View Full Version : How to use an unseen servant?

Righteous Doggy
2012-05-10, 01:29 PM
So, I'm trying to figure out what exactly I can use my unseen servant for. I want to entertain my group and be creative, but at the moment he seems to just sort of be a running gag that he fetches my drinks and opens doors for me.(Pfft, I can fly, I don't even have to walk! I have people to do things for me too!)

Anyways, I'm just curious if anyone had ideas of what to do with it. I'm having trouble finding anything on what I can use them for. Anyone here creative :smallsmile:?

2012-05-10, 02:32 PM
have several of them carry you around in a chair. after all, though you can fly, you are having other beings (though magical in creation) carry you around, because you simply cant be bothered.

walk around places and have them steal things for you. can you aid another with slight of hand? use them to carry tower shields for you (cheaper than getting it animated)

even better, if you ever feel like walking, have a series of them hold up planks, like three planks the size of a door each, and when you are past one of these planks, that one moves to the front.

it will fix the problem of illusory floors, and since there are several at a time, they can all exert enough force down to spring traps

2012-05-10, 03:21 PM
have several of them carry you around in a chair. after all, though you can fly, you are having other beings (though magical in creation) carry you around, because you simply cant be bothered.

walk around places and have them steal things for you. can you aid another with slight of hand? use them to carry tower shields for you (cheaper than getting it animated)

even better, if you ever feel like walking, have a series of them hold up planks, like three planks the size of a door each, and when you are past one of these planks, that one moves to the front.

it will fix the problem of illusory floors, and since there are several at a time, they can all exert enough force down to spring traps

I don't think most of those would work. They can only lift 20 pounds (drag 100), and all of those ideas pretty squarely fall outside the 20 pound weight limit.

That said, this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=212549) has a lot of fantastic ideas.

2012-05-10, 03:35 PM
My favourite is having them carry 20 vials of acid. And although an Invisible Servant can't make an attack roll, he can drop the vials at a particular square. That's 20 damage to everyone in a 5' radius, no save. Cost 200 gp (for the acid) + 25 gp (scroll of Invisible Servant), which is actually less than a scroll of CL 5 Fireball.