View Full Version : Nopoloi, the tale of the wanderer.

2012-05-10, 10:34 PM
TLDR description of the game, for those interested in joining please send me a pm or post in our recruitment thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271435).

4-6 Players
I expect a game with a lot of combat, but roleplay opportunites as well,
When?: Tuesdays at 6:30ish central
Where?: Sessions are run in Roll20.

Allowed Content: Anything you can find on pfsrd.com that is not third party.

Characters begin the game at 9th Level, with 46,000 gp (current party level, this goes up with the party, so this will change)

25 point, point buy system, I find http://tools.digitalightbulb.com/pbcalc.html to be helpful.

For Hp, take max at first and 2nd level, then half-max for third. From then on, take max at even levels and half-max at odd levels. like this

Max/Max/half/max/half/max/half/max... alternating and so on.

There are no allignment restrictions, but if you are the odd man out, you may want to invest in bluff.

Multiclassing is allowed as it is laid out in the srd.

Characters are allowed 2 traits, which must obey rules of trait acquisition.


{table=head;width=65%]{colsp=2}Active Characters
Lady, his mount|http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=387173
Gabilan, his other mount|http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=387173
Squirrel, his cohort|http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=500204[/table]

{table=head;width=65%]{colsp=2}THE GRAVEYARD
Ignatius|404 sheet not found

*Note: If a player returns a retired character to active play, or if a retired character becomes involved in the active storyline, their level and stats may change.


{table=head;width=100%]{colsp=2}Active Quests
The Hollow Men| Investigate Gwendolyn's Folly.
The Gate, The Key, The Keeper| Deactivate the Planar Gate
Who Controls the Past| Fix Lakshana's History of Gwendolyn's Folly
Who Watches the Watchmen?|Discover the Secret of the Symbol of the Eye
Deliberate Disguises|Bring the following fugitives to justive
Deliberate Disguises(1)|Girard Gorvenal VIII
The Devil Went Down to Petalouda Nrisi...|Find the Charoumenoi.[/table]

2012-05-10, 11:37 PM
The campaign is set in a world called...

Nopoloi, the traveler.

Notable traits:

Territories in Nopoloi are racially mixed, Historical events in this world played out in such a way as to seperate individuals by their disposition, rather than race. As a result, a character of any given race can be from any particular continent or place.

Divine power in Nopoloi is not the exclusive domain of Gods. Nopoloi features the traditional pathfinder pantheon of deities. However, Nopoloi is also home to all other conceivable manner of deities, with no clear faith holding the majority. In Nopoloi, anyone who truly believes in a source of divine power, and takes a level in a divine class, can wield the divine power just like a cleric or other class of an established deity. New faiths spring up frequently and old ones disappear. Some people even claim to be deities themselves, and manifest cleric powers, though none have ever exceeded the powers normally ascribed to their class.

The natural balance of Nopoloi is disintegrating. In the last century, the inhabitants of Nopoloi have witnessed strange and disturbing phenomenon. Isolated cases of wildlife behaving strangely, such as normally herbivorous animals developing fangs and hunting other animals, or strange new plants growing in places without soil, sunlight, or water. Clerics of all faiths have been receiving incoherent or conflicting answers to their prayers. Arcanists have observed certain spells to behave strangely at certain times of the year. Even common folk have been victim to the strange entropy that grows in the world; there are rumors of children being born with horrifying mutations, in the shape of human-animal hybrids, or worse.

Nopoloi is a spherical planet, it does not rotate on an axis, and it's sun and moon stay in fixed position relative to Nopoloi and eachother. The name of the Sun is Aum, and the moon is called Heron. The Ocean that covers most of the planet's surface is called Ulmo.

The known world consists of 4 continents; Arkodais, Lakoat, Slythinweld, and Vartrellor. All of these continents are separated from each other by Ulmo (most of the time). Arcanists and diviners discovered in ancient times, that each continent is in fact a sentient and living animal made of earth, stone, and water. The passing of Day, Night, and the seasons can be explained by the particular movement habits of the continents.

Arkodais, the Scarab

Arkodais is the smallest of all the continents, and unlike all the other continents on Nopoloi, it is stationary. Of all the continents of Nopoloi, Arkodais is furthest from Aum and Heron, located in the planet's north pole (of sorts). As a result, the continent experiences a permanent winter, although it is not too frigid to support life. Because Arkodais is motionless, half of the continent experiences perpetual daylight and the other half experiences perpetual night. The division of these parts is created by a large chain of mountains that runs straight down the center of Arkodais, before splitting into a Y pattern and leveling off into the sea. Much of Arkodais is therefor mountainous and frigidly cold. In ancient times, the seat of the world-dominating Arkodain Empire was wrought out of the massive marble caverns that lie beneath the mountain ranges. Today those underground citadels are sealed up beneath enormous stone locks, and a shadow of the former empire exists in the last remaining Arkodain metropolis, Hror's Harbor. A port situated at the natural bay that occurs at the Y juncture of the mountains. Outside this city, along the Southern shore of Arkodais (called the Glacier Strand, though Arkodains cleared the glaciers out eons ago) pirates, bandits, and vikings have established floating sea fortresses of warships chained together into flotillas. In isolated, arable land on the coast and mountain ranges, former imperial subjects eke out a subsistence and continue their ancient traditions.

Example adventurers from Arkodais:

Constantine Kalarus: A heroic paladin adventuring from Hror's Harbor, the last bastion of civilization, seeking to find the magical artifacts of his kingdom and restore Arkodais to it's former glory.

Festoor Grimfurl: A former sea-dog, fugitive on the run from Pirate-Princes, of the Glacier Strand. Seeking his revenge on those who crossed him.

Loregia Mallistrassus: A scientific minded wizard, searching for knowledge contained in the lost branches of the Grand Arkodain Library, hidden in ancient ruins scattered across Nopoloi. Loregia believes this knowledge will help her solve the mystery of Arkodais sealed citadels.

Lakoat, the Turtle

Lakoat is the largest of the continents, and the most predictable in terms of its movements. Lakoat always moves in one direction, in a straight line, but at almost indiscernible intervals, adjusts the direction to be angled slightly to the North or South (Or as the people of Nopoloi say “Arkodin or Antarkodin”) this produces a seasonal pattern that grows predictably colder or warmer as Lakoat nears or moves away from, the poles of Nopoloi. Every day, Lakoat makes one full circle of the globe, in this manner. The continent itself is a wide ovoid shape, dominated by two snow-capped mountain ranges that run down Lakoat's back in parallel. The lands between the ridges is on the whole arid and completely dessicated on the central valley floor. On the outside of the mountain ranges, Lakoat is home, or was home, to lush forests. Water melting off of the tops of Lakoats mountain ranges creates river deltas all around the edges of Lakoat as it runs down to the sea. The rivers criss-cross the land as they run down to the sea, creating small lakes and vast strands of coastal marshes.
In spite of the calm that Lakoat's peaceful land inspired in her inhabitants of ages past, the continent has seen tremendous bloodshed, desolation, and tyranny. The central valley of Lakoat has been the home of Vampire Lords since the fall of the Arkodain empire. From their chief stronghold, Ogdoad, situated in a vast Desert of Flame at the continent's center, The Lords of the Star Court have expanded aggressively over the last 500 years. In spite of stiff resistance, they have pushed free mortal societies into hiding in the continent's fringe swamps and subjugated a good number of the major living population centers. Many others have bent the knee and sworn fealty rather than suffer the horror of an outright pillage by surging vampire armies. Areas surrounding the citadels or fortresses of their dark empire undergo a sinister “terra-forming” by which Necromantic Arcanists and Liches black out the sky to hide themselves from Aum's rays and give rise to new flora and fauna which can grow in darkness and be used as sustenance for mortal thralls. It is rumored that their leader, who is only seen by the aristocracy of the dead, intends to push outward to other continents once Lakoat is fully subjugated.

Example adventurers from Lakoat:

Ah'shoten Moh: An amoral rogue, he had been playing both sides of a subtle political struggle between the nobility of the vassal-city Koht Larcossi and their Vampire overlords. Ah'shoten allowed himself to become too involved in the conflict, and found himself the target of his masters' plots. Rather than remain in Koht Larcossi and fend off an endless series of assassins, Ahs'shoten skipped town and now needs to get somewhere very, very far away.

Ora-Ankhep: A necromancer of single-minded evil. Ora-Ankhep is one of the few mortals who willingly join with Lords of Star Court, specifically with their arcane college. She has a relaxed, confident attitude that completely belies his utter lack of compassion or respect for life. Ora-Ankhep studied under brilliant masters of the arcane, ancient beyond their time. She is now only one step from being granted her ultimate desire, Lichdom. To prove herself worthy, she must venture into the wold and learn some genuinely new, unknown, and useful piece of knowledge for her unliving masters.

Hirkoa Tallreeds: A good-hearted ranger, and hunter of the undead. Hirkoa had spent his entire life prowling in the marshes of Lakoat, protecting his people with blessed arrows and his bear companion. Recently, a tragic conflict broke out among the Tallreeds and a large band of desperate, hungry refugees fleeing into the marshlands. Hirkoa's people were on the losing side of the conflict, but rather than take revenge for their destruction, Hirkoa left Lakoat. He now hopes to find some means of saving his land from its doomed struggle.

Vartrellor, the Serpent
Map links (1) (http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/3456/vartrellorsubset1tfinal.png) (2) (http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9625/vartrellorsubset2final.png)(3) (http://imageshack.us/a/img708/5284/vartrellorsubset3final.png)

Some cultures of Nopoloi refer to Arkodais and Lakoat as “The Elders,” not for their age but for their solid, predictable natures. Contrarily, Vartrellor and Slythinweld are called “The Children,” for their wild, erratic natures. Vartrellor is best described as an island chain that moves, as the Serpent continent follows an erratic path across the globe that no scholar has ever been able to fully understand. Vartrellor does appear to behave with an observable sense of symmetry, and spends an even amount of time near the poles and the equator. Even still, the longest recorded “Winter” and ensuing “Summer” in Vartrellor lasted 22 and 25 years, respectively. Day and night are even more chaotic, as the serpentine movement of the mountainous isles, depending on what direction Vartrellor is headed in relation to Aum, and the island section in question, can produce days as short as an hour.
The islands of Vartrellor are mostly small tropical jungles, but towards the center of the chain, the islands grow broader, and feature more diverse terrain. The largest island, Varpeliar, is located in the middle of the chain and features a towering volcano, Pelaris, at its center. Fortunately for the island's inhabitants, it has sat dormant for last two centuries. At the “tail” end of the chain, three progressively smaller islands trail off into the sea, Simeur, Tethis, and Siggir. “The Bone Islands,” as the locals call them, are barren rocky hills nearly devoid of life on the surface, but teaming with all manner of strange and bizarre creatures within their cavernous hollows. On the opposite, “Head” end of the chain lies Amias. It is a large spade-shaped, coral-covered, landmass that lays submerged beneath the waters, and is home to a large number of aquatic or amphibious species.
As wild as the terrain of Vartrellor is, it enjoys a relatively stable political situation. No island recognizes a single ruler of the chain, and indeed, few islands have a cohesive government even on their own shores. In all the islands there are only two major population centers; Ottisdom, a sprawling, wood and stone metropolis located on the safe side of Mount Pelaris, and Larrilil-g'havia, an aquatic city surrounded by coral reefs, carved into the head-island of Amias. Outside the bounds of these cities, the population of Vartrellor is found primarily in small farmsteads, tribal villages or forts, and enormous plantation estates. Small trading posts also dot the coastline to facilitate inter-island trade. Somehow, the sheer amount of free space of the islands, relative to their small populations, seem to allow potential conflicts to be resolved with separation rather than violence.

Example advenurers from Vartrellor,

Lilthylia Ililindilia: A talented merfolk bard, she traveled across Vartrellor for many years with two childhood companions from Larrilil-g'havia. Lilthylia made a killing by impressing wealthy plantation owners and inn-crowds with her magic flute and ability to play it underwater. Her travelling days hit a snag when her companions decided to settle down with their “exotic” human spouses in Ottisdom. Not one to gather moss, Lilthylia wanders still, looking for adventurer.

Magor Daharen: A tribal barbarian, who follows no rules but his own, Magor left his home in the jungles of Vartrellor many years ago. He has ever since sought challenges to test himself against, be they beasts (against which he often triumphs), battles of wit (against which prevails less often than he realizes), or romantic conquest (in which he has never prevailed).

Siffinia Hoerth : A cavalier, or perhaps squire. Siffinia was a very young goblin when her tribe was wiped out be a raiding party of knights from Slythinweld. One of the raiders, who believed himself chivalrous, took Siffinia as his squire. Unfortunately neither the mind of a young traumatized goblin, nor the demented outlook of self-styled knight cooperated to make Siffinia into a healthy young adult, and she was left with a very perverse sense of right and wrong. Siffinia, and perhaps those around her as well, are fortunate that her form derangement makes her extremely neurotic about maintaining the utmost standards of moral conduct, lest her loved ones be wiped out again. She is absolutely desperate to engage in acts of heroism.

Slythinweld, the Kraken

Like Vartrellor, the eight armed continent of Slythinweld moves with a will of its own. However, in one respect, the extensive study of Arkodain scholars proved more fruitful with Slythinweld than with it's serpentine cousin. Slythinweld, it seems, can be understood to be the only continent that is constantly trying to move away from the other continents. Millenia ago, the famous Dwarven Arkodain Wizard-Professor Septimius Celestius succeeded in creating a magical globe that could track and show the movement of all four continents, and after some mathematical calculation it was determined that Slythinweld is always moving to the single point on the globe which is equidistantly the farthest from all others. Unfortunately, because of the unpredictable nature of Vartrellor's movements, this was not sufficient information to plot where Slythinweld was going to be in the future by any reasonable means.
This continental reclusiveness has been to the great relief of the inhabitants of the other three continents, as the residents of Slythinweld are some of the most violent and warlike that exist in the world. Each of the eight peninsular landmasses that extend from the continent's center are gently sloped so as to gradually descend to the sea, and all are covered with thick forested wilderness. Each of these peninsulas is also home to a tribal unit, or kingdom, or empire (as some of Slythinweld's magnates fancy themselves emperors), and each of these groups is constantly at war with each other. The swaying of the peninsulas as the sweep towards and away from eachother, only serves to make matters worse when two warring neighbor tribes are forced to be landlocked together for a time.
On some rare occasions in history Slythinweld has been apparently boxed in by its sister continents and the residents of Vartrellor, Lakoat, or Arkodais have had the misfortune of being subject to raids and pillaging by adventurers from Slythinweld. These times have always resulted in bloody, but brief wars, but also in the movement war captives from one landmass to another. As a result, in spite of its relative isolation, the continent of Slythinweld is a diverse in its forms of life as any other. Adding to this diversity is “The Weld” itself; at the center of the continent of Slythinweld there is a hexagonal valley, sloping inward. In this valley exists a jungle so wild and dense that conquest of it is considered unthinkable, even by Slythinweld's most unsavory and fearless of peoples. Within The Weld live beautiful and terrifying life forms that exist nowhere else in Nopoloi, as well as isolated pockets of humanoids, whose emergence from the forests is exceedingly rare. What little is known about them is mostly a product of courageous Arkodain explorers who dared to venture in at the height of their empire's power.

Example Slythinweld adventurers,

Brandyn McCulloch: A fighter and druid, hailing from Theld peninsula. He was heir to his father's position as leader of the Welk people, but his bastard brother deposed him and sent Brandyn into exile. He seeks the power to return to his homeland and reclaim his throne.

Blue Leaf: A sorceress from unheard of tribe within the Weld. She left her people in secret to retreive a sacred artifact stolen by a mutant. Without any leads, and no understanding of the world outside the jungle, she seeks out adventuring companions to help her in her quest.

Tenghe Tarrack: An enigmatic oracle. Tenghe hails from the Detaltan peninsula, with it's Detaltan people widely considered to be some of the most brutal in the world. Tenghe finds himself frequently feared and hated by those who can recognize his heritage. He claims to have had a prophetic dream, from his God, telling of a coming leader for his people. He seeks out places and items revealed to him in the dream, so as to understand what he must to do to prepare for the coming of his prophesied king.

2012-05-10, 11:40 PM
Session Recaps, Treasure, and XP gain will be posted here.

Nopoloi, the Traveler
A drama in many acts.

Chapter 1,
note that direction and time are a relative thing in Vartrellor

The chief heroes and villains of this tragedy, or perhaps comedy are named Garn Durnak (the alchemist), Rachizinni (the cavalier) and Lady (his wolf-steed), Lakshana Nakhasi (the psion), and Valcadorion Falaron (the archer). Each bearing his or her own reasons, they came together by caravel to the island of Petalouda Nrisi, being in rival for the position of second largest island in the Vartrellor chain. After a foreboding but unmolested voyage, they arrived in Girard's landing, stronghold of the Gorvenals. The Gorvenals themselves having come from the Florentin peninsula of Slythinweld some 2200 years ago, bringing their own civilization to the land, or so they hoped, were ruled by Girard Gorvenal VII. Upon arrival, the Constable, a man by the name of Merwyn Geeser, instructed the party of adventurers to present themselves to Lord Gorvenal. After speaking with the constable, the adventurers made their way about town, exploring Melfred's general store, the local tavern, named the Gallant, and made acquaintances with the barkeep. Garn and Lakshana, with some coin, pried several secrets from his lips. Firstly, the adventurers learned that strange beasts were assaulting the storehouses and granaries of farmers in Victor's Bounty, to the South. Secondly, they learned that the jailhouse had recently been destroyed in a fire and that three dangerous criminals had escaped. One of these fugitives happened to be Girard Gorvenal VIII, son of the lord, and that he was wanted for the murder of his grandfather, now said to be a Revenant, haunting the woods to the north and seeking revenge. Finally, they learned of Madame Sosostris, rumored to be the island's best fortune teller, and located in her inn the Clairvoyantte, just west of the Paidi gatehouse, on the road leading from town. After some time, but before the conclusion of the Lord's business, Lakshana, Rachizinni, and Valcad presented themselves to Lord Gorvenal. The audience went smoothly, after Rachizinni secured his night's company from a farm maid, and the three learned that the island was in dire straits. Mutants were said to be about the land, and that Gwendolyn's Folly, a major settlement on the West (in the relative sense) side of the island had ceased all communication with the Landing. It was also learned that a similar occurrence of sudden silence had been observed from the Gryphon eyrie called Gelfred's Roost. The three adventurers pledged to investigate both these mysteries for Lord Gorvenal, and were warned that they were not the first to undertake the quest. Lord Gorvenal informed them that no one who had crossed the Paidi Gatehouse had returned.
The adventurers rested at the Gallant with Lakshana and Garn reading, Valcad learning of the strange disturbing behavior of the local wildlife, and Rachizinni sharing his bed with the farm maid. When morning dawned, all but Rachizinni were prepared to depart for Gwendolyn's Folly. Rachizinni found himself unable to be rid of his slattern, as she sobbed and pleaded for him to return with her to her farmstead and help her people defend their crops from the predations of mutants. Rachizinni after fruitlessly attempting to bluff the maid, reluctantly agreed to put the matter forth to his companions. They would have none of it however, although the loudness of their argument drew Garn to them and a mutual arrangement was agreed to, by which he joined their company. Rachizinni then informed his night's companion of his decision not to help her at that time, which gave her cause to hurl insults and foul language his way, but that was the end of it. On their way out of the town gate, Constable Geeser gave them foodstuffs which he promised would speed a person's natural recovery from injury.
Once upon the road, the adventuers traveled for most of the day, before Lakshana noticed that they were shadowed by three figures. When confronted these highwaymen darted into the forest and fired arrows at the party from cover. Lady sniffed one out in the trees and fell upon him with Rachizinni, and the battle commenced in earnest. The battle went in the heroes' favor quickly, as one bandit emerged from the tree line to feather Lakshan with arrows, only to be torn asunder by Garn's fangs and claws. Rachzinni and Valcad landed blows as well, wounding their marks. Seeing that they were in peril the bandits drew forth strange, whistle-like devices and summoned a beast to aid them. The creature erupted from the ground and attempted to savage Rachizinni, parried and dodged the chitinous monstrosity's blows. The heroes dispatched the remaining bandits and turned their attention to the clacking and chittering beast and slew it moments before it could unleash a torrent of acid in what would have been a very well placed 30 yard line.
Surveying the scene provided Valcad with four pouches of gold, and some weaponry. It also gave Garn and Lakshana an opportunity to study the beast in earnest. It proved to be an Ankheg, but not a normal member of the species. It was mutated, larger than normal, and stronger. More importantly, the adventurers discovered small saccules or tumors lodged in the creature's musculature. These growths were filled with what appeared to be an acidic compound, and upon closer inspection, tiny wriggling things, not unlike spiky tadpoles. These organisms appeared to become active for several seconds after the bursting of the sac and then they fell motionless. Showing great alchemical skill, Garn identified the presence of the mutagen and that it was highly improbable that it was the work of an alchemist. Samples were collected for later study. After the ordeal the adventurers agreed to make camp for the night.

Experience gain,

Each character gained 930 xp (do not divide this number)

Treasure gain

500 gold pieces, and an assortment of baubles, trinkets, and jewelry, (unappraised as of yet). Valcad has this, so do not add it to your sheet. (Unless of course you are Valcad.)

Quest progess:

This is the Way the World Ends...

Identify the mutagenic pathogen. †

- Conduct experiments!

2012-05-14, 06:33 PM
Session tomorrow at 6:30 central!

2012-05-14, 08:05 PM

That reminds me I fired 4 arrows last game(hit with all of them) was I able to recover them?

I'll flip the coin four times for the 50% breakage for misses, I don't know of chart for breakage on hits.


2012-05-14, 10:17 PM
You can recover them on odd rolls. I'll need you to keep track of that yourself though. A hit is always destroyed.

2012-05-20, 11:57 PM
Chapter 2,

After studying the strange new mutagen, Garn, Lakshana, Valcad, and Rachizinni made camp in a small clearing by the road. Several hours passed before they slept and Lakshana took the opportunity to mediate on her Chakras, while Garn prepared his extracts, and Valcad tranced briefly. As the violet fingers of twilight snaked through the clouds, Lakshana took first watch with Valcad. The watchers were able to observe Vartrellor's large native firefly population briefly before Valcade spotted danger approaching. With his elf eyes, he observed that one hundred feet from where his companions were resting, there were two advancing patches of dead grass. Quietly rousing his allies, he observed that the patches continued to approach their camp, leaving swathes of withered, sizzling dead earth behind them. In spite of a collaborative, none of the adventueres were able to discern what deadly force was upon them until Valcade saw that the patches were in fact the doing of two large gelatinous cubes. Siezing initiative, Valcad loosed an arrow while Rachizinni and Garn charged their foes. While they laid into their foes, 3 heretofore invisible Grigs appeared and worked their magics to aid the cubes. The creature's produced a heinous fiddling noise which compelled Garn to dance, while the other grig tried unsuccessfully to produce the same effect on Rachizinni. The third Grig used an entangle spell on Valcad and Lakshana. Lakshana pelted the oozes with rays of frost while Valcad brought down the Grig that held Garn in check. The cubes attempted to engulf Rachizinni and Garn unsuccessfully, and pirouetting heroes brought down another Grig as quickly as they could. As the final Grig succeeded in compelling dance in Rachizinni the cubes advanced again, this time successfully, and engulfed both Garn and Rachizinni, instilling paralysis in the latter. With their front line fighters pinned beneath vitriolic icosahedrons, Lakshana and Valcad released a desperate volley of ranged fire which dispatched the cube that was digesting Garn. Having risen, Garn bisected the final Grig with his Falchion, as it attempted to flee. The heroes then focused their attacks on the remaining ooze, bringing it down before it could make a meal of their friend.

After the battle, Rachizinni, who was for a minute paralyzed, complained of the acid's insulting effects on his appearance, as he chowed down on the magical Vitabread he was given by Constable Geeser. There was some petty squabbling over treasure, ending with ring for Rachizinni and a headband for Lakshana, with monetary spoils going to those who did not receive items. After that was settled, the party finished their rest and set off the next morning, though due to the particular nature of Vartrellor, morning still appeared to be dusk.

Following the road, the adventurers came upon the Paidi Gatehouse. There they spied several peculiar mud mounds, and a handful of guards on the walls. Some investigation and stealth revealed that the mud mounds were the typical lair of the monstrous crawfish, and that there were signs of recent battle at the gate. The guards spotted Lakshana and ordered her to approach the gate, but several party members sensed a trap and tried to assess the situation. It soon became clear, that the guards intended to attack the adventurers, and Garn and Lakshana hastily came up with a plan to firebomb the fort. Succeeding in securing four vials of flammable oil on her astral construct, and dousing it with two more, the heroes sent forth a suicide bomber to collide with upper palisades. This much of the plan was successful, but the guards retaliated by disturbing the monstrous crawfish's abodes, rousing them to attack the heroes. With clattering monstrosities and closing in, and arrows raining down around her, Lakshana sent a bolt of fire to her construct's location and ignited the oil in a large explosion which slew two of the guards and set fire to the Gatehouse. Garn and Rachizinni focused on bringing down two of the three crawfish, while Valcad backpedaled away from the third and sent an arrow into the lung of the remaining human guard. The huge pincers proved no match for the heroes' defenses, though Valcad was wounded by a parting-shot arrow. After dispatching their potentially delicious foes, Garn ascended the ruined wall and observed two buildings inside the fort, as well as a man in a gibbet, and another tied to a stake and feathered with arrows.

Experience Gain

Level to 4. I made a dumb error and told everyone to level last time. Although it was a mistake, I have already told some new players to do it, so for the sake of convenience, level up. Your new total XP value is 9000.

Quest progress:

Received and completed

For whom my Fist Tolls

Defeat the guards at the Paidi Gatehouse

Treasure Gain

Pulled 1200 gp from the oozey remains of 2 gelatinous cubes, as well as Headband of Vast Intellect (+2) and Ring of Protection (+1)
Looted 700 gp in necklaces, bracelets, and rings from Grigs as well as 1 jewelry box which has not been opened and Rachizinni appraised to be worth 25 gold.
The party split the 1900 gold between Valcad and Garn, since they did not receive items.
The party looted 600 gold pieces from dead guards (plus their gear, Chainmail armor and Masterwork longbows, as well as mundane longswords) at the Paidi Gatehouse and recovered a breastplate from the innards of a crawfish. Note that this last encounter was not looted in game, and a search check may still be required.
In short:
125 gp to each party member.
950 gp to Valcad and Garn.
Ring of Protection (+1) to Rachizinni
Headband of Vast Intellect (+2) to Lakshana
There is an undivided sum of 600 gold and an unclaimed Breastplate that is masterwork and detects as magical

2012-05-21, 11:34 PM
The gold that Valcad was holding onto from the previous session (500) was also divided amongst the four of us.

2012-05-21, 11:55 PM
Reminder! Session tomorrow @6:30 central. Will need to cut it off around 10 this time so don't be late, unless you are one of the people I specifically told to be late.

2012-05-26, 02:39 PM
We got a summary of session 3? I was really not focused on its happenings that evening. =\

Also OOC link: www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242818

2012-05-28, 01:19 AM
The DM got Diablo for his birthday, but I do think he is still going to post a summary.

2012-05-28, 10:42 PM
Chapter 3

After surveying the freshly taken fort, the adventurers proceeded to investigate the grounds in earnest. Lakshana examined the man in the gibbet and found him to be nearly unconscious, with a heavy padlock on his cage. She then turned her attention to the man tied to a stake, who appeared to be a slim half elf with curly black hair and green eyes, and possessing of a small scarab tattoo above his right hip. She examined him to be pierced with several arrows in the torso, and observed that some of the wounds were still bleeding. Lakshana put her hand to the man's neck to check for a pulse, and barely managed to catch a whispered plea for water from his lips. With some coaxing, Rachizinni allowed the half-elf to drink from his waterskin. The psioness probed her own knowledge for a sufficient medicinal herb to aid the man, and concluded on Holly-bark extract, which she produced by means of the minor creation spell. After untying the half-elf's hands, she offered the herbs to him and he applied them to his wounds as best he could before supplementing the healing with his own magical powers. In between winces, as he drew arrows from his chest, he introduced himself as Mario Bellanovio, of Ottisdom. However, Lakshana, who was also from Ottisdom, did not recognize his family name. Mario nevertheless recognized the Nakhasi name, and said he knew of them as magic-workers. Mario claimed to be employed by a merchant named Darwas Dinar, and that he was traveling with a merchant caravan headed to the other side of the Winged Mountains to trade with the Charoumenoi. After the introductions were completed, Mario and Lakshana inspected the gibbet again and with a hairpin of Rachizinni's coiffure, Mario picked the lock. After the gibbeted prisoner had been released and healed, the new rescuee revealed himself to be Nizjhar “of the Five Blades.” He appeared to be witless, perhaps from extended dehydration, or from his own nature. After arguing with Rachizinni over who was responsible for taking the fort from bandits, Nizjhar and Mario went to the barracks to equip themselves, and bid the adventurers to try and loot the cargo wagons of Darwas Dinar. Upon inspection, Valcad and Lakshana discovered hidden notes tucked into crevasses behind panels on the wagons. When they read these letters, the heroes learned that Darwas had entrusted the care of the wagons and their merchandise Nizjhar, and regretting that he could not trust Nizjhar with a key or someone else to watch the goods, had supplied Nizjhar with instructions to open the puzzles that kept his merchandise safe within the wagons. With the aid of the instructions, and some mental coordination, the adventurers succeeded in opening the wagons and looted therefrom 7500 gold pieces and 3 valuable items.
After this challenge was overcome, Valcad began scouting out the fort, looking for a vantage point to better observe his surroundings and fire on his enemies should the need arise. Whilst engaged in his reconnoiter, Valcad and the others heard a knocking on the rear gate of the fort. From his vantage point, Valcad saw three unfamiliar figures. Before him stood a dwarf, tattooed from head to toe with images of Krakens, Women posing with Anchors, etc, a small blue-tinted halfling with gills, mounted on a strange quadruped, and a small goblin covered in baggy, loose-fitting clothing. After giving the three strangers a double-take, Valcad proceeded to inform his companions of the newcomers and they arranged themselves for any possibility. Rachizinni mounted the battlements and informed the newcomers of his reputation before allowing them inside. Once the two parties met, there was some discussion as to what Valcad, Rachizinni, and Lakshana had been doing. Whilst the conversation was going on in the courtyard, Lakshana followed Mario and Nizjhar into the barracks and questioned Mario further about his story. She detected magic and noticed that his armor was magical, as well some potions in his bags, and she also noticed a faint aura of illusion coming from the scarab tattoo. When asked about the tattoo, Mario claimed that it was from his membership in a band called “The Immortals,” however, Lakshana recalled happening to see this band on one occasion and did not recognized Mario as being one of their members. Before the conversation could continue, the party became aware of a rumbling in the ground, weak at first, but growing in intensity. Recognizing the threat, Lakshana and the rest of the adventurers prepared for battle. Much as they expected, there was soon an eruption for the other building in the courtyard. From the shower of wooden splinters and dust emerged a huge, giant mosquito, with a fully raged and mutagened Garn in its clutches. Although the creature seemed intent on carrying Garn off into the sky, the heroes acted quickly, charging the beast with their weapons from the battlements, and with Leokhar employing the use of his Sound-Burst ability to stun the vermin and bring it down. Once stunned the creature dropped Garn to the ground and then fell with all its crushing weight down on top of him, knocking the half-orc unconscious. The heroes took ample advantage of the creature's plight to lance and rend at their foe, but were not able to kill it before it could shake off its condition. It lashed out with claws and struck Rachizinni, Mumkhar, and Rogar wounding them, and afflicting Rachizinni with a sickness, but failing to bring any individual down. As Valcad struck home with two arrows, the beast roared and spewed a vitriolic substance, recognized by the heroes as the mutagenic spew from the Ankheg. Rachizinni had the misfortune to be subject to the burrowing mutagenic barbs, and began to feel ill. Afterwards, mumkar was able to shred the beast with his claws before it could do any more harm. The danger had passed, or so it seemed until Rachizinni in turn spewed the mutagen, striking Leokhar's Eidolon, Muir. This in turn led to a spewing from the Eidolon, but this time without the misfortune of afflicting any further victims.

Experience Gain (each)

400 from puzzles (even if your character was not present for them)
535 from monsters


No quests were completed, but the party has picked up on some new threads.

Violence is Not the Answer

Investigate the imposter bandits of Petalouda Nrisi.

No wait, Violence is the answer

Eliminate the imposter bandits of Petalouda Nrisi.

Why is the Rum Burning?

Talk to Darwas Dinar in the Gallant at Girard's Landing.

The Devil Went Down to Petalouda Nrisi...

Find the Charoumenoi.

You Only Die Twice

What's the deal with Mario?


2500 gold and 1 item worth not more than 3000 gp to Valcad, Lakshana, and Rachizinni.

Everyone has one giant unsearched Mosquito.

2012-05-29, 04:38 PM
I did not think to post a reminder this week, but we are having our regularly scheduled session in the regular chat room at the regular time. 6:30 pm central.

I'm removing the google doc quest log and instead placing the log directly in this thread. Its in the first post.

2012-06-05, 03:31 PM
Chapter 4

With the blood-sucking monstrosity defeated, Mumkhar took the opportunity to examine the cysts and saccules present in the creature's musculature more closely. Finding that the growths appeared similar to mutagens, but unlike that of an alchemist, were of natural origin, Mumkhar collected some samples. Mumkhar and Lakshana also noticed that there were some of the little barbed organisms present on Rachizinni's skin, around the base of his neck and at the elbow and wrist. Mortified, Rachizinni brushed the foreign objects away hastily. In addition, the adventurers noticed the organisms were attached to Muir and successfully endeavored to brush them off with a spear. Mumkhar also made a successful use of his unique knowledge of the Nature skill stabilize Garn's condition and resuscitate him.

Once Awakened, Rachizinni and Mumkhar questioned him as to what he had found before being grabbed by the beast. Garn informed them that while searching one of the buildings in the fort, he had come across a trap door leading to a cellar and explored it. In doing so, he had found a laboratory containing mutated specimens, an alchemists lab, and research notes. While he was snooping about, someone crept by him and released the specimens before fleeing. He had fought for his life against the creature as it tore out of the cellar and brought down the structure above it. Garn also revealed that he was able to get his hands on a journal of research notes before being attacked. He mentioned that the researcher had been doing bloodwork on the creatures and that certain clues he picked up in the journal caused him to become curious about the mutant attacks in Victor's Bounty. After being held momentarily at the point of a lance by Rachizinni, Garn was allowed to leave to pursue his research.

After hearing this story, Muir scented around the fort to identify any trails. He was able to discern that there were several scents aside from the ones that were obviously those of party members. There were two scents trailing to the building where Mario and Nizjhar were getting dressed, and one scent leading out the back gate of the fort, towards the mountains. Rather than pursue these immediately, the group elected to investigate the cellar that Garn had found. After some precautionary testing of the facility's doorbell, the group entered into the subterranean lab. Once inside, they identified the alchemist's lab, found statistical data which was little more than a jumble of math figures, and also observed 1 huge cage, and 3 medium cages, all opened. They also observed 3 burrowed tunnels leading away from the room. Lakshana tested one of these tunnels with a small astral construct and determined that it led to the surface, and was roughly 50 feet long. Before the adventurers could leave, however, Rogar was grabbed and pulled underground by a giant worm. His horrified companions made haste to try and rescue him, and were fortunate to be able to use Muir's tracking ability to locate a trail of disturbed earth, heading away from the fort. After asking Mario and Nizjhar what they had seen, and learning that they had dispatched with the three medium mutants, the assembled group bid them farewell and hurried after Rogar's trail.

Rogar himself fought viciously with the beast, resisting its attempts to drag him under ground. On two occasions, Rogar even succeeded in breaking free from the worm's grasp, but rather than allow the beast to flee, he attempted to drag the transgressing beast to the surface, so that he could mete out justice. This succeeded in creating opportunities for him to breathe, but ultimately prolonged the conflict.

His companions were able to track these geological disturbances to a coastal cave on the south of the island's mountain range and ultimately find the final scene of the struggle. The cave was some 40 feet from the waterline on a sandy beach. It's mouth was a large circular hole in an outcropping of rock that appeared to trail up to the winged mountains. The cave itself and the rocks that housed it were located some 60 feet away from the treeline of the forest that dominated the island's interior. Several hundred feet away, along the shore, the heroes noticed two anchored ships, and a torchlit trail leading from the cave to the ships. Unfortunately, Rogar had eventually succumbed to the beast's venom. His companions found him, supine upon a nest of eggs, guarded by the worm. Leokhar attempted unsuccessfully to sneak up on the creature. Once it was alerted to the presence of intruders, the creature fought viciously to defend its clutch. Lakshana pelted it with energy and in turn was targetted with two electrical discharges from the creatures jaws, but was missed twice. The other adventurers surrounded the beast and laid into it with their melee attacks, wounding it grievously. Rachizinni was the one to fell the beast with a charge of his lance, but not before he and Mumkhar were doused with a spew of vitriol. Lady was incapacitated by the blast, but Rachizinni lept gracefully from her back and delivered the mortal blow.

Enjoying the glow of yet another victory, the heroes tended to their wounded and examined the worm's cave. They resolved to have Muir smash the eggs and Mumkhar pilfered the cave, discovering another lab. This time he was able to grab several vials of blood and mutagen as well as an injection device with an extremely fine needle. Lakshana also uncovered a hidden, locked drawer on one of the desks and with Leokhar's aid, picked the lock and discovered a letter. The missive detected as magical and was revealed to be warded by an Illusory Script which prevented the adventurers from reading it's contents.

As they egressed from the cave, Lakshana and the others talked about starting a fire, but soon spotted a lone figure approaching from the boats and the heroes hastily set up an ambush.

Experience Gain:

600 to each player.

Treasure Gain

No treasure, but Mumkhar has a letter with Illusory Script on it, and lab equipment such as Vials of blood, Vials of Mutagen, and one extremely fine tipped injection needle.

2012-06-10, 09:09 PM
FYI: I have to leave at about 9pm next session. If anyone wants to take over Rachizinni in combat, feel free, and also ask me now if you've got any questions.

He's not a very tricky pony, so there's not much to know...

2012-06-10, 09:36 PM
Chapter 5

As the adventurers waited for the approaching figure, they debated what to do in preparation for his arrival. Rogar, with keen eyes, spotted out that he was a man, wearing a double breasted white jacket, buttoned down the front, with matching white long pants, and a pair of round spectacles on his face. His clothes were splotched with dark stains, and he walked with his hands folded behind his back, seeming to be lost in thought. Moments later, the man vanished and appeared to stop leaving footprints in the sand. Lakshana and Rogar cast detect magic in an attempt to locate him, but they were unable to pinpoint his location with their magics. The party heard a whoosh over their heads, heading towards the cave, and they began pursuing their enigmatic quarry. They were able to follow the phantom into the cave, and after a moment, began hearing questions whispered into their minds.

When asked, “Why did you destroy my lab?” The heroes answered that they had done so to rescue their companion and defend themselves from the Death Worm (apparently named “Frederick”) that had captured Rogar. The whispers told the group that the worm was named Frederick and that it did not normally range for food. Lakshana made attempts to discern lies on this occasion and several others but was never successful in detecting deception. Rachizinni drew his lance in preparation for a battle, and Lakshana activated a psionic defence, but the wizard, who later revealed himself to be David Horthyn, succeeded in convincing the group to parley. Once hostilities had been set aside, David explained to the group that he was being held against his will and being forced to provide the pirates with mutant specimens, but that he was also conducting research with the goal of curing the mutagenic infection. David told the adventurers that he was unable to escape the pirates because they could track and recapture him with a flying, construct-like weapon, which in some ways resembled an octopus like creature. David then requested the party's help in disabling this weapon and sabotaging the pirates.

The party, however, had been through several grueling battles that day, and needed rest. David suggested they rest in his cave while he buried Frederick. David struggled with the task, but working methodically and without apparent pain, dragged the large worm out of the cave. On first watch, Lakshana spotted David returning from his charnel task with apparently wounded and mangled hands. In spite of what looked like painful abrasions and peeling, David insisted to Lakshana that he was not seriously hurt, as he methodically and automatically went about bandaging his hands. When questioned further, David left the cave. He returned as the heroes awoke, except for Lakshana, who insisted on sleeping in just a little bit longer. The group's spell casters prepared their magics, and Rachizinni sharpened his lance, as the party fell into argument as to how to go about dealing with the pirates.

It was at this moment that Mumkhar decided to reveal to the group that he had been a former member of the pirate crew, named Captain Jethod and his Hundred Bloody Bastards, a name which awed and intimidated absolutely no one. Mumkhar, with some reluctance, divulged to the party that he and Rogar had parted with ways with the group when the Captain decided to sack Girard's Landing and the adjoining farmland of Victor's Bounty. David asked Mumkhar when he had last eaten with the crew, and Mumkhar estimated that it had been three days, which seemed to cause David visible relief. The other heroes asked Mumkhar and Rogar what they knew about the ships and how they could go about sabotaging them. It was revealed that there were roughly 100 pirates aboard, that there were explosives stored below deck, and that the boats were anchored just off shore. David described to the group that there were two boats, and that they were reachable by a wooden walk way, and the boats were additionally connected to each other by another walk way. Of the various methods for going about their mission, the heroes and David suggested poisoning the food, burning the ships, burning the sails and cutting the anchors, and sabotaging the rudders. David insisted that no matter what, a few of the party come with him to the deck of one of the ships, where the weapon was stored, and watch his back while he disabled it. It was decided that Leokhar and Mumkhar would go underwater to sabotage the ships' anchors, while the rest of the party would head up top with David to disable the weapon, though this idea was not met with great enthusiasm by either Mumkar or Leokhar, who knew that they would have to deal with two druids, members of the crew who watched the ships undersides in the water with their companions.

Experience Gain

1800 to each player.
(Your cumulative total Xp should be 12335. You reach level 5 at 15000)

Treasure Gain

None, but David is offering to let someone borrow his Hat of Disguise.


You have opened up one new quest, and progressed on two.

More Human than Human

Release David from the Pirates

Violence is not the Answer

Convince the pirates to leave without killing them (mostly).

No wait, Violence is the answer

Eliminate the Captain Jethod's pirate crew.

2012-06-10, 10:17 PM
I wanted to see if I could clear some stuff up.

First, here is a drawing of how the pirate ships are anchored in the world.


Second, David has offered to assist the group with spellcasting during the encounter, if someone requests a spell, which they can do as a free action whether it is their turn or not. David will comply with the most recent spell request, but only on his turn. In the case of competing or discrepant requests, David will decide which he thinks is best. This is a list of his spellcasting info. David has made this information available to each of you, so you are encouraged to use it.

David Horthyn Spells

Caster Level 7

Save DC 16+ Spell Level

Universalist Wizard

Wall of Fire

Invisibility Sphere
Spiked Pit

Flaming Sphere
Bull's Strength
Bear's Endurance
Fox's Cunning

Mage Armor x3
Enlarge Person x2
Touch of the Sea


Acid Splash
Ray of Frost

2012-06-12, 02:39 PM
See you guys at 6:30!

2012-06-19, 01:06 PM
Reserving this section for the summary... its coming I promise. See you guys @ 6:30 central.

Chapter 6

After much debate, the party set off in the direction of the pirate vessels. David informed them of his spells, which he made available to the group, and enhanced their combat prowess with Haste. Leokhar and Mumkhar succeeded in convincing the group that sabotaging the anchors was not worth the risk and all parties agreed that the best course of action would be to take the decks of the ships and hold the pirates in check while they waited for David to disable the pirates enigmatic weapon. As the group approached, mage armor and other magical boons were employed in preparation for the assault. Once within striking distance of the ships, the cadre of adventurers soon noticed that pirates lay strewn about the shore, some lying in a ring about a burned out pyre and others simply scattered about the sandy beach. Of all the pirates that were plainly visible, only one appeared to be awake, and he sat, listless staring into the ocean, paying no apparent heed to the group. Leokhar reasoned, perhaps correctly, that the pirates had been drinking heavily, alas it may never be ascertained, since before anyone could attempt to demand parley, Rachizinni charged the single lucid pirate with his lance, skewering his head and pulling it clean off his body.

Seconds later, the pirate lookouts gave tremendously vulgar rallying cries, awakening the inebriated brigands, and alerting them to the coming bloodshed. Rogar cast Sound Burst on the closest group of startled defenders and within less than 12 seconds, the adventurers cleaved through their hapless foes and took the battle to ships' decks. Pirates and their officers swarmed through the doorways that connected the ships' interiors to the deck and, emerging at a rate of near a dozen per six seconds. The adventurers were hard pressed to keep themselves from being over whelmed as the cutlass-wielding sea dogs endeavored to form rings of steel around their enemies. Yet, a testament to the groups tenacity, every time one of their number seemed surrounded, the heroes cut their way free with fang and spear. Intoxicated swashbucklers fell, often from a single blow, but their numbers surged nevertheless. Leokhar and Muir carved an opening to the gang-plank that connected the two ships and attempted to charged across to the weapon, but was quickly swarmed with foes. Just as the tide of battle seemed like it might turn in the enemy's favor, Leokhar directed david to place a precise fireball which incinerated nearly a score of pirates and gave the Halfling some breathing room. As the last pair of the ships four officers took the deck, and the pirates odds began to seem doomed, Rogar and Mumkhar attempted to coax their former companions into surrender, with a crude but miraculously effective bluff, Rogar succeeded in biding 9 pirates to abandon the fight and jump overboard, while Mumkhar was able to talk down two of the ship's officers, Huford Hammerthumbs and Isold the (ironically named) Hag. when the last pirate fell, Mumkhar directed Rogar to unleash positive energy to stop the wounded from bleeding out and stabilize the dying. All told, the group had faced some 75 drunken pirates and emerged victorious. Of that number 64 had been felled in combat, with 31 wounded saved by Rogar, leaving a death count of 33.

But the heroes did not pause to celebrate or mourn. Rachizinni, still in killing prime, turned her bow on the fleeing pirates, only to be interrupted by Mumkhar. Mumkhar was aghast at his companion's unanticipated bloodlust and barely succeeded in pleading for the lives of his former shipmates. While this exchange occurred, Leokhar spoke to Isolde, and learned, to his horror, that the so-called weapon aboard the pirate's ship belonged to David, and that David and the pirates had entered into a secret agreement in which David had promised to assist the pirates in sacking Girard's Landing. Leokhar and the others rushed to prevent David from whatever scheme he was hatching. David expressed regret at having to fight the group, but in spite of numerous opportunities, was determined not to betray secrets of his "employer" in order to save his life. One of the party members succeeded in ripping out a wad of wire from the craft, and David fortified himself with stonesking and then created a wall of fire to hedge his new foes out. Leokhar suffered grievous burns in addition to his prior injuries, and was forced to withdraw and heal himself. For all his arcane tricks however, David could not prevent Rachizinni and Mumkhar from lancing and slicing into him, and as the final blow seemed near, Mumkhar tore off a chunk of David's face to reveal a mechanical visage beneath. Most of the group realized that David was in fact a Warforged and that he seemed to be of an unusually slender construction, which allowed him to wear a suit of flesh as a disguise. Rather than allow his foes to deal the killing blow, David reached into his own mouth and tore out his jaw, and then cast it into the ocean. Not to be denied of whatever that jaw might be a key to, Mumkhar dove into the water and with unnatural luck, retrieved it before it hit the bottom.

Treasure Gain

Two pirate ships (one of which is on fire), unsearched.
David's corpse, unsearched.
An enigmatic weapon, which you know to be some kind of construct.

Experience Gain

4613 to everyone. You are now level 5.

Quest Progression

More Human than Human

Violence is not the Answer / No wait, violence is the Answer.
Figure out what to do with the pirate ships and the drunk pirates.

2012-06-19, 05:22 PM
I'm going to take that mithril breastplate from a while back, and a bard level if no one objects.

Also I'll have to leave early again today, to help a friend with art production for a film. Sorry!

Edit: Also, for the love of the gods, Rachizinni is a male!

2012-06-26, 04:53 PM
Hey folks, I know I haven't updated with the last session, but its coming. Been very busy with work. Rach is out this week, but the session is still on for 6:30 central, see you then! Remember to level up to level 5 (for the start of the session, I know you haven't been able to rest, but do it for convenience sake).

Chapter 7

With their enemies defeated, the party turned it's attention to the fire that had broken out over the ship's mast. Rachizinni, Mumkhar, Muir, and Lady utilized their combined strength to push David's mysterious weapon across one of the ship's decks, over the walkway, and onto the other boat. Leokar and Rogar attempted to contain the blaze with magic, in which a summoned water elemental and create water proved sufficient to contain the fire's spread but insufficient to put the flames out.

Smoke and the scent of torched timbers wafted through the air and, unbeknownst to the adventurers, roused Ignatius Dour, an unconscious cleric who was held captive by the pirates in a locked room on the burning ship's deck. Ignatius, once awake, found that he was imprisoned thusly along with an unfamiliar female. While Ignatius was not bound and fettered, the woman was, being chained to a desk. With some alarm from the smell of fire, and some panicked exhortation from the woman, Ignatius broke through the door of their prison and took account of his surroundings. He was bewildered by the sight of the burning ship, and the bizarre creatures attempting to save the vessel. Rather than immediately attempting to assist the party, Ignatius took his time to observe the situation, and found the most interesting item therein was David's corpse. Perhaps out of an experimental curiosity, Ignatius cast Lesser Animate Dead on the body, succeeding in raising it as a zombie.

Rachizinni however, was alarmed by what he saw. Not understanding the complexities of the necromacer-minion relationship, he deduced that the zombie was a hostile creature attacking a stranger, and he rushed to his ill-conceived notion of the stranger's defense. Ignatius attempted to shield his new and exotic creation from impending destruction by magically charming Rachizinni, which was successful, but to no avail. Rachizinni reasoned still that in spite of Ignatius pleas to the contrary, the best course of action was still eviscerating the zombie, which he did. Somehow, a physical altercation was miraculously avoided, and the group proceeded to free the girl who had been held captive with Ignatius.

She thanked the group briefly and then dashed off to the other boat without explanation. The group pursued, and whilst running, Rachizinni and Ignatius exchanged a charm-influenced conversation. The group pursued the girl below deck, first passing through a room with upturned tables and gambling cards. As they rushed through this room, the group saw the girl run further down still into the ships interior. Moments after seeing her dissappear down a spiral staircase, the group heard a shriek. They quickened their pace and when they reached the next deck, they beheld a large open room with a single dim lamp hanging from the ceiling. In the gloom, they beheld the girl, lying on the ground with a large gash on her neck, breathing raggedly. The group also observed that the room was lined with more prisoners still, chained to the floor. Before they could act to free the prisoners, or attend to the girl's wounds, two shadowy canine forms snarled at them from the darkness and charged forward.

Btw since we had a stranger showed up on chat last session, I am going to make plans to change servers and PW protect the new place. More on that when we start. For now, same place, same time.

Also I had to get a new dice bot.

Treasure Gain:


Experience Gain:


Quest progress

New Quest:

2012-06-26, 09:04 PM
Journal of Captain Jethod

2 months ago. Contacted via letter by Arkodain HH agent today, suggested mutual arrangement, gold, requested discreet meeting.

6 weeks ago - Met with agent again today, called himself V, didn’t talk, only delivered letter, said it was from his employer. Destroying all his letters. Decided not to discuss plans with ranking officers, will sleep on it.

5 weeks ago - It’s risky, but decided to go ahead with it. Contacted V again with response.

1 month ago - Going ahead with raid. Don’t have the manpower to assault a keep of that size, but they’ve promised to join us up with a sizable force of turncoats after we land.

3 weeks ago - Received another communique’ from V, told us to land on south side of the island, 30 miles east of the Eastern peninsula, says he has arranged for a cargo supply of food, slaves, and med supplies worth 12,000 gold to be passing through at that time. Supply ships crew don’t know about the raid, so we’re to take them prisoner until ordeal is over. “Guards for them supplied in Supply ships hold,” it said. Don’t know what that means.

1 week ago - Told crew about intent to raid at supper today, some grumbling from Mumkhar and Rogar, understandable. Have always respected those two, will let them walk if they choose, once we land. I’m bound to catch some flak for that from the officers, but I doubt the two deserters will be able to warn GL before we attack.

- 3 days ago. Intercepted supply ship as planned. Discovered what the guards were, unsettling stuff, but they showed no sign of disloyalty so we’ll use them. When we anchored, R and M deserted, as planned, pity. Prisoners are a sorry folk. They thought they were shipping this stuff to the Advance of Love mission. Their captain said he was hired by an Arkodain Heirarch, shipped out of Ottisdom. One of them is religious, when questioned, he said he believed he was God himself. Sent that one, along with a prettier captive to my RnR quarters. Don’t really know what I’m going to do with them but I’m sure they’ll do something funny to help kill time. Food and supplies check out. The prisoners are being quartered in the hold above my archives. Made contact with someone claiming to be represent V. *Scouts returned, req’d permission to take river crossing gatehouse. Granted. V rep says his name is David. He has a lab in a cave just east of us. Showed me two creatures and some eggs which he says they will become beasts, supposed to use them in upcoming raid, nervous about this. Tried to put me at ease by showing me two full grown specimens, giant bug and a giant worm, not very encouraging. The guy flew to our ships in some kind of ornithopter (at least that’s what Bartolo called it). Absolutely no contact from the “turn coats,” sending some men out to scout and begin establishing a perimeter on GL.

- 2 days ago. Long day. Religious guy makes for interesting conversation, his personal philosophy is a lot more fleshed out than I thought it would be, but he won’t stop with the threats of divine vengeance. I’m not a believer, but after some consideration, decided to play it safe and have him drugged, won’t remember a thing. Pretty girl showed no interest, yet. Like her spirit though, keeping her around for now. Worried, argued with David about time table for plan. Said he wanted to delay attack for another three days. We’re risking someone finding us and blowing our cover. Said he needed time to get more “specimens” combat ready, and timing had to be right with defectors in GL. Told him to come back tonight and show me proof things are going to materialize. Prisoners strangled man I sent to feed them. Isolde insists that he brought it on himself by abusing them, not planning to massacre prisoners, so I decided to chain them up.

Yesterday. - David did not return last night as promised, fitful dreams. When I woke up today, I didn't realize what time it was. I left my quarters and went above deck and from the cabin boy found that I had slept for a full day. This disturbed me, but that revelation was nothing compared to how my body felt. Above all it is numb all over and cold, I should be in pain and unable to get out of bed, but nothing hurts, nothing. I noticed it when I was walking on the deck in the way the air felt; its been getting colder these last few days, and windy. That air on my face was sharp and cold, and I knew it, but I couldn't feel it. I could feel the weight of my body on the soles of my feet, but I couldn't feel the pressure. I couldn't tell if these sensations were real or imagined so I retired back to my quarters and conducted an experiment. Taking my dagger in my right hand, I pressed its point into my palm. The numbness caused me to panic, it was like an itch. In fear driven resolve, I laid my hand across the hard wooden table in my quarters and with an overhead thrust drove the point forcefully down onto my palm. The flesh yielded and the blade stuck clean through my hand into the oak below, but still no pain. It was then with awe and horror that I watched the wound begin to close and the dagger slowly be forced out like a splinter. I could not allow myself to fully comprehend what I was seeing for the sake of my sanity, and so I retired to my quarters and locked myself within. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, this all will have passed.

2012-06-29, 12:31 AM
Chapter 8

As the canine forms rushed to attack the heroes, Leokar activated the illumination from his Ioun Stone, while Ignatius and Mumkhar prepared for battle. The two beasts darted amongst the heroes, snarling and snapping at each of their opponents, until they found the easiest target to be Ignatius. With coordinated attacks, the shadowy hounds were able to pull his legs out from under him, but not before Leokar and Mumkhar landed solid hits. Aided by his darkvision, Mumkhar landed savage blows with his claws. In response, the hounds diffused their forms into the gloom in an attempt to provide themselves with concealment, this saved them from some of Leokar's attacks, but not those from Muir and Mumkhar. Ignatius arose from the ground, and surrounded himself with a beatific light which magically dissuaded the shadow mastiff slavering over him from attacking, he then turned his immaculate glow into a jet of flame which savaged the smitten beast. Mumkhar then laid into the second mastiff with his claws, delivering massive, fatal damage. All that was left was a writhing, shadowy mass. This enraged the umbral lupine's mate and the creature let out a supernatural howl which panicked all save Leokar. Yet, even as his companions abandoned him in supernatural terror, the halfling held his own against the frothing shadows long enough for the terror to subside. Then turning their attentions against their foe as one, they dispatched the beast back to the empty darkness.

After the battle was won, the group tended to their female rescuees wounds. Mumkhar and Leokar were overcome with compassion for the prisoners, and succeeded in loosing them from their bonds. They were also able to ensure that the chains were removed in orderly fashion and no one was hurt. Once their female friend had regained consciousness, she revealed to them that she and the other captives were slaves and crewmen out of Nepethia. Leokar recognized, with geographical expertise, that these unfortunate souls were slaves, the property of the Vampire Lords of the Star Court in Lakoat. The girl further revealed that the pirates had taken them with their ship, just prior to anchoring off Petalouda Nrisi's coast. At the party's request, the slaves agreed to repair the burned ship and requested that they be ensured safe passage to their freedom. This was informally agreed to, and the freedmen departed.

Both the goblin and the halfling also took a cautious interest in the mass of shadow left behind by one of the mastiff's. Knowledge revealed to them that the object was some kind of organ, likely related to reproduction, and that it was light sensitive. A physical inspection revealed harder interior bits, perhaps bone. Unsure of how to handle such an item, the heroes placed it in a pot, which they securely sealed shut. This was stored in Leokar's backpack, and the two hoped for the best.

The party then turned their attention to a small trap door in the hold and investigated the room that lay below. Therein they found a grisly scene, a desk and filing cabinet with scattered papers, 8 dead bodies arranged neatly in rows, and blood smears everywhere. The group also discovered Captain Jethod's journal and expressed fear over what became of him. They also learned intriguing details into what the captain's relationship with David was, and what brought the Captain to go ahead with the sack of Girard's Landing. (See the journal posted in this thread.) They resolved to search for the Captain and bring the news to the attention of the crew.

Once on deck, the heroes requested for some of the freedmen to search the other ship for the captain. This search was to no avail, however, and the concerns of the party grew more profound. Pressing onward, the group found the remaining pirates and their officers, Isolde and Huford, engaged in an argument with Lakshana and Rogar as to what to do. When confronted with information of the captain's plight, Isolde demanded to see proof of his murderous deeds. The party brought her into the archives below the prisoner hold and upon second inspection saw that the slain bodies all displayed pin-prick wounds on their necks. Leokar identified these as the work of a vampire spawn. This however, gave rise to a new line of inquiry as to how such an affliction might have come to affect the captain.

Deciding that such an issue merited further investigation, the group searched the captain's private quarters. Muir discovered David's scent, as well as trace amounts of the mutagenic pathogen, the captain's blood, and a mind affecting drug. Mumkhar also found 350 gold in the captain's desk. Isolde then informed the party that with the captain's death and/or departure, there would soon be a crisis of succession for the crew. She requested permission to bed down with the party that night in order to avoid an assassination attempt by an ambitious crew member. Huford said nothing, but seemed to desire the same. However, Isolde, Rogar, and the heroes soon began arguing over who the next captain would be. Isolde boldly declared that she intended to take the position, but her position on kicking the slaves out to the shore inflamed both the party and the rescued girl. Rogar challenged her ability to take the position, and Mumkhar conveyed the possibility of his own candidacy. Isolde seemed ready to fight physically over the issue, but was talked down by Mumkhar. All beligerent parties agreed to put the issue off until the next day. Afterwards, Rogar took the heroes aside and promised to put the ships at their disposal if they supported him.

Before resting, the group decided to make use of a Speak with Dead spell on David's head. Rogar cast the spell and the party decided to ask first how to operate David's machine. David informed them that the device was operated by first accessing a control panel on the side of the machine. Then from the interior of the craft's cabin, a would-be user would need to power the device with a variant of a soul gem. Finally, the pilot would need to utilize a start-up button on the top-left of the interior console. The group then asked what David's relations with the captain were. David answered this question by informing them that he was tasked with ensuring the captain's cooperation with his experiments primarily, and secondarily ensuring his cooperation with the planned sacking Girard's Landing. When the second objective failed, and the first was compromised, David 'turned' the captain.

With this new information, the group approached the craft and attempted to interface with the aforementioned side panel. Mumkhar was first obliged to reattach the wires he had previous ripped out of the device. By using their skills, the party was able to reveal a small green stone and wheel-shaped lock. Further investigation revealed that, contrary to initial assumptions, this stone was not a soul gem. They also discovered the wheel-shaped lock was in fact a decoy security system that would have triggered some manner of security counter-measures if activated. A very Use Magic Device check revealed the consoles true mechanism, a voice activated command microphone. The requested something in Necril, and with Comprehend Languages, Rogar was able to identify it as a request for some manner of verbal password. Lakshana suggested such a password might be written on the Illusory Script the party filched from David's lab. Although the group lacked the necessary magic to pierce the illusion themselves, Rachizinni suggested that they might be able to gain their answer by visiting Madame Sosostris, the island's celebrated clairvoyante. With their new insight, the the heroes returned to David's corpse and searched it. Finding two wands, identified to be Invisibility and Fly, with 49 charges each. And also finding one hat, identified to be a hat of disguise. But most intriguingly, they found a dozen small glassy gems, which turned out to be minor soul gems. Arcana revealed that they were a very weak form of soul gem which, if placed on a corpse of a creature that had died at most five minutes ago, would absorb part of that creature's soul. Only one gem was thusly charged. The heroes then decided that they had learned as much as they could at the time, and postponed further investigation until the pirate issue had been settled.

As a last action before rest, the group estimated the value of the ships to be 33000 gp, in addition to the value of the cargo and slaves, the heroes had a total value of 45,000 gold in front of them. But would they get to enjoy it?

Experience Gain

1270 to each party member. Your total cumulative XP is 18818. You will reach level 6 @ 23,000.

Treasure Gain

Depending on how you play your cards...
2000 gold worth of slaves.
5000 gold worth of food.
5000 gold worth of general supplies.
Two ships (potentially) worth 16500 gp each.
350 Gold pieces (mumkhar took 100)
11 uncharged and 1 charged Least Soul Gems
David's Head
A Wand of Invisibility and a Wand of Fly (these were claimed but I don't know who got them.)
A Hat of Disguise.

Quest Progress

Check out the quest log now visible in the thread's first post!

Who hath Desired the Sea.
Select a new captain for Jethod's Crew.

Between the Shadow and the Descent.
Activate the enigmatic machine.

Like wisps of the graying dawn...
Dispose of or nurture the mass of writhing shadows.

The Wisest Woman in Petalouda Nrisi.
Visit Madame Sosostris

This Card Which is Blank.
Discover what the Illusory Script hides.

2012-06-29, 12:37 AM
There is a chance for a fencing duel next session. I have made some custom rules for how that would play out. I would love feedback on these if you guys have some. If you are interested, you can check out the rules here.


2012-07-01, 01:11 AM
Looks interesting. Mumkhar would want to try out the foil and maybe saber matches. He'd lose pretty badly at epee, so won't bother with that.

Such fights will basically need to be won by a very lengthy "death by a thousand cuts" style due to the low damage, but I think Mumkhar could do well.

So...is it possible to use his mutagen without the beastmorph or feral mutagen properties? They are optional, or no?

2012-07-01, 12:22 PM
Good point about the length of matches. Perhaps they could be to "first blood" as in, the first character who accumulates non lethal damage in excess of 50% of their maximum hitpoints loses. Basically first person to dip below half health loses. This would shorten the match. Alternatively, the damage die of the weapons themselves could be boosted. I changed them to deal no damage to armored targets (rather than just taking penatlies) with the exception of natural armor and shields.

As to the mutagen, it is considered cheating. However, we are talking about pirates here, so the rules are more like 'guidlines'.

I initially wanted to stipulate that two fencers had to use the same weapon, but decided it was more interesting to pit the weapons against eachother. As a result, I am worried about how the weapons are balanced against eachother. How do they look to y'all?

2012-07-02, 12:54 PM
I think parry being a static bonus based on AC is fine, but it might be more fun to have a mechanic more like Combat Expertise for parry- where you choose how much to add to your AC, in exchange for some other drawback.

The 2d5 for saber bothers me.

A triggered ability for the epee might be nice, like something that triggers on an attack of opportunity since it has reach.

Also, I think instead of having the weapon's do hit point damage they should attack some other pool of points. That way the player's hit points aren't such a determining factor.

I would also consider some sort of duel of wills to factor in, giving spellcasters something to contribute.

2012-07-03, 06:44 PM
Session is @ regular 6:30 central hint hint!

2012-07-10, 05:58 PM
Chapter 9

The new day began with an overcast sky full of chilly clouds, which seemed to originate from the top of the winged mountain. Isolde awoke early, and went out to the ship's prow to observe the pirates she intended to make into her crew. Rachizinni awoke next and sought out Isolde, and once he had found her proceeded to propose an alliance of sorts, possibly involving a personal favor in exchange for Rachizinni's support of Isolde's ambitions. However, Rachizinni was rebuffed, and Isolde slighted his pride by stating that she did not entertain such notions with halflings. The two parted ways and Leokar then took the initiative to try his knowledge of magical devices again on David's craft. Although his prior attempt had revealed the a hidden security feature on the ship, no further attempt of his with the aforementioned skill yielded any progress.

Once the rest of the adventurers and their companions had prepared their magics and donned their gear, Ignatius began addressing the crew from the ship's prow. To the bewilderment and awe of the buccaneers below him, Ignatius preached a sermon of leadership and salvation with such charismatic expertise that he quickly gained supporters. Rogar and Isolde were unable to dissuade the crew with their own rhetoric, and the priest of fortune resorted to more violent means to maintain his position as spiritual leader of the crew. Rogar challenged Ignatius to a fencing duel, and prepared himself for combat. Ignatius, rather than face Rogar directly, sought a champion for his cause among the pirates. It turned out to be a fruitless endeavor, not for want of volunteers, but their miserable quality as fighters against Rogar's skills. Ignatius then leapt, or perhaps was pushed by Mumkhar, down to the beach to face Rogar in an Epee' duel.

But it was the dwarf who fell harder, as Ignatius dispatched him in two mighty strokes. The self-ordained priest had little time to celebrate, as he was quickly challenged by an enraged Mumkhar, whose plans to install Rogar as captain had been dashed. Whilst the two prepared for combat, Isolde and Rachizinni again exchanged words, with the pirate damsel expressing a desire to wait and see who emerged as her most potent challenger. The match between Mumkhar and Ignatius proved longer and more arduous than the previous match, but Mumkhar's overwhelming dexterity and furious attacks proved just as decisive as Ignatius had been before.

Yet unbeknownst to those who observed the fight, a sinister presence was drawing near. Leokar spotted it first, being somewhat removed from the melee. A bat landed on his shoulder, and then another several feet away, he had just enough time to realize that this could be the work of a vampire before his will was crushed and he was compelled to position himself for an attack near Isolde. Mere seconds after Mumkhar emerged victorious from his fight, there was heard an ominous clapping within the gathered crowd of brigands. As the cacophony surrounding the dread rhythmical sound died to hush, the heroes heard gasps of alarm, and a taunting voice, familiar to Mumkhar. The stranger congratulated Mumkhar on his victories, but observed that the goblin had no desire to lead a pirate crew. The phantom speaker then deduced that the real motive of the meeting was to allow a villain to reveal themselves as the usurper of Jethod's command. Indeed, when this figure revealed himself, he was none other than Captain Jethod himself, in the pale flesh. Jethod then confronted Isolde, whom he stated to be responsible for his death and turning. Isolde denied these allegations, but to no avail.

The battle began with Leokar and Jethod swiftly converging on Isolde, and striking her down in moments. Shortly thereafter, Leokar broke free of Jethod's domination and join his companions in attempting to put down the necrotic captain. The vampire was not alone, however, as he quickly summoned two bat swarms to his aid. Leokar, Muir, Mumkhar, and Rachizinni kept the captain at bay with blade and claw, whilst Ignatius dispatched the bats with a fireball. The captain put the adventurers hard to the task of checking his cutlass, yet just when the battle seemed to be about turn in the heroes favor with Rachizinni's charge, he reached into the cavalier's mind and nearly succeeded in compelling him to charge Mumkhar. This devestation was averted by a miraculous trick of music and magic by Rachizinni himself and the charge was delivered into the vampire rather than the alchemist. Unfortunately for the heroes, they could not manage to finish Jethod off as he dissipated into mist and escaped, rising straight up into the sky before disappearing.

Adding further complication was the issue of captain. To the great relief of all involved, Isolde had not been killed outright. Though left with a scar on her cheek, the heroes succeeded in healing her and getting her back on her feet, after which she expressed her abandonment of any ambition of being captain. Though he had been disqualified by duel, Rachizinni nevertheless succeeded in ensuring that the election of a new captain was rigged in Rogar's favor, and a bewildered and exhausted pirate crew accepted their new leader. During the remainder of the day, Mumkhar prepared for a new familiar and the others assisted in getting the pirates under Rogar's control before retiring to bed.

- The duel was immediately followed with the sudden appearance of Captain Jethod! Now a vampire, Jethod accused Isolde of conspiring to have him killed so she could take control of his ships.

- Captain Jethod dominated Leokar and dispatched Isolde, but was prevented from killing her by the intervention of the PCs.

- The Captain was defeated, but was able to escape as a gaseous cloud. He flew straight up for 15 minutes and then disappeared.

- Upon revival, Isolde forswear her desire to become captain and deferred to the PC's judgement. The PCs rigged the pirate elections to allow Rogar to become the new captain.

- The PCs searched the ships cargo hold and found...

Treasure Gain

Potions of:
Remove curse

Wand of :
Skeleton Crew
Lesser Restoration

Wondrous Items:

Gloves of Dueling
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Runestone: Hydrodaemon
Headband of Alluring Charisma

note: Disregard the previous treasure gain of 5000 gp of misc supplies as this treasure represents the noteworthy contents of those supply crates.

Quest Progress

Who hath Desired the Sea. (Completed)
Avast, Captain Rogar!

Cry, Little Sister. (Progressed)
Track down the coffin home of Captain Jethod, or persuade him to leave you alone.

Experience Gain
2600 to each party member. Your total cumulative XP is 21418. You will reach level 6 @ 23,000.

2012-07-12, 09:57 PM
Chapter 10

After rest, the Mumkhar and Leokar ensured that Rogar was willing to keep the pirates in line for a time. The party had agreed upon seeking out Madame Sosostris for aid in deciphering the illusory script they had commandeered from David's lab. Mumkhar also expressed a desire to turn some of their less worthwhile treasure into gold at a town store. With assurances of pirate cooperation, the adventurers set out back into the mainland with the intent of handling commercial business first.

But the journey back was not so simple. As the heroes made their way down the road, they encountered the approaching sound of footsteps, which Mumkhar's new familiar, Kyoji, helped to identify as thirty or so medium creatures marching in a column. The group elected to hide and made skillful use of the foliage around them to conceal their position and wait for the approach of this new party. When the column was in sight, the adventurers observed that it was compromised of soldiers or guards of Girard's Landing, the militia was headed by a man that Rachizinni recognized as Constable Merwyn Geeser, who held that position in Girard's Landing. Rachizinni then revealed himself to the soldiers, and proclaimed his victory over the pirates. The constable seemed surprised by this information, but quickly displayed elation. Rachizinni further demanded that he be honored with a statue, as previously requested, which was met with hurried approval by Constable Geeser.

The constable then pressed Rachizinni for more information about the pirates, asking what had become of their captain, and what their new situation was. Rachizinni explained that the captain had become a vampire and that the pirates were now under their control. Constable Geeser seemed alarmed by the possibility that the captain was still out and about, and responded in the affirmative when told to increase his watches at night, though he insisted that he had already increased his vigilance in relation to the attack. Rachizinni then showed the constable Captain Jethod's journal, at which the constable turned deathly pale, and asked that the adventurers allow him to destroy the journal or destroy it themselves for fear of a conspiracy. The adventurers refused and the constable further asked them who "V" was, though Rachizinni confessed his ignorance on the matter. The constable then begged them not to return to town, but to head to Gwendolyn's Folly as previously requested. The adventurers agreed and the two groups parted ways, with the adventurers now heading to the Clairvoyantte and Madame Sosostris. Fortunately, they encountered a travelling one eyed merchant on the way, and were able to handle their finances.

Upon reaching their destination, the group found that the road forked between the way to Madame Sosostris and the Clairvoyantte (her inn). Further, they were confronted with an Iron Hag named Mme. Equitone, who claimed to be Mme. Sosostris' service. Mme. Equitone explained to the group that they would have to choose between seeking answers to their questions, or resting for the night at the inn, and that this choice was final. Mumkhar and Leokar showed no lack of resolve and the group pressed forward, led by the hag.

Mumkhar wasted no time in plying his charms on the one female he thought he had a chance with. And while Mme. Equitone did not agree to any late night rendezvous, she did leave the door open for their mutual future. In addition, the group learned that as part of her service to Mme. Sosostris, the hag was bound by marks of justice upon her hands and chin, to cause no harm to living creatures. The group exchanged idle banter until the hag finally brought them to a rocky outcropping that featured a circular door at its base. Upon this door were three images, from left to right, A skull upon a moon, a blinded eye, and a maiden in a pool. Equitone scratched each picture with a claw while intoning a word for each. For the skull and moon, the word was in Necril. For the blinded eye, common. And for the maiden in the pool, Protean. After this strange ritual, the door divided into three parts and opened.

The group proceeded inside the cave without the hag, who informed them that she would wait for a time at the entrance for their return. When the door closed behind them, the four found themselves in complete darkness. But it was only momentary, as they soon heard a crack and a hiss behind them, and an image of the sun (Aum) revealed itself with blazing light on the inside of the door. The light from this image illuminated their surroundings, showing that the adventurers were in a circular room adorned from top to bottom with skulls of a plethora of creatures. Beyond this room was a corridor, similarly lined with skulls. Leokar discerned that they radiated illusion with detect magic, and Rachizinni examined the largest and most fearsome skull. The bones turned to sand in his hands, and soon the six eyed, ridge backed fossil was no more.

The group then heard whispers saying, "Beyond. Beyond. Beyond." They proceeded down the corridor and found that at its end was large pillar of nine crystals. The light from chamber behind them refracted in these crystals, casting a glittering prism of many colors in the semicircular room they found themselves in after exiting the corridor. In this bare stone room they found three doors, each marked with one of the symbols they had seen on the outer door. The heroes proceeded with caution, examining the crystals, which turned out to be quartz, though possibly magically grown. After some experimentation, the group found that casting their shadows over the doors produced additional whispers. When a shadow fell over the skull and moon, the whispers stated, "Lies. Lies. Lies." Over the blinded eye, "Secrets. Secrets. Secrets." And over the maiden in the pool "Mysteries. Mysteries. Mysteries." Further experimentation revealed that casting a shadow over each door created a cacophony of whispers crying "Lies. Secrets. Mysteries." Maintaining this arrangement of shadows gave rise to a new alarming development. After a few moments, the shadows of Rachizinni, Leokar, and Mumkhar split into the three pieces and detached from their bodies. Further this unsettling development forced Rachizinni, who cast his shadow over the maiden door, to speak and understand only Protean. Mumkhar, who stood in front of the moon and skull door, could now only speak and understand Necril. Leokar could now speak and understand only common, as well. Magic from Mumkhar alleviated some of his problem, but the other two were unable to remove their affliction. The group then resolved to open one of the doors, first selecting the maidens door.

Upon opening this door, the other two locked themselves shut, and the group filed in. Within, they saw only darkness for a moment, but were quickly assaulted by the bright light of day. Before them was a wintry scene, a frozen pool surrounded by a forest of snow covered trees and nine evergreens arranged in a ring around the water. The group mused on the possibility of the maiden being barren, when they heard a girlish voice from the pool, and saw the snow beginning to melt, and the ice thawing. They then approached the pool and saw the maiden herself, a beautiful woman of indeterminate race, naked from the waist up. The group exchanged words with her briefly, and she explained that her purpose was to hear their questions and give them mysteries in answer. She then dove beneath the surface of her pool, seemingly vanishing into the water. Leokar, Rachizinni, Muir, and Mumkhar dove in with her, but could not find her beneath the surface. When Leokar surfaced, he found the maiden next to him in the pool, and observed that she was indeed invisible beneath the surface. The four also found that their presence bloodied the pool, which the maiden explained to be a sign of a violent future. Mumkhar was not impressed by this information, as he felt that it was obvious. The maiden then informed that only once had someone entered the pool without bloodying it.

The first question posed to the maiden was a request to know the location of Captain Jethod's resting place. The maiden seemed reluctant to answer, saying that she too had been dead once, but relented and dove beneath the surface. The pool then cleared and appeared to be a mirror on its surface, before showing a vision of an invisible, colossal, eight armed creature outlined in falling snow over the Winged Mountain.

Rachizinni posed the second question, asking how he would die. The maiden agreed to give a mystery in answer, but warned that the death Rachizinni saw would seek him out from the pool. The group readied themselves, and this time they saw a vision of Hror's Harbor, and the Red Gate. The gate opened, and within Rachizinni and the others saw the halfling cavalier writhing in agony on a strangely tiled floor. The image of Rachizinni then sprouted tentacles out of its back, grew claws, its mouth split open revealing fangs, and the horror that was Rachizinni turned towards the surfaced and reached a clawed hand out from beneath the water.

Treasure Gain

2287.5 gp each from selling gloves of dueling and the rune stone.
(Thanks Mumkhar)

Any items you purchased from the one eyed merchant (if there is an item that you want, that you can afford, you may purchase it.)

Experience Gain

700 to each (there was no combat, but there were encounters that were handled through other means, and that shouldn't slow down the pace of the overall game.) Your new XP total is 22118. You will reach level 6 @ 23,000.

Quest Progress

The Wisest Woman in Petalouda Nrisi. (Progressed)
Obtain 3 lies, secrets, and mysteries.

Cry, Little Sister. (Progressed)
Discover the meaning behind the maiden's mystery to find Captain Jethod's coffin home.

2012-07-13, 09:06 PM
We sold the gloves of dueling and the rune stone, and got 2287.5 gp each.

2012-07-17, 03:43 PM
Session tonight 6:30 central, as usual!

2012-07-21, 12:52 AM
We should probably put all the sheet links up here before the recruit thread is erased.

Mumkhar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401953)

Rachizinni (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=385019) and Lady (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=387173)

Lakshana Nakhasi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=396896) (is s/he even still in the game?)

Don't have links for Ignatius or Leokar.

2012-07-24, 12:39 PM
Chapter 11

abridged, full summary coming soon

- The adventurers fought a brutal battle with the manifestation of Rachizinni's death, in which, unironically, Rachizinni was almost killed.

- Ignatius obtained the third mystery when he asked, "How can I show the world I am their savior? In response, the maiden showed the group a vision of the cosmos, nopoloi, vartrellor, Petalouda Nrisi and then Ignatius himself, and displayed in the pool an image of a battle axe with a flaming heart surrounded in flames.

- Mumkhar asked the maiden how he could achieve immortality, but as he was out of mysteries, she provided no response.

- The maiden gave the party a piece of un-melting ice before she departed.

- The party left the maiden and obtained treasure from a chest in the prism chamber.

- The party entered the blinded eye or 'secrets' chamber, which was almost entirely submerged in water.

- Therein the party did battle with and slew a water naga.

- The party swam into a chamber which turned out to be the mouth of an enormous whale. Upon entrance to the chamber they lost consciousness for several hours which served as a rest. In the center of the mouth of the whale was a giant clam, upon which sat a luminescent globe which was a representation of Nopoloi, with continents that moved and weather etc.

- on either side of the clam were two statues, one of Azmodeus, which was made of ivory, and held up Aum, which cast a golden light. The other statue was of Iomedae, which was made of ebony, and held up Heron, and cast a silvery light.

- A short, round woman revealed herself to be waiting behind the clam. She spoke to the party, claiming to be Mme. Sosostris, and offered them three secrets.

Experience Gain

YOU ARE LEVEL 6, Level before the session, please.

Treasure Gain

3 Finely crafted Quartz prisms worth 250 GP each

Ring of Maniacal Devices

Scroll of Shield Other and Owl's Wisdom (divine)
Scroll of Skinsend

Bag, Handy Haversack

Quest progress

Possible definition of Ignatius/Mumkhar character goal.
Still working on "The card which is blank".

2012-07-24, 02:47 PM
One of my family members is suddenly needing a ride from the airport at an unspecified time today, will update you guys as I am able.

All clear. See you @ 6:30 central.

2012-07-24, 11:42 PM
For my own reference...prophesy regarding Mumkhar's immortality:

“Ogdoad... The Tower of Fire... Lakoat”

The voice is icy and severe, "Neophytes, you now stand at the base of the highest graduation of Ogdoad, the pinnacle of our empire."

"From here you will enter the final stage of your training, you will shed all weakness, you will burn away all your vulnerabilities. Here you will ascend through the crucible of Ogdoad."

"If you survive the winnowing flames here, you will reach the seat of Cain, there, you will be subject to the final test, which makes promising youths as yourselves fit to champion our empire."

2012-07-31, 04:32 PM

See you at 6:30!

We have two new people coming, if either of you guys has trouble with getting on the irc, send me a pm on gitp and I will do my best to help.

2012-07-31, 06:08 PM
Rachizinni bought a belt of giant's strength and a non-masterwork spiked gauntlet.

2012-08-07, 03:06 PM
Might not be on for today, got some stuff I'm doing.

2012-08-07, 04:34 PM
Sorry to hear that, game on as usual at 6:30 central. I swear to little baby jesus I will update this thread.

2012-08-07, 08:10 PM
4th—beast shape II S, calcific touch S [APG], confusion, dimension door, stone shapeS
3rd—fly, Lightning Ball,, explosive runes, lightning bolt, greater magic weapon S, slow S
2nd—Summon Monster 2, Create Pit, Scorching Ray, invisibility, resist energy, see invisibility, whispering wind S
1st—charm person (DC 15), hold portal, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, shield hush [UM] (missing), mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos, unseen servant
0—standard plus drench [UM], spark [APG] [errata removes 0-level spells]

2012-08-14, 09:52 AM
Game on @ 6:30 central tonight.

2012-08-14, 06:19 PM
Bah, so I took another look at my school schedule and realized that I won't beable to consistently join you guys due to having to leave time open for my job as well. From now on if I continue with you guys it'll be intermittent. Tonight I can't make it either.

2012-08-16, 07:34 PM
We spoke during your game this week. I am interested in joining, at least for a while, but I'm quite busy on other days of the week and have some projects I must do at home so if the game begins to interfere with my day-to-day I admit in advance I will have to leave. For now though, I miss D&D. I'm sending you a PM for details and specific questions, but also wanted to post here saying my interest.

2012-08-17, 12:44 AM
Cool, hit me with the PM.

2012-08-21, 05:45 PM
Reserved for summary

Current Experience

After last session, 32200. You will reach level 7 @ 35000. If you are curious cr 7 encounters (for strictly example purposes) are worth 800 xp to a four - five person party.

Quest Progress


The Wisest Woman in Petalouda Nrisi. Obtain 3 lies, secrets, and mysteries.
This Card Which is Blank. Discover what the Illusory Script hides.


Under the Red Rock Deal with the encampment on the Gasping Isle.

2012-08-21, 05:47 PM
Game on for 6:30 central!

2012-08-21, 10:47 PM
You guys now have 35200 xp and have leveled to 7. For convenience sake, level before next session, as it slows down the once-a-week games to do so after we start.

For purposes of HP, if you are above 75% of your new maximum, they remain unchanged. If not, then raise your current hp to 75% of your new maximum.

For purposes of spells and limited use abilities, you do not regain any spent uses for the day, however, if you have gained a new level of spells or new uses of an ability, they will be available.

2012-08-22, 10:53 AM
Welp, I had work last night which is why I wasn't around. I think I'm just going to call it on my participation until the semester is done.

2012-08-26, 04:59 PM
Hey folks, just wanted to advise you all that this week's session may or may not be canceled due to Hurricane Isaac (I live in an area that may lose power for a couple of days). I will provide updates as I am able.

2012-08-28, 01:35 AM
Storm looks increasingly likely to mess stuff up Tuesday night :(

2012-08-28, 06:00 PM
Power flickering. Fjord already unplugged his computer. See you next week!

2012-08-31, 10:07 PM
Are you guys ok? Still no power?

2012-09-01, 03:40 AM
We're fine. Still no power down there, but I'm up at my folks place for Labor Day, and Fjord's supposed to come up later this weekend. Not sure if travel plans will interfere with our game once again...

2012-09-02, 05:03 PM
Hey folks, I have relocated to a family member's house. I went by my place today and there is still no power. I expect that I will be able to run the game on Tuesday from here, but I may need to update you later after I get all the dicebot/ game making programs I use installed over here.

2012-09-02, 08:34 PM
Got power back at home just a few minutes ago, see you guys on Tuesday.

2012-09-04, 10:27 AM
Its look like work is going to make it impossible for me to get home in time to run the game tonight guys. I don't expect this to become a long term problem, but things are still crazy after the storm here.

2012-09-11, 08:42 AM
Hey folks, I have no indication that anything will interfere with the session today, so I hope to see you all tonight.

2012-09-18, 06:30 PM
Hey I haven't posted anything this week, sorry but the game is still on for 6:30 as usual.

2012-09-21, 01:55 PM
So folks, mumkhar is going to miss the first part of the session (family commitment) we kind of left last session on a cliff hanger and it just wouldn't make any sense to go immediately without him. As I see it, we have 3 options.

1) Postpone the session (either till 10 pm central or next week)

2) Take a couple hours to do something with the new player(s) in a different place and time than the rest of the party, that segways into them joining the group.

3) ??Mystery Option?? (my choice, you'd show at 6:30 pm central as normal, and we'd do something completely different).

Let me know what you guys think or if you have other suggestions.

2012-09-21, 02:01 PM
If it has any effect on what we do, you should know that I have to miss October 2nd. (Which is the session after the one that Mum will miss most of.) Don't hate me.

Edit: I like Option 2, and I'd make an alternate character to use for that part of the session that I can then set aside in case something ever happens to Rachizinni.

2012-09-25, 03:17 PM
Throwing up a public link to my sheet here, as I'm one of the newbies who'll be joining you tonight: http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=11410

And a brief description and personality:


You don't need to be told that Viera Lumiere carries the blood of heaven: it's obvious at a glance. Her grace, her flawless proportions, her creamy skin with a hint of gold, her bright copper-colored eyes... but most notably, her hair, which cascades down past her waist like a waterfall of rainbows, always shimmering with dozens of shifting colors. She dresses sparsely but simply, in plain silks that allow her natural beauty to shine through. Her only real ornamentation is a few enchanted accessories and the flawlessly-maintained saber at her hip.


Gregarious, just, and kind, all these words describe her. Viera loves life and can't stand seeing it tainted for others. To her, freedom is the right of all sentient beings. She's spent years at sea foiling wicked pirates and slavers, fighting so that everyone can feel the pure joy she feels on the ocean. She finds the fun in everything, but can be truly furious when angered.

2012-10-02, 04:05 PM
Sorry for the lack of posts this week, we still have the game tonight, rach will be out. In light of that, I think we should continue with what we were doing last session and integrate stream in some way.

2012-10-02, 07:09 PM
Cookie Cutter, the Oread Qingong Zen Archer Monk
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 19, Cha 5 (initial)
Str 16 (18), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 20 (22), Cha 5
HP: 65 (7d8+14+7)
AC: 26 (10 +4 armor +1 monk +6 wis +2 dex +1 natural +1 dodge +1 deflect)
Touch: 21; FF: 23
Saves: Fort +8, Reflex +8, Will +12
BAB +5; CMB +9; CMD 29
Speed: 40 ft; Init +4

Longbow +14 (1d8+7, 19-20/x3, P, 110 ft)
Flurry Bow +14/+14/+9 (1d8+7, 19-20/x3, P, 110 ft)
Deadly Aim: -2 to hit for +4 damage
Fight Defensive: -2 to hit for +4 AC and deflect one melee hit per round

Class: Flurry of Blows, Fast Movement +20 ft, Ki pool (9 points/day, magic), Zen Archery, Ki Arrows, Purity of Body, Ki Stand (stand as free action), Barkskin (CL 7 [+3 AC]; self-only; costs 1 ki), Gaseous Form (CL 7; self-only, costs 1 ki)

Feats (* = bonus feat):
1 IUS*
1 Precise Shot*
1 Perfect Strike* 7/day
1 Point Blank Shot
2 Dodge*
2 Weapon Focus*
3 Point Blank Master*
3 Deadly Aim
5 Crane Style
6 Imp. Precise Shot*
6 Weapon Specialization*
7 Crane Wing

Traits: Reactive (+2 init), Lessons of Chaldira (reroll 1 save/day)
Race: +2 str/wis, -2 cha, Native Outsider, Medium, Speed 20 ft, Darkvision 60 ft, Crystalline Form (+2 deflection AC vs. rays; negate 1/day), Granite Skin (+1 racial to nat armor), Ferrous Growth (poor man's fabricate)

Skills (28):
Acrobatics +12 (7 ranks +3 class +2 dex) (+4 to jump)
Perception +19 (7 ranks +3 class +6 wis +3 competence)
Sense Motive +15 (6 ranks +3 class +6 wis)
Stealth +12 (7 ranks +3 class +2 dex)
Swim +8 (1 rank +3 class +4 str)

Gear (23,500):
Str +2 4000
Wis +2 4000
Cloak of Resist +1 1000
Pearl of Power 1st level 1000
+1 Adaptive Comp. Longbow 4300
Bracers of Falcon's Aim 4000
Ring of Deflect +1 2000
Handy Haversack 2000

remaining gold: 1200
(add: Arrows, Blunt Arrows, backup Str +4 masterwork comp. longbow)

2012-10-07, 11:42 PM
Sorry for the late notice, but Rach and I are out of town due to an illness in the family. I won't be able to run the game this week as a result. See you next Tuesday.

2012-10-15, 11:07 AM
Hey folks, we are on for tomorrow night!

2012-10-28, 03:09 PM
So, umm... I don't know what's going to happen with hurricane Sandy yet, but there seems to be pretty good odds I will not have power by Tuesday night.

2012-10-29, 09:23 PM
Hey folks, in lieu of hurricane related factors and rach having some kind of commitment tomorrow, this week's session is canceled. See you next Tuesday.

2012-10-30, 10:33 AM
Actually, I managed to not lose power, and the winds and rain are much less bad today, so I doubt I will lose it at this point. If you wish to still have the game.

2012-10-30, 01:35 PM
Theres some commitments me and rach have too, so its not just the storm.

2012-11-06, 01:08 PM
Hey I probably should have asked this earlier, but are people planning on skipping the session for the election? I'd like to get a handle on how many we'll have tonight.

2012-11-06, 05:54 PM
I early voted. There's some election night get together coworkers are having at a restaurant, I might head over there and be a bit late, but otherwise I plan to be here. Will definitely not be more than an hour late, most likely less or not at all.

2012-11-06, 06:36 PM
Alright well lets go ahead with the regular schedule, I am likely to take a break though if an announcement comes out.

2012-11-19, 03:05 PM
Hey folks,

Rach can't make it to this week's session. Additionally, my sister may or may not need a ride from the airport around game time (she's flakey and won't tell me when the flight is). I will try to update you when I can.

2012-11-19, 03:15 PM
The flight has been moved to wednesday, we're good.

2012-11-20, 07:50 PM
So, Lucian and I have been waiting in the IRC. Is there still a game tonight?

2012-11-23, 12:29 AM
Just a heads up that I will miss the next game (or be too late to contribute.) This is the last Tuesday that I have one of these meetings.
Edit: My meeting got moved to Wednesday, so I'll be able to play!

Also, I noticed Christmas Day and New Year's Day are on Tuesdays.

Also, I would love if Fjord would post an update.

2012-11-27, 06:18 PM
Yeah, like if we hit level 8 or not. :smallfrown:

I will be back home on the 25th, but could probably actually play if the hotel's wifi works, should be done with family stuff by the evening. I'm guessing others won't be available, though.

As for new year's.... it's usually the eve beforehand people do stuff and most have that day out of work, so that one might still be possible. I'll be available.

2012-11-27, 08:15 PM
Hey folks as per our discussion, here are your updated gold and xp totals

You've gained a total of 20800 xp from monsters and quests

and 12575 gold each.

your new total xp is 53000, just above the level 8 threshold.

2012-12-04, 06:46 PM
hope to see everyone tonight!

2012-12-05, 02:34 AM
Rachizinni met a traveling merchant or somesuch and on impulse bought a young untrained hippogriff (500gp), an exotic saddle and bridle to restrain said hippogriff, and ring of feather fall for when he falls off the hippogriff.

He also bought an upgraded lance that was such a ridiculously good deal that he's sure someone at the magic item factory made an accounting error somewhere.

When he has time, he will first train the hippogriff for Riding, which will take at least three days, and then afterwards for Combat Riding, which will take another three days.
Gabilan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=479449) Still untrained.
Wears an exotic saddle (15lbs) and wears muleback cords making a light load 174lbs.

2012-12-09, 01:48 AM
So, I'm done with the weekly Tuesday meetings, but I just remembered this week I have to do this artsy shmoozy thing that starts at 6:30. So I plan on going at the beginning and leaving asap. Go ahead and start without me, and if you get impatient, tell Fjord to text me and I'll try to get back faster. I'm hoping to be ready to play at 7:15.

Rachizinni will want to get rid of his charisma damage so that he can take ten on getting a day's worth of training the hippogriff when we rest.
Then, he'll want to press on to meet the princesses' father, and then on to Gwen's Folly, but will submit to exploring the necropolis further if people want to do that. (He'll be hoping for treasure down there.)

2012-12-13, 01:57 AM
Chapter 13

I have good news folks, I recently discovered that dicebot kept a complete log of all our sessions, so I will be working on updates. Im several months behind so I'm going to update in chunks, as best I can.

This is a retelling of what transpired subsequently with Mme. Sosostris.

The Secrets

The Second Secret.

Mumkhar then asked what the secret to using David's craft was. Mme Sosostris asked for the coded letter that they had recovered earlier, she then repeated her ritual, but as she prepared to read the letter the room went dark again and the party heard a cold scholarly voice which spoke the following

"You are to proceed with this craft to Petalouda Nrisi, in Vartrellor. There you will find one captain Jethod. He has been fed a story and plot to attack the nearby settlement of Girard's Landing. The success or failure of this plot is of no concern to us. Instead, your goal is to use him and his crew to experiment with the specimen sample you will find in the side interior compartment. Be advised that this specimen was pulled from the organism we uncovered underneath Gwendolyn's folly. As of yet, all attempts to reproduce the change we have been expecting have been unsuccessful, not optimistic about your chances, sorry. The activation code for the machine is *a word in necril*. Once inside the cabin, everything else should be self explanitory. The button at the top left will return the craft to its port of origin, which will be joining you a few days after you arrive."

Then in David's voice the party heard,

"Experiments on crew - failures, introduced mutagen, no change."
"Addendum, amended technique applied to captain Jethod also a failure."

Note that the password to open David's machine was later translated by the party to mean “open” and can be recalled whenever desired.

The Third Secret

Rachizinni asked,
"How will I become the most famous noble and knight in this land?"

Mme Sosostris remarked that while that was a petty question, it was not the most petty question she had ever been asked, and proceeded to repeat her ritual for the final time, this led to the following.

As the lights go dark, a firey pair of eyes appear in the shadow, just above a flaming maw of teeth.
The jaws open and the burning mouth speaks, “I am the guardian in the void, The shield of the innocent, a protector in a world of dangers. The night is dark, and full of terror. The Gods have passed and entrusted mortals to us. Turn back from your path, do not seek this truth. It is foretold, that the champion of righteousness will reveal the last refuge and bring its doom!"

Inspection and knowledge revealed the creature to be some manner of gold dragon and basilisk creature. It proceeded to attack the party after speaking and was dispatched after significant violence. After the fight, Mme. Sosostris returned and bid the party farewell, but not before gifting them with a globe which perfectly represented the world of Nopoloi and the locations of its continents, as well as the party's location on the globe.

The Lies

Upon entering the door with the skull on the moon the party found themselves in an outdoor area, what seemed to be a tiny grassy island in a sea of turbid water. The sun is shining through wispy rain clouds, turning its surroundings a glowing orange as the clouds themselves gave gentle rains. The ground around the party was littered with apples and tombstones. At the top of the hill stood a huge oak tree, woven into its base was a wooden throne. Upon which sat the maiden, upright in the seat, with her eyes closed, motionless. Upon approach, Mumkhar discovered an inscription on the top of the maiden's throne which read,

"When we speak of the past, we lie to eachother.
When we remember the past, we lie to ourselves.
And all our happiness shall turn to ash in our mouths."

As Mumkhar read the final line, the tree came to life and the party's surroundings morphed into a new, grisly form. The maidens skin flaked off in patches, revealing a skeleton beneath, slender roots attached the skull to the tree behind it, resembling hair. The party then did battle with the tree itself, which identified as a Hangman Tree. As it happened, the enemy nearly devoured Ignatius, but was shredded by the party's concentrated attacks before it could finish the kill.

After the monstrous tree was defeated, the skeletal figure that had sat on its throne was covered in a garment of roots and vines, and rose from its seat, claiming to be Mme. Sosostris. It then offered the party three lies.

The First Lie

Mumkhar asked, “Which religions are the least bull****?”

In response, the vine and bone Sosostris went to one of the gravestones and called forth the shade of a dwarf named Florentius Ithenius. The shade told the party the following,

"I, Florentius Ithenius, of the spire of learning, proved in my lifetime that all deities were equal in power and authority, regardless of what their followers believed. Furthermore, I deduced that since any deity, even patently ridiculous ones could empower clerics, that in fact, there were no gods. For this I was assassinated.”

After Mumkhar stated his agreement with the dwarf's thesis, Mme. Sosostris proceeded to the next lie.

The Second Lie

Leokar asked, "How did captain Jethod become a vampire?"

In response, Mme. Sosostris called up the shade of someone named Pharanoth, who appeared to be a pale undead, with dark circles under his eyes. He said the following,

"I, Pharanoth, have found the reason why the Red Gate of Arkodais was sealed. And I have seen the horror that was brought to this world from within the Scarab mountains. There is a thing beneath Petalouda Nrisi. It is kin to that horror, and its blood begets monsters, and changes men into men into my kind. I have seen what monsters it can beget, yet, I can not make them myself. All of my experiments have been failures."

The Third Lie

Rachizinni said, "Tell us about the recent attack on Girard's Landing by pirates with a strange machine"
In response Mme. Sosostris conjured the shade of Constable Merwyn Geeser, a portly mustachioed man with an official uniform and a badge of the Gorvenals. He told the following tale,

"I, Merwyn Geeser, have pursued the fugitive Girard Gorvenal VIII for the murder of his grandfather. I have sought him out to bring him to justice so that his seditious plots against our settlement may be done away with once and for all."


After the lies had been told, Mme. Sosostris gave the party a blank, but ancient looking book, and then returned to her throne on the dead tree. After some puzzling over what they had seen, the party left the clairvoyant's cave and headed in the direction of Girard's Landing, hoping to make productive exchanges of the commercial nature.

2012-12-16, 01:03 AM
Chapter 14

Taking their lies, mysteries, and secrets, the adventurers returned to Girard's Landing. There they made a quick visit to the merchants of the city to exchange their spoils for currency and purchase a few needed items. Before they could depart again, however, they were stopped by Constable Geeser, who accused them of killing Lord Gorvenal's men at the Paidi Gatehouse. The adventuers, not quite comprehending what the constable meant, and having no desire to surrender their weapons, resisted the constable's attempts to get them to come quietly, and things came to blows when Mumkhar lunged at Constable Geeser and struck him in the head with his foot. The situation quickly became dire, and the adventurers realized that all was not as it seemed when the constable's guards transformed into flesh golems and Constable Geeser himself was revealed to be a potent magic user. Fortunately for the group, they were aided by the timely intervention of a violently inquisitive necromancer named Memnon, who proved invaluable in the fight. Although the flesh golems and their wizard master brought several of their party to the brink of death, the adventurers nevertheless proved victorious and were able to subdue the constable, . After the fight, Memnon offered his residence as a safe place to stash the unconscious constable for interrogation.

After relocating themselves and their captive, the group made some preliminary moves to begin questioning Geeser, and by sticking the body with his lance, Rachizinni discovered that Geeser was in fact a skin-wearing warforged, as David had proved to be. Dismayed, more than surprised by this revelation, the group agreed that they needed a rest before putting forth the effort to question the living construct. Mumkhar and Leokar retired to bed, but Memnon and Rachizinni decided to unwind at a nearby tavern. Both adventurers downed a beer or two before trying their luck with members of the opposite sex. Rachizinni employed his bardic skills to seduce a comely half-elf and exotically attractive half-orc. And while Rachizinni snared a more numerous catch, Memnon secured exactly the kind of woman he was looking for, a half giant.

The next morning, two of the paramours departed, while the half elf made the party bacon and eggs, and turned out to be the daughter of an accomplished alchemist, a subject which she discussed at some length with Mumkhar before leaving to open her potion shop. Whilst munching on the remains of the bacon, the party began to question the now immobilized constable Geeser. In the process of the interrogation, they learned that the constable worked for the Court of Stars (previously identified as the governing body of the vampires in Lakoat), that the warforged constable had replaced the original constable when the latter attempted to back out of his dealings with the vampires, that the vampires intended to conquer Girard's landing and use at as production facility and port for engines of war and warships, and that the vampires already had an outpost on the Gasping Isle. Moments after the adventurers had finished gathering this information, Lord Gorvenal VII himself appeared at their door. Rather than attempt to punish the adventurers for resisting arrest, Lord Gorvenal asked what had happened and what they had learned, having already learned some of the constable's treachery. The adventurers brought Lord Gorvenal to the warforged, now tied up in the basement, and allowed him to ask his own questions. Gorvenal himself proceeded to ask questions about his son, Gorvenal VIII, and learned that the original constable Geeser had been responsible for the murder of Gorvenal VI and had framed Gorvenal VIII. The adventurers also learned from Lord Gorvenal that prior to their altercation, the constable had dispatched most of the city guards to chase Gorvenal VII's son in the wilderness, under the pretense that the son was organizing a raid on the city with the Charoumenoi. Lord Gorvenal then asked if the warforged knew anything about what had happened at Gwendolyn's Folly, but was told that the vampires had no interest in it and the warforged did not know what had happened, if anything there.

After concluding their questioning, the adventurers deliberated with Lord Gorvenal about what to do next. It was decided that the party would proceed to investigate and dismantle the vampire base that the warforged had mentioned on the Gasping Isle.

2012-12-17, 01:47 AM
Chapter 15

With the promise of gold in return for their services, the adventurers set out for the Gasping Isle with their pirate fleet. The journey was swift and without incident. Upon arriving off the coast of the island, the party observed watchtowers a ways inland, indicating the reports of some kind of military camp were true, and also happened to notice that not far from the shore, that there was a small dragon apparently drinking himself into stupor on top of a considerable pile of rum. Unable to suppress their curiosity, the party chose to investigate the wyrmling first. Before they could finish determining if the creature was hostile, the wyrmling took it upon himself to go get his “mother,” stating that she was “going to be thrilled.” He fluttered and scampered off drunkenly, and although the adventurers suddenly began to regret their curiosity, they choose to let the neonate go rather than attempt to violent prevent its escape. Their newfound caution proved useful as they were soon confronted by an enormous Wyrm, which they identified as an adult magma dragon. The mother dragon, proved to indeed be pleasantly surprised by the adventurers arrival and proceeded to lay out a “proposal” for the group. She (who did not give her name) confirmed for the party that there was a vampire camp on the island. Moreover, the vampires, whilst establishing their camp, had stolen the dragon's pet pyro-hydra and warded off a bit of the dragon's territory with anti-dragon wards. The dragon therefore, proposed that the party disable the wards and rescue her pet in exchange for some manner of award. Seeing this as a not over-burdensome addition to their current task of clearing out the camp, and in any case not wanting to tell the dragon no, the adventurers agreed.

After this exchange, the party set about scouting the camp, which they found to be located inside a crater, normally a lake of lava but now dammed up. Their scouting eventually led them to a ramp leading down to the craters bed, which was guarded by skeletal-archer-manned sentry towers and an extra-planar ooze. Although the skeletons harried them from the towers and the ooze threatened to melt their weapons, the group successful dispatched the perimeter guards and moved down into the camp. Upon descending the ramp, the group immediately noticed that there was a host of zombie drones performing simple, menial labor, carrying equipment from the camp's 3 primary centers of activity. These centers were a large central tent, an open air laboratory set-up, and a cave on the far side of the crater. The unliving drones seemed oblivious or apathetic to the group's presence and so, following their instincts, the group moved to the laboratory set up first. Mumkhar snuck ahead of the group and identified the dragon's pyro hydra, chained up and pierced by a host of barb-like scientific instruments. He also noted that there was a huge humanoid clad in a flowing black robe, hunched over tables covered with instruments, his enormous body was dappled with cruel looking metal spikes that shined with a wicked green. About his shoulders, hung strips of fabric which while black, appeared enchanted to glow with a pale light in points that shift, like stars. His face was a thing of metal, skinless, with only two green eyes and where his jaw should have been, there were downwards hanging vertical spikes, in a tight row. Mumkhar avoided detection by the macabre “science creature” and began freeing the hydra by removing the instruments stuck into it's body. Within moments, the machinery suppressing the creatures natural regeneration was removed and the hydra was on its feet, but to Mumkhar's great dismay, the huge cloaked figure dispatched it effortless with a flurry of razor-sharp claws. Seeing, that battle was about to begin in earnest, the rest of the party rushed in, but not before Mumkhar got a tasted of the enemy's claws. A pitched battle ensued, but after the deadly whirlwind of blows subsided, the adventurers stood over their defeated foe. Inspection revealed him to be an extra-planar construct of some nature. The party also discovered that the construct had somehow made use of death's head talismans to control the zombie drones in the camp. Even more disturbing, Memnon realized that some of the talismans were in fact items he had crafted, though he was unable to discern how they might have ended up in the possession of their enemies. The party made use of the talismans themselves in order to bind some of the zombie drones to their will, while the hydra began rampaging towards the cave on the far side of the crater.

The party decided not to immediately follow their many-headed ally and instead next headed to the central tent. There they discovered more instruments, laboratories, and a strange stone pool filled with blood. Using their knowledge of the arcane and the planes, the group determined that the pool was a manner of teleportation gate, which could be used to transport creatures attuned to it. Surmising that this gateway was a means for the vampires to bring in reinforcements, the adventurers began attempting to destroy it. Just as they ordered their zombies to “tear it apart” they were confronted by some manner of extra-planar creature that emerged from the pool. Planar knowledge identified the creature as a manner of elemental, augmented and attuned to the blood of spellcasters which had been used to fill the pool. The elemental creature claimed to represent the Court of Stars and commanded them to cease attempting to destroy his blood-gate. Memnon broached the subject of an alliance with the Court, or at least opening some kind of meaningful dialogue, but the elemental was violently stubborn in demanding their submission to it's masters. To the party's great frustration it made no attempt to explain their motives, saying that it was bound to serve and had no personal interest in why the vampires were interested in conquering Petalouda Nrisi. Seeing that a diplomatic resolution was impossible, the party engaged the elemental in combat, despite its deadly magics, and with the help of cleverly improvised use of magic by Memnon, the group defeated the creature and prevented it from summoning two barbed devils, which ended up as meaty chunks of devil flesh after coming through the disconfigured portal. They set about looting the tent, recovering treasure and discovering a brass construct under construction.

Upon leaving the tent, the party noticed a large green fire had appeared on the upper lip of the crater. They decided to investigate this new development before tackling cave on the far side of the crater. Memnon determined the source of the fire to be the anti-dragon ward, which had become unstable. Some prodding and probing revealed that he only had to scratch out an invisible rune in order to completely destabilize the ward, which he did, before realizing that the fire would soon become an enormous explosion. After ducking and covering, the adventurers expressed their self satisfaction and moved on to the last remaining holdout in the vampire camp. Their they found a hastily constructed barricade outside the cave's mouth and two Drow wielding crossbows. A brief fight ensued, and the Drow proved woefully overmatched, and would likely have perished if they had not suddenly thrown down their weapons and surrendered. Surprised, and perhaps relieved to finally have an enemy with a reasonable sense of self-preservation, the party engaged in cautious parley. The Drow identified themselves as Chryssa and Anthea, Charoumenoi princesses and hostages of the Vampire who commanded the camp. The group had time for little more in the way of conversation before being ambushed by two bearded devils, who apparently had been watching the Drow to ensure that they did not surrender, the adventurers dispatched their diabolical foes however, and held them from killing the princesses. They then dispatched the magical defenses sealing the cave and moved inside to confront the vampire leader.

They found him inside the cave, as well as the hydra. The vampire was working serenely on a set of blood samples, while the hydra was sound asleep with a clutch of mutated eggs. Confused and not wanting to waste their advantage of surprise, the party let fly with their crossbows, but the vampire seemed completely unfazed. Before they could close into melee, he vanished and began speaking to them in a disembodied voice. The vampire asked if they would negotiate if with him, and introduced himself as Mathias. He divulged to the party that he had been spying on them and had learned that they had encountered servants of the vampires, and that he suspected that another vampire house was on the island, working against his. The party informed the vampire of their dealings with David and his machine, which seemed to cause Mathias grave concern. Mathias then revealed to the group that he believed David and whatever vampires he was working for knew something about the outbreak of mutations on the island, and further related to them that the mutagen they encountered was a warning sign of something catastrophic. Mathias explained that on Lakoat, the vampires had encountered a creature of titanic size, that lived underground and infected any living thing it could implant with a mutagen that caused the infected organism to give birth to mutant offspring. This mutant offspring in turn attacked other living beings and infected them with the mutagen before dismembering them and returning the bio-mass to the original titanic creature, this bio-mass was then absorbed and added to the creatures size. Victims who survived attacks in turn gave birth to more mutated offspring which exacerbated the problem. Mathias believed the mutagen that was now being found on Petalouda Nrisi to be the same mutagen produced by the titanic creature on Lakoat. He expressed grave concern over how such a thing might have happened and asked the adventurers for their help in finding out what the other vampires on Petalouda Nrisi knew, and if they were behind the introduction of the mutagen. The party found this information disturbing and reluctantly agreed to help Mathias in return for material compensation. After these terms were settled, Mathias informed the group that he would be hiding in Girard's Landing while they carried out their investigations and that when he was ready, he would come to them. The party further demanded that they be allowed to return the Drow to their home with the Charoumenoi, to which Mathias agreed without argument.

Having successfully neutralized the vampire's camp, the party then returned to the magma dragon in order to receive their reward and conclude their last business on the Gasping Isle. True to its word, the dragon rewarded them for their efforts, though the reward it gave them was not gold, as the adventurers hoped. The dragon, apparently acting on a whim, gave the adventurers a curious orb of magma, which although warm, was safe to handle. Memnon identified the object as a “planar key,” an object that could be used in conjunction with arcane machinery to open a gate to the demiplane of magma. Disappointed, but eager to be off the island, the party left the dragon and departed on their boat for Girard's Landing.

2012-12-17, 03:40 AM
Chapter 16

Upon returning to Girard's landing, the adventurers paid a visit to Lord Gorvenal to inform him of what they had learned. Chryssa and Anthea remained on the boat while the party met with the Lord in his audience hall. There they informed Gorvenal of their destruction of the vampire's base, and what they had learned about the presence of the mutagen on the island and the possibility of some kind of massive, mutagenic creature, though the party did not mention that they had agreed to work with one of the vampires, perhaps out of prudence. After hearing their description of the mutagen and creature, Lord Gorvenal mentioned that he had had reports of birth defects at Gwendolyn's Folly before losing contact with the settlement, and suggested that the party might learn more there. The adventurers also mentioned that they had rescued the Charoumenoi princesses and that they intended to return them to their father. Gorvenal suggested that they leaves the princesses in his care for a time, but the adventurers would not commit to making Chryssa and Anthea do anything against their will. Lord Gorvenal than rewarded the adventurers for their deeds with gold and bid them farewell. The party conferred with their crew and guests and decided to spend the night in town before casting off for the Charoumenoi lands. At Rachizinni's suggestion, Chryssa accompanied him to a tavern, in disguise. Anthea began talking to Mumkhar and the group split for the night. Rachizinni talked up a plan for Chryssa to remain at Girard's Landing as an ambassador for her people over beers and the two eventually made it out onto the beach, and had drunken sex. In contrast, Mumkhar and Anthea began talking about history and Mumkhar mentioned Gorvenal's suggestion about the princesses staying in Girard's landing. Anthea was appalled by the suggestion and explained that many years ago, her grand aunt had been held hostage by the Gorvenals in a similar manner, and been victim to a coerced “marriage” after becoming pregnant with the Lord's child without consent, and had subsequently stabbed the Lord to death on their wedding night. Mumkhar was horrified to hear the story and expressed his disgust with Gorvenals, and promised not to permit the lord to hold them hostage.

The next morning Rachizinni and Chryssa awoke on the beach and at Rachizinni's suggestion, went back to Gorvenal's castle for hangover food. As they walked, Rachizinni again attempted to sell Chryssa on remaining in the castle as an ambassador but Chryssa either ignored him or was too hung over to pay any attention. The two were permitted into the castle and served food, only to find out too late that Chryssa's food had been drugged with a sedative. While this was going on, Mumkhar and Anthea became concerned about the delay in Chryssa and Rachizinni's return and started after them. By the time they reached the banquet hall in the castle, Chryssa was passing out and Lord Gorvenal had arrived with his guards to take her into custody. Rachizinni did his best to avoid a confrontation, but to no avail.

2012-12-17, 10:31 PM
More summary!
I forgot a lot of this stuff. In particular the fact that that disembodied voice was named Mathias. I hope the summary gets to the part where we talked to Lucian about that, because I can't remember what we told him.

2012-12-18, 05:22 PM
Might be a little late today but we are still on

2012-12-31, 12:56 PM
Hey folks, sorry to disappoint but I will not be able to run the game tomorrow (new years day) due to family obligations, see you guys next week.

2013-01-08, 02:34 PM
We are on for tonight! See you @ 6:30 central time

2013-01-08, 03:48 PM
Chapter 16 and a half

Some weeks before, on Varpeliar, the central island of Vartrellor, in the metropolois of Ottisdom, a series of events took place which led to the addition of another adventurer to the party. This is a brief recounting of those events came to pass.

Upon the seas of Nopoloi there sailed a vessel called 'The Dancing Swan'. The 'Swan” was a small pirate ship captained by an exotic, half aasimar named Viera Lumiere. The captain was a good-natured brigand who carefully selected villainous pirates as her enemies and easily offered help to those in need as friends. Her most trusted crew member was a spell-weaver, a warlock named Lucian, who came from Arkodais. Lucian himself had led a band of freedom fighters in Arkodais against the Court of Stars. His days as a rebel were ended by the treason of a close friend and changeling wizard, Mathias, which had claimed the lives of all but Lucian himself. Badly wounded, struggling to survive and seeking vengeance Lucian had been found by Viera and offered help and a place on the 'Swan'.

It was the pursuit of this vengeance that brought the group to Ottisdom, as Lucian had finally picked up Matthias' trail in the city, and a mysterious place called “The House of Lethe.” Lucian and Viera disembarked, accompanied by three trusted crew and set out in search of their quarry. Their investigations led them to an inn called the Meshendorf, where they learned that “The House of Lethe” was a market of sorts for memories, and that in that “House” one could have unwanted memories removed, and acquire another's memories, for a price. Resolving to find what memories Mathias had been after, the five set out for the “House.” Their path took them through the city's decrepit outskirts and underground to a foreboding and gloomy mansion of black iron, lit only by torchlight. There they met the master of “The House of Lethe,” and questioned him about Mathias' coming and going. They learned that Mathias had come to the “House” both to acquire memories and to be rid of some. The master offered them the chance to see what memories Mathias had sought, if the adventurers would first dispose of some dangerous and unwanted memories Mathias had left behind. The adventurers agreed and were plunged into Mathias' tortured psyche, where they were confronted by manifestations of anger, phantoms of loss, and vitriolic guilt. Yet, through the mortal and psychic peril, the heroes steeled their minds and fought off the phantasms to emerge victorious. Afterwards, the Master brought them through a seemingly endless hall of black iron and torches to a room in which the memories Mathias had sought were kept. In there they found a flayed man encased in ice and three memory crystals which upon touch told a tale of a man named Merwyn Geeser, a constable of an unidentifiable island kingdom. The adventurers learned that Mathias was indeed a servant of the Court of Stars, for the memories they witnessed told a tale of subversion, treachery, and murder in furtherance of a plot to overthrow that island's government and seize control of it in the name of the vampire lords. In these memories they saw that the constable had murdered the island's feudal lord and framed his grandson, setting the royal family to infighting and that the constable had then traveled to Ottisdom with instructions burned into his memory in the form of runes. Perhaps most disturbingly of all, one of the memories was of a hideously mutated baby, and a conversation with a shadowy figure, which told them that some monstrous corruption was taking root on that island. Finally, one of the memories tipped the adventurers off to an establishment called “The Bolton” elsewhere in town.

Swallowing down these disturbing thoughts, the adventurers made their way to the “Bolton.” The place proved to be a brothel of sorts, and the heroes were able to secure an audience with the proprietor. The man, when asked about Mathias, readily told the group that he had helped the traitor book passage to Girard's Landing, a city in Petalouda Nrisi. After conveying this information, however, the man then told the group that he had a 'gift' for them from Mathias. Before the adventurers had a chance to head him off, the man unveiled a scroll, upon which was called an eldritch symbol of sleep. Luck was not with the heroes that day, as they all failed to resist its power with their wills.

The adventurers next awoke in a perilous situation, they found themselves disarmed and bound on the back of an enormous slug, being transported in the sewers of Ottisdom by a man who oozed pus and wore tatttered robes. This pustulant man claimed to be some manner of priest and devotee of enslavement. He showed to them a horrific creature which aided him, a kind of burning ooze which could inhabit a humanoids body and make them a slave to its will. But rather than allow themselves to succumb to this fate, the heroes worked powers of their own to break their bonds and overpower the cleric and his ooze minions. After fighting free, they paid a return trip to the Bolton, and upon again seeing the proprietor in his office, tossed him out of a window. They then offered freedom and safe passage on their ship to those enslaved in the brothel. All chose to go free from that place, and many chose to go with the heroes as well.

So after their adventures in Ottisdom, the Dancing Swan, now housing both pirates and prostitutes made its way to Girard's Landing.

2013-01-08, 05:53 PM
Hey folks, reginald is statted up, take a look at it and see if I missed anything. His feats aren't set in stone if you guys have ideas.


It will take the time for the operation, and then two days (48 hours) for him to be ready. So from the day you ended on, if you performed the surgery immediately, you would have to wait two whole days before he was ready, so on the morning of the third day, he would be ready to do his first meditation for spells.

As for his personality, Reginald believes in Ignatius, and sees him as benevolent. In turn Reginald believes that by spreading healing and love in Ignatius name, he will win converts for his God. In addition, Reginald identifies with Ignatius aims to be completely reborn, likening the rebirth process to his own hatching from an egg. Reginald constantly protected his pack's eggs from badgers, weasels, and possums and confuses those creatures with the intangible forces that seek to prevent Ignatius rebirth.

Reginald has a natural affinity for raptors, can communicate with them, and receives a +2 bonus on any social interaction with a raptor.

He has a natural racial hatred for rodents of all kinds and receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls versus rodents.

2013-01-09, 01:33 AM
Hey folks, next session is 1/16 hope to see you there,

from the 1/9 session you gained xp from killing the vampire and mutant elder worg
3,200 each

from the 12/18 session for defeating 12 megaraptors
4,800 each

from the 12/11 session for defeating 2 bodaks
3200 each

from the 12/4 session for defeating the imantesh
3,200 each

and 2400 xp for investigating the Nekropolis

which brings your current total xp to 69800, you will reach level 9 @ 75,000 xp

2013-01-14, 11:02 PM
game tomorrow @ 6:30 central

2013-01-15, 06:47 PM
When we last left off, you had concluded combat with the mutant worg and vampire, and met Kranosh. Kranosh was going to handle some equipment needs between sessions, and if you guys so desire, you can prep reginald between sessions as well.

2013-01-15, 07:09 PM
Chapter 17

returning to Girard's Landing

Rachizinni's attempts to head off the confrontation proved fruitless as Anthea and one of Gorvenal's attendant bodyguards exchanged hostile spells, ending the Fascinate effect. Mumkhar launched into the fight with every intent of preventing Chryssa from being taken hostage, and engaged with Gorvenal's lackeys. Seeing that there would be no peaceful resolution, Rach was forced to choose a side and with a moment's hesitation, began to back Mumkhar and the princesses. Gorvenal and his guards proved to be no easy task, and the melee was fierce. It was at this moment that, after sailing from Ottisdom to Girard's Landing and following the adventurers to the castle, that Lucian walked unexpectantly onto the scene. He had only a brief moment to consider the battle before him before one of Gorvenal's guards spotted him and took him for an assassin, and Lucian was forced to fight on the side of the adventurers for his own safety. The battle was bloody, being protracted by the protective magics of Gorvenal's cleric, but ultimately the adventurers were victorious. In the fight, Lucian's magic slew Gorvenal's cleric, but measured and checked blows from the others took Gorvenal and his assassin alive. Lucian worked discreet and dark magics on the corpse while the others took account of what had happened and how to proceed. The adventurers searched Gorvenal and his men and took his gear from him as their prize. In the process they noticed a strange gem on the person of Gorvenal. Lucian, through his arcane expertise determined that the gem was an object of possession for the "magic jar" spell. Disturbed and concerned, the adventurers retired to Memnon's house again to interrogate a new captive.

From their questioning they learned that Gorvenal remembered nothing of their encounter or his apparent plot to take the Charoumenoi princesses hostage. He also divulged that he had won the strange gem from a traveling chess master in a game of chess. After the interrogation Gorvenal mentioned that he still wished for them to investigate Gwendolyn's Folly, which the adventurers agreed to. The crew of heroes then unbound Gorvenal and quietly left town without mentioning the possibility of returning his gear, although they did mention that his personal cleric was dead, and Gorvenal committed to resurrecting her.

Afterwards, sailing away from the city, Mumkhar discussed what had happened with Anthea. Despite the evidence, she was unconvinced that Lord Gorvenal was not truly responsible for the attempt at kidnapping her sister. Mumkhar eventually gave up on trying to persuade her on the matter and the discussion moved to more immediate concerns. The group decided that they would make a stop on the Island's Western half to return the princesses before heading to Gwendolyn's Folly. Chryssa mentioned that there would be another island on the way to their destination that was controlled by the Charoumenoi, called Katafyjjio Drome'. Chryssa described the island as a sacred religious location, home to a Nekropolis and a society of holy caretakers of the dead. The princesses wanted to make a brief stop at the island to inform the priests of their safety and send a message to their father of their return. Agreeing to this, the adventurers steered their pirate fleet in the island's direction, but to their surprise and dismay, they saw a huge column of smoke rising from the island as they approached.

2013-01-16, 12:29 AM
Everyone at full HP.
Readying ourselves for the incoming elevator.
Aid is up for 18 more rounds on Rach, Mum, Kranosh. Everyone has marked their bonus hp on their sheets, hopefully.

2013-01-18, 12:31 PM
At some point during the various down times, Mumkhar would like to have learned from the Constable's spell book the following:

4 - beast shape II
3 - Fly
2 - Invisibility

We can then sell the spellbook unless someone else wanted to get spells from it (don't think anyone else can). It sells for 1400 gp apparently. Split between Mumkhar, Rach, and Lucian if he's still around. Was gained long before Kranosh joined.

As for current events, Mumkhar has 9 temp hp in case I forget.

2013-01-18, 04:15 PM
Yes, Mumkhar.

2013-01-21, 02:58 PM
See you guys tomorrow!

2013-01-21, 06:38 PM
Chapter 18

As the adventurers' watercraft drew near to the island and the ominous column of smoke rising from the island's center, Chryssa and Anthea explained to the group that fire was forbidden there and that the smoke indicated that something was very wrong. At the urging of the two Drow, the group made their way ashore and found a dirt road which led to the Nekropolis at the island's center. They did not get far, however, before they encountered two skeletal firgures; burning, and mounted on skeletal mounts. Memnon was able to identify them as Fey which had been altered and raised in undeath by necromantic magics. Chryssa and Anthea explained that some of the Charoumenoi's ancestors were Fey, and that the two revenants before them appeared to be disturbed and corrupted ancestors. The mounted fiends lowered their lances and charged at the adventurers, but were handily dispatched by the group.

After their brief battle, the heroes made their way along the dirt path to the Nekropolis, but were not dismayed at what they found there. The Lictors, the Charoumenoi priests who were the caretakers of the Nekropolis, were said to live in a tree-hanging village above the Nekropolis itself. But when the heroes arrived they found the hanging village and the surrounding enormous trees ablaze. The great circular door of the Nekropolis was sundered and open as well. And standing in the midst of the fiery chaos, the adventurers spotted a pale man, flanked by two warforged and behind them, their flying craft, which resembled the craft David had left behind after his death. Before the group could act, a ravaged figure crawled out of the Nekropolis' collapsed entrance and handed the pale man a small box. The heroes immediately rushed in the pale man's direction, but were unable to reach him before he boarded his craft and took off. His warforged lackeys did the same with their craft, and Lucian attempted to ensnare the lot of them with his magic, but the pale man's craft somehow became ethereal and passed through Lucian's web. The other two craft instead remained behind and gave the heroes a battle. The fight was deadly and pitched, with the craft leveling tremendous firepower at the adventurers and using some of their ordinance to bring down the huge trees on Lucian's head, fortune was on the group's side however, and they dispatched their foes without suffering loss of life, though it was a close fight. The warforged and their crafts were too badly dismantled to be of much use after the combat was over, unfortunately. The corpse of the figure who had handed the pale man the small box turned out to be one of the group's pirate crew turned into a vampire, arousing suspicion that Captain Jethod might be in the Nekropolis below. Before the group took further action, Rachizinni addressed the Drow and ensured that there was a promise of reward before they ventured into the Nekropolis, he also negotiated that the group be allowed to plunder the Nekropolis on a limited basis and with Chryssa and Anthea having veto power in the case of an item of significance. The princesses also made Rachizinni aware of the fact that Charoumenoi were not typically interred with much material wealth.

As the group descended into the Nekropolis they were immediately confronted with the unique architecture of the place. It seemed that the Nekropolis was an inverted mirror of the tree-cities the Charoumenoi typically lived in. In fact, the layout of the place was oriented around a deepwards reaching root system that was hollowed out to provide tunnels for transport between different sections of the complex. Chryssa and Anthea also warned them that the different levels of the Nekropolis were safeguarded by powerful guardians, though they did not know a great deal about the creature's natures. The heroes did not have to wait long before they came to the first guardian, who lay dying before them in the Nekropolis' antechamber. It was a massive creature, having the body of a tortoise, the head of a bull, the horns of a rhinocerous, six long giraffe like legs and a long serpentine tail. The dying creature was cryptic, but claimed to be the offspring of “Lakoat and Imthris.” Lucian identified the creature as a form of Protean, called an Imantesh. The fact that such a chaotic creature would be willing to perform a lawful service such as guarding a tomb was perplexing to the arcanist. Mumkhar made an earnest attempt to treat the creature's injuries, but to his dismay, the Imantesh was completely devoid of anatomy to treat. Before expiring, the Imantesh said the following,

"(I am)The son-daughter of Lakoat and Imthris. The lone and last member of my race and breed. My father-mother Lakoat walks this world in his manner, tracing his steps in eternity. My father-mother Imthris is lost and gone to pieces in the waters."

The Imantesh then gestured the group towards one of the Nekropolis' many root-tunnels, and informed them that his assailant had fled that way, seeking something. The group followed the aforementioned path, which led them down a long winding root-tunnel for more than an hour, before they finally arrived at another level of the Nekropolis. The antechamber had been a large, stone-wrought circular chamber, but the level they now found themselves in was much different. The terrain was laid out in branching tunnels along the massive roots which ran through the floors and walls. But within the roots was a more morbid scene. The group discovered that the Charoumenoi dead were woven into the roots of the tree as preserved corpses, the roots and their entwined dead covered the entire level from wall to ceiling. Yet a still more unearthly sight greeted them in the center of the chamber. There was a great mass of roots and corpses in a column, and unlike the others, these corpses were aglow with a pale blue light that illuminated the area around them. True to the warning, this level of the Nekropolis had a guardian Imantesh as well, but this one was not near death, rather it was standing by the central luminous column. The creature was somewhat different than the one the group had encountered before. It had the four legged body of lion, but its tail ended in a wicked dagger like spade. A shaggy lion mane sat above its shoulders, but rather than a lion's head it had 3 massive snakes instead. The Imantesh turned towards the group and wailed in anguish as it charged. As combat began, Lucian and Chryssa identified that the creature was suffering from some deep corruption of its nature which had given it a murderous aggression. The Imantesh proved to be a powerful foe, nearly killing Mumkhar between its coils and debilitating the other members of the group with waves of supernatural force. Nevertheless, the heroes were victorious in the end as the Imantesh's supernatural magics inadvertently doubled back on their master and turned him to stone.

After dispatching their foe, the group searched the area for clues as to what the intruder might have stolen. After some searching and divination, they found an unusually restless corpse down one of the tunnels. The undead was muttering something about a key that had been taken and a gate,

"It is gone, gone, the gates below cannot be opened. The gates cannot be opened, disintegration is below. The gates cannot be opened. Disintegration to dust, dust to oneness, oneness to unsleeping terror. The gates cannot be opened...Cthonous..."

Anthea recognized the term “Cthonous” and said that it referred to a “great rock on the Northwestern part of the island.” She also told them that Gwendolyn's folly was built atop the place. Then Rachizinni turned his attention to decyphering what the “key” might be. Something clicked in the halfling's mind at the mention of a key, and he remembered that the group had previously acquired two orbs which Lucian had identified to be “planar keys” to the demiplanes of ice and magma. Lucian produced the orbs and the restless corpse reacted by reaching out to touch them. Cautiously the group allowed the dead elf to touch one of the orbs, but to their dismay, the contact resulted in the corpse's destruction in a shower of icy shards. Frustrated that they had created more questions than they had answered, the heroes made their way out of that level of the Nekropolis.

Some in the group still wanted to investigate another level to see if another vampire was still present, and had some glimmer of hope of finding captain Jethod. Those who did not share their enthusiasm were nevertheless persuaded to give one more level of the Nekropolis a shot. Their search proved to be fruitless in this respect, but the heroes did encounter and dispatch more of the restless dead, in which they found embedded shards of elemental evil. The group considered investigating that bizarreness for a brief moment, but then decided they were fed up with the dead and their guardians for the time being and made their way back to their ships.

2013-01-21, 11:19 PM
Chapter 18:
This was the dying ancestor we encountered that day that I drew during the session.

2013-01-22, 06:53 PM
do I have the right channel? https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.mibbit.net%2FNopoloi

2013-01-22, 11:39 PM
since the last xp update you guys have accumulated a total of

12,800 xp from monsters (each)


2400 xp from quests (each)

for 13,200 xp total and are @ 83000, and are now level 9, congrats.

Level between sessions, as always.

Note: while this changes your max hp, it does not affect the temporary hp you currently possess.

2013-01-28, 04:42 AM
Chapter 19

Once the Mumkhar, Rachizinni, Lucian, Chryssa, and Anthea returned to their ships, they began to discuss what their next course of action would be. The final destination remained Gwendolyn's Folly, but the group had committed to returning the princesses first. Rachizinni suggested however, that owing to their recent brushes with the vampires again, and considering their prior accumulated evidence that there was something worth investigating at the peak of the winged mountain, and finally in pursuance of revenge against Captain Jethod, that the group instead make use of David's Craft to head to the Winged Mountain's peak. Lucian and Mumkhar consented to the plan and for the time being, returning the princesses was given the lower priority. The adventurers decided to put ashore back on the main island, at the southern bay by the mountain's foot, where they had first encountered the pirates.

Whilst sailing, Rachizinni attempted to make amends with Chryssa by putting on a show with his newly acquired hippogryph named Gabilan. Chryssa was not moved by the display but did reluctantly begin speaking to Rachizinni again, if only to ask for an apology. Rachizinni, not one to swallow his pride, lied flawlessly to the drow on the subject and impressed her suitably with his apparent sincerity. Enough so that she seemed ready to forgive him, with time.
Powering the craft proved to be a challenge as well. The group had already determined that the craft was powered by soul fragments, and had the soul gems necessary to acquire those fragments, but lacked freshly killed creatures with souls. Fortunately, animals would suffice, so the group set out hunting. Lady tracked game through the nearby forest and eventually came upon a slain deer in the woods. Mumkhar's knowledge of nature was enough to raise his suspicions at the sight of an uneaten animal corpse in the wild. He initially suspected hunters killing for sport, and vocally expressed his disgust for such people and their activities. While he was incorrect, he was not far off, as there were hunters about, but not the kind that killed for fun. Lady picked up the scent first, and Mumkhar used his mutagens to give himself the power of scent. The group found themselves completely surrounded by the scent of large animals. In fact, the slain deer was a cleverly lain trap by a pack of a dozen megaraptors seeking to lure bigger game. Their trap sprung, the dinosaurs rushed the four heroes and a bloody screeching melee ensued. The raptors used their uncanny intellect to coordinate highly damaging strikes from flanking, but ultimately their weak minds proved unable to resist Lucian's confounding magics and slumbering hex, allowing Rachizinni and mumkhar to cut through their disabled foes like sharpened machetes. The adveturers disabled and captured the final raptor, at Mumkhar's behest. The alchemist mentioned plans to augment the creature's intelligence and physical form to make it suitable as a companion, in time.

That night the Marin feasted their motley pirate crews with a banquet of raptor steak, which blossomed into a full on beach party. Mumkhar engaged in a game of balance and dexterity with Isolde, while Rachizinni continued his advances towards Chryssa. The festive air was broken suddenly by the twang of bowstring in the woods and the howl of tremendous worg. Rachizinni and Mumkhar made haste from their ships or from the beach to the treeline, where they encountered an elder worg, corrupted with mutation, and a vampire handler in the process of attacking their crew. The heroes also found that the bow had been fired by a stealthy orc perched in a tree. Without much time for introduction, the three contended with the worg's fangs and claws as well as the vampires blistering magic. In the end, the worg clambered up the tree for the orc ranger, but as his refuge was undone, he leaped from the branch and brought his deadly falcon down on the beast, splitting its corrupt flesh in half like an unholy melon. Mumkhar did for the vampire and Chryssa consecrated his head for decapitation, which the orc obliged to accomplish, swinging his falchion without much time for Chryssa to get out of the way. The severed head proved to be the former possesion of another of Jethod's crew, apparently turned vampire. After the alarmed elf narrowly avoided a grisly fate, the orc introduced himself as Kranosh of the Bloodoak. He claimed to be a traveler from distant Slythinweld, come at the behest of his elders to purge some divined corruption on Petalouda Nrisi. Mumkhar and Rachizinni weren't sure what to make of this new ally, but accepted his aid anyway. Kranosh suggested that they attempt to follow the fiend's trail to see where he had come from. Using his tracking skills, the orc found tracks leading towards the winged mountain, and following them found that they stopped suddenly in a clearing in the trees. There the heroes encountered a phenomenal craft, not unlike David's in some respects, but larger, and in the shape of a great-mouthed whale. The vehicle was hovering some 40 feet in the air. The craft's pilot must have spotted the adventurers, for he soon sped away, heading up towards the mountain's peak.

These events further convinced the group that an expedition to the peak was urgently needed. The addition of Kranosh improved their available options by adding the new possibility of hiking up the mountain directly, with his guidance. After a night's rest, Kranosh performed some scouting of the mountain's slope, and estimated that the hike would take nearly two days, with hard climbing in harsh snow at the top, and the need for some snow camouflage. The group was not inclined to approach in this manner, favoring the more direct approach of flying in the craft. The heroes found it necessary to magically reduce their size for the journey, but having accomplished that, they simply crammed in and activating the ship's auto-pilot.

2013-01-28, 05:18 AM
Chapter 20

The craft moved at an astonishing speed, zipping up the mountain's wooded lower slopes and into the snow-covered upper reaches in moments. At the mountain's peak, the heroes gazed upon a ruined fort, presumably Gelfred's Roost (the gryphon rider outpost Lord Gorvenal had mentioned so long ago). The stones of the fort appeared to have been melted down in places during the fort's destruction. Above that ruin was an even stranger sight, what appeared to be a great elliptical ovoid of invisibility, outlined in falling snow. The shear size of the obfuscated area was startling, larger even than the fort that lay below the hero's swiftly moving flying machine. The craft, piloting itself, slowed and approached the invisible thing and passed through outer layer of the illusion, revealing the thing hidden within. The adventurers beheld an enormous thing, some kind of floating fortress. It was roughly in the shape of a kraken, having 8 enormous tentacles of iron which snaked and writhed in the sky. The central body of the craft appeared to be 300 feet by 300 feet in size and perhaps 100 feet tall. On the central body, the heroes observed half of the top layer of the craft to be a sort of landing pad for ships like the one they were riding in, the other half was given exclusively to some manner of massive fortress mounted on the flying metal beast. A pale green light emanated from the crevices and seams of the black iron craft, illuminating the alien nature of the thing's construction.

As their transport descended onto the landing pad, the group spotted a huge bipedal robot with long tentacles for arms moving to meet them. The thing wrapped its appendages around their ship and gently lowered them to the deck. Wary of the automaton, the group made ready for a fight and hurriedly exited their ship, but the massive lumbering thing merely trotted back to a resting place at the center of the deck. The relieved four proceeded to investigate the entrances to the fortress on the craft, and found that they could access the structure from one of two human sized doors. A third, much larger door, appeared to open only from the inside. The group proceeded cautiously inside and found themselves in what appeared to be some kind of mechanical workshop with a large forge. To their dismay and confusion, they did not encounter a single person or construct on the ship, and could only hear the soft whirring of machinery. An exploration of the room led them to two lifts, going up and down, seperately. Mumkhar noticed that the lift controls required some kind of key and puzzled out the machinery violently with his claws, making a mess of wires and silver diodes. His methods, though brutal, were effective and the group boarded the upwards lift to ascend to the next level.

On the second floor, the adventurers found themselves facing a semicircular wall of glass screens, nearly 150 feet across. Each screen showed an image which moved and changed, but focused on one person or item. Marin identified the screens as projected images of scrying spells, and noticed that each moving image was accompanied by a stream of consciousness viewable in text, the garbled thoughts seemed to be from the mind of creature forced to watch the scrying endlessly, without rest. There were hundreds of screens and hundreds of scryings apparently going on all over the island. Quite disturbingly, Marin identified that one of the screens was watching a pen in Rogar's cabin, in with which he was making journal entries, some of which concerned the party itself. The heroes suddenly realized the seriousness of the trap they had walked into and began looking for the beings monitoring these scryings. They had no trouble in finding them, however, as the quickly saw that the rest of the room was occupied by living humanoids or warforged harnessed and connected to machinery which fed in the scryings to their brains and took their thoughts and projected them onto the screens on the far wall. Mumkhar was particularly disgusted by this, and openly resolved to put an end to what he saw.

It would not be so easy, almost in response, the lift moved and disappeared, only to resurface moments later with a trio of construct guards which attacked the party. Fortunately, the group had no trouble preparing for the construct's arrival, and their ambush of the automata as they exited the lift dispatched the ship's defenders handily. Before the party could finish deciding their next move, a voice spoke to them from the walls of the ship itself. The speaker had an educated quality to his voice and spoke with a unshakable aloofness, but did not give his name. The voice told the group that the constructs attacking them were an automated response by the ship, because of Mumkhar's comments about tearing up the scrying machinery. The voice claimed that the creatures entrapped in thusly had become a part of the ship itself, its eyes and ears, and that the ship would act to defend itself from any attempt to remove them. The party was not impressed and threatened to tear the ship apart anyway, Kranosh likened the speaker to a cowardly elf hiding in a tree. The voice seemed to sense that negotiations were not getting anywhere and told the party that more enemies were coming, then ceased communications.

Indeed more constructs did come, but this time, their arrival was immediately followed by the explosive appearance of some manner of planar gate. Positive and negative energy elementals poured out of the gate and began overtaking the chamber, and would have devoured all inside with a wormhole to the void if not for the action of the heroes to put the creatures down. This did nothing however to close the portal, however, and while Marin and Mumkhar were trying to figure out how to close it or escape, fresh enemies poured forth. This time the group faced two corrupt celestials, riding atop drakes. The combat was long and bloody, and immensely trying for mumkhar who was forced to chase down a bralani azata. This proved no small feat, but in the end the alchemist shredded his prey, as always.
As the portal again prepared to eject new creatures. The group frantically set about trying to see what kind of escape they could manage. Kranosh attempted to cut free some of the imprisoned humanoids and warforged only to find that the were physically and mentally incapable of standing or acting. Mumkhar and Marin successfully energized the lift console and managed to get the elevator moving downwards. Unfortunately the lift stalled 20 feet down and the group was trapped in the shaft. The portal then spit out its next foe, except this time it was a small elf boy. To their surprise this elf was a squire, and not just any squire, but Rachizinni's squire. Rachizinni explained to her perplexed companions that she had "lost" him at some point in the past. To everyone's great relief, the portal then winked out.

2013-02-04, 01:29 PM
Do you guys want to play with 2?

2013-02-04, 01:29 PM
I will probably have to miss this coming Tuesday because something I was supposed to work on tonight got pushed back.
I don't know what that means for the rest of you guys, but I'll update if the situation changes.

2013-02-05, 02:30 PM
I had to stay up all night yesterday to study for a test, and I think i'll fall asleep if we play. Sorry, but I'd like to tap out today.

2013-02-05, 04:13 PM
Next week then.

2013-02-05, 05:00 PM
actually now that I think about it, next Tuesday is Mardi Gras and we will probably miss that too.

2013-02-05, 07:08 PM
Do you have plans for it?

I'll be available. Guess no game tonight, though. :smallfrown:

2013-02-07, 04:38 PM
I'm working Mardi Gras day, but I will be done by 6. (Though probably not ready until after 7.) I would like to come home and play, but I don't know what Fjord and Kranosh's plans are.

2013-02-07, 04:43 PM
what about you kranosh?

2013-02-11, 11:35 PM
No rach tomorrow, nothing else is guaranteed. I could run it, depends on who shows up. I will be in the room at the time.

2013-02-11, 11:36 PM
Change of plans, I am working exactly when we are scheduled to play.

2013-02-12, 07:44 PM
I am in the room now if anyone shows up. I know I'm late sorry.

2013-02-13, 04:13 PM
Theres a new recruitment thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271435)

2013-02-18, 02:05 AM
/sigh... If you guys had told me you wanted an arcane caster, I would have just rolled wizard...

Well, that aside, I don't think casters are absolutely essential. Healing is best handled out of combat with wands of cure light anyway, and battlefield control can be accomplished with stealth, scouting, and planning. No casters just means we have to be more cautious than we've been so far. I don't really mind that, it just means i have to adjust my play style a bit, since I was expecting Hack & Slash.

BTW, does anyone know if you can buy 'invented' languages with the speak languages skill, like a private party sign language? Communicating silently is really useful, and languages are really cheap to get in PF.

2013-02-18, 01:37 PM
Charoumenoi Sign Language. Chryssa or Anthea can teach you. Its an elf(ish) language. Don't read too much into the recruitment thread post, when you joined we were still holding out faint hope the witch would return.

(you can still take it as you level)

Also everyone's good for tomorrow night?

2013-02-19, 07:28 PM
Cohort sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=500204
Also as far as sign language goes we can accomplish that with Squirrel casting "Share Languages" He spent ranks on signing and reading lips.

2013-02-24, 04:24 PM
There are some links to continental maps in the second post (the fluff post) check them out!

2013-02-25, 07:23 PM
Hooray for tomorrow being Tuesday.

2013-03-04, 04:25 PM
Can you post recent xp totals? I want to make sure I keep track of Squirrel's xp gain. Also, do we want someone to actually be a treasurer? I don't mind doing that.

2013-03-04, 11:01 PM
Xp will be posted at the end of next session. Yes, if you are willing you can take on the role of treasurer, let me know what info you need to get started.

Everyone should take a look at this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDcqdB6K4CedLeBq47FAZVAgJwwr0pnok7KKF_IXPNs/edit) before the start of our next session.

We may have a druid joining us.

To recap, you guys ended last session after escaping the airship and resting on the mountain, we will begin when you break camp.

2013-03-05, 01:01 AM
So I want to move the campaign to Roll20. Send me a message and we'll set a time to get you set up. I'm also going to PM you all with the roll20 link.

2013-03-05, 06:40 PM
If it is at all possible, I would like mumkhar to get on a bit early so we can get him set up.

2013-03-07, 09:37 PM
I went through old logs and made a list of the random stuff we have been carrying around. Correct me if we actually sold off some of these things.
Party Inventory

Interesting Trinkets and "Plot Items" and parts of things (or people) we saved in case they were useful
12 soul gems (used to power the construct ship we no longer have, so maybe they're gone)
David the warforged wizard's head
Planar Key: Ice
Planar Key: Magma
Magical Map of the World (Globe)
Blank book from Madame Sosostris
Tacky Pink Gem of Evil from the Charemenoi Crypt
Hag's Necklace
Hag's (Gwendolyn) ashes

Spell books
1. The original David's Spellbook
2. Spellbook from a warforged during encounter with gunslinger and flying craft
3rd--dispel magic, hold person (DC 18), lightning bolt (DC 17), stinking cloud (DC 17)
2nd--invisibility, web (DC 16)
1st--disguise self, mage armor (already cast), magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), silent image (DC 15)
0 (at will)--message

Useful Wondrous Items
Hat of Disguise (Carried by Rachizinni)
& Random Crap / Supplies / Toolkits
Sealing Wax

Wand of Fly (Charges?)
Wand of Invisibility (Charges?)
Wand of Skeleton Crew (Charges?)
Wand of Lesser Restoration (Charges?)
Potion of Tongues
Potion of Blur
Potion of Remove Curse
Divine Scroll of Shield Other
Divine Scroll of Owl's Wisdom
Potion of Darkvision x2

Not included on this list are wearable magic items and weapons claimed by one character.

Treasure Log by Session

-unsearched sack
update: Sack contained 2,000gp and a belt of Giant's Strenght +4 (taken by Rach)

3/12/13 - 3/26/13
+1 large leather armor (x2) Sold for 1100gp total.
baubles valued at 1100 gp. Sold.
1500 gold pieces
Hag's necklace. (Faint Necromancy) (Added to inventory)

After 3/26/13 until session 5/14/13
Otyugh Treasure (Mumkhar, Shailim, Rachizinni)
1) Masterwork Sword, short : 310gp [+]
2) Mundane equipment (worth 100gp or more) : 424gp [+]
3) Potion of Alter Self {2nd/3rd} : 300gp [+]
4) Potion of Fox's cunning {2nd/3rd} : 300gp [+]
5) Mundane equipment (worth 100gp or more) : 202gp [+]
6) Arcane Scroll, Sepia snake sigil {3rd/5th} : 875gp [+]
7) Mundane equipment (worth 100gp or more) : 217gp [+]
8) Masterwork Gauntlet, spiked : 305gp (Taken by Rach)
+ Gems & Jewels(659gp) 
+ Coins(658gp) 
= 2,631gp to be divided 3 ways

Shelves Loot (Mumkhar, Shailim, Rachizinni)
1) Rope of climbing : 3000gp [+]
2) Potion of Darkvision {2nd/3rd} : 300gp [+]
3) Harp of charming : 7500gp [+]
4) Falchion 75 gp [124%, Fine Quality] : 93gp [+]
5) Siangham 3 gp [133.33%, Fine Quality] : 4gp [+]
6) Sai 1 gp [Standard Quality] : 1gp [+]
7) Sealing wax 1 gp : 1gp (added to inventory)
[S]8) Sap 1 gp [Standard Quality] : 1gp [+]
10,000 in gold, 4,500 in valuable artwork, and 7,000 in diamonds
=26,799.50 to be divided 3 ways

Treasure Horde! (Mumkhar, Shailim, Shilo, Rachizinni)
1) Mundane equipment (worth 100gp or more) : 722gp [+]
2) Arcane Scroll, Bestow curse {4th/7th} : 700gp Collected by Shilo
3) Sickle +1 : 2301gp [+]
4) Arcane Scroll, Enervation {4th/7th} : 700gp [+]
5) Arcane Scroll, Protection from arrows {2nd/3rd}, Suggestion {3rd/5th}, Ice storm {4th/7th} : 1225gp Collected by Shilo
6) Potion of Cat's grace {2nd/3rd} : 300gp [+]
8) Potion of Darkvision {2nd/3rd} : 300gp (added to inventory)
1000 gold pieces
=3,011.5 Divided 4 ways

Craft and Stranger Battle Treasure (Mumkhar, Shailim, Shilo, Rachizinni)
wand of magic missile (3rd, 31 charges) (1,395gp)
potions of inflict moderate wounds (2); (1500gp)
ring of protection +2, (Taken by Mumkhar)
cape of the montebank (dimension door, 1/day), (10,800gp)
spellbook, (Will be sold later... I don't know the value)
antique jewelry (worth 70 gp)
2 +1 pistols (6,600)
belt of giant strength +2 (4,000)
=12,217.50 divided 4 ways.

IN spellbook
3rd--dispel magic, hold person (DC 18), lightning bolt (DC 17), stinking cloud (DC 17)
2nd--invisibility, web (DC 16)
1st--disguise self, mage armor (already cast), magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), silent image (DC 15)
0 (at will)--message

May through June:

Angel Loot
"Phylacteries of Justice."* Undetermined Value.
2 "Rings of Unassailable Faith."*Undetermined Value. One is worn by Mumkhar
"Staff of Heavenly Aid."*Undetermined value. Claimed by Shailm.

Mathias Ambush
Headband of Vast Int +2 (perception) (4,000gp)
Ring of Protection +2 (4,000gp each) (Rach will take one, Shailim should take the other)
Potion of Invisibility (750gp)
Scroll of Dominate Person (700gp)
Scroll of Teleport (1,125gp)
Two +2 Scythes (8,318 each)
Still need to decide what to do with above treasure!

Mathias at Ship
4 +1 guns? (6,600 each)
Scroll of Resurrection (13,000) (Added to inventory)
Blind Man's Fold (12,000)
Cloak of Resitance +3 (Taken by Mumkhar)
Headband of Alluring Charisma (Taken by Rach)
Ring of Protection +2 (4,000)
Belt of Equilibrium (12,000)

2013-03-10, 05:28 PM
So I calculated everyone's character wealth, according to the items and gold listed on the character sheet and got the following. I did not add mundane items so you actually have marginally more than the listed value.

Mumkhar - 58155

Rachizinni - 43706

Shailim - 80070

The normal 9th level character has 46000 gp.

Shai's number is way above this mark because of crafting his own items. I have not decided if this information is grounds for any action to normalize wealth as of yet.

2013-03-11, 01:52 PM
I'm fine with that, at least at the moment. If Shai invested feats in crafting, it's best that she did a lot of crafting at character creation because in-game time passes slowly and she won't have as much opportunity to use those feats.
Rach has an item that way undervalued and so I'm definitely not going to complain about not having enough gold. (Well, except in character that is.)

2013-03-11, 08:57 PM
Game on for tomorrow, hope to see everyone there.

2013-03-12, 09:55 PM
Animated Saddle
N Medium construct

Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception –5
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)

hp 36 (3d10+20)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will*-4

Defensive Abilities hardness 5; *Immune construct traits
Speed 30 ft. Fly:100ft (clumsy)
Melee slam +5 (1d6+3)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1

Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15

SQ 2 construction points
CP 2 (+6 additional, bringing to "CR6")
Additional Movement (fly, clumsy)
Faster (fly) x7

The Animated Saddle can carry a 58lb or less rider of small or medium size.
With Ant Haul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/ant-haul) cast upon it, it can bear a rider of small or medium size up to 174lb.

Animated Bucket
N Small construct
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception -5
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 21 (2d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune construct traits
Speed 20 ft. Fly (Clumsy) 100ft
Melee slam +3 (1d3)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +2 CMB +1 CMD 12
SQ 1 construction points (+8 additional CP)
Additional Movement (Fly, Clumsy) Speedx8

The Animated Bucket can hold up to 24lbs of material and still be able to fly.

Animated Board ('Stretcher')
N Large construct
Init -1 Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception -5
AC 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (-1 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size)
hp 52 (4d10+30 size)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -4
Defensive Abilities hardness 5 Immune Construct Traits
Speed 30 ft. Fly (Clumsy) 70ft
Melee slam +9 (1d6+9)
Str 22, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +4 CMB +11 CMD 20
CP 3 (+2 additional CP)
Additional Movement (Fly, Clumsy)
Speed x4

The Animated Board can support 346lbs and still fly. (It's not a suitable shape to ride as a mount, but can be sat upon or carry an unconscious person.) With Ant Haul cast upon it, the board can support 1,038lbs.

Objects Animated, HD and cost
3 Med. Saddles (One exotic saddle, one normal saddle, and one homemade wooden saddle) 3HD each, cost 75gp each.
2 Sm. Buckets 2HD each, cost 50gp each.
1 Large board (Stretcher) 4HD, cost 100gp

Total HD currently controlled: 17 of 28 maximum

2013-03-15, 01:54 AM
So I statted up anthea, with a copy-pasted list of spells prepped, I strongly encourage anyone (particularly Mumkhar) pick new spells for her, that they think will be handy. If no one does so however, her spells will default to those shown. She has the Knowledge and Leadership domains. And a new feat (you can't take it but feel free to look).

You can find her here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=533772).

Note that for balance purposes, she is mechanically an elf, though she is fluffed as a drow, save that she retains darkvision.

Knowledge Domain and power

Lore Keeper (Sp): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.

Remote Viewing (Sp): Starting at 6th level, you can use clairvoyance/clairaudience at will as a spell-like ability using your cleric level as the caster level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—comprehend languages, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd—speak with dead, 4th—divination, 5th—true seeing.

Leadership Domain and Power

Inspiring Command (Su): As a standard action, you can issue an inspiring command to your allies. The inspiring command affects one ally plus one additional ally for every three cleric levels you possess, who must all be within 30 feet of you. Affected allies gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting effect.

Leadership (Ex): At 8th level, you receive Leadership as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on your leadership score as long as you uphold the tenets of your deity (or divine concept if you do not venerate a deity).

Domain Spells: 1st level—bless, 2nd—enthrall, 3rd—prayer, 4th—discern lies, 5th—greater command.


prereq - same as craft magic arms and armor, except that the character must be a member of the charoumenoi and be trained by Charoumenoi Lictors.

Spiritual leaders are taught to venerate the ancestors of their people and to draw upon the strength of their unliving ancestors. This feat allows the character to fashion magic arms and armor as the "Craft magic arms and armor" feat except that the fashioned items must be made of the bones of honored Charoumenoi warriors. Through a ritual known only to the Charoumenoi Lictors, the Charoumenoi Spiritualist enhances the strength of their ancestors' bones to be of equal strength to steel. After doing so, the Charoumenoi Spiritualist may then fashion the bones into any arm or armor that can be made of bone or steel. Charoumenoi Bone items have the same weight as bone and are not made of metal, however, they are treated as metal whenever it would be benificial to do so, have the same properties of hardness and hp as metal items, and do not possess the fragile quality. Because it is a beneficial consideration, Charoumenoi bone arms and armor do not suffer reduced armor bonuses or damage penalties as normal for bone arms and armor. Arms and armor forged in this manner must always be of at least masterwork quality. Charoumenoi Bone arms and armor are still worth half that of normally forged items however, Charoumenoi Lictors are forbidden to sell such items to outsiders.

Prepped Spells

5th—True SeeingD, Breath of Life
4th—air walk, Restoration, DivinationD, spell immunity
3rd—daylight, dispel magic, PrayerD, Summon Monster 3, searing light
2nd—Lesser Restoration, bull’s strength, enthrallD, delay poison, spiritual weapon, status
1st—bless, detect chaos, divine favor (2), comprehend languagesD, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, stabilize

P.S. Why is it so hard to find a picture of Drow thats not a hag or a bimbo? I drew armor onto her picture.

2013-03-15, 02:36 AM
Chapter 17

After escaping the portal, the heroes attempted to break or dismantle the lift console to make their way down and out of the ship. After some messing around they managed to get the lift to move 20 feet down and lock up. They then succeeded in prying off a steel panel and accessed a maintenance shaft which they escaped through, ending up back on the flight deck.

Kranosh then attempted to board one of the craft docked there. In doing so he triggered the deck's security measures; two automated turrets and the huge docking construct. The combat proved fatally fierce as both Kranosh and Squirrel were crushed by the dock construct before the massive construct could be dispatched.

Afterwards, events took a turn for the bizarre. The party was unexpectedly confronted by three new adventurers. One being a wizard and the other two being an orc inquisitor and an orc cleric. The 5 adventurers were then invited back into the ship by a mysterious voice. After some deliberation, the adventurers headed inside and took a lift down to a laboratory level. There they encountered the mysterious figure at last. The Pale Man was indeed a vampire, as far as they could tell. He offered to resurrect Squirrel and Kranosh in a sinister device which the party more or less refused to agree to. Rachizinni however, decided there was nothing wrong with letting the villain resurrect squirrel. The pool flashed an ominous red as it worked and squirrel was indeed returned to life. The vampire then invited the adventurers to meet him on the next lower level.

Eventually the group made it down to meet him. They found the vampire there, talking to Tessara, conducting some sinister business. The vampire then pressed the group with the following question,
"How did you open that portal on my ship?"
Bewildered and lacking any feasible answer, since the group to their knowledge had opened no such portal, the adventurers gave battle. Tessara attempted to take the vampire's side, but it proved moot as the vampire revealed himself to be a wizard far beyond the party's capabilities of fighting.

The group would surely have been destroyed or worse, but was saved due to the unexplained and bizarre appearance of a figure composed of red mist which rose from squirrel and paralyzed the vampire in a stasis prison. The adventurers then beat a hasty escape, with the two orcs abandoning them entirely. Unable to fly a craft, they were forced to use Tessara's Teleportation abilities to escape.

2013-03-15, 02:49 AM
Chapter 18

After escaping the flying ship, the group saw it speed through the air towards where their boats were anchored. Panic-stricken, but exhausted, the group was forced to rest for the night. During this time time Tessara teleported away, leaving Mumkhar and Rachizinni alone again to fend for themselves.

The two, accompanied by squirrel broke camp and immediately raced for their ships. When they arrived at the beach, a scene of devestation greeted them. Both the Mongoose and the Siren were destroyed, with the wreck of the mongoose being swept ashore, and the Siren still foundering in the waters. The party wasted no time, and after getting a list of missing crew, flew at once to the sinking Siren.

There they found Lakshana clutching to a piece of flotsam, barely alive. She informed them the flying ship had swooped down and shredded their boats with its mechanical tentacles, and had then deposited a few monsters in its wake to drown survivors.

Just as Mumkhar and Rach were about to head below deck, they encountered a talking and surprisingly helpful shark. This turned out to be a druid named Shailim who had come to investigate the scene. Temporarily agreeing to work together, the group searched what they could of the ship. They encountered and dispatched two fiends, and rescued Isolde, Anthea, Lady, and Reginald. When Anthea came to, she shared a tender moment with Mumkhar.

To their surprise they found the raptor locked in the pantry with Lady, and in the process of carving a strange eye symbol into the floor. Shailim professed an interest in this symbol and questioned him thoroughly about it on the ride back to shore. Reginald claimed to have learned the symbol from his raptor father, who had used it to communicate pictographically with other raptors. Due to the crew having already feasting on all such raptors (unbeknownst to reginald) these other raptors were not available for questioning (at least not without reincarnation magic). However Shailim was able to investigate some of the information reginald had about where his tribe was from, and learned that she might find out more if she could find shipping records in Gwendolyn's Folly.

After all the crew had been rescued, Lakshana spoke to the group in an aside and explained that she had been researching the planar keys and had useful information. Lakshana informed the group that the planar keys led her to uncover ancient plans for a device which would tap into the raw energy of the planes. Such a device was extremely dangerous and had never been constructed, but Lakshana theorized that the vampires had built one under Gwendolyns Folly. Since the party possessed the keys they should be able to go to the device and shut it down, thus robbing the vampire they had encountered of his power and making killing him a possibility. Since their goals meshed, Shailim agreed to accompany the party to Gwendolyn's Folly for the time being.

2013-03-15, 03:02 AM
Your current xp total is now 93,130, update your sheet accordingly.
(this includes you shailim)

You will hit level 10 @ 105,000. You have a ways to go yet.

(Last complete encounter was vs Hydrodaemon and Drowning Devil)

2013-03-18, 02:53 PM
Prepped Spells

5th—True SeeingD, Breath of Life
4th—air walk, Restoration, DivinationD, spell immunity
3rd—daylight, dispel magic, PrayerD, Summon Monster 3, searing light
2nd—Lesser Restoration, bull’s strength, enthrallD, delay poison, spiritual weapon, status
1st—bless, detect chaos, divine favor (2) Ant Haul, comprehend languagesD, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, stabilize

Replace 2 of her prepped level 1 spells with Ant Haul. One of those is cast on her saddle. (18 hour duration per casting.)
See my previous post for updated statistics of the menagerie of animated objects we have tagging along with us.

2013-03-19, 01:11 PM
Game on, hope to see everyone this evening.

2013-03-19, 11:35 PM
For reference


"A curse of time and madness, lifted only by death, Gorvenal's curse, on the woman who rose against him... thank you..."

Mumkhar:someone record that anthea used 1 each of channel and inspiring command. and lesser restore. I'll forget

2013-03-26, 08:42 PM
Anthea's prepped spells

5th—Greater Command*, Breath of Life
4th—Blessing of Fervor (2), Dimensional Anchor, Prayer (extended)*
3rd—dispel magic, Speak with Dead*, Resist Energy (communal), Summon Monster III, searing light
2nd—Align Weapon, Lesser Restoration, sound burst, comprehend languages (extended)*, delay poison, spiritual weapon
1st— prot. from evil, remove fear, divine favor (2), bless*, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, mending

2013-03-27, 12:15 PM
The total gold we currently have to split up is 5,700. Rach got a belt, so if we divide the gold between Mumkhar and Shailim, that gives them 2,850gp each.

Also, here's what I bought for myself when we were at the village:

Another set of muleback cords. (1,000gp)
+1 Darkwood Heavy Shield for Squirrel (1,057gp)
Exotic Military Saddle for Gabilan (60gp)
Military Saddle for Lady. (20gp)

And, Mumkhar and Fjord are you interested in doing a one shot next Tuesday? I was looking through my old DM folder and I've got some material I never used in a game Fjord played in. Most of the encounters are CR 9-12. Gestalt 3.5?

2013-03-29, 10:57 AM
I think I want to make a Bear Warrior build based on Viktor from Suikoden.

I would like to use the following variants:
Whirling Frenzy (UA)
Wolf Totem (UA)
Lion Spirit Totem (Complete Champion)
Skilled City-Dweller (Cityscape (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a))
Swift and Deadly Hunter Druid (UA; trades wild shape for monk and ranger stuff)
[S]Item Familiar, for my sentient Star Dragon Sword (UA) - or I could just buy it, I guess...
EDIT: Maybe not. I don't want the sword to have the same alignment as Viktor, I'll just buy it...

Plan is to go Barbarian 2 / X 2 / Fist of the Forest 3 / Bear Warrior 5 // S&D Hunter Druid 10

Where “X” is some full BAB class, probably Fighter or Warblade. Fjord and I both like complicated builds. :smallwink:

Also noteworthy, I was counting on the Girallon's Blessing spell (Spell Compendium) to allow me to still have hands to wield my talking sword while bear-raging.

Apparently Fjord also was going to make a druid, so one of us should probably change our build...

2013-03-29, 04:16 PM
I don't think there will be major overlap.

2013-03-29, 05:40 PM
I made a thread so that this one wouldn't get cluttered up.

2013-04-09, 01:55 PM
half an hour late today guys sorry, work stuff. See you @ 7.

2013-04-16, 04:27 PM
See you guys @ the regular time!

2013-04-22, 04:18 PM
I will be here for the session tomorrow, but I will probably miss April 30th.
I went ahead and made copies of my sheets and leveled them (mostly finished), so that if we rest during the upcoming session I am ready to level.

2013-04-30, 07:20 PM
Half-Elf Wild-Caller Summoner 6
HP: 48 (6d8 +12)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18 (20)
AC: 19 (10 +2 dex +5 armor +2 shield)
Saves: Fortitude +5, Reflex +5, Will +7
BAB +4; CMB +3; CMD 15
Speed: 30 ft; Initiative +8

1 Skill Focus (Know arcana) [race]
1 Spell Focus (Conjuration)
3 Augment Summoning
5 Eldritch Heritage (Arcane – Compsognathus familiar)

Traits: Reactionary, Lessons of Chaldira

Skills (18):
Know (arcana) +10 (3 ranks)
Know (planes) +7 (3 ranks)
Perception +9 (6 ranks)
Spellcraft +5 (1 rank)
UMD +13 (5 ranks)

Spells (CL 6; +1 DC Conjuration):
Level 0, 6/day, DC 15: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close
Level 1, 6/day, DC 16: Compel Hostility, Enlarge Person, Grease, Mage Armor
Level 2, 5/day, DC 17: Create Pit, Haste, Glitterdust, Summon Eidolon

Equipment (16000 gp):
Headband of Charisma +2
Belt of Str +2 (eidolon)
Cloak of Resist +1
?? of Resist +1 (eidolon)
Ring of Protect +1 (eidolon)
Wand of Lesser Rejuv. Eidolon (50 charges)
Scroll of Greater Magic Fang (CL 10)
Scrolls of Prot. from Evil (2)
Scrolls of CLW (4)
Scrolls of Endure Elements (2)
Mini. Shovel
+1 Haramaki
+1 Mithral Buckler
Spell Component Pouch
Scholar's Outfit
Flint and Steel
Silk Rope
Party flag + pole (jammed into eidolon)

Eidolon (Quad base form; 12 points)
HP: 50 (5d10 +10)
Str 18 (20), Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
AC: 26 (10 +8 natural +4 mage armor +3 dex +1 deflect)
Touch: 14; FF: 23
Saves: Fortitude +8, Reflex +9, Will +2 (+4 vs. enchantment; Evasion)
BAB +5; CMB +10; CMD 23 (+4 vs. trip)
Speed: 40 ft; Fly 40 ft

4 Claws +11 (1d8 +5, 20/x2, B/P, 10 ft reach on 1 claw)
With GMF & flag: +13 to hit, 1d8+7 dmg
Rend: 1d8 +7 dmg if two claws hit
Bite +10 (1d6 +5, 20/x2, B/P/S) (can't use if using all 4 claws)

Evolutions: Legs x2, Bite, Pounce [1], Claws x2 [2], Flight [2], Str Increase [2], Reach [1], Improved Damage [1], Imp. Natural Armor [1], Rend [2]

Feats: Weapon Focus (claws), Improved Natural Attack (claws), Flagbearer

Skills: Acrobatics +11, Fly +11, Perception +8, Stealth +11

Special: Darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, devotion

2013-05-04, 07:39 PM
Should I be leveling up to 10, or not until we rest?

2013-05-05, 06:57 PM
after rest

2013-05-07, 05:24 PM
I'll be at the session today.

2013-05-16, 08:28 PM
Treasure log updated, and here is the link to it: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14851656&postcount=128

I did not count anyone's treasure they took against their total, so if you think that needs to change we can work it out at the beginning of the session. Also I'm not sure if was supposed to include Shilo on the shelves loot, so his share might actually be too much... that particular set of loot would represent a big portion of our level 9-10 wealth gain. Edit: redivided the loot from the shelves and this should be correct now.

Ring of Protection +2

Mwk Spiked Gauntlet


Arcane Scroll, Protection from arrows {2nd/3rd}, Suggestion {3rd/5th}, Ice storm {4th/7th}

2013-05-18, 03:09 PM
I assume Anthea gets no loot, right? She...really can't make much use out of it, anyway.

Also, do we want a stockpile of acid flasks, or no? I think I can make 20 in a week.

DM, please level Anthea for me. I don't have access to her sheet for editing. I'll have to choose her spells prepared later, I think the only other choice to make is skill points and favored class bonus, which I don't mind leaving up to you.
EDIT: Also, I will be learning Stoneskin from the spellbook. Doesn't really interfere with Shilo also learning from it. I could also learn Disguise Self from it, but...eh.

2013-05-18, 05:25 PM
Even if we change our mind about spending the week preparing, we should still make some flasks.

Squirrel can also animate some constructs that can do fire damage. They will be horrible at stealth so that's a consideration.

2013-05-21, 07:46 PM
Anthea's spells prepared

Spells (CL 10):
Level 0, 4/day, DC 14: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
Level 1, 6/day, DC 15: Ant Haul, Burning Disarm, Command, Hide from Undead, Remove Fear, Comprehend Languages*
Level 2, 6/day, DC 16: Delay Poison, Lesser Restoration, Searing Light, Sound Burst x2, Spiritual Weapon, Detect Thoughts*
Level 3, 5/day, DC 17: Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Communal Resist Energy, Summon Monster III, Prayer*
Level 4, 5/day, DC 18: Crusader's Edge, Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV, Prayer (extended)*
Level 5, 3/day, DC 19: Breath of Life, Summon Monster V, Greater Command*

Used 2 channels

2013-05-22, 12:44 AM
By the way, here are links to my new sheets.



Lady (I think same url as before)

2013-06-29, 01:43 PM
Well shoot, I have to miss this coming Tuesday.
Art camp has a banquet/carnival on Wednesday, and I'm on the rocket committee which is in charge of shrinking one of the performing arts teachers and sending him to the moon in a tiny rocket attached to a giant helium balloon. I also have to make a giant space slug out of paper that kids can crawl inside of draw in its belly with markers.

Lame excuse to miss, I know.
I might be back around 9 or 10pm, but no promises.

Maybe Rach is going around town taking care of selling our stuff and figuring out what to do about Squirrel while other people are doing plot things?

2013-07-07, 03:55 PM
I updated this log (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showp...&postcount=128). Any chance we can get stuff in order before next session? Does anyone know if Shailim sees this thread?

Right now my assumption is that anything we haven't already claimed is being sold, except for the scroll of resurrection and the stuff we got from the angels. Any other items we want to save just in case?

2013-07-09, 07:35 PM
Mathias at Ship
4 +1 guns (6,600 each)
Scroll of Resurrection (13,000) (Added to inventory)
Blind Man's Fold (12,000)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (9,000)(Taken by Mumkhar)
Headband of Alluring Charisma (16,000) (Taken by Rach)
Ring of Protection +2 (4,000)
Belt of Equilibrium (12,000)

Shailim: 19,900gp

Rach: 11,900 and Headband of Charisma

Mumkhar: 15,400gp and Cloak of Resistance

2013-07-23, 07:29 PM
So... it's been an hour... I guess no game tonight?

EDIT: For the time being, I'll post Honey's wild shape form stat blocks here. Won't bother with social/humanoid form stats.

Honey Badger
Dire (Honey) Badger (Medium Animal)
Str 14 (16), Dex 17, Con 19, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 24 (10 +7 exalted +3 dex +3 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 14; FF: 21
Saves: Fort +12, Reflex +8, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +10; Initiative +3
Speed: 40 ft; Burrow 10 ft

Attacks: 2 claws +11 (1d4 +4 P/S) and bite +9 (1d6 +2 P/S/B)
Rage: Turn after taking damage, +4 str/con, -2 AC. Lasts until Honey or her foe is dead.

Forest Troll
Forest Troll (Medium Giant)
Str 17 (19), Dex 16, Con 21, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 26 (10 +7 exalted +3 dex +5 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 14; FF: 23
Saves: Fort +13, Reflex +8, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +11; Initiative +3
Speed: 40 ft; Climb 20 ft

Attacks: 2 claws +12 (1d4 +5 P/S +poison) and bite +10 (1d4 +3 P/S/B +poison)
or... Longspear +12/+7 (1d8 +7, 20/x3, reach) and bite +10 (1d4 +3 P/S/B +poison)
Poison: 1d6 Con initial & 2ndary; DC 18

Troll (Large Giant)
Str 23 (25), Dex 14, Con 23, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 24 (10 -1 size +7 exalted +2 dex +5 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 12; FF: 22
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +7, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +18; Initiative +2; 10 ft reach (20 ft w/ longspear)
Speed: 40 ft

Attacks: 2 claws +14 (1d6 +8 P/S and grab) and bite +12 (1d6 +4 P/S/B)
Rend: 2d6 +11 damage to a foe if both claws hit
or... Longspear +14 (2d6 +11, 20/x3, reach) and bite +12 (1d6 +4 P/S/B)

Dire Eagle
Dire Eagle (Large Animal)
Str 20 (22), Dex 19, Con 17, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 26 (10 -1 size +7 exalted +4 dex +5 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 14; FF: 22
Saves: Fort +11, Reflex +9, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +17; Initiative +4; 10 ft reach
Speed: 20 ft; Fly 60 ft (average)

Attacks: 2 talons +13 (1d8 +7 P/S) and bite +11 (1d8 +4 P/S/B)

Tiger (Large Animal)
Str 23 (25), Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 22 (10 -1 size +7 exalted +2 dex +3 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 12; FF: 20
Saves: Fort +11, Reflex +7, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +18; Initiative +2
Speed: 50 ft; Pounce

Attacks: 2 claws +14 (1d8 +8 P/S and grab) and bite +12 (2d6 +4 P/S/B and grab)
Rake: 2 claws +14 (1d8+4 P/S) – if pouncing or start turn grappling foe

Fleshraker Dinosaur (Medium Animal)
Str 17 (19), Dex 19, Con 15, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 28 (10 +7 exalted +4 dex +6 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 15; FF: 24
Saves: Fort +10, Reflex +9, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +11; Trip +4; Initiative +4
Speed: 60 ft; Leaping Pounce

Attacks: 2 claws +12 (1d6 +5 P/S +poison) and bite +10 (1d6 +3 P/S/B) and tail +10 (1d6 +3 B +poison)
Rake: 1 claw +12 (1d6+3 P/S) – if pouncing or start turn grappling foe
Poison: 1d6 Dex initial & 2ndary; DC 15
Leaping Pounce: If you pounce and hit a foe Medium or smaller, free trip attempt. If trip wins, free grapple attempt. If that wins, foe is pinned and prone, and Honey can grapple on later rounds to deal claw + rake damage. If only trip wins, foe is prone.
*Cannot use Bite and Tail on the same foe in a round

Dire Wolf
Dire Wolf (Large Animal)
Str 25 (27), Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14 Wis 14, Cha 14
AC: 22 (10 -1 size +7 exalted +2 dex +3 natural +1 deflect)
Touch: 12; FF: 20
Saves: Fort +11, Reflex +7, Will +4 (+1 vs. Spells/Sp; +2 vs. charm/sleep)
Grapple +19; Trip +12; Initiative +2
Speed: 60 ft

Attacks: Bite +15 (1d8 +13 P/S/B +free Trip)

2013-07-27, 12:05 PM
Sorry I tried to alert you to me and being out of town via skype.

2013-07-28, 01:34 AM
Sorry I tried to alert you to me and being out of town via skype.

It's alright. Not sure why, I went on Skype to find you while waiting, but I didn't get your message until today for some reason, even though it was dated from last week.

2013-07-28, 03:13 PM
By the way, I will finally be here for the game on Tuesday. I really like the current plot but I wonder if there's a way that we could wrap it up so that we can go to another island soon and work on Shailim's hook?

2013-08-06, 08:57 PM
Elite Guard's loot

+2 full plate, +2 heavy wooden shield, +1 merciful morningstar, masterwork light crossbow with 10 bolts, dagger, cloak of resistance +1, healer's kit, lesser metamagic rod (silent), scrolls of expeditious retreat, obscuring mist, see invisibility, black tentacles; Other Gear alchemical silver dagger, cold iron dagger, cloak of resistance +1, headband of vast intellect +2, +1 breastplate, +1 adamantine vicious greatsword, javelins (5), spiked gauntlet, 15 gp, +1 breastplate, +1 adamantine vicious greatsword, javelins (5), spiked gauntlet, 15 gp, potions of jump; Other Gear +1 studded leather, +1 kukri, +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) with 20 arrows, masterwork kukri, shuriken (20), cloak of elvenkind, climber's kit, disguise kit, giant wasp poison (2), large scorpion venom (2), masterwork thieves' tools
potions of jump; Other Gear +1 studded leather, +1 kukri, +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) with 20 arrows, masterwork kukri, shuriken (20), cloak of elvenkind, climber's kit, disguise kit, giant wasp poison (2), large scorpion venom (2), masterwork thieves' tools

2013-08-14, 12:10 AM
Animated Chain
N Large construct
Init -1 Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception -5
AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (-1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 52 (4d10+30 size)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -4
Defensive Abilities hardness 10 Immune Construct Traits
Speed 30 ft. Fly (Clumsy) 30ft
Melee slam +9 (1d6+9) (10ft reach)
Str 22, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +4 CMB +11(Grab +15) CMD 20
CP 3 (+2 additional CP)
Additional Movement (Fly, Clumsy) Grab, metal, reach