wearing a sheet around his waist. "What is is this time?" He notices Rel. "Oh, my. Beg your pardon young miss, I was ahhhh, simply changing into my evening clothes." He looks at Versvesh. "What is this about?"

The Squirrel
2012-08-10, 06:08 PM
Pete leads Hamrin down to the crew bearths and starts stowing any gear that will be unnecessary. "I think it will be just me and him fighting; if his crew mates attack me during the fight, then you can try to prevent them from interfering. Hopefully Versvesh or one of the deckhands will be there and they can help you decide if you need to intervene."
The cook stops unpacking and gives his full attention to the orc. "Hamrin, have ever tried fighting without throwing spears? Don't get me wrong, you're really really good with them, but death is not something you can take back. In a bar fight or in a situation like this, have you considered just punching someone or wrestling them to the ground? I'm not saying you have to, just making sure you realize that the choice is rarely limited to throw a spear or do nothing."

2012-08-10, 06:34 PM
Hamrin thinks for a bit and says I could try just smacking people I guess.

The Squirrel
2012-08-10, 10:57 PM
"If you're ever unsure, smacking them is usually a better option. Bruises can heal; a spear through the ribcage usually can't."

2012-08-11, 06:18 AM
Alright. That seems like a good suggestion.

2012-08-11, 10:12 AM
The captain opens door. He is wearing a sheet around his waist. "What is is this time?" He notices Rel. "Oh, my. Beg your pardon young miss, I was ahhhh, simply changing into my evening clothes." He looks at Versvesh. "What is this about?"

Versvesh stammers a bit, then covers Rel's eyes. "Oh!... your pardon, captain. I wanted to introdushe you to my new dishciple. I thought she could sherve ash a deckhand during her training, if you'd have her. But perhapsh thish ish a bad time." Versvesh bows awkwardly and keeps his head bowed to give the captain his privacy.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-11, 02:47 PM
"A disciple, huh? Well, I suppose I've seen stranger partnerships. We're in need of another deckhand anyway. Welcome aboard girl. See the quartermaster for a sash and a hammock. Versvesh, go back up your companions. There's a fight to be had!" With that, he closes the door. You hear a lock click into place.

2012-08-12, 01:56 AM
"Thank you shir!" Versvesh turns to Rel with a huge grin. "Well that washn't sho bad, wash it? Let'sh get you below deck for a shash and a hammock."

With that, the two head down to see the quartermaster. "Greetingsh, shir! We have a new shipmate. Perhapsh you have need of a Steward'sh Ashishtant or a Deckhand. She'sh got no exshperiencshe, but I can tell she'sh brave enough, and tough ash well." Versvesh gives a reassuring pat on Rel's shoulder with the praise.

"When do we eat?" Blurts Rel suddenly, staring the quartermaster in the eye inquisitively.

Versvesh struggles to contain his grin.

2012-08-12, 06:23 AM
Hamrin will practice wrestling in preperation for the fight. He hopes that is he just hits things the other guys will know not to shoot at him.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-17, 05:06 PM
6 bells, at the waterfront:

News of this fight has obviously spread. A large crowd has gathered, many drawn from the crews of the docked ships. The largest number of people are from the crews of the Redwing and Blacktalon. The crowd has formed a loose semicircle, facing towards the water. The large man is at the middle. At a distance, it appears that he is wearing a hide, but when you get close it becomes apparent that it is just his natural hair. When he sees Pete, he bellows Theress the yappin' dog! I'll at leasst give ye' credit fer sshowin' up. Mosst yer kind dun' have the courage! His words are slurring, and and he is already swaying a bit. Your crewmates pull Pete forward into the ring. S'wats it gonna be, hehhh? Are we fightin' with our fissts, or de ye wanna trade ssteel? The crowd is clearly divided on the matter.

The Squirrel
2012-08-18, 02:09 PM
Pete pulls his halberd, smiles at his opponent, and tosses the weapon to Hamrin.
"I figured we'd keep this halfway civilized. I wouldn't want to scar that pretty face of yours."
Pete strides into the middle of the clearing barefisted, walking right up within inches of the bearded sailor. "Your breath is rancid; are Blackwing's profits really low enough that you're drinking turpentine?"

If he responds, I'd like to interrupt with a headbutt. These rolls are assuming a human opponent.
attack: [roll0] for [1d3+3] subdual damage also doing [1d3+1] subdual to Pete
(being untrained in headbutting, I'm assuming that it would do similar damage minus the human favored enemy bonus)

Initiative [1d20+2]

The Squirrel
2012-08-18, 02:13 PM
Stupid forum rollers (yes, I'm blaming the rollers, not the guy who typed the rolls incorrectly :smalltongue:)

attack: 17 for [roll0] subdual damage also doing [roll1] subdual to Pete
(being untrained in headbutting, I'm assuming that it would do similar damage minus the human favored enemy bonus)

Initiative [roll2]

2012-08-19, 08:55 AM
Hamrin holds the halberd and tries to look intimidating.

2012-08-19, 09:15 AM
Taking Rel by the hand, he guides her to the scene of the brawl. "Thish ishn't my preferred way to shtart your training, but it doesh help you undershtand what itsh like being a privateer. We are only there to bear witnessh to our shipmate'sh battle, not to join in, sho shtay behind me if thingsh get out of hand. I promish to keep you shafe."

Upon arriving, Versvesh locates his brother, Hamrin, and stands beside him, greeting him with a self-satisfied nod and a sideways glance at his new disciple. He then picks Rel up and puts her on his shoulders. "Watch closhely and tell me what you've learned when thish ordeal ish over."

Space Lawyer
2012-08-20, 08:16 AM
YE DAMN... He does not finish, as Pete's headbutt slams into his mouth. He roars, blood and spittle flying, and swings his fist at Pete in a wild roundhouse. The boulder-sized fist slams into Pete's side, and the wet crack of breaking ribs is heard. The crowd roars. Money changes hands, with winnings for first blood going to those who betted on Pete.

9 non-lethal damage to Pete.

The Squirrel
2012-08-20, 10:15 AM
Pete stumbles back a step from the force of the blow, barely keeping his feet. Shifting momentum, the cook comes right back into it, leading with a shot to the face from the left, attempting to force an opening for a right to the sternum.

Two weapon fighting:
left jab [roll0] for [roll1] subdual
right thrust [roll2] for [roll3] subdual

2012-08-20, 07:22 PM
Hamrin watches with interest.

2012-08-21, 12:04 PM
Versvesh grunts at Pete's success. Rel makes a tiny, high pitched grunting sound as well, imitating her new-found father figure, but she gasps when Pete stumbles back from the mighty blow.

"Da big one's stronger, Versvesh. Yer friend's gonna lose," Rel comments... not quite sure if she should be concerned.

Versvesh, never taking his eyes off the fight, nods. "Maybe. But Pete ish more than just a shtreet brawler. He ish shmart and shtrong. And he ish never alone. Shomewhere, in the shkies, hish companion 'Batesh' keepsh a sharp eye on him in cashe of trouble. But even more dangeroush shtill, are hish hidden talentsh. Pete, you shee, ish a cashter of shpells. For all my shtrength, I would not welcome the notion of being one of Pete'sh enemiesh."

Space Lawyer
2012-08-23, 02:10 PM
Hairy Man grunts at Pete's punches, then clasps his hands together above his head. He brings them down in a powerful swing, hoping to drop Pete to the ground. He sways a bit though, and his attack goes wide.

The Squirrel
2012-08-24, 06:58 PM
Pete says a quick prayer of thanks to whatever god watches over drunken street brawls and goes in for another left-right combo.

Two weapon fighting:
left [roll0] for [roll1] subdual
right [roll2] for [roll3] subdual

2012-08-25, 02:30 PM
Hamrin is pleased by how the fight is going though he doesn't comment on it.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-28, 08:11 AM
Hair-man launches a vicious uppercut, but Pete's quick lean back saves him. The air whooshing by as the fist moves in front of Pete's face is a reminder of just how strong this man is.

See kids, this is why you shouldn't drink gallons of ale before street brawls/duels.

The Squirrel
2012-08-28, 09:39 AM
Being reminded how much he really doesn't want another of his opponent's throws to connect, Pete leans back in and sidesteps, taking the opportunity to try to land some blows to his opponent's side.

Five foot adjustment to the side, two weapon fighting:
right [roll0] for [roll1] nonlethal
left [roll2] for [roll3] nonlethal

Space Lawyer
2012-08-28, 09:43 AM
Pete's right fist connects with Hair-man's head, and his left goes high as Hair-man drops to ground. He makes a solid thunk as he lands. The crowd cheers at the fight, and the crew of the Blacktalon looks on stunned. Pete made a lot of coin for those that bet on him.

The Squirrel
2012-08-28, 10:34 AM
Pete breathes a sigh of relief and runs a hand through his hair as he stands over the fallen opponent. The cook winces as the deep exhale sends brief burst of pain emanating from his damaged rib. He pauses to ensure the drunken lout is still breathing, "Sleep it off, and let's hope your manners improve."
With that, Pete strides over to his comrades, grinning.

2012-08-28, 03:12 PM
"Huzzah!" Versvesh shouts as the man drops. Rel gasps in shock.

"Well I'll be da-"

"Watch your language, Rel." Versvesh interjects. "Shtill, I shupposhe you learned shomething from thish."

Rel nods. Then after a moment of silence, pipes in with, "When do we eat?" Versvesh's face screws up in confusion. "Didn't I jusht feed you?" Rel shrugs in response. Versvesh struggles to interpret Rel's silent responces, so he sets little Rel down. "We'll eat when we get to the boat. Let'sh go congratulate our champion."

With that, he walks up to Pete and claps him on the back, switching his Aura to Fast Healing. (+1 HP, if he's half health or lower.) "Well done Pete! You're looking a bit rough, though. Perhapsh we should get you to a medic."

2012-08-29, 03:54 PM
Good job pete, you showed 'em Hamrin says excitedly. Back to the ship?

Space Lawyer
2012-08-31, 07:44 PM
Back on the Redwing, Captain Lewes surveys the group. He looks rather disheveled. The rhythmic susurrus of the waves is a relaxing and familiar sound after the excitement of the fight. "Well, you seem to have won. I'd have not believed if half the crew weren't clamoring about it. Pete, you get yourself to the quartermaster, she doubles as ship's surgeon. She'll patch you up. Double rations for all tonight, and open a barrel of rum. I'm feeling in a good mood. I like it when that brat's crew gets shown up. He walks away with a bit of a strut in his step and a smile on his face.

2012-09-01, 06:28 AM
Hamrin goes for a swim so he can be by himself and think about his new job on The Redwing. "The people seem nice and the food isn't that bad. The job is very violent though I'm used to that. The fight between Pete and the mean person wasn't as complicated as other such fights. Overall it seems pretty good."

2012-09-01, 08:36 AM
Versvesh leaves Hamrin to his contemplations, and turns to Rel.

"Well, what did you learn?" He asks the little girl as they head to the galley for a bite to eat.

Rel screws up her face in concentration for a moment. "Don't fight Pete?" She responds unconfidently.

"Well... yesh. Don't fight Pete. But what, beyond the obvioush, did you learn?"

Rel thinks for a minute... "That just because an enemy is bigger, doesn't mean they're stronger."

Versvesh accepts the answer with a smile, "Yesh... but do you know what it meansh to be shtrong?" and kneels in front of Rel. "Did you know that my name wash given to me by a very powerful dragon? It meansh 'Shtrength.' Yet physhically, I'm no match for a dragon. In fact, even my brother Hamrin ish phyishically much shrtronger than me. Shtrength ish honor, dischipline, wishdom, and courage. Shtrength ish the willingnessh to do what ish right, even at the cosht of your own life. Shtrength ish the willingnessh to protect thoshe who cannot protect themshelves. And, like with Pete, shtrength ish the willingnessh to defend who and what they love. Pete defended the honor of the Redwing today. And for that, we celebrate hish shtrength."

Rel listens to the lesson and after a while, nods her understanding. When Versvesh believes that Rel has accepted the lesson, he stands and takes her hand. "Let'sh go eat."

Rel's eyes light up and she darts ahead to the galley, barely looking back to make sure that Versvesh would keep up. "I'm STARVIN'!" she says as she follows the smell of food.

Versvesh stands for a moment, startled by the sudden burst of energy, then shrugs and heads to the galley with the rest of the crew.

The Squirrel
2012-09-01, 12:00 PM
Pete dutifully makes his way down to the quartermaster for an examination, but is generally not the best patient. "I swear I'll be fine by morning. Now let me get to the galley; double rations means twice the cooking and being in port means I don't have to conserve on the perishables since I can replenish tomorrow. Stop prodding me or it'll be cold hardtac for everyone tonight!"

profession: cook [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-04, 02:07 PM
Pete cooks a rather good meal, made all the better by the availability of fresh food. The quartermaster sees to it that all Pete's wounds are healed, though the rib looks a bit crooked.

That morning, the dwarf smith delivers Hamrin's charm. It is a finely wrought chain of a deep blue tinted metal, with a few larger links of the same metal inscribed with wave motifs. As soon as Hamrin puts it on, he can feel his moisturize.

The captain summons the group to his cabin. So, you're the ones that found this map, so I'll give you a bit of say as to what we do with it. I've been looking over it and consulting with some folks, and we think the city it points out is one more commonly called Seacrown. It was the capital of an empire that ruled these waters long before any of the current nations were even dreamt of. Rumor has it, the place is chock-full of loot. 'Course, the place was lost for a reason. Something to do with dark magic, angry gods, the usual story. Now, if you all are feeling adventurous, we'll sail as the map dictates. If you're looking for some quick and easy profit, well sell the map off and let some other foolhardy souls take up the search. What say you?

2012-09-04, 06:19 PM
Do I have to pay for the charm?
Hamrin thinks that following the map sounds good but he waits till other people voice there opinions so he can be sure that by saying his he won't be disagreeing with everybody.

The Squirrel
2012-09-05, 02:36 AM
Pete grins, "I've been called worse than a foolhardy soul. I say we go for it ourselves."

2012-09-05, 11:23 AM
Versvesh smiles vivaciously. "I didn't shign up to shail sho that othersh could go on foolhardy adventuresh. I'm ready to shail to Sheacrown at a momentsh notice, shir!"

Space Lawyer
2012-09-05, 11:37 AM
Make preparations to set forth then. We sail tonight to avoid notice. It'll be a moonless night, and overcast if I'm reading the winds right. Ahh, it'll be a tale for the ages if we make it. The captain walks out of the cabin and out onto the deck, where you can hear him berating some crew members for the sloppy condition of the lines.

I'll post again tonight. If you want to do something in town, just speak up.

The charm needs to be paid for. I thought you had a paid for it up front. Sorry for the confusion.

2012-09-05, 02:52 PM
I have subtracted 50 gold for the charm.

The Squirrel
2012-09-05, 03:38 PM
"Yes sir!"

After informing the orcs of his intentions, Pete makes his way back into town to try and sell the remaining loot and pick up a few more provisions.

We still have:
a gold choker with a large onyx set in the front (803 gp)
crystal snow globe (730.1 gp)
small porcelain vase, chased with floral patterns (61.9 gp)
large, well-done wool tapestry, depicting a pastoral scene (287.3 gp)

Pete will try to sell these before departing but being in a hurry and unaware of their true cost, he'll be happy with anything over 80%, but would settle for 70% (assuming you can normally sell for 100%). He'll then take his share (1/4) plus the 100gp from earlier and buy spellbook components. If there's any time left after that, he'll look for a few more provisions.

Oh, and if Harmrin and Versvesh are too busy with their own tasks, Pete will bring a deckhand - let's say Charley - to carry as well as another pair of eyes looking out for trouble.

2012-09-06, 09:25 AM
Versvesh sends Rel to deckhand detail and goes with Pete. Rel's training to become a Dragon Shaman starts first thing in the morning. For now, she should just try to get to know the crew.

2012-09-06, 04:24 PM
Hmrin goes with Pete while wearing his shiny new charm. He like his shiny new charm.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-09, 01:21 PM
The ship sets sail under the cover of darkness. The moon is not present this night, and the clouds block out the stars. It is impossible for those without darkvision to tell where the water ends and the sky begins.

The ship has laid in a course for Seacrown. By now, the rumors of ancient treasure have spread through the crew. You are all down in the galley, enjoying a bit of grog and a card game. Suddenly, the ship rocks violently. You are all thrown from your seats, and the booze goes flying.

2012-09-09, 03:26 PM

Versvesh scrambles to his feet and takes stock of the room to make sure everyone's ok.

If he doesn't see blood or hear someone call for help, he's charging up to the deck.

Otherwise, he'll move to help anyone who is pinned or injured.

The Squirrel
2012-09-10, 11:08 AM
On the floor, Pete downs what little grog that managed to stay in his mug and not spilled all over his shirt. "Best see what the ruckus is." Tossing the mug aside, Pete picks himself up and rushes above deck.

2012-09-10, 02:44 PM
Hanrin quickly runs up to the deck hoping that sea monster isn't attack. He pulls out a spear just in case. Whats goin' on sir?

Space Lawyer
2012-09-11, 12:49 PM
As you rush out onto deck, you can hear screaming. A number of bloodstains cover the deck. A few sunrods provide illumination on deck, but the glow does not extend much past the ship. A number have crewmen have gathered in the center of the deck, having assumed a standard defensive position, with a a line of pikemen encircling a group of archers. They are all covered in blood, and a few sport nasty looking wounds. There is a black substance covering a number of spots on the deck, and a noxious steam rises from these places.

Everyone make listen checks. Everyone with darkvision or low-light vision can make spot checks. A heal check can be made to identify the wounds.

2012-09-11, 02:42 PM
Heal: [roll1]

The Squirrel
2012-09-11, 04:06 PM
Pete grips his halberd a little tighter as he cautiously moves toward the group keeping an eye out for trouble. "What happened here?"

Bates (familiar) is on my shoulder, but isn't really trained to listen for anything. We're both keeping an eye out, but neither of us have low light vision. Pete's not really skilled in healing, he's more interested in the black residue.

Listen for Pete [roll0]
Knowledge check on the black substance (dungeneering, arcana, planes, or nature) [roll1]

2012-09-12, 08:52 AM
Versvesh whips out his punching daggers and narrows his eyes to menacing red slits.

His orc heritage takes over in the sense of danger, prickling the hairs on his nape and twisting his usually grinning face into a feral snarl. He lets out a low growl...

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Heal: [roll2]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-12, 09:06 AM
At the edge of your vision you see a number of sinuous shapes leaping in and out of the water. The wounds on the crew simply appear nasty. You can hear nothing over the screams of a wounded crewman.

You hear a distinctive hissing over the sounds of the waves and crew. It sounds like a number of massive snakes. The substance is acid, and the acrid fumes rising from it are likely not good for one's health.

You see vague shadows waving the gloom. You hear a distinctive hissing over the sounds of the waves and crew. It sounds like a massive snake. The wounds on the crewmen are of two types: snakebites, albeit of an unusual size, and acid burns.

One of the crewmen yells out: "Some damn demon from the deep, is what it be! I can't get a good look at it! Just leaped out the dark and took Bill, right off the side! We've clipped it, but the damn thing don't even look hurt when it comes back into the light!"

The black substance has stopped sizzling. The captain comes out on deck, saber drawn, followed by the quartermaster, with a bow in her hand. The captain roars, "Come and get some, ye damn wetbellies!"

Roll initiative, and take up places on the deck.

The Squirrel
2012-09-12, 09:53 AM
"That's acid," Pete warns, "Stay clear of the fumes if you can."

Init [roll0]

Edit: Add +1 for a new initiative of 5 because I forgot about the aura that was mentioned five minutes ago.

2012-09-12, 10:15 AM
Versvesh squares off in the direction of the nearest hissing and roars in defiance.

Initiative: [roll0]
He will charge in the direction of the hissing as soon as he is able. But he want charge into the water, since his punching daggers aren't strapped to his hands at the moment.

2012-09-13, 06:20 AM
[roll0] This is including the dragon arua of +1 initiative.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-14, 07:10 AM
A massive snake's head lunges out of the gloom towards Versvesh. Its jaw hinges wide to grab the man, but a quick leans backwards keeps him out of the jaws. The snake retreats back into the dark.

The captain and quartermaster are not so lucky. The sound of liquid being forcefully expelled is followed by a sizzle and a cry of pain. Both officers are covered in the black acid.

Pete, your turn.

The Squirrel
2012-09-14, 09:32 AM
Pete curses as his gaze fails to penetrate the darkness. He casts mage hand on one of the sunrods lining the ship and with a roll of his wrist propels the light source 15 ft toward the source of the acid. "Archers!"

spell chance failure (fail on 1-10)[roll0]

2012-09-14, 03:19 PM
I think you skipped me. I shall ready an action to throw a spear at the monster when I can see it next.


This is not including range increment penalties, fireing in melee, etc. because I do not know if they will be in effect.

2012-09-17, 10:13 AM
Versvesh roars in response to the biting attack, then charges in, keeping his fists pulled back like readied battering rams.

"HA! THISH ish how you bite shomething!"

As Versvesh speeds toward the snake, he focuses his mind to study his opponent, trying to remember anything he's learned about this creature, and how best to defeat it.

Knowledge Nature, (DC 10+HD): [roll0]

Once he closes in on the beast, he lunges at it in a shearing pincer attack. "Ihk vivex!" he shouts as his twin punching daggers close in on the flesh of his target.

Dodge: vs. Snake, AC = 18
Swift Action: Aura to Power (+1 Melee Damage)
Move: Move to melee against snake
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2012-09-17, 10:17 AM
Confirm Critical: [roll0]
Damage (x3):
[roll1] (re-rolling, cause I accidentally rolled a d20)

Space Lawyer
2012-09-17, 12:24 PM
As a snake lunges inwards towards the ship to snap at another hapless crew member, Hamrin's spear catches it in the side. It turns towards the source of its pain, but Versveh leaps at it from the other side. The daggers bite deeply, and the beast roars in pain. Blood and spittle fly out to cover the deck and crew. The spittle leaves red marks on the skin and stings, but is otherwise harmless. The mighty creaure is not done yet though, and it tries to reach at Versvesh to drag him down into the sea. Pete's thrown sunrod gives enough light to the archers though, and they finish off the beast with a volley. One is not so lucky though, as another of the creatures attacks from the other side and pulls the hapless man off the ship. From the same side, another looms out of the darkness. A spiny frill expands around its neck as it sprays the black bile at the crew.

Take 2 damage, roll fort save.

These are a type of sea serpent known to roam these waters. They are aggressive and territorial, and hunt in packs. Their spray is acidic, but the greatest danger comes from the paralytic effect, which is neither long-lasting nor hard to overcome, but allows the creatures enough time to devour their prey.

The Squirrel
2012-09-17, 02:42 PM
Pete grimaces at the burns but tries to keep his focus on keeping the sunrod in the air.

Concentration check (DC=10+damage+spell level=12)[roll0]
Pete's fortitude [roll1]
Bates' fortitude [roll2]

2012-09-17, 04:54 PM
Versvesh gnashes his teeth against the pain letting it fuel his anger.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

2012-09-18, 05:52 AM
[roll0] Hamrin does not like these snakes.

Space Lawyer
2012-09-21, 11:26 AM
Pete feels a tingling sensation and freezes temporarily, but grits through it. Hamrin simply ignore the bile. Pete is not so lucky, and freezes in place.

Hamrin's turn. Pete loses this turn, but gets to make another fort save on his go.

2012-09-22, 06:35 AM
Hamrin shall ready an action to throw a spear the next time he sees a serpent.

2012-09-22, 06:36 AM
Retrying attack roll: [roll0]

2012-09-22, 09:37 AM
Sudden panic wells up within Versvesh as he begins to realize that his body will not respond to his command.

No... no, no, no! his mind screams as all his will lashes against the paralysis. Anger and fear surge together rushing to his mind in a tidal wave that he sends crashing into the walls of his enfeeblement.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

The Squirrel
2012-09-22, 04:38 PM
Pete struggles as he feels the sting of the bile starting to lock up his joins. He grimaces through the pain and continues to keep the sunrod aloft. If I can at least keep this up, it should forewarn any attack from that side.

fortitude [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2012-09-25, 10:13 AM
Pete and Versvesh feel their bodies begin to loosen. A snake lunges in to grab at Versvesh, and almost gets him, but Hamrin's spear becoming embedded in the creatures side proves a large enough distraction to dissuade the monster from its attack. The archers loose another round of arrows towards the other snake, visible in the glow of Pete's sunrod, but many of the arrows miss the mark as the creature dives back under the water. A second later, the ship rocks violently again. It is no worse than a violent sea though, and you have no trouble keeping your feet.

2012-09-27, 05:46 AM
Hamrin prepares another throw. (Readied action to attack next snake he can see.)

2012-09-27, 11:06 AM
Finally free of the bonds of the paralytic toxin, Versvesh curses his luck when the snake dips back under water. "Who wantsh to live forever..."

With that, he charges off to the edge of the boat and dives in!

Taking -10 penalty to swim normal speed as a move action (Complete Adventurer, pg. 84):
Swim: [roll0] (normal bonus = +14)
Spot the Snake: [roll1]
Listen for the Snake: [roll2] (hoping that will help me hone in on it)

Would water count as difficult terrain for me, since I can breathe underwater and have mad swimming skills? If it doesn't, than am I able to charge?

Surging forward like a spear, Versvesh beelines to the closest snake he can find, tearing at it with his punching daggers.

If I can charge:

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

If I can't charge:

Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Attack: [roll]1d20+4[roll]
Damage: [roll7]

Dodge against the snake I'm fighting: AC 17/16 if charging, 19/18 if not

2012-09-27, 11:08 AM
Re-Rolling Second Attack: [roll0]

2012-09-27, 11:12 AM
Confirm Critical: [roll0]
Bonus Damage: [roll1], [roll2]

Space Lawyer
2012-10-07, 01:22 PM
You spot a shadow moving through the water. You swim towards it, and it resolves itself into a snake, more than 35' long. The creature is ramming the underside of the ship! You can see that a number of planks in the hull have already buckled and splintered. You slash at the creature, opening long gashes in its side. The monster turns toward you and bites. The long fangs of the enormous snake drive through your gut, and you feel an ominously familiar sensation spread from the bite.
9 damage, roll fort, DC10.

You look quite fierce and opposing with your spear at the ready, but no enemy comes to greet you. The moans of the wounded clash with the sounds of the waves.

2012-10-07, 02:27 PM
Hamrin dives overboard after Versvesh.

Space Lawyer
2012-10-07, 02:59 PM
Hamrin: Read Versvesh's spoiler

2012-10-08, 01:31 AM
Versvesh plows onward, undaunted by the nasty wound. Instead of retreating from the vicious teeth, he swims into it, scratching wildly at the snake's eyes with his punching dagger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (From Power Aura)

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (From Power Aura)

If Critical:
Confirm (Attack 1): [roll4]
+Damage: [roll5] (From Power Aura)
+Damage: [roll6] (From Power Aura)

Confirm (Attack 2): [roll7]
+Damage: [roll8] (From Power Aura)
+Damage: [roll9] (From Power Aura)

2012-10-08, 02:10 PM
Hamrin will swim up next to the monster and stab it. Hopefuly he can save his friend, and not get eaten in the proccess.
If crit [roll2]
I can't find what power arua does or the underwater combat rules so I'm not applying the penalties/bonuses from those.

The Squirrel
2012-10-09, 03:38 PM
Pete is a little surprised as his friends willingly jump into the water with the monsters. "Bates, fetch! Watch!" Pete commands his bird pointing to the sunrod. Take the light, watch for friends and enemies. Stay safe. Keeping up concentration just long enough for the familiar to grasp the airborne sunrod, Pete moves towards the wounded and unconscious, pulling a wand as he does so. "Jones, Wendell, Two-leg Jack, keep watch over the side! One-leg Jack - watch over the other in case they come around! Everyone else, let's clear the wounded to safety! Quickly, they could be back any moment!"

Space Lawyer
2012-10-12, 11:48 AM
Those underwater:
Versvesh attempts to stab at the monster, but the debris floating in the water from the splintering planks makes it impossible for a good shot at the snake, and he misses. The snake strikes back, but is likewise stymied. Seeing an opportunity, Hamrin strikes at the snake...and his blow is intercepted by a piece of wood. The force of the water rushing into the hole the snake made seems to be widening the gap further.

Your quick thinking saves a number of the crew, and clears off much of the deck area. You notice that the rocking of the boat has become a bit sluggish, and the water is slightly closer than it was before.