View Full Version : Healing...is good for me..

2012-05-11, 09:11 AM
Anyone got links to in depth break down of heal? the info in the core books is a bit scant. Does anyone know the quickest way to regain hitpoints through healing, not using potions/magic/special items/special powers etc, and without getting sleep/rest?

2012-05-11, 09:23 AM
Well, there's always this lovely resource (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871786/A_Players_Guide_to_Healing_(And,_why_you_will_be_J ust_Fine_without_a_Cleric_to_heal)).

But you're asking to NOT use magic, and NOT resting? That's a pretty tall order.... :smalleek:

2012-05-11, 09:48 AM
Yeah... that thing you listed was pretty much a list of ways to heal. If mundane items don't count as "special" items, then I think there are a couple of decent ones. In general, the rules for healing are that out of combat is better than in combat, and a wand of lesser vigor (or cure light wounds if you're stuck in core) is the best source of out of combat healing.

2012-05-11, 10:02 AM
Yeah... that thing you listed was pretty much a list of ways to heal. If mundane items don't count as "special" items, then I think there are a couple of decent ones. In general, the rules for healing are that out of combat is better than in combat, and a wand of lesser vigor (or cure light wounds if you're stuck in core) is the best source of out of combat healing.
Well, no. One level of Dread Necromancer and the "Tomb Tainted Soul" feat is the best way to heal. Or a Binder with Buer. Or one of the other free-infinite-healing methods. But failing those, sure, Wands of LV/CLW (or Faith Healing depending on the group) are the easiest ways to go.

Oh, and we should probably also mention Crusaders, as their healing is {a} non-magical (technically; I houserule this), {b} not limited per-day, and {c} acquireable with only a 1-level dip.

2012-05-11, 10:06 AM
I thought that was covered under special powers. There are plenty of great ways to heal yourself and others if you take a class that does that. That list of stuff excludes most things except for mundane healing items, and maybe mundane class abilities if you want to be pedantic about it.

2012-05-11, 10:12 AM
Most ways of getting better natural healing either cost feats or actual levels in actual classes and do very very little to increase the incredibly slow rate.

You're so MUCH better off investing points into use magic device, even cross class, and using a wand of lesser vigor(/cure light wounds in core) than you are investing ranks into the Heal skill and doubling your natural healing that it isn't funny.

There's also stuff that gives you natural fast healing, probably the only one even remotely worth it is Feral, for a melee character.

Big Fau
2012-05-11, 10:13 AM
Outside of potions, there is an alchemical item in a Forgotten Realms splat that heals, and a Skill Trick in Complete Scoundrel that heals (but the latter only works when trying to stabilize a dying person).

2012-05-11, 10:22 AM
Well it's always made sense to me that an epic skill check with the heal skill should be able to restore hit points, but I havn't seen an exact DC anywhere.

Maybe DC 25 + amount of hit points you are trying to heal and have it take an hour to perform the skill, (even on failure) or something?

2012-05-11, 10:26 AM
Given that hitpoints are an abstraction, any half-decent doctor ought to be able to restore hitpoints. For example, it's a lot easier to limp around and stab things if you have been given a painkiller and your gaping bleeding wound has been sewn up and braced.

2012-05-11, 12:44 PM
Well, no. One level of Dread Necromancer and the "Tomb Tainted Soul" feat is the best way to heal. Or a Binder with Buer.Personally, I prefer Tenebrous, plus the Divine Healing feat (I think that's what it's called) from Complete Divine. Basically, it lets you spend a turning attempt to heal your allies a bit, and Tenebrous gives you a free turning attempt every 5 rounds. Yes, it costs a feat, but vestiges are an even scarcer resource than feats are (even at 20th level, you can only get four of them at once), and Tenebrous gives you a lot of other things, not just healing like Buer does.

2012-05-11, 12:51 PM
Troll Blooded feat (Dragon Mag #313 or 319). Requires Toughness, can only be taken at 1st level, and makes you fatigued in sunlight, but gives you Regen 1. Good combo with immunity to Fatigue (like Warforged, Necropolitan, and so on).

Totally nonmagical healing, just pick an explanation below
a) Your ancestors did it with trolls.
b) You *are* a troll. Just a bit weaker and a bit smarter.
c) A Wizard messed with your genes.
d) Nanobots (for Warforged).

2012-05-11, 12:52 PM
I have occasionally used a houserule that allows someone to make a heal check to cure 1hp/5 points on the resulting check, no taking 10, and no repeat rolls unless the person gets hurt again. It's enough to help speed up very low level games, rewards someone who actually puts ranks into Heal, and is practically irrelevant to high-level games.

2012-05-11, 12:59 PM
[...] healing is something that's very good for me
Whenever these blue teardrops are falling
Oh no - and my emotional stability is leaving me

Sorry, I couldn't resist !

2012-05-11, 01:10 PM
Totally mundane ways of healing? Be a Warforged and pump up your Craft check as high as possible. (Masterwork Artisan's tools, skill focus, being an Exemplar, etc).

2012-05-11, 09:59 PM
Why not be Feral?

2012-05-11, 10:33 PM
We have a houserule granting 2 points of HP per level for resting (instead of 1).
It's not much bigger, but it helps a bit recovering your wounds =)

2012-05-19, 02:41 PM
Does the +2 bonus for a healing kit stack with the +2 bonus from having the self sufficiency feat?

2012-05-19, 02:46 PM
Does the +2 bonus for a healing kit stack with the +2 bonus from having the self sufficiency feat?

Yes, both bonuses are untyped.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-05-19, 02:49 PM
Depends on the type of bonus Self Sufficient (which is an aweful feat and you should never ever take it...no, not even then) and a healing kits give. If they are different, which I suspect is the case, yes they stack.

Edit: Swordsage'd... and isn't the healing kit a masterwork tool and therefore gives a circumstance bonus?

2012-05-19, 04:06 PM
Depends on the type of bonus Self Sufficient (which is an aweful feat and you should never ever take it...no, not even then) and a healing kits give. If they are different, which I suspect is the case, yes they stack.

Edit: Swordsage'd... and isn't the healing kit a masterwork tool and therefore gives a circumstance bonus?


PH p130 Healing Kit gives a +2 circumstance bonus.

The bonus from the Self Sufficient feat does appear to be untyped.

So yes they do stack.

2012-05-19, 04:46 PM
Sorry, I couldn't resist !

LOL, that's what I thought of, too.... :smallamused:

2012-05-19, 06:30 PM
Variant of "The Trouserfang Dwarf" (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19860262/The_Trouserfang_Dwarf:_A_Rebirth)
Dwarf Cleric 1 with Con 18
Domains: Pride and Dwarf
Feat: Poison Healer
Gear: Tiny Vipers

Step 1: Shove the Tiny Vipers into your pants
Step 2: Punch the Tiny Vipers in your pants causing them to bite you
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

Hiro Protagonest
2012-05-19, 07:21 PM
Troll Blooded feat (Dragon Mag #313 or 319). Requires Toughness, can only be taken at 1st level, and makes you fatigued in sunlight, but gives you Regen 1. Good combo with immunity to Fatigue (like Warforged, Necropolitan, and so on).

Totally nonmagical healing, just pick an explanation below
a) Your ancestors did it with trolls.
b) You *are* a troll. Just a bit weaker and a bit smarter.
c) A Wizard messed with your genes.
d) Nanobots (for Warforged).

e) Healing factor. Like half the Marvel superheroes have.

2012-05-19, 11:58 PM
e) Healing factor. Like half the Marvel superheroes have.

I feel like that should be an ability, since the term just fits so well into a game. If the feat was just renamed "Healing Factor", it wouldn't feel like I was munchkinning my character's race.

2012-05-20, 07:41 PM
Draconic Aura (vigor) or Dragon Shaman for fast healing up to half hp total frees up some resources, at least.

2012-05-20, 07:58 PM
I remember hearing about a very powerful combination using a feat, I think it was from BoED, that lets you take constitution damage in exchange for healing. On it's own, it sucks, but that's why you've got bind vestige (Naberious), too.

In the tomb of artifacts there's the necromantic surgery feat, which lets you replace a bone or two when the regeneration spell isn't available. It doesn't heal though, and you need to be able to cast gentle repose to take the feat.

2012-06-08, 02:20 AM
Oh you mean Castigation and Naberious? Castigation reduces Con in order to heal yourself or others, Naberious 'naturally heals' Con at a rate of 1/round.

It's not 'a very powerful combination'. It's roughly equal in power to a sack full of wands of cure light wounds - lets you heal out of combat, but still useless for in-combat.