View Full Version : Are SAGA and 3.5 Compatible?

2012-05-09, 03:51 PM
As the title states, can the SAGA and 3.5 d20 systems be used together with minimal changes? Do the classes in each system measure up to each other appropriately power/tier wise?

Thanks for your help :smallsmile:

2012-05-09, 04:19 PM
The mundane characters are probably pretty comparable. SW characters get more hp, and you'd have to resolve the differences between AC/Saving Throws and static Defenses.

As far as spells versus Force powers, I have no idea which way that would go.

2012-05-09, 07:30 PM
I wouldn't mix them.

Use the Force checks are a focal limitation in Saga. 3e's skill boosts would trivialize those.

Saga's Force powers target saves that scale at approximately the same rate as the Use the Force skill. The Saga classes' saves would be too high for 3e, and the Saga force mechanics would have to be overhauled to not overwhelm 3e.

The condition track is central to Saga combat mechanics, and quite a few class features/power effects/feats. This poses two problems: an asymetric rule to port into 3e, and a mechanical system that loses some of the significance at the track's early stages.

And finally, classes aren't as important in Saga. Anyone can use the force with a few feats (not in as focused of a manner as a Jedi, but the powers are available with the same capacities). So by mixing the systems, the Cleric with its Divine Insights and Guidance of the Avatars could also gain the force users' main tricks, as well as its normal abilities.

It wouldn't be hard to rebuild the classes into 3e by turning certain abilities into class features, by forcing in 3e defenses/skills, by rewriting every mention of a condition track and by inventing a new Force mechanic, but that's true of non-d20 games. There are d20 games where it's a stretch, but the result might kind of work if you squint right; Saga isn't one of those.

2012-05-09, 07:32 PM
Short answer: No.

Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

2012-05-09, 09:14 PM
Come to think of it, I believe the original and the revised versions of the d20 Star Wars are much closer to D&D 3E than Saga Edition will ever be.

2012-05-10, 02:20 AM
That would make sense. The old one works like a repackaged Modern, which doesn't make the classes a hard translation into 3e (though they'd definitely be on the weak end).

But like most skill-based supplemental magic systems, combining them would probably involve batting the Factotum away to let the Jedi have their fun.

2012-05-10, 06:43 AM
What if, to compensate for power differences, only the SAGA classes could access force powers?

2012-05-10, 08:33 AM
If anything 4e of all the d&d editions would be the "closest" to SAGA. Wizards snuck in a few things they wanted to try for their 4e, but still, there are a lot of differences. Just saying if you want to work at it and add in some things, 4e might be the way to go

2012-05-10, 11:34 AM
What if, to compensate for power differences, only the SAGA classes could access force powers?
Multiclassing means that doesn't make much sense, and the numbers and systemic qualities (condition track, etc.) would still have to be built from scratch.

2012-05-10, 12:33 PM
Come to think of it, I believe the original and the revised versions of the d20 Star Wars are much closer to D&D 3E than Saga Edition will ever be.

I've done this once. We only changed the the Defense bonus every class gets. Not having magic item, Star Wars give AC bonuses every 5 (I think) levels.

2012-05-10, 04:34 PM
If anything 4e of all the d&d editions would be the "closest" to SAGA. Wizards snuck in a few things they wanted to try for their 4e, but still, there are a lot of differences. Just saying if you want to work at it and add in some things, 4e might be the way to go

Not really. Only the skill systems are similar, and the fact that you get more HP at 1st level.

That said, converting talents and Force powers over to the 4E power system might yield interesting results.

2012-05-10, 05:28 PM
I don't think it would be possible to mix the two without major changes.

On the other hand, I'll start playing in a "Medieval Fantasy SAGA" campaing on the next few days. The GM will use the Star Wars SAGA rules and apply them to a "standard D&D" homebrew setting. The differences are mostly in the names ("magick" instead of "force", "black magic" instead of "dark side", and so on...). The only significant mechanical adjustment was the Jedi class. "Mages" are a lot less martial (and a lot more balanced with the other classes) than Jedis. There were other minor changes, too, but most of all, it was just refluffing.

...I hope it works.

2012-05-12, 02:11 PM
Just out of curiosity, what about the original d20 SW RPG? Is it more compatible.