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2012-05-10, 04:43 PM
There was nothing... a blank void where not even time existed. One of trillions of universes that remained untouched by the bringer of being. This, was its time. As time dawned, the first second ticked into being. Explosions of color and light flung themselves to the far corners of this reality. The Creator had arrived, and brought with him creation.

Creation creates.... and what it created were 9 forming concepts. Holding onto the presence of creation, those 9 entities coalesced into beings of great power.

The Creator spoke, an unmistakable meaning from an unfathomable word. None could hope to comprehend the word, but all knew its meaning. "Create." it said, and that meaning reverberated through the void.

The forming shapes felt themselves now, becoming the first of the gods. Lords of creations. Stewards of this universe.

The raw stuff of creation burst into being, flowing throughout the void. Some of it consolidate, spiraling, fusing together into a world at the very center of the void. A world for the newborn gods to shape.

2012-05-10, 04:57 PM
The first to form shape, the first lord of creation, steward of this universe was a formless one. A everlasting desire. Eternal Want. It took the shape of a robe, of a cloak, covering the new born world. Craving took the form of a hood, an empty one full of yearning. It looked upon the barren landscape of the first world and mourned solemnly.

There is nothing.

Isanloff, longed for there to be. . . something. Yet he lamented the fact that whatever came into being would also wish and thirst... so he paused. He stayed his formless hands, the long reach of his cape, fluttering aimlessly in the void. He paused, and waited. For starvation was always looming.

2012-05-10, 05:10 PM
It started with a light. At first pure and white, it flowed from one corner of nothing to the next without real purpose. And then it grew. Each bloom a violet stain on an empty sky until finally so many filled the void that they turned upon one another. Each flower torn apart in a glorious cascade of golden ichor burning blue and silent in the folds of the beginning of time. And then with a rush of purpose the creator's words gave it form. And as it entered the world the beast screamed. For it had a secret.

In whatever manner time flowed in the beginning of days this new form began to gather itself. Ever shifting, it never quite found solace in any form but rather moved between them like liquid light. Finally it found a form that it could hold. Soft golden coils spun neatly in the emptiness of the world and newly crafted eyes looked out; searching for signs of existence beyond its own.

2012-05-10, 05:17 PM
A Third arose, in his brother's shadow. Without form, simply existing as a form of will, Halasht streched out his limbs. Vast was their bounty! Vast was their oyster! Halasht looked to his side, and lo, there was another. He turned, and spoke to him.

Brother, why is there nothing? He asked. Why stay your hand?

Suddenly, an urge came over him. He looked out to the emptyness, and saw that it was empty. Its mere prensense taunted him, calling out to him, saying that it would always be such. Surely, that would be changed!

Then I say to you, emptyness- BE! And so he streched out his hand, and created something.

Starting AP: 15
Ap used: 6
Create land: Atmosphere
Create land: oceans
Create land: Plains
Ending AP: 9

2012-05-10, 05:38 PM
Words rang through the void deafening the newly formed god as he staggered with the force of new possibilities. As he spoke the area below his eyes folded in on itself until mouth and tongue appeared to give form to his thought. Brother... for we are of the same creator. What purpose do you find in such creation?

2012-05-10, 05:47 PM
Look at it! It stands there, and mocks me! "Your actions are useless" It jeers, "For I am the void and I am infinite, while you are just one!"

Halasht descended upon the planet he had helped craft, still a force of will.

I intend to prove it otherwise! My actions shall NOT be in vain! I will rise to the challenge issued by it, and surpass the goal one-hundred fold!

2012-05-10, 06:03 PM
Merolle first whirred into existance as numberless brass cogs, winking into being from naugh and connecting to turn one another, then came bronze frames and bolts, and copper wire and finally adamantine plating and mithril filigree. This creaking efigy roared to life with a thunder as a storm erupted within it, its caustic waters painting the thing green and blue.

From this origin, it walked to its brethren.

"How excessive."

2012-05-10, 06:15 PM
But surely, by creating simply one thing you have consumed the void, for it cannot truly exist when even one particle of matter makes up the universe.

2012-05-10, 06:22 PM
But where there is nothing, there is void! Halasht said. His will bent down, and tried to scoop up the soil. A hand formed, picking up the soil.

He turned, and held it out. Regardless, by your definition I have succeeded! LOOK! See how my actions have changed it so? And look around! As far as you can see, my changes have had lasting impressions!

2012-05-10, 06:26 PM
The robe that was Isanloff began to pull into itself, so instead of a unknowingly vast cloak that covered the first world, it became something less than what it was. A form that the other deities would not be frightened of, for starvation was frightening.

Want gave off a constant chill, a frost that was cold even in the void. Isanloff couldn't control it. Those around him would always be for Want of warmth, even with heavy coats, they will always want something more.

Yet despite this solemnity Isanloff was happy - Isanloff saw the first world become, something more - yet it still sought and wanted. It needed more. Yet he didn't know what to give it - not yet, all he knew was that desire was a constant. And desire was good, but not great. It needed to be measured. Carefully doled out with a spoon.

The empty indigo hood turns to Reisen.

The void has enough for itself within its expanse Brother. Let him paint upon this empty canvas. Yet I agree with our verdigris Brother; creation should be not be created on whims, but carefully organized so it would fit together and work . . . as if it were numberless gears interlocked.

2012-05-10, 06:53 PM
The land started to shake as if it was about to explode, cracks appeared in the surface, hot air emaning from them. After that everything sttoped for a brief moment.

An enormous explosion could be heard, a part of the land shattered as a huge form started emerging from within the land. An earthquake craked the surface evenmore in its epicentre and the land itself started to grow upwards. A mountain was abruptly formed and form it a violent fountain of lava in the form of a volcano. From it a bright form emerged, flying into the void, and joining the other forces.

I have come to the call of the creator, you shall call me Ceniza.
Between the cloud of burning ashes that the boing called Ceniza was, one could briefly see a female body in flames. Yet without limbs or face, as it was always changing.

The eruption covered a good part of the land with a cloud of smoke and ashes.
The land had now a prominent point of light and heat, and small rivers of magma flowed continuosly from the fiery mountain before becoming stone.

Starting AP: 15
Create Land: Volcano 2 AP
Remaining AP: 13

2012-05-10, 06:59 PM
The new god eyed the fourth member curiously. He was unlike the first three. His form had come as part of his being, and not merely a representation of it. The green color of his form seemed already old though they stood at the beginning. As if it had been caused by the pull of time. It was thoroughly unnerving.
And then came the cold. As what had spoken began to assume it's form the first stirrings of desire began to appear in the core of the beast. And that too troubled him, for he knew a secret.
And then the fire burst from the earth below and the new god felt the heat of the world carry away the cold. And in that moment he began to understand the purpose of such desire. For at last light shown upon creation.

2012-05-10, 07:10 PM
Halasht looked upon the volcano, and saw that the heat it spewed forth turned his creations to ash. A grin spread upon his face, as he mustered his will about him.

Hah, one would match me wit for wit, power for power? I accept your challenge, then!

Summoning his power, he brought his oceans to surround the volcano, making it an island unto its own, not of small size.

Yet, the ash it spewed covered the sky. He brought forth wind into the world, creating a barrier so that the ash could become contained.

Starting AP: 9
Alter land: Contain the volcano in a medium sized island
AP after: 8

2012-05-10, 07:31 PM
Ceniza then looked down to the land and noticed the place that gave her birth, and how the God not yet named put effort into modeling it.

The pure force of life is not there to be controlled or contained, yet it is your choice to use its power for your benefit.
It brings death and destruction if you understimate it, but it also brings fertility and renewal.

2012-05-10, 07:32 PM
Merolle beheld the world below with his eyeless gaze, stroking his faceplate with a segmented tendril.

"I question the quality and quantity of the materials used. Let us try something to greater effect."

The Verdigris Legion breaks down to its endless components, releasing the acrid storm within to billow down towards the world, lightning crackling within its dark clouds.

The storm falls down upon the world, a caustic rain sizzling with heavy metals in every leaden drop, sinking into what land it can find and gathering in the depths of the sea to rise above the waves as the seeds of archipelagos and continents.

15 AP.

2 AP: Create Land: Merolle spreads the metallic roots of continents across the world.

2012-05-10, 08:27 PM
When the universe was created, it seemed perfect, for how could such perfection be imperfect? Yet, there was the fatal flaw, a single strand of creation out of place. This was Carcino, as this flaw cascaded into a deity of its own. He stood there, and used his new eyes to gaze into the void. And the void beckoned him to grow, to spread his essence through the planes. All of them.

He felt his might, and found something so perfect, it made his eyes weep. It was the planet, such a beautiful thing, he must be a part of it. He appeared by it and opened a hole to the core, before dropping a single cell into its depths. This created the Tumor, a growth that resides in the core of the planet, both organic, and inorganic. It starts he size of an apple, but it will continue to grow. Quite possibly forever. It is a tumor in the fabric of the universe itself, and thus is linked to his origin point,the original mistake. One day it will become malignant, but for now...It will remain benign.

Create Relic -4 AP
Current AP:11

2012-05-10, 08:52 PM
That could have been beautiful if we could have seen the metallic rain shine... let's not make the same mistake twice.

Moving apart her other god brothers, far into the void, Ceniza seems to disappear in the distance. When no eyes can she her anymore, the darkness of the void ceases to be.

A light brighter than anything ever seen emerges from the deep as a colossal ball of fire, magma, rock and energy takes form, bringing light into existence.

Ceniza returns tired but happy, if flames could express such feelings.

The bright sun would help us witness the things to be and to cease be.

Starting AP: 13
Create Land: Bright Sun 2 AP
Remaining AP: 11

2012-05-10, 09:30 PM
A shadow passes over the newly formed sun. And lo, came around, a shining beacon, eventually showing its form as the most beautiful being ever seen by any eyes yet. But it cast a shadow over the sun, and despite its light, the world was slightly darker.

Hail, brothers and sisters. A magnificent oppurtunity lies before us. We will be are the Lord's of a new world. It seems you have already begun, and quite well I must say.

The being swoops down over the lands, examining the world.

2012-05-10, 09:31 PM
Belsheroth had stood apart from his brothers and sisters, not yet feeling a need to participate in their work.
But the light of the Sun pierced his eyes, consuming him in agony.
In suffering, he sought to block the light, and as such, he created a dark sphere to shield the world from the Sun's rays.

It was childish, and he regretted his actions as soon as they were finished, so he altered his will and declared that the Dark Moon (as he chose to call it) will block the Sun only on the solstices.

Starting AP: 15
Create Land: Dark Moon, 2 AP
Remaining AP: 13

2012-05-10, 10:05 PM
Isanloff breathed from his cloak, the breath coming from no actual orifice, his breath forming frost and then melting from the newly formed sun. Desire and want... though were there, this eternal hunger! This world was messy. There was no order. Carcino's tumor irritated Isanloff - not that he begrudged the god's creation, for everything starved for attention - it just made no sense to him to create an object that may at any moment take away everything from everyone else. It was important for everyone to have enough.

There is no plan brothers and sisters. This world already clashes. Already the seed of its ruin slumbering within it. And it has only been but a passing moment since our creator spoke. There needs to be a guiding hand. Perhaps I can help.

With that the frost of Isanloff's breath began to coalesce within his robe, the frost began to take shape much as the new born gods have done before. Thus robed in Isanloff himself was a pale skinned, cloaked man with blank white eyes.

The man stepped out of the cloak. Ambition - the driving force of Desire.

Brothers and sisters, this is my son, Daazo- perhaps he may guide us in creation.

2012-05-10, 10:45 PM
As the deity known as Daazo formed from the frost of his father's breath, he felt the power and energy only a god feels flowing through him. He instantly knew he wanted more, needed more. Daazo looked upon what had been created so far like a man contemplated a chessboard. He saw the world, the sun, the moon and the deities around it, basking in their creations upon the planet. It was his blessing, and perhaps his curse, that he never stopped to admire the beauty of the world, only thinking on how to control it. Lastly, Daazo gazed upon his father, Isanloff. No notion of gratitude or even any kind of 'family' loyalty even crossed his mind, only the burning ambition, or even desire, for more of the power he craved. Truly Ambition has no bounds.

"Hail, Father... you seek my opinion on the course of creation?

2012-05-10, 10:47 PM
Merolle grinds and crackles at Isanloff's proposal.

"A newborn, guide his elders? Would you have proud steel yield in a battle with dirt as well? It is practically offensive, brother."

The Verdigris Legion opened six of his arms and stretched his palms wide, many-hued metal dust coalescing in between his hands in the image of the world.

"You wish for order, that I agree, but gods will arise, and they will work their whim before defering to anyone else. A leader for the world is a most unfit craft. Thus I speak, as an artisan most skilled."

Merolle begins coalescing stray dust into great rings around the world, three in total, but this seens to be his mind straying, for he speaks not of these shapes.

"The world is empty of sapience, but materials being assembled for a great work. It is much prefered to finish assembling these and then work on the ordering of creation than to hustle through processes."

Passively enough, the great rings of Merolle's imagery form in the vaguest of senses upon the heavens beneath the feet of the gods, countless parts of unknowable purpose and numinous design, assembling into these shapes of their volition, or Merolle's at any rate. Soon the gods stand not upon naugh but upon the verdigris bronze floor of Merolle's domain.

"Pardon my sudden assembly, but I tire of standing in the void. Welcome to Geasa, The Chains of the World."

14 AP

4 AP - Weave Plane: Geasa, The Chains of the World, are the three titanic rings that surround the first world. It is a clockwork plane of endless metalline bounty, and the personal domain of Merolle.

2012-05-10, 11:05 PM
Truly, it is strange that we should allow the youngest of us to guide our actions.
However, I am willing to allow him the chance to prove himself before us.
In the meantime, I wish to continue to walk the shadows of the world, and shall thus, descend from Geasa in search of a suitable task.

With these words, Belsheroth left the others to walk the world. Turning it as he did so.

Starting AP: 13
Alter Land: Create the cycle of day and night. 1 AP
Remaining AP: 12

2012-05-10, 11:10 PM
Isanloff slowly turned to Merolle, a being he felt a close connection to - for his want of order was much like his own. Yet Isanloff admonished him

Guide is not to lead. Order means . . . chains of authority. Chains that my son was meant to pull. He is not to force us, but to advise, to perhaps create a Bureaucracy that will slow down creation so that we may look calmly from your bronze rings and contemplate the direction of creation without haste.

Isanloff slowly breathed again the frost forming within him. A man cloaked within Isanloff himself was born from that cold starving breath. A man, withered by dark magic, but with a youthful spark to his eyes, steps forth. He wears elaborate and ostentatious robes of his own, different than his father's plain indigo being. The robes flow in a palette of dark and dreary colours, with a cowl that conceals dark, tangled strands of hair.

This is Morgash. He is also meant to guide us. These young sons of mine will stay our hands. As elders . . . as elders of order, we are meant to prevent the whims of the gods from destroying creation - we are meant to shape it. So far creation was formed without thought to its continuity. We are stewards - not masters of this universe. I fear that what we will create will divide us and then divide into itself. I only ask for forward planning, if the rest of the gods rush, i will not stand in their way - I will only seek to minimize the harm.

Isanloff's robe expanded throughout Geasa.

As of now, I will ask my sons in joining me here - and help you create an ordered existence.

2012-05-10, 11:25 PM
Belsheroth looked up into the black emptiness of the night sky beyond the Rings that produces Geasa and the faint shadow of the Dark Moon.
It was lonely on the world, and it was dark.
Even though Belsheroth hated light, he knew he wanted some now.
As such, he strode into the day and let the sunlight fall upon his unshielded eyes. It was agony, unbearable in every way, but soon he had captured the essence of light.
Armed with this new tool, he returned to the night and let the essence he had gathered diffuse through the sky. empowered by his will.
The light swirled around for a bit, but soon coalesced into thousands of stars in random patterns. They could be arranged later.

Starting AP: 12
Create Land: Starry Sky. 2 AP
Remaining AP: 10

2012-05-10, 11:29 PM
Morgash bowed to his elder gods, his robes flowing in an invisible breeze. "Hail, Father." he whispered softly, his cowl blowing in the breeze.

Rising, Morgash gazed upon the world, and then out to the great dark beyond. He watched the Dark Moon as it drifted through the heavens, and watched at bright sun radiate heat and light. With a wave of his hand, Morgash vanished, reappearing far above the world. He examined it, pondering many different courses of action to take. Finally, he had seen enough. He whispered a word of power, vanishing and reappearing before the Elder gods once more. "Father, Elders... I have come to a conclusion."

Kneeling down on the rings, Morgash conjured a small green flame, which took the shape of the world below the gods. He started to draw sigils in the air, a total of nine of them. When he finished, he spoke. "I have observed what I can, and have concluded three things. First, the world is young, and it's fate is by far uncertain. Two, it lacks even the most basic of life, without this, we cannot hope for our creations to survive. And Three, the lands are scattered. They are too far spread apart, and too few in number. If we truly wish to create responsibly, we should focus first on forging the lands. Then we should create the support system for life. Plants, Animals, Trees. And finally, we should then, and only then, forge mortalkind."

2012-05-10, 11:29 PM
"I paint myself as no lord, through I know much of it, for leading falls under my purview, for I am the chain, and I shall see who will hold and who will be held."

Hands clasped behind his back, Merolle folded his wings over his shoulders like a cloak of blades.

"Your counsel and aid are, accepted, however, if put in these better terms. Guidance is a step from leadership and it too is a right to be earned, I shall suffer no claim of mandate that is not properly backed by a fitting demonstration of right."

A lid opens in the center of Merolle's faceplate, and once again the projection of the world appears.

"What then, do you suggest, brothers, sisters and nephews. How shall this creation be ordered?"

2012-05-10, 11:38 PM
Despite the absence of his physical presence, Belsheroth would not be foolish enough to completely ignore the actions of his fellows.
Still, he felt that he did not belong in their council. However, he knew that order must be maintained.

The exact method of achieving this aim eluded him at this time.
But, despite the light, he still felt a bit lonely.
He mixed some minerals from Ceniza's volcano together into a thick sludge and sang same some life into it. It wasn't much, but the pale green slime that resulted was very much alive. He set it down in the oceans in the daylight and willed it to grow.

Starting AP: 10
Create Life: First micro-organisms, 1 AP
Bless: Encourage growth of the aforementioned micro-organisms, 1 AP
Remaining AP: 8

2012-05-11, 12:23 AM
Daazo thought on his brother's words. The idea of ordered creation made sense, and would lead to a more stable world. He concentrated for a moment and created a continent on the surface of the planet. In the southern portion of the land vast plains stretched on and on, while in the north a lush forest sprung up, accompanied by dozens if not hundreds of different types of flora and fauna. Birds, amphibians, mammals, and a number of different vertebrates and invertebrates lived in a state of ecological harmony with the myriad of trees and plants in the area.

After finishing his work on the planet, Daazo traveled back to Geasa.

"Perhaps this can serve as a sort of example for our creations on this world..." Daazo said to the other Gods on Geasa.

AP: 15
Create Land -2 (For those unfamiliar with the rules, create land also creates flora and fauna for that land.)
Current AP: 13

2012-05-11, 12:29 AM
Isanloff ponders his second son's advice. And turns to Merolle. The robe tears itself and gracefully wraps itself around limbs that do not exist, till a bandaged muscular indigo man with an empty cowled hood addresses the geared god. With authority and purpose Hunger speaks.

My son speaks wisdom. An ecosystem. Plants, animals to pollinate them, animals to graze upon them, predators to keep those animals population in check so there will be enough resources for all. Predators for those predators, and so on. And for the predator on top, we should extend our working brother Belsheroth's organisms into diseases - to keep the top predator in balance and prevent him from over hunting and consuming. Resources must be carefully managed. This is wise advice from my son and myself - would you act on it - or would you demand a demonstration of aptitude from him. Or would you question the competency your elder as well?

Isanloff was slightly upset at his first son's haste. Yet his creation made sense, it followed the plan. So he extended his arms towards his sons and forward to Merolle.

As you see, together we can create a creation that would continue on without breaking apart, crumbling by lack of internal logic. Now that we can plan and advise one another - we can craft. We can be the artisans you describe. We can be engineers. I purpose a union. A union of laborers. Laborers that will build creation, architects that follow a plan instead of whims.

With that Isanloff moved his hands to create an Orichalcum Icosahedron. The Orichalcum Icosahedron floated to the epicenter of the four gods in Geasa.

This is the symbol of the union. The Sacrosanct Directors. I ask each of you to join, and any who believe in order. Together we shall help keep existence logical - consistent - and most importantly self-sufficient. That, perhaps is the most important requirement for this universe.

Starting AP: 15

Create Pantheon 2 AP: The Sacrosanct Directors. The Orichalcum Icosahedron is not a relic, it is just the symbolic manifestation of The Sacrosanct Directors and its symbol

Ending AP: 13

2012-05-11, 12:56 AM
Belsheroth felt the footsteps of life as it strode across the surface of the world, and he knew that death would soon follow. It was time to fulfill his purpose.
As such, he seized the brightest star in the heavens and drew it closer, enhancing its brightness with his power.
It would become a gateway to a place of wonder and rest such that mortalkind need not fear the death of their soul alongside their physical form.
At the other side, he created a realm of forests and mountains, perpetually lit by the light of millions of stars.
It would grow in size when it needed to.
With this task complete, Belsheroth decided to rejoin his brothers on Geasa.
I have made my preparations in anticipation of the spectre of death.
My power has dimmed due to my expenditure of it, but I will join with you in your tasks if you desire it of me.

Starting AP: 8
Weave Plane: The Forest of Starlight (an afterworld for any who die regardless of faith and a place of residence for Belsheroth when he seeks seclusion) 4 AP
Remaining AP: 4

2012-05-11, 01:06 AM
Daazo thought on his Father's offer for moment. Allying himself with others would be a good strategy, for the time being.

"Of course I will join, Father. It is the only way to maintain order in this universe."

AP: 13
Join Pantheon -1
Current AP: 12

2012-05-11, 01:51 AM
The god without true form or purpose looked down upon the form of the world as it was created and was filled with jealousy. Every god brought about their own will with ease, for they had been forged by the hand of the creator with a part of his will. And all this formless creature had was a secret. If only there were some way for this creation to belong to the god without form, and then the twistings of an idea began to occur.

Starting AP 15
Weave Plane 4
Remaining AP 11

2012-05-11, 04:46 AM
So it is settled. As there is no objection to my having a place on your council, I accept.

Starting AP: 4
Join Pantheon: Sacrosanct Directors 1 AP
Remaining AP: 3

2012-05-11, 06:10 AM
Orlur walks towards the great meeting of the gods. He hears of this new councils, and smiles his pearly white teeth.

I will of course join these "Directors." What better way to make the world a more beautiful and happy place for all to live in?

With this, he dives down once more, and begins crafting a continent of his own. It is a continent of extreme beauty, with soaring mountains, roaring rivers, prairies of flowers. There are fantastical forests of glowing mushrooms and flowers across it. There are forests of trees almost 1000 ft. tall. It is truly a beautiful and wondrous continent.

This will be the continent of beauty, home to all those who respect it.

Ap Actions
Create Land: Continent 2 AP
Alter Land: Create mushroom forests and flower forests 1AP
Starting: 15 AP
Ending: 12 AP

2012-05-11, 06:11 AM
Halasht looked out upon the planet, and saw that they were doing as he also had felt, shaping the world into being. But, he looked, and saw that they would not be tested- what do the grasses offer to the strong? And so, reaching out, he altered the middle of the continent, and made it into a desert. He raised A continent of cold and ice, and so he made a cold tundra.

Starting AP:8
Create land: Arctic continent, connected to mainland via....well, grinding ice of icebergs and glaicers I guess.
Alter land: Desert
ending AP:5

Turning to his brothers, he shook his head. What would we do with an alliance? Force our will upon our subjects, force them to be at our mercy? No, I must pass-any being that must gain prestige in my eyes must earn it. Of course not you, brothers, but what about those that come upon their prize via happenstance of fate? Of circumstance of birth?

2012-05-11, 09:03 AM
She had watched from the spaces between the stars for long enough as squabbling others created a world. She was pleased by the creation of a sun, for a sun gave shadows, and shadows were places between, and thus mysteries. And in shadows and mysteries, she would thrive. Threads of shadows fell from her dark robes to the new world, wove themselves into the shadows that were created by the new bright sun, and thus the shadows became part of her.

Create Fabled Life: AP 4, remaing AP 11. It is well known that all shadows are but aspects of Nyctus, Mother Night, and that they all watch with her eyes, and report back to her. All shadows are but one Shadow.

2012-05-11, 10:09 AM
Merolle clicks and whirrs.

"Your allegiance is acceptable. And I shall not demean any works. That would be inadequate."

Twin plates part on Merolle's chest, releasing a wisp of storm to pass over the Icosahedron, painting one of its faces with the caustic tint of the Green Lord.

"And for your recomendation on pestilence, I shall concur. Do as you will with these."

And then Halasht speaks, and Merolle grinds and cringes.

"Any prize can only be kept if you have the power or wits to do so. Luck and circunstance are by no means inherently inferior to effort as a means to come to glory, they will not aid you in maintaining it after all."

10 AP

1 AP - Join Pantheon: The Directors.

9 AP left.

2012-05-11, 10:13 AM
The bandaged man pointed at Orlur with one hand, and pointed at Belsheroth and directed them both to touch the Orichalcum Icosahedron to symbolically accept there place within the Sacrosanct Directors. He then

Brothers Orlur and Belsheroth, your works of a continent fit for our creation and your works of micro-organisms that may be expanded upon show that we are all of one mind. Please join so that we may work as one rather than bicker and impede each others wants

Isanloff then looked down below at the first world and saw Daazo's ecosystem working perfectly - even the smallest worm didn't starve. Yet the amoebas of Belsheroth grew stagnant, and Isanloff felt the first pangs of hunger - true hunger from mortals. So this was his lot. This will be the pain he will feel with each true desire. Not simply the desire for more - the need, the actual need for more. Yet he was the first born. It was his duty and he will carry his empty hood on high, and proceed with the creators last words - create.

My son, Daazo's work, is near perfection - but i'm afraid to say lacking. An ecosystem cannot survive in isolation from the condition of the entire world. It must be expanded beyond. Producers that will take minerals and nutrients and energy from our sisters sun, herbivores to eat them, carnivores to eat those and so on in an endless web, that will all fall prey to decomposers who will reduce them all to minerals and nutrients. And viruses to make sure the number of each part of the ecosystem does not overflow. And finally we shall create sentient life.

At this last sentence Isanloff turns to Halasht and coldly states, for starvation is cold - and despite Isanloff's mood and thoughts - he is always freezing.

And you shall test them. The Sacrosanct Directors will not force our subjects to follow our will, but will force our will on our subjects. Much like how you plan to force your will on others through your tests. But that is not a bad thing. We must test them brother. Through virus and evolution. Simply by being alive they are being tested by us. The forces of this world, simple being is nothing to the stewards of creation, but mortals would be as the animals - prey to the very elements and mortality. But that is good! Testing will prevent overpopulation, prevent the depletion of Brother Merolle's precious resources. Testing will prevent the degradation of Daazo's environment. Testing will prevent the potential of ecological collapse.

Starting AP 13:

Create life AP 1: Germs
Bless: Spread Daazo's ecological system to each area. Basically the appropriate flaura and fauna and decomposers to each area.

Ending AP 11.

Lawful good god making germs! Isanloff is turning out to be quite the Malthusian. :smalleek:

2012-05-11, 10:30 AM
Belsheroth strode forward and placed his hand upon the Orichalcum Icosahedron, one side turning deepest indigo.
My microbes shall anchor the life-web of the world, as their potential for growth and change are limitless. They stagnate for now, but given time, thousands of new varieties will form.
As for the creation of intelligent life, though I despise the double edged sword we would be forces to hand them, I willing to lend my power to their creation.
And when the time comes, I will usher them to the Forest of Starlight so that their souls may endure for eternity.

Belsheroth called to the first animals he saw, a flight of simple ravens.
Come, join me in my song and know of your true nature and the world around you. Grow and change to match my form. Have knowledge of right and wrong, and forever strive for understanding.

Staring AP: 3
Create Life: Ravenkind. Golden-eyed humanoids with wings of black feathers, and feathers instead of hair. Their race is strong and intelligent, possessed of great potential. (for those who care, they were created on Daazo's continent) 1 AP
Remaining AP: 2

Brothers and sisters... My work tires me. I shall descend to watch over my children and guide them.
They are young, and may benefit from whatever wisdom I can grant them.
Belsheroth descended from Geasa to be with Ravenkind. Ready to use his powers to protect them.

2012-05-11, 10:42 AM
Morgash bowed his head, placing his left hand on the Orichalcum Icosahedron. His eyes let out a brilliant green flash of light, and then green flame engulfed the Orichalcum Icosahedron. The flame diminished, and finally extinguished itself. On one of the Icosahedron's faces, the symbol of Morgash appeared, burning forever with green flame. "I pledge my powers to this endeavour. I will advise as best I can, Father, Elders."

Looking to the world below, Morgash frowned, then he looked up to the sky. He seemed lost in thought, until, after many solar cycles, he moved. He jerked his hands into the air, scratching arcane sigils into the void, chanting in his strange, elegant, but guttural language. He began to move his hands, dragging the sigils he had drawn into place, and then finally barked the last word of his invocation. A great rumbling was heard, far above the world. Green flame sprung into being, burning at the nothingness there. Morgash kept rearranging the sigils, lost in concentration.

The Green flame exploded, causing a wave of force to assail the world below. The void was dormant, for a moment, and then a dim green glow lit up the night sky, an enormous orb of green rock. Morgash shouted again, and it started moving erratically through the sky. Panting, Morgash stopped casting. "Morsein." He called it. Nothing physical on the world below seemed to be happening. Indeed, not a single push nor pull seemed to appear. It was as if Morsein wasn't even physical. "When mortalkind appears, they will need aid... I have started the work of creating this aid... Morsein pulls not at the physical world, but at the spiritual, the very fabric of reality."

15 AP - 3 AP
1 AP: Join Pantheon
2 AP: Create Land: Morsein, the Warpmoon

2012-05-11, 10:49 AM
Halasht nodded, and looked upon his form that had come over him. Five fingers a hand, for two hands. Five toes a foot, for two feet. Surely any life that possessed what he had would be able to thrive!

Gathering up a handful of soil, water, wind, and fire, he melded them into a figure of his own shape. He did likewise, until a horde of the creatures had appeared.
Rise, I bid thee! Go forth, and live! And so they did.

*Unspecified time later, but not /too/ later. Basically, only enough time for them to spread out, yet not develop past the hunter-gatherer society.*
Halasht looked upon his creations, and saw that some had spread over the plains continent he had created. Some, also, were heading north into the tundra, as a semi-unified group. He smiled, and appeared before them. He spoke to them, saying
Let your strongest approach me now! Prove to me that you can overcome what lies before you! One of them did so, and so they wrestled for a day and a night. At the end, neither were the victor. Laughing, Halasht shook the man's hand. However, he looked out, and saw the pitiful spears of wood that the men had. How useless would they be against the thick hide of a mammoth, or the sharp fangs of a sabertoothed cat! Shaking his head, he reached into the earth, and pulled out a chunk of metal, and fashioned a temporary smithy. Thus, he taught them how to forge metals into greater weapons. He also took a chunk of ice, and worked it into the blade, showing them how to do likewise. Thus, he left them.

Starting AP:5
Create life: Humans(1)
Create Society: Northern Ice-kin, they dress in a manner similar to the Lossoth of Forochel (My visualization, anyways.) AS such, they value the strength or wit to survive, and are excellent (yet unrefined) fighters, giving them +1 to random conflict bonus.(2)
Create concept: Elemental imbuing. The ICe-kin can imbue their objects with the elements, though only ice for now. (Taught only to Ice-kin) (1)
Ending AP: 1
Halasht will be taking the domain Testing(Nature) when I can.

However, he realized that perhaps they would become too strong, and that they would have no challenges to face, and become stagnant. Reaching into his inner being, he copied a spark of what he was, and gave it form. Arise, my scion. Assure that my creations will always have to stay ready, that their weapons will always stay sharp!

2012-05-11, 10:52 AM
Shadows on the earth, and life springing forth, each bearing its own shadow. At this she smiled, her own children multiplying as life did. And now to weave a net over the life as well. Her night hair she splayed out against the stars and from it wove a web, a gentle net, to capture the souls of life as they slept, to give them respite and terror, in a plane of dreaming.

Create new plane (The Place of Dreams) - 4 AP
7 AP remaining

The Ravenkind would be the first dreamers, it seemed, and she rewarded them with peaceful dreams of their God walking among them, watching and protecting, so they would sleep well and wake renewed.

2012-05-11, 11:02 AM
To the humans of the ice she was not so kind (perhaps the dark feathers of the Ravenkin enthrallered her). For them dreams of ice and cold, of dying frozen, and the coughs of hunting cats. They would dream of the terrors of the night and awake shaken, but perhaps better prepared to face the terrors of the day.

And then she let her net, the Place of Dreams, fall softly over the world. Let it be a mirror to the physical world, but strangely altered where the dreamstuff clumped and tangled. And perhaps . . . yes, perhaps some things living could journey to the Dreams while awake, if they were wise enough, strong enough. And there, perhaps, they could learn of things wonderous.

Create Fabled Concept - Walking the Dreamtime - 4 AP
3 AP remaining
Intelligent creatures can, with effort, pass bodily into the Place of Dreams. Good for mages, shamans, and those questing for wisdom.

2012-05-11, 11:08 AM
From the spark of Halasht, a being formed. Its form was vague at first, but it looked upon the creations of Halasht, the five fingered, five toed little ones and chose a form like theirs.

Swirling, wooden skin on a tall, thin frame. Long hair made from vines and eyes of obsidian glass.

"This one... hungers." Kiloasa spoke. It looked around at the world and saw life flourishing everywhere, growing without ceasing and crowding itself eternally. "Father this world is in danger. There is life and there is death, but nothing connects the two. If this is not remedied, this one fears that your world will be destroyed."

Kiloasa raised its hand and spoke in a voice that all the world could hear. "Life will compete with life, and consume or be consumed."

2012-05-11, 11:32 AM
Morsein pulled at the Dreamworld, like the tides of the ocean, the Dreamworld rose and fell with Morsein's unpredictable orbit. At times, when Morsein was full, and it's orbit brought it close to the physical world, the stuff of dreams and imagination spilled over into the Physical world. Morgash observed this, and sought to use it. He tugged at the dreamstuff, chanting and drawing sigils in the air. Smirking, he cast his spell.

Satisfied with the results, Morgash looked down upon Human and Raven kind. He observed them, noting their differences, and their struggles. He saw one human of the Northern Tribes, a man named Hedrin, who struggled to fight against nature and his rival tribes. His own tribe was close to disowning him, throwing him to the wild. Morgash felt empathy for this man, and he reached down to the world, touching him with an ethereal tendril of knowledge. The man fell into a deep sleep, not waking for three days and three nights.

During these three days, Hedrin's Spirit and Morgash met in the world of Dreams. Morgash went about explaining the nature of Dreams, and Morsein. He taught Hedrin to manipulate the stuff of dreams and imagination, how to call upon Morgash's own power and add it to that of Morsein and the Dreamworld. Hedrin learned well, and proved a very capable sorcerer. Morgash smiled upon him, and when the three days were up, sent him back to the Physical realm.

Upon waking, Hedrin's eyes flashed green for a second, and then returned to normal. He left the tent where his tribe had watched over him, and walked away from camp. For two hours he walked, until he found a herd of Mammoths. Looking over them, he found the largest of them, and began to weave the magic Morgash had taught him. He chanted, and drew three sigils in the air. The Mammoth charged him, and thus began a bitter duel of brawn against brains.

The battle lasted for hours, dragging on into the twilight hours. Hedrin was losing, his leg injured by the mammoth's enormous tusks. Then, nightfall came, and the sky glowed green. Larger than it had ever been before, Morsein Eclipsed the Dark Moon, casting a bright green light over the tundra. All across the tundra, tribes had nightmares and strange occurrences as the stuff of dreams and the physical world became almost as one. Seeing the Warpmoon so large, Hedrin's will to fight was renewed. He cast his energy up into the sky, and gathered as much of the Dreamstuff as he dared. Screaming to the heavens, Hedrin cast an enchantment of his own creation, striking the Mammoth with it. The gigantic creature shuddered, and then bowed to Hedrin. The man, weary from the battle, clambered atop the great beast, and rode it back to his camp. It took only twenty minutes to reach his home, and by then the Warpmoon had already become a distant green blot in the sky.

Hedrin strode into camp atop the greatest of arctic beasts, the Mammoth, whom he had learned, was called Tunuk. His tribe was awed at his accomplishment, and Hedrin called out to Morgash, showing his tribe the power of magic he held. The tribe celebrated for many moons, and became emboldened. No longer a weak tribe, they had the world's first Sorcerer on their side.

12 AP - 4 AP = 8 AP
Create Fabled Concept: Oneiromancy, first of the Dark Arts. Using the stuff of dreams and the forces of Morsein, Oneiromancers cast Dark Magic that can do a variety of things. Oneiromancy is a powerful tool for combating the minds of foes, and manipulating their actions. To use Oneiromancy to bring about physical change takes a very powerful Sorcerer. If Morsein is very close to the Physical World, then the Dreamworld and the physical world grow closer as well, allowing Oneiromancers much freedom in how to use their powers.

2012-05-11, 11:35 AM
Kiloasa cast its far seeing eyes around the world and found a place where there was no life.

"This will be mine. Here life will strive greater than anywhere else. Here life will grow and change more than any other. Here there will be danger... and also glory. For those who seek it, in my home... a gift."
Kiloasa raised a great forest from this desolate place, with trees as tall as mountains, intertwining and ever growing. Each tree was covered with sharp thorns and broad, dark leaves. In the center of this grand forest it placed a stone, and carved its symbol upon it in green.

"For those who strive, and those who succeed this one will gift them with the secrets of nature."

The forest that Kiloasa created was silent, however and it feared that none would know of this glorious home that it had created. So with one more act, Kiloasa took some sticks and leaves and tied them together in the shape of a man, and breathed life into them.
"You are This One's children. And you will guard this home and wander the world to bring others to witness its glory." The little tree man bowed and set about making more like itself, as Kiloasa sat and watched.

Starting AP: 15
Create Land: 2 AP Razorpine Forest (Northeast corner of the map please)
Create Fabled Concept: 4AP Druidism
Create Artifact: 4 AP The Stone of Kiloasa, those who touch it gain knowledge of Druidism
Create Life: 1 AP Woden (wooden men with a natural ability for druidism)
Final AP: 15-2-4-4-1= 4

2012-05-11, 11:48 AM
Isanloff saw that Halasht paid him no heed - and instead began to create. Intelligent life! Oh! The pain of hunger - Isanloff felt himself grow stronger, the muscles of his missing body strained and expanded, the wrappings of his form his cloak strained against his muscular physic. The knowledge of starvation was in the world now. Living beings realized and felt terror at their needs.

Our young brother - is restless, he creates and tests without making sure they can actually pass the test. The dreams of our sister and the deathly respite of our peer, are inadequate tools to sate their want. My son is wise in creating an object that would eventually help them - but as with all things, what is truly needed is organization.

With that Isanloff descended towards the mortal realm from the chains of the world, and wrought a civilization from the mortal races of Humans and Ravenkind. Children of Halasht and Children of Belsheroth led by the order of Isanloff. The Calasanctiums.

Not a society that valued fighting as the northern born - but a society that valued community. The society was broken into castes; farmers, laborers, managers, nobility and rulers. Yet Isanloff instilled in them his own sense of right and wrong. Noble ancestry constrained to honorable behavior; privilege entailed responsibility. And thus a moral economy was wrought wherein privilege was balanced by duty towards those who lack such privilege or who cannot perform such duty. The public responsibilities of the powerful, were to provide good examples of behavior never to exceed the standards of decency.

And Isanloff created the Judges of Calasanctium - those who would maintain the idea of Noblesse oblige within this society, making sure that no caste abuse their privilege. And to make sure no Judge abused his own nobility and power, Isanloff created the Scales of Calasanctium; who were only to look at the judges. The Scales were directly answerable to the Lord of Calasanctium: who reigned with the approval of the Nobels, who each reigned with the approval of the farmers and merchants.

Society. Order. And Nobility. All to ensure that resources were properly managed and no one would need for anything. Want perhaps, but not need. Not starve.

While manufacturing this society, Isanloff spotted his niece Kiloasa. . .

Ah! young one, I am your elder, the eldest of the stewards. Lord of Order. We have the same concern, you and I. Resources must be managed and overpopulation deterred. Join me up high at the chain of the world, and join the Sacrosanct Directors - your father so hastily and wastefully abandoned. You may aid us and we may aid you in our mutual quest to create self-sufficiency.

Starting AP 11

Create Society AP 2: The Calasanctiums
Create organization within that society AP 2: The Judges of Calasanctium
Create a smaller sub organization within that organization AP 2: The Scales of Calasanctium

Ending AP 5

2012-05-11, 12:00 PM
This one knows you... and does not know you. You say you are the eldest. You say we are kindred souls. You say much. This one has created hunger. This one sought to instill balance, to preserve. But this one does not seek to lead, to direct. I will come with you to see your Sacrosanct Directors, but this one fears it is too weak. Creation takes much from this one, and it may not be ready to join you.

Kiloasa follows Isanloff to the chains of the world and greets the other members of the pantheon.

This one is honored to stand among you. It would have you know it as Kiloasa, and seeks to know you and your purposes.

2012-05-11, 12:13 PM
Rising to Geasa with his niece, Isanloff coldly, for he was always cold, though his voice was not lacking in gentleness, whispered to her

The creator created me - and I am starvation. The need and pangs of hungers like a serpent that wrestles from your very being, demanding more and more. That is who I am. And it is unfortunate. I only wish to see creation maintain itself indefinitely. That nothing is wasted, and that nothing shall need. You need not join, simply advise, coordinate and assist you are welcome here in the bronze rings of my brother and peer. Look upon the first world and see the web of life spread out from underneath you and thus you may understand the delicate nature of this world, the intricate interstices that must be carefully maintained. You have accomplished much good, so far daughter of Halasht - perhaps with our help you and we will accomplish much more

2012-05-11, 12:22 PM
Merolle looked down upon the world from his heavenly perch, as the gods worked their will upon the world and... Doted on Halasht' humankind. He felt the pull to gift his own knowledge to the world, but felt like these creatures were not quite ready for it.

A small being walked forth to Merolle's side, its form assembling in plates, fibers and wires with each step it took closer to the Verdigris Legion. The end result could pass for a human, if it were not three feet tall and forged in brass. More followed.

"For the time being, you shall stay here and work my crafts."

The little things nodded in obedience.

"Go and create, I tire of the featurelessness of this world."

With that command, the Brass Gnomes went off to every part of Geasa, to raise their cities and workshops by the will of the Maker.

9 AP in!

1 AP - Create Life: Brass Gnomes - Small metallic humanoids unmatched in craftsmanship.
2 Ap - Infuse: Brass Gnomes - These citizens of Geasa bear the might of Merolle's wonders.
4 AP - Create Fabled Concept: Artifice - Artifice cannot be mistaken for any mere smithing or architecture or any other mortal work or craft. It does wonders equal to any magic, and more. Only the Brass Gnomes know this art for now.

Merolle will be taking the craft domain once I am at more than 2 AP.

2012-05-11, 12:26 PM
Kiloasa thought for a moment.

This one will advise. But the time to join is not yet here. This one does not seek to anger its father, and it is weak from creating so much. Perhaps the place for this one is not to belong to any pantheon, but to walk between them, so that creation is not destroyed by the pettiness of gods. Still, creation is yet young. This may change with time. For now, this one shall walk among the mortals. If you have need, call for Kiloasa. This one will come.

With a deep bow, Kiloasa turned back towards the world and walked among the flourishing life there, invisble. It watched and learned, seeing things great and small strive against each other, learning from the chaotic, fragile balance that had been achieved.

2012-05-11, 12:48 PM
Morgash returned to Geasa, his robes flowing in an astral breeze. "If you would excuse me, Father, Brother, Elder Merolle, Elder Halasht, I must seek some privacy." Gazing to one of the rings, a section of it some ways away, he used his divine will to mold a keep that sat on the third ring. He vanished, and entered the keep.

Within, the keep was very large indeed. All manner of arcane instruments and devices sat along the walls, and at the opposite end of the large chamber, sat a throne. Morgash strode to the throne, and sat on it. It was a simple thing, a slab of stone shaped into a chair, with a gold symbol of Morgash on the top. Morgash liked the solitude, but he needed something. Reaching out, he made a crack in the center of the Chamber, and through this crack flowed reality itself. All manner of images flooded the chamber, spitting out billions upon billions of possible futures. At first, Morgash was blinded by the sheer number of them. He created a well, and from within the well the images calmed, becoming easier to pick out from the billions.

Morgash caressed the well, dipping his hand into the murky water. He recoiled, his hand singed by the raw power. So Morgash took a small vessel, a censer, and dipped it in the well. Filling it, he took it out, where it sprung into a brilliant and iridescent flame. He watched it, and then nodded. He would keep the Censer with him, a relic of his power. When he was within his own home, he would look upon the Well of Eternity itself, attempting to divine the future in a futile effort.

8 AP - 5 AP = 3 AP
1 AP Alter Land: A small section of Geasa has warped to become Morgash's personal stronghold, Morgazar.
4 AP Create Relic: The Well of Eternity - The Well of Eternity is a break in the fabric of reality, and from within it the gods can see hundreds of billions of possible futures. It is never certain which future will be the true course of events, but scrying the Depths of the well can give some insight as to what may happen. Any God who peers into the depths of the Well of Eternity is given a +1 on any Divine Conflicts that happen before the Next Rollover. In addition, Morgash holds a Censer bearing some of the Waters of Eternity, and can use it to divine his own personal future. While a God holds the Censer of Eternity, they get a +2 Bonus to Divine Conflict Resolutions.

2012-05-11, 01:58 PM
Halasht wandered through the Shust-Luc tribe, incognito. He looked around at the warriors preparing their arms, and their thick mammoth-hide garb was strong enough to work as armor for the most part. They had been preparing for an attack by the Shust-Tal tribe, a tribe that was led in battle by a mighty conjurer, the first any man had seen. While most tribes had a few mammoths, this man commanded a squadron of them, and rode upon the mightiest one of the group. The Shust-Tal were marching, to come to dominance over all of the Shust clan, as the tribes were sometimes wont to do. Halasht smiled as he entered the yurt of the Shust-Luc Chieftain, watching as he and the elders made their plans. Halasht, the Third Eldest, sat down unknownst to them, listening in as they plotted to halt the Shust-Tal, knowing that this was the machinations of one of his nephews. It would only be a matter of time, though, before one of the Shust-Luc discovered this power, or could walk into the dream plane his sister had made- but in the end, he would be pleased.

2012-05-11, 02:04 PM
As it walked upon the world Kiloasa saw many things. Things were in balance, life grew and changed, then died and was reborn. But above the world, in Geasa, things were moving, but they were not life. Kiloasa ascended to the chains of the world to see these things.

You are not alive, you do not eat, nor breathe, nor sleep. You do not starve or hunger, you only create. You are not life, and this will not do.

Kiloasa picked up some of the small brass gnomes and inundated them with its knowledge of life. As Kiloasa did this, the gnomes changed. Their forms melted and congealed, no longer clockwork gears but muscle and fiber and life. Born from metal but still organic.

Kiloasa was shocked at the change. It had not meant to change them, only to share understanding. But it could not undo what was done, and so it retreated to the mortal realm with its stolen progeny.

Go, hide amongst the dunes. Away from the light you will be safe. This One cannot protect you, but you will have its blessing. You will be fertile, you will be hardy, you will be strong and when the time is right you will emerge to claim this world.

Kiloasa set its new creations down in the desert, and they scampered under the sand. They dug deep and hid themselves, breeding and growing stronger with Kiloasa's blessing.

AP: 4
Create Life: 1 AP Goblins- mutated from Brass Gnomes, goblins are subterranian desert dwellers.
Create Society: 2 AP Fecund Goblins. Fecund Goblins can eat literally anything and have almost bottomless stomachs, they also breed much faster than other sentients. This gives them a +1 bonus in Randomized Conflict Resolution when fighting other armies.
Final AP: 2

2012-05-11, 02:20 PM
A Battle Brews on the Horizon

Hedrin's tribe had flourished, the Shust-Tal were now leading a vast army of mammoths and brother tribes. They had already assimilated the Shust-Kun tribe, and they were already marching to the home of the Shust-Luc tribe. Hedrin glanced behind him, his mammoth carrying him swiftly, just ahead of the main force. He breathed deeply, then gazed to the sky. Night would be falling soon, and he hoped that Morsein would shine brightly on him tonight, for he would need all the power he could muster.

Gazing back to the army behind him. A dozen mammoths carried two or three riders, each equipped with primitive weapons, bows, spears, axes, and sometimes a crude sword. He then gazed at the many members of the tribe that were on foot. Hedrin wished he could make them move faster, but his Magical power was already stretched, dominating so many mammoths. He whispered a prayer to Morgash, asking for aid in the battle ahead.

Dark Foresight
Morgash gazed into the depths of the Well of Eternity, pondering the many strands of fate. He watched as a billion different battles took place where the Shust-Luc tribe dwelt, all going just a little bit differently. He disliked this, it was too soon in the history of the world for such things. Plucking at a single drop of the well, he raised it from it's watery prison, expanding it. In it, he saw a child of the Shust-Luc tribe, barely able to hold a sword. The child was shouting, screaming as it's parents were cut down before it.

As apathetic as Morgash is, he does have a heart. Morgash crushed the droplet of fate, gazing down to the mortal world. He found the child, the one who had yet to wake from his nap. Morgash touched the child on the forehead, gifting him with Sorcerous talent. He then went about watching the elders plan their strategy, and he sat among them, invisible to their senses. "Shust-Luc... you must flee... the child is not yet strong enough to match Hedrin... nor is your tribe large enough to withstand his sorcerous might..." Morgash whispered, willing the message into one of the Elder's minds.

2012-05-11, 02:22 PM
Isanloff bandaged form unfurled itself back into a cape in anger. His young niece would dare directly interfere, and mutate a work of her elder! And for what?! He could understand an emergency action to prevent a catastrophe, but this? This was courting disaster? Hidden, endlessly breeding pests! They wouldn't leave enough for the rest of the races, nor would they leave enough resources for themselves. They were selfish gluttons, breeding with no thought to population control nor the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Brash actions like these is why he had pleaded for careful action and consideration. His brother's daughter was as hasty as he was - unlike his glacial thoughtful sons at all. How disappointing.

Isanloff slowly furled himself back to the buldging muscular bandaged form with no face and called for Kiloasa.

Young-ling, come back to Geasa. Let us speak of your actions.

Starting AP 5

Create Concept - Masonry and Architecture taught to the Calasanctium Empire.

Ending AP 4

The Calasanctium Empire - South

Gertsog, Caldmir - looked out of his castle. The weight of being a Gertsog, weighed heavily upon him. Halfway up the ranks of nobility - the chains of authority weighed heavily from him and on top of him. Not to mention the side, with the blasted judges ... judging his every action. Especially Judge Drotlum, a heavily scared Ravenkin, always looking at him with critical golden eyes. So what he had a few farmers whipped - they weren't producing enough! How was he supposed to live. Blasted judges and blasted noble nobles! Caldmir threw his wine glass out of the castle window - reckless to whatever it may strike.

The Calasanctium Empire - North

Velikiy Knyaz, Itan - looked out of the frozen fort. The northern tribes were getting restless. Even though Itan was a Velikiy Knyaz, the second rank of nobility from the top, he was also a general of the Calasanctium army. He was of Ravenkin although the northern winds frosted his feathers white. Something was bothering him. From the fort he saw Judge Stijn heading North. Sure there were towns even closer to the lands of the ice tribes, but there was no need of a judge up there. Itan made a signal - and Scales Krawm understood and obeyed. The Judges watch the Nobles and the Scales watch the Judges and the Nobles command the Scales. Itan would suffer no traitor to Calasanctium

2012-05-11, 02:33 PM
Halasht turned his eye towards Morgash, raising an eyebrow. What are you doing, intervening? He said. Why manipulate them? He looked towards the child he spoke of, and saw the potential he had. Chuckling to himself, he turned back to Morgash. You plan to play them, equal to equal? Hah! But, do not let him become one of your manipulators. Let this sorcery enhance him, make him stronger! He turned back towards the elders. Their plan had been assembled- a host of warriors would stay behind and delay the Shust-Tal, whilest the others would flee, heading to join with the only other Shust tribe that still stood, the Shust-Yal.

2012-05-11, 02:39 PM
Morgash bowed his head to Halasht I intervene to preserve the delicate balance of this world... Hedrin has grown far too headstrong with his power... as much as I like to see my gifts being improved upon... I fear that he does not have the wisdom to use his gifts as they should be." Waving to the Child. "I would ask you to watch over this child, to ensure that when he grows into a man, he has the strength to stand up to Hedrin, and the Wisdom to not follow his war-like path."

Standing up, Morgash extended his hand to Halasht. I would also extend my invitation to Morgazar. If you accept, I shall show you the Well of Eternity. Within its waters are all the possible realities. What is, what may be, and what could have been. They are all shown within it's depths."

2012-05-11, 02:41 PM
Very well, I accept. However, I will not extend my hand should another rise up to him. Halasht shook his nephew's hand. In his eyes, this was simply leveling the playing field. He journied with him to the well, to look into its waters.

2012-05-11, 02:46 PM
Kiloasa heard its name being called. How had its mistake be found out so soon? No, not a mistake. Although Kiloasa could see the danger that its accidental offspring contained, Kiloasa could not bring itself to hate them. To unmake was not in its nature. Slowly, Kiloasa rose to Geasa to speak with Elder Isanloff.

Elder Isanloff, you have called and I have come. As was promised. What do you wish to know of this one?

2012-05-11, 02:48 PM
"This is fair, and I would not have it any other way." Morgash bowed his head, and then journeyed to Morgazar, and opened the large iron doors of the citadel. Inside, the Well of Eternity swirled in an endless multitude of colors. "This, Elder Halasht, is the Well of Eternity... go ahead and gaze into it, see what you will. To see more detail, just concentrate on a particular event..."

2012-05-11, 02:55 PM
Halasht gazed in, and saw. And? What of it? Mortal men must make their own futures, they must strive to make and shape them to their own minds.

2012-05-11, 02:59 PM
Isanloff looked Kiloasa, expecting an apology. When he saw one was not forthcoming he grew angry over her pride and stubbornness. A strong chill began to billow from him, the frost spread along the bronze floor, cracks appeared in its surface as it grew brittle. Yet Isanloff calmed down...

I am sure you understand you may not trample carelessly on another god's work. I am sure you will not do it again. Ask and think before you act. I will not ask you to be cruel and unmake something made, for something made already deserves to exist. I only ask you correct your actions by pleading with the creator of the object you tarnished, and asking his forgiveness. Go to Merolle, and ask what may be done to repay your transgression against himself. I doubt he would ask of you anything objectionable. This is not punishment simply a debt to be repaid and a lesson in Humility.

The Calasanctium Empire - West

Rytsar Gregotosh and Judge Wylon laughed together in the bar. They were friends from their training days in the army. Now they retired to the west, the beautiful east, the most peaceful and content district in the empire, where the lights from the volcano off the shore never died. Across the room, a pair of farmers looked at them resentfully - lords and judges thought they maintained there system of noble honor? Hogwash! They drank together! How could there be checks and balances? The peasants fingered their sharpened knives, soon both the judges and the nobles would realize that they have shirked their duties!

2012-05-11, 03:01 PM
Morgash nodded, explaining "Fate is fluid... it is able to be shaped to the will of the observer..." conjuring a orb of water, he starts shaping a series of clear tubes for it to flow through. "Just as the water changes its course, so too does fate. Just as we gods shape creation, so too, can mortalkind shape their own destiny."

Letting the water flow into the Well, Morgash summoned a droplet from within the well, expanding it to show the story it told. "While not even we gods can be sure which events will come to pass, the insight we can gain from this well can help us steer fate into a direction we would prefer. Take what insight you can from it, but know that nothing the well tells is an absolute truth..." Morgash stopped speaking, just standing next to the well, peering into it's inky depths.

2012-05-11, 03:03 PM
Merolle assembled himself in his niece's presence once she appeared, bearing no face upon which to demonstrate any potential displease at her deeds.

He adressed his brother, however.

"I must say I find potential use in these degenerate things, Isanloff. Frail, needy, pathetic, inferior in every possible aspect other than numbers. They could serve as ideal serfs."

Then the Metalline Lord whirrs and creaks.

"And what, exactly, is the issue with tarnishment?"

Verdigris, remember?

2012-05-11, 03:12 PM
Kiloasa bowed low at the arrival of The Verdigris Legion.

This one sought not to offend. It only sought to know and to share knowledge.

Elder Isanloff, you are wise and this one is grateful that you will allow its creations to live in the desert lands.

Elder Merolle, this one is truly sorry for stealing from you and a debt is owed. This one has little power left, but if ever you have need of this one's aid, call and it shall appear.

The goblins will not trouble the world for a time, they are small yet and without much to eat in the desert lands they will grow slowly. There may yet be time to find a more permanent solution.

2012-05-11, 03:22 PM
Regardless, I must return. Halasht departed, and descended down, and looked upon the world. His eye was caught by the kingdom to the south, a kingdom of ravenmen and his own humans. He assumed the guise of a merchant, and walked amongst the streets of the capital.

2012-05-11, 03:26 PM
Dear brother you are the lord of Verdigris - Of Honest Patina and Hard-Earned Weathering. Not the tarnishment of great craft. Not the dilution that occurs when a superior mark is damaged by an unpleasant or unwholesome use of a similar inferior mark. Unless I have misjudged you brother

But the bandaged form of Isanloff unravels, the room markedly warmer.

If you are pleased with our nieces mutation - then my simple admonishment would suffice to remind you to only ask and you will receive. Apologizing is not as preferable as is Asking. Merolle I know you understand but your mutated servants must still be kept under control - they should not and shall not breed indiscriminately laying waste to the precious ecosystem my sons and I wrought and using up the carefully laid out metals and minerals you have placed in the ground.

Young niece, your gracefulness in apology is not unnoticed nor shall it go unrewarded. In the future if you seek my counsel or aid you shall have it freely.

The Calasanctium Empire - East

The East was home to the strongholds of the Judges and the Scales, separated by a vast canyon. Those of the two castes never spoke to one another, one wary of being judged and the other looking for any indiscretion. The Nobles in the area were extremely well behaved. The head scale, was also a stickler for Noblesse oblige. The Velikiy Knyaz of the area, did not direct his scales, but was directed. It was a land of almost reverse military rule. The nobles were deathly afraid all the time of the judges and the scales both, the people happy - because the judges and scales made sure that the nobles looked after them properly. Or else.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital

The capital actually exists in the western district, close to the shore, but it is so busy and big that it takes four Velikiy Knyaz to rule it. The eastern Velikiy Knyaz is far away in the capital city of the western district, he rarely makes an appearance in the capital, unless there was an official event. The Graf in the capital have created a consortium of sorts. Every bank in the capital and thus each district is headed by and ran by Grafs and lesser nobles they employ. The judges usually avoid the banks since the scales assure them that the economy is being run fairly and that wealth is being properly redistributed. Of course there are young judges who began the study of economics and have begun to pry into the working of the banks.... much to the chagrin of the Grafs. The Graf have also set up a church, their gospel: Noblesse oblige, but more importantly Paysan oblige: the duty of the lower classes to the higher classes. Again the judges can find nothing objectionable to this, since it is technically true. As of now though the Imperator is ruling responsibly, the Head Judge who personally judges the Imperator has not been heard to make even a single comment on the high king.

2012-05-11, 03:37 PM
If you truly fear these creatures, Elder Isanloff then this one will go amongst them and learn what it can. There may be hope for them to join the harmony of the world. If not, then perhaps they can be used to keep others from destroying the balance already in place.

Kiloasa descended back to the mortal realm and took on the form of a goblin. It inserted itself into one of the small tribes and lived among them, fighting, feeding and learning their ways.

The goblins were barely more than animals, their hunger was too great and their fury too real for them to ever become peaceful. Kiloasa saw that Goblins could become the doom of this world and knew that eventually they would have to be destroyed.

But deep within Kiloasa's mind, dark thoughts grew.

2012-05-11, 03:46 PM
"You misjudge the word. Tarnish is but another name for what We stand for, and We shall not suffer its misuse. Degeneration and degradation are more apt descriptors for the deed at hand, moreso than mutation as well, in fact."

As Kiloasa leaves, Merolle brings a finger to his faceplate, projecting an image that of a monster resembling a great cat in posture, but plated in ebony steel and with small black eyes.

"As for a solution to the wild threat of goblins, that is a predator. One with heavy plating that they cannot overwhelm it through numbers, but agile so that they cannot escape. What say you, brother?"

2012-05-11, 03:48 PM
Halasht frowned as he sat through one of the sermons. This whole idea of "it is your duty to serve" and "you are supposed to be lower" offended him to his core. He wouldn't be surprised if the preacher had an ulterior motive. Scowling, he got up and walked out, mid-sermon, into the streets. Looking around, he took a deep whiff of the smells around him- ah, the marketplace! The fruit, the bread!

2012-05-11, 04:13 PM
The world was vast and if it was to work to the changing gods designs he would need eyes to see it with. And so with careful steps the changing god shifted between the creatures of the world searching for one that would match his desires. And then he found it. Bright as fire, yet still quite capable of hiding in the dappled light of the forest. He looked deep into the creature's eyes and told it a secret.

And yet in these beasts he found something lacking. There was no true power here. The gods had created such perfect balance as to make the world grow stagnant. No, these beings wished for something more. And so Reisen took the twisting shapes of numerous creatures and from them he made something to challenge this world.

And as the fox god was making his way home he heard a cry. Startled the fox turned towards the source of the sound until he found his way to where the cry had come from. There stood a little girl, cold and desolate. A human child abandoned by the winds.

So softly he whispered to her, "Tell me child. Why do you cry out so?"

And the girl replied "I have no home, no food or drink. And I am alone."

"That you know of these things means you must once have had them. Where then have they gone?" The god asks.

"My family lies slain, victims of violence. And my home lies far away for we were searching for a new home."

The god seemed angered by these words. "So in your pursuit of a new home they struck at you. I will not accept such a thing. Rest easy child, for I shall guide you to a better place, and those who would again harm the traveller will suffer my displeasure."

What the stories do not tell, is that along the way the child asked
"What is your name little fox?"

And the animal replied "I do not have one. All I have is a secret."

And the girl cried out "but all things should have a name!"

"Then what would you call me little one?"

The child paused for a moment, before solemnly placing her hand on the fox's forehead. And then she gave him a name.

"And what is your name child?"

"I am called Lystelle."

Ten years passed and still the fox and the girl wandered the world. Together they had seen the great marvels of the world and battled against the smaller evils lurking behind lost corners. And all this time they had been hunted by a terrible creature. And the fox ran in fear for he knew what he had created and did not wish to look upon it. It was on this day however that he knew the creature had found them. And so he led the girl to a hidden place, and with great power made it so that here she would be safe. And the fox turned to face that which he had forged out of jealousy to spite the other gods, only for it to hate him above all other things. And why would it not? For he had taught it wicked thoughts with which to undo creation.

The long day began to wane, but before the sun could set it's light was blotted out by the most terrible of sights. A monster arose from the earth, the size of a mountain. It's hideous fangs clashed together and it's breath held all the potency of the acid storm that had helped to shape the world.Six twisted limbs of claw and hoof and talon arose to support it's cruel structure and in this moment the fox knew fear.

But then he was no longer a fox. Stretching back to the beginning of his creation the fox found new form. A golden furred serpent with claws bared arose to fight the twisted creature. Their battle tore apart the earth and lasted for three days and nights until finally the jaws of the serpent crushed that of the monster it had created. And as it died the corpse of the beast burst open and from it wriggled forth great wyrms which screamed as they fled out into the world.

With dying breaths the serpent used what power remained to it to turn the corpse of it's foe along with itself into stone and earth. And when that was done out of the cave that had once been the serpents mouth stumbled a broken and bloody fox. It was here that the girl found the fox and wept for her friend. And as her tears fell upon him he began to heal. Seeing this the girl wept for joy and carried him to a newly sprouted grove by a mountain spring.

There she cared for him and nursed him back to health with poultices made from river weed, berries plucked from branches that held no poison, and others plucked that did but then were prepared for medicine. Finally with meat caught with traps to sustain him. All the ways of survival that he had taught her she used to restore him to health.

And as the months passed the fox began to change. Until at last when he opened his eyes he was no longer a fox, but a young man of human shape. And as he woke he smiled and brought the girl, now a young woman close into his arms.

And to here the legends tell of it, they lived together happily ever after.

But mortals are not like gods and forever is not a concept they so well understand. For after long years of travel, and countless adventures their story found itself at an end. For here they had been forced to stop as Lystelle lay dying from the blessing of mortality.

"I must leave you now my love."

"I know."

"Listen to me my love. You must not let my passing break you. I know that there is anger in your heart, but to give in to it would destroy the world we have seen."

"And does it not deserve to burn?"

"You know it does not. Swear to me that you will protect it."

"Of course Lystelle. I promise on the life we have lived."

She smiled once before a great shudder ran over her. And she began to cough and twist in agony. Holding her tightly Reisen allowed his power to ease the pain.

"It's okay my love, rest in the stars under the grace of night. I will see you again at the end of this world."

And with that the man that had lived as Faydin the wise stood up. And looked out towards the sky. And in a roar that sounded like the scent of cinnamon and looked like the feel of a knife's edge shifted and vanished into the skies. Never to walk upon the material plane again.

Starting AP 11
Create life (1): spirit fox. Creatures that exist in both the dream world and reality. They are servants and spies of Reisen. They are capable of navigating the labyrinth which gives them access to pretty much anywhere.
Create fabled life (4): Wyrms. Here be dragons. Incredibly cunning and intelligent creatures that harbor a resentment and scorn of all other things.
Alter land (1): The Serpent Range. A colossal mountain range that harbors the wild things of this world.
Alter land (1): The highroads. It is said that when Faydin walked across the earth the path led to him by his journeys became blessed. Overtime they have become known as the high roads and are the primary areas of transportation (cover most of existing map.)
Bless highroads (1): Travellers that take the highroads will reach their destination faster.
Gain domain (3): Journeys (protection.)
Remaining AP: 0

2012-05-11, 04:31 PM
Among the Goblins

Life amongst the goblins was hungry, restless and short. There was no time for cunning, because there was no hope for cooperation. When one goblin had more food than the rest, they would kill him and fight over what he had hoarded. When a goblin was sick or too wounded to fight back, his kin would turn and devour him. Only Kiloasa survived among the goblins, living through their short ages and learning of their ways.

They fight and eat and breed but they do not change. They are stagnant as they were before I changed them, yet now they suffer for it. This change was a curse, and unto them I owe a debt. Though the other gods may hate me for it, I must do right and save those that I can.

Kiloasa searched among the goblin clans until she found one that seemed to contain potential. Living on the outskirts of the desert, the Lokab had more food than most and so they were less violent towards each other. Kiloasa assumed the form of a goblin and walked among them once more. But this time, it was recognized.

One goblin knew Kiloasa from the stories. He followed the god as it wandered amongst the tribe, jabbering away in its fast speech.

"You are the Green Maker! You stole us from the Gear Lord and led us to this world to be free! You are the one, the one, the one! Our shamans speak of you with great awe." the little goblin said.

Shamans? Take this one to them.

And so the little goblin led Kiloasa to the tribal shaman, who was in the middle of a sacrifice.

"The Green Maker has come!" the little goblin shouted to the shaman. "Our sacrifices worked! We are the destined, the chosen!" The shaman looked confusedly at the fledgling god, until it chose to appear in its true, wooden form.

"Unworthy, this one is unworthy!" the shaman fell to its knees.

Rise, small one. Tell Kiloasa your stories.

2012-05-11, 04:43 PM
Morgash watched the Humans and Ravenkin in the Calasanctium Empire, and he watched the Goblins in the desert. He scried the currents of fate in the Well of Eternity, and after much deliberation, he decided it was time to expand upon his gifts.

Gathering his power, Morgash went down to the world in mortal form, disguised as an old wise man, he approached the Royal Palace of the Imperator. As guards stopped him at the gate, he strode through their weapons, ethereal mists seeping from where the weapons went through him, and then making his form whole again. "Take me to your emperor." he spoke, the raw power contained in his voice shaking the ground beneath the guards' feet.

2012-05-11, 04:46 PM
She listened to the songs of her shadows, and all that they had learned, of clockwork gnomes and goblins, of walking trees and men on mammoths. Even the shadows of things with voice spoke to her, and she heard the song of the shadow of the moon as it carved a dark path over the earth. So many voices, but only one to hear. If only . . . .

A small expression of her will and it rose, a field of monoliths of shadow, in the darkest, lowest part of the sea. Dark within darkness, it grew, and when they were not observed by their casters, when their casters slept or moved in dark spaces, their shadows could go there and talk amongst themselves and learn. They could take what they learned and whisper it to their casters, implanting ideas from other shadows, other casters. For men speak freely around their shadows, not knowing they were listening.

Under the sea rose the Parliament of Shadows, where the only lights were the star-like glimmers of benthic fish angling for their meals. The shadows of great men and small men, of children and trees, of animals and moons and Gods gather there now, whispering in their thin high voices, all the secrets of their casters.

And Nyctus saw that it was good.

1 AP - Alter land - create the location of the Parliament of Shadows in the depths of the ocean.

2 AP - Form Organization/Society - create the Parliament of Shadows, where all shadows can go when they are not observed to exchange ideas and secrets.

With seven points spent on shadows (3 on the Parliament, 4 on the shadows themselves), claim new domain, Shadows.

0 AP remaining.

And spent, if not tired, Nyctus did go into the Dreaming Place herself, to grant dreams to the worthy.

And thus did a little goblin dream of forging an empire on blood and sacrifice to Kiloasa.

And did Lystelle dream of her youth, running with the fox, before the darkness took her soul.

And the Imperator of the Calasanctium Empire did dream of a starving child in his own streets.

And Hedrin of the Shust-Tal dreamed of warmth which became a burning fire.

And Nyctus walked among the dreamers, granting mysteries.

2012-05-11, 04:49 PM
Halasht paused, having left the cities of the plains. He recalled a child, and to see him grow. He knew where it would be. He shifted to there and then.

A chilly reception

Ulstwyn, 26 years of age now since the Shulst-Luc had fled and become scattered, looked down on the camp. His enemy, Hedrin, now the Clanmaster of the Shulst clan, lay in the camp below. Ulstwyn and 21 of his fellow kinsmen and women from his clan and the other four had snuck up to a ridge overlooking the camp below. He remembered the sight of it- the sorceror had called upon unearthly aid, using what must have been the might of demons to bend his foes to his knees. That, and the cries of his friends and family members....

Ulstwyn remember the day he swore revenge. He had always been stronger than usual, wielding two greatswords, one in each hand- which, incidentally, was all that he was renowned for. He had sought out one of the finest smiths, having slain an ice-wyrm with his fellowship and making a set of two soul-chilling bastard swords using nothing but the corpse of the lizard. And now, here he was, overlooking the heart of his enemy's power.

And he would have his revenge.

"Charge!" Ulstwyn roared, he and his 21 companions charging into the mostly unknowing camp, weapons drawn, ready to fight.

Unknown to the ice-kin, Halasht was walking, running, with them.

2012-05-11, 04:56 PM
Isanloff was troubled over his and his brother's linguistic differences... but no matter, it was a simple disagreement over words.... not ideals

As long as the predator itself has a predator or has a built in deficiency such as a weak immune system so it's population will not blossom from ample prey. It sounds like a well thought out idea.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

The guards were speechless - in awe of the god like power. They quickly ushered the old mage into the council room. There he was greeted by the seated Velikiy Knyaz and there Judges and Scales behind them, each judging there actions. Only three of the four Velikiy Knyaz were in court that day.

One of them - Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, a Raven Kin addressed the old wise man

Old mage, from where do you hail? And what brings you to this city of ours? I apologize for the indecency - but we hold court over this capital not the Imperator nor would we allow someone so powerful and dangerous to approach the seat of nobility without ascertaining their motives. You understand? Guards quickly! Offer the archmage a chair and drinks! I do apologize again for the indecency.

The judge behind Humrasan nodded in grudging approval -deeming his assigned nobles action befitting of his rank.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - the market place

Goods from all over the continent assailed the sense of whoever entered. Nobles, peasants, merchants, Scales, Laborers, Scales, all were assembled here. In the distance was the Grand columned Bank of Calasanctium. The balcony of which a pair of Graf's kept tally of which market stand was popular and which wasn't. Judging their investments.

2012-05-11, 04:59 PM
OOC: Time for TIME SPLICING! So I can do both things, just not at the same time! This will take place before where Halasht left.

In the Marketplace

Halasht walked into the bank, looking around. Such...decadence. He frowned, looking out of place in his clothing compared to the opulence of the bank. His very body had the look of experienced youth.

2012-05-11, 05:16 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - the market place

A young Vikont employed by the Graf's (even a noble needs to make money - it's everyone's duty to produce wealth) approached the god in disguise. It was his first time being on the floor. Years of accounting and inventory and he can finally actually interact with real people instead of being stuck with the same boring menial tasks! This was his time to shine. . . so to speak - no where near as glamorous as Sentries of the North, guarding the realm against northern incursion. Nowhere near as adventurous as the southern banking explorers, searching for new goods and spices. But this was better than nothing.

Young sir, you look like you're new here - would you like to open an account?

2012-05-11, 05:18 PM
Halasht paused, having left the cities of the plains. He recalled a child, and to see him grow. He knew where it would be. He shifted to there and then.

A chilly reception

Ulstwyn, 26 years of age now since the Shulst-Luc had fled and become scattered, looked down on the camp. His enemy, Hedrin, now the Clanmaster of the Shulst clan, lay in the camp below. Ulstwyn and 21 of his fellow kinsmen and women from his clan and the other four had snuck up to a ridge overlooking the camp below. He remembered the sight of it- the sorceror had called upon unearthly aid, using what must have been the might of demons to bend his foes to his knees. That, and the cries of his friends and family members....

Ulstwyn remember the day he swore revenge. He had always been stronger than usual, wielding two greatswords, one in each hand- which, incidentally, was all that he was renowned for. He had sought out one of the finest smiths, having slain an ice-wyrm with his fellowship and making a set of two soul-chilling bastard swords using nothing but the corpse of the lizard. And now, here he was, overlooking the heart of his enemy's power.

And he would have his revenge.

"Charge!" Ulstwyn roared, he and his 21 companions charging into the mostly unknowing camp, weapons drawn, ready to fight.

Unknown to the ice-kin, Halasht was walking, running, with them.

Hedrin's Yurt
Hedrin awoke from a restless sleep, which had become the norm for him. Ever since he had started dreaming of a chill flame, from which a child stepped and slew him, he hadn't slept well. Walking over to a polished mirror of ice, he started shaving. The dim green glow of Morsein flooded in from the doorflap as a cold wind pushed on it. Hedrin shuddered, colder than he should be. He gazed at his bedding, and knew he wouldn't be sleeping that night.

Leaving his tent, he watched as campfires burned low, the few watchmen left drifting off lazily before the next shift arrived. He heard a shout, and looked about, before seeing in the dim green glow, a man, roughly 25, charging down the ridge with twenty or so others. He cursed, drawing upon his magic, and the closeness of Morsein, he sent a bolt of cackling energy towards the group, striking down one of the slower members. Cursing again, he started shouting, waking up as many warriors as he could. He himself strode towards the edge of the camp that they had charged.

Isanloff was troubled over his and his brother's linguistic differences... but no matter, it was a simple disagreement over words.... not ideals

As long as the predator itself has a predator or has a built in deficiency such as a weak immune system so it's population will not blossom from ample prey. It sounds like a well thought out idea.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

The guards were speechless - in awe of the god like power. They quickly ushered the old mage into the council room. There he was greeted by the seated Velikiy Knyaz and there Judges and Scales behind them, each judging there actions. Only three of the four Velikiy Knyaz were in court that day.

One of them - Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, a Raven Kin addressed the old wise man

Old mage, from where do you hail? And what brings you to this city of ours? I apologize for the indecency - but we hold court over this capital not the Imperator nor would we allow someone so powerful and dangerous to approach the seat of nobility without ascertaining their motives. You understand? Guards quickly! Offer the archmage a chair and drinks! I do apologize again for the indecency.

The judge behind Humrasan nodded in grudging approval -deeming his assigned nobles action befitting of his rank.

The man bowed his head, declining the offer of a seat and drink. Crossing his legs, he sat on the bare floor. "I come from a far off place... one that I highly doubt you've ever heard of." breathing deeply, he smiled. "Tell me, what do your people know of magic?"

I'd like to note that unless they've got magic that isn't Oneiromancy, they shouldn't have any (yet), as I didn't spread it around their area yet.

2012-05-11, 05:25 PM
Daazo silently observed the actions of his fellow deities. Every deity was thoughtlessly creating its own sentient beings, such senselessness. So much for ordered creation. He supposed it was time for him to craft his own life, to further his interests and goals. He took his own qualities and gave them life, they were the Avaricia, the Daemonkin of Daazo. Most of the time they were simply whispers in people's ears, offering them power, but when they deigned to appear in a physical form they were similar to humanity in appearance. The only differences being a pair of leathery wings sprouting out of their back, and their blank white eyes, a trait they shared with their creator. He placed them on the continent containing the Calasanctium Empire, hoping that would provide them with plenty of opportunities to do what they were created for.

AP: 12
Create Fabled Race -4: The Avaricia - The Avaricia are a race of evil aligned demons that travel the land in search of beings susceptible to their promises of wealth and power. They might offer them a deal, something the being wants in exchange for their service, or perhaps even their soul. If the subject agrees, a magical pact is made, and the Avaricia always get their promised payment one way or another. They also enjoy seeking out those in positions of power and corrupting them, instigating anything from wars, to famines, to mass-murders. Of course the magnitude of what they can do are limited, but their inherent magical abilities and the powerful pact-magic generally allow them to grant most wishes.
Create Fabled Concept -4: Magical Pacts
Current AP: 4

2012-05-11, 05:27 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, looked uncomfortable.

The reason I called you mage, was because your power is the power of tales - we hear stories nothing more. That is all. What are your goals here old master. Do you seek to use the power of lore to destroy us or to bring lore to life.

The rest of Velikiy Knyaz nodded approvingly, the judges and scales stood impassive.

Mystery and Intrigue in the Capital! :smallwink:

The Calasanctium Empire - The East - Stronghold of the Scales

A lone man in the lowest place of the black keep, in absolute darkness, dreamt of a starving girl.

2012-05-11, 05:27 PM
In the Marketplace

Wha- Halasht cleared his throat.

"What is the purpose of all this? What use does its ornation have?" He pointed about at the gold designs on the wall and ceiling.

The Chill of the Night
Ulstwyn cursed at his kinman's falling, slashing through a guard as he came upon him. He looked for the source of the bolt, and saw it walking off. Shouting, he tried to charge towards him, but the throng of guardsmen that had awoken stopped him. He and his companions engaged the Shust-Tal clansmen, An equal battle.

2012-05-11, 05:40 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, looked uncomfortable.

The reason I called you mage, was because your power is the power of tales - we hear stories nothing more. That is all. What are your goals here old master. Do you seek to use the power of lore to destroy us or to bring lore to life.

The rest of Velikiy Knyaz nodded approvingly, the judges and scales stood impassive.

The old man nodded, stroking his whispy haired chin a few times. "I come not to destroy you... but to teach you." he said, and with a wave of his hand a gust of wind helped him stand. The ragged robes he wore made his display all the more surprising. "But I must first speak to your Emperor... the Imperator of your Empire."

The Chill of the Night
Ulstwyn cursed at his kinman's falling, slashing through a guard as he came upon him. He looked for the source of the bolt, and saw it walking off. Shouting, he tried to charge towards him, but the throng of guardsmen that had awoken stopped him. He and his companions engaged the Shust-Tal clansmen, An equal battle.

Hedrin cackled, striding away from the tangled mess of steel and man. "Hahaha! Guards, bring the leader of their group to my tent when you are done. I want to meet this challenger."

2012-05-11, 05:41 PM
Among the Goblins

Kiloasa listened to the Shaman's stories. The shaman spoke of many things, of the creation of the Gnomes, and the theft of them by the Green Maker. He told Kiloasa of the Goblins beliefs, that the Green Maker had made them to hunger, to feed. They were destined to eternal conflict, only those who strove and overcame the greatest conflicts would be allowed into the verdant fields that Kiloasa called home.

But Kiloasa had no home. It had never needed one, instead choosing to wander the mortal realm, observing the changes brought about by life feeding upon life. Kiloasa pitied the goblins, they strove for nothing, and all their striving led to naught.

This one has failed you, children. There was no home for you beyond this one. And there never was meant to be one. Though it may doom this one, it shall change that. You will be housed with Kiloasa, in the great Wilds Above this world when your time here has ended.

Go forth, Lokab and spread this one's word unto your kin. You shall be my chosen among them... and you Kiloasa pointed to the young goblin that had first led it to the tribe, You will be my chosen among your people. All goblins will know you as Gattak, The Herald of the Green Maker.

I'd like to pick up an extra title please: Green Maker

2012-05-11, 05:43 PM
Isanloff stood, in his bandaged form, exasperated turns to Merolle. And calls upon the Orichalcum Icosahedron and through it, speaks to each member of the Sacrosanct Directors

We pleaded patience, but look at our brothers! Their creation is like the tide of time, unstoppable. It seems we can no longer plan to order creation, but instead must seek a way to correctly cull and control their rampage of creativity. Craft is worthwhile, but already i feel the pangs of hunger! Children are starving all because our brothers did not pay head to our council and display the modicum of patience. There simply isn't enough in this world to go around. Of course we can simply make more - but it needs to be able to run perpetually. It needs to be self-sufficient. What do you advise? How shall we prevent the continued suffering of mortals whose only crime is being?

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - the market place

The Vikont laughed

Don't worry sir, we will not waste your wealth or our wealth so wastefully, let me let you in on a little secret - that is just gold paint! From the south! Looks more like gold than gold! Nope! We will use your money to make wise investments of the course of a couple years and provide you with a modest increase! But. .. I mean, don't worry! According to the gospels we of course proceed to donate a small fraction to the less fortunate. May hunger be averted, and all that. Sorry sir, I have poor memory for the songs.

2012-05-11, 05:48 PM
Geasa, Perch of the Gods

Merolle thrumed in deep thought.

"Our designs, living or otherwise, do not propagate as those of yours and the others. In the workshops of Geasa our servants cast their numbers. In turn, our creations know not weakness to the passing of ages."

A hatch opens next to Merolle, and out of it leaps the first finished Steel Predator, a deaf beast the size of an ox, but lithe as a tiger.

"Time to descend, little one, descend and take your place at the top."

The steel predator screeches as it, and the rest of its kind, are moved down to the world.

Among the goblins

Merolle's hunter was sent down as Kiloasa revealed herself, towering monstrously above its designated prey.

With the goddess there, it was deferential, but that did not stop it from biting off the top half of a goblin that happened to stand before it as it appeared.

2 AP:

1 AP - Create Life: Steel Predators - Great hunters that, despite being organic, living beings, are born in the strange forges of Geasa's Artificers.

2012-05-11, 05:49 PM
In the Marketplace

"REally? So I guess it's just fashionable to be thin and wasted away."

Among the Ice-kin

Ulstwyn shouted for his companions to flee. All but five of them did so, out of respect for his command. They were overrun, and all but Ulstwyn killed. He was brought forth, unbound yet with all weapons pointed at him, before Hedrin, his greatsword thrown before the Mage's feet.

2012-05-11, 06:04 PM
Carcino just sat on the planet, watching the void. He was saddened, for this world was such a nice place, filled with vibrant life and the such, but they ignored the inherent beauty of the nothingness above.He appeared at the furthest point where the star providing light was visible, just a spec of dust marring the crystalline void.

There he opened his palm, which held onto a metal sphere, and put it into orbit with the star, running a perpendicular orbit to planet where life resided. Hekept staring into the void that dopey smile on his Consume them face.He waved his arm, and the metal grew into a metal sphere the size of a small planet. He sent it along its way and....his hand turned red.

The metal planet phased into two planes at once. It lied at both the very edge of the plane of Dreams, and of the material world. If one were to visit the sphere inside of their dream, they would easily be able to cross over to it in the physical world.They'd remain dreaming, so the lack of air wouldn't affect them, but they could stare at the void there. And it would stare bck at them.

His hand returned to being gray. He put back on his goofy smile, and named this planet, Cradle.

Create Land: Cradle -2
Bless:Cradle exists in two dimensions at the same time, and dreamers can enter the physical world on it.

2012-05-11, 06:07 PM
Isanloff was troubled that his sons did not answer his pleas. It appeared that the true horror of starvation had yet not figured in their minds. The frost spread along the bronze floor.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, smiled

Again grand teacher - what of magic would you teach us. To who will you grant it. Why would you do this? What is the price to your wisdom? I Sincerely apologize but I must remind you - you are the single most powerful being in this room with your power taken from tall tales. Even with such kind words and disposition we can not let you near the seat of nobility unless we understand exactly what you will say or do with him.

The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - the market place

I'm sorry sir, I don't quite follow. What's fashionable? My hat? Why thank you, I bought it from some southern merchants, I heard it would drive the ladies crazy. And did you know that with a timely investment, and that handsome face of yours we will soon have you dressed for all the upcoming balls and festivities!! You'll be a hit!

The young Vikont was getting desperate to make his first account, as he felt the situation slip away from him.

2012-05-11, 06:13 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, smiled

Again grand teacher - what of magic would you teach us. To who will you grant it. Why would you do this? What is the price to your wisdom? I Sincerely apologize but I must remind you - you are the single most powerful being in this room with your power taken from tall tales. Even with such kind words and disposition we can not let you near the seat of nobility unless we understand exactly what you will say or do with him.

The old man frowned slightly. "Then hear my words carefully. I have but a single question for the lord of this realm. I will gladly walk into his chamber with a thousand swords at my throat, ready to kill me should I make a single wrong move." he leaned on his staff, looking at the men in the room, looking into their faces. "But perhaps now is not the time for such power to be passed to this empire... perhaps I should wait, and hope for a better time to appear before I expire."

Among the Ice-kin

Ulstwyn shouted for his companions to flee. All but five of them did so, out of respect for his command. They were overrun, and all but Ulstwyn killed. He was brought forth, unbound yet with all weapons pointed at him, before Hedrin, his greatsword thrown before the Mage's feet.

Hedrin sat on a throne made of carved mammoth tusks and thick, exotic hides. "So, you're the upstart who thought he could overthrow me..." He said grinning. "Let's see... hmm... you and I, will fight each other."

2012-05-11, 06:18 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, sat thoughtful

Then how bout this wise teacher - surely men of great power place great weight on their vows? Out of respect for our concerns - I only ask that you promise to not use a drop of your power within the presence of the seat of nobility? Is that too much to ask. We promise in turn - to not lay a hand on you, if we do you may break your vow, and we promise to confirm your power - if you do not use it. Fair?

2012-05-11, 06:19 PM
In the Marketplace

Halasht pinched the brow of his nose. He was still new at this stuff..

"Fine, fine..show me around the place. How do I know my gold is protected?"

Among the Ice-kin

Ulstwyn sneered, picking up his two greatswords as he stood up, half a head taller than Hedric. "And you? What would you fight me with? I doubt that you can even lift a sword."

Halasht stroked his beard, looking on at the scene.

2012-05-11, 06:26 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - The Capital - palace of the Imperator

Velikiy Knyaz, Humrasan, sat thoughtful

Then how bout this wise teacher - surely men of great power place great weight on their vows? Out of respect for our concerns - I only ask that you promise to not use a drop of your power within the presence of the seat of nobility? Is that too much to ask. We promise in turn - to not lay a hand on you, if we do you may break your vow, and we promise to confirm your power - if you do not use it. Fair?

The man stroked his beard, and then nodded. "My power will not be used in the presence of your Emperor, this I vow.

Among the Ice-kin

Ulstwyn sneered, picking up his two greatswords as he stood up, half a head taller than Hedric. "And you? What would you fight me with? I doubt that you can even lift a sword."

Halasht stroked his beard, looking on at the scene.

Hedrin looked unimpressed. "I'll fight you with the same weapon I used to conquer these lands. My mind! The gods themselves gave me this power, and I will rip you apart as an example to those who would defy me!

2012-05-11, 06:28 PM
Among the Goblins

"What are those?" Gattak cried as the metal beasts appeared among his clansmen. "Are you displeased with us, Kiloasa?"

No, small one. They are not the creations of this one. But this one knows their master. The Gear Lord has set them upon you. He and his allies seek to control you. They fear you will be the end of their world. I do not have the power to end their threat now, I am weak still from creating. We must flee for now. Into the burrows. The tunnels are too narrow for them to follow.

Kiloasa and Gattak led the tribe into their narrow burrows, narrowly escaping the claws and fangs of Merolle's newest beasts.

2012-05-11, 06:29 PM
In Barbarian Lands

Ulstwyn sneered, and slashed with both of his greatswords at Hedric in an X. This would be easy, he thought.

Halasht frowned. What Ulstwyn had in youth, Hedric surerly had manyfold in experience and power. He would eventually need something to level the playing field.

2012-05-11, 07:03 PM
The Calasanctium Empire - East

The Daemonkin Rugorhartek made his way through the dimly lit passageways of the stronghold of the Scales. He was cloaked, and was magically concealing his true form from the Humans and Ravenkind scurrying around him. Rugorhartek was looking for one soul in particular, a Ravenkind known only as the Head Scale. The Avaricia could feel his presence somewhere nearby. He finally came upon a large set of doors he knew led into the Head Scale's chambers. Rugorhartek opened the doors and strode through, revealing his true form as he entered, knowing he was now alone with the Head Scale.

"Hello, Ravenkind. I hope you haven't forgotten the deal you and your fellow conspirators made with me, because I certainly have not."

2012-05-11, 07:03 PM
And such was Carcino's way to dance across the void, and to spend his days contemplating the emptiness. He fell back to the Cradle, and watched the Dreamers. He knew what must be done.

What always will be done...

2012-05-11, 07:04 PM
Hedrin smiled, and then turned and left the tent, beckoning for Ulstwyn to follow him. When he stopped, they were both many paces from the camp. Hedrin looked to the sky and grinned, forming a staff out of sickly green energy. "You really chose a bad time to attack, you know that? Right now, Morsein is full, and close... and my powers are at their peak... well then... let us... BEGIN!" With that, he sidestepped, hurling a lance of the green energy towards Ulstwyn.

2012-05-11, 07:17 PM
Among the Goblins

Let none ever believe that Merolle is without mercy, for he saw fit to make his monsters unable to tunnel quickly through the earth. But he made his creature to make such escape a dream for most, until the beast was sated.

So just as the goblins turned to flee, the creature opened its maw and roared a primordial thunder, a shockwave of sound that left crumbled stone and shattered bones in its wake.

2012-05-11, 07:18 PM
Ulstwyn took the lance in the shoulder, but of the energy just turning to a transfer of blunt injury thanks in somewhat to his own mark of sorcery. He charged forward, undaunted, bringing a sword slashing around at Hedrin.

Halasht followed them, watching as he sat down on the rocks.

2012-05-11, 07:25 PM
Hedrin was confused, but quickly recovered, ducking beneath the sword blow and conjuring a blade of crackling dark energy. He turned, parrying with the blade, as he chanted in the tongue of magic. The snow around them started to melt, turning into pools of searing hot tar. He lept over one pool, then turned and ran, creating more pools in his wake. Stopping after a hundred feet or so, he whirled about, ready to defend himself with his blade of sickly energy.

2012-05-11, 07:31 PM
Usltwyn staggered back, and charged through the tar, his mark slightly making it not as painful as an be. Yelling, he spun and brought both of his greatswords in a swing at Hedrin. However, the superior magic was starting to wear him down.

2012-05-11, 07:34 PM
Hedrin stumbled backwards, using his blade to fend off the greatswords. But it was too little, he was slashed across the left leg, and tripped, falling to the ground. He flew into a frenzied panic, lashing out with any magical energy he could. Arcs of multi-colored lighting, flame, and frost shot out towards Ulstwyn. He yelled in fear, his voice hoarse.

2012-05-11, 07:36 PM
That was enough for Ulstwyn. The magical assault, empowered by the moon, owercame whatever innate defense he had, bringing Ulstwyn to his knees. The greatswords fell from his hands.

Halasht stood up, unseen and unheard by the combatants. No, this could not end like this. But, how...?

2012-05-11, 07:41 PM
Hedrin stopped, small arcs of lightning still dancing through the air. He had won? He looked to Ulstwyn, and started to laugh like a madman. "I- I won?! I WON! HAHAHEHEHEHAHAAAHAHA!" he giggled with insane glee. He stood, his knees shaking. Limping over to one of the greatswords, he lifted it as high as he could, poised to thrust the blade through Ulstwyn's back.

2012-05-11, 07:50 PM
HAlasht walked over to the kneeling Ulstwyn. No, it will not end like this. Using his power, he turned to the laws of creation, and wrote a new one.

A voice whispered in Ulstwyn's head.

Stand up! Fight! Overcome your boundaries! Shatter your chains! Break your limits! Stand up, and TRIUMPH!

With that, Ulstwyn yelled, a roar powerful enough to halt the thrust and overcome his weariness. He brought his arm up to block the greatsword's thrust, despite being cut down to the bone. He ripped it out of Hedrin's hands with his blade, and got up, wielded it correctly with his working arm, and brought it slashing at the wizard.

Starting AP: 1
Create Concept: Limit breaks. Limit breaks can be used by any sentient mortal that dedicates the time to perfecting their skill. Limit Breaks are essentially concentrated awesome used to the user's advantage, whether its a lawyer using his to get his client a non-guilty ruling through an impassioned speech, or a merchant to get a good deal, it comes in the form of what the mortal needs. Once a limit break is learned, they are stuck with that limit break. Up to 3 limit breaks can be learned per mortal. Limit breaks have a recharge time from 1 year to 4 days. A mortal's various limit breaks may have different recharge rates. No actual Combat bonus, so just RP flavoring.
Ending AP: 0
Can I get an extra title, the Shattered Chains

2012-05-11, 08:02 PM
Hedrin hit the ground, hard. His arms went limp. He lay in a growing pool of his own blood. The slain sorcerer managed one last gasping breath, and let out the words "Why... why?" before his life was extinguished forever. The warriors who served Hedrin looked on in shock, frozen by a mixture of fear, awe, and respect.

The Birth of Darkness Incarnate

As Hedrin's life passed, Morgash was divining the Well of Eternity. The inky waters were revealing to him a vision of great suffering. The entire world was drowning in Death and Destruction, and he was the cause of it. He recoiled in horror, utterly shocked and terrified that this might happen.

So he set about casting a powerful ritual. He intoned words of magic for many many days and nights, drawing countless sigils in the air. After Forty Days and Forty one nights, he was done. Casting his spirit adrift, he separated the part that would have brought about such terrible destruction. He cast the spectre of death out of Geasa, and out into the cold void. Shuddering as it was complete, he couldn't help but feel that he had just done something that was about to change the world, forever.

2012-05-11, 08:08 PM
Ulstwyn grabbed some snow, slapping it on his wound. He'd have to get a healer to look at it later. But right now, what would he do? He was Clanmaster now, by virtue of challenge. Granted, most previous Clanmasters weren't killed, but now wasn't time for that.

He looked over the assembled Ice-kin. What to do....

That would wait.

Yelling in victory, Ulstwyn summoned his still living 15 companions. He would need advisors.


Halasht started to turn away, and walk through the village. However, he felt the sensation of being....watched. Turning around, he saw the souls of those who had fallen (not including the sorceror), numbeering twenty-one in size, still holding an equivalent of their weapons. He hadn't the strength to create a plane for them to rest on. Looking over them once, he turned, and beckoned for them to follow him. The twenty-one did so, taking their wepaons with them, sworn to their lord's service.

2012-05-11, 08:27 PM
Hedrin hit the ground, hard. His arms went limp. He lay in a growing pool of his own blood. The slain sorcerer managed one last gasping breath, and let out the words "Why... why?" before his life was extinguished forever. The warriors who served Hedrin looked on in shock, frozen by a mixture of fear, awe, and respect.

The Birth of Darkness Incarnate

As Hedrin's life passed, Morgash was divining the Well of Eternity. The inky waters were revealing to him a vision of great suffering. The entire world was drowning in Death and Destruction, and he was the cause of it. He recoiled in horror, utterly shocked and terrified that this might happen.

So he set about casting a powerful ritual. He intoned words of magic for many many days and nights, drawing countless sigils in the air. After Forty Days and Forty one nights, he was done. Casting his spirit adrift, he separated the part that would have brought about such terrible destruction. He cast the spectre of death out of Geasa, and out into the cold void. Shuddering as it was complete, he couldn't help but feel that he had just done something that was about to change the world, forever.

And so it was that Cam was born. In his attempt to save creation from utter destruction, Morgash had unleashed a terrible and tragic force upon the universe.

As the lord of chaos and death came into being, an evil and demented grin spread across his face. "Why, hello, my father. How I thank you so for making the biggest mistake of your existence. " he said to Morgash.

2012-05-11, 08:54 PM
Morgash gazed upon Cam in horror. "What have I done?" he said. Then he regained his composure. "Hello... son..." he practically spat out the last word. "I suggest you leave, before I undo my mistake..."

2012-05-11, 09:05 PM
Orlur descends into the Empire. He walks the streets of the capital in the form of a handsome, tall, youthful man. He begins with a smile on his face, but it slowly decreases as he sees the destitute and diseased lying in the side alleyways.
He walks up to a starving woman in an alleyway.

Do you wish to live like this?

It is my duty sir. I am a member of the lowest caste, and a diseased one at that. The world would fall out of balance if I did not starve.

That is not true. I promise you a new life, a life of plenty and of healing. You shall never want. You shall never hunger. You shall never thirst. This I swear.

With this, Orlur touches his hand to the woman's head. She sees visions, wonderful visions, visions of plenty, visions of towering granaries overflowing with food, and of crowded cities full of happy denizens. And she knows what she sees is true, as her sores begin to recede, and her disease is cured.

Go forth and share what you have seen. You will see me again, preaching throughout the city.

The woman thanks Orlur and leaves. Orlur walks off, healing as he goes, to prepare for his speech.

AP Actions:
Create Concept: Salvation for the masses 1AP

2012-05-11, 09:09 PM
Morgash gazed upon Cam in horror. "What have I done?" he said. Then he regained his composure. "Hello... son..." he practically spat out the last word. "I suggest you leave, before I undo my mistake..."

The Lord of Chaos laughs in the god's face. "We shall see, father mine. In the meantime, I shall make this world burn."

With that, he vanished.

2012-05-11, 09:16 PM
Morgash stumbled over to his throne, weary from the ritual. "What have I done? My reckless disregard for my own teachings... I have created what I sought to destroy..." Morgash wept, knowing that he had made his vision into a reality. "I must alert my father, and the other Sancrosanct Directors, perhaps it is not too late to prevent this mad god from doing harm!"

Rising from his throne, he strode to the Well of Eternity, and summoned his power, speaking to all of the Sacrosanct Directors. "Father, Brother, Elders... I have grave news, a threat most dire has revealed itself, and I must have your counsel."

2012-05-11, 09:21 PM
Some time has passed in the day. It is now about noontime. A large crowd is gathering in a plaza of the capitol. Orlur stands upon a podium he has brought out, and speaks.
I speak to you today of a new vision. Many of you have heard the stories, and I tell you that they are true. I have been sent down as a prophet by the Gods above, to bring you a new hope.
Your religion has taught you that you were born to serve the aristocracy. Well I ask you, what have they done to serve you? Many of you live poor and in the streets! For what? Some vague, nebulous concept of the common good? This I say unto you: There is enough that all may partake of plenty! I promise you a new land! A land of plenty, where food flows from granaries the size of towers!
I have been gifted with great powers by the Gods! You there! *Orlur points to a sick man in the audience* Come up here. What are you sick with?
The man replies weakly: Leprosy.
I say to you, be healed.
Orlur places his hands on the man, and he is healed. He begans healing audience members and tossing freshly created food into the crowd.
When they have dispersed, he meets with the few who still linger.
You must be my messengers across the land. Tell them of this new hope. I will return, one month from now, and take those who would accept me to a new land, a land of plenty.

Orlur turns to the first woman he healed.
You will be the leader of this church. Guide your people, the oppressed, and through me, lead them to glory. I grant you great power. Use it wisely.

Orlur dissappears. That night, all the poor and destitute who have heard of him, have great and powerful visions of rivers of food and gold, and they know what they see is the future.

AP Actions
Form Organization: The Prophets of Plenty
Infuse Organization: The Prophets of Plenty
Raise Hero: Saint Alexia Benifisia, The Grand Disciple of the Eternal Plenty
Ending AP 4

2012-05-11, 10:03 PM

Merolle turns to Morgash as he appears.

"What threat is this, Warlock?"

A work gang of brass gnomes marches behind Merolle, carrying a jailed Steel Predator off to the teletransporters.

2012-05-11, 11:02 PM
Carcino looked upon the universe, and sighed. It was so consumable and peaceful. He flicked a finger and let a few cells flow down onto the planet, and aggravated the tumor in the core. It wriggled, back and forth, extending tendrils into the inner core. It shook the world, and it let a wave cross the planet.

The planet's rotation shifted, and the waves battered the civilizations of the planet. Destruction was all over, many were displaced. Undersea mountains rose where the smallest tendrils of the Tumor reached the surface. Devastation was rampant.

And a deity clothed in a red carapace watched, with a cruel smile adorning his face.

-1 Curse:Earthquakes and tidal waves wrack the planet
-1 Alter Land:Deep sea mountains form, as one of the symptoms of the tumor.AP:6

2012-05-11, 11:23 PM
Belsheroth continued with his duties. Thousands had died, and each one needed to be ushered to the Forests of Starlight. True, he had been lax in his other responsibilities, but this task was important also.
In the North, he came to take away a most remarkable soul.
Hedrin. Your time has come.
Through your power, you sought glory and dominion. But now the great equaliser has come to claim you. Do not fear, for our destination is a place of great wonder.
You shall always be remembered as First Sorcerer, but now, join with those you remember.

This task complete, Belsheroth turned his gaze to his children in The Calasanctium Empire. He had failed and allowed many of them to live in suffering.
Most had forgotten him.
He saw one member of the Ravenkind, an apothecary of some skill. A charitable woman.
He went to her house, garbed in his dark cloak.
Maela... Look into my eyes and know me.
I am your god, Belsheroth, and I have come to place a task upon your shoulders. This task shall not be easy, but I have faith in you.
Belsheroth spent four days relating his teachings to her and ordained her as High Priestess on the morning of the fifth day.
I must go apart from the world for some time, but I shall return as soon as I am able. My brothers and sisters need me.
Remember to always be kind and share what you can with others.
With a simple gesture, he willed a fortune in gold and silver into existence.
Use this wealth to aid you in your task, and be well.
With this, Belsheroth returned to Geasa to join the council.

Starting AP: 2
Create Organisation: Church of Belsheroth 2 AP
Remaining AP: 0

2012-05-11, 11:34 PM
Far in the north, the earthquakes even reached there. However, not much irreparable damage was done. The yurts were made out of mammoth hide and bone/wood, while the only rocks that had fallen were chunks of glaciers. There were some fatalities, yes, but nothing the Ice-kin would bow down to.

2012-05-12, 01:33 AM
Morgash stumbled over to his throne, weary from the ritual. "What have I done? My reckless disregard for my own teachings... I have created what I sought to destroy..." Morgash wept, knowing that he had made his vision into a reality. "I must alert my father, and the other Sancrosanct Directors, perhaps it is not too late to prevent this mad god from doing harm!"

Rising from his throne, he strode to the Well of Eternity, and summoned his power, speaking to all of the Sacrosanct Directors. "Father, Brother, Elders... I have grave news, a threat most dire has revealed itself, and I must have your counsel."

Isanloff coldly stared at his son, a cold starving stare - for so many were starving - and what did he do. Patience had worn him thin - action must be taken soon. He must end the fast. IT was deathly cold - for all the worries of the world weighed heavily on Isanloff

What is it my Son? What new threat is there that is worse than the starvation of so many. There are so many problems. My carefully wrought empire is seeded in corruption. The tumor of our brother has began destroying the surface, our creators first world. And now yet another catastrophe. We must be more Vigilant. The directors must work together to end all threats. The world is out of control, direct us my son! And we shall rid existence of this threat of yours, the cancer on the world, and finally organized each mortal in an orderly society. THAT WILL NOT BREAK DOWN!

The Calasanctium Empire - In the Marketplace

The Vikout was exited, he was so close to making his first account! He'll get a desk and everything!

Sir we have the finest wrought safes and the keenest guards. Don't you worry. Now how much are you depositing with us today? And may I have your name, please?

The Calasanctium Empire - In the Palace

The Velikiy Knyaz smiled, and stood up, and motioned the old man to follow him. The rest of the Velikiy Knyaz and the Judges and Scales followed the them through a corridor, and emerged at a plain throne room. The throne room was made of simple stone - and the throne itself was made of wood. All to remind the Imperator that he must act properly and manage his citizens correctly. There sat an old man, clean shaven, but full of pride - he stated

Welcome traveler, I am the Imperator. I heard you had a question for me.

The Calasanctium Empire - East

The Daemonkin Rugorhartek made his way through the dimly lit passageways of the stronghold of the Scales. He was cloaked, and was magically concealing his true form from the Humans and Ravenkind scurrying around him. Rugorhartek was looking for one soul in particular, a Ravenkind known only as the Head Scale. The Avaricia could feel his presence somewhere nearby. He finally came upon a large set of doors he knew led into the Head Scale's chambers. Rugorhartek opened the doors and strode through, revealing his true form as he entered, knowing he was now alone with the Head Scale.

"Hello, Ravenkind. I hope you haven't forgotten the deal you and your fellow conspirators made with me, because I certainly have not."

The Head scale had no name. The head Scale and the Head judge each gave up their names to lead their organizations which sole purpose was not to produce, but to judge... The Head Scale looked at the newcomer and almost apathetically motioned him to sit down. He finished brewing his tea, offered some to the visitor and, off offhandedly stated.

Your donation has yet to be complete. Where is our invulnerability and immortality?

The Church of the Calasanctium Empire

The Graf's of the church were suspicious of the new preachers of Belsheroth and the Prophets of Plenty. Technically they too were preachers of Belsheroth. Half of them were raven Kin after all, but there carefully maintained control was slipping. Something had to be done - they began to go into the street to pray and share their wealth. For it was not about wealth for them, but authority. They paraded through the streets and delivered food to the hungry.

2012-05-12, 02:24 AM
My apologies Brother. I have commanded my word to be spread to all so that the false preachers need no longer turn the faithful away from the truth.
And as for the work of our brother... There is little I can do. Had I the power, his foul tumour would be expunged from the world.
Instead... I suggest we work to seize control of it. Though I am loathe to work so against our Brother; with its power in our hands, we can ensure it does not grow further.
Now Nephew, explain to us the nature of this threat. What is it that you have wrought?
Belsheroth turned his eyes toward the world, perhaps trying to glimpse anything amiss.
And Brother... Do not fear. Order is the natural state of the Universe. Watch the movements of the stars and note their dance.
Their movements are slow and stately. Never rushing and always in the same patterns. They are a great comfort to me, and I am glad I created them.

2012-05-12, 09:21 AM
Among the Goblins

The eathquakes in the desert lands were lessened by the heavy, shifting sands. Goblins knew death in intimate ways, and though many were crushed beneath collapsing tunnels and still others slaughtered by their exposure to the surface and the Steel Predators that waited there to consume them. The goblins died by the thousands that day and Kiloasa felt every death.

My children! What misery have they brought unto others that their deaths are to be so many? This one sees not balance anymore. This destruction, this unholy, unwarranted decimation of a people... Unacceptable. There will be a reckoning.

The Abandoned Children of Kiloasa

Off in the far corner of the world, where Kiloasa had first seen fit to lay its divine hand in the act of creation, the Woden waited. They had learned much from the Artifact left to them by their god, and had spent much of the age fulfilling Kiloasa's edicts, to collect powerful creatures and guard them there. The Razorpine Forest teemed with life, creatures there were stronger, faster, larger and more deadly than they were anywhere else in the world. The Woden had even managed to steal away some of the great Steel Predators that now roamed the desert in search of food. All this they did in the hopes that their god would return to them one day. A god that, though they did not know it yet, could not even feel them anymore.

2012-05-12, 09:27 AM
In the Marketplace
Halasht stroked his beard. Hm...what to...

He pulled out of his "pocket" three gold coins and handed them to the banker.

Name...eh, let's check up on the earnestness of this man to make an account, and keep it.

"My name is Caernum. I'll be back in ten years." With that, he turned around, and started to slowly stride out of the back.

END TiME SPLICING! Well, ok, after the banker's response ten years later.

2012-05-12, 09:56 AM
Belsheroth saw the suffering of the Goblins at the hands of Carcino.
With so much death, the number of souls unguided to the afterlife grew beyond his ability to ferry them without his physical presence.
I am sorry my brothers... But I must descend to the world to fulfill my duties.
With this, he went to speak with his Nephew.

Kiloasa, I am here to guide your children to where they may rest until you have prepared a place for them in the beyond.
Do not fear for them, the Forests of Starlight are truly wondrous, and nothing there will harm them.
He motioned for the souls of the slain to follow him and for Kiloasa to do the same.
The journey may seem long, but in truth, it is but an instant.

2012-05-12, 10:08 AM
Your name is unknown to this one, Elder, but your offer is most kind. This one fears for the safety of its children, the other gods despise them. Where others seek to destroy, you offer solace. Your offer is most welcome to this one. Kiloasa will come to see this Forest of Starlight.

Kiloasa gathered up the souls of its fallen children and followed its elder up to the Forest of Starlight.

Your Kindness will not be forgotten Elder. Thank you. Kiloasa bowed low.

2012-05-12, 10:21 AM
It is nothing. Mortalkind grows old, yet we are eternal. We create their life, so we are ultimately responsible for their deaths. I do what I can to lessen their suffering by providing a place where they may be rest contentedly for all time.
As for who I am, I am Belsheroth, your Father's brother.
Belsheroth led the way to the bright star that marked the passage into the Forests of Starlight. Once they had entered, he motioned to the Goblins to disperse among the starlit trees.
Here, you will need nothing. No food, no air, no water.
Nothing here can harm you.

2012-05-12, 10:33 AM
The Forest of Starlight

The others... chastise this one for the creation of the goblins. They claim that these creatures will mean the destruction of the world. This one has been forced to watch as they try to attack and destroy this one's creations.

But Kiloasa sees what they do not. These goblins are no different from the Northern barbarians, who kill each other over scraps of metal and mammoth flesh, nor the Southern Imperials who fight with words and coins and underhanded deeds.

You offer a place of rest and peace for those who have suffered through life. You do not care from whence they came, and this one would know of you: Do you fear the goblins, as other gods do?

2012-05-12, 10:40 AM
Ten years later, yet six before the Barbarian conflict

Halasht returned to the bank. He looked around at the gold embellishing.

"Caernum has returned to check up on his account. What of my investment?"

2012-05-12, 10:51 AM
I do not fear the Goblins Kiloasa. I am a God, there is nothing they can do to harm me.
My Brothers and I who form council is Geasa fear the strife that may result, inconsequential though it may be. However, their methods to limit the growth of Goblinkind are perhaps too violent for my taste.
You have taken up the task of guiding your creation, will you continue to do so? I feel that may make them stay their hands.

2012-05-12, 10:52 AM
The ice of hunger surrounded Isanloff as we watched his brother Belsheroth appear and disappear, voicing the gravest concern for his son's plight and then disappearing. To save something that wasn't a problem. In fact the mistake that was the goblins, was in perfect harmony with the environment, they didn't take from the land much, and their population was perfectly proportional to the amount of predators. It was all in balance before the cancer spread.

He was also angry at his son, for being so foolish, his bandaged form tearing itself apart.

Isanloff once again summoned the Orichalcum Icosahedron: and called out to the members of his union.

Brothers and Sons! Enough of this! We are not fit to be stewards while we do nothing. I proposed we confront our brother, the cancer directly. I will go, and I wish you will follow. We need to remove his tumor and make him answer for his crime. Then we use our combined forces to quell this catastrophe my soon foolishly set forth into the world. And finally. . . we shall deal with the dilemma's of the mortals.

With that Isanloff summoned the last of the energies he was born with, took the Orichalcum Icosahedron and shouted one last time, a plea for organization and commitment to the directors.

Come- let us see our troubled brother.

With that he Unfurled himself, and stretched a thousand miles, his appearance did not seem of that of a simple cloak, but instead an endless indigo serpent, as endless as Need itself, the serpent stretched from the chains of the world, never leaving its vicinity until it appeared at Carcino's Cradle.

Because Cradle existed in between dream and life, some dreamers at the endge of starvation, those poor souls, Isanloff had so far ignored, felt him. He felt their pain and was ashamed. His works were useless. He too made mistakes. Why control the amount of resources through distribution when as a god he could make resources meaningless. Why not? His diseases would still keep population in check. . . but that was a thought for after this meeting.

My son, Morgash, we were both foolish, our errors only differ in magnitude. I forgive - but we must work together to set everything right!

The Indigo dragon, not quite, instead of a head it had a empty cowled hood, then spoke to Carcino. THe cold of his breath almost instantly freezing, creating the first comets. They fell towards the first world and burned up in the atmosphere. Mortals looked up from their lives and saw the display of Isanloff's anger in the sky.

Brother it is I, The first born and Need itself. What do you need, that you would imperil our Creator's world!

2012-05-12, 10:58 AM
Isanloff coldly stared at his son, a cold starving stare - for so many were starving - and what did he do. Patience had worn him thin - action must be taken soon. He must end the fast. IT was deathly cold - for all the worries of the world weighed heavily on Isanloff

What is it my Son? What new threat is there that is worse than the starvation of so many. There are so many problems. My carefully wrought empire is seeded in corruption. The tumor of our brother has began destroying the surface, our creators first world. And now yet another catastrophe. We must be more Vigilant. The directors must work together to end all threats. The world is out of control, direct us my son! And we shall rid existence of this threat of yours, the cancer on the world, and finally organized each mortal in an orderly society. THAT WILL NOT BREAK DOWN!

The Calasanctium Empire - In the Palace

The Velikiy Knyaz smiled, and stood up, and motioned the old man to follow him. The rest of the Velikiy Knyaz and the Judges and Scales followed the them through a corridor, and emerged at a plain throne room. The throne room was made of simple stone - and the throne itself was made of wood. All to remind the Imperator that he must act properly and manage his citizens correctly. There sat an old man, clean shaven, but full of pride - he stated

Welcome traveler, I am the Imperator. I heard you had a question for me.

The man bowed before the emperor, and then sat cross legged in the center of his throne room. "Who, do you serve?" He asked. "What god or gods do you serve and know of?"

Just so people know, Morgash has kept pretty secretive from mortalkind. He's only ever appeared and made himself known to Hedrin.


Morgash looked to the gathered gods, then sighed. "I have made a grievous error... whilst searching the waters of the Well of Eternity, I had a vision, one where I had become a corrupt god, one who had brought the world to its knees. A god that was devouring all of creation..." Morgash hung his head in shame. "In my haste and fear, I tore out the part of me that had the potential for becoming this... this was my mistake... when I had torn it out, it formed into a new god, a god of death and destruction and chaos."

2012-05-12, 10:59 AM
The Forest of Starlight

The Goblins are the responsibility of this one. That has been understood from the moment this one chose to hide them, instead of destroying them. Although this one would stay longer in your plane, it must return to the mortal realm to guide its charges. Fare well, Belsheroth.

Kiloasa left the Forest of Starlight and returned to the mortal plane. It took on the form of a goblin once more and returned to the Lokab tribe, hiding deep in their burrows.

2012-05-12, 11:18 AM
At the Bank - 10 years later (but still 6 in the past)

The Vikont now, was a stately head manager of the main branch, his hair gray and his back slightly off center from sitting all day. His bearing much refined from the eager days of the youth, yet he still smiled at the customer and said

I never forgot you, my first account. Come this way.

He didn't speak in exclamations anymore, just calmly spoke words with, just a little bit of warmth. He led him to the ledger and spoke.

You deposited 3 gold pieces with us 10 years ago, with an annual interest of 2 percent that is an additional 66 Pieces of silver, of course 10 percent of all returns are donated to the people, that would be 59 silver pieces. Here you go sir, 3 gold coins, the very same you left us - I may add, and your return of 59 silver pieces. Thank you so uch for your patronage

At the Palace

The man on the wooden throne shifted in his seat, redistributing his weight on the uncomfortable chair, he smiled and said as if reciting a common phrase.

We serve the creator of Humans, and the Creator of RavenKin and the Creator of this empire. The Heaven Reacher, The Starlit Repose and the Noblesse Oblige. Those are the gods and lords we follow.

2012-05-12, 11:21 AM
In the Bank

Halasht only took back his three coins.

"Keep them. I see you've done well with what I gave you. Tell me, what is your name?"

2012-05-12, 11:22 AM
The Head scale had no name. The head Scale and the Head judge each gave up their names to lead their organizations which sole purpose was not to produce, but to judge... The Head Scale looked at the newcomer and almost apathetically motioned him to sit down. He finished brewing his tea, offered some to the visitor and, off offhandedly stated.

Your donation has yet to be complete. Where is our invulnerability and immortality?

Rugorhartek smiled, these mortals would get their immortality and invulnerability, but they might not like what form it came in. He closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment, tapping into his reserves of magical power, and drawing energy from the force of their Pact. The Head Scale soon felt his skin rapidly atrophying, turning into dead tissue and falling off his body. His blood began to boil and rise off his body as steam. This process repeated itself on the rest of the Head Scale's organs and muscles until only a skeletal body remained. But the Head Scale was still alive, his soul and intellect was still bound to the skeleton. He had become a lich. The same thing was happening to all the the other Humans and Ravenkind bound to this pact.

"This is the price of your immortality, fool. This along with the agreed upon 1000 souls, yearly, to maintain you and your fellow conspirator's existence." Rugorhartek paused for a moment to let the gravity of their consequences set it. "And if the Blood Tithe is not met, I will take your souls as my payment."

2012-05-12, 11:29 AM
At the Palace

The man on the wooden throne shifted in his seat, redistributing his weight on the uncomfortable chair, he smiled and said as if reciting a common phrase.

We serve the creator of Humans, and the Creator of RavenKin and the Creator of this empire. The Heaven Reacher, The Starlit Repose and the Noblesse Oblige. Those are the gods and lords we follow.

The old man nodded. "This is good... Emperor, I have not been entirely honest. I come as a messenger from another god. In fact, the son of the one who forged this empire." he smiled briefly. "Morgash, High Warlock of the Gods."

2012-05-12, 11:36 AM
At the bank

The Vikont, refused to take back the coins, on principle.

My Name is Hergsin, sir.

At the palace

The man on the wooden throne, Velikiy Knyaz Humrasan, and the female Velikiy Knyaz, the other Velikiy Knyaz's Judge and Scale suddenly started screaming. Their skin rapidly atrophied, turning into dead tissue and falling off their bodies. Their blood began to boil and rise off their bodies as red steam. Only a skeletal body remained.

The unaffected Velikiy Knyaz screamed in terror,

MAGE! You broke our promise! What have you done to my comrades and lords! You shall answer for your crimes!

With that the unaffected Judges and Scales, all extremely well trained combatants after all, charged the disguised god who they though reduced the seat of nobility to mere marrow

At the stronghold of the Scales

The head scale took his transformation in stride. Everything seemed to bore the man. He held up his hand and caught his heart on its way out and looked at it curiously, then unceremoniously dropped it. He flicked his fingers and powerful dark magic emanated from that simple gesture. He turned to the daemon and dispassionately said

Very well, on this exact day, a thousand shall be bled dry for our pact. And each year that follows.

2012-05-12, 11:44 AM
In the marketplace

"Hergsin, keep them. I have no need of them. If you will not, then donate them in my name. Regardless, I shall return at a later time, which may or may not be short in coming. Good day." Halasht walked out of the bank, and headed for something he had to attend.

Among the Ice-people (during the meteor shower)

Halasht crouched, his twenty-one companions waiting behind him, their spirity forms invisible and wispy. The Ice-kin had been caught off guard by the earthquakes, though their usage of hides for their yurts meant that their buildings were rather non-fatal. He looked up. All those meteor showers, they must have meant something was going on. No doubt some of his siblings were up to something. Halasht waited. If they interfered, he would do something. But not now.

2012-05-12, 11:53 AM
The Palace

Morgash scowled. "I do not have the power to turn men into beasts... but I know who may..." standing, Morgash threw off his illusion, revealing his godly form in the palace. "You have all done this to yourselves, I am Morgash, High Warlock of the Gods. You, have sinned greatly, and I will find out how." with that, Morgash disappeared in a gout of green flame, leaving scorch marks on the stone floor.


Morgash appeared in his Keep, striding to the well of Eternity he gazed into it, and willed the Well to show him only events from the Empire. "What did they do?" he muttered to himself, searching through the strands of fate. He almost missed it, a single droplet of time. He took it, peering into it. Within he saw himself, standing to the right of his Father, pointing to Daazo, and accusing him of doing great harm to the balance of the empire. "My brother..." he muttered, and then took the droplet, placing it into his Censer.

The Confrontation of Carcino

Morgash appeared, a gout of green flame announcing his arrival. "Hail, Father, Elder Carcino." He spoke, the Censer of Eternity hanging from his belt.

2012-05-12, 12:11 PM
Abandoned Children of Kiloasa

The Woden searched for their god. But though they sought, they could not find it. They had only the teachings from the Stone of Druidism to guide them. They wove themselves boats out of leaves and grass and set out into the world to spread the secrets of druidic magic. This was the one edict of Kiloasa they had so far failed to follow and one Woden, Thornne, hoped it would lead him to his god.

Captaining the grass ship, Thornne found himself and his crew caught up in a mighty storm, waves higher than mountains crashed against the small ship and threw its crew into the ocean.

Thornne found himself washed upon a frozen shore. The land here was cold and barren. Surely nothing could survive in this desolate place. Taking some small seeds from a pouch at his belt, Thornne imbued them with a small amount of druidic magic and changed their form so they could better survive the infernal cold. He planted the seeds and saw that they would thrive in this wasteland, bringing new life with them. Thornne new this to be good.

With his first project completed, Thornne wandered off into the bitter cold to look for others that he could pass his teachings on to.

2012-05-12, 12:15 PM
At the stronghold of the Scales

The head scale took his transformation in stride. Everything seemed to bore the man. He held up his hand and caught his heart on its way out and looked at it curiously, then unceremoniously dropped it. He flicked his fingers and powerful dark magic emanated from that simple gesture. He turned to the daemon and dispassionately said

Very well, on this exact day, a thousand shall be bled dry for our pact. And each year that follows.

At the stronghold of the Scales

"Excellent... it's been a pleasure doing business with you." Rugorhartek added somewhat sarcastically before departing from the stronghold. He had many plans for these souls.


Daazo watched smiling at the havoc his Daemonkin had caused so far, things were going according to plan. He decided it would be prudent to infuse them with a piece of his own being, to make them even more powerful.

Starting AP: 4
Infuse Race (The Avaricia) -2
Current AP: 2

2012-05-12, 12:43 PM
The Confrontation of Carcino - the Cradle

Isanloff was proud of his son's bearing and manor. He was not weak to shrivel up after making a mistake, he came like the god he was, to make amends for his errors. The Orichalcum Icosahedron, throbbed, urging each member of the Sacrosanct Directors to join them at the Cradle to confront the cancer that was their brother.

The Calasanctium Empire - The North

Judge Stijn laughed, his new skeletal form was strong as iron, and his dark power ionized the air. Scales Krawm, lay dead on the floor, a sacrifice. Velikiy Knyaz, Itan didn't smile, he was grim and cold. He thought the Judge was dealing with the northern tribe men, but unfortunately it turned out to be much darker. He lunged at the lich, but was blown back with a blast of dark energy. This didn't look good. He prayed to the Noblesse Oblige to give him Strength. He stood up to face whatever dark creature Stijn turned himself into . . . . .

The Calasanctium Empire - The South

Judge Drotlum looked down upon the headless lich struggling to stand up. He was always keeping an eye on Gertsog, Caldmir. He just wouldn't act till he did, that wasn't the code, he had to suffer this idiotic plot to fruition. So as soon as the transformation began to occur, he took of Caldmir's head. The lich was alive, but helpless. And when Judge Drotlum locked the door and order it sealed, Caldmir would remain helpless there, headless for eternity. Judge Drotlum then went into the yard of the keep and dug a whole and threw in the screaming skull and said.

May you know true hunger now. That is the punishment for ignoring your Noblesse Oblige

2012-05-12, 01:00 PM
The Confrontation of Carcino - the Cradle

Isanloff was proud of his son's bearing and manor. He was not weak to shrivel up after making a mistake, he came like the god he was, to make amends for his errors. The Orichalcum Icosahedron, throbbed, urging each member of the Sacrosanct Directors to join them at the Cradle to confront the cancer that was their brother.

Daazo somewhat reluctantly heeded the summons of his father. He appeared before Isanloff at the Cradle, blank-eyed and cloaked as always.

"Hello, Father. May I ask what the reasons for this gathering are? Events of interest are taking place on the mortal world."

2012-05-12, 01:01 PM
Halasht pondered in the meantime. He reflected on what he had observed and done. He waited, still watching the sky.

Starting AP: 0+4(rollover)=4
Gain domain: Trials (Nature)

2012-05-12, 01:06 PM
The Confrontation of Carcino - the Cradle

The pride of a father whose sons answer his call can not be underestimated.

Well done my sons, well done. We are here to end Carcino's destruction of the first world - I know grave events are happening on the first world that require each of our combined attentions, but this takes precedence. Just like you, it pains me to turn away my gaze for even the merest of seconds, but this cancer must be stopped.

2012-05-12, 01:10 PM
Morgash tensed slightly when his brother appeared, but made sure not to show anything. He bowed his head. "It is our Duty as wardens of creation to confront threats such as these. I will gladly leave my sanctum and studies to stop a cancerous threat to our great works."

2012-05-12, 01:33 PM
Orlur looks to the skies and sees the confrontation with Carcino. A wonderful opportunity. He strides into villages and cities of the Empire struck with earthquakes, gathering followers with promises of plenty and easy life and demonstrations of his power. His arrival has been prepared by the prophets. He strides into the capitol to meet with his church, which has survived despite the giving of food to the poor. He sees Saint Alexia preaching:
She says: They give us food! They give us their money! But they have much more! We could get much more! They believe they can rule us and buy us with their gifts. They cannot! He will return and lead us to a chosen land of ease!

Orlur walks onto the stage. He smiles.
The time has come. Follow me, and I will lead you to the land of plenty.

Orlur walks off the stage, and the people follow. Through time and space he travels, warping them as he passes, bringing his people in an instant to the land of beauty. A land of lush forests and giant flowers, wonderful mountains and roaring rivers. He crafts for them two towers, one a massive granary everflowing with food, the other a massive bank, everflowing with streams of gold.

You have all you need. Alexia will lead you from now.

AP Actions
Craft Relic: The towers of endless wealth
Gain Domain: Plenty (Apathy)
Ending 1 AP

2012-05-12, 02:06 PM
Daazo waited and listened to his brother and father.

"What would you propose we do about this... cancer?"

2012-05-12, 03:03 PM
Birth of the Arch-Druid
Kiloasa felt its power spreading across the world, slowly, but still it spread. The knowledge gained from the Stone of Kiloasa had left the Razorpine Forest and was being shown to all the world.

The time has come for this one to lay claim to its power. Let all know that it is through Kiloasa that Druidism was born, and through the power of Druidism may nature be tamed.

The magic of Kiloasa condensed itself, tightening focus and growing in power. The surge of power changed Kiloasa's form, making it more feral, more bestial. Green runes danced across its powerful wooden frame and a cloak of leaves trailed behind it.

I am Kiloasa, The Hungerer, The Green Maker. I am Kiloasa, The Arch-Druid!

Starting AP: 0+4 (rollover)
Create Domain: 3 AP Magic (Druidism)
Ending AP: 1 AP
New title: The Arch-Druid

2012-05-12, 03:05 PM
The Cradle

Carcino floated above the Cradle, and observed the gathered gods, and he sneered. He pointed his red finger at Isanloff,"Growth begets growth, I am not creating destruction, I am expanding the world. Those are merely growing pains."

2012-05-12, 03:14 PM
The earthquakes that ripped apart the lands sent mere ripples through the Parliament of Shadows. Some shadows vanished, their casters crushed or killed by the earthquakes above. The others kept speaking, thin reedy voices under the waves, and Nyctus sat at the center, taking in all the information they gave of wars and mortals and growing cancers. So many gods felt a need to enforce their power. So few of them were wise enough to simple listen.

Gods have shadows, too. And Nyctus listened to the confrontation of Carcino through the shadows of the gods there.

2012-05-12, 03:34 PM
Isanloff's voice froze the void

Growing pains! That is why I pleaded caution - so you we may work out the growth before hand. Instead you cause death and destruction, upsetting the order we carefully worked on. Ruining the balance we sought to ensure. You are malignant and destructive. If you wanted to expand you should have sought our counsel and we would have allocated the resources properly to ensure it would have been a painless growth. You could have grown somewhere else, made a world of cancer.

The Ice of Isanloff began to rain down upon the first world, meteor showers that began to block out the light of the sun and moons

Now we must decrease the cellular metabolism of your tumor, increase the cellular survival, decrease inflammation, decrease pain and the spasms, promote vasoconstriction, and destroy the cells by crystallizing the cytosol. Due to your hasty errors we need to engage in emergency cyrotherapy for the entire world!

The temperatures of the entire world dropped, Isanloffs solution was an ice age, his anger did not hold him in check, he knew more would starve under the snow, but that was an unfortunate side effect over preventing the tumor from ripping the world apart - as soon as he was done here, Isanloff would see to it that the mortals of the world would be able to self-sustain themselves. The ice age was also a good way to prevent the events on the first from getting out of control. The mortals must focus on survival instead of destroying one another.

And I will not have you interfere again!

Starting AP 5 + 4 rollover
Curse AP 1: Ice age! Also has the effect of preventing the tumor from growing further. (Indy - I didn't destroy the tumor, this is just a preventative measure.
Ending AP: 8

2012-05-12, 03:38 PM
The Cradle

Carcino floated above the Cradle, and observed the gathered gods, and he sneered. He pointed his red finger at Isanloff,"Growth begets growth, I am not creating destruction, I am expanding the world. Those are merely growing pains."

The Cradle

Morgash unhooked the Censer of Eternity from his belt, lifting it and willing into being a vision of the destruction Carcino's earthquakes had wrought. "You have blatantly disregarded the will and creations of your Brethren and Equals. Without so much as a warning, you shook the entire world that we are tasked to protect. Expansion it may be, you must be called upon to answer for your sowing of discord among mortalkind." Morgash spoke calmly, betraying no emotion.

When his father started to rain ice down on the world, Morgash reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. "Father... drowning the world in Ice will only make matters worse... Please, we cannot destroy all of Creation just to rid the world of this Cancer! We can use more precise methods!!!"

Thorshalf, a small village in the southern part of the Calasanctium Empire

Thorshalf had always been a rather poor town, part of a chain of backwaters that the Empire neglected because they didn't have any natural riches. Here dwelled a Human woman, roughly fifty years of age, who was a Healer for the town. An apothecary, she used simple herb remedies to cure what she could, but it was a hard work. It was to this woman, Gale, that Morgash spoke. He appeared in her Dreams, beckoning her to speak with him. He appeared to her in her dreams every night for one month. On the day Morsein was full in the sky, her spirit was drawn into the Dreamworld, and she finally was able to speak with Morgash.

The Dreamworld

Morgash sat on the grassy plain, cross-legged. He motioned for Gale to sit down beside him. When she sat, he opened his eyes and smiled. "Welcome... it has been a long time since I spoke to a mortal in this way..."

"Who... who are you?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear and awe.

"I am the son of Imperialism... the son of Hunger... Brother of Evil, and Father of Death... I am the High Warlock... I, am Morgash..." he spoke, extending his hand. "It was I who gifted mortals with magic first... I who inspired all of the tales and legends."

Gale took his hand gently, and stared at him in awe. "You... you are a god?" She whispered quietly.

"Yes... I am a god... and I have come to give you a gift." Taking Gale's hands, he stood. Touching her forehead, he gifted her with the Power of Oneiromancy and the knowledge of how to use it. "Do not squander this gift..." He said, vanishing.

Gale woke up, startled by her dream.

2012-05-12, 03:44 PM
Kiloasa felt the world grow cold. It watched the meteors of ice rain down upon the world and knew it could only come from one place. Its bretheren fought again, when the solution had been before them the whole time. Kiloasa gathered up its power and rose to the cradle.

Brothers, Elders, look what damage you have wrought. Elder Isanloff, can you truly call this the best solution? You are too quick to destroy, too eager to seal off what you do not understand, and the result is that mortals must suffer for it. May I propose and alternative?

2012-05-12, 04:00 PM
Saint Alexia looked down upon her people from her cathedral. She spoke unto them.
Fear not, my people. This ice age is but a minor inconvenience. The Prophet's gifts will save us and all the world. For we will invite them into this isle where they might take shelter from the cold and the famine that will surely come. For truly, the Prophet would want it thus.

But the people grew restless. This was not what they had expected. Why should they bring others in, when they had rejected the promises of their church. In unison they chanted: No! Let them freeze! We have all we need.

And Alexia sighed. And Alexia consented.

2012-05-12, 04:03 PM
Isanloff, did not stay his hand... not yet.

I have waited too long. I have pleaded and asked for coordination since the beginning of time. None have listened, all have created upon our creators first world with disregard for each others creations. No unity! It is not just this cancer that must be slowed, but all of creation but be immobilized so it can be contemplated how best to proceed.

Isanloff's form began to become entangles, the mile long serpent knotted itself till it became the bandaged muscular man with a empty cowled hood, except this time, each strand was covered in knots.

Very well. I will stay my hand yet again. But be warned young ones. I am not patient anymore. After this tumor is removed by a finer surgical effort, I will personally see to it that this world will function efficiently. Each mortal will be made to account for each overuse of each resource given.

Isanloff raised his hands and focused the ice of the ice age to converge on a single point, a spear of need, the spear of the Imperator. The cold weapon of starvation stabbed the tumor, freezing it entirely. And the spear stayed within the earth, freezing the ground for a mile of where it landed. If it were ever to be removed it would be an extraordinary weapon for any mortal, but then the tumor would begin anew.

There. Now what to do with this growth who calls himself a god.

Starting AP 8:

What a short ice age :smallbiggrin:

Create Artifact AP 4: Spear of the Imperator: A spear that grants its owner a +2 bonus and is imbued with the power of absolute need. Need for warmth, heat, food, drink. The spear is the embodiment of an entire ice age. Any being touched by the spears tip would be frozen down to their very cells. But if anyone removes the spear, then the tumor restarts.

Ending AP 4:

2012-05-12, 04:14 PM
The Cradle

Kiloasa sighed heavily at Isanloff's temper tantrum.

Esteemed Elders, I would like to extend unto you an offer: The seeds of magic have long been germinating in the soil of the mortal world. True, many gods, myself included, acted without forethought while creating this world, but I believe that it may be possible to aid the mortals in solving their own problems. And perhaps the ones we have created as well. I offer to teach Druidic magic to any who would learn it, so that it might spread across the world and grant mortals the power to heal their lands from the damage caused by this tumor and rash ice age caused by Elder Isanloff. Would any other wish to lend their power to my own, that a college of wise men, of magi, might be formed?

EDIT: Had to do a quick rewrite because I misread mystic's post, apparently Isanloff is still there. My bad :smallredface:

2012-05-12, 04:28 PM
The Cradle

Kiloasa sighed heavily at Isanloff's temper tantrum. It watched as the bandaged god disappeared and turned to face its siblings.

Had my esteemed elder not acted so hastily, I would have extended to him the same offer I would make to you. The seeds of magic have long been germinating in the soil of the mortal world. True, many gods, myself included, acted without forethought while creating this world, but I believe that it may be possible to aid the mortals in solving their own problems. And perhaps the ones we have created as well. I offer to teach Druidic magic to any who would learn it, so that it might spread across the world and grant mortals the power to heal their lands from the damage caused by this tumor and rash ice age caused by Elder Isanloff. Would any other wish to lend their power to my own, that a college of wise men, of magi, might be formed?

Morgash stepped forward, raising the Censer of Eternity. The flames wafting from it revealed an image of thirteen robed men and women, seated around a large circular room. Each sat on a throne that was very customized, as if they had willed it into being themselves. "Long have I waited to see where this future may come from... now I realize where... I will join my gifts with yours..." Lowering the Censer, he hooked it back onto his belt. "Please, forgive my father, he is constantly striving for a better world... he just... runs out of patience at times."

But as for this college... I will gift the knowledge of Oneiromancy, and Astromancy, upon mortalkind... those with the will to control this arcane power will be free to do with it as they wish."

7 AP - 3 AP - 1 PAP - 3 AP = 1 AP
Create Fabled Conept: Astromancy - Astromancy is the second school of dark magic, it is the magic of the heavens. Using Astromancy, one can influence the weather, bring down bolts of lightning, divine one's destiny by reading the patterns in the Celestial Bodies, and even bring meteors and comets crashing down to earth. As with all Dark Magic, it gains power when Morsein is close to the world.
Gain Domain: Oracle (Foresight)
-4 AP: Create Relic - The Well of Eternity
-3 AP: Create Fabled Concept - Astromancy

2012-05-12, 06:19 PM
From the edge of sight a single white fox watched the the sacrosanct directors work unfold. The creature smiled in an all too human manner before vanishing. Elsewhere, a six winged butterfly made it's way to earth and found it's way to the ear of an ice kin of the Hald; a tribe leader who was ambitious in the ways of war. One who would follow the words of Reisen without question in exchange for power. And power he was given. For Reisen's whispers led the man to a place of power. And there he granted him the strength to wield the artifact forged from the cold fury of the first god. And so started the drums of war.

Start AP: 0
Rollover: 4
Raise Hero: 4
Hallorn, the first of the giants, and wielder of the ice spear. :smalltongue:
Hope that's okay. :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-12, 06:31 PM
The robed god slowly began untangling

I apologize young ones, It seems my greatest decision was to bring you into the world - for youth brings with it the pristine clarity and patience that rising tides of time do not wear. My anger has greatly damaged the mortals but has stayed this growth in the world. I leave it to you to remove it more expertly than I. My son and Directors, I will leave you to deal with the cancer and greater threat - call upon me if need me... I must retire to contemplate. For I am a danger as well. Let me think about what I must accomplish as I have preached so often. Carcino do not act so rashly as to rise me to action yet again. I will leave you to the judgement of my sons.

With that the cloak that Isanloff used to represent himself vanished. He became who he was, need. The need of every mortal, and every god. As this need he began to collect data, information and formula to correctly balance the world. In this form he would only materialize if called upon by one of the Sacrosanct Directors directly. Isanloff gave into starvation. He would fast now to atone for his impatience.

Lol no problem, the spear was meant to be used by anyone :smallbiggrin:

The History of the Empire after the Year of winter

Even though the ice age was brief, it was a harsh one. Except for the northern district, none of the others were prepared for the long winter. Many starved due to the lack of crops. With food supplies low, some lords fulfilled their duties and fasted while they're serfs ate, but most let them die.

In the Western district the Lich-Lords (those who gave themselves into dark power, have taken on that ostentatious title) with the Imperator leading them, broke down the old system of laws and nobility and created a system where they were on top and the rest were like cattle. Some nobles resisted, but they fell quickly to their terrible magic. The brewing rebellion of serfs quickly became the resistance movement - but they had nothing to fight for. They were planning to rebel so they didn't like the old ways, but would have vastly preferred them. SO the resistance movement was splintered, those who wanted the duty of nobility re-established and those who did not. Yet they all cowered and hid in front of the Lich-Lords. So the west was lost to the Imperator and his Lich-Lords, the fractured resistance, hiding in the shadows.

The eastern district, stayed almost the same. Outside the four sacrifices a day mandated by the Head Scale. Serfs in that district were always well treated it was the nobles who were constantly judged. The Judges and Scales though in the east merged under neath the Head Scale, who still called himself that. Even though they were liches they did not shirk their duties. THe reason they sold their souls was because they felt that theirs was the best way to maintain order. They were the only ones who can keep the peace. Forever - they used their dark magics to create heat for the east, keeping the crops stable and plentiful - securing their power. Four souls a day was nothing for the price of peace and stability. They did not call themselves the lich-lords.

Below the keep of the Judge and the Scale- the two towers retained their initial names, but were collectively known as the Crucible now - a man dreamt of starvation. Who was he? He was of prideful bearing, back straight in the darkness, fasting with no food.

Velikiy Knyaz, Itan in the north quickly rounded up and killed all those who sold themselves to the dark powers. The north was already well equipped to handle the frost. Velikiy Knyaz, Itan had lost an eye to Stijn. Not a simple gouging, no. Stijn had blasted him with a spell of some sort that left a hole through his head, the inside of which was a strong as iron. YOu can see right through Itan's skull. The soldiers now called him General cheese behind his back. Good. Let them keep their spirits up. Itan quickly took half his army south to provide food for the southerners, where he met the leading judge, Judge Drotlum, in the district farming with the farmers doing his best to keep up supplies. Itan brought as many crops from up north as he could afford to give with out his own people starving.. WHich posed a problem. If instead of calling it a civil war you call it a battle between three empires there was him in the middle with the Lich-lords to the west and the Crucible to the east. Not to mention the northern tribes sensing weakness and emboldened by the year of winter up north.

What was Itan to do? The Imperator Itan knew and grew up with, believed in Noblesse Oblige more than anyone. He knew that the Imperator's ass on the wooden thrown would rather starve then let one of his citizens starve or die. What the hell was going on! Did people really change that much?

2012-05-12, 08:34 PM
After the Year of Winter, in the North

The Ice-kin continued on as always, during the ice age. Surprisingly, except for Bolg clan near the south, no one noticed any difference. Ulstwyn ruled over the Shust clan as the clanmaster, while a year later Hallorn the giant king had dominated the Hald clan of the pole. The Hyer clan, on the seas, lived as always, until one day a group of hunters came upon a new being...

Meanwhile, Ulstwyn approached the polar Clangrounds. He and a group of his companions, most of them the same ones with him when he slew Hedrin, were traveling to the Clansmoot, where every five years the clanmasters would meet. While the Hald clan had control of the cap, the pole itself was the center of a circle 1 mile in diameter that was forbidden to all except the clanmasters and those they brought with them. As such, there was always an open route to the Clansmoot. Ulstwyn saw the other four clanmasters there, as his group set up camp around the giant yurt erected on the pole. Hallorn, the giant, was seen making merry with his men. The Hyer and Bolg clanmasteers were already inside, the Chieftain of the Yulc clan, the lone woman Clanmaster, crouched down, observing like a bird of prey.

Someone else be one of the hunting/fishing party that meats the dryad.

And anyone else can be whichever clanmaster they want, except for Ulstwyn(me) and Hallorn(X-guy, unless he forfeits his right)

2012-05-12, 10:39 PM
Belsheroth sighed to himself.
His Brothers and Nephews continued to wreak havoc among mortalkind. He knew that the tumour had to be dealt with. But the methods used prevented his attending their council.
More and more died each day. More than he could guide to the afterlife.
He needed aid.
With this, he raised his scythe and carefully cut his own left arm.
Gathering his blood and infusing it with starlight and his own wisdom, he willed it to grow.
With this, he walked east and let his blood drip, drop by drop, onto the ground behind.
Each drop grew into a tall silver, gold or copper haired humanoid. By the time the wound healed, there were one thousand such beings. Belsheroth turned to address them.
My children. I have brought you into this world to fulfill a purpose of great importance. I will teach you your task and guide you until you no longer need my guidance.
You are the Belsherai. May you always know kindness.

Starting AP: 0+4(roll over)+1(Pantheon)
Create Fabled Life: Belsherai. These angelic beings fulfill the task of ferrying the dead to the Forests of Starlight. Their numbers will grow into the millions over the aeons. 4 AP
Remaining AP: 1

2012-05-12, 10:41 PM
Thorshalf, after the Year of Winter

Gale had quickly mastered her powers of Astromancy, and had taken two young apprentices. She taught them the basics, and by the end of the Year, her apprentices were capable of summoning gusts of wind, electrical sparks, and divining whether or not the year would be good for crops.

Thorshalf flourished under this new influence, and had separated from the chaotic and fractured Empire, becoming the Kingdom of Thorshalf. The King, a warrior named Tahn, ruled with benevolence, and the wise counsel of Gale's Astromancy. Gale used her powers to keep crops warm enough to survive, and to keep the village an island of relative warmth in the sea of ice. During this time, she was visited by Morgash again, who told her of a great and terrible conspiracy in the Empire. He told her to warn the king that the Lich-Lords of the West were power-hungry, and would not stop at having just the west. He told her of Crucible, to the East, and how the Judges and Scales had sacrificed their humanity to become immortal. Morgash told her of the General to the north, who had managed to unite his people, and protect his corner of the Empire.

Armed with this Knowledge, Gale sent one of her apprentices, Michael, North, as an envoy to Velikiy Knyaz Itan. He Arrived on the day the frosts left, hailing the Southern Gates of the stronghold by bringing down a bolt of lightning from the heavens. He then shouted. "Hail! I come in peace!"

2012-05-12, 11:39 PM
His task on the mortal world complete, Belsheroth returned to Geasa to speak with his Nephew.
Morgash... Now that Carcino's tumour has been dealt with for now. We must turn our attention to your mistake.
In your panic, you sought to rid yourself of the taint of evil, but in doing so, you brought your fear to life. We must find some way of limiting this threat before suffering comes to mortalkind.
As such, I request to gaze into the Well of Eternity, to see what I may.

2012-05-13, 12:39 AM
Velikiy Knyaz Itan looked out of the keep. Lightning struck the Iron gates, and melted them slightly. Not enough to ruin their structural integrity - but enough to annoy Itan. Itan called the archers and the shield men, as well as the various assassins in the keep. A magic user. That meant they were under attack. Probably by the Lich - Lords. Though they usually came in pairs. And in front of a group of enslave and brainwashed former resistance fighters. Itan personally left the tower to meet with the stranger. Perhaps it was a young nobel who became a lich-lord and now wanted to prove his might to his corrupted elders.

At attendant met him on his way. Sharp salute.

General Ch. . . I Mean Commandant Velikiy Knyaz. The intruder is saying he comes in peace.

Peace? The Lich-lords were usually too arrogant to even attempt subterfuge. Did the long winter change them or was this youth at its finest

And sir. He still has skin.

What?! Wait? This could mean they could cast illusions now. Not that far of a stretch.

Itan made it to the gates and addressed the intruder through them, the ballasts trained on their targets, they usually made short work of the Lich-lords magic. Sure they never died but they couldn't put themselves back together. The yard was buried with talking skulls.

Itan addressed Michael

Hello young magician. I see you still have your skin on. Is it Real?

2012-05-13, 12:49 AM
Velikiy Knyaz Itan looked out of the keep. Lightning struck the Iron gates, and melted them slightly. Not enough to ruin their structural integrity - but enough to annoy Itan. Itan called the archers and the shield men, as well as the various assassins in the keep. A magic user. That meant they were under attack. Probably by the Lich - Lords. Though they usually came in pairs. And in front of a group of enslave and brainwashed former resistance fighters. Itan personally left the tower to meet with the stranger. Perhaps it was a young nobel who became a lich-lord and now wanted to prove his might to his corrupted elders.

At attendant met him on his way. Sharp salute.

General Ch. . . I Mean Commandant Velikiy Knyaz. The intruder is saying he comes in peace.

Peace? The Lich-lords were usually too arrogant to even attempt subterfuge. Did the long winter change them or was this youth at its finest

And sir. He still has skin.

What?! Wait? This could mean they could cast illusions now. Not that far of a stretch.

Itan made it to the gates and addressed the intruder through them, the ballasts trained on their targets, they usually made short work of the Lich-lords magic. Sure they never died but they couldn't put themselves back together. The yard was buried with talking skulls.

Itan addressed Michael

Hello young magician. I see you still have your skin on. Is it Real?

Michael blinked, then tugged at the skin on his arm. "Feels real enough to me, you can have a pull if you don't believe me." HE smiled, laughing. "I come from the south... my people, we have a mage, a real mage! One gifted by Morgash himself!" Michael smiled, approaching closer to Itan. "We only want an alliance."

His task on the mortal world complete, Belsheroth returned to Geasa to speak with his Nephew.
Morgash... Now that Carcino's tumour has been dealt with for now. We must turn our attention to your mistake.
In your panic, you sought to rid yourself of the taint of evil, but in doing so, you brought your fear to life. We must find some way of limiting this threat before suffering comes to mortalkind.
As such, I request to gaze into the Well of Eternity, to see what I may.

Morgash bowed to Belsheroth. "Of course." He said, and traveled to his Fortress, beckoning Belsheroth to him. "Simply gaze into the waters of the well, and use your godly power to sift through the infinite possibilities."

2012-05-13, 01:01 AM
The Cradle

Before Isanloff had even finished his tirade, Carcino had reverted to his benign form, and just stared off into the void. Even when the ice spear was removed, the Tumor remained in place. His dopey smile returned,"Okey dokey Isan-lofft..." He raised an arm, an caused a miracle to happen. Things started adapting to their environment, everything changed slowly. Life could once again flourish.

Create Concept:Adaptation -1 This is a result of the Tumor, and relies on it to function properly. This is equivalent to real life adaptations.
Gain Domain:Growth( Cancer) -3
4 from Tumor
1 from alter land
1 from curse of earthquakes
1 from adaptations

2012-05-13, 01:06 AM
Skin was real huh. Real mage? Morgash? A another power in the south? He had enough to deal with from all sides, and now the south had come into play why hadn't he heard about this place. Why the hell did he employ cartographers for?

Skin? Could be an illusion, my touch could be affected by an illusion or an enchanting influence. There are problems with your offer. What do you mean real mage. We fight against mages all the time. Do you mean better? Has one of the Lich-Lords rode south and already taken some of the lands under my protection? I will never make a deal with a Lich-Lord, your master would surely know that, but that leaves the problem... I never heard of Morgash. Nor did i ever hear of any kingdom south of ours. And if I never heard of you, who else would have? An alliance means you expect help from us. Help from what? We can use aid, but I have seen what happens when men are asked to pay for great gifts. You leave me with only questions young wizard, but no variables on which I can stake my peoples future on.

2012-05-13, 04:43 AM
After the Year of Winter, in the North

As Ulstwyn arrived Hallorn rose. He stood towering over the other ice kin as he made his way to the first hero of his kind.

"Ulstwyn! Slayer of sorcerers! Long have I wished to meet you. I believe we have much to discuss."


As Reisen landed on the metal ring he twisted in shape until he resembled that of a human with the head of a fox. Long tattoos flowed down the human torso pulsing and changing to a strange and chaotic pattern of their own desire. Speaking in a voice that resonated through all barriers and walls of the fortress Reisen called out.

"Morgash, dearest nephew. I would speak with you."

2012-05-13, 10:12 AM
Geasa, The Brass City

Covering much of the second ring of The Chains of the World rises a city unlike any other in the world, a city of golden ziggurats with streets and skies lined by a parade of metallic wonder. Certainly no mortal could dream of such radiance.

Mortals didn't build this, at any rate. The Brass Gnomes did, under the auspices of Merolle, who is The Grand Maker for them. In eons past he commanded them to work and create, until they were ready to travel to the world below.

In this while, the gnomes organized into a vast network of craftsmen and specialists, a guild, no, The Guild. The administrative body of the city-nation on Geasa, and at long last, they see themselves ready to bring their wonder to the crude world beneath.

The Broken Empire

North, west, east. The brass gnomes saw the lands that had once been one nation. Ripe for trade. The small men of metal headed for their transports, and descended to these three lands.

In the east, the entourage of little men appeared as Velikiy Knyaz Itan and his magical visitor discussed, in a strange flash of magic not quite arcane nor divine.

"Hello, friends!"

Clangrounds, the North

And let none believe that gnomes have any sense of timing! Because they don't, a delegation of the small metal men also headed to the Clansmoot of the Ice-kin, in oblivious disregard to these men (and woman) cultural denial of free passage into these lands. Well, at least the gnomes are small and unthreatening, one could suppose.

"Hello, friends!"

The Woden, Abandoned

Kiloasa had long forsaken her first creations in favor of obsessive doting over the degenerate goblins... The brass gnomes saw an irony in that. Their delegation headed to these natural folks... Perhaps they could come to worship a different shade of green after all.

The delegation appeared after Thornne left to the frozen lands, the main emissary greeting the woden heartly as his peers elsewhere did.

"Hello, friends!

Start - 1 AP
Rollover - 4 AP + 1 PAP.


2 AP: Create organization - The Guild: The colective governing body of the Brass Gnomes of Geasa.

3 AP: Gain Domain - Artifice (Craftsmanship)
- 4 AP: Create Fabled Concept: Artifice.
- 1 AP: Create Life: Brass Gnomes, the greatest artificers.
- 2 AP: Infuse: Brass Gnomes, truly the greatest artificers.

0 AP left
1 PAP left.

2012-05-13, 10:53 AM
Skin was real huh. Real mage? Morgash? A another power in the south? He had enough to deal with from all sides, and now the south had come into play why hadn't he heard about this place. Why the hell did he employ cartographers for?

Skin? Could be an illusion, my touch could be affected by an illusion or an enchanting influence. There are problems with your offer. What do you mean real mage. We fight against mages all the time. Do you mean better? Has one of the Lich-Lords rode south and already taken some of the lands under my protection? I will never make a deal with a Lich-Lord, your master would surely know that, but that leaves the problem... I never heard of Morgash. Nor did i ever hear of any kingdom south of ours. And if I never heard of you, who else would have? An alliance means you expect help from us. Help from what? We can use aid, but I have seen what happens when men are asked to pay for great gifts. You leave me with only questions young wizard, but no variables on which I can stake my peoples future on.

Michael nodded. "I know this may seem strange, but we've been visited by Morgash, the God of Magic!" Michael smiled. "We want peace with you, not war. We want to help you reunite the Empire... and the only thing we want in return, is to remain our own sovereign state."


As Reisen landed on the metal ring he twisted in shape until he resembled that of a human with the head of a fox. Long tattoos flowed down the human torso pulsing and changing to a strange and chaotic pattern of their own desire. Speaking in a voice that resonated through all barriers and walls of the fortress Reisen called out.

"Morgash, dearest nephew. I would speak with you."

Morgash bowed his head. "Of course, Elder Reisen. What is it you wish to speak of?"

The Broken Empire

North, west, east. The brass gnomes saw the lands that had once been one nation. Ripe for trade. The small men of metal headed for their transports, and descended to these three lands.

In the east, the entourage of little men appeared as Velikiy Knyaz Itan and his magical visitor discussed, in a strange flash of magic not quite arcane nor divine.

"Hello, friends!"

Michael looked at the strange gnomes. "What in the... these guys aren't with me."

2012-05-13, 12:08 PM
Kiloasa watched carefully the meeting of gods upon the cradle. The arrival of the Fox god Reisen and the sudden change of Carcino's personality troubled the Arch-Druid, but nature was ever changing and little could be done to stem it. That so much had happened in such a short time would be a danger to the mortal world, but it would not do to be hasty. Kiloasa knew that it would have to pay for the mistake of creating the goblins for the rest of eternity, and did not wish to act rashly again. So it sat on the cradle and watched.

Year of Frost, Woden in the North

Thornne wandered the wild northern tundra for a long time, sowing the seeds of plants that would better handle the frost and sudden ice age that engulfed the world. The bitter cold threated to snap his wooden form many times, but he sprouted a thick coat of pine needles to protect himself. Once or twice a roving bear or wolf pack tried to attack him, but his thorny hide and oaken flesh kept them at bay. He was adapting to this cold land, but still he had not found any other sentients to speak with. Until one day, he spotted a fire off in the distance

Woden are uniquely suited for druidic magic because their bodies are made of wood, which means they can manipulate their own forms. However they must constantly expend magical energy to maintain these new forms.

Year of Frost, Goblins

Underground, the goblins barely noticed the biting tundra that had formed overhead. Instead, they continued to dig their burrows and warrens. Expanding a vast network of caves and tunnels, the goblins fought each other frequently. Gattak led many great battles and earned much honor in the name of Kiloasa and the Lokab tribe. One day, he found a stone slab with green writing on it.

This is my final gift unto you, my chosen Goblins. Make the beasts of this world your allies and you shall not want for victory. Stand beside the wild things, and you will always have a place.

Gattak knew that with this final message from his god, it was time for the goblins to surface.

Meeting the Brass Gnomes

"Hello, friends!" said an odd looking creature to one of the Woden shipwrights. The woden looked at the little brass creature with curiosity, then ran off into the Razorpine Forest.

It returned, leading an ancient looking Woden female.

"What strangeness is this upon our shores?" The Woden woman spoke. "We have traveled far across the world and never seen your like before. Few, if any have come to the shores of Razorpine. You are here to take the test of Kiloasa? To claim the power of nature?"

Starting AP: 1
Create Concept: Wild Empathy (Lokab Goblins) Goblins are adept at capturing, taming and training dangerous and exotic animals. Sometimes they trade these animals, other times they fight alongside them.
Ending AP: 0

2012-05-13, 01:27 PM
We've never heard of this god of magic - and if we did, he's probably the one who created the Lich-Lords. They sold their souls and citizens lives for magic. Asking for an alliance makes no sense - your kingdom, which we never heard of, is already its own state - and unless the Lich-Lords are attacking you this seems to be a simple preventative measure. Then why choose the weaker side? Why not ally yourselves with those corrupted?

And then suddenly - Magic and more Magic. The world had gone to hell because of magic. The little machine man's politeness though struck a cord with Itan who remembered nobler days. He didn't want to be suspicious. He dearly wished this offer of a magical alliance was true, that would shift the way this three pronged war was going - but dare he risk it? And if this metal man wasn't with this false or true mage, then what other powers were in this world?

Aren't with you? What are they? Little metal man, what are you?

The Ballasts were trained on both of the strange targets

2012-05-13, 01:34 PM
We've never heard of this god of magic - and if we did, he's probably the one who created the Lich-Lords. They sold their souls and citizens lives for magic. Asking for an alliance makes no sense - your kingdom, which we never heard of, is already its own state - and unless the Lich-Lords are attacking you this seems to be a simple preventative measure. Then why choose the weaker side? Why not ally yourselves with those corrupted?

And then suddenly - Magic and more Magic. The world had gone to hell because of magic. The little machine man's politeness though struck a cord with Itan who remembered nobler days. He didn't want to be suspicious. He dearly wished this offer of a magical alliance was true, that would shift the way this three pronged war was going - but dare he risk it? And if this metal man wasn't with this false or true mage, then what other powers were in this world?

Aren't with you? What are they? Little metal man, what are you?

The Ballasts were trained on both of the strange targets

The Truth Revealed
A green flash appeared in the sky, and Morgash, 20 feet tall, descended from the Heavens on wings of green fire. Michael gasped, his hand going up to his mouth. The young Astromancer fell to the ground, bowing and whispering "I am not worthy..." As Morgash alighted on the ground, he looked towards the fortress, snapping his fingers and flinging the doors wide open. "Velikiy Knyaz Itan." he said, the Censer of Eternity at his side. "I am Morgash, High Warlock of the Gods, son of the Imperator, and Bringer of true Magic."

Morgash raised his hand, bringing Michael to his feet. Gesturing to the Gnomes, he said "These are the children of Merolle, the Brass Gnomes." pointing to Michael "This is Michael, youngest of the worlds true sorcerers. The Lich-Lords you so hate are not true mages... they have made pacts of evil, selling their souls and the souls of their people to my Brother, Daazo..."

2012-05-13, 02:32 PM
With the Woden

The small metal man shook his head.

"I am afraid that is not so, friend, not at this time, at any rate, but certainly another! No. We have descended from the high heavens above the clouds, from the rings of Geasa, to bring the wonders of Merolle, The Verdigris Legion, The Grand Maker, to the people of this world. Rejoice, friends!"

Ivan, Morgash, Michael, gnome

The gnome salutes Morgash as he appears.

"Greetings, Morgash, Sage of the Third Ring."

And then immediately turns back to Ivan. Brass gnomes have the benefit of living on the sky, and as such they are somewhat inured to the presence of the gods.

"Since lord Morgash has already presented us! We may pass on to the next stage, our purpose! We bring to this world the wonders of Merolle, The Verdigris Legion, The Grand Maker. Rejoice, friends!"

2012-05-13, 02:33 PM
The Clansmoot

Ulstwyn laughed also in greeting, shaking Hallorn's hand. "I've heard of you too, comrade. Some said you reached into the stars and plucked one down to woo one of the ladyfolk. I can see they weren't that far off!" He joked, shaking his hand to get life back into it. "What is it you wish to speak of?"

Meanwhile, no one had noticed the gnomes yet. They were busy setting up camp- even with their thick mammoth-hide garments, the night was unfriendly to those without fire or shelter.

2012-05-13, 02:57 PM
Meeting the Brass Gnomes

The elder Woden pondered the strange little gnome's introduction. "You are not here to test yourselves against the Razorpine Forest? This is a most unusual meeting. Still, you are guests. Come and let the Woden show you the hospitality of nature, and we will speak more of your... Merolle." With a wave of her gnarled hand, the Woden opened a path through the trees and into the forest. She beckoned for the gnomes to follow.

On the Cradle

Kiloasa sent its thoughts out, seeking for its fellow gods. Morgash had already offered aid in the creation of the Magi council, but the Arch-Druid could sense that there were other gods of magic in the world. It would not do to ignore them, not when the world was so fragile. Kiloasa's mind touched many things as it searched, and each spark of divinity it came across recieved the same message.

You who are creators, you who offer power to mortals: I ask of you to meet with me at a summit, that we may discuss the power we wield and how to show mortals the path best taken.

And with that message, Kiloasa waited.

Woden of the North

Thornne stumbled onto a massive meeting of the clans. He saw mighty human warriors feasting on thick mammoth meat, Ice-wives shooing children about the campground. There were even small metal men setting up what looked like a shop at the edge of the camp. In the distance, he saw a mighty Giant with a spear of ice speaking with a man almost as big who wore two greatswords across his back.

They did not notice him yet, or did not realize what he was. But here were thinking people, people who might learn and profit from the bounty of Druidism. Thornne did not yet speak their language, but he would learn it fast enough.

2012-05-13, 03:14 PM
Woden and Brass Gnomes

"Certainly, friend!"

The gnome follows, speaking of Merolle.

"Merolle is the Verdigris Legion, the Grand Maker, he is lord of Geasa, the rings that surround the world, on which we live." - the gnome points up to the rings - "He gave this world metal and created the wonders of artifice, and us, and also the Steel Predators! I saw some around here. Wonderful creatures! I built three of them myself, but they are not here!"


The gnomes cross their arms at being ignored and look around, seeing what the mortals were doing.



Gathering supplies, right. Easily done. The delegation leader issues directives to ABOVE, and a crate of logs is transported down.

The gnomes approach again, the spokesman now sitting above a pile of firewood.

"Hello, friends!"

2012-05-13, 03:24 PM
The Clansmoot

One of the Shust tribesman was sitting on a stool near a campfire, sipping his cup of water in a glass made out of ice (hey, when you pour boiling water into a cup ice helps a lot with burn prevention) looking around. He just got done setting up one of the Yurts when he saw what appeared to be a crate of logs out of nowhere. Funny....trees were scarce this far North, and most wood was gotten by the clans further south, with bone used instead of wood, architecture-wise. Nudging the Shustman beside him, they quickly engaged in a debate of what exactly just happened, still pointing at the logs and showing interest in the crate, but being too lazy to get out of their seats. It was clear that their attention was gotten, however.

2012-05-13, 03:25 PM
Woden And Brass Gnomes

The Elder Woden laughed. "You came from the rings, and made steel predators? It is good that you have such humor. But it is known to the Woden that life cannot be made it is changing, growing, evolving always. This was taught to us by Kiloasa, our god."


Thornne was surprised that he could understand the language of the strange little metal men. He was still more surprised that they had made wood appear out of nowhere. Unable to control his curiosity, he walked up to the pile of firewood and tapped it with his finger.

"I do not wish to be rude, tiny one, but your wood is false." He said.

2012-05-13, 04:31 PM
The Clansmoot

Okay, now things were getting freaky. After confirming with each other that the trees were attacking, the two raised an alarm. Pretty soon, most of the Shust delegate (minus Ulstwyn, who was talking with Hallorn), and some other warriors from other clans were at the scene, weapons readied and bows drawn and aimed at the gnomes and woden. One of the warriors stepped forward, a greathammer in hands. He began to speak in a Shulst accent (think thick german/nordic)-

"Who dare trespasses on the sacred meeting grounds of the clans? What manner of spirit be ye, to move the trees at yer weel?"

In the desert

Halasht had been wandering the desert now, eager to see what had happened in the land he had created. So far, he had seen one of those mechanical cats that presumably his brother created. His twenty-one companions were also amazed, at all of this. Speech reached his ears- his daughter had called out for him and his kindred. He shifted, bringing his twenty-one Ice-kin spirit warriors with him to the cradle.

What is it, Daughter? Why do you call me here?

2012-05-13, 04:38 PM

The gnomes cross their arms and rub the bridges of their noses. Until the Woden appears.

"Oh? A woden? You are quite far from your lands. And yes, yes. This wood is not from an actual tree, but shaped into its present form through means of our artifice! No flora harmed in the process. It burns just as well when used for fire and is an excellent building material nonetheless! Buuut... They don't seem to use this. Well, lets try something else, friend!"

The brass gnome hops off of the crate and issues orders again, at which point the crate of logs disappears, and instead five horses appear. The horses breathe out clouds of steam in the cold air, and glisten of forged brass in the light cast down by Geasa.

"Hoho. This one should be interesting!"

1 PAP - Create Life: Effigies.

An Effigy is... Well, it is a construct made in the shape of another creature, they are found in Complete Arcane. To adapt them to Merolle's aesthetics, however, these effigies are living constructs.

Wod n Brass

The gnome tilts his head to the side.

"Well. While they are not our design, they are Merolle's, who is our god, we most certainly give birth to new ones on our workshops friend!

2012-05-13, 04:43 PM
The Clansmoot

The Ice-kin all took a step back, having never seen a horse before. Their leader did likewise, bringing his hammer up defensively. An arrow flew, and bounced off the bronze horse. A few arguments and head slappings later, the designated spokesman approached again.

"I ask ye again- what manner of spirit are ye, that can summon things out of the air? Are ye kindred or a creation of Chief Clanmaster Halasht?"

2012-05-13, 05:06 PM
On the Cradle

Kiloasa was pleased at the reunion with its father. So much time had passed since last they had spoken.

Father Halasht, I am pleased that you answered my summons. I have asked any god willing to speak with me to discuss the nature of magic in the world. Much damage has been wrought in a short time, and it is the hope of myself and Morgash that with guidance the mortals of the world might uptake some of our own work on creation. Through the magics of Druidism, Onieromancy and Astromancy we hope to teach mortals to use power to effect change on their own. Will you join us?

Woden And Brass Gnomes

The elder Woden and the gnomes were seated at a grand table of fine oak, still living and filled with the bounty of nature.

"Tell me more of Merolle, little one. Kiloasa did not tell us of the existence of other Gods prior to its departure. We would know of him. He is like you?"


Thornne raised both his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"I do not seek to harm you, friend. I am Thornne, one of the Woden. We are the creatures of Kiloasa, and have come to this land to teach you the ways of druidism." He reached down into the frozen ground and pulled up a small twig, long dead in the frozen snow. "Watch." Thornne whispered to the twig and it sprouted to life, planting roots into the frozen soil and flourishing into bright green leaves.

"These ones," he said gesturing to the Brass Gnomes. "Are unknown to me, but they would have you believe they can call wood from the skies and use it as you would any other. I say to you the bounties of nature may be yours to control if you would learn from me."

2012-05-13, 06:42 PM

"Sorry friends. I guess we got a bit engrossed with our toys! We are not spirits, we are brass gnomes, hailing from the rings of Geasa high above in the sky."

The gnome points to the rings on the sky.

"We are not creations of Halasht, but I have seen the Patron of all Trials on the rings once! Our creator is Merolle, The Verdigris Legion, The Grand Maker! And our works are the gift of his knowledge, the grant art of artifice! But there wouldn't be much of a point in teaching it since there are barely any raw materials down here... Not unless you dig! Because Merolle is wise and magnanimous and the roots of the continents of this world are the metals his primeval storms seeded on the world before the advent of any life!"

Oh gods, why won't he stop talking.

2012-05-13, 07:06 PM
The Desert
Orlur walked into the desert alone, still in the guise of a beautiful young man.
My niece, why do you gather us here to discuss the future of this world? What right have you to lead us? Speak, let me hear your mind.
Broken Kingdom, Fortress of Itan
Orlur walks through the fort of the General in the guise of a beautiful woman. He observes the meeting.

2012-05-13, 07:16 PM
On The Cradle

Kiloasa knew that there were other gods that it had yet to meet, and so the appearance of this one, though beatific, did not impress it.

I sense your true form is not as you present yourself, elder. I am Kiloasa, The Hungering, The Green Maker, The Arch-Druid. You have spent much time on the mortal plane, yes? Then surely you must have seen the havoc wrought by the actions of selfish and thoughtless gods.

I speak on this from experience, for my actions are not without flaw. I have asked for a gathering of deities here that we might discuss the growth of mortal kind. Morgash and I have already gifted them with many magics, and we would hope that other gods might join us in creating a mortal council to guid these mages, that they might work to safegaurd the world against evil and destruction. Have you any thoughts on the matter?

2012-05-13, 07:31 PM
The Clansmoot

Hallorn's expression was tempered, but could not fully hide the feeling of excitement underneath. "War my friend. War with all of creation in the glorious name of Halasht! We were created to overcome all obstacles, but the ice no longer poses great challenge to our people. We should be turning our attention to the rest of this world and the worlds beyond. We could sever this world from the corruption in the south and perhaps even turn to strike against the realm of the gods themselves. Your strength paired with mine would be more than enough to unite the clans. And together we could bring glorious defiance to all of creation! But I cannot do this without you, for you are our most fearsome warrior, and he who is closest to Halasht himself. What say you brother? Will you walk this path with me?"


The fox head's features took on a dangerous human smile, and with a flick of his hand the world melted around them. As it reassembled Morgash found himself looking out upon all of creation as if through fractured glass, each fragment revealing a different part of the world.

"What you see before you is illusion. Crafted by my eyes upon this world and all others, though I admit to absorb such knowledge is as of yet beyond my abilities. Still, from this I have seen well enough the state of the world. Something I believe you are even more aware of than I."

Reisen gestured briefly to the censer.

"And it is a mess. Each god tends only to his own work, and looks upon that which others have wrought with despair. Wondering how they could be so foolish as to interfere with the perfection of their own plans. And if anything the works wrought by the sacrosanct directors has only exacerbated the problem. For none among you can decide what form the best course of action would be to take. It is a deliciously failed system. So naturally..."

The fox man stretched and as he did so began to change. Six wings sprouted from the back fluttering lightly in time with the beat of Reisen's heart. The fox head shrank and shifted until it had been replaced with human features. The fractured illusions that had made up the stage for this performance replaced with the reality of Morgash's keep. However it seemed as though every splinter of information had found it's way into the kaleidoscope of Reisen's new eyes.

"I wish to join it."

2012-05-13, 07:50 PM
The Truth Revealed
A green flash appeared in the sky, and Morgash, 20 feet tall, descended from the Heavens on wings of green fire. Michael gasped, his hand going up to his mouth. The young Astromancer fell to the ground, bowing and whispering "I am not worthy..." As Morgash alighted on the ground, he looked towards the fortress, snapping his fingers and flinging the doors wide open. "Velikiy Knyaz Itan." he said, the Censer of Eternity at his side. "I am Morgash, High Warlock of the Gods, son of the Imperator, and Bringer of true Magic."

Morgash raised his hand, bringing Michael to his feet. Gesturing to the Gnomes, he said "These are the children of Merolle, the Brass Gnomes." pointing to Michael "This is Michael, youngest of the worlds true sorcerers. The Lich-Lords you so hate are not true mages... they have made pacts of evil, selling their souls and the souls of their people to my Brother, Daazo..."

Itan bowed low, and motioned his soldiers to do the same - a god, an actual god was here. And other gods.... wait. He said he was the son of the Imperator? The Son of the Noblesse Oblige? And if his brother was the one who led the Nobels to darkness... that meant he too was the son of the Noblesse Oblige. Was this all a giant test set up by these two's father? Or were the mortals caught between the bickering between two brothers?

This one is not noble enough to be in your presence. I am of course happy to allege myself to your people

He would have to be careful however - if there was a dark god, he could have easily pretended to be his brother. He must be careful not to make the same mistake the Lich-lords made. For all he knew... they were tricked by an offer such as this. It's hard to say no to a god. But until then, he was willing to play along and see what fortune would bring.

If I may rudely ask though. . . if gods are real and you are the son of the Imperator? Why hasn't he reigned in his own sons actions. We were taught he doesn't forgive hunger - and yet we starve by his sons actions. I do not place blame, I merely worry for my god's well being - but i fear that may be overstepping my bounds.

Itan then sends a glance to the gnomes, messengers of yet another god, the look in his eye informing them that he will speak to them in the order of nobility. Of course the actual god took precedence.

Broken Kingdom, Fortress of Itan
Orlur walks through the fort of the General in the guise of a beautiful woman. He observes the meeting.

A female Raven Kin Scale, under the command of General Cheese (heh ... she earned that right, he fought alongside Itan in the south against the Lich-Lords), observed a beautiful woman pass her by. Good thing that's the was she swung, and she might as well try - if it didn't work she could share this joke with the boys in the barracks. Time to put on the moves. She puffed her feathers and said:

Hey beautiful - I haven't seen you before. Crazy stuff going on outside. Gods and magic. Almost makes you wish there was a wing you can lean on.

The Lich-Lords

The Imperator, King of the Lich-Lords, was unhappy. For one thing he was still uncomfortable on this blasted golden throne. He thought the old wooden one was bad, but it was far more bearable than this one made of sheer gold. One could almost sense the lesson in that.

Nonetheless he was pissed. Him and his conspirators sold themselves for great power but that blasted Itan still was able to hold them back. And that idiotic Head Scale refused to flank him, he just sat there ruling the East. Still he couldn't piss the Head Scale off because he held that man in his dungeon. Not only that but the Head Scale was the one actually fulfilling the sacrifices, without him they were all boned - which was ironic since they were all bones anyway.

He needed more power. Much more.

The Crucible

The Head Scale was brewing tea. The man even as a skeletal Lich, looked perpetually apathetic and bored. Under the crucible the East flourished. It was the most peaceful land in the world, if it could be believed. Well run and maintained, people had rights and were well treated (except for the unlucky four a day - but they were chosen by lottery - the fear of being picked was reduced by the promise that guilty prisoners would be sacrificed first before an innocent, which led to a huge decrease in crime.) It was all going perfectly. The only unfortunate circumstance was the foolish Lich-Lords and Itan. If they just let the empire come under his sway, it would vastly improve the lives of the peasants? It just went to show that they all hated the poor. THey all had no concept of Noblesse oblige. Despicable, really...

The Head Scale offered the brewed tea to the man on the slab

Drink this, it will erase the pain."

The man used to obeying, opened his mouth. The Head scale poured the tea gently in, and waited for the man to fall asleep. Then as soon as he had, He picked up the various tools of sacrifice and fulfilled the third sacrifice of the day. All in a days work. He turned to the two skeletal judges in the room

Bring three extra rations to this mans family. He has died so none would starve.

2012-05-13, 08:08 PM
Itan, Gods and Gnomes

The gnome leader pulls a device out of his pocked and calls down chairs from the city above. Which the gnomes use to sit.

The Lich Lords

The Imperator's silent prayers are answered! And a fine patina of green tarnish softens his golden throne.

At the same time, an adamantineclad brass gnome appears on his window.

"Hello, friend!"

Thunder cracks outside, as Merolle sends down an appropriately dramatic storm.

The Crucible

A small creature wearing silver robes (as in, actual silver, not just the color) appears on the chambers next to the Head Scale.

"That sounds commendable, friend."

2012-05-13, 08:16 PM
In the desert

I must refuse. Halasht said. Magic is not my domain, and so I must continue on my travels, daughter. Good day. Halasht, and his tweenty-one companions, walked off.

the Clanmasters

Ulstwyn thought about it. War! Glorious war! "Speaking of the southlands, I was hoping one of the other Clanmasters would provide more detail. Let us bring it up at the meeting." He said, walking towards the yurt.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson began to speak.

"Err...but the tree....what is HE saying? He one of yours too, then?"

2012-05-13, 08:22 PM
Itan, Gods and Gnomes

Chairs falling from the sky, were the least strange thing that Itan and his entourage saw today. That was a troubling thought.

The Lich Lords

The Imperator was slightly spooked by the sudden announcement. To regain his composure, He used his dark magic to encase the little guy within a globe of black tendrils, and dragged it into the center of the throne room ,where the tendrils became solid iron, pinning the gnome to the ground.

Friend? What are you that you dare intrude on the Great King of the Lich-Lords!

The Crucible

The skeletal Head Scale raised his head nonchalantly. And went right back to wiping down the tools of sacrifice clean.

Yes it was. May I interest you in some tea.

2012-05-13, 08:26 PM

The gnome waves his head.

"Nope. he is a woden, they live across the sea from these lands, creations of Kiloasa, the Lady of the Wild. I believe she forgot them a few centuries ago after creating goblins in the southern desert. Ho ho ho. Have you ever seen a Steel Predator mister Thornne? We made those under the design of Merolle to hunt goblins, the filthy little degenerates. I could bring one down, I am sure you will like him!"

One nearby gnome coughs.

"Oh, my apologies, I got carried away. Anyway. We are traders, yes, yes. Traders from the Guild, and we are here to bring our goods to you. Would you like an index? We have an index. For that matter, you can read, right?"

The Lich Lords

The gnome is chained and taken closer.

"That is a terrible attitude, friend."

The chains rust down to useless scraps of metal around the gnome.

"I am an envoy of the Guild, friend. The celestial governing body of the brass gnomes of Geasa, the Chains of the World, domain of ancient Merolle, The Verdigris Legion, Third Brother of Isanloff, Bringer of Storms and Lord of All Metal. So don't pull that stunt again, it won't work friend."

The gnome pulls out a tome.

"And I bring! Our business proposition. The wonders of heavenly craft, I am sure you won't refuse!"

The Crucible

"Thanks, friend. But I don't eat. Or drink, as the case may be. I want for nothing but your attention, yes!"

2012-05-13, 09:00 PM
The Desert

It saddens me that you do not wish to join us father Halasht, though I understand your reasoning. There are yet others to whom I must speak. Farewell on your journeys and may we meet again soon.

The Clansmoot

Thornne fought down the urge to strangle the little metal gnome for his slight against Kiloasa.

“I have seen these Steel Predators, and wondrous as they are I find your claims of being their artificer difficult to accept. It is true that Kiloasa has long been departed from us, but perhaps that is because It has as much faith in Its people as we have in Kiloasa. It is not the way of our god to linger.

I would extend to you, little gnome, the same offer I make to these people. I will teach you the ways of Druidism, so that you might become part of the natural world, and understand it as I do… instead of standing outside of it, imitating what you do not understand.

And I make this offer both freely and gladly.”

2012-05-13, 09:02 PM
Itan bowed low, and motioned his soldiers to do the same - a god, an actual god was here. And other gods.... wait. He said he was the son of the Imperator? The Son of the Noblesse Oblige? And if his brother was the one who led the Nobels to darkness... that meant he too was the son of the Noblesse Oblige. Was this all a giant test set up by these two's father? Or were the mortals caught between the bickering between two brothers?

This one is not noble enough to be in your presence. I am of course happy to allege myself to your people

He would have to be careful however - if there was a dark god, he could have easily pretended to be his brother. He must be careful not to make the same mistake the Lich-lords made. For all he knew... they were tricked by an offer such as this. It's hard to say no to a god. But until then, he was willing to play along and see what fortune would bring.

If I may rudely ask though. . . if gods are real and you are the son of the Imperator? Why hasn't he reigned in his own sons actions. We were taught he doesn't forgive hunger - and yet we starve by his sons actions. I do not place blame, I merely worry for my god's well being - but i fear that may be overstepping my bounds.

Itan then sends a glance to the gnomes, messengers of yet another god, the look in his eye informing them that he will speak to them in the order of nobility. Of course the actual god took precedence.

Morgash knelt down, and actually touched Itan, tilting his head upward. "Stand, Velikiy Knyaz Itan, and listen." after Itan stood, Morgash took the Censer from his belt, willing into being an image of every god in existence. "We number Thirteen. Thirteen beings who's very nature is to create and meddle. We have wronged you, greatly, and we must make amends for this. We, the Gods, in our arrogance, have caused great harm to the mortal world. Carcino, the Cancer, brought about great destruction with earthquakes, and my Father, pushed to the edge, froze the world to stop him. My Brother, Daazo, created beings of darkness, and set them loose on mortalkind. He allowed pacts of evil to be made, and I have watched, gathered evidence. Soon, I will confront my Brother, and I will force him to pay dearly for the unholy abominations he has created." Morgash touched Itan on the forehead, gifting him with the Knowledge of Oneiromancy and Astromancy. "Take this knowledge, my gifts to Mortalkind. Ally yourselves with the Kingdom of Thorshalf, the Brass Gnomes, and the Clans of the North. Fight back against the Unholy Lich-Lords, and retake your Empire. By my Will, and the Will of the Sacrosanct Directors, I give you a divine mission. BRING DOWN THE LICH-LORDS, AND MAKE THIS WORLD WHOLE AGAIN!" As he finished, Morgash vanished in a flash of green light, all who saw it were filled with inspiration and awe, the knew that at least one God was on their side.


The fox head's features took on a dangerous human smile, and with a flick of his hand the world melted around them. As it reassembled Morgash found himself looking out upon all of creation as if through fractured glass, each fragment revealing a different part of the world.

"What you see before you is illusion. Crafted by my eyes upon this world and all others, though I admit to absorb such knowledge is as of yet beyond my abilities. Still, from this I have seen well enough the state of the world. Something I believe you are even more aware of than I."

Reisen gestured briefly to the censer.

"And it is a mess. Each god tends only to his own work, and looks upon that which others have wrought with despair. Wondering how they could be so foolish as to interfere with the perfection of their own plans. And if anything the works wrought by the sacrosanct directors has only exacerbated the problem. For none among you can decide what form the best course of action would be to take. It is a deliciously failed system. So naturally..."

The fox man stretched and as he did so began to change. Six wings sprouted from the back fluttering lightly in time with the beat of Reisen's heart. The fox head shrank and shifted until it had been replaced with human features. The fractured illusions that had made up the stage for this performance replaced with the reality of Morgash's keep. However it seemed as though every splinter of information had found it's way into the kaleidoscope of Reisen's new eyes.

"I wish to join it."

Morgash bowed his head, partly in shame and partly in reverence for his elder. "It was not our intention to cause such harm... my Father and you Brothers were hasty... they... they didn't think they could ruin Creation. Reisen, you don't want to join us... you don't want what we want... what I'm working for... I'm trying to fix the mistakes of the firstborn... But if you wish to help... lend me your power, I'll join it with the Isocahedron, you'll be one with us... you'll join the Sacrosanct Directors..."

2012-05-13, 09:16 PM

The gnome looks up, rubbing his cheek with a finger.

"I didn't say I am their artificer. Merole is, we just make them in his stead."

"And we know for a fact that she is with the goblins. I can give you directions to their last known location, in fact. And I am afraid we will have to pass on your offer. Kiloasa came to us long ago and... I am not positive if it was her teachings or something else she did, but the result was undesirable. We will avoid it if at all possible."

Itan and Morgash

The gnome leader raises a hand after Morgash finishes.

"If you would permit me a word, Morgash, Warlock o the Gods, Sage Upon The Well, Walker of Ephemeral Paths. Alliance is a bit much, we are more of trade partners, in fact, we have envoys on quite a few civilizations across the world as we speak."

2012-05-13, 09:26 PM
Itan and Morgash

The gnome leader raises a hand after Morgash finishes.

"If you would permit me a word, Morgash, Warlock o the Gods, Sage Upon The Well, Walker of Ephemeral Paths. Alliance is a bit much, we are more of trade partners, in fact, we have envoys on quite a few civilizations across the world as we speak."

Morgash stopped, the light fading. He knelt down before the leader of the gnomes. "Then let me ask of you one thing. Speak to your kin around the world... do not trade with the Lich-Lords. Put up an Embargo against the unholy abominations... if you do this, you will lose profit in the short term... they are arguably the richest nations on the world." Morgash put his hand on the gnome's brass shoulder. "Do this for me, for the sake of all of existence... the Lich-Lords will be stopped, I promise you... and when they are, you will not only be free to trade with all the peoples of the world... but I will give you a boon that only a God can grant. An owed favor to the whole of the Guild, from myself, to be called in whenever you choose."

2012-05-13, 09:32 PM
Fortress of Itan
The beautiful woman smiles at the Raven Kin.
Indeed it does. Things have been soooo stressful lately, what with all the happenings. I could use someone to lean on. Or Maybe a little bit more than leaning. Are you doing anything important right now?
She laughs, smiling even wider.

The Desert
My true form is none of your business, niece. What is real beyond the presentation of the senses? But on other matters, this council of mages. It sounds like an excellent idea. More order and structure is what the universe truly needs. Things need to be locked down.

2012-05-13, 09:51 PM
The Clansmoot

"The Goblins are known to us, gnome. And yes the mark of our god is upon them. So too, I think is yours. We met them once when we first collected some Steel Predators to take back to Razorpine Forest. If Kiloasa is among them, then It saw fit not to show Itself and we must respect that choice.

It saddens me to think that your kind may never find a true place upon this world, but your choice is your own. If ever you change your mind, seek out the Woden and we will gladly share our bounty with you."

Thornne turned to the Ice-Kin.

"What say you? Will you accept the gift I offer?"

Itan and Morgash

The gnome leader raises a hand after Morgash finishes.

"If you would permit me a word, Morgash, Warlock o the Gods, Sage Upon The Well, Walker of Ephemeral Paths. Alliance is a bit much, we are more of trade partners, in fact, we have envoys on quite a few civilizations across the world as we speak."

Not the least of which is the Kingdom of the Lich-Lords, is it little Gnome? Kiloasa appeared in swirl of sparkling green leaves. Forgive my intrusion Brother Morgash, but I cast about all of creation looking for other gods with which to discuss our Council, and noticed that you were in many places at once. I thought it might be prudent for me to try the same trick, I am shamed that I did not think of it sooner.

Kiloasa turned to the Brass Gnome and fixed it with a cold stare from Its obsidian eyes.

I note that among the many you have visited, you do not seek trade with your goblin cousins? Is this the will of Merolle or just your fears that prevent it? Where is the Verdigris Legion? I would have words with your creator.

Out From the Desert

The time had come for the goblins to leave their desert lands. Gattak had not lived to see the exodus of his people, but they had proven themselves against the wilds of the desert, survived the attacks of the gods and weathered the many civil wars that had led the Lokab tribe to dominion over their peoples.

Out of the desert they marched north, trains of powerful and rare animals carrying their supplies. Tigers, wolves, bears, even the rare Steel Predator was seen among their numbers. The Lokab Goblins were expanding.

I'm editing my Create Society action so that the name is now Lokab Goblins and they're a country in and around the desert area. The change is cosmetic, really so please don't charge me AP for it :smallbiggrin:

The Desert

Forms are nothing but an expression of the soul, yes? You are right, control is needed. But I feel that the divine have done a poor job of providing guidance to our creations. The time, I think, has come for these mortals to lay claim to their own world, perhaps not right away, but soon. I would have this council made to guide them and act as a safeguard against further disaster. If you would lend your power to myself and Morgash we would greatly apprectiate it, Elder.

2012-05-13, 10:24 PM
Morgash bowed to Belsheroth. "Of course." He said, and traveled to his Fortress, beckoning Belsheroth to him. "Simply gaze into the waters of the well, and use your godly power to sift through the infinite possibilities."

Thank you Nephew. I shall gaze into Eternity in the vain hopes that the unease that dwells in my heart shall be soothed.
Belsheroth turned to the Well and began searching through it for visions pertaining to his future. He spent a great deal of time looking through a multitude of possibilities.
His ignorance of the events unfolding around him was, perhaps, foolhardy. But he must know whether his actions would result in harm.
At last he was done.
My Brothers. I hold in my hand two possible outcomes.
In this one, I fail to act and the wickedness on the mortal world grows beyond our ability to control. Souls barred from entry to the Forests of Starlight fill the world and empower masters of dark sorcery and they seek to overthrow us. In that case, our only action would be to purge the world of all life.
In the other, I act. Wickedness is punished, but war may result. However, I must perform this action.
Belsheroth concentrated for a moment, throwing a part of his own divine spark into the void.
Rise my Son. Fulfil your purpose and punish the wicked!

2012-05-13, 10:31 PM

"Why, of course it is. Goblins are our cousins that reacted most poorly in physical and mental health to Kiloasa's teachings... So excuse me if I don't want to become a drooling cannibal with little more prospects in life than eating and rutting like a raodent and then being murdered."

Sounds like a sore spot.

Kiloasa, Itan, Morgash and gnomes

"Yes, we have envoys there, no we sent no envoys to our degenerate brethren. It would make no sense to build Steel Predators to hunt them down by Merolle's command and also give them tools and weapons to survive the predators, now would it? Plus, we don't think they would pay our price. Hehe. Apparently they think you freed them from bondage in Geasa, oh great Kiloasa."

"As for lord Merolle, The Grand Maker, he cannot descend upon this world save as the Vitriolic Storm that Inflames the Sky so... I am sure our mortal hosts will be happy to avoid his visitation. There is a reason he has not entered this world since the dawn of life."

It should be noted that between Kiloasa appearing and finishing her speech, the gnomes all produced and doned odd suits that are all but fully enclosed. Maybe they think she is infectious or radioactive or something.

"And, hehe, given lord Morgash's most generous offer, I am sure the administrate will recall our envoy to the Lich Lords."

But that part is slightly off time with this one so I will wait until a bit more chat happens there. Wee!

2012-05-13, 10:49 PM
The Clansmoot

Thornne shook his head sadly. "As I have said, you are outsiders on this world. You observe, but you do not understand. I will not interfere with you here any longer. Our conversation has been... enlightening. Seek me out if ever you wish to continue it." Thornne bowed to the Brass Gnome. He walked a little ways away from the Gnomes, to a clear space just outside of the clansmoot and began planting seeds into the ground, chanting his druidic songs as he did.

Kiloasa, Itan, Morgash and Gnomes

Kiloasa laughed as the little Gnomes donned their tiny suits.

You fear me, little gnome? Perhaps you think I will turn you into a goblin? I have no need of more Goblins. They have done as I commanded and more, survived an impossible environment and thrived when all others would have them perish. They will come this way in time, and you may be surprised at how they have changed. After all, they are life and you... are artifice.

I will ask of you once more: I would speak with your Rusting King about a matter of importance to this world. If you will not aid me in finding him I will seek out others who can.

Kiloasa turned to Morgash and smiled a sharp toothed grin.

Brother Morgash, it gladdens me that you have begun work on the mortal plane to extend magic to those without. If you will continue along this path, I shal continue to seek out the rest of our divine family and ask for their aid in creating the Council. I will seek out my Woden and ask them to aid you, if you wish.

2012-05-13, 11:00 PM
The sky briefly flashes red and a figure appears in that brief flash of colour and light.

Alyveran glances up at the sky from his hooded cloak with red eyes full of anger at the suffering upon this world. He shouts out at the world in a booming voice "My father has created me for one great purpose! To punish those who cause suffering on the mortal plane and any other plane henceforth! For I am Alyveran, Lord of Hell!"

And with a weaving motion of his hands, he creates a plane of his own from within the void, a nightmarish place where the skies are reddened with the suffering of it's inhabitants. The inhabitant's screams echo across this world, never truly fading.

Starting AP: 15.
Weave Plane 4 AP: Hell (a fiery plane where the skies are red and anyone who causes suffering on any plane is sent to Hell once they die).
Ending AP: 11.

2012-05-13, 11:02 PM

I am glad you are willing to consider my proposal. I am afraid had I tried to wake your father he would not have been so open minded. Unfortunately the time I have spent on the mortal world has sapped me of my strength. It will be some time before I have the true strength of a god again. However when next we meet I will offer what aid I can to yours.

Bursting into a thousand shimmering lights the god began to depart. But just as the last sparks began to fade they stopped, and all of a sudden the process reverted, until standing before him was an anthropomorphized rabbit in a finely tailored suit with the same kaleidoscope eyes.

"Oh, and if there are questions the well alone will not unravel for you, remember that true wisdom appears only when you have become truly lost. All fools know this."

The rabbit turned on it's heel, which seemed to have the affect of turning it into a human who then began to double into countless clones.

"The labyrinth is expecting you Morgash."

And with that the theatrics ceased and Morgash was alone. Most of the prior speech having been conducted by an illusion.

Another place.

Sitting upon an imagined throne, Reisen looked out over the abyss in the center of the world from his bat like perch atop a stalactite.

"It expects all of the directors."

He finished. His tone gave away neither ominous intent, or anything else for that matter.

2012-05-13, 11:05 PM
Kiloasa, Gnomes

The gnome tilts his head to the side, not really bearing anyw ish to dwell on the subject of his clothes.

"Pardon us our presumptions, lady Kiloasa, but Merolle is the Sky, look for him there or speak to him there, and he shall answer, should he desire."

2012-05-13, 11:32 PM
The Lich Lords

The King of the Lich-Lords was shocked at the little gnomes power. It seemed as if the creature had power over metal... very well, he had to ability to create organic matter as well. The black tendrils of power that emanated from him turned into serpents, and fixated on the little gnome.

Then the metal man spoke of trade. (And a Brother of Isanloff? A brother of the Imperator of the gods? This was interesting.)

Trade for what? What trade do you propose?

He was used to selling his soul - let the Head Scale figure out the price.

The Crucible

The Head scale went to brew some more tea.

You have my attention.

Outside the fortress of Itan

Itan was moved by the divine mission and speech of the gods, he was glad to know he had help from high places.

I would gladly pick up the fight blessed with the son of Imperator to destroy the vile Lich-Lords!

Suddenly there was yet another god - it had seemed there was no end to them. And his keep was a particular place of interest. He said nothing and respectfully kept his head lowered while they discussed. He would converse with Michael and the Gnome after they had left to figure out how exactly to accomplish their grand mission. The enthusiasm he felt earlier was quickly waning. Instead of defending his people he had to now go on the offensive. More people would starve due to the long campaign to come

In the Fortress of Itan

Was this her lucky day? A hot girl that also liked girls! With gods talking outside, it seemed anything was possible! She immediately grabbed the strange girl and kissed her - she learned to take offers when offered, she never really got the chance to flirt

There's more where that came from darling. Come with me!

With that Judge Ilarfia took the girls hand and ran her threw the shortcuts she knew in the keep to end up in an empty room. Today truly was a momentous day!

Note: The creator of a pantheon is the admin of a pantheon - you need their permission to join.


As Alyveran stood watch over damned souls a whisper came from behind him.

Hello young one. A fine lesson your father has wrought for mortal kind. The suffering of starvation should be punished most terribly. I approve of your work. I often reflected that the young gods make better decisions than the oldest of us. And the oldest of us I am. Young one, I come to ask you for a private request. Would you hear it?

2012-05-13, 11:55 PM

As Alyveran stood watch over damned souls a whisper came from behind him.

Hello young one. A fine lesson your father has wrought for mortal kind. The suffering of starvation should be punished most terribly. I approve of your work. I often reflected that the young gods make better decisions than the oldest of us. And the oldest of us I am. Young one, I come to ask you for a private request. Would you hear it?

Alyveran looks around to see a strange being has appeared behind him and spoken to him.
"I will hear it, honored one." Alyveran said to the important-looking being.

2012-05-13, 11:59 PM
The Lich Lord

"You are terribly impolite, friend."

The gnome charges his armor with lightning, this is bad for the snakes.

"We, the Guild, offer the wonders of our artifice for the rather trifle cost of worship. Does it not sound like a fair trade, friend?"

The Crucible

"We toil tirelessly in the cities of Geasa, singing the praises of Merolle with every strike of hammer and every act of craft. But it is not enough, and we require more voices to properly stoke the divine flames of our forges with praise."

The gnome produces a tiny white flame inside a lantern.

"This is were you enter, friend. We wish to give our craft to the people of this world in lease for their praise and worship to Merolle, don't you think it is a fair trade?"

The gnome gives a large smile.

2012-05-14, 12:36 AM

My request is to be one of your damned. I have pondered how to atone for my rashness - and I was and am hunger - I have experienced the suffering of being, for I am the suffering of being. My younger brother created you to punish those that cause suffering. I wish to experience this. Create a punishment fit for the oldest god and I will willingly submit. I need to seek atonement and I need to experience knowledge of suffering, knowledge of myself in every aspect. Bind me and throw me to the deepest pit in your Hell - and do not whisper a word to anyone of what I have asked and what I wish for you to do. I must pay for my moment of anger - forgiveness must be attained by the lowest . . . and the highest. For if I can't forgive myself - then how can I forgive others?

The Lich Lord

How did the little creature keep besting him in magic? Of course these were mere parlor tricks to him - but it upset him that even his merest power was so easily shrugged aside.

Worship? An easy price to pay and a price to pay gladly. I have sold far worse to attain what I have now. Mere words from my mouth and rituals are nothing to me.

The Crucible

The High Scale finished making his tea. He poured it into a plain ceramic mug and then placed it on the spotless sacrifice table

I am sure you are offering this deal to every person in a position of power or importance as we speak. You managed to get past the Scales and Judges and the rest of the guards and come here. You are causing an arms race and it would be foolish not to get involved. What can I do to always maintain the superior holding in your trades?

Even the way he spoke... was so boring.

The Head Scale touched the mug with his tea. He would willingly praise any god to give his citizens the best possible life on earth. This was a man that would do anything to maintain the duty he felt that the Noblesse Oblige required of him. As a man of power he had to do everything he possibly could for the greater good. Everything. The Head Scale picked up the mug, and crossed his skeletal legs, and politely waited for a response.

2012-05-14, 06:07 AM
The Clansmoot

The spokesman pondered...wood, while scare, was much need for their bows. And these things of metal....suspicious though they may be, they sounded interesting.

"Er...I'll bring it up with one of the clanmasters. They got the final say."

Meawhile, Halasht was watching the clanmasters in their yurt, talking of battle, talking of war, talking of the south. He was pleased, for they had issued a challenge to themselves, and would try to surpass it. A piece of his shadow broke off, and began to form into the shape of both man and wolf, combined.

Who are you, my shadow?

2012-05-14, 07:05 AM
The Desert
I will gladly lend you aid, my niece. Merely ask, and I shall do it.

The Fortress of Itan
The beautiful woman laughs in the lone room, smiling wide, her pearly white teeth growing sharp and dangerous.
You are trusted by the General, correct? Good.
She presses the other against the wall, and black, rotting tendrils press against her face.
He is a liar and a fool. Gain your own power and your own wealth by struggling against him, and you will find others who do the same.
With this, a tendril passes into the brain of the woman, leaving it a rotting mass. All throughout the fortress, black tendrils pass into bedrooms of sleeping soldiers and do the same. Orlur smiles even wider.
Farewell, my love.
It leaves in a blink.

AP Actions
Curse: Rebelliousness and insubordination amidst the Generals Army
Final: 0 AP

2012-05-14, 07:59 AM

My request is to be one of your damned. I have pondered how to atone for my rashness - and I was and am hunger - I have experienced the suffering of being, for I am the suffering of being. My younger brother created you to punish those that cause suffering. I wish to experience this. Create a punishment fit for the oldest god and I will willingly submit. I need to seek atonement and I need to experience knowledge of suffering, knowledge of myself in every aspect. Bind me and throw me to the deepest pit in your Hell - and do not whisper a word to anyone of what I have asked and what I wish for you to do. I must pay for my moment of anger - forgiveness must be attained by the lowest . . . and the highest. For if I can't forgive myself - then how can I forgive others?


Alyveran glanced downwards at the people being punished and pondered what to do to punish Isanloff for his crimes against the mortal plane. A flash of someone being frozen solid as their own punishment from down below his lofty peak, as with a spark of his memory reminded him that that woman had left her husband to die in a frozen wasteland while she got away to safety, even though she was eaten by her sled dogs that had helped her get away, but alas she had forgotten to care for them. As he remembered what had happened, an idea occurred to him.

"Isanloff, Imperator of Inanition, I hereby sentence you to 50 years in Hell for your crimes against the mortal plane. Your punishment will be as such: You will be frozen solid in a large block of dry ice with enough of your power stripped from you and put in a full length mirror so you can feel the horrible pain of the extreme cold just like how it was for the mortals you made suffer. In addition to this, your eyes will be forced open for the duration of your sentence and the previously said mirror will be suspended in the air in front of you, powered by your own godly essence to show you every single moment of suffering and agony you caused the mortals on their world over the 5 decades of your punishment."

Starting AP: 11.
Create Relic AP 4: The full length mirror is named 'The Glass of Reflection', for it is used to make the watcher reflect on their actions. It will only be used for the crimes a god has committed, and only if they are willing to repent.
Ending AP: 7.

2012-05-14, 09:00 AM
The Desert

When the time is right elder, I shall call upon you and our other allies to invest a portion of their power into this council and together we shall imbue them with the knowledge to safeguard the world. I thank you for your help.

The Cradle

Elder Carcino, your cancer at the core of the world caused much of the destruction below, would you aid myself and Morgash in creating a Council of Wise Men for the mortals, that they might be able to protect future generations agains more catastrophes?

Kiloasa, Gnomes

Thank you metal man. I will suggest to you that you meet with your goblin cousins, you might find it a fruitful business proposition. They have insights that you do not. And you have no fear of them eating you, I doubt you taste very good anyway. Speak with your masters on this, tell them Kiloasa will safeguard your passage to the Goblin lands

A short time later
The Second Ring of Geasa

Kiloasa gathered up the scattered shards of its power into one form and manifested itself on the second ring of Geasa.

Elder Merolle, King of Rust, Verdigris Legion, Master of Gears, Kiloasa has come to your home. I ask of you a favor. Would you speak with me?

2012-05-14, 09:20 AM
Inside The Fortress of Itan

Judge Ilarfia's mind began to rot, she clutched the stone walls for support. And she smiled - for this was freedom. She would wait, she was already close to Velikiy Knyaz Itan. General Cheese. And when the time was right. How did the play go? Et tu Fremron? Et tu Ilarfia? Yes, she would stab the Velikiy Knyaz. How could such a high noble understand this war? This war would be won by the lower classes for the lower classes. She clutched her head, unable to comprehend why there was so much searing pain between her temples.


Isanloff was an eyeless cloak in his most mortal form, but the punishment seemed apt. He re-stranded himself to resemble the hooded bandaged muscular figure.

I have no eyes but I will never look away. I accept the punishment you have devised. Thank you for this kind favor, young one.

And with that Isanloff was enshrouded by his own ice, dragged down to the darkest part of it, his divinity locked inside of him by his own godly force of will. The mirror sank through the ice, and together him and the mirror fell far, far till the light of the surface of hell seemed like a memory, the only light remaining was Isanloff's divine essence which allowed him to see the mirror. And so began Isanloff's self-imprisonment. And so began the road, not to perdition, but to penance. So began the atonement of a god.

2012-05-14, 10:51 AM

The manwolf formed, shaggy brown coat bristling as his eyes, a deep orange-gold, surveyed his surroundings. He felt naked, but though armor of leather, wood, and stone did begin to form seemingly of themselves on his body, it was a sort of nakedness he could not truly describe, and reacted to instinctively. His newfound divinity forging from the nothingness a long heavy blade, clad in a sheath made from strips of some strange leather that was oddly hot to the touch.

He drew the long blade, it had a hilt and cross-guard of what looked like crude, well worn metal the hilt covered in strips of the same strange leather, the pommel inscribed with a rune shaped like a simple snarling wolfshead, and the manwolf spoke for the first time, but not his progenitor, but to the blade. He named it, but it needed no naming, for it was a piece of himself he had not truly known he lacked until he had called it forth. It felt ancient in his hand, like something older than time itself. He spoke now, for the first time not truly naming the blade, but calling it like he had the sword itself. "Claidheamh Vaolg."

Finally looking from the sword in his hand to the creature which had spoke to him, he gave his answer. "I am Vargull."

AP 11=15-4 Craft Relic: Claidheamh Vaolg, +2 to Combat rolls

2012-05-14, 11:13 AM
The Second Ring of Geasa

Merolle's many components assembled before Kiloasa, and were at last energized by the acrid storm within, only then did he speak..

"Of course We would, dear niece. What would you require of us?"


The Lich Lord

"That is the spirit, friend!"

The gnome appears mildly startled, and reaches into his vests for a crystal ball, from which comes a mechanical voice.

"There has been a change of plans Abadil. Due to a contract with Lord Morgash, we are not to trade with the Lich Lords. Return to Geasa immediately."

The transmission ends.

"My apologies, friend, but it seens I can't offer our services to you, a real shame and I hope this won't sour the possibility of future enterprises."

The gnome turns back and walks towards the window.


The Crucible

"You are a fast one, friend. Your accessment of our efforts are correct! As for the how to get the most out of our business proposition, there are two excellent means! Quantity, and quality! Quantity, of course, denotes how many worshipers you can devote to the enterprise. It can very easily be seen as a job, you see, it must be heartfelt, of course! But exclusivity is not needed. Quality, is another matter entirely! Quality hails forth from actual, devoted parishioners to the teachings of Merolle, some of them clash slightly with Isanloff's teachings of leadership, however, because he deals with the duties, but Merolle observes the rights of rulership and ambition! We have a book if you wish, friend."

2012-05-14, 11:49 AM
Fortress of the Itan

"I must depart, as I have other matters that will require my full attention... but Itan... be careful, I have foreseen threats from all directions." With that, Morgash ascends to the heavens on wings of green flame, disappearing into the sky.

The Crucible

An old man steps out of the Shadows near the Head Scale. "Quite the price to pay... four souls a day... that must be, what, at least a thousand a year?" The man smirked, his eyes flashing with green light for a moment. "Who asked this price?" The man walked around the Scale's seat, his fingers lightly touching the fabric. "Why would you pay this price? See what it has done to your empire... you're an abomination..."

2012-05-14, 11:55 AM
The Lich Lord

The King of the Lich Lords was furious - what was this creature to come into his throne room and then ignore him. He let loose a blast of pure dark energy at the creature.

Time to test the combat system and rule

The Lich Lords are part of the empire (+1), like the crucible they are all basically part of the merger of the judges (+1) and the scale (+1) So they have a +3 bonus.

[roll0] +3

The Crucible

The Head Scale sat with his legs crossed holding the tea cup, his skeletal wings (he's a Raven Kin Lich remember) folded neatly.

Sensible. Quantity would not pose a problem. However I would borrow your Book to see if it would be possible to square its philosophies with our civilizations structure - but I see no conflicting issue with re-framing our citizens minds to accept the duty of being ruled properly instead of the duty of ruling properly. I do have a query - what is an acceptable price for the logistics of your deals with the other civilizations.

2012-05-14, 11:58 AM
Second Ring of Geasa

I see that your brass gnomes have begun to descend into the mortal realm now. Your artifice is very clever, if a bit disturbing at times. I come to you to ask a favor, Morgash and I are gathering mortals with magical power to form a council of wise men that may guide the world in the next age. I have tasked myself with seeking support from the other gods. I would like for you to pledge your assistance in this endeavor and perhaps consider offering your Artificers to the creation of this council. What say you?

2012-05-14, 12:01 PM
Fortress of the Itan

Itan bowed his head at the gods departure. Of course threats were from all sides, he knew that ever since the empire fractured, and now with all these passing gods and creatures threats grew by number each day.

Mage Micheal and Brass Man, I welcome you into my keep, where we can discuss strategy and the nature of our alliances.

The Crucible

The Head Scale, was not surprised by the newcomers sudden appearance. He got up though and offered the visitor a seat - it would have been rude not too.

Welcome sir, may I offer you some tea. If you don't mind waiting, I still have a conversation to conclude with this silver creature.

Turning to the silver creature

I apologize I did not refer to you by name or title, I know neither. And do not mind my visitor, he may be privy to this conversation.

Immaculate manners.

2012-05-14, 12:08 PM
The Crucible

Thea Head Scale, was not surprised by the newcomers sudden appearance. He got up though and offered the visitor a seat - it would have been rude not too.

Welcome sir, may I offer you some tea. If you don't mind waiting, I still have a conversation to conclude with this silver creature.

Turning to the silver creature

I apologize I did not refer to you by name or title, I know neither. And do not mind my visitor, he may be privy to this conversation.

Immaculate manners.

The man shook his head. "Wrong answer." With that he blasted the Head Scale's seat with bolts of green lightning, hurling it across the room. He glared at the Gnome, green fire glowing in his eyes. "By order of our Contract, you are not allowed to deal with the Lich-Lords, this includes the Masters of Crucible. Now leave, before I take this matter to your superiors."

Turning his gaze to the Head Scale, he glared, his hands immolating. "Who, did you, make the deal with?"

2012-05-14, 12:17 PM
Reisen was all but obsessed. His interest in how the void could both be the definition of nothing and yet exist had driven him to near madness as he searched in vain for some fundamental truth of the world beyond his own secret. And he had found many though not yet what he was searching for.

In his hand he held many strange minerals taken from all parts of the world. They seemed bound together by some divine spark of true energy. And then a thought occurred, what would happen if that energy was to be harnessed? Releasing a spark of his own divinity Reisen began to exert his own power over those bonds, until he had broken them down to their basest state. And then he struck them again. The light of the following explosion could be seen in the night sky from all corners of the world.

As the blast began to fade, Reisen began to twist his way back to the center. He could still feel the energy in the air. Energy that would have undone that which was not a god. Finally he reached the center. And standing there a new god turned to observe him.

2012-05-14, 12:40 PM
The Crucible

The Head Scale remained impassive

Sir, you are being rude to my guest here. Additionally do not confuse me with Nobles in the West. They have squandered their power for personal gain.

The Head Scale gently placed the tea cup down

You have voiced object over the price of four people a day? The system of executing prisoners first has yielded a marketable decrease in the murder rate. By my estimates the for each person sacrificed - two have lived that would have otherwise died.

It was like a sitting in a classroom with the worlds most boring teacher

Additionally people need to die to keep population and resources under control. With the decrease in crime - I was going to institute a one child only limit, to control birthrates. This land is the most peaceful in the world - No citizen of this nation starves or wants for anything. I am doing my best to ensure that it remains so.

2012-05-14, 12:48 PM
Geasa, Second Ring

Merolle brings a hand to his faceplate.

"Yes, they have. A particular method of spreading the faith."

Two of Merolle's arms jerk strangely around his back, releasing sparks into the atmosphere of the world below. He pays it no heed.

"As for your request, it is quite sensible. I approve of it."

The Crucible

The Scale will have to pardon the gnome's lack of response, but Morgash is shooting lightning.

"What, Morgash, sir. I received no word of such. Abadil is the one who was sent to the Lich Lord's nation. This one was deemed separate by our logistics, and deemed so by Merolle's design."

A dreadful thunder blasts on the outside.

----The Lich Lords

Abadil turns suddenly, evocating a shield of force around himself. And follows with a surge of caustic winds that tint the very stone of the keep with a sickly glowing green as they wash around the Imperator.

"This is most unwise, friend."

[roll0] + 3

THe Brass gnomes belong to an organization, The Guild (+1), and have been infused by Merolle's power (+2).

Itan's Fortress

The gnomes hop off their chairs and follow.

"Lead the way, friend."


the gnomes sit on the snow.

"Certainly, we can wait, friend."

2012-05-14, 01:12 PM
The Crucible

The Head Scale remained impassive

Sir, you are being rude to my guest here. Additionally do not confuse me with Nobles in the West. They have squandered their power for personal gain.

The Head Scale gently placed the tea cup down

You have voiced object over the price of four people a day? The system of executing prisoners first has yielded a marketable decrease in the murder rate. By my estimates the for each person sacrificed - two have lived that would have otherwise died.

It was like a sitting in a classroom with the worlds most boring teacher

Additionally people need to die to keep population and resources under control. With the decrease in crime - I was going to institute a one child only limit, to control birthrates. This land is the most peaceful in the world - No citizen of this nation starves or wants for anything. I am doing my best to ensure that it remains so.

The man glared at the Head Scale, then calmed, bowing his head and closing his eyes "Would my father be happy with what you have done? Sold not just the lives of your people... to go on and live in paradise because of their sacrifice to the greater good... but you sold their SOULS... they will live on in endless suffering, belonging to my brother..." Opening his eyes, Morgash raised his head and dismissed the illusion of his form. He stood, ten feet tall, before the Head Scale.

The Crucible

The Scale will have to pardon the gnome's lack of response, but Morgash is shooting lightning.

"What, Morgash, sir. I received no word of such. Abadil is the one who was sent to the Lich Lord's nation. This one was deemed separate by our logistics, and deemed so by Merolle's design."

A dreadful thunder blasts on the outside.

Morgash glanced to the gnome "This... thing, for it is no longer fit to be called a Man, or a Ravenkin... this thing is a Lich, just as the Lords to the West are... check with your superiors, they know of the contract. They know that I will owe them a debt IF the Lich-Lords are kept out of your dealings. As far as I am concerned, the Contract applies to these abominations as well as the others. If you trade with this thing, your Contract will be void."

Turning back to the Head Scale, Morgash extended his hand. "I give you one chance to restore the balance to the world. Let go of this pact... and I will save the souls of you and your fellow conspirators... it may take time... but you will not be punished for eternity..."

2012-05-14, 01:54 PM
The Second Ring Of Geasa

I am glad you've agreed to assist me. I shall continue seeking out other gods for the time being. When the time comes, we shall convene to empower the Council, and... excuse me, Elder Merolle, something strange occurs below.

Kiloasa could feel the surge of a new divine power growing from deep inside itself. The Arch-Druid vanished from the second ring and retreated to the mortal plane. So much of nature had changed that Kiloasa could feel its connection to the world slipping.

The Mortal World

Kiloasa fought to contain the surge of divine energy in its body.I know not what you are, but the time is not... yet... right... for the birth of a new... AGH!

The power erupted from within Kiloasa with a surge of viridian light. Exhausted from trying to control the power, Kiloasa fell to his knees.

You are my offspring, youngling. I know not your goals or designs upon the world, but I will watch you. I will ensure that you do not make the same mistakes I have, or I will fix them for you.

And now Aor is born. As side effect, Kiloasa is officially male now. Aor was basically his female/nurturing half.

2012-05-14, 02:17 PM
Reisen was all but obsessed. His interest in how the void could both be the definition of nothing and yet exist had driven him to near madness as he searched in vain for some fundamental truth of the world beyond his own secret. And he had found many though not yet what he was searching for.

In his hand he held many strange minerals taken from all parts of the world. They seemed bound together by some divine spark of true energy. And then a thought occurred, what would happen if that energy was to be harnessed? Releasing a spark of his own divinity Reisen began to exert his own power over those bonds, until he had broken them down to their basest state. And then he struck them again. The light of the following explosion could be seen in the night sky from all corners of the world.

As the blast began to fade, Reisen began to twist his way back to the center. He could still feel the energy in the air. Energy that would have undone that which was not a god. Finally he reached the center. And standing there a new god turned to observe him.

Ekcol-Mir looks strangely at his surroundings, I am Ekcol-Mir! God of Discovery! The voice, flowing like water, erupted from the head of a crow peering from beneath the folds of a cloak.

2012-05-14, 02:25 PM
The Lich-Lords

Who did the iron man sell his soul too for it to be able to redirect his magic so easily. The man shivered on his golden thrown. He would have to speak to the Daemons, their magic wasn't up to the bargain - they specifically asked for invincibility.

As the sickly green energy corroded the Gold Throne the Lich-King yelled out

No! Don't Go, I'll pay any price, please give me more power!

The Crucible

The Head Scale respectfully bowed his head before the god, but did not seem shocked at the gods size or power.

Your Father?

After a brief pause the scale went on

Ah, You must be the Lord of Magic, the Imperator told me of. Son of Isanloff. How would he feel about our deeds? I am sure he would be happy. Was it not his tenant that suffering should be minimized and resources maximized? That is what we have done. The sacrifices and I would gladly sell our souls again and again for their to be stability. And criminals merit the punishment regardless.

The civics lesson had all the excitement of ... well... a civics lesson

Is it not preferable that one man should suffer, than have ten men, women and children suffer?

Itan's Fortress

Itan led the Mage and the brass men into the keep, the soldiers glancing at him shrewdly. That was strange. He was still filled with residual awe. Annoyance yes, but awe was there - were his soldiers afraid. He didn't think they were cowards. But he let the thought slide, he was sure they were merely processing the scene of there commander talking with gods and aliens. If he was a soldier he would think that either he went crazy or the world did.

Anyway he led the visitors to his war room, the map of the world spread out on it. He sighed.

Metal men - you said you wanted a trade? And Michael, can you point out your kingdom and name your forces so we can allocate resources and develop supply lines. We mean to take back the west first. The East is going to be more a physiological siege than anything else.

His friend from the south Judge Drotlum entered, and with a female judge he saw before. Good fighter she was, Drotlum trained her personally, if he remembered correctly she was up for promotion. Judge Ilarfia was her name. Or something like that.

2012-05-14, 03:43 PM
The Clansmoot

Sit then, Vallung. I am Halasht, Third Eldest. And these are the Clanmasters of the Ice-kin, debating whether to go to war. Halasht waved at his twenty-one barbarians, causing them to disarm as they sat down on chairs- or at least, the spirits of chairs.

Meanwhile, Ulstwyn and the other four clanmasters sat on their thrones, evenly spaced around a campfire. He had listened to the reports of Liches from the south, and of a sudden abundance of trees from the....well, also from the south, seeing as they were at the pole. He had also listened to Hallorn's call for war, and was now thinking.

"But, Hallorn, remember how Halasht created the world. I doubt our Mammoths would be able to go too far south, especially into the desert, and what would carry our supplies then? Also, shouldn't we not leave some men here, to protect our homes and children?" Ulstwyn said. His years of strongheaded adventuring were over, the fire that drove him to seek revenge against Hedrin now as cold as his Wyrm-forged blades. "I say, we move south- claim some more forests that border the kingdom." He noticed the messenger that was lurking inside the tent flap. It could wait. "But yes....I say we march as well!" The other three clanmasters nodded. Hallorn and Ulstwyn, while equals in both might and say with the others, were the celebrities of their time, two men of strength and daring.

Halasht grinned, he, his spawn, and his companions invisible to and unheard by the mortals. Yes, see how they set challenges before themselves? Let us witness their triumph, then! He stood up- noticing what appeared to be a bite-mark that had taken out a chunk of his shadow's torso, then dismissing any value to that.

2012-05-14, 03:59 PM
A moment passed, and the universe fell into place--at least for the perspective of a young new deity. Life! its first thoughts. Blood, veins, body--these things came later. Formless, it drifted aimlessly. The tiniest fraction of time passed, and violently she erupted.
TABSkin. These things came to be, she made them for herself, dressed herself in body. What body?
An eye turned to the world. She saw the humans, took that form. A good form. Head, arms, face. A crown of flowers bloomed atop her head, she carefully picked the grasses and they became a flowing dress.
TAB"Parent," she addressed Kiloasa, now distinctly male. She radiated with this new life, burning through it quickly. She could not find more words to say, a shy smile on her lips (her lips! She had lips with which to kiss the air, and she did so).

2012-05-14, 05:19 PM
Kiloasa and Aor

The new goddess floated in the air before Kiloasa. She looked mostly human, but within her form danced the flowers and grasses of springtime.

Daughter. Kiloasa responded to her addressing him. You are young and there is much you probably do not know yet. It is my hope that you will be a better god than I have been. Let me share with you the knowledge of my past, and may you learn from my mistakes.

Kiloasa reached out and placed a wooden finger on his daughter's brow. He shared with her flashes of his memory: His birth, the creation of the Woden, his curiosity and the accidental creation of the Goblins, his failure to protect his creations and his gift of Druidism. He did not know what his daughter would do with this knowledge, he could only hope for the best.

2012-05-14, 06:09 PM
The Lich-Lords

Who did the iron man sell his soul too for it to be able to redirect his magic so easily. The man shivered on his golden thrown. He would have to speak to the Daemons, their magic wasn't up to the bargain - they specifically asked for invincibility.

As the sickly green energy corroded the Gold Throne the Lich-King yelled out

No! Don't Go, I'll pay any price, please give me more power!

The Crucible

The Head Scale respectfully bowed his head before the god, but did not seem shocked at the gods size or power.

Your Father?

After a brief pause the scale went on

Ah, You must be the Lord of Magic, the Imperator told me of. Son of Isanloff. How would he feel about our deeds? I am sure he would be happy. Was it not his tenant that suffering should be minimized and resources maximized? That is what we have done. The sacrifices and I would gladly sell our souls again and again for their to be stability. And criminals merit the punishment regardless.

The civics lesson had all the excitement of ... well... a civics lesson

Is it not preferable that one man should suffer, than have ten men, women and children suffer?

Itan's Fortress

Itan led the Mage and the brass men into the keep, the soldiers glancing at him shrewdly. That was strange. He was still filled with residual awe. Annoyance yes, but awe was there - were his soldiers afraid. He didn't think they were cowards. But he let the thought slide, he was sure they were merely processing the scene of there commander talking with gods and aliens. If he was a soldier he would think that either he went crazy or the world did.

Anyway he led the visitors to his war room, the map of the world spread out on it. He sighed.

Metal men - you said you wanted a trade? And Michael, can you point out your kingdom and name your forces so we can allocate resources and develop supply lines. We mean to take back the west first. The East is going to be more a physiological siege than anything else.

His friend from the south Judge Drotlum entered, and with a female judge he saw before. Good fighter she was, Drotlum trained her personally, if he remembered correctly she was up for promotion. Judge Ilarfia was her name. Or something like that.

Morgash shook his head. "You are not gods, you are Mortalkind, Ravenkin... you were not meant to live longer than a hundred years or so. When you die, your souls move on, and the natural order of things completes its cycle by using your mortal remains to feed new life. Immortality breaks this chain, undoes it... you cannot fathom the harm that can be done to all of creation because of a single mortal being becoming immortal." taking the Censer of Eternity from his belt, Morgash summoned an image of Hell. "This is the natural place that wicked souls go to die... an eternity of poetic justice. This is NOT where the souls you damn go..." Morgash summoned an image of a roiling black cloud, out of which Daazo walks. "This, is my brother... this being is more evil than you can imagine... he is the one you swore your souls to... he is the one you sacrifice thousands to, to keep your power. My brother, I do not know what he is planning, but he has over a thousand souls that should be in paradise. You, are not a god, Ravenkin... YOU, do not decide who burns and who lives. YOU, have taken the duty of a God into your own hands... YOU, have broken the cosmic order, all for this... for the support of one mortal empire... the first mortal empire... You cannot begin to imagine what you've done, oh little Mortal. You know what I'll have to do to remedy your little 'deal'? I've got to spend AGES of Mortal time looking into the Well of Eternity. I've got to find EVERY one of you conspirators, kill them, and beat my brother into releasing them from his godly bonds." Morgash looked angry, sickly green energy was radiating from him. He grabbed the Head Scale by the throat, pushing him up against the wall. He held the Censer of Eternity up to him, and willed it to burn bright, bright enough to give the Head Scale a glimpse of infinity, a glimpse of everything that could happen, might have happened, has happened, and is happening. "LOOK INTO THE FLAMES, CHILD, LOOK AND SEE WHAT I SEE! LOOK UPON INFINITY AND BURN!"

Note, that when Morgash speaks in all caps, his voice reverberates and sounds like thousands of him are talking all at once.

"LOOK... at... it..." Morgash's grip relaxed, and the Head Scale fell from his grasp. "I have given you a glimpse of EVERYTHING... Do you now see what you have done?! You have messed with Creation itself... no... no you didn't... my Brother did... and you're his pawn..." Morgash seems to calm slightly. "I give you one, final, chance... ally yourself with me, help me prove to my father that my brother has done harm to this world... and I will spare you and those who do the same. Decline, and you will all burn for eternity, I will ensure that."

Itan's Fortress

Michael scanned the map, before pointing to a bay in the south, just to the north of the desert. "Thorshalf lies there, an army two hundred strong has held back all opposition." He smiles, surely he must be joking, two hundred... against all of the armies of the Lich Lords?

2012-05-14, 06:20 PM
The birthplace of Eckol Mir

"So I can see. Mere moments since your creation and already, you have discovered both name and purpose."

The Clansmoot

Hallorn smashed the butt of his spear into the earth, and an unnatural chill fell into the hearts of those present that resonated with the sound of ice clashing until the echo faded.
"You forget my friend, I control the power of winter! Our mammoths have nothing to fear from the conditions of the south. With my power we can bring the full power of the north to bear against the world."

2012-05-14, 06:47 PM
Vargull, Clansmoot

The wolf-mans eyes seemed to blaze when Halasht spoke of war. "To what end do they march to war? Who are the men of the South? I am newborn to this world, I know little of its workings beyond myself."

He looked on at the Clansmoot meeting with increasing interest, his body seemed to simultaneously hunch in interest and straighten with attention, lips slowly peeling away from his sharp teeth as he listened and spoke.

OOC: I assume you mean your actual shadow and not me right? :smalltongue:

2012-05-14, 08:08 PM
The Clansmoot

Why? Because, they march to conquer and triumph! Halasht said. The south-men are men of their kingdoms and peasantry and inheritence. They do not appreciate the worth of a person, just their pedigree.

"Haha, yes, I had forgotten about your legendary spear." Ulstwyn smiled. "So then, are we in agreement? Take all that don't protect the homelands and march south?" He stood, looking to the other clanmasters. One of them nodded, while the other two were waiting for anything Hallorn had to say.

Yeah, its Halasht's shadow, not you.

2012-05-14, 08:14 PM
Nyctus had descended into the Dreaming Realm and tarried there as other gods made and remade the world. And there she let herself dream, a dream of the worlds yet to come and the wonders they would host. A dream of minds adrift. And when she was done dreaming her dream stood before her and Nyctus knew it was good. "And what are you called, dream?" she asked. "And what shall you do?"

2012-05-14, 08:25 PM
Peering down onto the material plane, Ekcol shapes his form into a giant Crow, before settling down upon the earth.
"I will shape the very sinews of mortals!" He uses his talons to pick up dirt and stone, and place it within his beak. Guzzling the concoction in his mouth, he spits out bones, the framework of his creation. Next he reaches down and pulls a feather from his head, and he wipes the bones with this feather, creating a blackish-purple leathery hide on the frame. Next , he takes part of his soul, guile, and divine grace , and forms cluster of cells protected in the skull of the being, "A cognitive awareness has been formed, and from it evolution will follow. This humanoid will be the essence of my life force, be it called Rimcol!"

2012-05-14, 08:28 PM

"What is a god but his pedigree? What would we be but for the circumstances of our birth?" Vargull ponders rhetorically "So, these are your people then? What of the men of the South, who do they follow?" Vargull begins pondering this as well. He is the only of his kind that he can see, are the men of the south different? What were they like?

2012-05-14, 08:44 PM
The Clansmoot

Clanmaster Shya, the only Female Clanmaster, spoke up for the first time. "My people have heard rumors... rumors of men who shoot lightning from their fingertips, men who steal the minds of their foes, and summon armies of beasts from beyond."

Suddenly, the voice of Morgash speaks, emanating from the firepit. "Those rumors are true... foul men with bodies of bone and death... the Lich Lords..." the fire changed slowly, turning into a sickly green. "I, am Morgash, Sage of the Third Ring..."

2012-05-14, 09:10 PM
Nyctus had descended into the Dreaming Realm and tarried there as other gods made and remade the world. And there she let herself dream, a dream of the worlds yet to come and the wonders they would host. A dream of minds adrift. And when she was done dreaming her dream stood before her and Nyctus knew it was good. "And what are you called, dream?" she asked. "And what shall you do?"

The dream begins to gather, and become distinct from the surrounding dreamscape. Through the dreams of the worlds, it began to take knowledge. Knowledge of shapes, of words, or events and places. Even so, the knowledge was warped by the medium, and incomplete. Still, though, the dream began to take form.

"I am, it would seem, without a name. I would, though, be called Avaoracht, for such is the first name which I heard called.

I learn, and I know. I would know more, however, for there is much which I do not know. For example, I am ignorant of your name."

2012-05-14, 09:18 PM
"Very well. I am Nyctus, or that is the name I take for myself," she says. "Though you are a dream of mine, I make no demands on you, not of loyalty, fealty, or power. Go forth from this dream into your own dreams, and become what you will."

2012-05-14, 09:25 PM
The Lich-Lords

Who did the iron man sell his soul too for it to be able to redirect his magic so easily. The man shivered on his golden thrown. He would have to speak to the Daemons, their magic wasn't up to the bargain - they specifically asked for invincibility.

As the sickly green energy corroded the Gold Throne the Lich-King yelled out

No! Don't Go, I'll pay any price, please give me more power!

The gnome stops with a foot on the window, looking back with a large, ophidian grin.

"You think you can raise the stakes on a god, friend?"

The Crucible

The gnome is mildly displeased by the turn of events. He is also not made of silver, just wearing it!

Itan's Fortress

The gnome listens happily to information he already has, the benefits of living in the heavens!

"He is not lying, friend."


The gnomes saddle up on their tireless automaton mounts and start racing laps around the meeting grounds.

2012-05-14, 09:32 PM
The Crucible

The Head Scale collapsed on the ground. Weak from having glimpsed eternity. Yet from all the myriad possibilities, all the past, presents and futures that he has seen - the reason his mind was still whole was because he was right! He was right! Every other future ended in greater starvation - greater suffering. Every other present had seemed to him full of misery. Yes he paid a terrible price, he knew this, but the result was by far the best there was. Yet from the futures he saw he knew he must play this game. This god would understand the what the mortals needed was self-sufficiency, each time a god acted in their stead the world grew harsher - and mortal kind being self-sufficient wasn't pretty, it needed this cruel method. The Head Scale slowly stood up. He was entirely composed. There was no point in arguing in front of a god. He knew what he did was correct, and although the path in front of him grew longer, he would walk it. It a voice that betrayed absolutely no conviction and a voice that betrayed absolutely no unease for what he had just underwent he spoke

I seek your forgiveness Son of Isanloff, I see now that I was in the wrong. I would seek atonement and help you in revealing the ones I made my ill conceived pact with.

Below The Crucible

A starving Nobel dreamt of a starving god, forced to watch the images of starvation caused by a mere instant of anger.

Itan's Fortress

Itan Face Palmed

Only Two Hundred?! Do the Lich-Lords even know of your empires existence?

This was ridiculous, how could two hundred men hold off the Lich-Lords. When the Empire collapsed due to their grab for power there were a hundred million citizens. When the empire fractured the eastern district had 40 million souls in it - that meant at least 4 Million people were in the army or forced into it. The years of war probably meant some of that army was killed or deserted. Yet the Lich-Lords in mere man power had more than Itan had - he couldn't force children into the army! Give a child a sword and sure he can't kill a man, but give a hundred children swords and wipe out their minds and make them think they are murders. Itan killed those children before - it was horrifying. What songs will they sing about him? General Cheese the child killer. Will they even mention that those children lost their souls long ago? How will these two hundred men help him?

The Lich-Lords

The King of the Lich-Lords paused for a second, struck by the opinion that gods themselves were bidding against him. The thought alone stroked his ego. Of course no mortal could best him - he was second only to the gods! There was nowhere else to go but up. . .

Which God? Not your god, am I right? And why trade when you can take? Ask your god to grant me power - and if you plan to usurp the god and take everything! I would assist you in any manner whatsoever!

2012-05-14, 09:36 PM
Lokab Empire

Kuut was an apprentice animal tamer. One who had the incredible misfourtune of working for Lo-Gammar, a master animal tamer who had the incredible fortune to have just captured a rare Steel Predator. Naturally, Kuut was now expected to enter the cage with the beast and distract it until Lo-Gammar could put the harness on the beast.

"So much for my dreams of owning my own circus." He sighed as he unlocked the cage door.

The Clansmoot

Thornne watched the Brass Gnomes prance about on their false horses while he continued to plant his special seeds. He slowly fed the plants some of his druidic power, ensuring they would grow strong and healthy. He was almost a third of the way through his first acre. The gnomes might impress the Ice-kin with their fancy automatons, but they couldn't provide long term benefits of druidism. Everyone had to eat something.

2012-05-14, 09:48 PM
The Crucible

The Head Scale collapsed on the ground. Weak from having glimpsed eternity. Yet from all the myriad possibilities, all the past, presents and futures that he has seen - the reason his mind was still whole was because he was right! He was right! Every other future ended in greater starvation - greater suffering. Every other present had seemed to him full of misery. Yes he paid a terrible price, he knew this, but the result was by far the best there was. Yet from the futures he saw he knew he must play this game. This god would understand the what the mortals needed was self-sufficiency, each time a god acted in their stead the world grew harsher - and mortal kind being self-sufficient wasn't pretty, it needed this cruel method. The Head Scale slowly stood up. He was entirely composed. There was no point in arguing in front of a god. He knew what he did was correct, and although the path in front of him grew longer, he would walk it. It a voice that betrayed absolutely no conviction and a voice that betrayed absolutely no unease for what he had just underwent he spoke

I seek your forgiveness Son of Isanloff, I see now that I was in the wrong. I would seek atonement and help you in revealing the ones I made my ill conceived pact with.

Below The Crucible

A starving Nobel dreamt of a starving god, forced to watch the images of starvation caused by a mere instant of anger.

Itan's Fortress

Itan Face Palmed

Only Two Hundred?! Do the Lich-Lords even know of your empires existence?

This was ridiculous, how could two hundred men hold off the Lich-Lords. When the Empire collapsed due to their grab for power there were a hundred million citizens. When the empire fractured the eastern district had 40 million souls in it - that meant at least 4 Million people were in the army or forced into it. The years of war probably meant some of that army was killed or deserted. Yet the Lich-Lords in mere man power had more than Itan had - he couldn't force children into the army! Give a child a sword and sure he can't kill a man, but give a hundred children swords and wipe out their minds and make them think they are murders. Itan killed those children before - it was horrifying. What songs will they sing about him? General Cheese the child killer. Will they even mention that those children lost their souls long ago? How will these two hundred men help him?

The Crucible

"It is not that you sold your own souls, child... but you sold the souls of the innocent... never in a billion lifetimes is that worth any form of peace. You took the very essence of their beings, and sent them not to torture, no, to oblivion... they will not exist ever again... not in the form of an angel, not in the form of a tree, not in the form of a man... Tell me the names of every person involved... and tell me the EXACT details of the pact..." Morgash faded slightly, becoming ethereal.

Fortress of Itan

Michael smiled childishly, gleeful in Itan's anger. "Two hundred men who have been empowered by all the magic we can muster. None of them feel pain. None of them know fear. Their minds are in tune with the divinations of Gale. And best of all, they know exactly when they die."

The Deepest Pits of Hell

Morgash stepped from the shadows, watching his father suffer. "Alyveran, I know you can hear me." snapping his fingers, Morgash created a small green flame. "I want to speak to my Father... now."

2012-05-14, 09:51 PM
Clanmoot, Vargull

When the new god spoke, Vargull was taken aback at his sudden appearance. "Are they then your followers Morgash? What brings you to this meeting?"

2012-05-14, 10:30 PM
The Lich Lords

Abadil smirks, and then breaks into laugh on the floor for a moment.

"Haha... Good one. Now, seriously. What do you offer. Take note that the god doesn't want our services, he just doesn't want you to have our services and offered his boons in exchange. You just have to be worth more than him."

The gnome pulls his little crystal ball again, chatting silently with the other side for a moment.

"To help you out, the god doesn't want us to work with your undead friend across the border. So make a good deal, we live in the City Upon The Heavens, we know how far the gifts of the gods go, our lord Merolle, Who is the Storm That Consumes Nations, does not nourish the lie of omnipotence... Or any lie at all, for that matter, it is poor form, friend!"

Lokob Empire

The Steel Predator looks down on the goblin in his cage, its tiny black eyes betraying none of its dreadful cunning.

2012-05-14, 10:44 PM
Lokob Empire

Kuut opens the cage slowly and walks in as carefully and nonthreateningly as he can. He reaches behind him and pulls out a heavy, weighted net which he proceeds to unfold. He does not take his eyes off the Steel Predator.

Suddenly he throws the net high up into the air and runs screaming for the door to the cage. He leaps out at the last second and slams the cage door behind him just as the Steel Predator tears through the heavy net and slams head first into the heavy iron door.

"Arch-Druid's Acorns! That thing wants to kill me!" he shouts, his heart pounding. "I need to find another line of work."

"You'll do no such thing, Kuut." Lo-Gammar says menacingly. "You're apprenticed to me, and you'll do as I tell you until you're either dead or released from my service." His tone left Kuut convinced that Lo-Gammar was angling for the former over the latter.

2012-05-14, 10:51 PM
"My thanks, Dreamer. If you should ever have cause to seek knowledge, then my aid shall you have."

Flecks of crystal are beginning to form, surrounding the dream and coalescing from its knowledge. The being, once an inconstant dream, comes to be sheathed in crystal. With the formation of the crystalline body, Avaoract cast itself from the plane of dreams, to enter the physical world for the first time...

The Cradle
Here, at the place where the border between dream and reality is weakest, a being of crystal passes into reality, heading at high speed towards the first world. As it moves, it fragments, and the pieces begin to spread slightly...