View Full Version : Bending & Metamagic

2012-05-11, 12:53 PM
I'm working on a couple of avatar d20 characters and I'm curious about overlap with magic. Specifically, I'm wondering if metamagic feats like Still or Quicken could be applied to bending arts.

I ask this knowing that the bending arts are based on martial arts and movement is ultimately a prerequisite. However, on several occasions in the source material individuals who are bound bend and often bend using less than 6 seconds.


2012-05-11, 01:24 PM
It'd be better, in my opinion, to simply make something like metabending feats and alter them to best fit your purpose.

2012-05-11, 01:31 PM
I can see quicken working but even Bumi needed his nose free to bend so I'd say still is a no go. Instead of magic, things like the maneuvers from ToB might be better suited. I don't think a bender has actually ever run out of bending. You could go the arcane swordsage route and just use spells > maneuvers. You'll have to review every 'maneuver' your PCs want individually though as some of them become stupid abusible as maneuvers.

2012-05-11, 01:32 PM
Bumi clearly had Still Spell, and Quicken could be justified for lightning fast moves or combos.

Edit: Nose is close enough to stillness. :smallwink:

2012-05-11, 02:00 PM
Bumi clearly had Still Spell, and Quicken could be justified for lightning fast moves or combos.

Edit: Nose is close enough to stillness. :smallwink:

I tend to agree with Flickerdart; I don't think moving one's nose really counts as full somatic components. This is kind of what I was talking about.

I did, however, find the answer in the Avatar d20 material. You simply increase the Bending check by increments of 10 for faster bending or restricted bending, but you can never get a free action bending.

Should something like metabending feats be made? Should house rules allowing metamagic bending be allowed?
