View Full Version : Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition

2012-05-09, 03:46 PM
So minecraft xbox 360 edition looks like it could be very entertaining, mainly the split screen coop, tonight i am hopefully playing with a full 7 other people i know, lan style but not lan, online. Either way has anyone else played around with it much? I know that its very limited atm or at least feels like it but still it is lots of fun, and was wondering if any gitpers had it and wanted to play together

2012-05-09, 04:57 PM
I played round a little on it this afternoon was fun but I did love fortress craft have a world going with a few friends that we are enjoying but id be happy to play with some other people.

2012-05-09, 07:26 PM
I play the PC version, but some guys I know tried it out last night. They learned that sand is affected by gravity when one tried to box in the other's dog. Poor puppy...:smallfrown:

2012-05-11, 01:07 PM
Bought it last night. Played until 3am despite having been awake since 5am. Once I started swinging my pick-axe at the air for a couple seconds after mining, I thought it would be a good time to stop. Still working on my Super-Awesome-Sky-Fortress. Right now it's more like a Kinda-Lame-Tree-House.

2012-05-11, 02:57 PM
I'll be buying it tonight. And probably playing multiplayer on the three xboxes in the house. Woohoo lan party!

2012-05-11, 03:56 PM
I have the PC version, so I don't think I'll be getting the 360 version. I believe it's pretty outdated compared to the PC version to (1.6 BETA, if I heard right).

2012-05-11, 08:28 PM
They'll be updating, though.

2012-05-12, 01:24 AM
Bought it last night. Played until 3am despite having been awake since 5am. Once I started swinging my pick-axe at the air for a couple seconds after mining, I thought it would be a good time to stop.

This is the typical reaction to minecraft. It makes WOW seem tame when it comes to addiction.

2012-05-12, 12:20 PM
Bit of adjustment for the new controls, but fun times, and it appears to be a very watchable game, as I had all manner of people laughing and advising me as I played.

I must say, I'm pretty happy with the new format even if the version is a bit dated.

2012-05-13, 08:33 AM
Downside to the 360 version, from what I gather, is that the world seems to be only 1024x1024 blocks in size, and is boxed in by invisible walls. You can traverse it in about 5-10 minutes or thereabouts. Anyone can confirm or deny this?

Dumbledore lives
2012-05-13, 08:38 AM
Downside to the 360 version, from what I gather, is that the world seems to be only 1024x1024 blocks in size, and is boxed in by invisible walls. You can traverse it in about 5-10 minutes or thereabouts. Anyone can confirm or deny this?

That is what happened in the video I watched, though it seems to take more like 10-20 minutes to traverse the whole thing.

2012-05-15, 10:07 AM
That is what happened in the video I watched, though it seems to take more like 10-20 minutes to traverse the whole thing.

Are there plans to expand this? Because this limit seems problematic. Frankly, Obsidian Junction(PC server) is probably this big by itself. And one of the acheives is a 512 block minecart ride. This might actually be quite difficult for iron ore reasons on a 1024x1024 world.

2012-05-15, 04:00 PM
It takes 6 iron ingots to make 16 rails, so 512 rails would require 192 ingots--three stacks. In the PC game iron ore occupies approximately 0.6% of blocks between levels 10 and 60, so if the XBox game is similar, you'd expect to find around 310,000 iron ore blocks in a 1024x1024 area; hardly much of a problem to make your rails!

2012-05-16, 09:33 AM
It takes 6 iron ingots to make 16 rails, so 512 rails would require 192 ingots--three stacks. In the PC game iron ore occupies approximately 0.6% of blocks between levels 10 and 60, so if the XBox game is similar, you'd expect to find around 310,000 iron ore blocks in a 1024x1024 area; hardly much of a problem to make your rails!

Good, good...yeah, the density proved to not be a problem, but with a much smaller world, the worry of limited resources is actually notable. I know that, technically, diamonds are not infinite on PC, but the world is so large that practically...I'll always be able to mine for more. This may not be the case on the xbox world. There will come a time when the world is mined out.

Given the something like a dozen people who have been playing on our world(we already have the iron for the railway), that's...not as improbable as you'd think. Someone's probably mining on that world 12 hours out of the day.

2012-05-16, 11:12 AM
I know there's planned content updates (Like the adventure update), texture pack DLC, mod-DLC, and other such stuff...but I don't know about increasing the size of the map. I, personally, don't think I'll go beyond that...but I know people that would or would run out of materials fairly quickly with how fast they build and what they build.

I have a different problem, I don't know what to build. XD Any one got any suggestions?

2012-05-16, 11:40 AM
The biggest issue with a limited world is it ruins Minecraft for the players who prefer to adventure and explore.

2012-05-16, 04:49 PM
Given the something like a dozen people who have been playing on our world(we already have the iron for the railway), that's...not as improbable as you'd think. Someone's probably mining on that world 12 hours out of the day.

Isn't the XBox game only playable 2-player co-op? Or is that just the split screen thingy?

I suspect the world size is largely a function of the limitations of the platform, though...1024x1024, 128 blocks deep, one byte for each block; that's 128Mb storage required right there, and not all XBoxes have hard drives! 512Mb of system RAM imposes a fairly strict hard limit on how big you can make things as well.

2012-05-16, 05:16 PM
I suspect the world size is largely a function of the limitations of the platform.

the limitations of the platform.

Oh right. The Xbox is essentially a seven year old computer. To be frank it's amazing they could get anything similar to run on it. The memory requirments for PC Minecraft have been known to crash computers only a year old.

I can't imagine they'll be able to generate a larger world ever.

2012-05-16, 11:19 PM
Now now, be kind. Thay could probably do to expand the size of the world, but they might not let infinite roaming for fear of whatever happens if somebody sets out for the farlands.

2012-05-17, 12:45 PM
Isn't the XBox game only playable 2-player co-op? Or is that just the split screen thingy?

I believe you can even half more than two split screen, though we haven't been, as my roommate informed me that doing so made the screen ridiculously tiny.

That said, we think you can have four people in over xbox live and four local, for a possible eight at once. We've not hit that, but we frequently have 3-4 on, sometimes more, and it's not always the same people.

I suspect the world size is largely a function of the limitations of the platform, though...1024x1024, 128 blocks deep, one byte for each block; that's 128Mb storage required right there, and not all XBoxes have hard drives! 512Mb of system RAM imposes a fairly strict hard limit on how big you can make things as well.

Firstly, xboxes without hard drives literally can't download the game. So, that's not a concern.

Secondly, not all chunks are loaded in memory at all times. The PC game loads and unloads them to disc dynamically, does it not? This limit shouldn't be a hard memory limit, though for the xbox version, they may have opted to avoid dynamic loading for multiplayer reasons.

2012-05-17, 02:03 PM
Oh right. The Xbox is essentially a seven year old computer. To be frank it's amazing they could get anything similar to run on it. The memory requirments for PC Minecraft have been known to crash computers only a year old.

I can't imagine they'll be able to generate a larger world ever.

Well yeah... but you've also got to understand that the Minecraft for PC was developed using JAVA, which is very inefficient in regards to Memory as a programming language itself.

The 360 version used C++, which is much better in that regard. They SHOULD be able to make larger worlds than just 1000x1000 (roughly), it will just take a bit of optimizing.

2012-05-20, 01:12 PM
My Xbox handle is TheMEagle. I've got a world set up that should help with a couple of the more time-consuming achievements. (the railcart one, and the nether portal)

2012-05-20, 02:43 PM
Well yeah... but you've also got to understand that the Minecraft for PC was developed using JAVA, which is very inefficient in regards to Memory as a programming language itself.

The 360 version used C++, which is much better in that regard. They SHOULD be able to make larger worlds than just 1000x1000 (roughly), it will just take a bit of optimizing.

Ya, but even as is, I still get chuck loading errors when playing on friends' maps. (mostly during weather... which I still don't understand why it can't be turned off!).

2012-05-20, 09:15 PM
Ya, but even as is, I still get chuck loading errors when playing on friends' maps. (mostly during weather... which I still don't understand why it can't be turned off!).

It can . . . in the PC version. Which means it likely will be in the Xbox version. Or you can use a mod, wait, can you mod the Xbox version?

2012-05-20, 09:58 PM
Downside to the 360 version, from what I gather, is that the world seems to be only 1024x1024 blocks in size, and is boxed in by invisible walls. You can traverse it in about 5-10 minutes or thereabouts. Anyone can confirm or deny this?

Yes. The reason, by the way, has nothing to do with one player. It has to do with the split screen having to show up to four different map areas at once. This would conceivably be 4 different 1024x1024 maps needing to be in memory at the same time on one Xbox. And since the Xbox doesn't really support acting as a server like a computer, one of the players would need to run potentially EIGHT 1024x1024 segments at one time.

Also, aside from that, there are limitations to how large save files can be on the X-box. They don't want one game filling up people's hard drives. Since the maps are tied to one player's account. A player would have no control over how big the file was getting if someone just decided to run in one direction forever. I have no idea, however, if this in any way affects the map size limit, but it seems incredibly likely.

2012-05-21, 01:51 AM
Yes. The reason, by the way, has nothing to do with one player. It has to do with the split screen having to show up to four different map areas at once. This would conceivably be 4 different 1024x1024 maps needing to be in memory at the same time on one Xbox.

:smallconfused: It would be the same 1024x1024 map for each player, wouldn't it? Why would it need to hold four copies of it?

2012-05-21, 02:08 AM
It can . . . in the PC version. Which means it likely will be in the Xbox version.

Yes, but you would think that with a limited map, and a better code language things would be faster and this wouldn't happen.

Hatventures, the guys that make Update videos for Minecraft, said they got to see the coding teams play the game in testing and they said there was less lag. I'm finding there's actually more lag; and I just feel lied to from them.