View Full Version : Large Net Trap - Missing errata?

2012-05-10, 02:51 AM
In Weapons a successful net-attack causes the target to become entangled.
In Traps the large net trap causes the target to become grappled.

I'm considering employing the large net trap against the PCs this evening but first I'd like to hear your opinion if the large net trap is missing errata or not?

2012-05-10, 04:07 AM
I don't think so. Being grappled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapplingConsequences) is worse than being entangled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled)

Being grappled fits the effect of a large net trap pretty well IMHO. Does the trap have a grapple modifier?

2012-05-10, 04:08 AM
Entangled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled)
The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell.

Grappling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#grappling)
Engaged in wrestling or some other form of hand-to-hand struggle with one or more attackers. A grappling character can undertake only a limited number of actions. He does not threaten any squares, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) against opponents he isn’t grappling. See Grapple.

Entangled and grappled are similar conditions, but are not identical. Do note that such a net trap will only be useful if it also triggers some kind of alarm that summons additional creatures, as it would be fairly easy to cut the trapped characters out of the net.

EDIT: swordsage'd!