View Full Version : Brains of the Dark World

2012-05-09, 03:19 PM
Hey all, this is a homebrewed setting for an online game and i would like some input on it. How to make it more... fleshed out as it where

The Dark World

Few remember the name of the world before the rise of the Mind Flayers. Before the dark times, the world was a beautiful place, filled with flourishing cities, huge pristine forests and beautiful oceans. But dark forces were at work. It took a millennia of plots, trades, alliances and so much more, but one faithful day the sun did not rise. What had happened was that the Ilithid had made a pact with the lord of Hell, the god Asmodeus, to store the sun in the depths of Erebus. This was done with technology the Ilithid managed to pry from the god Vecna. The Mind Flayers had the plans but the actual construction was not built by them, it was built by the Mi-Go. What they built was a large ring around the sun, made from a strange dark matter that the Mind Flayers extracted from the shadow plane. When the ring was complete the Mind Flayers activated it with a great blood ritual, culminating in the destruction of several elder brains. The release of the psychic energy exploding out from the world activated the Shadow Ring, which shrank, into a tiny point. The sun now the size of a jewel was then planeshifted to Eberus.

To keep the world from freezing over, the Mind Flayers opened up hundreds of thousands of portals into the plane. The portals are now protected by Fire Giants, who can only thrive being near such intense heat. This was what set off the war between the Mind Flayers and the Aboleths, for the Aboleths living in the sea could not benefit from the fire plane portals of the Mind Flayers, their oceans froze. The Aboleths had to create several different ways to keep their oceans liquid. In the end the Aboleths felt the Mind Flayers had gone too far.

Now the world is just called “The Dark World”, the surface is nothing more than a huge frozen wasteland, even all the oceans are frozen solid on the surface. The surface is full of undead, a fair few which are intelligent, since they don’t mind the cold. Lower down is a completely different matter, the world is made of hundreds of thousands of caves; each connected to at least one Fire Plane Portal for heating. These Caves are massive hollowed out structures under the earth where entire cities are nested under hundreds of feet of earth and rock. In each of these Ilithid cities there are huge these is a very strict hierarchy, the Elder Brain being the ruler of all citizens. The hierarchy is strictly based on race, then ability and reputation and finally connections. Mind Flayers are of course at the top of the chain, rulers of the world, followed by dragons, monstrous humanoids, intelligent undead and giants. Lower down are the rest of the humanoids and even lower down than that the races that were tied to nature like nymphs and treants. Finally the lowest of the lot in the social ladder are the less intelligent creatures, like orcs, ogres, hill giants and even mindless creatures like oozes are on this level. While dragons, monstrous humanoids, intelligent undead and giants are treated as second class citizens, they are mostly free and some eventually claw their way up to higher standing that some Mind Flayers. On the other hand any anything lower down in the social ladder are always considered slaves or worse, food. There are a few exceptions of creatures that are met with equal respect and even equality to Mind Flayers themselves. These are the intellect devourers, the Mi-go, Neolithids and powerful evil outsiders (CR8+).

This Mind Flayer society holds only 3 things sacred; Order, Knowledge and Respect. To this end the most prestigious jobs for Mind Flayers are Clerics, Jailers, Archivists, Judges and Inquisitors. While being part of such organisation is prestigious, it doesn’t necessarily increase the Mind Flayer’s standing in society. Clerics especially are viewed in a mixed way, since most Mind Flayers are too arrogant to worship deities in any great length. Thus the main role of Clerics is not to make Mind Flayers worship gods, but to keep all the other lower races in control through worship. To this end Mind Flayers worship mostly lawful gods, primarily Asmodeus, Hextor and Abadar. The only gods that are allowed to be worshiped are Abadar, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon, Urgathoa, Norgorber, Iori, Hextor, Vecna and Loth. The worship of any other god is punishable with torture or death.

2012-06-02, 03:48 AM
It sounds like an interesting world, but what I would suggest is don't make it so that there are only Mindflayer cities. When there is only one dominant force, you quickly lose opportunities for adventuring as a one world power tends to be nigh on omnipotent and would easily be capable of annihilating any and all monsters that were becoming a nuisance. I would have it so that the more good aligned creatures, Nymphs and treants and other woodland, sylvan, fey, and otherwise nature related creatures form their own communities far away from the Mindflayers. They could find undefended fire pits and the Nymphs could probably make trees grow at will (or maybe they were able to save a few seeds, and brought them with after the ice age above ground), and they would start trying to rebuild some semblance of natural domain. They would, however, be very secretive, so as not to draw the ire of the Mindflayers, and would thus need to both isolate and purge their society regularly to keep dissidents from unhinging their safety. Humans and the other more intelligent humanoid races would be the oddmen out, unable to create a new form of life, like the Nymphs and such, but unwilling to submit to the Mindflayers, they would dwell near undefended fire pits as well and would probably try to scratch out whatever meager livings they could. Their societies would be fraught with crime and evil, as there would be little possibility of controlling so many different races through one government. They wouldn't form cities or villages, just gathering areas that are frequented by many people but have many escape routes for a quick exit in case the Mindflayers find out about that specific hideout. These communities would be unable to support any armies or even probably militias (due to their fractious nature) and would thus be unable to pose a threat to the Mindflayers, which would explain why they only occasionally raid them for new slaves. The Mindflayers themselves should be severely weakened by the death of the Elder Brains, once again to stress the fact that they are not omnipotent, and their entire civilization is still reeling from those losses. Which would be accurate, as the Elder Brain is essentially the collection of all of their ancestors, so it would be like the loss of half of all the libraries in the world. It wouldn't destroy us, but countless ideas would be lost forever. This would probably drive the Mindflayers nuts, due to their obssession with knowledge, and so they would probably be more dedicated to trying to find lost tomes and other historical sources to better replace the knowledge lost, than to furthering their dominion of the world. Sorry, I sort of went off on a tangent there, but I hope some of these ideas help you out.

2012-06-02, 03:49 AM
Internet wasn't working too well when I posted this, so I accidentally posted twice. Whoops.