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View Full Version : e6 Elemental Bloodline Feats

2012-05-10, 03:29 PM
Based off of the Abyssal Heritor feats from Fiendish Codex 1: Hordes of the Abyss, these feats are slightly more powerful than your average feat. However, that is largely intentional, since feats in D&D 3.5 are either very good for particular things (Snowflake Wardance), wastes of feats for minor effects (Spring Attack), or pointless, especially for e6 (Toughness).

These feats try to both help alleviate all three of those problems, by being:
1. Largely good choices for everyone, allowing utility
2. Cumulative, for the most part, so that you don't take one feat to only ever use the effect of another
3. Always have some sort of impact on your character

Therefore, here we go.

Bloodline Feats
A character with a Bloodline Feat must determine which bloodline it is when taken. In some cases it is obvious (Such as Elder Giant Magic, or anything with a subtype) and in other cases he may choose. This choice can not be changed later, and unless the character takes another feat that counteracts this, he may only take bloodline feats from one source (I.e. Elemental, Giant, Psionic, Animal Lord, etc.).

Elemental Feats
When taken, an Elemental feat must have its element chosen from either Fire, Water, Air, or Earth. This may not be changed later, and a character may only have one kind of Elemental feat at a time. If the character ever gains an ability that allows them to gain feats from a different elemental affinity while they retain their old elemental affiliation, they take 2 points of Con damage per day they retain the conflicting elemental sources, starting from when they gain the feat.

Planar Touch [Bloodline, Elemental]
In moments of stress, your body sends off sparks, or crackles of electricity, in an entirely involuntary display of elemental might.
Benefits: Gain a slam attack, and all your natural attacks now do 1d4 of elemental damage.
Your slam attack does damage equal to your size, doing 1d4 if you are small, 1d6 if medium, and so on. You do Acid Damage if Earth, Fire if Fire, Electricity if Air, or Cold if Water.

Elemental Corona [Bloodline, Elemental]
Your radiate Elemental energy near constantly, and sometimes leave scorch marks just by passing to close to a fireplace or large piece of metal.
Prerequisite: Planar Touch, any two additional other Elemental feats
Benefits: Your Elemental damage increases from 1d4 to 1d6, and this bonus increases by an additional 1d6 for every four Elemental feats you possess. In addition, all your attacks, not just natural attacks, deal the additional damage.
Special: Take a -2 on all Diplomacy checks with creatures that do not share your Element, as your nature makes it difficult to sympathize with those not of your lineage.

Elemental Eyes [Bloodline, Elemental]
Whether glowing coals or swirling black pools, your eyes have transfigured to treat light and darkness as just another pair of unimportant elements.
Prerequisite: Any one other Elemental Feat
Benefits: Gain Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 60'. If you already have Low-Light Vision, you now have Superior Low Light vision, seeing four times as well as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light, and if you already had Darkvision, increase its range by 30'.
Special: Unless you purposefully cover your eyes, take a -2 on all Hide checks, as you radiate elemental energies from your eyes.

Gateway Oracle [Bloodline, Elemental]
The Elements, though adverse to each other, together make up the world.
Prerequisite: Int, Wis, or Cha at 13
Benefits: When selecting this feat, choose a mental ability score at 13 or above. By performing a hour long ritual in the presence of a large amount of your element, you may choose from the following list:
-Heal hit points equal to HD x Ability Modifier x Number of Elemental Feats. Any healing over your natural hit point total becomes temporary hit points lasting 24 hours, or until lost.
-Heal Ability Damage Equal to Ability Modifier + Number of Elemental Feats, divided up as you wish.
-Regain Spells or Power Points as though you had rested for 8 hours (This does not include a wizards time studying his spell book or a cleric praying for spells). Spells cast within the last 8 hours still count against your daily limit as normal.
-Ask a number of Yes or No questions equal to Ability Modifier + Number of Elemental Feats relating to your element, within a number of miles equal to Hit Dice.
Each of these effects can only be used once per week, and this feat can only be used once per day.

Planar Resilience [Bloodline, Elemental]
Fire, storm, or cold hold no fear for you.
Benefits: Gain elemental Resistance 5 determined by your heritage, which stacks with any other elemental resistance of the same type. For every two Elemental feats you posses, increase the resistance by 5.
You resist Acid if Earth, Cold if Water, Electricity if Air, and Fire if Fire.

Elemental Healing [Bloodline, Elemental]
The crackle of ice or the sizzle of acid gives you comfort, for you know your ancestors look proudly on you.
Prerequisite: Planar Resilience, any two additional other Elemental feats
Benefits: For every 3 damage that was prevented by your elemental Resistance, heal 1 point of damage.
Special: All heal checks within 30' of you take a -2 penalty.

I'm still working on:
-Natural Armor, and possibly an advancement that gives DR/-
-Full blow immunity to elemental damage.
Spell-like abilities on the 0 to 1st level spell range, and possibly adding them to spells known for casters.

EDIT: And a generic Bloodline feat, so that it unrounds out to seven feats.

Hardened Resistance [Bloodline]
You have your ancestors to thank for your current survival.
Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each Bloodline feat you have (including this one). Whenever you take a new Bloodline feat, you gain 2 more hit points.

Noctis Vigil
2012-05-10, 03:54 PM
These are some powerful feats. Here are some suggestions:

Raise the prerequisites on Gateway Oracle. You ever hear the saying that if you can't see yourself not taking it, it's too strong for a feat? I can't see myself not taking Gateway Oracle.

I'd limit the penalty on Elemental Corona to strictly a -2 to the opposing element, not a -2 on anything else elemental.

I'd raise the prerequisites and remove the penalty from Elemental Eyes.

I have no idea why Elemental Healing causes a penalty to Heal checks nearby. This makes no sense to me at all. Did you just want to add a penalty? Please explain your logic on this one.

2012-05-10, 04:04 PM
Raise the prerequisites on Gateway Oracle. You ever hear the saying that if you can't see yourself not taking it, it's too strong for a feat? I can't see myself not taking Gateway Oracle.I'd like to know why it's that strong, honestly. It's good, but it's a very reactionary feat.
Though I may add a -2 to gather information, because these feats may need broader strokes.

I'd limit the penalty on Elemental Corona to strictly a -2 to the opposing element, not a -2 on anything else elemental.Why?
Plus, these are only the start. They were the easiest to being with, so I began with them, but there are 11 different other bloodlines to go.

I'd raise the prerequisites and remove the penalty from Elemental Eyes.It's exactly on line (actually slightly worse) than it's equivalents.
If you say why, then I'll consider it.

I have no idea why Elemental Healing causes a penalty to Heal checks nearby. This makes no sense to me at all. Did you just want to add a penalty? Please explain your logic on this one.I can only assume that you don't know what Abyssal Heritor feats are then.
They all give a -2 on certain checks. I admittedly forgot to put in flavor text for Elemental Healing (It wasn't that good, honestly).

Noctis Vigil
2012-05-10, 04:24 PM
Ah, I didn't realize you were basing these off a set of +win/+lose feats. The penalties are fine, in that case.

As for your wanting a reason for Gateway Oracle: any feat that lets casters get double casting in a day without hefty prerequisites is a no-no. Your feat lets me have a caster prepare their spells twice a day starting at level one. Yes, I know it can only be used once a week in that manner, no, I would still never allow it in a campaign I GMed. If that was all the feat did, I might allow it, but letting you have the equivalent of a 5th level Cleric spell once per week is in their also, as well as the equivalent of a 4th level Cleric spell once per week. This is way too powerful to allow straight from level 1.

2012-05-10, 04:36 PM
As for your wanting a reason for Gateway Oracle: any feat that lets casters get double casting in a day without hefty prerequisites is a no-no. Your feat lets me have a caster prepare their spells twice a day starting at level one. Yes, I know it can only be used once a week in that manner, no, I would still never allow it in a campaign I GMed. If that was all the feat did, I might allow it, but letting you have the equivalent of a 5th level Cleric spell once per week is in their also, as well as the equivalent of a 4th level Cleric spell once per week. This is way too powerful to allow straight from level 1.

I'd like to point out that the cleric spells are yourself only (I assume you speak of the heal and ability restoration portions, and not the laughably weak scry), take an hour (Or 2), and you can get an even better effect from a 3000 gold magic item that works every 48 hours, not just 1/week.

However, I do see the concern.
I'll add "Spells cast within the last 8 hours still count against your daily limit as normal." to the third portion.

Noctis Vigil
2012-05-10, 04:45 PM
I'll add "Spells cast within the last 8 hours still count against your daily limit as normal." to the third portion.

I'm not even sure how to interpret that. So you don't regain spells cast in the last 8 hours with this ability, then? :smallconfused:

2012-05-10, 05:01 PM
I'm not even sure how to interpret that. So you don't regain spells cast in the last 8 hours with this ability, then? :smallconfused:

It's the exact same wording for Heward's Fortifying Bedroll, CM, pg. 132.
You can only cast a certain number of spells in a day. You know, since all spells are per day, so you can't cast all your spells in one go, go to sleep for 8 hours, cast all your spells in one go a second time, and go to sleep for another 8 hours to do it all again?

Noctis Vigil
2012-05-10, 05:12 PM
I would like to point out that that's exactly what most tables do, hence all the discussions about the 15 minute work days for adventurers out there (wake up, hard combat for a few minutes, go to bed to recover your high level spells, rinse and repeat). Yes, I'm aware it's retarded to do (and not allowed at my table), but it doesn't stop it from happening. Still, your working would avoid that, so it's all good.

2012-05-10, 05:21 PM
I would like to point out that that's exactly what most tables do, hence all the discussions about the 15 minute work days for adventurers out there (wake up, hard combat for a few minutes, go to bed to recover your high level spells, rinse and repeat). Yes, I'm aware it's retarded to do (and not allowed at my table), but it doesn't stop it from happening. Still, your working would avoid that, so it's all good.

Well, I'm not actually working to avoid that, I was just trying to avoid feats that are obviously only good for 1 type of character.
Everyone gains some benefit from Low-Light Vision and Darkvision (if there were good feats that did both in any of the games I played, I would grab them for quite a few of my characters), extra damage for attacks isn't that great (though the slam makes it a bit more serviceable) for casters, and resistances should theoretically always be useful.
NA is always good, DR is kind of meh (which is why it's a branch, I see now. I should have all feats that are generally useful be base feats, or feats that require one feat to access, and have specialized feats require 1 and more feats to build off of), spell-like abilities are always nice, and movement types are pretty good as well, depending on the type of game you are in (I think, now that I am on it, I'll give Earth both a low Climb speed and resistance to bull rush and trip).

2012-05-11, 09:30 AM
I like the idea and it seems alright in execution.

For further expansions, I don't think you need an Elemental Immunity feat, as Planar Resilience practically creates that in an E6 environment if you invest it enough, though I suppose you could include a clause for when you go past Resistance 20 to go immediately to immunity, as that's pretty standard.

DR and movement should probably be at the "3 other Elemental feats" threshold of when they become accessible, which is in epic territory, which I'm fine with. You may wish to add the Epic tag to them to ensure Humans, Strongheart Halflings and Flaws don't just blaze their way there. DR should probably be X/-, where X is the number of Elemental feats you have, though tying breaking it to a specific weakness could also work, like cold iron, byeshk, adamantine, etc if that's too much for E6. Movement should be pretty obvious, +move for Fire, Swim speed for Water, Earth Glide for Earth and Fly Speed for Air. Perhaps limit the amount of time you can use it at a time equal to the number of Elemental feats in rounds or Con bonus, either works.

Them's my 2 coppers. Take as you will.

2012-05-11, 02:27 PM
I like the idea and it seems alright in execution.

For further expansions, I don't think you need an Elemental Immunity feat, as Planar Resilience practically creates that in an E6 environment if you invest it enough, though I suppose you could include a clause for when you go past Resistance 20 to go immediately to immunity, as that's pretty standard.Yea, Immunity may be a bit much, since there is practically nothing that would do more than...... 30, or so, and right now you can only get 20 anyway.

DR and movement should probably be at the "3 other Elemental feats" threshold of when they become accessible, which is in epic territory, which I'm fine with. You may wish to add the Epic tag to them to ensure Humans, Strongheart Halflings and Flaws don't just blaze their way there. DR should probably be X/-, where X is the number of Elemental feats you have, though tying breaking it to a specific weakness could also work, like cold iron, byeshk, adamantine, etc if that's too much for E6. Movement should be pretty obvious, +move for Fire, Swim speed for Water, Earth Glide for Earth and Fly Speed for Air. Perhaps limit the amount of time you can use it at a time equal to the number of Elemental feats in rounds or Con bonus, either works.
I like Movement for Fire and Swim for water. I was thinking more along a glide for Air (and also give it so that Raptorans get a low fly speed).
I was considering giving earth burrow, but it seems to much.

The options for earth seem to be either:
-Resistance to Trip and Knockback (and similar)
-Climb speed

I like Climb, but it basically invalidates an entire skill, kinda, and resistance is nice but not that interesting.

2012-05-11, 04:04 PM
I don't think Climb Speed invalidates Climb anymore than Swim Speed invalidates Swim, not near as much as Fly invalidates both. If it's too much, a slow Burrow speed wouldn't be a bad thing and Glide wouldn't be that out there, though I'd personally make it like Improved Dragon Wings that has limited rounds of sustained flight before fatigue sets in, with gliding between those flight rounds. That's pretty balanced at level 6, which fits perfectly in an E6 environment.