View Full Version : [PF/3.5] Playing a Dragon

2012-05-09, 08:14 PM
So my fiancee wants to play a dragon, a baby dragon to be exact. I went though the general questions of "What do you want to be able to do? Do you have an alignment in mind? What kind of personality will it have?" etc etc.

After talking about it, we've narrowed it down to her wanting to play a Brass Dragon that is in the Very Young age category, old enough to have the constant Speak with Animals ability that gives her a good hook to get into the game and the party. It also gives her the Chaotic part of the alignment she wants.

We're still working out the class levels, if need be, but it seems that it is leaning towards Sorcerer or maybe Bard.

The reason for this post is twofold. Is there a way to progress the character using 'dragon levels' so the dragon can stay in that age category and, if so, what book is the rules for that in?


Is it necessary to progress the 'dragon levels' solely and should we just look at class levels in terms of advancement?

2012-05-09, 09:17 PM
After talking about it, we've narrowed it down to her wanting to play a Brass Dragon that is in the Very Young age category, old enough to have the constant Speak with Animals ability that gives her a good hook to get into the game and the party. It also gives her the Chaotic part of the alignment she wants.

ECL Level 11 = (4 LA, 7 Racial HD)
She would be allowed in an 11th level party.

A Wyrmling also gets constant speak with animals: ECL 7 (3 LA, 4 Racial HD). Allowed in a 7th level party.
The reason for LA is assumed because she gets full BAB, all good saves, 3 NA, Racial D12 HD, and a breath weapon/flight. Though only +2 Con modifier (a Dwarf without a Cha penalty).

We're still working out the class levels, if need be, but it seems that it is leaning towards Sorcerer or maybe Bard.

Sorceror levels stack with dragon spellcasting (if you had any), but up to you.

The reason for this post is twofold. Is there a way to progress the character using 'dragon levels' so the dragon can stay in that age category and, if so, what book is the rules for that in?

Nope. Dragons progress by Dragon HD only through time. They can instead add class levels but those won't increase dragon abilities.

Dragon Magazine 320 is assumed to have a savage speies progression so you can play one at any level. It cost 5 bucks to get it at Paizo as a PDF though so I can't tell you how good it is.

Tanuki Tales
2012-05-09, 10:33 PM
Alternatively she can join a party of 5th level Adventurers as a Very Young Brass Dragon.*

But, as with 3.5, there's no way to advance the Dragon's age category save through time.

* If Advance Race Guide is out, I haven't seen it yet so this is following the old Monster as PCs rules.

2012-05-09, 10:36 PM
My suggestion is to simply have the dragon progress by HD, and then "evolve" to the age category that matches the HD. It evens out to about as strong as a tier 3 character, and is fairly easy to do.

2012-05-09, 10:47 PM
There's rules for advancing Dragon HD in the Draconomicon, near the end of the Player's Perspective chapter.

Dragon LA is also based off of the fact that they can qualify for many feats that normal characters cannot (Monstrous, Metabreath, etc...) and their senses. It can ruin a DMs day when they realise that their awesome Invisible Stalker ambush is ruined because of a dragon's blindsense. There's also the issue of their superior speed.

I'll recommend the Draconomicon again because this is precisely one of the situations for which the book was written.

2012-05-09, 10:55 PM
Steel (Dragon's of Fauren, a version previously appeared on WotC's site (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20040328a). I think the only change was the Polymorph SLA was changed to a standard alternate form and a +2 level adjustment) is generally considered the best option for a dragon PC without variant rules (though benefit highly from LA buy off). They have 4HD, 1st level sorc casting (but see down), an alternate form, +2 con +2 cha and a racial tendency to hang around humans.

Dragons of Eberron has some good support for Dragon PCs (well good support for Dragons, but PCs can make good use of them), most famous is a rule that lets dragons give up Cleric spells and have racial HD d10s instead of d12 for +2 spellcasting level.

Steel Dragon Loredrake is a fairly good entry into RKV.

2012-05-09, 10:56 PM

Those are mostly the two dragons that are 'viable' for the RHD & LA.

2012-05-10, 05:19 AM
There is a dragon magazine out there somewhere (Dont know the issue sadly :smallfrown:) that lays out all standard dragons in a 1-20 level class, starting from a hatchling and working up as you level, been wanting to try one for ages!

2012-05-10, 05:27 AM
There is a dragon magazine out there somewhere (Dont know the issue sadly :smallfrown:) that lays out all standard dragons in a 1-20 level class, starting from a hatchling and working up as you level, been wanting to try one for ages!

Dragon #320 has the 1-20 "dragon class levels" for all the metallic dragons, which would include the brass dragon. Dragon #332 has the same for chromatic dragons.

2012-05-11, 05:50 AM
Dragon #320 has the 1-20 "dragon class levels" for all the metallic dragons, which would include the brass dragon. Dragon #332 has the same for chromatic dragons.

Oh My. That's EXACTLY what I was looking for!

Thank you all, you have NO idea how thrilled she's going to be XD